DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1065: Lord Soul essence

Looks at a face doubt Ash, Freya smiled bitterly, helpless saying matter you have not imagined the Jane list that the curse of Odin come from his grid Neil, that is the weapon that the trunk and branches of tree of use world forges, so long as in this world, this curse will also become effective,... is absolute to the pledge that grid Neil makes, at least in this world is like this.” 看着一脸狐疑的灰烬,芙蕾雅苦笑了一声,无奈的说道“事情没有你想象中的那么单,奥丁的诅咒来自于他的冈格尼尔,那是使用世界之树的枝干锻造成的武器,只要是在这个世界之内,这个诅咒就还会生效,对冈格尼尔所立下的誓言…是绝对的,最起码在这个世界是这样。” Hears this saying, Ash cannot help but puts out a hand, takes out grid Neil who oneself seized from own backpack, after placing in the hand thought over two next, asks that to say in a soft voice, so long as I grasped this long spear/gun, I can also , when your here god kings?” 听到这话,灰烬不由得伸出手,从自己的背包之中取出了自己缴获来的冈格尼尔,放在手中掂量了两下之后轻声问道“那是不是说只要我掌握了这把长枪,我也能当你们这里的神王?” Freya nod of gently, chuckle said that can say... this spear/gun is the god king's symbol, but... I did not think that you can be willing to do this matter 芙蕾雅轻轻的点了点头,轻笑一声说道“可以这么说…这把枪就是神王的象征,但是…我不觉得你会愿意干这种事” I do not certainly want!” Ash promptly affirmed the Freya words, when god king? When the god king of hammer! Moreover the god king in this world, Ash is not the brain remnant... “我当然不愿意了!”灰烬当机立断肯定了芙蕾雅的话,当神王?当个锤子的神王!而且还是这个世界的神王,灰烬又不是脑残… However... seized this long spear/gun, truly should make it recognize me for the lord, this spear/gun truly is interesting “不过话说回来…缴获了这把长枪,确实应该让它认我为主,这把枪确实是蛮有趣的” Speaks, Ash lowers the head slowly, is fixing the eyes on the hand shining grid Neil, oneself huge Soul will flood into, is seeking for Odin in the mark that in the long spear/gun leaves behind... 说完话,灰烬缓缓地低下头,紧盯着手中金光灿灿的冈格尼尔,将自己庞大的灵魂涌入了其中,寻找着奥丁在长枪之中留下的印记… Quick, Ash found, because Odin has died, therefore this mark becomes does not have gloomily light/only, can say that before finding new master, this is one burns the fire rake the spear/gun... 很快,灰烬就找到了,因为奥丁已死,所以这个印记也变得暗淡无光,可以说在找到新的主人之前,这把枪就是一根烧火棍… Ash wiped off the Odin Soul mark with ease, and carved own inscribing above 灰烬轻松的擦掉了奥丁灵魂印记,并且将自己的铭刻刻在了上面 As Ash inscribes on own name above grid Neil and mark, grid Neil bloomed a golden ray, but was quick, this ray turned into the scarlet golden color from the golden color! Seemed like also came under the influence of Ash Soul... 随着灰烬在冈格尼尔之上铭刻上自己的名字和印记,冈格尼尔绽放出了一道金色的光芒,但是很快,这光芒就从金色变成了赤金色!看起来也是受到了灰烬灵魂的影响… Completed all these, Ash sized up in a hand carefully, although as before is the golden color, but can actually see wipes the crimson long spear/gun, then threw from the hand it! 做完了这一切,灰烬仔仔细细的打量了一番手中虽然依旧是金色,但是却能看到一抹绯红的长枪,然后一把将其从手中扔了出去! Opens the palm, grid Neil who has flown changed to a flame, returned to the hand of Ash! 张开手掌,已经飞出去的冈格尼尔化作了一道火光,回到了灰烬的手中! Un truly is the good weapon, I like very much! However since I now am its master, whether...” “嗯确实是不错的武器,我很喜欢!不过既然我现在是它的主人,那是不是可以…” At this point, Ash grins suddenly smiled one strangely, arrives at the head above the stock, in the mouth discussed in a low voice I take an oath, letting Freya can in this world free going through!” 