DCB :: Volume #1 这不是刀剑神域

#4: Kamijou Touma's Ramen Shop

The fourth chapter Kamijou Touma's Ramen Shop 第四章上条当麻拉面馆 Arthur listens to Nunotaba Shinobu's to explain wholly absorbed, regarding him, this is he contacts Mystery for the first time Dimensional World, as a youth, his innermost feelings is having warm-blooded. 亚瑟专心致志地听着布束砥信的讲解,对于他来说,这是他首次接触到神秘的‘次元世界’,作为一个少年,他的内心还是拥有着热血的。 Yatogami Tohka. 夜刀神十香 Strongest Dimensional Apostle. 最强次元使徒 Actually is what person? 究竟是位什么样的人呢? 15 years ago, when Seven Kings' deep sleep, all Anime materials vanish from Earth completely, because these have fully completed part of dimension, takes it as skeleton, but Dimensional Tower that completes, here has many Anime Worlds nobody to know. 15年前,七位王的沉睡之时,所有的动漫资料全部从地球上面消失,因为这些全部完成了次元的一部分,以其为‘骨架’,而建成的次元之塔,这里到底有着多少动漫世界没有人知道。 If can know the plot in Anime, was also expressing, can speedily find the level clear turning point, then the death probability large scale will drop, but 假如能够知道动漫中的剧情,那么也就表示着,可以迅速地找到通关的契机,那么死亡机率就会大幅度下降,但是 That is impossible! 那是不可能的! The plot in nobody clear Anime! 没有人清楚动漫中的剧情! The clear words have also represented invincibly, comes fast level clear using the plot line, has the most comprehensive situation and best resources, the quickest level clear strategy...... 清楚的话也就代表了无敌,利用剧情线来快速通关,掌握最全面的局势、最佳的资源、最快的通关策略…… „......” “……” The time passes gradually, the Nunotaba Shinobu's explanation has continued the evening, when the night falls, the daytime end of course, simultaneously the travel of Arthur their first dimension started. 时间渐渐地推移,布束砥信的讲解一直持续到了晚上,在夜幕降临之时,白天的课程结束,同时亚瑟他们的第一次次元之旅开始了。 Academy City's is to forbid the average person at night wanders, here average person refers to these people as well as over 30 years old stops out or by the high-school student of leaving school. 学园都市的夜间是禁止普通人游荡的,这里的普通人是指那些30岁以上的人以及中途退学或者被退学的高中生。 The school age that Dimensional School stipulates is 15 years old, the 15 years ago first student is the 15-year-old words, then to the present was also 30 years old, therefore, the person over 30 years old is unable to become King-Type Ability User, they were only the average people, naturally they were not the average people of lacking the strength to truss up a chicken. 次元学院规定的入学年龄是15岁,15年前的第一届学生是15岁的话,那么到现在也就是30岁了,因此,30岁以上的人是无法成为王属能力者的,他们只是普通人,当然他们并非是手无缚鸡之力的普通人。 These average people are having the superpower, is developed the superpower that by Academy City's artificial intelligence Aleister, from Level 0 to the Level 6 seven ranks, passed on a message Accelerator was 15 years ago, Academy City's is strongest ultra Ability Users. 这些普通人拥有着超能力,由学园都市的人工智能亚雷斯塔所开发的超能力,从Level0Level6七个等级,传言一方通行便是15年前,学园都市的最强超能力者 These have the average person of superpower as ‚the public security police one, is responsible for the public security of entire world. 这些拥有超能力的普通人是作为‘治安警察’的一种,负责着全世界的治安。 Besides ultra Ability Users, is forbidden the night to go on a journey in the high-school student who the Dimensional School midway discontinued studies, they dreaded the timid person who the front path stopped in the midway, although there is a strength actually to dread reign of terror to strongest road. 除了超能力者外,一些于次元学院中途辍学的高中生也被禁止了夜间出行,他们是在中途畏惧了前方的道路而停下来的怯懦之人,虽有力量却畏惧通往最强之路的腥风血雨 Reason that these two kinds of people were forbidden to go on a journey at night , because, in the night, entire Academy City will turn into the King-Type Ability User domain. 