DD5ROTS :: Volume #1

#34: The competition starts

When Tang San lines up to register, the competition of third level has started. He is short, the surroundings person are many, cannot see inside situation. But can actually hear to cheer and heavy collision sound. 唐三这边排队报名的时候,三阶的比赛已经开始了。他个子矮,周围人多,看不到里面的情况。但却能够听到一声声欢呼以及沉重的碰撞声。 This collision competition speed naturally is extremely quick, both sides on accelerate, impact and collision, definite victor. Then the winner can choose whether conducts the next round. 碰撞大赛进行的速度自然是极快的,双方就是加速,冲击、碰撞,确定胜利者。然后获胜者可以选择是否进行下一轮。 Registration vassal and monster, although are many, but the speed is actually very fast. When is one's turn Tang San, he somewhat was also speechless. 报名的附庸妖怪虽多,但速度倒是挺快的。当轮到唐三的时候,他也不禁有些无语了。 This enrollment method should not be too simple. On the table has the number plate. On the number plate writes several step as well as No. several. So long as the entrants take together the number plate, can participate. Does not need to conduct to register anything. 这报名方式不要太简单。桌子上有号牌。号牌上写着几阶以及第几号。报名者只要拿上一块号牌,就可以去参赛了。都不需要进行登记什么的。 This after all is only the one entertaining competition of Monster Race folk, is below sixth level, naturally does not have so many customs. 这毕竟只是妖怪族民间的一种娱乐性比赛,又是六阶以下的,自然没那么多规矩。 Gets the place of number plate, even the staff do not have, takes casually. But after attaining the number plate, must go to direct lining up to another side. In other words, so long as you received the number plate, must go to collide, cannot take did not participate. 领号牌的地方,甚至连个工作人员都没有,随便拿。但拿到号牌之后,就要到另一边去直接排队。也就是说,只要你领取了号牌,就要进去碰撞一下,不能拿了不参赛。 Be responsible for maintaining the Jia Li guard of order to see Tang San this stature thin and small human child also takes the number plate came the time, has the Jia Li guard to smile one strangely. Actually is no one prevents him. 负责维护秩序的嘉里卫士看到唐三这身材瘦小的人类孩子也拿了号牌过来的时候,不禁有嘉里卫士怪笑一声。却是没有人阻止他。 Tang San does not need to know, in these looks brings harboring evil intentions the color Jia Li guard, waits to look appearance that own hit muscle fracture breaks. 唐三不用想都知道,这些眼神中带着不怀好意之色的嘉里卫士,是等着看自己被撞的筋折骨断的样子。 Before his body, is in his behind Monster Race, the stature is quite big, is covering his line of sight. These monster have not even seen the height to only have less than one meter three human vassal. Their lines of sight will not fall to are so low. 无论是在他身前,还是在他身后的妖怪族,身材都极为高大,遮挡着他的视线。这些妖怪甚至都没有看到身高只有一米三不到的这个人类附庸。他们的视线根本都不会降到这么低。 Tang San pokes head, since the person sews looks to the collision competition location. 唐三探出头,从人缝中看向碰撞大赛场地。 At this time, the competition of third level is like a raging fire. 此时,三阶的比拼已是如火如荼。 In the ground has does not know that is what race blood. A collision just ended, that is an altitude , is less than two meters, but obviously is also Violent Bear Clan monster. Seeming like to be Violent Bear Clan of childhood, but its opponent, is one is similar to lizard general existence. 地面上已经有了不知道是什么种族的鲜血。一次碰撞刚刚结束,那是一头高度只有不到两米,但明显也是暴熊族妖怪。看上去应该是幼年的暴熊族,而它的对手,则是一只类似于蜥蜴一般的存在。 both sides collide, that lizard sudden body sinks, turns around suddenly, the tail sweeps off toward the thigh of that violent bear. 双方碰撞的时候,那蜥蜴突然身体下沉,猛然转身,尾巴朝着那暴熊的腿部扫去。 However, this violent bear is actually entering the hit circle jumps over instantaneously. Hind legs ruthlessly holds on that lizard. Directly tramples that lizard monster flew. Hits around the crowd that surrounds, was blocked to stop by the Jia Li guard. 但是,这暴熊却是在进入撞击圈的瞬间腾越而起。后肢狠狠的揣在那蜥蜴身上。直接将那蜥蜴妖踹的飞了出去。都撞击到围观的人群周围,被嘉里卫士挡住才停下来。 On the lizard obviously has the bone fracture sound to transmit, but surroundings Monster Race, particularly cheers of violent bear clan are actually become exceptionally resounding. 蜥蜴身上明显有骨折的声音传来,而周围妖怪族,尤其是暴熊一族的欢呼声却是变得异常响亮。 The the winner is the king, this is the idea of Monster Race. 