DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1066: New god of death

Ash has not thought, made Lord Soul that one went after like ducks in the entire soul world, unexpectedly in a hand grasped in the existence eye of Lord Soul such could not withstand... 灰烬从来没有想到,在整个魂世界都令人趋之若鹜的王魂,竟然在一个手握王魂的存在眼中是如此的不堪… Calls it the shackles, regarding it is the burden, should this really have the attitude that facing Lord Soul? In other words, this is should a King who has Lord Soul have the idea that? 称其为枷锁,视其为累赘,这真的是面对王魂应该有的态度吗?或者换句话说,这是一个拥有王魂的王者应该有的想法吗? Ash fixes the eyes on Lord Soul in hand to be lost in thought that Neet's shaking the head of gently, retroceded slowly two steps, in Ash to ponder said in a low voice „the present... you want, should fulfill your duty in your hands, to me who I want?” 灰烬紧盯着手中的王魂陷入了沉思,尼特轻轻的摇了摇头,缓缓地后退了两步,冲着沉思中的灰烬低声说道“现在…你想要的已经在你手中了,是不是该履行你的义务,将我想要的给我呢?” Ash lifted the head slowly, looked at a present Neet meaningfully, backhandedly before own backpack must come the death authority that to throw from Hela where to Neet this is second, last in Freya, is in the woman hand of my side, I had reached an agreement with her, you managed her to directly good...” 灰烬缓缓地抬起了头,意味深长的看了一眼眼前的尼特,反手从自己的背包之中将之前从海拉哪里要来的死亡权柄扔向了尼特“这就是第二份,最后一份在芙蕾雅,也就是我身边的这个女人手里,我已经跟她谈好了,你直接管她要就行了…” Received Ash to deliver to authority in the hand, Neet has turned the head slowly, looks to standing in the Ash body side, has been sizing up own Goddess ... 接过了灰烬送到自己手中的权柄,尼特缓缓地转过头,看向站在灰烬身侧,一直在打量自己的女神 I listen to Valkyrie to raise you, the Vanaheimr queen, the king of Valkyrie... Freya, your time comes on own initiative, should, not only dead the authority delivers to my hand!” “我听女武神们提起过你,华纳海姆的女王,女武神之王…芙蕾雅,你这次主动前来,应该不只是为了将死亡的权柄送到我手中的吧!” Neet does not have first to inquire that the issue of death authority, stemmed from unexpected of Freya actually , during seems like this skeleton head imagined must have the patience... 尼特没有第一时间询问死亡权柄的问题,倒是出乎芙蕾雅的意料之外,看起来这个骷髅头比自己想象之中的还要有耐心… Deeply inspires, Freya shows a faint smile to Neet, very friendly saying this naturally is the main purpose, after all I complied with Ash these, but he also help, I do not want to disappoint him, next... I will want to take a look at the god of this world's future death, had a look at these by Valkyrie that I disappointed...” 深吸了一口气,芙蕾雅冲着尼特微微一笑,非常友善的说道“这当然是主要目的,毕竟我答应了灰烬这些,而他也帮了我很多的忙,我不想让他失望,其次…我想要看看这个世界未来的死亡之神,看看那些被我辜负的女武神们…” At this point, the Freya revolutions is slowly excessive, looked that to stood in Neet behind these Valkyrie... 说到这里,芙蕾雅缓缓地转过了头,看向了站在尼特身后的那些女武神们… Valkyrie you have a look at my me to have a look at you, no one knows that at this time should say anything, finally eldest sister head of Valkyrie, after Freya retirement, king of Xige takes office Valkyrie fluttered the Freya front to say Freya Goddess slowly, long time no see...” 女武神们你看看我我看看你,谁都不知道这个时候该说些什么,最后还是女武神们的大姐头,芙蕾雅退休之后上任的女武神之王希格露恩缓缓地飘飞到了芙蕾雅的面前说道“芙蕾雅女神,很久不见了…” Looks had lost the physical body, stood by the Soul condition in oneself front, in the eye of Freya flashed through a apology, gently lowers the head saying that was sorry very much, I did not have the means to save you at that time...” 