DTOPB :: Volume #7 最终之战

#1154: Finally war ( 5 )

After Human Race by seal, degenerates into the most low status life, with other wise race same places, crosses is degenerating into the miserable live of food. 人族被封印后,沦为最低等的生命,和其他智族一起,过着沦为食物的悲惨生活。 Spiritual God aloof and above mundane things, absorption belief, enjoys to prostrate oneself as before. 神灵们依旧高高在上,吸收信仰,享受膜拜。 That once to Human Race Qi Lian small Dream God, is surviving as before free. Walks randomly in the life dreamland, shuttle is slurping the spirit power quantity. 那个曾经向人族祈怜的小小梦神,也依旧逍遥的存活着。游走于生命的梦境,穿梭吸食着精神力量。 The majority of times, he such loafs, is mature until his fruit. 大部分时候,他就这么游来荡去,直到他的一颗果子成熟。 Each fruit is Dream Spirit, each Dream Spirit is also his child. These Dream Spirit dwelling on the body of Dream God, like his antenna, can the information of sensation outside, can help him release the prestige energy of god, is the Dream God unique method. However also that is all. 每一个果子都是一个梦精灵,每一个梦精灵也都是他的孩子。这些梦精灵栖息在梦神的身上,就象他的触角,可以感知更外界的信息,也可以帮他释放神的威能,是梦神特有的手段。然也仅此而已了。 Until this day, birth of Dream Spirit changed his god to live. 直到这一天,一个梦精灵的降生改变了他的神生。 Dream Spirit is a mischievous and peaceful life. Said that it mischievous because of them always chirp speech, words many are not good, moreover is that type is full of the naive words. Peaceful because of except for speech, other they as if not anything. Every day flees on Spirit Plundering Tree, leaves the tree independent growth the wish not to have continually. 梦精灵是一种调皮而又安静的生命。说它调皮是因为它们总是叽叽喳喳的讲话,话多的不行,而且是那种充满天真的话语。安静则是因为除了说话,它们似乎也不会别的什么了。每天就是在盗灵树上窜来窜去,连离开树独立成长的意愿都没有。 This Dream Spirit is different. 这个梦精灵却不同。 It little spoke, always alone silently, therefore its name is. 它很少说话,总是独自一个默默的,所以它的名字就叫默。 But is never silently law-abiding, will run once for a while to Spirit Plundering Tree, yearns for outside world. 但默却从不安分,时不时就会跑离盗灵树,向往外面的世界 Dream God has to time and time again grasps silently returns to own body, told it outside danger. 梦神不得不一次又一次的把默抓回到自己的身上,告诉它外面的危险。 But silently actually turns a deaf ear. 可是默却总是听不进去。 Most of the time, its alone is pondering, occasionally, will continue, once for a while will be Dream God will also annoy some disasters to come back. 大多数时候,它独自一个思考着,偶尔,就会继续出去,时不时还会为梦神惹些祸事回来。 For example stole food some god Spirit Seed to plant the millennium grass that also or was one crowd of outcastes donates the rain and dew, granted them the lucky reason. 比如偷吃了某个神灵种植的千年草,又或者为一群贱民布施雨露,赐予他们福缘。 Each Dream God catches it, must teach its. 每一次梦神把它抓回来,都要教训它一番。 At that time, silent will say: Father, why can I continuously in your side? Why can't I alone grow?” 那个时候,默就会说:“父亲,为什么我要一直在你的身边?为什么我不能独自成长?” Because this is the Dream Spirit destiny. I, am your world.” Dream God replied. “因为这就是梦精灵的命运。我,就是你们的世界。”梦神回答。 Dream Spirit was born in Spirit Plundering Tree, dies of Spirit Plundering Tree, Spirit Plundering Tree is their world. 梦精灵生于盗灵树,也死于盗灵树,盗灵树就是它们的世界 However silent different. 但是默不同。 It did not plan obviously observes this to be the Dream Spirit destiny. 它显然不打算遵守这份属于梦精灵的命运。 One night, it ran. 有一天晚上,它跑了。 It like this ran to Spirit Plundering Tree, forever lost the association with Dream God. 它就这样跑离了盗灵树,永远的与梦神失了联。 Regarding Dream God, loses Dream Spirit not to have what extraordinary, silent departure makes him somewhat sad freely, actually also that is all. 对于梦神而言,失去一个梦精灵并没有什么了不起,尽管默的离开让他有些伤心,却也仅此而已了。 Until many years later some day, a will has connected him suddenly. 直到很多年后的某一天,一个意志突然连通了他。 It called his father. 它叫他父亲。 Father, I am.” “父亲,我是默。” „?” Dream God starts to think that this name is anyone. “默?”梦神开始想这个名字到底属于谁。 The time was too long, the child were too many, Dream God too cannot remember own child. 时间太长了,孩子太多了,以致于梦神都不太能记得自己的孩子。 Was good thinks finally because of him. 好在他终于还是想起来了。 „, My child, is you. Are you actually also living?” “默,我的孩子,原来是你。你竟然还活着?” Is father, I am also living. Left your time, I crossed somewhat difficultly, but I rejoiced very much I lived.” “是的父亲,我还活着。