DD5ROTS :: Volume #1

#35: Tang San enters the stage

The positive/direct dash strength of porcupine has the absolute confidence to rout flashing leopard. But he feared that is the flashing leopard speed ability. Once flashing leopard dodges its positive/direct dash, then, it will certainly run out in the situation of acceleration full power is very far, thus loses the competition. 豪猪的正面冲撞力有绝对的信心能够击溃闪豹。但他怕的,是闪豹的速度能力。一旦闪豹对它的正面冲撞进行闪避,那么,它在全力加速的情况下一定会冲出很远,从而输掉比赛。 If porcupine and violent bear these races are the powerful races in collision competition, then, represented by flashing leopard, is skill one school. 如果说豪猪、暴熊这些种族都是碰撞大赛之中的强力种族,那么,以闪豹为代表的,就是技巧一派。 The strength meets the skill, naturally must first try hard to limit the skill of opposite party. 力量遇到技巧,自然是先要努力的限制对方的技巧。 According to the rule, breaks in three seconds of inner loop to clash, then must evaluate the final winner. dash of porcupine is not full speed, because even if not full speed, is thick by its skin coarse meat, wins in the front impact sufficiently. Only needs to consider is the opposite party dodges. But its backstab limited this point. 按照规则,冲入内圈的三秒内必须要发生碰撞,然后就要评测最终的获胜者。豪猪的冲撞并不是全速的,因为哪怕不是全速,以它的皮糙肉厚,也足以在正面碰撞中获胜。唯一需要考虑的就是对方闪避。而它的背刺又限制了这一点。 fourth level flashing leopard facing that eight backstab not flustered, the speed of first flushing is still quick. It is that straight dashing about wildly forward, does not seem to seen that eight backstab. But so long as eight backstab it does not fend to the surroundings, will not hit it. 四阶闪豹面对那八根背刺并没有慌张,前冲的速度依旧很快。它就是那么笔直的向前狂奔,仿佛根本就没看到那八根背刺似的。而八根背刺只要它不向周围闪避,也根本不会命中它。 both sides arrived at the collision circle shortly. 双方眼看着就到了碰撞圈。 In the Tang San eye the purple aura twinkle, all in his eyes as if became slow. The fang of porcupine has lifted, but before flashing leopard is seemingly straight , the body yellow light twinkle that to/clashes, the leopard's flash ability starts. 唐三眼中紫意闪烁,在他眼中的一切仿佛都变得缓慢了似的。豪猪的獠牙已经抬起,而闪豹看上去笔直前冲的身体黄光闪烁,豹闪能力发动。 Figure of both sides, almost interlocks instantaneously. 双方的身形,几乎是瞬间交错而过。 Bang, the porcupine ran out of the collision circle, but the flashing leopard figure actually leaps straightly upwardly, in in the air tumbling, then steady falling in collision circle center. “砰”的一声,豪猪冲出了碰撞圈,而闪豹的身形却是笔直向上腾起,在空中一个翻滚,然后就稳稳的落在了碰撞圈中心。 Without a doubt, was this fourth level flashing leopard achieved the success of competition. 毫无疑问,是这头四阶闪豹获得了比赛的胜利。 great majority Monster Race has not seen clearly to collide that to live anything instantaneous, because the flashing leopard speed was really quick. After it wins, the surprise sound resounds immediately. 大多数妖怪族都没看清楚碰撞那一瞬发生了什么,因为闪豹的速度实在是太快了。当它获胜之后,诧异的声音顿时响成一片。 But Tang San is actually the clarity that looks. When both sides will soon collide, that flashing leopard almost does not allow to send in the middle to jump instantaneously, almost pasted the fang of porcupine to pass over gently and swiftly. Then its hind legs on tread ruthlessly in conducting the back of porcupine. 唐三却是看的清楚。当双方即将碰撞的时候,那闪豹几乎是在间不容发的瞬间腾身而起,几乎是贴着豪猪的獠牙掠过。然后它的后肢就狠狠的蹬在了豪猪的背上。 Although the porcupine does not have to charge full power, but also opened the dash ability, is dashing about wildly are most also decelerates. Moreover, he used backstab to block the flashing leopard dodging direction, this thinks that certainly can run upon directly. Finally actually passed over gently and swiftly from the top of the head by flashing leopard as before, the tread strength of that hind legs adds on its momentum, where can not run out of the collision circle? 豪猪虽然没有全力冲锋,但也是开启了冲撞能力的,在狂奔中最多也就是减速。而且,他用背刺封锁了闪豹的闪避方向,本以为一定能够正面撞上。结果却是被闪豹依旧从头顶掠过,那后肢的蹬力加上它自己的冲力,哪能不冲出碰撞圈? But the thrust force that flashing leopard this tread, will actually go forward directly changed into the upward strength, relied on the astonishing body control to fall on the collision circle center. The result naturally became clear. 