DD3DKL :: Volume #12

#1170: Tang Wulin VS Wu Zhangkong

very powerful! 好强 Present Teacher Wu, with the aid of the Sky Frost Sword influence weather Transformation temperature, at least lowered one time compared with before. 现在的舞老师,借助天霜剑影响天气变化的温度,比以前至少低了一倍吧。 blue Sky Frost Sword appears, without the gaudiness of least bit, the blue glow arrived in front of Tang Wulin. 蓝色天霜剑横空出世,没有半点的花哨,一点蓝芒就已经到了唐舞麟面前。 Before compares, Wu Zhangkong attack succinct, but obviously is also more effective. 和以前相比,舞长空攻击更加的简洁,但也明显更加有效。 Sky Frost Sword has not arrived, in feeling, Tang Wulin has oneself Heart was frozen the feeling. 天霜剑还没到,在感觉上,唐舞麟就有种自己心脏被冰冻了似的感受。 At this time, Wu Siduo they noticed that Wu Zhangkong must compare notes with Tang Wulin unexpectedly, all stopped the footsteps, the look stagnates is watching this competition. They also want to take a look, actually Tang Wulin grows now any degree. 此时,舞丝朵他们看到舞长空竟然要和唐舞麟切磋,也不禁全都停下了脚步,眼神凝滞的观看着这场比赛。他们也都想要看看,唐舞麟现在究竟成长到了什么程度。 Their five, may be the Tang Wulin Once competitors! Although Time has somewhat been convinced to Tang Wulin, but circumstances changes with the time, in the past such long Time, whose who weakly has been possible is very difficult to say now. They are also very confident regarding the promotion of oneself. Since Shrek Academy was destroyed, their total involvement placed has cultivated on the face, almost every time in the assiduous effort, they did not believe that in this case, hasn't been able to overtake even surpasses Tang Wulin? 他们五个,可都是唐舞麟曾经的竞争对手啊!虽然有一段时间唐舞麟已经有些服气了,可是时过境迁,过去了这么长时间,现在孰强孰弱可就很难说了。他们对于自己的提升也都很有信心。自从史莱克学院被毁之后,他们全身心的都放在了修脸上,几乎每时每刻的都在刻苦努力,他们不信,在这种情况下,还不能追上甚至是超过唐舞麟吗? Through Teacher Wu and Tang Wulin this comparing notes, their nature can see that present Tang Wulin grew any degree. Under the oppression of Teacher Wu, his ability will certainly not have to hide. 通过舞老师唐舞麟这场切磋,他们自然就能看出,现在的唐舞麟成长到了什么程度。在舞老师的压迫下,他的能力必将无所遁形。 Tang Wulin moved, facing Wu Zhangkong attack, he does not dare to have slight careless, under foot ring of light raises, is actually not Soul Ring ray of light, entire five golden-colored Soul Ring increase from the under foot. Meanwhile, on him also bursts out golden-colored. 唐舞麟动了,面对舞长空攻击,他不敢有丝毫大意,脚下一圈圈光环升起,却并非魂环光芒,整整五圈金色魂环从脚下攀升。与此同时,他身上也迸发出一层金色 The body of Tang Wulin whole person inflated more than two meters instantaneously high, skin surface diamond-shaped golden-colored scales covered. But releases that golden-colored ray of light that from him just likes the essence is ordinary. 唐舞麟整个人的身体瞬间膨胀到了两米多高,皮肤表面菱形金色鳞片覆盖。而从他身上释放出的那一层金色光芒却犹如实质一般。 After Wu Zhangkong Sky Frost Sword stabs that gold glow(s), gold glow(s) suddenly becomes insightful, looks like transparent golden-colored crystal is ordinary, flood layer upon layer ripples, Sky Frost Sword is continuing thoroughly, actually just like the stabbing boasting, speed quickly waned did not say that Sky Frost Sword itself also appeared, that golden-colored ray of light ripples spread, resisted Sky Frost Sword attack unexpectedly reluctantly. 舞长空天霜剑刺中那金芒之后,金芒突然变得通透起来,就像是透明的金色水晶一般,泛起一层层涟漪,天霜剑在继续深入,却宛如刺中牛皮,速度骤减不说,天霜剑本身也显现出来,那金色光芒涟漪扩散,竟然勉强抵挡住了天霜剑攻击 Tang Wulin right hand Golden Dragon Claw lifted at this time, grasps like lightning to Sky Frost Sword, at the same time, his back a pair of golden-colored dragon wing(s) extend came. 