DD4 :: Volume #18

#1757: Second half test

Last resentment of Douluo Continent 4 Final Douluo document Chapter 1757 second half test Lan Xuanyu to Dragon God at this time also already without a trace that vanishes. Because the formerly pain is too deep, will have such difficult assessment! Wants achievement Dragon God, must shoulder formerly Dragon God all. 斗罗大陆终极斗罗正文卷第1757章后半场的考验蓝轩宇龙神的最后一点怨念此时也已经消失的无影无踪。正是因为曾经的痛太深,才会有这样艰难的考核啊!想要成就龙神,就要背负起曾经龙神的一切。 Present picture become clear gets up again, the fierce stabbing pain also starts to spread over the Lan Xuanyu whole body, he discovered startled. The large explosion that achievement God Star that no longer originally he has decided causes as if no appear(ance). 眼前的画面重新变得清晰起来,剧烈的刺痛也开始传遍蓝轩宇全身,他愕然发现。原本他已经决定的不再成就神星而导致的大爆炸似乎没有出现 That fierce pain spreads on him as before, is stimulating his all. The explosion did not have, this time he, the stagnation in just that Dragon Clan Crown Prince shoved open. 那剧烈的痛苦依旧在他身上蔓延,刺激着他的一切。爆炸没有了,此时的他,正是停滞在刚刚将龙族太子推开的那一幕。 At this time, 18 God King, are looking to visit him startled. The grand ceremony is still conducting, the transformation of God Star is still continuing. 此时,十八位神王,正都在面露愕然的看着他。大典还在进行着,神星的转化还在持续着。 Father.” A summon of Dragon Clan Crown Prince, let Lan Xuanyu clearer realizing oneself this time condition. “父亲。”龙族太子的一声呼唤,让蓝轩宇更加清晰的认识到了自己此时的状态。 His assessment, had not finished. 他的考核,并没有结束。 Shoved open Dragon Clan Crown Prince, avoids tragedy, but then. His another part of test, is achievement God Star! 推开了龙族太子,是避免悲剧的发生,而接下来。他的另一部分考验,则是成就神星啊! Before having, all that sees, making him understand, wants to attain the Dragon God inheritance of genuine, then, how can help formerly Divine Dragon Domain achievement God Star, is final assessment. 有了之前所看到的一切,让他已经明白,想要拿到真正龙神传承,那么,如何能够帮助曾经神龙界域成就神星,则是最后的考核 If whole assessment is divided into two parts, then, the first part he already complete, surplus is this second part. But, God Star, how should the achievement. 整个考核如果说分为两个部分的话,那么,第一部分他已经完成了,剩余的就是这第二部分。可是,神星,应该如何成就。 „No one can approach me. All have me!” Lan Xuanyu suddenly loudly shouted, the ice-cold vision also has swept from Time Dragon King and Space Dragon King face, made both Dragon King is body shakes, lowering the head of subconsciously. “谁也不要靠近我。一切有我!”蓝轩宇骤然爆喝一声,冰冷的目光也随之从时间龙王空间龙王面庞上扫过,令两位龙王都是身体一震,下意识的低下了头。 Dragon Clan Crown Prince cannot help said: Father, making me help you.” 龙族太子忍不住道:“父亲,让我帮你吧。” You are not helping me, you are living, is to I biggest help. You do not believe that I can be successful?” The dignified sound sends out from the Lan Xuanyu mouth. “你不是在帮我,你活着,才是对我最大的帮助。难道,你不相信我能够成功吗?”威严的声音从蓝轩宇口中发出。 Dragon Clan Crown Prince subconsciously retrocedes again several steps, the respectful depth executes a ritual, the father keeps his heart dignity to play the role, does not dare to refute again, returns the previously position. 龙族太子下意识的再次后退几步,恭敬的深施一礼,父亲留在他心头的威严起到了作用,不敢再反驳,重新回到自己先前的位置。 The Lan Xuanyu vision has swept from the numerous (representatives) God King face, sinking sound said: Regardless of then has anything, you cannot approach me. Cannot disturb me. Even God Star is unable the achievement, this all, still to come complete by me finally. If I in the achievement God Star process, perish finally. Then, my position is inherited by my child, is the law enforcement god by Asura, the control God Realm law.” 蓝轩宇的目光从众位神王面庞上扫过,沉声道:“无论接下来发生什么,你们都不许靠近我。不许打扰我。就算神星最终无法成就,这所有的一切,也都由我来完成。如果我在成就神星的过程中,最终殒灭。那么,我的位置由我儿来继承,由修罗任执法神,掌控神界法度。” Yes!” 18 God King bow to salute simultaneously. “是!”十八位神王同时躬身行礼。 But also at this moment, Lan Xuanyu obviously feels, whole God Realm fierce vibration, next instant, the intense pressure spread to his body suddenly. 