DD4 :: Volume #1

#68: 3 demon apes

They elect is genius, without a doubt, Lan Xuanyu conforms to genius all special characteristics absolutely. 他们选的就是天才,毫无疑问,蓝轩宇绝对符合天才的一切特质。 „Does at present make him?” Sits teacher(s) in front of screen asks, are they also shocking? assessment school Purple Luo Branch Institute naturally is not first, their this time assessment, almost covered Heaven Luo Planet many branch institute, but one can draw the attention of everyone the child is not many! Lan Xuanyu just performance, although Martial Soul not strong, but his response and deal with changes also some regarding the judgment of aspect, all as wonderful as the summit. Even if grown Soul Master meets such Okay that this situation is very difficult he to process. 现在把他弄出来吗?”坐在屏幕前的老师问道,他们又何尝不是惊艳呢?考核的学校紫萝分院当然不是第一个,他们这次考核,几乎覆盖了天罗星多座分院,但一下就能让人眼前一亮的孩子可不多啊!蓝轩宇刚刚的表现,虽然武魂没有多强,可他的反应、应变还有对于局面的判断,无不妙到毫颠。就算是成年魂师遇到这种情况恐怕都很难有他处理的这么好了 How can this not make people feel the pleasant surprise? 这怎能不让人感到惊喜呢? Continue, having a look at him also to achieve many. This to him is also an experience.” “继续,看看他还能做到多少。这对他来说也是一次历练。” The response of Lan Xuanyu this little while is very big, this is the first time that he facing Soul Beast, although ran away in fear three Netherworld Wolf, but he himself was also frightened unbearably. That is Soul Beast! Only almost, he wanted the Netherworld Wolf dishes. 蓝轩宇这会儿的反应还是挺大的,这是他第一次面对魂兽,虽然吓跑了三头幽冥狼,可他自己也被吓得够呛。那可是魂兽啊!只差一点,他就要成了幽冥狼的盘中餐了。 This Virtual World was really real, really does not dare to imagine what kind of feeling, if were nipped one to be by Netherworld Wolf. 虚拟世界实在是太真实了,真不敢想象如果被幽冥狼咬上一口会是怎样的感觉。 Devouring Horse ran away in fear Netherworld Wolf, is the character modest speed is also eventually slow, leisurely returned in the river water to lie, looked that has not looked at Lan Xuanyu one. 吞马吓跑了幽冥狼,终究是性格温和速度又慢,优哉游哉的重新回到河水中趴了下来,看都没看蓝轩宇一眼。 In the Lan Xuanyu heart moves slightly, his suddenly felt, this Devouring Horse as if also very cute, since its active offense oneself, that does not might as well simply in its side Okay. Has previously Netherworld Wolf situation again, old trick heavy as if is also the good choice! 蓝轩宇心中微动,他突然觉得,这吞马似乎也挺可爱的,既然它不会主动攻击自己,那不如索性就在它身边好了。再有先前幽冥狼情况,故技重施似乎也是不错的选择啊! Thinks of here, Lan Xuanyu was sitting from the Devouring Horse not far place, the direction of back to Devouring Horse, vision often toward all around vigilant looks. Had the lesson of previously, he does not dare careless! 想到这里,蓝轩宇就在距离吞马不远的地方坐了下来,把后背的方向对着吞马,目光不时朝着四周警惕的看着。有了先前的教训,他可是一点都不敢大意啊! Facts showed, his choice is quite correct, quick, he sees Soul Beast appeared. These Soul Beast majority are comes the riverside to drink water, but also has to discover his, discovered that his Soul Beast had expressed the evil intention and combative nature, this period Lan Xuanyu to Devouring Horse by. These Soul Beast really do not have to dare to approach. 事实证明,他的选择是相当正确的,很快,他就又看到有魂兽出现了。这些魂兽大多数是来河边喝水的,但也有发现他的,发现他的魂兽有一些表示了恶意和进攻性,这个时候蓝轩宇就会向吞马身边靠靠。那些魂兽果然没太敢靠近。 Regardless how saying that Devouring Horse is also Thousand Years Soul Beast, entirely different in the Soul Beast world. Only if yes...... 无论怎么说,吞马也是千年魂兽,在魂兽的世界中还是泾渭分明的。除非是…… Bang, bang and bang!” gloomy dull thumping sound sound resounds, surrounding forest as if in slight is trembling. “砰、砰、砰!”低沉的闷响声响起,周围的森林似乎都在轻微的震颤着。 