DDCTGFD :: Volume #6

#573: Tang San compels ignorant, Spirit Hall should not be he and teacher the domain of...

, Renews from most quickly fighting Luo start captures the goddess latest chapter! ,最快更新从斗罗开始俘获女神最新章节! Xu Ran, do you sneak attack me?” Is listening to surrounding one group of people's sound to Xu Ran's worship, Tang San at heart a distortion. Spirit Hall is his domain, here should be the place that he rises. 徐然,你偷袭我?”听着周围一群人对徐然的崇拜之声,唐三的心里一阵扭曲。武魂殿是他的地盘,这里应该是他崛起的地方。 The person who they should worship is he is right, what thing is Xu Ran? 他们应该崇拜的人是他才对,徐然算什么东西? Now at this time is different in those days, his strength will not compare Xu Ran to be weak are too many. Especially God King of Destruction promises him to lend his some strengths. Although is now unusable, what however uses to make Xu Ran at the Spirit Master competition feel directly is beating mercilessly of society. 现在今时不同往日,他的实力不会比徐然弱太多。尤其是毁灭神王答应他借给他一些力量。虽然现在不能用,但是在魂师大赛上使用直接就可以让徐然感受到什么叫社会的毒打。 Sneak attacks you? Even if I make your hand you not can be victorious I.” Saying that Xu Ran disdains. The self-confidence of Tang San also really fan. However in such short time is raised to soul Saint Cultivation(Level), the Rakshasa God lifetime to study to hand down, so many good deeds add the body, is a person feared that will flutter. “偷袭你?就算是我让你一只手你都打不过我。”徐然不屑的说道。唐三还真是迷之自信。不过这么短的时间里提升到魂圣修为,罗刹神的毕生所学相传,这么多好事加身,是个人怕是都会飘。 Therefore Tang San flutters is also a little normal. 所以唐三飘一点儿也是正常的。 However his teacher Rakshasa God was even done by him such, Tang San such heart is big, simply yes...... 不过连他老师罗刹神都被他搞成那样了,唐三还这么心大,简直是…… Xu Ran, I but now Spirit Hall Sacred Child. You may know that beats Sacred Child to pay what kind of price for no reason?” Tang San changed the strategy, prepares to use own status to suppress Xu Ran. 徐然,我现在可是武魂殿圣子。你可知道无故殴打圣子会付出何等代价?”唐三转变了策略,准备用自己的身份来压制徐然 Although his strength is strong, this God King of Destruction lends his strength, by this strength can stubbornly, making him who Xu Ran suppresses unable to stand up from failure, but after his Tang San then can seize the chance enters, making Xu Ran pay the price. 他的实力虽然强,还有这毁灭神王借给他的力量,凭借这股力量可以将徐然压制的死死的,让他翻不了身,而他唐三便可以趁机后入,让徐然付出代价。 But this share of strength only enough he uses one time, once broke open God King of Destruction to lend his strength the seal, the strength will drain. Next time truly with the Xu Ran decisive battle time had no way with. 可是这股力量只够他使用一次,一旦破开了毁灭神王借给他的那道力量的封印,力量就会流失。下次真正和徐然决战的时候就没法用了。 He is unhurried, God King of Destruction helps him, Xu Ran dead end. 他一点儿都不慌,毁灭神王帮他,徐然死路一条。 Many present makes him jump to stumble for several days. 最多现在让他蹦跶几天而已。 Although Xu Ran passes now very cheerfully, some so many beautiful young girl companions. However thinks from a different angle, when he killed Xu Ran, haven't these people belonged to him? 虽然徐然现在过得很欢快,有这么多美少女陪伴。但是换一个角度想想,等他弄死了徐然,这些人还不是都归他所有? Xu Ran jumps now to stumble cheerful, was stepped on by him in the under foot miserable. 徐然现在蹦跶的多欢快,被他踩在脚下的时候就会有多惨。 Haha, insults his Tang San this price of payout. 哈哈,欺辱他唐三该付出的代价。 Xu Ran, you, if feared well with I apologize, if the attitude were sincere, perhaps I will forgive you.” 徐然,你要是怕了就好好的跟我道歉,要是态度真诚的话,我说不定就会原谅你。” Spirit Hall eventually is my domain, perhaps your strength is very strong I unable to do to you. However others? When your beautiful woman appeared accidentally/surprisingly were not quite good. Such pretty woman, if moistens the stain to be possible is not imperfect.” Tang San reveals wipes smiles evilly, a face eats to decide the Xu Ran's appearance. 