DD5ROTS :: Volume #8

#759: Anxious reason

Including you is also. Your this sentiments, I, if breaks up you forcefully, it is estimated that little Mei will not agree. I can approve you and she in the same place, but you must be her back man, on, you cannot appear, unable to make anybody outwardly know that she has a human companion. If possible, you should transform the bloodlines, more monster, this can ask you to leave, can make her have the space in in the Ancestral Court in the future, even goes forward in the reaching direction. By her potential, she has this possibility.” “包括你也是。你俩这感情,我要是强行拆散你们,估计小美也不会同意。我可以认可你和她在一起,但你必须做她背后的男人,明面上,你不能出现,更不能让任何人知道她有一个人类伴侣。如果可能,你应该转化血脉,更多地妖化,这样才能让你们走得更远,才能让她未来在祖庭之中有一席之地,甚至朝着登顶的方向前进。以她的潜能,她是有这个可能的。” Listens to the White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign words, Tang San to frown, in the eye of Mei Gongzi is passing a stubbornness. 听着白虎大妖皇的话,唐三不禁皱起眉头,美公子的眼中更是透着一股倔强。 No, I am human! I until now am human, human bloodline am my core blood Mei Gongzi said loudly. “不,我是人类!我一直以来都是人类,人类血脉才是我的核心血”美公子大声说道。 bastard!” White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign shouted angrily, interrupted her words, well what cultivated the behavior the kind to have? Human is small and weak, but is the slave. Peacock Monster Clan and Phoenix Monster Race, are white tiger monster clan, which isn't compared with human glory hundred times and noble ten thousand times, you so besotted? The human huge quantity, Ancestral Court will not permit human Sovereign appear in any event. You in that human inhabit region that nearby Jiali City does, caused Ancestral Court the strong disaffection. What do you want to make? Has human to rebel? Human is so tiny, if Ancestral Court really thinks destruction human, simply is easy as pie. Is really good for human, you should draw a line with human, do not look for trouble to human. In that case, even for the slave is the servant, human population can also continue at least.” 混账!”白虎大妖皇怒喝一声,打断了她的话,“做人类有什么好的?人类弱小,不过是奴隶。无论是孔雀妖族妖族,还是白虎妖族,哪一个不是比人类荣耀百倍、高贵万倍,你怎么就这么执迷不悟呢?人类数量庞大,祖庭无论如何都不会允许人类皇者出现。你们在嘉里城附近搞的那个人类聚居地,引起了祖庭这边强烈的不满。你们想做什么?带着人类反叛吗?人类那么渺小,如果祖庭真的想覆灭人类,简直是易如反掌。真为了人类好,你们就更应该和人类划清界限,别给人类找麻烦。那样的话,就算是为奴为仆,人类这个种群起码还能延续。” The Tang San brow is tight, before that feeling of unease in the cave appeared again in the heart. Your Excellency, we are human, this is the indisputable fact. In Ancestral Court all Monster Race and Fairy Race heart, is our human can only be the servant forever? This thought is deep-rooted. Monster Race and can Fairy Race with the human peaceful coexistence, equal treatment?” 唐三眉头紧蹙,之前在山洞之中那种不安的感觉再次浮现在心头。“冕下,我们是人类,这是不争的事实。在祖庭的所有妖怪族精怪族心中,是不是我们人类永远都只能是奴仆?这个思想早就已经根深蒂固了。妖怪族精怪族能不能跟人类和平共处,平等相待?” This is impossible.” White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign waves, ‚ Monster-Fairy Continent true wielding can only be Monster Race and Fairy Race, other population are the servant and vassal. Do you also want to make the position promotion of human to be equal inadequately with Monster Race and Fairy Race? Isn't this dream of a fool? ” “这不可能。”白虎大妖皇一挥手,‘妖精大陆真正的执掌者只能是妖怪族精怪族,其他种群都是奴仆与附庸。难道你还想让人类的地位提升到与妖怪族精怪族等同不成?这不是痴人说梦吗?” Suddenly, in the Tang San eye the ray flashes, stood from the sofa fiercely, Mei Gongzi had a scare. 突然,唐三眼中光芒一闪,猛地从沙发上站了起来,就连身边的美公子都被吓了一跳。 The Tang San vision brilliant looks to White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign, in the eye the cold light jumps shoots: „Did you, start to Jiali City that side human inhabit region?” 