DD4 :: Volume #18

#1755: Broken God Realm, Dragon Clan to die / fallen

Douluo Continent 4 Final Douluo document Chapter 1755 broken God Realm, Dragon Clan to die / fallen at this moment, does not have Dragon Clan to prevent again in front of three big God King, they even rely on oneself strength to make two God King to die / fallen, on three God King that only saves is also scarred. But, Dragon Clan defeated eventually. 斗罗大陆终极斗罗正文卷第1755章残破神界,龙族陨落此时此刻,再没有龙族能够阻挡在三大神王面前,他们甚至凭借着自己的力量令两位神王陨落,仅存的三位神王身上也同样是伤痕累累。可是,龙族终究还是败了。 This time three God King, on the face are also a grief. 此时的三位神王,脸上也都是一片惨然。 Dying God(s) were too many. formerly magnificent Divine Dragon Domain, at this moment, surplus God(s) do not arrive at 1/3 of peak. Dragon Clan nearly all extinguishes. 死的神诋太多了。曾经何等辉煌的神龙界域,此时此刻,剩余的神诋已经不到巅峰时期的三分之一。龙族更是近乎全灭。 Dragon Clan was really formidable, under without God King above stage powerhouse situation, caused such result to happen as before. Dragon Clan, although formidable, but the quantity is not many. May actually be able to strike to kill under Five Great God Kings leads so many clan God(s), obviously Dragon Clan is what kind of strength. 龙族真的是太强大了,在没有了神王以上层次强者的情况下,依旧导致了这样的结局发生。要知道,龙族虽然强大,但数量一直不是很多。可却能击杀在五大神王率领下的那么多各族神诋,可见龙族是何等的实力。 Arrives this step, whole God Realm is the huge decline, although has not collapsed, but had also arrived nearly in the brink of collapse. 走到这一步,整个神界都已是巨大的衰落,虽然还没有崩溃,可也已经到了近乎于崩溃的边缘。 No one is willing to see occurrence of this situation, the Asura blood sword in Asura God hand has not cut, is because he actually does not know what consequence will kill Dragon God to have, whole God Realm can therefore collapse. 谁也不愿见到这种情况的发生,修罗神手中的修罗血剑迟迟没有斩下去,也是因为他其实也不知道杀死了龙神会有什么样的后果,整个神界会不会因此而崩溃。 But, does not kill Dragon God, once Dragon God restores certain strength, then, their all God(s) of surviving perhaps died. Even if Dragon God restored the state of mind, but, his race nearly all extinguishes! 可是,不杀龙神,一旦龙神恢复一定实力,那么,他们所有残存的神诋恐怕都死定了。就算是龙神恢复了神志,可是,他的种族近乎全灭啊! Decides.” Urging of evil god somewhat breathing rapidly Asura God. In them, only then the Super Divine Tool Asura blood sword in Asura God hand, may cut to kill Dragon God. “下决心吧。”邪恶之神有些呼吸急促的催促着修罗神。在他们之中,也只有修罗神手中的超神器修罗血剑,才有可能斩杀龙神 Asura God heaved a deep sigh, how to go so far as to so! Dragon God High Lord, sorry.” 修罗神长叹一声,“何至于如此啊!龙神主上,对不起了。” He finally no longer hesitant, one step goes forward, in the hand Asura Sword directly soars the head of Dragon God to cut. 他终于不再犹豫,一步上前,手中修罗剑直奔龙神的头颅斩下。 But also in Asura blood sword will soon cut period of Dragon God head, among suddenly, the Dragon God front, the nine-colored light beam to/clashes together suddenly, kept off before Asura blood sword outrageously. 但也就在修罗血剑即将斩中龙神头颅的时候,突然间,龙神前方,一道九彩光柱骤然冲起,悍然挡在了修罗血剑之前。 A "Dang" loud sound, making Asura God retrocede unexpectedly several steps, but that nine-colored light beam was actually flying upside down, fell on Dragon God, integrated his body instantaneously. “当”的一声巨响,令修罗神竟是后退了几步,而那九彩光柱却是倒飞而出,落在了龙神身上,也是瞬间融入了他的身体 Rising Dragons Pillar?” Asura God excitedly look changes! Three big God King all complexion big changes. Nothing hesitant, they are almost simultaneously take action, attacks to Dragon God. 升龙柱?”修罗神勃然色变!三大神王无不脸色大变。没有任何犹豫的,他们几乎是同时出手,向龙神攻去。 However, a nine-colored light cover also appears from the Dragon God body surface at this moment. The nine-colored light covers the light halo sparkle, is sending out eye-catching radiance. 但是,一层九彩光罩也就在这时从龙神身体表面浮现而出。九彩光罩光晕闪耀,散发着夺目的光彩 Stupor Dragon God, has lifted his head slowly. 一直昏迷的龙神,缓缓抬起了他的头颅。 