看着已经失去了肉体,以灵魂状态站在自己面前的希格露恩,芙蕾雅的眼中闪过了一丝歉意,轻轻的低下头说道“很抱歉,我当时没办法去救你们…” Sighs lightly, shakes the head to say not, does not need to apologize, Freya Goddess , you are also the victim of Odin cruel rule, what at that time your can make?” 希格露恩轻叹了一口气,摇了摇头说道“不,不需要道歉,芙蕾雅女神,你也是奥丁残暴统治的受害者,当时你的又能做些什么呢?” Hears this saying, Freya cannot help but relaxes, shoots a look at gently stood in the one side calmly looks at own Neet, asked to a soft voice „, therefore... you were to decide to give loyalty to him now?” 听到这话,芙蕾雅不由得松了一口气,轻轻的瞥了一眼站在一旁静静的看着自己的尼特,冲着希格露恩轻声问道“所以…你们现在是决定效忠于他了吗?” Looked at Neet, deeply after inspiring, gently nods saying that „, Sir Neet suited existence of this responsibility truly, he compared with you... compared with Odin more appropriate many, he was willing truly for the god of death that the dead considered, rather than like Odin, all for own benefit...” 希格露恩将目光转向了尼特,深吸了一口气之后轻轻的点了点头说道“是的,尼特大人才是真正适合这份责任的存在,他比你…比奥丁更加合适的多,他才是真正愿意为了死者考虑的死神,而不是像奥丁一样,一切为了自己的利益…” Heard this saying, Freya nod of gently, stretch/leisurely launched oneself behind pair of wings... 听到这话,芙蕾雅轻轻的点了点头,舒展开了自己身后的双翼… The golden ray bloomed from the wing of Freya, the next quarter, the wing of Freya on without a trace of disappearance, changed to one group of golden brilliance, was held by her in the hand... 金色的光芒从芙蕾雅的翅膀上绽放了出来,下一刻,芙蕾雅的翅膀就消失的无影无踪,化作了一团金色的光辉,被她捧在手中… Grave king Neet... Ash called your, please let me call you.” “墓王尼特…灰烬是如此称呼你的,也请让我如此称呼你吧。” Naturally, Freya Goddess ...” “当然,芙蕾雅女神…” Lifted the hand, Freya held the ray in hand to reach Neet, serious looks that at present this so-called true god of death says this was the authority of last death you needed! My wing, had it, in addition Ash, gives you, you obtained to the absolute control power of death! I hope such that... you can such as they say, becomes a true god of death.” 抬起了手,芙蕾雅捧着手中的光芒伸向了尼特,一脸严肃的看着眼前这个所谓真正的死神说道“这就是你需要的最后一份死亡的权柄!我的翅膀,有了它,再加上灰烬之前给你的,你就获得了对死亡的绝对控制权!我希望…你能如他们说的那样,成为一个真正的死神。” Neet puts out a hand, gives own authority to integrate in the hand Freya, then took out beforehand Ash to his, without hesitation sent in these two lawful rights own mouth! 尼特伸出手,将芙蕾雅递给自己的权柄纳入手中,然后取出了之前灰烬给他的那一份,毫不犹豫的将这两份权柄送入了自己的嘴中! The authority when died combines, Neet's body changed to one group of grey mist, at this moment, Neet becomes here master! The entire nine deaths were grasped in this moment in Neet's hand! 当死亡的权柄合二为一,尼特的身躯化作了一团灰色的雾气,这一刻,尼特成为了这里的主人!整个九界的死亡在这一刻被握在了尼特的手中! The master as Hull ghostdom, here will also turn into the appearance that Neet hopes, bears the brunt, naturally was Hull ghostdom bad environment... stops suddenly in this moment in the entire Hull ghostdom Ling very cold cold wind suddenly, covers the cold ice of entire Hull ghostdom to start to melt also becomes just like the daytime common sky gloomy! 身为赫尔冥界的主人,这里也将会变成尼特希望的模样,首当其冲的,自然是赫尔冥界这恶劣的环境…在整个赫尔冥界凌冽的寒风在这一刻突然戛然而止,笼罩着整个赫尔冥界的寒冰开始消融原本宛如白昼一般天空也变得暗淡了起来! Underwent Soul that suffered to obtain innumerably peacefully in this moment in this, did not need to endure Ling very cold the cold wind again, did not need to undergo Soul again suffered... 无数在此经受折磨的灵魂在这一刻获得了安宁,不用再忍受凌冽的寒风,不用再经受灵魂的折磨… Such just as Neet said that dead Soul, must obtain peacefully... 正如尼特所说的那样,死去的灵魂,应当获得安宁… Looks at the Hull ghostdom of change, Freya cannot help but deeply inspires at present fast, the god of this death, imagined was more credible, solely was the transformation to the Hull ghostdom sneaks a peek at the god of this death sufficiently to these dead benevolent... 