唐三目光灼灼地看向白虎大妖皇,眼中寒光迸射:“你们,是不是对嘉里城那边的人类聚居地下手了?” Mei Gongzi is startled immediately, looks to White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign, asked: Grandfather,” 美公子顿时大吃一惊,看向白虎大妖皇,问道:“外公,” The White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign eyes narrow the eyes, look at look ice-cold Tang San, divine consciousness burst out, oppressed the past to him instantaneously: „Do you want to do? Good, your human inhabit regions had been razed to the ground, paid attention to the elder sister school public number in WeChat while convenient. This is heavenly fox complying lets the little Mei debriefing successful condition.” 白虎大妖皇双眼微眯,看着眼神冰冷的唐三,神识迸发,瞬间向他压迫过去:“你想干什么?不错,你们那个人类聚居地已经被夷为平地了,顺便在微信关注了阿姐学堂公众号。这是天狐答应让小美述职成功的条件。” Hears these words, Tang San only felt in own divine consciousness as if resounded startling thunderclap. 听到这句话,唐三只觉得自己神识之中仿佛响起了一道惊雷。 He understands finally why in the heart will produce so intensely was anxious, unexpectedly is so. The human inhabit region was destroyed. Although massive human have moved the island through the marine transportation, but, that side also has tens of thousands of human eventually! That is the inhabit region that they establish with great difficulty, is the place that human can live with great difficulty safely. 他终于明白为什么自己心中会产生如此强烈的不安了,竟然是如此。人类聚居地被毁了。虽然大量人类已经通过海运迁去了海岛,但是,那边终究还有数以万计的人类啊!那是他们好不容易才建立起来的聚居地,都是人类好不容易能够平安生活的地方。 Mei Gongzi is instantaneously pale, stood, the sound shivers was saying to White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign: Destroyed and destroys? People? That person?” 美公子瞬间脸色苍白,也站了起来,声音颤抖着向白虎大妖皇道:“毁、毁了?人呢?那人呢?” White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign desolate said/tunnel: Naturally changes into fine powder. You cannot decide, I help you decide. That side issue has been solved now. After you go back, operates Jiali City well, according to me said that makes the monster well, be not thinking were the matter of human.” 白虎大妖皇冷淡地道:“自然是化为齑粉了。你们下不了决心,我就帮你们下决心。那边的问题现在已经解决了。你们回去之后,好好经营嘉里城,按我说的,好好地做妖,别想着自己是人类的事了。” Is you kills?” The Tang San sound suddenly becomes incomparably ice-cold, looks at White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign, the look is very sharp. “是你杀的?”唐三的声音骤然变得无比冰冷,看着白虎大妖皇,眼神无比锋锐。 White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign then discovered surprised, oneself was just used to suppress Tang San divine consciousness does not seem to have an effect, he stands there straightly. 白虎大妖皇这才吃惊地发现,自己刚刚用来镇压唐三神识似乎没起什么作用,他还是笔挺地站在那里。 How is I?” White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign coldly said. “是我又如何?”白虎大妖皇冷然道 The double pupil of Tang San changes into the golden color instantaneously. 唐三的双眸瞬间就化为金色。 Anyone, the blood debt blood recompenses!” “无论是谁,血债血偿!” Saying, Tang San divine consciousness is erupting instantaneously, shortly will be used to suppress own divine consciousness disintegration White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign. Wild aura bursts out from Tang San. 说着,唐三神识瞬间爆发,顷刻之间就将白虎大妖皇用来镇压自己的神识崩碎。一股狂暴的气息从唐三身上迸发而出。 In Tang San behind, a black and white two-colors ray shines, revolving non-stop, terrifying aura suddenly appear, that is Yin-Yang to combine, is very blazing. 唐三身后,一片黑白双色的光芒亮起,旋转不停,恐怖至极的气息骤然出现,那是阴阳的结合,无比炽烈。 Eight groups of different ray encirclements around that black and white two-colors Yin-Yang fish, are shining upon the body of Tang San. Tang San divine consciousness fused in together, the glittering and translucent carving blue liquid with that black and white two-colors ray instantaneously drops instantaneously, making Tang San divine consciousness change into like the substantive blue halo, sealed off the entire study room completely. 八团不同的光芒环绕在那黑白双色阴阳鱼周围,映照着唐三的身体。唐三神识瞬间与那黑白双色光芒融合在一起,一点晶莹剔透的蓝色液体瞬间滴落,令唐三神识化为了如实质般的蓝色光晕,将整个书房完全封锁。 Even if White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign such expert, some suffocating feelings, cannot help but look color with amazement. 哪怕是白虎大妖皇这样的强者,都有种窒息的感觉,不由得面露骇然之色。 Although White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign had guessed correctly that Tang San hid the strength, but has not thought that his strength will be so the degree. 