武魂殿终究是我的地盘,或许你的实力很强我奈何不了你。但是其他人呢?还是你的这些小美人什么时候出现了意外可不太好啊。这么漂亮的女人,要是沾了污点可就不完美了。”唐三露出一抹邪笑,一脸吃定徐然的样子。 In his opinion, Xu Ran is strong, is only person. 在他看来,徐然再强,也只是一个人强。 Strong dragons are hard to suppress local snakes. 强龙难压地头蛇 These women of his side are always impossible to hide side Xu Ran's. He is Spirit Hall Sacred Child, transferring some powerhouses does the matter is not relaxed? 他身边的这些女人总不可能一直躲在徐然的身边吧。他可是武魂殿圣子,调动一些强者来搞事情不是轻轻松松? Oh. Xu Ran looked at Tang San one lightly, had not said with Tang San, the direct palm of the hand flies the Tang San fan. This Xu Ran with the strength, Tang San did not have the protection from the sky to call out pitifully fully, then numerous throwing down on the ground. 哦。徐然淡淡的看了唐三一眼,没有和唐三多说,直接一巴掌将唐三扇飞。这次徐然用足了力气,唐三没有防备在空中惨叫一声,然后重重的摔倒在地上。 Your Highness Sacred Child.” 圣子殿下。” Tang San accompanying sees Tang San to be wasted, has a scare, hurries to inspect the Tang San injury. If Tang San has an accident, they may be unable to eat to capture. 唐三身边的随从见唐三被打飞,吓了一跳,赶紧去检查唐三的伤势。要是唐三出了什么事,他们可吃不了兜着走。 The surroundings many Spirit Hall powerhouses also encircle toward Xu Ran. Beats Sacred Child for no reason, this is the big crime. 周围不少武魂殿的强者也朝着徐然围过来。无故殴打圣子,这可是大罪。 Hee hee, Xu Ran, you are quite fierce. Should to Tang San, Tang San be so shameless, has a look also to visit us with such look, surely does not have the peaceful good intention. I am not his opponent, I really wish one could myself to act, Tang San suddenly/violently to beat up.” Small dance grinning is holding Xu Ran's, holds the Xu Ran's arm in the bosom, soft brings warm to Xu Ran with oneself chest front. “嘻嘻,徐然,你好厉害啊。就应该这么对唐三,唐三无耻卑鄙,看看还用那样的眼神看着我们,肯定没安好心。要不是我不是他的对手,我真恨不得自己出手,将唐三暴揍一顿。”小舞笑嘻嘻的拉着徐然的手,将徐然的手臂抱在怀里,用自己胸前柔软给徐然带来温暖。 Tang San now is the person who she most loathes repugnantly. 唐三现在是她最讨厌最厌恶的人。 She now to Tang San repugnant even compares that woman who kills her mother also is more repugnant. 她现在对唐三的讨厌甚至比那个杀死她母亲的女人还要讨厌一些。 Human and spirit beast standpoint are different, although is the intense and deep-seated hatred. However were always more than Tang San such person. Tang San simply is revolting, how in the world will have the Tang San such disgusting person. 人类与魂兽立场不同,虽然是血海深仇。但是总比唐三这样的人还多了。唐三简直是令人作呕,天底下怎么会有唐三这么令人恶心的人。 Tang San looks for Xu Ran's to be troublesome repeatedly, was sent by Xu Ran, Xu Ran has the strength to kill his just personality pure Kindness, is not willing to intend to kill him. But Tang San actually intense and Xu Ran opposes. 唐三屡屡找徐然的麻烦,都被徐然打发了,徐然有实力杀他只不过性格单纯善良,不愿意出手杀他罢了。而唐三却变本加厉的和徐然作对。 Hehe, what only Spirit Hall is Sacred Child? 呵呵,区区一个武魂殿圣子算什么? But Xu Ran auspicious beast, spirit beast ruler, sufficiently command mainland spirit beast. Only Spirit Hall, is nothing. 徐然可是瑞兽,魂兽帝皇,足以号令全大陆所用魂兽。区区一个武魂殿,算个屁。 Moreover the Xu Ran's strength is very strong, the gods isn't his opponent, what Tang San is? 而且徐然的实力很强,连神都不是他的对手,唐三算什么? Tang San, do you dare to hit me unexpectedly? You not awfully?” Tang San angry crawls from the ground, shook ash, a hand is covering on the face azure purple fist seal, toward Xu Ran anger sound said. 唐三,你竟然敢打我?你不要命了?”唐三愤怒的从地上爬起来,抖了抖身上的灰,一只手捂着自己脸上青紫色的拳印,朝着徐然怒声道。 Paralysis, Xu Ran not awfully? 