DCB :: Volume #1 这不是刀剑神域

#2: Is my teacher the black belly female?

The second chapter is my teacher the black belly female? 第二章我的老师是个腹黑女? One month later, you will die! 一个月后,你会死! Such matter, regarding the matter that any person is unable to accept. 这样的事情,对于任何一个人来说都是无法接受的事情。 Arthur same is unable to accept, because he wanted to live is seeking for his past, these matters of memory fault, the father and mother, as well as his true name, who he was! 亚瑟同样的无法接受,因为他想要活着去寻找自己的过去,记忆断层的那些事情,父亲、母亲,以及他真正的名字,他到底是谁! He who is tracking down this matter, had the courage of going on living. 追寻着这件事情的他,才拥有了活下去的勇气。 Therefore, does not know all he can easily dies? 所以,不知道一切的他怎么可以轻易的去死呢? Be only three seconds of consideration time, remain, your survival percentages only then 1/1000, even are less, so long as you became this 1/1000 then can realize your desire, any desire! “只有三秒钟的考虑时间,留下来,你们的存活率只有1,甚至更少,但是只要你成为了这1便可以实现自己的愿望,任何的愿望! Gate to infinite the Dimensional World, is having the infinite possibility, will stand erect will realize the dream in the apex person. ” 通向无限的次元世界之门,拥有着无限的可能性,屹立于顶点的人才会实现梦想。” Nunotaba Shinobu is watching critically the expressions of all people, this matter, she experienced 15 times, 15 years ago, the world has that day of startled changing, she arrived at from the «A Certain Magical Index» dimension and Academy City same structure the city situated in Earth Antarctic. 布束砥信冷眼旁观着所有人的表情,这种事情,她已经经历了15次,15年前,世界发生惊变的那一天,她从《魔法禁书目录》的次元来到了位于地球南极的这个与‘学园都市’一样构造的城市。 Teacher, sorry, I must withdraw......” “老师,抱歉,我要退出……” I must withdraw......” “我也要退出……” I have the family member......” “我还有家人……” I 15, excellent future, life waste in this place......” “我才15,还有大好的前途,把生命浪费在这种地方……” May not the principle edict! How to have such school!” “不可理谕!怎么会有着这样的学校!” „......” “……” Students crowded impatiently left the classroom! 一个个学生迫不及待地拥挤得走出了教室! However also has the self-confident person, believes oneself become that 1/1000 lucky fellow. 但是也有着自信之人,相信自己会成为那1的幸运儿。 In this does not have Arthur! ~ 只是这之中没有亚瑟~ Arthur is grasping both hands, prepares to stand from the seat, same walks from the entrance with these ordinary students, but in the heart has a mood of unwilling failure to pace back and forth, just started to be then defeated? 亚瑟握着双手,准备从座位上面站起来,和那些普通的学员一样从门口走出去,只是心中有着一种不甘失败的情绪在徘徊着,刚刚开始便失败了么? This also is really dispirited! 这还真是颓废呢! However, at this time, a fragile sound sound, as if likely was the mountain spring generally winds through from the heart of everyone 然而,这时,一声轻脆的声音响了起来,仿佛像是山泉一般从每个人的心中流过 Nunotaba-sensei, excuse me, in one month rise above others Senpai or are Senpai? Since they can from your brutal informed and experienced rise above others, then very much had certainly the fame?” 布束老师,请问,一个月内脱颖而出学长或者学姐是?既然他们能够从您的残酷历练中脱颖而出,那么一定很有名气了?” Like this brimmed with the sound of youth aura to make Arthur focus attention on naively, how wanted to have a look at this girl to have the calm expression 这样天真而洋溢着青春气息的声音令亚瑟不禁注目了过去,想要看看这个女孩子到底拥有怎么样的冷静表情 The head of eyebrow place above as well as shoulder-length became dark to even can say somewhat shining, the black length sent directly, this and he was somewhat similar, was only 眉毛上方以及齐肩的头发黑到甚至可以说有些发亮,黑色的长直发,这与他有些相似,只是 Her that blue black is similar to the willow leaf slender eyebrow is big and brings with under the point to try to outdo others the aura eyes, the white color clothing/taking and black and type trouser-skirt that restoring the old, have one type to be the boy aura, were many one point of firm flavor/smell. 