说到这里,灰烬突然咧开嘴怪笑了一声,将头抵在枪柄之上,口中低声默念道“我起誓,让芙蕾雅能在这个世界自由的穿行!” A flame flashes through, the pledge of Ash then obtained realization! Although two mutual contradictory pledges, but a master had died after all, therefore there is nothing to choose! 一阵火光闪过,灰烬的誓言便得到了实现!虽然有两个相互矛盾的誓言,但是其中一个的主人毕竟已经死了所以这没有什么可选择的! Looks at Ash to complete these, felt in an own condition, Freya sincere lowering the head, expressed best wishes to the Ash nod, and affected saying thanked you, Ash... thank you made all these!” 看着灰烬做完了这些,感受了一下自己的状况之中,芙蕾雅真诚的低下了头,冲着灰烬点头致意,并且感动的说道“非常感谢你,灰烬…谢谢你做了这一切!” Ash chuckle, gently nods saying that this was enough, like this you were free, what then had to plan?” 灰烬轻笑了一声,轻轻的点了点头说道“这样就足够了吧,这样你就自由了,接下来有什么打算呢?” Freya cannot help but stares, before probably had not truly thought this matter, but since now have extricated, the matter that can probably handle has 芙蕾雅不由得一愣,之前好像确实没有想过这种事,不过现在既然自己已经解脱了,好像能做的事情有很多啊 Pondered a moment later, Freya looks that Ash light saying my matter had nothing temporarily, first accompanies you to go to a Hull ghostdom, gives that god of death named Neet the thing with you together,... I also want to see this mysterious fellow while convenient!” 沉思了片刻之后,芙蕾雅看着灰烬淡淡的说道“我的事情暂时就没什么了,还是先陪你去一趟赫尔冥界,跟你一起把东西交给那个叫尼特的死神,顺便…我也想见见这个神秘的家伙!” Also the line such being the case, we said goodbye with them, then!” “也行既然如此,那我们就跟他们告个别,然后就出发吧!” Freya nod of gently, has then turned around slowly, looks Atreus who smiles through tears shows a faint smile, asked you to Kratos in a soft voice? What has to plan?” 芙蕾雅轻轻的点了点头,然后缓缓地转过身,看着破涕为笑的阿特柔斯微微一笑,冲着奎托斯轻声问道“你们呢?有什么打算?” Kratos saw own son, three grandsons who come out, silent light saying went home a moment later, our families/home are stretch of ruins, moreover... seemed like expands slightly!” 奎托斯看了看自己的儿子,还有多出来的三个孙子,沉默了片刻之后淡淡的说道“回家,我们的家还是一片废墟呢,而且…看起来得稍微扩建一下了!” Saw happy Atreus and his three children, the Freya chuckle said that seems like truly... us to say goodbye!” 看了一眼欢乐的阿特柔斯和他的三个孩子,芙蕾雅轻笑了一声说道“看起来确实如此…那么我们就此别过吧!” Kratos nod of gently, has turned away from frisking and scampering the Atreus present said child, said goodbye, we should go home!” 奎托斯轻轻的点了点头,转过脸冲着撒欢的阿特柔斯说道“孩子,过来道别吧,我们该回家了!” Atreus embraces the snake son who are regaining, arrived at Freya and Ash front under Hela and Lear's accompaniment, looks up asking that two people some do not abandon you do want to walk? Will we later also meet again?” 阿特柔斯怀抱着自己失而复得的蛇儿子,在海拉和芬里尔的陪同下来到了芙蕾雅灰烬的面前,抬起头看着两人有些不舍的问道“你们要走了吗?我们以后还会再见面吗?” The Freya squatting down body, smiled is nodding to say naturally, small lovable, but this fellow is uncertain 芙蕾雅蹲下身子,微笑着点了点头说道“当然了,小可爱,不过这个家伙就不一定了” Ash curls the lip, saying that a face disdains you definitely could not see me again, the annoying little rascal said goodbye!” 灰烬撇了撇嘴,一脸不屑的说道“你们肯定是再也见不到我了,烦人的小鬼就此别过吧!” Atreus nod of gently, smiles to say to Ash of bad breath „! I can think your, Ash!” 阿特柔斯轻轻的点了点头,冲着嘴臭的灰烬嘿嘿一笑说道“嗯!我会想你的,灰烬!” Beckoning with the hand of gently, Ash builds the hand on the shoulder of Freya, moved instantaneously vanishes in the Atreus front... 轻轻的摆了摆手,灰烬将手搭在芙蕾雅的肩膀上,一个瞬间移动消失在了阿特柔斯的面前… After Ash and Freya vanished, the Kratos revolutions is then excessive, looks at the snow gleams white mountain peak, light saying walks the child, we should go home...” 