但也就在这时,蓝轩宇明显感觉到,整个神界都剧烈的震荡了一下,下一瞬,强烈的压力骤然传入他的身体 trymad1 ( gad2 ) ; catch ( ex ) he is not genuine Dragon God! Without the Supreme God King formidable strength, but oppression power that he withstands at this time, initially was actually Dragon God withstood. His body has started the feeling of having must collapse. In divine consciousness, the crazy thought has also started to erupt. trymad1(gad2);catch(ex)他并不是真正龙神啊!没有至高神王强大实力,而他此时所承受的压迫力,却是当初龙神所承受的。他的身体已经开始有了要崩溃的感觉。就连神识之中,疯狂的意念也已经开始爆发。 What to do? What to do I should be able to help God Realm, achievement God Star. 怎么办?我应该怎么办才能帮助神界,成就神星 Calm, is certainly calm, regardless of what period, cannot be occupied by crazy, is calm, can make me arrive finally that step. 冷静,一定要冷静,无论什么时候,都不能被疯狂所占据,只有冷静,才能让我最终走到那一步。 The fierce pain is raiding as before crazily, Lan Xuanyu body also starts fiercely shivers. However, came from God Realm immortal spiritual qi as well as came from in ten big galaxies the strength of belief also in crazy to his within the body convergance. 剧烈的痛苦依旧在疯狂袭来,蓝轩宇身体也开始剧烈的颤抖起来。但是,来自于神界仙灵之气以及来自于十大星系的信仰之力也在疯狂的向他体内会聚。 His at present need, is resists , is the whole universe's principles resistance. 现在需要的,是和自己对抗,也是和整个宇宙法则对抗。 Achievement can God Star, how genuine achievement God Star? 成就神星,如何才能真正的成就神星 His innermost feelings have become crazy, his mood also starts appeared fierce fluctuation. Above whole altar, energy extremely unstable fluctuation. 他的内心已经变得疯狂起来,他的情绪也开始出现了剧烈的波动整个祭坛之上,能量都在极其不稳定波动着。 Perhaps because of Stage 1 assessment already complete, Time Dragon King and Space Dragon King not again appear(ance) any action. 18 God King are also make an all-out effort, is helping him stabilize the evolution of God Realm. Also no one approaches him again. 或许是因为第一阶段的考核已经完成,时间龙王空间龙王并没有再出现任何行动。十八位神王也都是全力以赴,在帮他稳定着神界的进化。也再没有谁靠近他。 Dragon Clan Crown Prince vision complex sees own father, eventually, he is oneself father! He the highest throne will pass to himself. The father, you may probably insist! 龙族太子目光复杂的看着自己的父亲,终究,他是自己的父亲啊!他还是将最高王位传给了自己。父亲,您可一定要坚持住啊! In the Lan Xuanyu innermost feelings is crying out similarly, hang there, must insist! The success or failure depends on this. 蓝轩宇的内心之中同样在呐喊着,坚持住,一定要坚持住啊!成败在此一举。 All that Dragon God made in the past, for his child, in order to looks his lover. But all that oneself make, for the parents and spouses, have for entire humanity, Dragon Clan! 龙神当年所做的一切,都是为了他的孩子,为了能去找他的爱人。而自己所做的一切,都是为了父母、爱人,为了整个人类还有,龙族 ...... …… Heavenly Dragon Star. 天龙星 Looks to the outer space direction from planet’s surface, can see, is in the outer space the large explosion of that crazy eruption. Innumerable rays of light burst out, whole universe as if during these erupt are shivering. 星球表面向太空方向看去,能够看到的,是太空之中那疯狂爆发的大爆炸。无数的光芒迸发,整个宇宙仿佛都在这些爆发之中颤抖着。 The protection of Heavenly Dragon Star has opened comprehensively, the ordinary people, look that sky outside flashes on and off uncertain rays of light, in the heart surprised. But the high levels actually understand, particularly the God Rank above powerhouses know, this is one war that is related to the life and death. 天龙星的防护已经全面开启,普通的民众们,看着天空之外明灭不定的光芒,心中只有惊疑。而高层们却都明白,尤其是神级以上的强者们都知道,这是一场事关生死存亡的战争。 Without the escape route, Dragon-Horse Federation does not have the escape route, even is human Douluo Federation does not have the escape route. The failure of this war, on it means all ends, on the it means destruction. 没有退路,龙马联邦没有退路,甚至是人类斗罗联邦也同样没有退路。这场战争的失败,就意味着一切的终结,就意味着毁灭。 But at this moment, in a piece of dark-green small lake lakeside. Two figure in illusory are handing over to glitter with the realities. 而此时此刻,就在一片碧绿色的小湖湖畔。两道身影正在虚幻与现实之间交相闪烁着。 