His expression is somewhat vacant, but when the attacks of three big God King fall in his to protect period on body dragon astral, the Dragon God bloodline stress sends, bursts out the radiant brilliance, blocked all -out attacks of three big God King forcefully. 他的眼神有些茫然,但当三大神王的攻击落在他的护体龙罡上的时候,龙神血脉应激而发,迸发出璀璨的光辉,硬生生的挡住了三大神王的全力攻击。 trymad1 ( gad2 ) ; catch ( ex ) next instant, Dragon God has changed into the human form, although is scarred as before, but grasps Rising Dragons Pillar him, oneself aura is actually continues to increase. formidable aura showing of one generation of Supreme God King without doubt. trymad1(gad2);catch(ex)下一瞬,龙神已经重新化为人形,虽然依旧是伤痕累累,但手持升龙柱的他,自身气息却是持续攀升。一代至高神王强大气息彰显无疑。 Ended!” Asura God, good god and evil god at this time in mind appear(ance) thought same. Not only Dragon God awakening, had restored certain divine power. Grasps Super Divine Tool Rising Dragons Pillar him, will be what kind of fearfulness. “完了!”修罗神、善良之神和邪恶之神此时脑海中出现的念头是同样的。龙神不只是苏醒了,更是已经恢复了一定神力。手持超神器升龙柱的他,将会是何等的可怕。 But in them thinks that Dragon God is going to launch the attack to them period, Dragon God actually not. He stands there, both eyes vacant looks at the surrounding all, is feeling the surrounding all. 可就在他们认为龙神将要向他们发起攻击的时候,龙神却并没有。他只是站在那里,双目茫然的看着周围的一切,感受着周围的一切。 Died, died, all died?” His divine consciousness in around the body fluctuation, all was changing into the picture before, assumes at present his around the body. “死了、死了,全都死了吗?”他的神识身体周围波动着,之前发生的一切化为画面,呈现在身体周围 That seem incomparably clear, appears Dragon God divine consciousness is being formidable how. But this time he, actually wooden standing there, recalls formerly to happen. 那一幕幕都显得无比清晰,显现着龙神神识是多么的强大。可此时的他,却就是木然的站在那里,回溯着曾经发生的。 God(s) to die / fallen, God(s) annihilation. This is simply does not have resurrecting to be possible. Even the whole God Realm majority has collapsed. 神诋陨落,神诋破灭。这是根本没有复活可能的。甚至整个神界的大部分都已经崩溃了。 Dragon God body starts to shiver, when particularly he noticed that Dragon King were struck period that kills under oneself crazy, saw that finally Radiant Dragon King and Dark Dragon King choice moved toward the death period, his body on shivering was even more fierce. 龙神身体开始颤抖,尤其是当他看到一位位龙王在自己的疯狂之下被击杀的时候,看到最终光明龙王黑暗龙王选择自行走向死亡的时候,他的身体就颤抖的越发厉害了。 Dragon Clan, destroyed. Dragon Clan perished! 龙族,毁了。龙族灭亡了啊! whole Dragon Clan, as if only has he himself. This should not the appear(ance) war, actually be appeared. All results, should not be this, should not be such! 整个龙族,似乎就只剩下他自己而已。这一场本不应该出现的大战,却就是出现了。所有的结局,都不应该是这样的,都不该是这样的啊! The son died, oneself clansmen also died. 儿子死了,自己的族人们也都死了。 Dragon Clan even to protect him perished. 龙族甚至都为了守护他而灭亡了。 This all, gets up because. He does not even understand oneself actually wrong where. 这所有的一切,都是因为自己而起。他甚至都不明白自己究竟错在了什么地方。 Time and space, why are you?” Dragon God pain closed pair of eyes. His body shivered also to return to normal gradually. “时间、空间,你们是为什么啊?”龙神痛苦的闭上了双眸。他的身体颤抖也渐渐的平复了下来。 Asura God, the good god and evil god stand there, seems like waiting for the criminal of trial. In their hands, struck to kill massive Dragon Clan, at this moment, saw Dragon God recovery, they do not have the least bit lucky thought. 修罗神、善良之神、邪恶之神就站在那里,就像是在等待着审判的罪犯。他们手中,都击杀了大量的龙族,此时此刻,眼看着龙神复苏,他们都已经没有了半点侥幸的念头。 In addition crazy Dragon God so fearful , after being then sober Dragon God, is grasping Rising Dragons Pillar Dragon God, fearfully to what level? simply possibly is not they can resist! 疯狂中的龙神尚且如此的可怕,那么,清醒后的龙神,更是手持着升龙柱龙神,又会可怕到什么程度呢?根本不可能是他们能够对抗的啊! The Dragon God vision looked finally to Asura God. 