唐舞麟的右手金龙爪就在这个时候抬了起来,闪电般抓向天霜剑,与此同时,他背后一双金色龙翼就已经舒展开来。 What that is golden light (Jin Guang)?” Zheng Yiran dumbfounded asking, the arrogant expression on face also vanished the flash. “那金光是什么?”郑怡然不禁目瞪口呆的问道,脸上的高傲表情也随之消失了一瞬间。 Wu Zhangkong Sky Frost Sword is sharp, they are clear, may in this case, Tang Wulin block unexpectedly. Moreover with species in screen and so on ability blocks, cannot see him is use any Soul Skill. 舞长空天霜剑有多么锋锐,他们再清楚不过了,可在这种情况下,唐舞麟居然挡住了。而且是用一种类似于护罩之类的能力挡住,更看不出他是动用的什么魂技 Yang Nianxia attention is actually not these, he muttered the tunnel: I remember right the words, previous time see his time, this has three with bloodline related golden-colored Soul Ring! Then how long, unexpectedly turned into five? His cultivation......” 杨念夏注意的却不是这些,他喃喃地道:“我记得没错的话,上次见到他的时候,他这和血脉有关的金色魂环只有三个啊!这才多久,竟然就已经变成五个了吗?那他的修为……” In their hearts guess and doubts, but at this moment, the genuine collision of Tang Wulin and Wu Zhangkong started. 他们心中都在猜测和疑惑,而就在这时,唐舞麟舞长空真正碰撞开始了。 Moves the Sky Frost Sword flash in Tang Wulin Golden Dragon Claw, Sky Frost Sword loudly blast, changes into a lot of sword thread(s), in has covered to Tang Wulin instantaneously. 就在唐舞麟金龙爪碰触到天霜剑的一瞬间,天霜剑轰然“炸开”,化为千百道剑丝,在瞬间向唐舞麟笼罩了上去。 Tang Wulin also had a scare, that matter golden light (Jin Guang) of body surface also suddenly becomes intense, at the same time, his right foot stamps suddenly, with the resonant dragon roar sound, eight Golden Dragon take-off. 唐舞麟也是吓了一跳,身体表面的那层金光也骤然变得强烈起来,与此同时,他右脚猛然跺地,伴随着嘹亮的龙吟声,八条金龙升空而起。 These Golden Dragon cannot see to have the least bit is the meanings of energy take shape, all just likes the essence is ordinary, in their appear(ance) instant, coils around instantaneously, has blocked following sword thread(s), fierce fluctuation that in the meantime, Golden Dragon Shakes the Earth produces, spread to the Wu Zhangkong under foot directly the past. 这些金龙根本看不出有半点是能量形成的意思,全都犹如实质一般,在它们出现的刹那,瞬间盘绕而起,阻断了后续的剑丝,同时,金龙撼地产生的剧烈震荡,直接就向舞长空脚下蔓延了过去。 Although Wu Zhangkong is Titled Douluo stage Elite, but Tang Wulin also and has with this stage Elite has fought. 虽然舞长空已经是封号斗罗层次强者了,但唐舞麟也并不是没有和这种层次强者交过手。 Initially in Blood God Corps, Blood Nine is also Titled Douluo stage, because underestimated Tang Wulin, even also planted in the Tang Wulin subordinate. But that time Tang Wulin cannot compared with the present. 当初在血神军团的时候,血九也是封号斗罗层次,因为小看了唐舞麟,甚至还栽在了唐舞麟手下。而那时候的唐舞麟又远不能和现在相比了。 Therefore, although he in Wu Zhangkong this time cultivation, does not have the least bit to fear surprisedly. 所以,虽然他惊讶于舞长空此时的修为,却没有半点惧怕。 That matter ray of light that blooms from him, is Dragon's Aura. 从他身上绽放的那层光芒,正是龙罡 Dragon's Aura and Dragon's Might, do not break through Eleventh Layer Seal to take to him, but after completes Martial Soul Avatar, but after letting his body and Golden Dragon King bloodline further fuses, appear(ance). 龙罡龙威,并不是突破第十一层封印带给他的,而是完成武魂真身之后,让他的身体与金龙王血脉进一步融合之后而出现的。 Facing Wu Zhangkong, Tang Wulin has used Dragon's Aura directly, flavor that not having the least bit must hide contraband. Starts with Golden Dragon Shakes the Earth, the imposing manner of Tang Wulin whole person also suddenly changes. 面对舞长空,唐舞麟直接就将龙罡用了出来,没有半点要藏私的味道。伴随着金龙撼地发动,唐舞麟整个人的气势也是骤然一变。 