DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1063: Pitiful Sol

Wound does not calculate too Hela in eye helpless turned Byakugan, to saying that Ash does not know whether to laugh or cry Mr. Ash, you robbed the authority of death from here, we so will not be miserable...” 伤的不算太眼中的海拉无奈的翻了个白眼,冲着灰烬哭笑不得的说道“灰烬先生,要不是你从我这里抢走了死亡的权柄,我们可不会这么惨…” Ash complexion cannot help but one stiff, but well in the helmet also brings on the head, others cannot see the Ash complexion, stem gently stiffening the neck, Ash coughed saying that vegetable/dish was the vegetable/dish! Some where so many reasons 灰烬的脸色不由得一僵,不过好在头盔还带在脑袋上,其他人看不到灰烬的脸色,轻轻的梗了梗脖子,灰烬咳嗽了一声说道“菜就是菜!哪有那么多理由” After being perfunctory Hela, the Ash revolutions is slowly excessive, looked that has processed Hela and Freya light saying of Lear wound to the one side this is enough, among us the agreement, this matter of doing I have achieved, Odin had died, the remaining these Æsir gangs of lowlifes cannot raise what storm again... if naturally you want me to be ruthless I also to do for somebody...” 敷衍了一番海拉之后,灰烬缓缓地转过了头,看向一旁已经处理好海拉和芬里尔伤口的芙蕾雅淡淡的说道“这样就足够了吧,我们之间的约定,该做的事情我都已经做到了,奥丁已经死了,剩下那些阿萨神族的臭鱼烂虾也再也掀不起什么风浪…当然如果你想要我赶尽杀绝我也可以代劳…” After Freya pondered long time, shaking the head of gently does not need, the remaining these people were impossible to raise what storm, is putting, no matter also nothing...” 芙蕾雅沉思了良久之后,轻轻的摇了摇头“不需要了,剩下的那些人是不可能在掀起什么风浪了,放着不管也没有什么事的…” Ash laughed at one, disdained curls the lip to say „... womanly compassion, they not because your benevolence forgives you, but you said that considered as finished that even, such being the case, you whether to give me the authority of last death, quite made me go back to report on accomplishments?” 灰烬嗤笑了一声,不屑的撇了撇嘴说道“呵…妇人之仁,他们可不会因为你的仁慈而原谅你,不过你说算了那就算了吧,既然如此,你是不是可以把最后一份死亡的权柄交给我,好让我回去交差呢?” Freya nod of gently, looks that Ash smiles was saying naturally... I will observe the commitment, when here matter ended, you go Vanaheimr with me, I will hand over in your hand the thing that you will need!” 芙蕾雅轻轻的点了点头,看着灰烬微笑着说道“当然…我会信守承诺的,等到这里的事情都结束了,你跟我去一趟华纳海姆,我会把你需要的东西交到你手中的!” Hears this saying, Ash nod of gently, then has turned around slowly, looks at not far away god of thunder Sol who engages in fierce battle... 听到这话,灰烬轻轻的点了点头,然后缓缓地转过身,将目光投向了不远处正在鏖战的雷神索尔… Present Sol really pitiful... completely the snake venom by the fester that burns, the wound that the battle axe and double blade cut, even several arrows insert in his body do not have the time to extract downward it... 现在的索尔是真的凄惨…身上满是被蛇毒灼伤的溃烂,战斧和双刀划开的伤口,甚至还有几只箭插在他的身上都没有功夫将其拔下来… Seemed like... already to the spent force, quick must die, in Kratos grandparent and grandchild three people under besieged jointly... 看起来…已经是到了强弩之末,很快就要死在奎托斯祖孙三人的联手围攻之下了… Detected that that side Ash vision, god of thunder Sol held probably hoped one group, the hurried opens the mouth shouted Ash greatly! We are the allies! Is I brings you to the Lear imprisoned place, we... we are the cooperation! Odin had died, without fight will not? Makes them stop quickly!” 察觉到那边灰烬的目光,雷神索尔好像是抓住了希望一帮,急忙开口大喊道“灰烬!我们是盟友啊!是我把你带到芬里尔被囚禁的地方,我们…我们是合作关系!奥丁已经死了,没有战斗的必要了不是吗?快让他们住手啊!” Hears this saying, Ash shrugging gently, is very perfunctory shouted him to say to the Kratos grandparent and grandchild three people in a soft voice right! I have the contract with him in the body! I suggested that you call a halt immediately! Naturally, I suggested... listens as you like...” 