看着眼前飞快改变的赫尔冥界,芙蕾雅不由得深吸了一口气,这位死亡之神,比自己想象中的更加靠谱,单单是对赫尔冥界的改造就足以窥见这位死亡之神对这些死者的仁慈… Thinks of here, the Freya revolutions is excessive, looked that asked Ash to Ash in a soft voice, in your world, this Neet is also a qualified god of death?” 想到这里,芙蕾雅转过了头,看向了身旁的灰烬轻声问道“灰烬,在你们的那个世界,这个尼特也是一个合格的死神吗?” Un?” Ash lifted the head as if awakening from a dream generally, looked that to the side to Freya that oneself inquired, bewildered asking what did you say?” “嗯?”灰烬如梦初醒一般的抬起了头,看向了身旁向自己提问的芙蕾雅,一脸茫然的问道“你说什么?” Freya somewhat helpless turned Byakugan, looks saying that Ash does not know whether to laugh or cry you are in a daze again, I was asking that what kind of god of death your Neet in your world is...” 芙蕾雅有些无奈的翻了个白眼,看着灰烬哭笑不得的说道“你再发什么呆啊,我在问你尼特在你们的世界是一个怎样的死神…” Ash gently crooked head, after silent long time, shakes the head saying that this I have really not known, I have not seen him before this, but heard actually the grave king Neet's tomb was the whole world tranquilest place... remaining I do not know at that time, on the other hand, what kind of here is? Who drew in the window curtains? Suddenly so to be how dark?” 灰烬轻轻的歪了歪脑袋,沉默了良久之后摇了摇头说道“这个我还真不知道,我在来此之前没有见过他,不过倒是听说墓王尼特的墓穴是当时整个世界最宁静的地方…剩下的我就不知道了,话说回来,这里是怎么的了?谁把窗帘拉上了?怎么突然这么暗啊?” Freya turned Byakugan again, resigned-looking looks that Ash said this grave king Neet started to absorb the authority of death, and started to transform by this is his Hull ghostdom, what are you actually thinking? How can miss including such important matter...” 芙蕾雅再一次翻了个白眼,一脸无奈的看着灰烬说道“这位墓王尼特开始吸收死亡的权柄,并且以此开始改造属于他的赫尔冥界了,你到底在想什么呢?怎么连这么重要的事情都能错过…” Ash helpless flexure scratched the head, some do not know how should describe, silent a moment later, smiled bitterly saying that I in want a moment ago Neet to these words that I spoke. I am thinking all these that... I make until now are really my choices? Can be the destiny makes me feel, this is my choice? If so, that rather also too satirized!” 灰烬无奈的挠了挠头,有些是不知道该怎么形容,沉默了片刻之后,还是苦笑了一声说道“我在想刚才尼特跟我说的那些话。我在想…到现在为止我所做的这一切真的是我自己的选择吗?会不会是命运让我觉得,这是我的选择呢?如果是这样的话,那未免也太讽刺了吧!” Looks to fall into the self-doubt Ash, Freya puts out a hand gently according to the shoulder of Ash, looks that Ash saying one word at a time I do not know you are why dedicated in must fight with the destiny, why must defy the arrangement of destiny, I do not know the destiny that you resist is what kind of brutality, but Ash... you should not, for these illusory things worry, you so powerful, you can achieve the matter that many people cannot achieve, your existence is a very important matter, therefore... please must to with the destiny struggle, but will give to fold to go, perhaps... this. A destiny will look upon with favor in you also perhaps.” 看着陷入自我怀疑的灰烬,芙蕾雅伸出手轻轻的按在了灰烬的肩膀上,看着灰烬一字一顿的说道“我不知道你为什么执着于要与命运作斗争,为什么非要违抗命运的安排,我也不知道你所对抗的命运是何等的残酷,但是灰烬…你不该为了这些虚无缥缈的东西而烦恼,你是如此的强大,你能做到很多人做不到的事情,你的存在是一件非常重要的事情,所以…请务必不要为了跟命运斗争而将自己给折进去,也许…这一次命运会垂青于你也说不定。” Hears the Freya words, the Ash complexion instantaneous was better, to the Freya chuckle, Ash light saying comfort thank you, Freya, in my past day, who the destiny will not always look upon with favor in me... knows that perhaps the destiny these will choose me time also perhaps...” 