In the feeling of Wu Zhangkong, when the Tang Wulin right foot stamps that flash of place, his body is similar golden-colored air current to blast out suddenly, but this golden-colored air current made him stagnate slightly, seemed to be slow including spiritual, Tang Wulin in his eyes also as if instantaneously was becoming big. 舞长空的感觉中,当唐舞麟右脚跺地的那一瞬间,他身上仿佛有一股金色气流骤然炸开,而这股金色气流令他微微一滞,连精神仿佛都迟钝了,在他眼中的唐舞麟也似乎在瞬间变得高大起来。 Was such an absent-minded instance, fluctuation of under foot arrived. 就是这么一恍惚的瞬间,脚下的震荡就已经到了。 Wu Zhangkong what kind cultivation, comes in immediately reaction, the under foot blue light dodges, he has soared, in the place that he stood does not know that were when many Icicle(s), is promoting his body take-off. 舞长空何等修为,还是在第一时间反应过来,脚下蓝光一闪,他已是腾空而起,在他原本站立的地方不知道什么时候多了一根冰锥,推动着他的身体升空 But that eight Golden Dragon were actually unforgiving, directly soars him to throw. 但那八条金龙却是不依不饶,直奔他扑了上来。 Tang Wulin Dragon's Aura fluctuation, sword thread(s) falls on above, with shock-burst, was melted in abundance. This is the ingenious function that Dragon's Aura and Golden Dragon Shock-Burst unify. 唐舞麟身上龙罡震荡,剑丝落在其上,伴随着一声声震爆,被纷纷化解。这正是龙罡金龙震爆相结合的巧妙作用。 Dragon's Might and Dragon's Aura most fearful place lies, they are Golden Dragon King natural talent ability, can unify perfectly above Golden Dragon King any ability. But passes through these many actual combat, in addition the large scale promotion of Spiritual Power, present Tang Wulin, own cultivation already was in the Return to Natural State degree, Golden Dragon King ability can very flexible utilization, but did not need each skill separatedly to use. 龙威龙罡最可怕的地方就在于,它们乃是金龙王天赋能力,能够完美的结合在金龙王任何能力之上。而经过这么多实战,再加上精神力的大幅度提升,现在的唐舞麟,自身修为早就已经到了返璞归真程度,一身金龙王能力已经能够非常灵活的运用,而不需要每一个技能都分开使用了。 Wu Zhangkong is in airborne, Sky Frost Sword increases suddenly, is divided into eight instantaneously, eight sword light drop from the clouds, chops to fly eight Golden Dragon instantaneously, then changes into the sword wheel, the imposing manner of then dropping from the clouds, directly soars Tang Wulin to cut. 舞长空身在空中,天霜剑骤然变大,瞬间一分为八,八道剑光从天而降,将八条金龙瞬间劈飞,然后再化为剑轮,接着从天而降的气势,直奔唐舞麟斩去。 Is Teacher Wu, in the Tang Wulin heart this thought arises spontaneously really worthily. 真不愧是舞老师,唐舞麟心中这个念头油然而生。 Meanwhile, he also started at this time, golden-colored ring of light blooms rapidly in the under foot, at the same time, five golden-colored ring of light instantaneous switch have become Seven Soul Rings, what glittering is Third Soul Ring. Blue Silver Golden Light Array. 与此同时,他也在这时发动了,一圈金色光环在脚下迅速绽放开来,与此同时,身上的五个金色光环瞬间切换成了七个魂环,闪烁着的是第三魂环。正是蓝银金光阵 Blue Silver Golden Light Array besides Control, biggest properties is Element Peeling. But the Sky Frost Sword strongest place lies in the ice element in addition holds. His is must strip Wu Zhangkong Element(s) attribute. 蓝银金光阵除了控制之外,最大的特性就是元素剥离。而天霜剑最强的地方就在于冰元素的加持。他这是要剥离舞长空元素属性 Luo Guixing frown that the distant place observes, „is Wulin this is doing? At this time, he could also attend to making these facing Teacher Wu?” In his opinion, Tang Wulin this simply is the behavior of courting death. Teacher Wu what kind power? Also can wait till him to complete the Element Peeling effect? The sword that Sky Frost Sword drops from the clouds how round resists Ah? 远处观战的骆桂星不禁皱眉,“舞麟这是在干什么?这个时候,面对舞老师他还顾得上做这些?”在他看来,唐舞麟这简直就是找死的行为。舞老师何等实力?还能等到他完成元素剥离的效果?天霜剑从天而降的剑轮怎么抵挡啊? But at this moment, Tang Wulin showed to let one that the numerous (representatives) schoolfellow shocked. 