听到这话,灰烬轻轻的耸了耸肩,十分敷衍的冲着奎托斯祖孙三人轻声喊道“啊他说的没错呢!我跟他有合约在身呢!我建议你们立刻停手嗷!当然了,我只是建议…听不听的都随你们…” That is certainly impossible to listen! Kratos they are not the fools! Ash such obvious being perfunctory cannot listen, too retarded... 那当然是不可能听的啦!奎托斯他们又不是傻子!灰烬这么明显的敷衍都听不出来,就太弱智了… Clearly, Sol is not retarded, he can also listen to thick being perfunctory and taunt from the Ash tone, cannot help but burning with anger, shouted to Ash sternly „your bastard, you know that what you are making? Did you forget our agreement?” br...... 很明显,索尔也不是弱智,他也能从灰烬的语气之中听出浓浓的敷衍和嘲讽,不由得怒火中烧,冲着灰烬厉声喝道“你这个混蛋,你知道你在做什么吗?难道你忘记了我们的约定了吗?”br...... r Ash purses the lips, gently nods saying that I remember certainly I help you kill Odin, you helped me do the authority of death, I remember that was this right, but... these may excluding rescuing your life, moreover... you did not plan the authority of death to me, because you do not know that the authority of death was anything...” r灰烬抿了抿嘴,轻轻的点了点头说道“我当然记得啦我帮你杀死奥丁,你帮我搞到死亡的权柄,我记得是这样没错,可是…这其中可不包括救你一命啊而且…你根本就不打算把死亡的权柄给我,因为你根本就不知道死亡的权柄是什么…” The lie was revealed that the last straw to grasp was captured by Ash personally, Sol fell into endless during angry and despairs! 谎言被揭穿,最后一根救命稻草被灰烬亲手拔掉,索尔陷入了无尽的愤怒和绝望之中! Lifted up high his hand hammer of god of thunder, Sol angrily roars was firing into him is facing the enemy! Initiated the final charge! 高举其手中的雷神之锤,索尔怒吼着冲向了他正面对着的敌人!发起了最后的冲锋! Being worthy of the reputation... final charge! Looks discarded the defense thoroughly, Sol who launches the attack, Kratos cannot help but light snort/hum, if such tactic implements from the beginning, perhaps also really can replace in them, but is very regrettable, now is impossible! 名副其实的…最后的冲锋!看着彻底舍弃了防御,展开进攻的索尔,奎托斯不由得轻哼了一声,这样的战术要是一开始就实施的话,没准还真能换掉他们中的一个,但是很遗憾,现在已经不可能了! Depending on Sol now whole body injury, 就凭索尔现在浑身的伤势, He is impossible to reconstruct any trouble, let alone he also discards the defense now and dodges so... stressed the opportunity, in the eye of Kratos flashes through a sharp glow, the battle axe in hand lets go instantaneously, divided ruthlessly to Odin, at the same time, the Atreus arrow arrow also launched together, facing the front attack, Sol is crying out as before, the wild thunder is wrapping his body, did not dodge charged into them who did not evade... 他就不可能再造成任何的麻烦,更别说他现在还舍弃了防御和闪避就更是如此了…抓准了机会,奎托斯的眼中闪过一丝利芒,手中的战斧瞬间脱手而出,狠狠地劈向了奥丁,与此同时,阿特柔斯的箭矢也一起发射,面对前方的袭击,索尔依旧呐喊着,狂暴的雷霆包裹着他的身躯,不闪不避的冲向了他们… The arrow arrow hit a target Sol's thigh, the battle axe divided Sol's shoulder, but this did not have the footsteps that the organization he charged, made him stop truly, was Ye Mengjia the viscous venom, moreover was commencing of action spurted in the venom of ground... 箭矢射中了索尔的大腿,战斧劈中了索尔的肩膀,但是这都没有组织他冲锋的脚步,真正让他停下来的,是耶梦加得粘稠的毒液,而且是战斗开始的时候就喷在地上的毒液… In the eye only then Sol of enemy has not noticed this venom, is stepped on by that leg that Atreus hits a target above the venom, cannot make an effort, the under foot slides, the whole person falls down directly on the ground 眼中只有敌人的索尔没有注意到这毒液,被阿特柔斯射中的那条腿踩在毒液之上,使不上劲,脚下一滑,整个人直接扑倒在地上 Sees this, before , Ye dream who spurts this phlegm must seem somewhat surprised, but turns over to be startled surprised, the matter that should do must be done... 看到这一幕,就连之前喷下这一口痰的耶梦加得都显得有些吃惊,不过吃惊归吃惊,该干的事情还是要做的… Ye Mengjia must without hesitation is thick phlegm, spurts directly, in lay on poisonous pond Sol, gave him to come Sol to clamp the snake venom... 