胜者为王,这就是妖怪族的理念。 This seems like not big little bear, is actually extremely the overwhelming power, not only the strength is powerful, and has the skill of considerable degree. In the following several rounds, the upfront bumps hardly, collides with the skill, got the winning side, wins continuously. 这头看上去不大的小熊,却是极为威猛,不只是力量强悍,而且还具有相当程度的技巧。在接下来的几轮,无论是正面硬碰,还是用技巧去碰撞,都占据了上风,连续获胜。 Tang San through observing appear, this Violent Bear Clan bear cub, innate ability should be similar to wild and so on ability. Whenever its comprehensive strength emission time, the body will inflate, the hair starts, the strength obviously grows stronger. The sepia eye can turn into the red. 唐三通过观察出现,这暴熊族的幼熊,天赋能力应该是类似于狂暴之类的能力。每当它全面发力的时候,身体会有所膨胀,毛发乍起,力量明显变强。原本棕褐色的眼睛会变成红色。 monster that is similar to the porcupine class when with his front impact, was used the shoulder hit by him directly flew. Although the fang of porcupine also left behind two wounds on him, but in the strength obviously is actually at a disadvantage. 一头类似于豪猪类的妖怪在和他正面碰撞的时候,直接被他用肩膀撞击的飞了出去。虽然豪猪的獠牙也在他身上留下了两道伤口,但力量上却明显处于下风。 Although this Violent Bear Clan bear cub is third level, but in fact, fighting strength was not inferior in the fourth level strength. This is the different race race talents is different. 暴熊族的幼熊虽然是三阶,但实际上,战斗力决不逊色于四阶的实力了。这就是不同种族的种族天赋不同。 This is the first time that Tang San saw so many Monster Race. He carefully is observing each Monster Race ability, is remembering their ability characteristics. Is also analyzing in the innermost feelings, these abilities to oneself is whether useful. 这还是唐三第一次见到这么多妖怪族。他仔细的观察着每一种妖怪族的能力,记忆着它们的能力特性。同时也在内心之中分析着,这些能力对自己是否有用。 He now the relation of between Monster Race bloodlines to Mysterious Heaven Skill and this world has the quite accurate determination. But lets is, oneself who only he is unable to judge in the process that the future swallows unceasingly, can actually accumulate many bloodlines. In other words, own Mysterious Heaven Skill, can actually preserve several Monster Race bloodline's mark. This and does the Mysterious Heaven Skill layer have the relations. 他现在对玄天功和这个世界的妖怪族血脉之间的联系已经有了比较准确的判定。但唯一让他无法判断的就是,自己在未来不断吞噬的过程中,究竟能够积累多少种血脉。也就是说,自己的玄天功,究竟能够保存几种妖怪族血脉烙印。这个和玄天功的层数有没有关系。 He only has two types now, wind wolf transformation and flashing leopard transformation. The ability that brings is wind blade and leopard's flash. 他现在只有两种,风狼变闪豹变。所带来的能力就是风刃豹闪 These two ability one are the increase speeds, one is the long-distance attack, is quite useful. The premise can continually promote. He believes that oneself should unable infinite promotes itself to swallow the ability. Certainly will have the quantity limit, but this quantity is many, he now is not clear. He has a guess indistinctly, but also needs through the experiment to show that own guess is whether correct. 这两个能力一个是增幅速度的,一个是远程攻击,都相当有用。前提是能够不断的提升上去。他相信,自己应该不是能无限的去提升自身所吞噬能力的。一定会有数量限制,而这个数量是多少,他现在并不清楚。他隐约有个猜测,但也需要通过实验来证明自己的猜测是否正确。 The third level final winner, is this childhood violent bear. When he defeated ten opponents, in location central unceasing is sending out roaring. Finally, he chose a fire element coin and earth elemental coins. Ten consonance coins take oneself achievement reward in addition again. 三阶最终的获胜者,就是这头幼年暴熊。当他战胜了十个对手的时候,在场地中央不断的发出着咆哮。最终,他选择了一枚火元素币和一枚土元素币。再加上十枚灵犀币作为自己的获胜奖励。 That host collision competition violent bear, lifts up high excessive, loud standing this small violent bear is roaring directly in the location center. 那位主持碰撞大赛暴熊,直接将这小暴熊高举过头,大声的站在场地中央咆哮着。 This is my son, my son! Did you see? My son, third level first! Roar roar roar!” “这是我儿子,我儿子!你们看到了吗?我儿子,三阶第一!吼吼吼!” The cheers and roaring sound, making the land as if also tremble. The vassal races under this scene, do not dare to make noise, even trembles. 欢呼声、咆哮声,令大地都似乎在随之震颤。