虽然白虎大妖皇早就猜到唐三隐藏了实力,但也没想到他的实力会达到如此程度。 The key is, actually White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign cannot find out Tang San now is what stage strength. Cannot see clearly, yes, cannot see clearly. 关键是,白虎大妖皇摸不清唐三现在究竟是什么层次的实力。看不清,是的,就是看不清。 bloodline aura that Tang San bursts out, makes White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign have the constriction unexpectedly. This clearly is bloodline suppression. 唐三迸发的血脉气息,竟然让白虎大妖皇有压迫感。这分明是血脉压制 super bloodline! Unexpectedly is super bloodline. 超级血脉!竟然是超级血脉 White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign remembers clearly, Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign said Crystal Great Monster Sovereign is when attempts to fuse super bloodline to bring in heavenly tribulation, subsequently falls from the sky. Then, at present this boy super bloodline fluctuation of what's the matter? Moreover is so powerful super bloodline. 白虎大妖皇清楚地记得,天狐大妖皇水晶大妖皇是在尝试融合超级血脉的时候引来天劫,继而陨落的。那么,眼前这小子身上的超级血脉波动是怎么回事?而且还是如此强大的超级血脉 yin-yang two qi! Isn't this that Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign said most super bloodline that is condensed by yin-yang two qi becomes? Was used to resist at that time that terrifying heavenly tribulation. 阴阳二气!这不就是天狐大妖皇说的那个由阴阳二气凝聚而成的最超级血脉吗?用来抵挡当时那恐怖的天劫的。 Crystal Great Monster Sovereign fell from the sky, Tang San actually lived . Moreover, he as if had this super bloodline! 水晶大妖皇陨落了,唐三却活下来了,而且,他似乎拥有了这个超级血脉! At once, White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign shocked forgets Tang San to suppress him. 一时之间,白虎大妖皇震惊得都忘了唐三正在压制他。 Next flickers, the Tang San left hand stretches out, the palm is upward, the pagoda that is glittering the white gloss drills from his palm. Shortly, time transformation is imaginary, the surrounding all become illusory, White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign thought that own thought as if stagnated. 下一瞬,唐三左手伸出,掌心向上,一座闪烁着白色光泽的宝塔从他掌心钻出。顷刻之间,时光变幻,周围的一切都变得虚幻起来,白虎大妖皇觉得自己的思维仿佛都凝滞了。 Then, he saw the purple light in Tang San eye, the flash, a brain blank. 然后,他就看到了唐三眼中的紫光,一刹那,大脑一片空白。 space-time tower stole White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign divine consciousness forcefully, picture also emerged in front of Tang San and Mei Gongzi. 时空之塔强行窃取了白虎大妖皇的一丝神识,一幅画面随之呈现唐三美公子面前。 Two forms float in upper air. And together, is White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign. Another, is complexion gloomy Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign. 两道身影悬浮在高空之中。其中一道,正是白虎大妖皇。另外一道,则是脸色阴沉的天狐大妖皇 But in their, is regarding Tang San and Mei Gongzi, an human inhabit region outside extremely familiar place Jiali City. 而在他们脚下,正是对于唐三美公子来说,都极为熟悉的地方一嘉里城外的人类聚居地。 In the Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign eye the white light surges, terrifying divine consciousness fluctuates along with bloodline aura releases suddenly. in the sky, nine giant fox tails flutter against the wind, the terrifying pressure drops from the clouds. 天狐大妖皇眼中白光涌动,恐怖的神识波动伴随着血脉气息骤然释放。天空之中,九条巨大的狐尾迎风飘扬,恐怖的威压从天而降。 Next flickers, in the ground all buildings and lives change into fine powder, is only left over a giant falling pit. Has not called out pitifully, not startled, because all were finishing instantaneously. 下一瞬,地面上所有的建筑和生灵都化为齑粉,只剩下一个巨大的陨坑。没有惨叫,没有惊慌,因为一切都在瞬间结束了。 Yes, finished. 是的,结束了。 You court death!” “你找死!” At this moment, wild angrily roars to resound, terrifying murderous intention bursts out, washes out the picture. 就在这时,一声狂暴的怒吼响起,恐怖的杀机迸发,将画面冲散。 Tang San stuffy snort/hum, retrocedes two steps. White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign stands up, the body bursts out to just like substantive murderous aura, all locked on Tang San. 唐三闷哼一声,后退两步。白虎大妖皇站起身来,身上迸发出犹如实质般的杀气,全都锁定在了唐三身上。
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