If Lan Xuanyu here, will certainly discover pleasantly surprised, together figure Bai Xiuxiu. Just, this time Bai Xiuxiu, the figure is still unreal, whole body by the dark-green light shadow covering. 如果蓝轩宇在这里,一定会惊喜的发现,其中一道身影正是白秀秀。只不过,此时的白秀秀,身形依旧虚幻,全身都被碧绿色的光影所包覆着。 trymad1 ( gad2 ) ; but catch ( ex ) opposite of her, is Long Tianyang, the figure concentrates solid and stable Gemini Stars of Dragon-Horse life nucleus. trymad1(gad2);catch(ex)而在她对面,则是龙天养,身形凝实而稳定的龙马双星生命核心 Must succeed, hang there. Stable mind.” Long Tianyang said in a soft voice. “就要成功了,坚持住。稳固心神。”龙天养轻声说道。 Raising the head of Bai Xiuxiu actually subconsciously, looks to the outer space, in the beautiful pupil full is anxious look. 白秀秀下意识的抬起头,看向太空之中,美眸内满是焦急之色 Yes, with the help of Long Tianyang, she resumed the consciousness, Long Tianyang was using oneself huge life energy for her recast body, even was recast bloodline. Before letting her be able the radical restoration, even more one step further on life stage. 是的,在龙天养的帮助下,她重新恢复了意识,龙天养正在用自己庞大的生命能量为她重铸身躯,甚至是重铸血脉。让她能够彻底的恢复到以前,甚至在生命层次更进一步 Do not be anxious, if you really want to help them, then, must first get back by oneself to be good.” Long Tianyang naturally saw her thoughts, spoke to console. “不要急,如果你真的想要去帮助他们,那么,就先要让自己恢复过来才行。”龙天养自然看出了她的心思,出言劝慰着。 Living that but, they really can resist? Xuanyu did not know.” The Bai Xiuxiu brow is tight. “可是,他们真的能够抵挡的住么?轩宇不知道回来了没有。”白秀秀眉头紧蹙。 Long Tianyang shakes the head, said: He has not come back, but I can feel, this time he, should in a very marvelous feeling, conduct the final transformation. You are very lucky, can have such lover, he is blessed by Heaven, naturally, you are also.” 龙天养摇摇头,道:“他还没有回来,但我能感受到,此时的他,应该是处于一种非常奇妙的感觉,正在进行着最后的蜕变。你真的很幸运,能够拥有这样的爱人,他是得天独厚的,当然,你也是。” In the Bai Xiuxiu beautiful pupil only some worried, I hope he can return safely, as for whether becomes God King, that is to me unimportant.” 白秀秀美眸之中唯有担忧,“我只是希望他能平安归来,至于是否成神王,那对我来说都不重要。” Long Tianyang shakes the head again, said: No, you made a mistake, he needs achievement God King, because of only in this way, you can the genuine significance in the same place. Moreover I also believe, he will certainly succeed. Therefore, I spare no effort will so help you resurrect.” 龙天养再次摇头,道:“不,你错了,他是必须要成就神王的,因为只有如此,你们才能真正意义的在一起。而且我也相信,他一定会成功的。所以,我才会如此不遗余力的帮你复活。” Bai Xiuxiu suddenly gawked, somewhat vigilant looks to Long Tianyang. 白秀秀突然愣了一下,有些警惕的看向龙天养 Long Tianyang actually smiled, resurrects conditional you naturally, moreover he has also complied. Actually, to me, this long life already extremely bored. Especially after experiencing betrayal, actually, I already already some repugnant this World. The lands that but, I do not hate to create, do not give up Gemini Stars of Dragon-Horse. Therefore, I must continue to insist for Gemini Stars of Dragon-Horse exist(ence). Therefore, I chose you.” 龙天养却是笑了,“复活你当然是有条件的,而且他也已经答应了。其实,对我来说,这漫长的生命早已太过无聊。尤其是在经历了背叛之后,其实,我早就已经有些讨厌这个世界了。可是,我舍不得创造出的这一片土地,舍不得龙马双星。所以,我必须要为了龙马双星存在而继续坚持。所以,我选择了你。” Relax, I, although has the goal, but my goal your men are very clear, I also told him clear. If he achievement God King, at my so many years to the induction of that Dragon Realm, can be very extraordinary God King. Such God King, can need very huge energy to be able as the support the genuine achievement. Including his future achievement God Realm, needs huge energy. Therefore, I to the condition that he put forward am, he after achievement God King, cannot swallow my Gemini Stars of Dragon-Horse, must make here life live.” “放心吧,我虽然有目的,但我的目的你的男人都很清楚,我也明白无误的告诉他了。他如果成就神王,以我这么多年对那龙界的感应,一定会是非常了不得的神王。这样的神王,一定会需要非常庞大的能量作为支持才能真正成就。包括他未来成就神界,也都需要庞大的能量。所以,我向他提出的条件就是,他在成就神王之后,不能吞噬我的龙马双星,要让这里的生命都活下来。”
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