DD4 :: Volume #1

#67: Outstanding

The brain of Lan Xuanyu starts the rapid revolution. 蓝轩宇的大脑开始飞速的运转起来。 Which time, Soul Master facing Soul Beast, actually the most important point must enough know about Soul Beast, then can formulate the corresponding strategy to go facing Soul Beast, defeats Soul Beast. 无论是在哪个时代,魂师面对魂兽,其实最重要的一点都是要对魂兽足够了解,然后才能制定相应的策略去面对魂兽,战胜魂兽 In Lan Xuanyu at present mind appear(ance) has the material about Netherworld Wolf. 蓝轩宇现在脑海中出现的就是有关于幽冥狼的资料。 Except that their characteristics outside, the father has said probably, the Netherworld Wolf natural disposition is oversuspicious, generally does not like the frontal attack, but after seeks for the flaw, one strikes the system enemy. Sneak attacks itself like previously. in other words, will they actually have the fear? 除了它们的特性之外,爸爸好像说过,幽冥狼生性多疑,一般不喜欢正面进攻,而是寻找到破绽之后一击制敌。就像先前偷袭自己。也就是说,它们其实也会有害怕么? Thinks of here, in the Lan Xuanyu heart moves, raised the left hand, Silver Marked Blue Silver Grass rewind, covered his palm immediately. Above a Water Ball appeared his palm, was also lifted by him above the top of the head. 想到这里,蓝轩宇心中一动,左手抬起,一根根银纹蓝银草顿时反卷而下,覆盖住了他的手掌。一枚水球也随之出现在他掌心之上,被他托举在头顶上方。 Really, when this Water Ball appear(ance) period, three Netherworld Wolf that approached slowly was stopping the footsteps. Quiet green eye tight is looking steadily at Lan Xuanyu, then paces back and forth to the flank slowly, regarding him. 果然,当这水球出现时候,三头正在缓缓靠近的幽冥狼都停下了脚步。幽绿色的眼睛紧紧的盯视着蓝轩宇,然后缓缓向侧方徘徊,围绕着他。 The wolf is one type has patience Soul Beast specially, they are also good at looking for the opportunity specially. Even can with the goal unceasingly consumption, consume till the opposite party to expose weaknesses wearily. 狼是一种特别有耐心的魂兽,它们也特别擅长寻找机会。甚至可以和目标不断的消耗,消耗到对方疲倦露出破绽为止。 The father said initially, but at least, after seeing Water Ball makes Netherworld Wolf stop temporarily, Lan Xuanyu slightly relaxed. 爸爸当初是这么说的,但至少,在看到水球幽冥狼暂时停下之后,蓝轩宇略微松了口气 After he slightly makes the ponder, Water Ball in hand starts appear(ance) to change, congealment slowly ice sphere, is sending out the lightly chill in the air. 他略作思考之后,手中的水球开始出现变化,缓缓的凝结成一枚冰球,散发着淡淡的寒意。 The Netherworld Wolf step became slower several points immediately, visits him vigilantly. 幽冥狼的步伐顿时变得更慢了几分,警惕的看着他。 Lan Xuanyu hands over in ice sphere own right hand, then left hand condenses same size ice sphere. 蓝轩宇冰球交到自己的右手之中,然后左手又凝聚出一枚同样大小冰球 Riverside water element is abundant, he in control period is quite easy. 河边水元素充沛,他在操控的时候还是相当容易的。 Then he forwarded slowly one step. 然后他缓缓向前走了一步。 Three Netherworld Wolf almost follow he to go out synchronously one step, is maintaining previously and his similar distance as before. 三头幽冥狼几乎是同步跟着他走出一步,依旧保持着先前和他同样的距离。 Lan Xuanyu has a look at the surroundings, suddenly, he sped up the footsteps, fierce runs three steps in a direction. 蓝轩宇看看周围,突然,他加快了脚步,猛的朝着一个方向跑出三步。 Three Netherworld Wolf have a scare probably, first after is leapt, spread out, then with. 三头幽冥狼像是吓了一跳,先是后跃,拉开了一点距离,然后才跟了上来。 But at this moment, the Lan Xuanyu suddenly round dashes about wildly fully, recognizes a direction to run. 而就在这时,蓝轩宇突然发足狂奔起来,认准一个方向就跑。 Escapes? Escaping period is easiest to expose weaknesses! Three Netherworld Wolf never say die pursued rapidly. 逃跑?逃跑的时候可是最容易露出破绽的啊!三头幽冥狼锲而不舍的迅速追了上来。 Forward Lan Xuanyu judgment such, by running, does he possibly compare favorably with by Netherworld Wolf that the speed grows perceptibly? 