她那深黑色的如同柳叶般纤细的眉毛与下方又大又带点好胜气息的双眼,一身复古的白色道服与黑色和式裤裙,拥有着一种属于男孩子般的气息,多了一分阳刚味道。 Meanwhile is shouldering pitch-black sword in her, this causes her valiant and formidable-looking. 同时在她的身后背负着一把漆黑的剑,这使得她更加英姿飒爽 I look...... The serial number is 15001...... Kirigaya Yuu, this Main Representative...... The father is famous game developer RECT script designer Kirigaya Kazuto...... “我看下……编号是15001……桐谷优,本届的首席生……父亲是著名游戏开发商‘RECT’的脚本设计师桐谷和人…… Likes take risking? Did not fear that loses one's life? ” 喜欢冒险么?不怕送命么?” Nunotaba Shinobu selects the solution in the space conveniently gently, sprang a translucent information frame, inside has girl's head picture and information. 布束砥信随手在空间中轻轻点解,弹出了一个半透明的信息框,里面有着女孩的头像及其信息。 Discovers the thing that lucky, can use to make the best in unfortunate! This is my motto.” “在不幸中找出幸运、可以利用的事物就尽量利用!这是我的座右铭。” Kirigaya Yuu earnest saying. 桐谷优认真的说道。 Un, but also calculates some guts “嗯,还算有些胆量 For 15 years, the only one level clear person is 15年来,唯一一个通关的人是 Accelerator, King-Type Demon Race. 一方通行,王属魔族 In Demon Race's King-Type Legion is also the top powerhouse, even if the situation that I am unable to touch. 魔族的王属军团之中也是顶尖的强者,就算是我也无法触及到的地步。 If you can live, then is next Accelerator, but might becomes such top powerhouse, because Accelerator will rely on after will not be the universe collapses merely, King-Type Ability, What are more is his had the strength that you will want to be only more, hold the consciousness advance that will arrive at his position to need to pay must die! ” 你们假如能够活下来,那么便是下一个一方通行,但是只是有可能会成为那样顶尖的强者,因为一方通行凭借的并非仅仅是宇宙崩溃之后的【王属能力】,更多的是其自身原本就拥有的力量,你们想要到达他的那个位置需要付出的只会更多,抱着必死的觉悟前进吧!” Nunotaba Shinobu touches in the void center point once more, an image launches before her 布束砥信再次在虚空中点触,一个图像在她面前展开 The white hair and skin, the red pupil and slender body line, lack the hands and feet of muscle, puts on black stripes on white background is the main key clothes, the shining black shoes, the appearance is very fashionable, the appearance only likely is Arthur they almost big or medium youth. 白色头发和皮肤、红色的瞳孔、纤细的身线、缺少肌肉的手脚,穿着白底黑纹为基调的衣服,发亮的黑色鞋子,打扮很时尚,外貌只像是个与亚瑟他们差不多大小的少年。 Superficially, likely is one is only lacking the middle-school student of nutrition, very ordinary appearance, but this person actually convenes one of Demon Race's Legion top powerhouses. 表面上看,只像是一个缺乏着营养的中学生,很普通的样子,但是这个人却是召集魔族军团中的顶尖强者之一。 „...... Originally is not strongest, then can certainly go on living aimed at strongest I.” “哦……原来不是最强啊,那么以最强为目标的我一定可以活下去的。” Kirigaya Yuu said self-confidently. 桐人优自信满满地说道。 Young girl aimed at strongest! 以最强为目标的少女! This is Arthur knows the Kirigaya Yuu's first impression, if other people said that he may think arrogant extremely arrogant, but in the heart had a feeling, this young girl was not arrogant. 这是亚瑟认识桐人优的第一个印象,如果其它人说出来的话,他或许会觉得自大狂妄,但是心中有个感觉,这个少女的话并非是自大。 