离开您的那段时间,我过得有些艰难,但我很庆幸我活下来了。” You now where? How do you relate my?” “你现在在哪里?你是怎么联系我的?” I in very far place, I relate through the dreamland very much your. Here, our spirit power can enlarge infinitely.” “我在很远很远的地方,我是通过梦境联系您的。在这里,我们的精神力可以无限放大。” Yes, why is I am not able the sensation to your existence?” “是的,可是为什么我无法感知到你的存在?” That precisely I must tell you, father. I have discovered that I discovered that dreamland world also has the so broad space, but also has the great development potential. The father, you are the god of dreamland, but you are also far from developing the power of god of dreamland.” “那正是我要告诉您的,父亲。我发现了,我发现梦境的世界还有着如此宽广的空间,还有着伟大的发展潜力。父亲,您是梦境的神,但你还远远没有把梦境之神的权能发展出来。” Power? What is that?” Dream God somewhat is at a loss. “权能?那是什么?”梦神有些迷惘。 Is your privileges, principle power that you control, your control to this world...... That is your power!” “就是您的权限,你所掌控的法则力量,您对这个世界的控制能力……那就是您的权能!” I am not clear.” Dream God is at a loss to say. Although is the god, the god but who lives from world, lives the strength that has, is knows its, however does not know its reason why. “我不明白。”梦神迷惘道。虽然是神,但是自天地而生的神,生而具有的力量,是知其然而不知其所以然。 Therefore Dream God puzzled essence, does not understand that said this saying significance. 所以梦神不解本质,也不明白默说这话的意义。 doesn’t matter, you only need to know, I can help you become am OK formidable.” silent Youyou said. 没关系,您只需要知道,我能帮您变得更强大就可以了。”默悠悠说道。 Is more formidable?” The understanding of Dream God to this word is actually very profound, the boundless prestige energy that the especially those high-rank gods, such as Time Lord, Light Lord, they show, every time makes him envy incomparably. “更加强大?”梦神对这个词的理解却是非常深刻的,尤其是那些上位神们,如时光之主,光辉之主,他们所展现出的无边威能,每一次都让他羡慕无比。 But now, says can bring all these. 而现在,默说能为带来这一切。 This made him excited. 这让他兴奋了。 How should I do?” He asked. “我该怎么做?”他问。 Weaves a dream world.” Replied. “编织一个梦的世界。”默回答。 From this day, Dream God starts under the silent direction, builds a dreamland kingdom. 从这天起,梦神开始在默的指引下,建立一个梦境王国。 Once dreamland, looked like a wilderness jungle. The dream of each life, in the weed that in this jungle naturally grows, the trees. 曾经的梦境,就象是一片荒野丛林。每一个生命的梦,都是在这丛林中自然生长的杂草,树木。 But Dream God can only shuttle back and forth the hunter in this jungle, can change here all. 梦神就是唯一能穿梭在这丛林中的猎人,可以改变这里的一切。 Once he, always does not want to pass to change. 只是曾经的他,从来未想过去改变。 However under the silent direction, all started differently. 但是在默的指引下,一切都开始不同了。 He starts to change the farmer from the hunter, changes the jungle the appearance. 他开始从猎人转向农夫,改变丛林的面貌。 The dreamlands of innumerable life like this are changing under the operation of Dream God, the dreamland jungle also therefore has the tremendous changes, the primitive wild aura vanishes gradually, but is a more orderly recuperation crosses the land that. Here, Dream God is highest Ruler, is the ruler of myriad things. 无数生命的梦境就这样在梦神的操纵下变化着,梦境丛林也因此出现翻天覆地的变化,原始蛮荒的气息渐渐消失,待之而起的是一片更加有秩序的休整过的土地。在这里,梦神就是最高的主宰,是万物的统治者。 Draws support in the dreamland supreme status, Dream God is absorbing spirit power of other lives unceasingly, is promoting itself rapidly. 借助于梦境中至高无上的地位,梦神不断吸收着其他生灵的精神力,迅速提升着自己。 But the Dream Spirit also no longer safe may do. 梦精灵们也不再无事可做。 They had oneself work, is helps Dream God maintain dreamland world, each Dream Spirit has become the Dream God worker, makes the contributions for the prosperity of dreamland world. 他们有了自己的工作,就是帮助梦神维持梦境世界,每一个梦精灵都成了梦神的打工者,为梦境世界的繁荣做出贡献。 Naturally, from the beginning, so-called dreamland world is also only one piece wild, Dream God and silent effort, activate in this barbarian desolate a small city. 当然,在一开始,所谓的梦境世界还只是一片蛮荒,梦神与默的努力,也只是在这片蛮荒中开启了一个小小城市。 May this, gradually form with world that the reality opposes. 可就算这样,一个与现实对立的世界也还是逐渐成形了。 Meanwhile, some new situations occur outside. 与此同时,一些新的情况在外面发生。 Human Race, had the movement once more. 人族,再次有了动作。 When nobody knows is, Human Race has broken through the seal unexpectedly. 没有人知道是什么时候,人族竟然冲破了封印。 