等到灰烬芙蕾雅消失了之后,奎托斯便转过了头,看着白雪皑皑的山峰,淡淡的说道“走吧孩子,我们该回家了…” ...... …… Just opened the front door of Til temple, the cold wind of Hull ghostdom sways above the face of Ash and Freya, but another side of front door, Valkyrie have waited here, but in the Valkyrie middle, is grave king Neet! 刚一推开提尔神殿的大门,赫尔冥界的寒风吹拂在灰烬芙蕾雅的面庞之上,而大门的另一边,女武神们已经等候在此,而在女武神的中间,正是墓王尼特! Looks at the period of five days in entrance Neet, Ash selects saying that the eyebrow teased gently yo the news very quick! Unexpectedly early here!” 看着候在门口的尼特,灰烬轻轻挑了挑眉戏谑的说道“呦消息挺灵通的嘛!竟然早早的等在这里了!” Follows in Ash behind Freya looks to stand in Valkyrie, the figure is huge, Neet who comprised of the bleached bone, cannot help but frowning of gently, cannot help but asked this fellow to Ash in a soft voice is...” 跟在灰烬身后的芙蕾雅看着站在女武神之中,身形巨大,由枯骨组成的尼特,不由得轻轻的皱起了眉头,不由得冲着灰烬轻声问道“这个家伙就是…” „For those this fellow, grave king Neet, discussed the fellow of that transaction with me!” “对就是这个家伙,墓王尼特,跟我谈了那笔交易的家伙!” Neet's skeleton head moves slightly, the hoarse sound passes on also is really very excessive, you who coming out did killed a world unexpectedly directly.” 尼特的骷髅脑袋微微一动,沙哑的声音传了出来“做的还真是挺过分的,你们竟然直接杀死了一个世界。” Hears this saying, Ash quickly beckons with the hand, you do not speak irresponsibly to Neet serious saying! What was we killed a world, made clear speaks again! Is Odin that old boy does, he wants to lead us to perish together, detonated their world 听到这话,灰烬急忙摆了摆手,冲着尼特一脸严肃的说道“你不要乱说啊!什么叫我们杀死了一个世界,搞清楚再说话!是奥丁那个老小子干的,他想带着我们同归于尽,就引爆了他们的世界” Neet nods slightly, „the thing that saying of not caring at all... I want, did you prepare?” 尼特微微颔首,毫不在意的说道“那么…我要的东西,你准备好了吗?” Crooked the head, Ash narrowed the eye to fix the eyes on Neet to ask naturally, but... I want?” 歪了歪脑袋,灰烬眯起了眼睛紧盯着尼特问道“当然,但是…我要的呢?” Neet lifted the arm of oneself skeleton slowly, one group of Soul that is glittering the ray lift in the hand, this... is you wants to Ash light saying, symbolic death Soul, my Soul! You want, takes away!” 尼特缓缓地抬起了自己骷髅的手臂,将一团闪烁着光芒的灵魂托举在手中,冲着灰烬淡淡的说道“这个…就是你想要的,象征死亡的灵魂,我的灵魂!你想要,就拿去吧!” Spoke this saying, Neet pushes the hand gently, this death Lord Soul then light arrived at the Ash front... 说这话,尼特将手轻轻一推,这死亡的王魂便轻飘飘的来到了灰烬的面前… Somewhat unbelievable caught this group of Soul, Ash confirmed over and over after this is death Lord Soul that want, does raising the head of face surprise look Neet asked your such Jane single to me? The words saying that you... you hadn't vanished to me Lord Soul? How can you also speak here?” 有些难以置信的接住了这团灵魂,灰烬再三确认这就是自己要的死亡王魂之后,一脸诧异的抬起头看着尼特问道“你就这么单的给我了?话说你把王魂给我了…你怎么还没有消失?你怎么还能在这里说话?” Perhaps I was inferior that perhaps the old Witch wisdom, was inferior the sun king is powerful, but I also had my advantage... this am my advantage, why gave you me also to live... Ash as for Lord Soul, seeming like you had not understood that actually Lord Soul was anything...” “我也许不如老魔女智慧,也许不如太阳王强大,但是我也有我的优势…这就是我的优势了,至于王魂给了你为什么我还活着…灰烬啊,看起来你还没有理解王魂究竟是什么…” Hears Neet's words, Ash cannot help but knits the brows, fixing the eyes on Neet is asking Lord Soul in a soft voice... is not Soul of king, isn't your Soul?” 听到尼特的话,灰烬不由得皱了皱眉,紧盯着尼特轻声问道“王魂…不就是王的灵魂,不就是你们的灵魂吗?” Neet gently crooked head, asked that has taught you from no one this point?” 