It looks like also wants the delicate young girl compared with him, the fearless life and death, the choice will stay behind unexpectedly, then he 看起来比他还要纤弱一些的少女,竟然会无畏生死,选择留下,那么他 How can flinch at this moment! 怎么可以在此刻退缩! Finally, finally, the choice keeps in the classroom person altogether to have several people, at first is more than 70 people of appearances, now only remaining was less than ten people. 结果,最终,选择留在教室里面的人一共有着几个人,最初是70多人的样子,如今只剩下了不到十人。 Nunotaba Shinobu received «Dimensional Crossover Battle Agreement» in hand, sizes up in the classroom remaining Arthur and the others, lightly snorted, eyes is reflecting the fearful vision to say 布束砥信将手中的《次元乱斗协议书》收了起来,打量着教室里面剩下的亚瑟等人,轻哼了一声,双眼折射着慑人的目光说道 Congratulates you, adopted my admittance inspection.” “恭喜你们,通过了我的入学考核。” What meaning? Teacher? Do not sign that type of agreement?” “什么意思?老师?不是要签那种协议书么?” Arthur was shocked. 亚瑟感到了震惊。 „Do you play the fool or play the fool really false? You thought where Dimensional School is? Even if did not sign this agreement also momentarily dead! In brief, in we stride since high Lieutenant Colonel gate that moment then to be doomed on to step one casually with the difficult road of live or die.” “你是真装傻还是假装傻?你觉得次元学院是什么地方?即使不签署这个协议书也是随时会死亡的!简而言之,在我们跨入高中校门的那一刻起便已经注定上踏上一条随便伴随着生死抉择的艰难之路。” Kirigaya Yuu lightly snorted, can remain voluntarily is the student of clear Nunotaba Shinobu this woman, after all this woman is very famous, enters Nagatenjouki Academy's Class A also to represent the teaching teacher is being she. 桐谷优轻哼了一声,能够自愿留下来的都是清楚布束砥信这个女人的学员,毕竟这个女人很有名气的,进入长点上机学院的A班也就代表着执教教师是她。 Courage tests your first link!” “勇气是考验你们的第一个环节!” The Nunotaba Shinobu then Kirigaya Yuu's words said that „the person who gave up from here represents forever was giving up, they will not be enrolled by any school, in other words becomes the waste! After consuming light their person of father's generation's properties, meets the vagrant street, ignorantly life!” 布束砥信接着桐谷优的话说道,“那么从这里放弃的人代表着永远的放弃了,他们将不会被任何学校所录取,也就是说会成为废物!在耗光他们父辈的资产后,会流浪街头,浑浑噩噩地过完一生!” How can!!?” “怎么会!!?” The Arthur delay opened eyes, originally this is a trap, tests the courage of student, the agreement does not need to sign, signs with does not sign is the same! Leaves behind or meets a narrow escape, but can sprint to the dream, however will give up becomes the thorough waste! 亚瑟呆滞地睁大了双眼,原来这是一个陷阱,考验学员的勇气,协议书根本是不用签的,签与不签都是一样的!留下或者会九死一生,但是能够向梦想冲刺,然而放弃就会成为彻底的废物! Was this black belly? Gives people a hard time intentionally? 这算是腹黑了吧?故意整人? You think Academy City, where one of the Five Famous School is Nagatenjouki Academy? second-third rate Dimensional School? Won't your this fellow what understand to remain on the choice?” “你觉得学园都市,五大名校之一长点上机学院是什么地方?二三流次元学院?你这家伙不会什么都不懂就选择留下来吧?” Kirigaya Yuu is pressing own head, this fellow not clear, even if result standard, can't enter Five Famous Schools' casually? 桐谷优按着自己的脑袋,这个家伙难道不清楚即使成绩达标,也不是随便可以进入五大名校的么? Five Famous Schools must train to stand erect the dimension powerhouse who top in Pyramid, but does not train the place of mixed soldier, the Five Famous Schools' student mortality rate is highest! Although completes the reward of Dimensional World level clear is very high. 五大名校是要培养屹立于金字塔顶的次元强者,而不培养杂兵的地方,五大名校的学员死亡率是最高的!虽然完成次元世界通关的奖励会很高。
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