之所以这两类人被禁止夜间出行,是因为,在夜间的时候,整个学园都市会变成王属能力者的领域。 The night time passes with the daytime is different, the Academy City's street as well as Dimensional Tower were engraved by the book 夜晚的时间和白天流逝是不一样的,学园都市的街道以及次元之塔被书刻上了 『Brain Burst』 Barrier incantation. 【超频加速(BRAINBURST)】结界咒式。 In in this Barrier, time will pass will turn into normal 1/1000 times, in other words, night time will pass through for 1000 seconds, the normal time will pass through for 1 second. 处于这种结界之中,时间流逝会变成正常的1倍,也就是说,夜间的时间走过1000秒,正常时间才走过1秒钟。 This Barrier incantation is to start Dimensional Tower completes arranges, is not Seven Kings' talent, but is one does not know person who name, it has profited from the BB software in Anime Worlds «Accel World», present world Black Magic Barrier Technique that completes, this Barrier also has another name, is called 这种结界咒式是开始次元之塔建成的时候就布置的,并非是七位王的手笔,而是一个不知道姓名的人,其借鉴了动漫世界加速世界》中的BB软件,完成的现世魔法结界术式,这个结界还有另外一个名字,叫做 『Unlimited Neutral Field』. 【无限制中立地带(UnlimitedNeutralField)】 From 6 : 00 pm to 6 : 00 am these 12 hours is the time horizon that Barrier starts, in other words, a King-Type Ability User evening is equal to 500 days of ordinary people! 从夜间六点到清晨六点这12个小时是结界发动的时间范围,也就是说,王属能力者的一晚上相当于平常人的500天! But the human normal life is only about 100 years old, this is the healthy standard, the disease and so on may not expect. 可是人类的正常寿命才只有100岁左右,这还是健康水准,疾病之类的就不可预料了。 The words that therefore like this passes, over one year, King-Type Ability User will then not die! 所以这样流逝的话,不超过一年,王属能力者便会死亡! In fact truly so, the high-school student who also for this reason, stops out is innumerable, mostly has experienced under Unlimited World ‚after new and original, then has chosen withdrawal. 事实上确实如此,也正是因为这个原因,中途退学的高中生数不胜数,大多是体验了下无限世界的‘新颖’之后便选择了退出。 However life consumption so beside, does not have the measure of recovery, after into King-Type Ability User, on each information panel of person is marking 100 years of life, hundred years life is the Dimensional World currency, food, Item, servant wait/etc. all valuable things need to purchase with the life! 但是生命消耗的如此之外,并非没有补救的措施,在成为王属能力者之后,每一个人的信息面板上面都标着100年的寿命,这100年的寿命便是次元世界的流通货币,食物、道具、仆人等等一切具有价值的东西都是需要用生命来购买的! Therefore in Dimensional World purchased fine Item, can carry on to trade to obtain the life. 所以在次元世界中收购了优良的道具之后,可以进行贩卖来获得寿命。 The way of trading is divided into two types, one type is the personal store, simply speaking is set up a stall sells, but 1/10 of sales volume Dimensional School that wants on to give each one to be , with act as the rent, to put it bluntly is the protection money, not having the protection money to be snatched is a very common matter, only then the ability aloof talented person will do. 贩卖的方式分为两种,一种是私人商店,简单来说就是‘摆地摊’来销售,但是销售额的1要上交给各自所在的次元学院,用以充当租金,说白了就是保护费,没有保护费被人抢是一件很常见的事情,只有能力超然之人才会做。 The second way is the Dimensional Tower's auction, harvest Item can sell on consignment in Dimensional Tower auctions, trades can charge 5% handling charges successfully, but is any commodity can sell on consignment casually at the auction, only then the appraiser of auction thinks that in commodity rare enough situation will accept commodity selling on consignment. 第二种方式是次元之塔的拍卖会,收获的物品可以寄售在次元之塔进行拍卖,交易成功会收取5的手续费,但是不是什么商品都可以随便寄售在拍卖会的,只有拍卖会的鉴定师认为商品稀有度足够的情况下才会接受商品寄售。 