听到芙蕾雅的话,灰烬的脸色瞬间好了很多,冲着芙蕾雅轻笑了一声,灰烬淡淡的说道“谢谢你的安慰,芙蕾雅,不过在我过去的日子里,命运从来都不会垂青于我…谁知道呢,也许命运这一次会选择我也说不定…” ...... …… Ash and time of Freya speech, the transformation of entire Hull ghostdom had reached the last act, the whole world is gloomy, even Ash still can only see the boundless darkness here... the dead, when sleeps soundly... this with the boundless darkness is the silence of dead, this is Neet's pitying. 灰烬芙蕾雅说话的功夫,整个赫尔冥界的转变已经进入了尾声,整个世界都黯淡无光,就算是灰烬也只能在这里看到无边的黑暗…死者当与无边的黑暗中安眠…这是属于死者的寂静,这是属于尼特的怜悯。 As transforms together, by the grey smog is wrapping grave king Neet, as the entire Hull ghostdoms and nine deaths were integrated in the palm by him, his transformation ended! 随着一起转变的,还有被灰色的烟雾所包裹着的墓王尼特,随着整个赫尔冥界和九界的死亡被他纳入掌中,他的转变结束了! The wing that a pair of bone weaves opens in this gray mist! Started the tornado of death! The gray mist starts to contract inward, revealed present Neet! 一双骨头编织成的翅膀在这片灰色的雾气之中张开!掀起了死亡的旋风!灰色的雾气开始向内收缩,露出了现在的尼特! Saw only him to open the both arms of oneself dense white bones constitution, the skeleton skull face up toward already jet black sky! 只见他张开了自己森森白骨构成的双臂,骷髅头骨仰面朝着已经一片漆黑的天空! Neet changed, from that moment on, does not have grave king Neet again, some were only god of death Neet! 尼特变了,从这一刻起,再也没有墓王尼特,有的只是死神尼特了! Got rid of death Lord Soul, Neet hugged the death of this world! He becomes the god of death of this world! Found the new home to return to... 摆脱了死亡的王魂,尼特拥抱了这个世界的死亡!他成为了这个世界的死神!找到了新的归宿… Looks to have a new lease of life Neet, when the eyeground of Ash cannot help but flashes through one to envy..., can oneself bring Fire Keeper to find a own home to return to? Does not need to be what god, only needs one piece to admit their places... 看着重获新生的尼特,灰烬的眼底不由得闪过了一丝羡慕…什么时候,自己才能带着防火女找到一个属于自己的归宿呢?不需要是什么神,只需要一片能够接纳他们的地方而已… ...... …… Last gray mist was drawn in Neet's skeleton, he receives the pair of wings that oneself opened behind slowly, put down the arm of spreading out, lowers the head to shake own skeleton head saying that to Ash „, finished, this is... Ash that I hope, you do is very good, even if this is only a transaction, I must thank you to my help...” 最后一丝灰色的雾气被吸进了尼特的骸骨之中,他缓缓地收起了自己身后张开的双翼,放下了伸展开的手臂,低下头冲着灰烬晃了晃自己的骷髅脑袋说道“是的,结束了,这就是我所希望的…灰烬,你做的很好,就算这只是一场交易,我也必须感谢你对我的帮助…” Spoke this saying, Neet does not know where from took out Machete of bone, transferred the direction, reached Ash the hilt this is my strength, my grave Wang Jian, the transaction among us, it was also belongs now your, now lets me for the last matter that you were me to do!” 说这话,尼特不知道从什么地方取出了一柄骨质的弯刀,调转了方向,将刀柄伸向了灰烬“这是我的力量,我的墓王剑,根据我们之间的交易,现在它也是属于你的了,现在让我为你做我所能做的最后一件事吧!” Ash put out a hand to receive Neet to give own grave Wang Jian, gripped the sword hilt to feel in the hand the ice-cold bone long sword, while was crooked the head to look to Neet curious asking last matter? Do you want to do?” 灰烬一边伸出手接过了尼特递给自己的墓王剑,握住剑柄感受着手中冰冷的骨质长剑,一边歪着脑袋看向尼特好奇的问道“最后一件事?你要干什么?” Neet bends down slowly, oneself changed beyond recognition skeleton head will gather Lord Soul and my once strength accept Weiji who front light saying of Ash naturally was helps you die uses! Otherwise you think my strength can grasp casually?” 尼特缓缓地俯下身,将自己焕然一新的骷髅脑袋凑到灰烬的面前淡淡的说道“当然是帮助你将死亡的王魂和我曾经的力量纳为己用了!不然你以为我的力量是随便能掌握的吗?”
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