耶梦加得毫不犹豫的又是一口浓痰,直接喷在了趴在毒池里面的索尔身上,给他来了个索尔夹蛇毒… One generation of gods of thunder, the name shakes nine Sol, the incomparably funny death in the poisonous pond, does not know he actually killed by poison was drown to death... 一代雷神,名震九界的索尔,就这么无比滑稽的死在了毒池之中,都不知道他究竟是被毒死的还是被淹死的… Not far away saw a play ate the Ash no quality of melon to smile, the fates of 25 young saying that then a face pondered this jumped repeatedly horizontally? Really has enough funnily!” 不远处看戏吃瓜的灰烬毫无素质的笑了出来,然后一脸玩味的说道“这就是反复横跳的二五仔的下场吗?真是有够好笑的呢!” Freya strange looked at Ash, then laughed at one saying that jumped repeatedly horizontally? Really strange analogy, but is actually very appropriate... can become our difficult problems obviously, should be a big difficulty Sol, turned into itself a laughable clown unexpectedly... is really stupid!” 芙蕾雅奇怪的看了一眼灰烬,然后嗤笑了一声说道“反复横跳?真是奇怪的比喻,不过倒是很贴切呢…明明可以成为我们的难题,应该是一大难关的索尔,竟然把自己变成了一个如此可笑的小丑…真是愚蠢!” The Jane list is his god of thunder Sol wants the praying mantis to catch the cicada canary, but in the end... he is that cicada! 单来说就是他雷神索尔想要螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后,但是到头来…他才是那只蝉! Looks dies in the mire thoroughly motionless god of thunder Sol, Ash helpless shaking the head, now the joke also looks enough, enemy also already...... 看着彻底死在泥潭之中一动也不动的雷神索尔,灰烬无奈的摇了摇头,现在笑话也看够了,敌人也已经...... Eliminated, they have been able to move out, leave this Reality Marble 消灭了,他们已经可以全身而退,离开这个固有结界了 But where is the issue... can fall back on goes? They the Reality Marble that enters from Asgard, leaves will naturally also return to Asgard, but Asgard by Odin exploding! Has not it can be said that existed! 但问题是…能退到什么地方去呢?他们是从阿斯加德进入的这个固有结界,离开的时候自然也会回到阿斯加德,但是阿斯加德已经被奥丁给炸了啊!已经可以说是不复存在了呀! From that explosion scale, Odin eliminated own kingdom from the foundation directly, in other words starting today this world did not have nine again, was only left over eight 从那个爆炸规模上看,奥丁是直接从根基上消灭了自己的王国,也就是说从今天开始这个世界就再也没有九界,只剩下八界了 Therefore Ash is unascertainable, what kind of scene outside is what situation... they leave, can be after now, can be stretch of ruins? Void? Also or is the fearful space turbulent flow? 所以灰烬不能确定,现在外面到底是个什么情况…他们离开之后会是一个怎样的场景,会是一片废墟?还是虚空?又或者是可怕的空间乱流? Oneself have no issue actually, what to do however can the remaining these people? Goes out to die? That Ash hauled in Reality Marble also to fight such a them not to do the unnecessary! 自己倒是没什么问题,但是剩下的这些人要怎么办呢?出去就得死吗?那灰烬把他们拉进固有结界里面还打了这么一架不就是在脱裤子放屁嘛! Looks at a face headache Ash, Freya selects the eyebrow to ask gently how? Why haven't you made us leave here? Also can make what?” 看着一脸头痛的灰烬,芙蕾雅轻轻的挑了挑眉问道“怎么了?你为什么还不让我们离开这里?难道说还要做什么吗?” Ash smacking the lips of gently, helpless shrugs saying that that to is not, leaves can leave now momentarily, what situation but... outside the present is you know? After going out, what to do, if you did die immediately?” 灰烬轻轻的咂了咂嘴,无奈的耸了耸肩说道“那个到不是,离开现在随时都可以离开,但是…外面现在是个什么情况你们知道吗?出去之后要是马上你们就死了怎么办呢?” Hears the Ash words, Freya then thinks, Odin already Asgard thorough destruction... 听到灰烬的话,芙蕾雅这才想起来,奥丁已经吧阿斯加德彻底毁灭了… We what to do? Only can treat here?” “那我们怎么办?难道只能一直待在这里吗?” Looks at face anxious Atreus, Ash turns actually beautifully, didn't I who gently Byakugan you thought need to do other matter? Rubbish, hurries to try to find the solution, has a look to have what means to leave here...” 