If Dimensional Fragment, then, an most common fragment can also obtain ten years of HP. 如果次元碎片的话,那么,一块最普通的碎片也能够得到十年的生命值 However the Dimensional Fragment gain difficulty is big, therefore majority of King-Type Ability User is hard to achieve the balanced revenues and expenditures of HP, can achieve the balanced revenues and expenditures was extremely the talent, if there are to surpass, that...... 但是次元碎片的获取难度非常大,因此大部分的王属能力者难以做到生命值的收支平衡,能够做到收支平衡的就是绝顶天才了,如果有超出的话,那么…… „......” “……” Arthur is recalling Nunotaba Shinobu's explanation content, while followed to go out of the school gate in her, was surpassing school gate split second, he discovered that night Academy City was not the condition of dark night, rather 亚瑟一边回忆着布束砥信的讲解内容,一边跟在她的身后走出了校门,在超出校门的一瞬间,他发现夜间的学园都市并非是黑夜的状态,而是 Primitive Forest!! 原始森林的状态!! The sky dyes the lavender, all building outward appearances turn into the giant tree, in this period had the pterodactyl soaring, the plant cover grows thickly, the line of sight is very bad, the small creature are many! 天空染成淡紫色,所有的建筑物外观都变成巨大的树,其间有翼龙飞翔,植物茂密丛生,视线很差,小动物很多! This is of primeval forest Unlimited Neutral Field's wooden attribute scenes, the scene in Barrier will be the non-periodical revolution replacement, what looks beside Barrier will be the normal night, however in Barrier will be another space, here time will pass is 1/1000 of outside. “这是无限中立地带的木属性场景之一的原始林,结界内的场景是会不定期的刷新更换,在结界之外看着的是正常的夜晚,但是在结界内是另一个空间,这里的时间流逝是外界的1。 You must be careful that follows me, this scene is perching massive carnivorous beast, dinosaur and giant plant, so long as walks along the illumination channel of under foot, will not encounter the danger, after having surpassed the secret channel, basically all living thing after seeing the player will attack, if you destroyed the egg of biology or massacre the young son, will encounter permanent chasing down. 你们要小心跟我走,这个场景栖息着大量的肉食兽、恐龙和巨大植物,不过只要沿着脚下的发光通道走,就不会遇到危险,超出了安全通道之后,基本上所有的生物在看到玩家后就会袭击过来,假如你们破坏了生物的蛋或杀掉幼崽的话,会遭到永久性的追杀。 The words of Unlimited Neutral Field's diet solution want to begin to hunt for or select the fruit, but the initial period you definitely are unable to complete to hunt for independently, therefore, can go to eat to the Safe Zone dining room. ” 无限制地带的饮食解决的话就是要自己动手捕猎或者摘取水果,但是初期你们肯定无法独立完成捕猎的,因此,可以到安全区域的餐厅进行就餐。” Nunotaba Shinobu was saying while leads Arthur they to arrive at Safe Zone has been called Kamijou's Ramen the small restaurant. 布束砥信一边说着一边带领着亚瑟他们来到了安全区域的一间叫做‘上条拉面’的小餐馆。 Yo, does Nunotaba-senpai, lead the new student to bring death this year? You are also this retirement time......” “哟,布束学姐,今年又带新生送死啊?你也是该退休的时候了……” A hedgehog youth of wear apron walked. 一个穿着围裙的刺猬头少年走了过来。 Touma! Hurry up, others were hungry!!” 当麻!快点,人家饿了!!” Has the silver long hair wear appearance is being the nun common young girl is gnawing the table likely, the age probably in 14 or 15 years old, with Arthur they, the skin is quite white, pretty silver hair suitable long, hangs to the position of waist, the appearance is cute, looks like looks like foreign-style doll, the white flesh is joined to the green eye, is a adorable beautiful young girl. 一个拥有着银色长发穿着打扮像是修女一般的少女在啃着桌子,年纪大概在14或15岁,与亚瑟他们相当,皮肤非常白,靓丽的银色头发相当的长,垂到腰部的位置,长相还蛮可爱的,看起来就像是个洋娃娃似的,白色的肌肤配上绿色的眼睛,是个可爱的美少女。
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