正向蓝轩宇判断的那样,论奔跑,他怎么可能比得上以速度见长的幽冥狼呢? Quick three Netherworld Wolf pursued. 很快三头幽冥狼就追了上来。 But in this period, Lan Xuanyu under the foot actually suddenly appeared changes, he first to about respective significantly empty shakes, then body rotating, before rely on , the inertia that to/clashes, turning round turns around, changed the direction. 但就在这个时候,蓝轩宇脚下突然出现了变化,他先是向左右各自大幅度的虚晃一下,然后身体旋转,借助前冲的惯性,滴溜溜一个转身,就改变了方向。 suddenly in the high speed march process changes, this is not thing that is easy to achieve! Moreover his speed of this change is extremely fast, one type at present a flower feeling, three Netherworld Wolf, because the individuality makes it so, originally has prepared for them that throws strikes stopping immediately, then sharply checks, the change direction, pursues changes to Lan Xuanyu. 高速行进过程中突然变向,这可不是一件容易做到的事情啊!而且他这个变化的速度极快,给人一种眼前一花的感觉,三头幽冥狼因为个性使然,原本已经做好扑击准备的它们顿时停顿了一下,然后才急刹,改变方向,去追变向的蓝轩宇 The speed is inferior to them, but gets to this aspect, Lan Xuanyu also surpassed three Netherworld Wolf unexpectedly. 速度是不如它们,但变向这方面,蓝轩宇竟然还超过了三头幽冥狼 But also at this moment, on Lan Xuanyu right hand Golden Marked Blue Silver Grass appears, his whole body speed increases suddenly, not only that the right arm brandishes, fierce projected ice sphere in right hand. 而也就在这时,蓝轩宇右手金纹蓝银草浮现,他整个人的速度猛然增加,不仅如此,右臂抡起,猛的将右手之中的冰球投射了出去。 Does not throw to behind three Netherworld Wolf, but threw toward the slanting front. 并不是扔向身后的三头幽冥狼,而是朝着斜前方扔了过去。 That immersion that direction, previously he sees in Devouring Horse that in the river water takes a bath! 那个方向,正是先前他看到的那头浸泡在河水之中洗澡的吞马啊! Bang!” ice sphere blasts out above the Devouring Horse top of the head, the explosive force brings ice mist and ice fragments impact ruthlessly on it, particularly the position of eye. “砰!”冰球吞马头顶上方炸开,爆炸力带着冰雾和冰屑狠狠的冲击在了它身上,尤其是眼睛的位置。 The eye regarding any Soul Beast is also frail. Let alone is so ice-cold. 对于任何魂兽来说眼睛也都是脆弱的。更何况还是如此冰冷。 Devouring Horse eats the pain immediately, stands erect suddenly, face upwards to exude one to roar. 吞马顿时吃痛,猛然直立起来,仰天发出一声咆哮。 At this moment, 就在这时, Lan Xuanyu has rushed to the riverside, body jumps suddenly, jumps conducts the back to Devouring Horse, the tip of the toe bore 1 in him points, borrows potential to jump over the river. Then ice sphere in left hand threw in this period. ice sphere is divided into three in the process of flight unexpectedly, flies to shoot to go in three Netherworld Wolf directions respectively. 蓝轩宇已经冲到河边,身体猛然跃起,跳到吞马背上,脚尖在他背上一点,就借势跳过了河。然后左手之中的冰球在这个时候扔了出去。冰球在飞行的过程中竟是一分为三,分别朝着三头幽冥狼的方向飞射而去。 Three Netherworld Wolf arrived at the riverside shortly, actually raised head Devouring Horse that angrily roared to have a scare. This Devouring Horse is temperate, that is also formidable Thousand Years Soul Beast. Its strength and defense are not the Netherworld Wolf move can stir up. 三头幽冥狼眼看就到河边了,却被仰头怒吼的吞马吓了一跳。这吞马再温和,那也是强大千年魂兽。它的力量和防御可不是幽冥狼招惹得起的。 But at this moment, three ice sphere had arrived at them. Three Netherworld Wolf body one volts, they had not felt that from these three ice sphere anything threatens. 而就在这时,三枚冰球已经到了它们近前。三头幽冥狼身体一伏,它们并没有从这三枚冰球上感觉到什么威胁。 However, strange appeared. That three ice sphere are away from their head approximately also two meters places, suddenly from the sky turns round, then all flew in the Devouring Horse direction. This ice sphere from the sky drew the arc unexpectedly. 