闪豹这一蹬,却是直接将前进的推力化为了向上的力量,凭借着惊人的身体操控落在了碰撞圈中央。结局自然就变得清晰了。 The porcupine in the skill, lost one move eventually! In the Tang San heart mused, if directs this porcupine. Then, will certainly not make him release to block the line backstab. That flash that but should collide in both sides is releasing. 豪猪在技巧上,终究还是输了一招啊!唐三心中暗想,如果是自己来指点这头豪猪的话。那么,一定不会让他那么早就把背刺释放出去封锁线路。而是应该在双方碰撞的那一瞬间在释放。 Although the flashing leopard speed is fast, but faces when the situation of short distance sprays suddenly, moreover is unable to judge the direction eight porcupine backstab, will be certainly dangerous. So long as there is a puncture on it, has possibility awfully. The porcupine has not utilized after all two innate skill advantages. But this flashing leopard to the utilization of speed, the skillful ability, the calm will, obviously got the winning side. 闪豹的速度虽快,但在近距离的情况下面对突然喷射,而且无法判断方向的八根豪猪背刺时,也一定会非常危险。只要有一根穿刺在它身上,就有要命的可能。豪猪毕竟还是没有将自己两个天赋技能的优势都运用出来。而这头闪豹无论是对速度的运用,技巧的能力,还有沉稳的心志,都明显占据了上风。 Following fight, confirmed Tang San regarding the judgment of this flashing leopard. 接下来的战斗,也验证了唐三对于这头闪豹的判断。 Three fourth level opponents who the succession of victories, goes on stage one after another, all defeated under its speed and skill. 连战连胜,接连上场的三名四阶对手,全都败在了它的速度和技巧之下。 Roar roar roar, this/should I. Dies you.” The participant waiting area of location edge, a stature is majestic, the nose place has single horn rhinoceros monster to roar loudly. The strong defensive power, it most excels. dash is also. It has thought that facing this speed astonishing leopard monster, it rushes to the collision circle not to go out directly. Regardless of the opposite party anything skill, uses on it useless. It can certainly defeat the opponent. “吼吼吼,该我了。去死吧你。”场地边缘的参赛者等候区,一头身材雄壮,鼻子处有着独角犀牛妖大声咆哮着。强大防御力,正是它最擅长的。冲撞也是。它已经想好了,面对这速度惊人的豹妖,它直接就冲到碰撞圈内不出去。无论对方什么技巧,用在它身上都没用。它一定能够战胜对手。 However, when it must walk, the side suddenly broadcasts a sound, and other, has not been one's turn you.” 但是,就在它要走出去的时候,身边突然传来一个声音,“等一下,还没轮到你呢。” The height was close to three meters fourth level rhinoceros monster staring, looked down downward. Then sees, before own, unexpectedly thin and small forms, before this is him, has not discovered. 身高接近三米的四阶犀牛妖愣了一下,低头向下看去。这才看到,在自己身前,居然有一个瘦小的身影,这是他之前根本就没有发现的。 On this thin and small form face a covered arrange/cloth, cannot see the look. But can see from the stature, is this human? Moreover is so thin and small human. 这瘦小的身影脸上蒙着一块布,看不到相貌。但从身材上就能看得出,这是个人类?而且还是个如此瘦小的人类。 Pounds what chaotic, one side rolls.” The rhinoceros monster big hand wields, must sweep him. However, that thin and small form is actually an arrow step, crashed in the sports field, and in the hand is lifting up high own number plate. “捣什么乱,滚一边去。”犀牛妖大手一挥,就要将他扫开。但是,那瘦小的身影却已经是一个箭步,冲进了比赛场地之中,并且手中高举着自己的号牌。 fourth level No. 6! 四阶六号 Yes, this is the Tang San number plate. He is the earliest possible time registers, therefore, in fourth level all participants, the register number is No. 6. 是的,这就是唐三的号牌。他是第一时间去报名的,所以,在四阶的所有参赛者之中,报名号是六号 leopard monster are one, won four. Finally must be one's turn him. Before that rhinoceros monster, in Tang San behind, has relied on the big figure to gaze at the situation in location, has not discovered existence of Tang San unexpectedly. 豹妖自己是一个,胜利了四场。终于要轮到他了。那犀牛妖之前在唐三身后,一直凭借着高大的身形注视着场地内的情况,竟是都没有发现唐三的存在。 When Tang San walks into that moment of location, the surroundings hear a surprised sound immediately. Regarding Monster Race, human vassal suddenly appear in the collision competition arena, moreover fourth level, is really a matter that lets their surprise! 唐三走入场地的那一刻,周围顿时传来一片惊疑之声。