尼特轻轻的歪了歪脑袋,反问道“从没有人教过你这一点吗?” Just asked, Neet on shaking the head of gently thought aloud general said in a low voice also has lost the state of mind to... old Witch, the sun king had burnt oneself, how some people will know these...” 刚问完,尼特就轻轻的摇了摇头自言自语一般的低声说道“也对…老魔女已经失去了神志,太阳王更是燃烧了自己,怎么会有人知道这些呢…” At this point, Neet arrived at the Ash front gradually, stretches out the skeleton finger to point at Lord Soul light saying in Ash hand so-called Lord Soul, is the symbol of right! Is beginning hot part, although we have Lord Soul, but I will never say that Lord Soul is our part, will not say that Lord Soul is our Soul... otherwise, how old will Witch apportion her daughter Lord Soul, the sun king how will apportion Lund four king and White Dragon Lord Soul?” 说到这里,尼特缓步来到了灰烬的面前,伸出自己骷髅手指指着灰烬手中的王魂淡淡的说道“所谓的王魂,即是权利的象征!是初火的一部分,我们虽然拥有王魂,但我从不会说王魂是我们的一部分,更不会说王魂就是我们的灵魂…否则的话,老魔女怎么会把王魂分给她的女儿,太阳王怎么会把王魂分给小隆德四王和白龙呢?” You meant that... your Soul and Lord Soul are the relative independence? Was Lord Soul divided not to affect you?” “你的意思是说…你们的灵魂王魂是相对独立的?王魂被分走并不会影响到你们自己?” Looks grey Neet who doubts swayed in skeleton head, serious saying „, only then I will not be affected, because only then I, have not fallen deeply! They wrong regard Lord Soul are oneself it's in the bag, natural regards as own part it, therefore they naturally become part of the world, but I... I am very clear, this is belongs beginning the fire, belongs to the world, treats as own part it, will only become his part by oneself, this is the strength, is the right... is the responsibility, is the shackles!” 看着疑惑的灰尼特摇晃了一下在的骷髅脑袋,严肃的说道“只有我不会被影响,因为只有我,没有陷得那么深!他们错将王魂当成是自己的囊中之物,理所应当的将其视为自己的一部分,所以他们理所应当的成为了世界的一部分,而我…我很清楚,这是属于初火的,是属于世界的,将其当做自己的一部分,只会让自己成为他的一部分,这是力量,是权利…是责任,更是枷锁!” At this point, Neet lowers the head suddenly, the empty eye socket will gather the Ash front, looks Ash spoke softly said in a low voice „, therefore when saw you, I was very happy, finally... can thorough got rid of this heavy and decayed shackles!” 说到这里,尼特突然低下了头,将自己空洞的眼窝凑到了灰烬的面前,看着灰烬轻声细语的低声说道“所以在见到你的时候,我很开心,终于…可以彻底的摆脱这个沉重并且腐朽的枷锁了!” The pupil of Ash cannot help but shrinks, is fixing the eyes on Neet's that skeleton head, the breath was gradually rapid, refused to compromise a moment later, Ash squeezed out a few words from own gap between teeth „your saying to be what meaning!” 灰烬的瞳孔不由得一缩,紧盯着尼特的那颗骷髅脑袋,呼吸逐渐急促了起来,僵持了片刻之后,灰烬才从自己的牙缝里挤出了一句话“你这话是什么意思!” Did Neet draw out oneself waist, tone incomparably indifferent saying my meaning... insufficiently clear? This strength is also good, the right is also good, shackles! He was you, Ash! However please careful thinks that what... your end point can be? What result can be waiting for you in the end of road ahead, but all these are really you anticipate? Or... is this really your choice?” 尼特直起了自己的腰,语气无比淡然的说道“我的意思…不够清楚吗?这份力量也好,权利也好,枷锁也罢!他属于你了,灰烬!不过请仔细的想一想…你的终点会是什么?在前路的尽头又会是什么样的结局在等待着你,而这一切真的是你所期待的吗?或者说…这真的是你的选择吗?” Ash is staring at grave king Neet of saying things just to frighten people stubbornly, by looking down in the hand to send out charming brilliance Lord Soul, deeply inspires said slowly I can... think well!” 灰烬死死地盯着危言耸听的墓王尼特,由低下头看了看手中散发着迷人光辉的王魂,深吸了一口气缓缓地说道“我会…好好想一想的!”
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