originally crawls Devouring Horse suddenly in river water to raise the head, in the lazy eye pupil reveals several points of vigilant look, but also in the direction that sound conveys looks in other Soul Beast that riverside nearby drinks water. 原本匍匐在河水中的吞马突然抬起头来,慵懒的眼眸中流露出几分警惕之色,而在河边附近喝水的其他魂兽们也都是朝着那声音传来的方向看去。 „-” At this moment, resounds of angry roaring sound from forest. previously is also at waits and sees Soul Beast in condition immediately running away of without the slightest hesitation, runs toward the reversed direction. That Devouring Horse is no exception. “嗷嗷嗷嗷-”就在这时,愤怒的咆哮声从森林中响起先前还处于观望状态之中的魂兽们顿时毫不犹豫的撒腿就跑,朝着反方向跑。就连那吞马也不例外。 What situation! Devouring Horse do not run! In Lan Xuanyu heart one anxious, this Devouring Horse to his protection, but sometime, he is quite satisfied, this runs, what to do can he? 什么情况啊!吞马别跑啊!蓝轩宇心中一急,这吞马对他的保护可是有一段时间了,他是相当满足的,这一跑,他可怎么办啊? At this moment, in forest, together small figure all with white light rapid flushed toward him. 就在这时,森林之中,一道小小身影全身带着白光飞速的朝着他这边冲了过来。 Lan Xuanyu first stares, but shortly afterward recognized that to say figure to come unexpectedly, was not others, was Ye Lingtong. 蓝轩宇先是一愣,但紧接着竟是认出了那道身影来,不是别人,正是叶灵瞳 She runs quite quick! This is the first response of Lan Xuanyu. 她跑的好快啊!这是蓝轩宇的第一反应。 But this time Ye Lingtong, almost used all one's strength, Heavenly Astral Tyrant Body stimulated to movement the pinnacle, before being rapid, flushed. 而此时的叶灵瞳,几乎是把吃奶的力气都用出来了,天罡霸体催动到极致,飞速前冲。 Lan Xuanyu looks helplessly she previous plunders from oneself, as if looked continually has not seen itself, he is only sees indistinctly, on the Ye Lingtong face full is frightened expression. 蓝轩宇眼睁睁的看着她从自己身前一掠而过,似乎连看都没看到自己,他只是隐约看见,叶灵瞳脸上满是惊恐之色 At this moment, a colossus ran from the forest. 就在这时,一个庞然大物从森林中跑了出来。 That is an all over the body snow white giant ape, its body best pupil is about four meters, both arms wonderful long incomparable. On size, it does not have Devouring Horse is so plump, but, its speed actually be more joyful than Devouring Horse does not know many, bounces is more than ten meters, fast incomparably. Its goal as if Ye Lingtong! 那是一只通体雪白的巨猿,它的身高足有四米开外,双臂奇长无比。论体型,它并没有吞马那么肥硕,可是,它的速度却要比吞马快乐不知道多少,一个弹跳就是十几米,飞快无比。它的目标似乎正是叶灵瞳啊! Sees this aspect, 看到这局面, Which Lan Xuanyu hesitates, similarly is also turns around runs. The right hand golden light twinkle, Golden Marked Blue Silver Grass attaches above palm, dashes about wildly. This runs, he only felt own body two sides scenery rapid to sweep past, the running speed unexpectedly is extremely quick. 蓝轩宇哪还敢犹豫,同样也是掉头就跑。右手金光闪烁,金纹蓝银草附着于手掌之上,狂奔而起。这一跑起来,他只觉得自己身体两边景物飞速掠过,奔跑速度竟是极快的。 In fact, Lan Xuanyu physical fitness in the contemporaries absolutely is strongest, after all every day is eating the rare and precious food, in addition he bloodline reason. At this time Golden Marked Blue Silver Grass supplements ability to stimulate to movement, making his strength and speed increase, unexpectedly compared with just before his body to sweep past Ye Lingtong ran also wanted on the quick several points. 事实上,蓝轩宇身体素质在同龄人之中绝对是最强的,毕竟每天都在吃珍稀食材,再加上他自身血脉的缘故。此时金纹蓝银草附带能力催动起来,令他的力量、速度都是大增,竟是比刚刚从他身前掠过叶灵瞳跑的还要快上几分。 The sound that back that white giant ape falls to the ground conveys unceasingly, Lan Xuanyu pursued side Ye Lingtong quickly. 背后那白色巨猿落地的声音不断传来,蓝轩宇很快就追到了叶灵瞳身边。 His little while suddenly felt, oneself and Ye Lingtong really has the issue! Why runs into her always not to have the good deed each time. 