而就在这时,唐舞麟展现出了让众位同窗震撼的一幕。 His eyes has shone suddenly, raises head to look at the day, in eyes golden light (Jin Guang) suddenly to launch, the corner of the eye place even as if has golden-colored ray of light to flow the overflow to be ordinary. 他的双眸猛然亮了起来,仰头望天,双眸之中金光暴射,眼角处甚至仿佛有金色光芒流淌溢出一般。 Golden Dragon Spear starts outrageously, spear stab out, A Thousand Fingers Condemn! 黄金龙枪悍然入手,一枪刺出,千夫所指 Myriad gold glow(s) bloom and collects, welcomed the Wu Zhangkong sword wheel directly, did not dodge does not evade, hardly shook! 万千道金芒绽放、收束,直接迎上了舞长空的剑轮,不闪不避,就是硬撼! When thunders just likes the distant ding ripples, the Tang Wulin body shakes slightly, the whole body has covered incorruptible instantaneously, but these incorruptible, in the protection and under foot of Dragon's Aura started to have under the Blue Silver Golden Light Array function of function, rapid dissipation. “当”轰鸣犹如悠远的钟声荡漾开来,唐舞麟身体微微一震,全身瞬间蒙上了一层冰霜,但这些冰霜在龙罡的守护和脚下已经开始产生作用的蓝银金光阵作用下,迅速消散。 But eight Sky Frost Sword Ice Wheel that airborne drops from the clouds actually in instantaneous to shatter, change into inundates the Sky Ice powder, has revealed the Wu Zhangkong form. 而空中从天而降的八道天霜剑冰轮却在瞬间破碎,化为漫天冰粉,也露出了舞长空的身影。 In that flash, on the Wu Zhangkong face revealed the color of surprise. 在那一瞬间,就连舞长空脸上都流露出了诧异之色。 Although he already knows that Tang Wulin cultivation has achieved Seven Rings, moreover by his Golden Dragon King bloodline stage, power definitely under ordinary Seven Rings Soul Saint. But has not thought that meets the tough head-on with toughness directly, everybody is in the Assault System Battle Soul Master situation, he can actually receive the oneself sword wheel. Must know that he truly has not kept the hand, this is Titled Douluo stage attack. 虽然他早就知道唐舞麟修为达到了七环,而且以他的金龙王血脉层次,实力肯定远在普通七环魂圣之下。但也没想到,正面硬碰硬,大家都是强攻系战魂师的情况下,他竟然能够接下自己的剑轮。要知道,他确实是没有留手,这可是封号斗罗层次攻击 The terrifying Puncture strength that in Tang Wulin that spear|gun contains, in the spear|gun the attack strength and Puncture of representative, have to evade its sharply including him, this is the performance of what kind formidable! 唐舞麟那一枪之中蕴含的恐怖穿刺力,还有枪中代表的攻击力与穿刺,连他都不得不避其锋锐,这是何等强悍的表现啊! cultivation differs that many, under just collision, Tang Wulin did not drop the wind. 修为相差那么多,在刚刚的碰撞下,唐舞麟丝毫不落下风。 Nearby Wu Siduo, Luo Guixing and the others also looked to stay, did he grow unexpectedly this degree? It seems does not have what special place, unexpectedly and blocked Teacher Wu All-Out to strike unexpectedly? They do not have anybody to achieve this point! 旁边的舞丝朵骆桂星等人也都看呆了,他竟然已经成长到了这种程度吗?看上去也没有什么特殊的地方,居然、居然就挡住了舞老师全力一击?他们可是没有任何人能够做到这一点啊! ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Welcome everybody to join our believes Platform, joins the method to be very simple, the micro letter, the top right-hand corner plus sign, increases the friend, searches the public number, searching Tang Jia San Shao, the public number is tjss33, is our families. We will issue some amusing public number contents frequently, including some related film and television and animation newest information, some my short stories and so on. 欢迎大家加入我们的微信平台,加入方法很简单,微信,右上角加号,添加朋友,查找公众号,搜索唐家三少,公众号码是tjss33的,就是我们的家。我们会经常发布一些好玩的公众号内容,包括一些有关影视、动画的最新资讯,一些我的中短篇小说之类。
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