然而,诡异的一幕出现了。那三枚冰球在距离它们的头部大约还有两米的地方,突然在空中拐了个弯,然后全都朝着吞马的方向飞去了。这冰球竟然在空中划出了弧线。 Devouring Horse in taking a bath period, is closes one's eyes to enjoy, ice sphere blasted out, stimulated its frail eyelid, making this temperate Thousand Years Devouring Horse be angry. When angrily roars roared, Lan Xuanyu already, since he conducted the back to jump over, by its volume and defense, simply had no feeling. 吞马在洗澡的时候,是闭着眼睛享受的,冰球炸开,刺激了它脆弱的眼皮,让这温和的千年吞马大怒。怒吼咆哮之时,蓝轩宇已经从他背上跳了过去,以它的体积和防御,根本就没什么感觉。 Three Netherworld Wolf is close to it is feels certainly, in the process of angry roaring, is turning head, just saw that is that three ice sphere flies toward oneself. Is they! 三头幽冥狼的接近它当然是感受到的,在怒吼的过程中,正扭头过来,刚好看到的,就是那三枚冰球朝着自己飞来。是它们! Roar-” Devouring Horse Wrath bellows, three ice sphere in in the air were broken the fragment powder instantaneously, then its gigantic body stood from the river, opens the big mouth to rush over toward three Netherworld Wolf. “吼-”吞马暴怒大吼,三枚冰球在空中瞬间被震碎成齑粉,然后它那硕大的身躯就从河里站了起来,张着血盆大口就朝着三头幽冥狼冲了过去。 „!” The giant voice brings three Netherworld Wolf that energy flow is blowing to tumble, in the frightened squeal, clamps the tail to turn around runs. “嗷嗷嗷!”巨大的声浪带着气流吹的三头幽冥狼就地翻滚,恐惧的尖叫声中,夹着尾巴掉头就跑。 If they will speak, at this time wants certainly to shout one: Undeserved! 如果它们会说话,此时一定很想大喊一声:冤枉啊! Although Devouring Horse size is huge, slow-moving, but it can let off by majority carnivorous Soul Beast except for hard skin and strong flesh outside, definitely also has side that it deters sufficiently. 吞马虽然体型庞大、行动缓慢,但它能够被大多数食肉魂兽放过除了皮糙肉厚之外,肯定也有着它足以威慑的一面。 Devouring Horse itself is grazes, but anxious also same can eat the meat. innate skill swallows, has terrifying the strength of swallowing attracting. That giant big mouth opens, can eat half a head Netherworld Wolf not to have the issue. As soon as it gets angry, immediately frightens three Netherworld Wolf to be scared shitless. 吞马本身是吃草的,但急了也一样能吃肉。天赋技能吞噬,拥有恐怖的吞吸之力。那巨大的大嘴张开,一口就能吃掉半头幽冥狼毫无问题。它一发怒,顿时吓得三头幽冥狼屁滚尿流。 Lan Xuanyu falls on another side of river, the breath is somewhat rapid, small face slightly red, terrified expression in eye has not dropped, but looks that three Netherworld Wolf ran, this big relaxed, the back front piece had actually been soaked by the sweat. 蓝轩宇落在河的另一边,呼吸有些急促,小脸微红,眼中的惊惧之色并未减退,但看着三头幽冥狼就这么跑了,这才大大的松了口气,背后的衣襟却已经被汗水浸透了。 Really good danger here! 果然好危险啊这里! Purple Luo Branch Institute stadium. 紫萝分院体育馆。 numerous (representatives) this institute teacher(s) look at each other in blank dismay, in the Mu Zhongtian heart is extremely shocking. 众位本院老师面面相觑,就连牧重天心中都是极其震惊的。 Urges on a horse swallows the wolf? Is this one eight -year-old child can achieve? Especially control of Lan Xuanyu that ice sphere, it may be said that as wonderful as the summit. ice sphere that finally three have the strength of maneuver can be said as decisive, source of trouble lead to the east, the strength of rely on Devouring Horse ran away in fear Netherworld Wolf. 驱马吞狼?这是一个年仅八岁的孩童能够做到的?尤其是蓝轩宇冰球的控制,可谓妙到毫颠。最后三个带有回旋之力的冰球可以说是决定性的,祸水东引,借助吞马之力吓跑了幽冥狼 The strain velocity and reaction speed add on themselves again regarding the Martial Soul controlling force, is remarkable. Simply it can be said that textbook general coping style! 无论是应变速度、反应速度再加上自身对于武魂的控制力,都是可圈可点。简直可以说是教科书一般的应对方式啊! Mu Zhongtian pats the thigh, this child wanted.” 牧重天一拍大腿,“这孩子要了。”
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