他这会儿突然觉得,自己和叶灵瞳是不是真的有问题啊!为什么每次遇到她总是没好事。 She bullied herself on own initiative even, she led her father to visit for the first time, made itself the dizzy. Later aims at repeatedly. This comes Comprehensive Test with great difficulty, she also had in front of yourself the danger. 她主动欺负自己就算了,第一次她带着她爸爸上门,就把自己弄晕了。之后又屡屡针对。这好不容易来个综合考试,她又把危险带到了自己面前 When Lan Xuanyu surpassed past period from Ye Lingtong, Ye Lingtong saw him. 蓝轩宇叶灵瞳身边超过去的时候,叶灵瞳才看到了他。 You and you here?” Saying that Ye Lingtong pants. “你、你怎么也在这里?”叶灵瞳气喘吁吁的说道。 Lan Xuanyu ill-humoredly said: This saying should I ask that you are right, I treated properly, you actually direct such big guy.” 蓝轩宇没好气的道:“这话应该我问你才对,我本来待得好好的,你却引过来那么一个大家伙。” I do not think! I wanted a concealed conceals on the tree, then discovered a white little monkey looks at very cute, then I held hugging, it does not make me hug, I pinch its neck catching my arms. Then......, then behind that big guy came......” “我也不想啊!我本来想要在树上藏一藏,然后发现了一个白色的小猴子看着挺可爱的,然后我就抱了抱,它不让我抱,我就捏着它脖子给抓到我怀里。然后……,然后后面那大家伙就来了……” Lan Xuanyu shows the whites of the eyes, does not need to ask that he also understood, Ye Lingtong was all right to catch the children, can others not be anxious? 蓝轩宇翻了个白眼,不用问他也明白了,叶灵瞳没事儿抓了人家孩子,人家能不急么? But, I have given back to him that little fellow! How does it bear a grudge?” Ye Lingtong face suffering saying. “可是,我已经把那小家伙还给他了啊!它怎么这么记仇?”叶灵瞳一脸委屈的说道。 Lan Xuanyu shows the whites of the eyes, „did you also put in great inconvenience? That is Three-Eyed Demon Ape! In Soul Beast especially formidable one, looks at size, perhaps has Thousand Years cultivation base. This forest estimated that it is ruler. Yourself courted death even, why implicated me? Did I incur you to annoy you?” 蓝轩宇翻了个白眼,“你还委屈了?那是三眼魔猿啊!魂兽特别强大的一种,看体型,恐怕有千年修为。这片森林估计它都是主宰。你自己找死就算了,为什么连累我?我招你惹你了?” Thump thump, thump thump and thump thump!” In the time that they spoke, following Three-Eyed Demon Ape has pursued. “咚咚、咚咚、咚咚!”就在他们说话的工夫,后面的三眼魔猿已经追上来了。 Such that just like Lan Xuanyu said that this Soul Beast truly has the hegemonic position in this forest. Even if in the procedure/program establishment of Virtual World, this is also this assessment most exist(ence). 正如蓝轩宇所说的那样,这种魂兽在这片森林之中确实是有着霸主地位的。哪怕是在虚拟世界的程序设置上,这也是这个考核的最存在 The Ye Lingtong luck, that is really not general good! 叶灵瞳的运气,那真不是一般的“好”啊! !” Back terrifying malevolent winds caresses the face. Before having, faces the experience of Netherworld Wolf, Lan Xuanyu without the slightest hesitation throws toward the side. He also worries about Ye Lingtong finally is being classmate, while throwing, right hand draws Ye Lingtong, two people fell toward the side simultaneously. “呼!”背后恐怖的恶风扑面。有了之前面对幽冥狼的经验,蓝轩宇毫不犹豫的就朝着侧面扑去。他总算是还顾念着叶灵瞳怎么也是同学,在扑出去的同时,右手一拉叶灵瞳,两个人同时朝着侧面摔了出去。 „Do you do?” The Ye Lingtong mouth was screaming fell to roll the bottle gourd with Lan Xuanyu. But her interrogation next quarter on stuck at in throat. “你干嘛?”叶灵瞳嘴里尖叫着就和蓝轩宇摔成了滚地葫芦。但她的质问下一刻就卡在了嗓子里。 Bang- before” their previously, direction that to/clashes, huge white figure to sweep past, is suddenly ordinary just like the strong winds, the ground blasts open, terrifying aura heads on. energy flow raised them flew the one side. “轰-”他们先前前冲的方向,巨大的白色身影猛然掠过,宛如狂风一般,地面炸裂,恐怖的气息扑面而来。气流都将他们掀飞到了一旁。
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