看着一脸焦急的阿特柔斯,灰烬轻轻的翻了个白眼“你想的倒是美,我不用干别的事情了吗?别废话了,赶紧想办法,看看有没有什么办法可以离开这里的…” When the people cannot find way out, kills by poison world big snake Ye Mengjia who the Sol big enmity must report to lower the head suddenly, which ancient language with said anything... 就在众人一筹莫展的时候,毒死了索尔大仇得报的世界大蛇耶梦加得突然低下了头,用哪种古老的语言说了些什么… Others cannot understand, but Mímir and Hela have these being able to understand person extensions that Lear is can understand to be instantaneously excessive, surprise looked that to Ye dream who will lower... 其他人听不懂,但是密米尔海拉还有芬里尔是听得懂的这几个听得懂的人瞬间转过了头,诧异的看向了将头低下来的耶梦加得… Hela is tightens the brow to inquire after anything... is an not being able to understand dialogue, the Hela revolutions is slowly excessive, looks that one line of serious saying he said... he leads us to go out, his body can shuttle back and forth in the states, we can enter in his belly, then he brings back to Midgard to go us...” 海拉更是紧锁起眉头询问起了什么…又是一阵听不懂的对话之后,海拉缓缓地转过了头,看着一行人严肃的说道“他说…他带我们出去,他的身躯可以在国度之间穿梭,我们可以进入他的肚子里,然后他将我们带回米德加尔特去…” Ash pinched the chin gently, this truly is means that said that... probably truly is this, this big snake does not know that with what method, does not need Rainbow Bridge to be able in nine to shuttle back and forth, if so, then this means no reason why not, but the issue is... 灰烬轻轻的捏了捏下巴,这确实是一个办法,说起来…好像确实是这样,这条大蛇不知道用什么方法,不用彩虹桥就能在九界之中穿梭,如果是这样的话,那么这个办法未尝不可,但问题是… „But how... he guaranteed can oneself survive in present Asgard? Odin may for all kill us from the beginning...” “但是…他怎么保证自己能在现在的阿斯加德存活下来呢?奥丁一开始可就是为了将我们全都炸死才…” Also without and other Freya said, Hela smiles bitterly is shaking the head to saynaturally is unwarrantable, outside we link the present...... 还没等芙蕾雅说完,海拉就苦笑着摇了摇头说道“当然是不能保证的,我们连外面现在...... Is what situation has not known, but... can only bet one! ” 是什么情况都还不知道,但是…只能赌一把了!” The shape such as mountain common Ye dream must say anything again in a low voice, then hung down own head slowly, and opened his big mouth toward the people 形如山岳一般的耶梦加得再次低声说了些什么,然后缓缓地将自己的脑袋低垂了下来,并且朝着众人张开了他的血盆大口 He said..., if can make us be saved, even if he dies... he who is still worth to be willing for us to take this risk!” “他说…如果能让我们所有人得救,就算他死了也是值得的…他愿意为我们冒着此风险!” Atreus affected saw an own snake son, the nose cannot help but somewhat was sour... he, although is only more than ten years old, but had realized that had a filial son is a how happy matter... 阿特柔斯感动的看了一眼自己的这个蛇儿子,鼻子不由得有些酸了…他虽然只有十几岁,但是已经体会到了有一个孝顺儿子是一件多么美好的事情… Ash nod of gently, looks that other person of light saying „the present seem like also only then this means that you do not have the words of other great ideas... this, bets, look can live, right, my offensive talk said in front, if the incorrect words, I most also rescued Freya, remaining when the time comes looked again...” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,看着其他人淡淡的说道“现在看来好像也只有这一个办法了,你们没有其他好主意的话…就这样吧,赌一把,看看能不能活下来,对了,我丑话说在前面,如果不行的话,我最多也就把芙蕾雅救下来,剩下的到时候再看…” Freya hears this saying, cannot help but knits the brows, some do not understand looks that Ash did ask why you first not to save Atreus?” 芙蕾雅听到这话,不由得皱了皱眉,有些不理解的看着灰烬问道“你为什么不先救阿特柔斯?” Why can also, because I must take away the thing that I should take away from your hand! Ok, the idle talk little said that us!” “还能为什么,因为我还要从你手里拿走我应该拿走的东西呢!行了,废话少说,我们出发吧!”
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