对于妖怪族来说,一名人类附庸突然出现碰撞大赛的赛场上,而且还是四阶的,着实是让它们诧异的一件事啊! This seems like so thin and small human, can the courage of where coming arrive above the arena? And covered face. 这看上去如此瘦小的人类,是哪来的勇气能够来到赛场之上的?而且还蒙着脸。 The covered face to is not strange, after all, vassal, although will not have the killed risk like the slave anytime, but if offended powerful monster, aimed at same will also die. The courage of where coming makes him arrive in this arena. 蒙着脸到是不奇怪,毕竟,附庸虽然不会像奴隶那样随时都有被杀死的风险,但如果得罪了强大的妖怪,被针对一样也会死。只是,是哪来的勇气让他来到这赛场上的。 Wins continuously four fourth level flashing leopard, in the eye is glittering the savage ray. The tongue stretched out, licks to lick an own fang. 连续获胜四场的四阶闪豹,眼中闪烁着凶残的光芒。舌头伸出,舔舐了一下自己的獠牙。 Sees presence of Tang San, it is actually very excited, defeats four opponents continuously, its consumption is also big. On the talent, Flashing Leopard Clan after all is not the top race, it also knows, oneself is actually very difficult to insist four. But always wins, are many possibility of one point of being the last champion. After all, the competition of which first level is not will have to win streak ten to exist. Is high rank, this possibility is lower, because everyone strength is very strong, collision time the possibility of consumption or damage is very big. 看到唐三的出场,它其实是很兴奋的,连续战胜四个对手,它的消耗也不小。论天赋,闪豹族毕竟不是顶尖种族,它也知道,自己其实是很难坚持四场的。但每多获胜一场,就多一分获得最后冠军的可能。毕竟,可不是哪一阶的比赛都会有连胜十场存在的。越是高阶,这种可能性就越低,因为大家实力都很强,碰撞时候无论是消耗还是损伤的可能性都很大。 But Tang San this human vassal appear, looks like in it, not only can reduce effort to oneself, but can also brush a victory, this without doubt is very happy situation. Next rhinoceros monster it also saw again, to rhinoceros monster, it truly is nothing the means. Race, others are really powerful, but also restrains one's own side. 唐三这个人类附庸出现,在它看来,不但能给自己省力,还能多刷一场胜利,这无疑是非常美好的情况。再下一场的犀牛妖它也看到了,对犀牛妖,它确实是没什么好办法。种族方面,人家实在是强大一些,还克制己方。 seventh level violent bear has a look at flashing leopard, has a look at Tang San, in the eye to glitter again the savage ray, tears into shreds him. Starts!” 七阶暴熊看看闪豹,再看看唐三,眼中闪烁着凶残的光芒,“撕碎他。开始!” Roar roar roar, tears into shreds him!” “吼吼吼,撕碎他!” Tears into shreds him!” “撕碎他!” Surrounding monsters after short amazed, is exuding the deafening roaring sound immediately. vassal dares appear in the fourth level arena, this looks like in them, is in itself to their insults. 周围的妖怪们在短暂的惊诧之后,顿时发出着震耳欲聋的咆哮声。一名附庸胆敢出现四阶的赛场上,这在它们看来,本身就是对它们的侮辱。 flashing leopard moved, it has not displayed oneself ability, is only by own speed, directly soars the Tang San direction to flush away. 闪豹动了,它都没有施展自己的能力,只是凭借自身的速度,直奔唐三的方向冲去。 Although is collision competition, but in the instance of collision, uses own sharp claws to tear into shreds the opponent, looks like in it is easy thing. 虽然是碰撞大赛,但在碰撞的瞬间,利用自己的利爪撕碎对手,在它看来不过是轻而易举的事情 But Tang San also moved at this time, in the eye pupil that the azure ray since he reveals flows, the body has no too many changes, but obviously has the accumulation of wind element, made around his body appear a misty azure light. 唐三也在这个时候动了,青色的光芒从他露出的眼眸中流淌而出,身体并没有什么太多的变化,但明显却有着风元素的聚集,令他身体周围都出现了一层蒙蒙青光。 Wind? Azure light? Is this wind wolf transformation? 风?青光?这是风狼变 The fourth level flashing leopard look one became vicious. Wind Wolf Clan and Flashing Leopard Clan are mortal enemies! Even if the opposite party is only vassal, that is also Wind Wolf Clan vassal. 四阶闪豹的眼神一下就变得更加凶狠了。风狼族闪豹族一直都是死敌啊!哪怕对方只是附庸,那也是风狼族附庸 In watching the battle monster naturally does not lack Wind Wolf Clan, when they see this vassal unexpectedly are the ethnic groups, their first feeling is the shame. This will definitely lose to that leopard monster! This is to the shame that Wind Wolf Clan brings! 观战妖怪之中自然也不缺少风狼族,当它们看到这附庸竟然是自己族群的,它们的第一个感觉是耻辱。这必然会输给那豹妖啊!这是给风狼族带来的耻辱啊! - -- Thank the hegemon: karlking. 感谢盟主:karlking。
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