附庸种族们在这种场面下,都是不敢出声,甚至是瑟瑟发抖。 Participates in the vassal race of competition almost to attend the third level competition. Tang San saw at least seven severe wounds, including two can live to be very difficult to say. 参加比赛的附庸种族几乎都是参加三阶比赛的。唐三看到了至少有七个重伤的,其中有两个能不能活下来很难说。 third level finished, was one's turn the competition of fourth level. 三阶结束,就轮到了四阶的比拼。 Stature majestic pig monster entered the location slowly. Its whole body is growing the iron black hair, pig is very gigantic. Height about two meters. The back is quite broad. Is appearing its astonishing strength. Two sturdy fang prominent lips. Fierce is roaring. 一头身材雄壮的猪妖缓缓走进了场地。它全身生长着铁黑色的毛发,猪头特别硕大。身高两米左右。后背极为宽阔。显现着它惊人的力量。两根粗壮的獠牙突出口唇。凶恶的咆哮着。 porcupine clan, innate ability is rare two. Yes, Monster Race innate ability does not have one type. 豪猪族,天赋能力是罕见的两个。是的,妖怪族天赋能力并不是都只有一种的。 This point Wang Yanfeng has said to him, but did not say the ability many on certain. But on the other hand, these top Monster Race and Fairy Race innate ability has many. 这一点王延丰给他讲过,但也不是说能力多就一定强。但相对来说,那些顶尖的妖怪族精怪族天赋能力都有多个。 This porcupine clan innate ability is two, dash and backstab. 豪猪族天赋能力就是两个,冲撞背刺 Behind porcupine clan has the sharp thorn to spray, dash ability as the name suggests. Is the powerful porcupine, the back sharp thorn number are more. 豪猪族背后有尖刺可以喷射而出,冲撞能力就顾名思义了。越是强大的豪猪,背后的尖刺数量就越多。 At present this fourth level porcupine, the back sharp thorn has eight. When it arrives the one side in location stands firm, the back eight sharp thorn slowly has raised up the syncline front, the back ballooning, as if must spray momentarily, but. 眼前这头四阶豪猪,背后尖刺就有八根之多。当它走到场地之中的一侧站定时,背后的八根尖刺就已经缓缓竖起向斜前方,背部鼓胀,似乎就是随时要喷射而出似的。 To porcupine clan innate ability, a Tang San interest does not have. Other race, he does not want to make a pig even. dash or backstab, are not the abilities that he wants. 豪猪族天赋能力,唐三一点兴趣都没有。别的种族就算了,他可不想做一头猪。无论是冲撞还是背刺,都不是他想要的能力。 But the opponent of this fourth level porcupine, is flashing leopard. Yes, this is the first time that Tang San clansman appear that sees Flashing Leopard Clan on today's collision competition. Beforehand third level does not have flashing leopard. 而这头四阶豪猪的对手,则是一头闪豹。是的,这还是唐三第一次看到闪豹族的族人出现在今天的碰撞大赛上。之前的三阶都没有闪豹 What flashing leopard excels is the speed, the front impact is not the ability that they excel, therefore, in the beforehand competition, does not have Flashing Leopard Clan appear. 闪豹更擅长的是速度,正面碰撞并不是它们所擅长的能力,所以,在之前的比赛中,并没有闪豹族出现 But at this time appear the fourth level flashing leopard, is slender, about two meters heights, cannot say is also big and tall, the eyes that but narrow have the mean ray twinkle faintly, the fang under lips is downward prominent. It seems like the somewhat thin body to have the tight muscle, appears the strong vigor. 而此时出现的这头四阶闪豹,身材修长,大约也有两米左右的身高,说不上魁伟,但眯起的双眼却隐隐有阴狠的光芒闪烁,口唇下的獠牙向下突出。看上去有些消瘦的身体却有着紧绷的肌肉,显现出强大的活力。 Starts!” Angrily roars along with violent bear one that managing to compete, both sides simultaneously start from the both sides. “开始!”伴随着主持比赛的暴熊一声怒吼,双方同时从两侧发动。 The flashing leopard speed is extremely fast, charges into the opponent like lightning, almost arrived in the collision circle in the flash. 闪豹的速度极快,闪电般冲向对手,几乎是在一瞬间就到了碰撞圈内。 But that porcupine clan in the process of dashing about wildly, the back eight sharp thorn is actually unretentive spraying. 而那豪猪族在狂奔的过程中,背后的八根尖刺却已是毫无保留的喷射而出。 When this bold pig monster blames launches own backstab, Tang San to it has a holding in high esteem feeling. 当这豪猪妖怪发射出自己的背刺时,唐三不禁对它有种刮目相看的感觉。 backstab that this porcupine projects, does not aim at that leopard monster. But launches to other directions. But these eight backstab, actually block the route that flashing leopard all can dodge. 这豪猪射出的背刺,并不是针对那豹妖的。而是发射向其他方向。但这八根背刺,却封死了闪豹所有可以闪躲的路线。
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