Some Human Race actually had the strength of immortal, and saves the preparation to resist All Gods unceasingly once more. 一些人族竟然重新拥有了仙的力量,并不断积攒着准备再次对抗诸神 Failure that however second time resists first time is more frigid. 不过第二次对抗的失败比第一次更惨烈。 Because Human Race is unable to withstand the oppression of All Gods, did not display this strength in a resistance carefully, once let immortal power appearance of once again All Gods dreaded greatly, directly has initiated the panic of All Gods, take action, disappeared Human Race personally once again. 因为一个人族无法承受诸神的压迫,在一次对抗中不小心展现出了这力量,曾经让诸神大为忌惮的仙力的再度出现,直接引发了诸神的恐慌,亲自出手,再度泯灭了人族 Moreover these time stemming from dreaded to Human Race’s, they decide no longer to retain this race, but annihilates it completely. 而且这一次出于对人族的忌惮,他们决定不再保留这个种族,而是将其全部湮灭。 Yes, does not remain, kills off completely. 是的,一个不留,全部杀光。 They also indeed achieved. 他们也的确做到了。 Naturally, such neat method, made them miss a matter, how was Human Race to break through the seal, how also to collude. 当然,这么干脆利落的手段,也让他们错过了一件事,就是人族到底如何冲破封印的,又是如何勾结的。 Knows only, perhaps was silent. 唯一知道的,或许就是默了。 Silent, naturally initially that entered the Human Race leader in Dream God body. 默,自然就是当初那个进入梦神身体中的人族首领。 Remembers in his awakening, knew after own status, what he continuously in doing everything possible is Human Race struggles freely, for this reason he unites Dream God specially, constructs dreamland world, for unites Human Race through the dreamland, teaches the method of crack seal, accumulates the strength, stages a rebellion once again. 在他觉醒记忆,知道了自己的身份之后,他就一直在想方设法的为人族自由而奋斗,为此他特意联合梦神,建造梦境世界,为的就是通过梦境联合人族,传授破解封印的方法,积累力量,再度起事。 However fights the price that needs to pay for the freedom is such big, big to even exterminates the clan, made Human Ancestor almost collapse thoroughly. 然而为了自由而战所需要付出的代价是如此之大,大到甚至灭族,却让人祖几乎彻底崩溃了。 Especially when All Gods wields the butcher knife, decided when to Human Race does not remain, Human Ancestor thorough despairs. 尤其是当诸神挥起屠刀,决定对人族一个都不留时,人祖彻底绝望了。 On that day, he by the Dream Spirit status, alone walked randomly in this world. 那一天,他以梦精灵的身份,独自游走于这个世界 He knows, this world is not them, does not belong to Human Race. 他知道,这个世界不属于他们,不属于人族 At that moment, what he thinks ends itself. 那一刻,他想的是终结自己。 Ended itself, ends this world last Human Race consciousness, making Human Race no longer exist, no longer has the so-called pain, suffering, with fighting. 终结了自己,终结掉这世界最后一个人族意识,让人族不再存在,也就不再有所谓的痛苦,煎熬,与争战。 At that time, he arrived at small lakeside. 就在那个时候,他来到了一个小湖边 In lakeside, he saw a corpse. 湖边,他看到了一具尸体。 A Human Race’s corpse. 一具人族的尸体。 Just died soon Human Race corpse. 一具刚死不久的人族尸体。 silent even can also feel opposite party that not loose soul to relate to oneself, related his pain. 默甚至还能感受到对方那不散的灵魂在向自己诉说,诉说他的痛苦。 Originally this called sorrowful Human Race, was one has natural defect Human Race-- his body has the enormous flaw, will never awaken immortal power. 原来这个叫哀的人族,是一个有着天然缺陷的人族——他的身体有着极大的缺陷,永远都不可能觉醒仙力 This lets him forever only to be ordinary, is unable to become an immortal. 这让他永远只能平凡,无法成仙。 Naturally, the ordinary advantage lies in he can live is longer. 当然,平凡的好处在于他可以活的久一些。 Human Race that therefore he almost died finally. 所以他几乎是最后死去的人族 May so, his heart be sorrowful, is unwilling. 可就算如此,他的心是悲痛的,也是不甘的。 He longs for that died in battle like other people, but is not such obscure departure. 他渴望像其他人一样战死,而不是就这样默默无闻的离开。 His resentment is so obvious, profoundly felt. 他的怨气如此明显,以致于默都深刻感受到了。 At that moment, silent Turan realized, resistance had not ended. 那一刻,默突然意识到,抗争还没有结束。 The remnant soul dissipation of sorrow. 哀的残魂消散了。 The corpse actually still exists. 尸体却依然存在。 silent guard by the corpse, pondered long time, finally chooses entered this corpse. 默守在尸体旁,思考良久,最终选择了进入这具尸体。 Therefore this, gave up the body of Dream Spirit, returned Human Race within the body. 于是就这样,默放弃了梦精灵的身体,又重新回到了人族体内。 This time he, has become this world only Human Race. 此时的他,也已成了这世界唯一的人族 He, is the ancestor of Human Race! 他,就是人族之祖!
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