麻痹,徐然不要命了吗? Xu Ran does not know that he is Spirit Hall Sacred Child? 难道徐然不知道他是武魂殿圣子 Comes Spirit Hall to attend the competition, but also dares to beat his Sacred Child? 武魂殿参加比赛,还敢殴打他这个圣子 If he orders now, Xu Ran will be besieged by the Spirit Hall person, detains in the Spirit Hall prison. 要是现在他一声令下,徐然就会被武魂殿的人围攻,拘押在武魂殿大牢。 Beats this Sacred Child without the paternal aunt, enrages the Spirit Hall dignity, comes the person, takes him.” Tang San sneers, now he was not a loner, will have the influence on probably use. “无姑殴打本圣子,触怒武魂殿的威严,来人,把他拿下。”唐三冷笑一声,现在他可不是孤家寡人了,有势力了就要会用。 Before Xu Ran, taking advantage of Shrek Institute, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan power and influence may not have little to be disgusting he. 徐然之前借着史莱克学院,七宝琉璃宗的威势可没少恶心他。 Spirit Hall is the first under heaven influence, offends Spirit Hall, Xu Ran cries not to have place to cry. 武魂殿是天下第一势力,得罪武魂殿,徐然哭都没地儿哭。 Xu Ran, you are now hurried.” 徐然,你现在慌了吧。” Tang San sees surrounding one group of people to sphere, saying that gives birth for the first time Xu Ran. 唐三见周围一群人将徐然围住,开怀的说道。 So long as Xu Ran dares to hit back, he will settle one to Xu Ran in the responsibility for an offense that Spirit Hall causes trouble. Spirit Hall is the supreme influence, with Spirit Hall for the enemy, elder enough Xu Ran of Spirit Hall so many Titled Douluo ranks drank a pot. 只要徐然敢还手,他就会给徐然安一个在武魂殿闹事的罪责。武魂殿是至高无上的势力,和武魂殿为敌,武魂殿那么多封号斗罗级别的长老足够徐然喝一壶了。 I now am unhurried, even also some want to smile.” Xu Ran shrugs. “我现在丝毫不慌,甚至还有些想笑。”徐然耸了耸肩。 Spirit Hall Sacred Child, no doubt has the supreme power and influence in Spirit Hall, but compared with me in the Spirit Hall position was slightly bad little.” Xu Ran said with a smile. That indifferent smile makes Tang San have an unclear premonition immediately. 武魂殿圣子,固然在武魂殿拥有至高无上的权势,但是比起我在武魂殿的地位还是稍微差了一点点。”徐然笑着说道。那淡然的笑容顿时让唐三有种不详的预感。 You are the Spirit Hall enemy, what position can you have in Spirit Hall?” The Tang San pupil shrinks, always felt that some are not right, but does not know where is not right. “你是武魂殿的敌人,你在武魂殿还能有什么地位?”唐三瞳孔一缩,总感觉有些不对劲,但是又不知道哪里不对劲。 The paralysis, what is the Xu Ran's card in a hand? 麻痹,徐然的底牌到底是什么? Little San. Fights with me, you were tender were too many.” Xu Ran sincere saying, the vision looks toward the distant place. 小三儿啊。跟我斗,你还是嫩了太多。”徐然语重心长的说道,目光朝着远处看去。 Two forms are walking toward his position. Under Xu Ran crown. ” Porcupinefish Douluo and Snake Lance Douluo to Xu Ran respectful saluting, Qian Renxue returned to Spirit Hall, they naturally also came back. 两道身影正朝着他的位置走过来。徐然冕下。”刺豚斗罗蛇矛斗罗徐然恭敬的行礼,千仞雪回到武魂殿了,他们自然也回来了。 Sees two people, Tang San direct compels ignorant. 见到两人,唐三直接懵逼。 Although he does not know these two people. However Porcupinefish Douluo and Snake Lance Douluo wear the Spirit Hall elder robe, obviously is the Spirit Hall elder. 虽然他不认识这两个人。但是刺豚斗罗蛇矛斗罗都穿着武魂殿的长老袍,显然是武魂殿长老。 Spirit Hall two Titled Douluo called Xu Ran is under the crowns, obviously placed Xu Ran compared with they higher position. 武魂殿的两位封号斗罗称呼徐然为冕下,显然是将徐然放在比他们更高的位置。 The paralysis, does Xu Ran also really have what influence in Spirit Hall? 麻痹,难道徐然武魂殿还真有什么势力? Nest grass? 窝草? Shouldn't Spirit Hall be he and teacher the domain of? When matter is Xu Ran this? 武魂殿难道不应该是他和老师的地盘吗?徐然这是什么时候的事? Did these two Titled Douluo elders revolt Spirit Hall, surrender Xu Ran? 难道这两位封号斗罗长老叛变了武魂殿,投降徐然了? Un, has the possibility. 嗯,有可能。
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