龙神的目光终于看向了修罗神 High Lord......” Asura God lowers the head slowly, does not dare with his vision looking at each other. at present said that anything to does not have the significance mistakenly. Even by the Dragon God strength, body together take action that whole God Realm survives, possibly is not his opponent. So long as Dragon God thinks, he can reply at an exceptional pace. 主上……”修罗神缓缓低下了头,不敢和他的目光对视。现在说什么对错已经没意义了。以龙神的实力,就算整个神界存活下来的身体一起出手,也不可能是他的对手。只要龙神想,他就能够以惊人的速度回复。 trymad1 ( gad2 ) ; catch ( ex ) Dragon God has not opened the mouth, he held up Rising Dragons Pillar in hand slowly. trymad1(gad2);catch(ex)龙神没有开口,他只是缓缓举起了手中的升龙柱 Seeing that shortly afterward, Asura God, the good god and evil god shock, a dazzling nine-colored brilliance burns from Dragon God. 紧接着,修罗神、善良之神和邪恶之神就震撼的看到,一层刺目的九彩光焰从龙神身上燃烧而起。 That dazzling nine-colored brilliance erupts, the courage vigor in God Realm filling starts crazily collects in the Dragon God direction. Not only that blood-color the blood, is the innumerable complaints, particularly came from the Dragon Clan complaint. At this moment, all under the Rising Dragons Pillar absorption of Dragon God, condenses toward Dragon God. 那刺目的九彩光焰爆发,神界之中弥漫的血气开始疯狂的朝着龙神的方向汇集过来。那血色不只是鲜血,更是无数的怨念,尤其是来自于龙族的怨念。此时此刻,全都在龙神升龙柱吸附之下,朝着龙神凝聚。 In the processes of absorb these courage vigor, the Rising Dragons Pillar surface covered blood-color gradually, but, the whole God Realm blood light actually in disappearance gradually, revealed surviving God Realm of sores all over the eye. 吸收这些血气的过程中,升龙柱表面都渐渐蒙上了一层血色,但是,整个神界的血光却在渐渐的消失,露出了满目疮痍的残存神界 Dragon God nine-colored brilliance combustion was even more fierce, God Realm starts slightly trembles, broken God Realm converges toward the interior, a faint trace immortal spiritual qi is born under the nine-colored brilliance stimulation of Dragon God combustion, is consolidating already God Realm that may collapse anytime. 龙神身上的九彩光焰燃烧的越发的剧烈了,神界开始轻微的震颤起来,残破的神界朝着内部会聚,一丝丝仙灵之气龙神燃烧的九彩光焰刺激之下重新诞生,稳固着已经随时都有可能崩溃的神界 High Lord, you......” three big God King can certainly see, at this moment, the Dragon God body is burning the nine-colored brilliance is his God King life flame! Received heavily damaged Dragon God, does that will only deepen his body wound. 主上,您……”三大神王当然看得出,此时此刻,龙神身上燃烧着的九彩光焰乃是他的神王生命火焰啊!本就受到了重创的龙神,这么做只会加深他的身体创伤。 However, God Realm under the strength function of Dragon God formidable, starts gradually becomes must consolidate, that all complaints and courage vigor by clean of his absorb. 但是,神界龙神强大的力量作用下,开始渐渐的变得稳固下来,那所有的怨念、血气都被他吸收的一干二净。 All God(s) of surviving, can see Dragon God here situation at this moment, are they one by one complexion are also pale? 所有残存的神诋,此时此刻都能看到龙神这边的情况,他们又何尝不是一个个脸色惨白呢? God Realm shatter most, Dragon Clan perishes, in their hands is almost contaminating the blood of Dragon Clan. Although this also to protect oneself. But, in front of formidable Supreme God King, any explanation is so pale. After all, they slaughtered this God King complete clansman! 神界破碎大半,龙族殒灭,他们的手上几乎都沾染着龙族的鲜血。虽然这也是为了自保。可是,在如此强大至高神王面前,任何的解释都是苍白的。毕竟,他们杀戮了这位神王的全部族人啊! Dragon God brilliance starts becomes desalinates gradually, God Realm also stabilized finally. whole God Realm, only then before was less than 1/10 big, aura even also insufficient originally 1%, but consolidated finally. Not shatter danger. 龙神身上的光焰开始变得渐渐淡化,神界也终于稳定了下来。整个神界,只有之前不到十分之一大,气息甚至还不足原本的百分之一,但总算是稳固了下来。没有再破碎的危险。 This is Dragon God, by one's own strength can as before to pull strongly against a crazy tide Dragon God. Even if he had caused heavy losses, as before is formidable in this way, can achieve thing that other three big God King cannot achieve jointly as before. 这就是龙神,凭借一己之力依旧能够力挽狂澜龙神。哪怕他早已受到重创,也依旧是强大如斯,依旧能够做到其他三大神王联手也做不到的事情
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