DCB :: Volume #1 这不是刀剑神域

#1: Dimensional Crossover Battle Agreement

When is the sunlight most dazzling? 阳光在什么时候最刺眼? Naturally in early morning! 当然是在清晨啦! The arm is covering continuously dazzling ray that passes from hundred pleat windows, shines clearly the blood vessel under flesh incomparable, but how to cover to have silken luster of mercerized cotton cloth filings to fly by the retina, will form already the darkness and wave light billowing picture in the optic nerve. 手臂遮挡着从百褶窗透过来的一缕缕耀眼的光线,将肌肤下的血管照射得清晰无比,但是就算怎样遮挡都会有着一丝光屑飞透过眼膜,在视神经中形成既黑暗而又波光潋滟的景象。 Room tranquil was broken in next quarter 房间的平静在下一刻就被打破 Onii-chan ~!! Gets out of bed to eat ban! ~ 欧尼酱~!!起床吃钣啦!~ Along with a clear as if angry Kotori common sound, room gate opened that moment, 随着一声清脆的仿佛愤怒的小鸟一般的声音,房间门被打开的那一刻,一个 Pale golden hair beautiful young girl appears in entrance, stands according to the waist, seems in the fairy tale the common noble princess appearance, fairly is similar to the flesh of new snowing place, the eye wants to embellish the light honored emerald, the corners of the mouth is hanging with the Little Devil smile that misses gracefully, is overlooking the boy on bed easely. 淡金发美少女出现在门口,按腰而立,仿佛是童话中一般的高贵公主容貌,白皙如同新降雪地的肌肤,眼睛就想是点缀着淡淡光彩绿宝石,嘴角挂着与优雅无缘的小恶魔微笑,悠然俯视着床上的男孩。 Then, the petite body has hit a spin in space, slender small feet heavily trod on the belly of boy 接着,娇小的身体在空间打了一个旋,纤细的小脚重重地踏在了男孩的肚子上面 !!” “噗!!” Such split second, the boy on bed immediately the body bent, then sobered thoroughly! 这么一瞬间,床上的男孩顿时身体弓了起来,然后彻底清醒了! damn it! Suzune, can't you change a way to call me? Was dying!” 岂可修铃音,你就不能够换个方式叫我么?要死了!” The boys looked like the bystander to sit generally, naturally, was not all right, but was used to it! 男孩像没事人一般地坐了起来,当然,并非是没事,而是习惯了! Since that time of since recording events, cousin like this asked him to get out of bed, reason that has rested such long time, was because 自从记事的那个时候起,表妹就是这样叫他起床的,之所以一直睡这么长的时间,是因为 In the dreamland has the form that makes him look forward , the Suzune's father told him that is his father, the father by the seal in a seven colors of the spectrum crystal, is unable to walk, in his impression, only then the people of uncle Yuuki Kouichirou and cousin Yuuki Suzune two understanding, did not have the father and mother's any memory. 梦乡之中有一个让他憧憬的身影,铃音的爸爸告诉他那是他的父亲,父亲被封印在一个七色的水晶之中,无法从中走出来,他的印象之中,只有舅父结城浩一郎和表妹结城铃音两个认识的人,却没有父亲与母亲的任何记忆。 The Uncle once the younger sister, seemed called 舅父曾经有一个妹妹,似乎是叫做 Yuuki Asuna. 结城明日奈 Is she his mother? 她是否是他的母亲呢? He had asked the Uncle like this, the Uncle said is not, but, has the person of very intimate relation with him. 曾经他这样问过舅父,舅父说不是,但是,是个与他有着非常亲密关系的人。 His name is Arthur, the true name and nobody knows that the Uncle and Suzune are not clear, moreover this name or Suzune turn the knight novel time, in that protagonist name as his name, the Uncle will not have opposed that then his name like this had been determined, past of finding it unbearable to recall! 他的名字叫做亚瑟,真正的名字并没有人知道,舅父与铃音都不清楚,而且这个名字还是铃音翻骑士小说的时候,将里面那位主人公的名字做为了他的名字,舅父也没有反对,然后他的名字就被这样确定了,不堪回首的过去! ( Some sheep: Are, the first chapter presents the ridicule place I not to be absolutely earnest, smiles ~) (某只羊:啊咧,第一章就出现吐槽的地方我绝对不是认真的,笑~ Onii-chan! Today must enter Dimensional Tower, but must effort well, my future Killing Bear Hugging Pillow depends on you! ~ 欧尼酱!今天就要进入次元之塔了,可要好好的努力哦,我未来的‘杀人熊抱枕’就靠你啦!~ Is called the Suzune's young girl sticks out one's tongue to say. 被称作铃音的少女吐着舌头说道。 That must think that I can make money......” “那也要看我能够赚到钱才是啊……” Arthur wears the clothes on the body wears the slipper to walk toward downstairs. 亚瑟将衣服穿在身上穿上拖鞋向着楼下走去。 Although is good to anticipate, but others are insufficient 15, good to go to these mysterious Dimensional World traveling......” “虽然好期待,但是人家还不够15啊,好想去那些神奇的次元世界旅游啊……” Suzune anticipated that looks at that Academy City highest construction of out of the window to say. 铃音期待地望着窗外的那个学园都市最高的建筑说道。 „, Is quick you also to have such one day!” “嘛,很快你也有这么一天!” Arthur is running going downstairs, washed fast cleans the teeth then entered in the kitchen 亚瑟跑着下了楼,快速地洗漱刷牙然后走进了厨房中 Starts to prepare food! 开始做饭! Uncle's company affairs are busy, therefore the breakfast has been made by him. 舅父的公司事务繁忙,所以早餐一直是由他来做的。 Onii-chan, must eat omelette today......” 欧尼酱,今天要吃欧姆蛋……” Suzune lies on kitchen dinner table looks at Arthur, every day, appreciates elder brother's cooking is also her hobby. 铃音趴在厨房旁的餐桌上面看着亚瑟,每天,欣赏哥哥的料理也是她的爱好。 Good...... Then on Omelette( western-style cheese omelette, called rice omelet, was wrapping fried rice with egg, ketchup of above in pouring and so on)......” “好的……那就Omelette(西式乳酪欧姆蛋,也叫蛋包饭,用鸡蛋包着炒饭,上面在浇上番茄酱之类)……” Arthur conscientiously makes cooking very much, the egg, onion, mushroom, pepper, coriander and salt meat is cutting the silk...... 亚瑟很认真地做着料理,鸡蛋、洋葱、蘑菇、柿子椒、香菜、腌肉切丝…… Lodges in this he, thinks the matter that can only handle was cooking and housework, since had received him who the Uncle took care to want for this family/home to make anything. 寄宿在这家中的他,唯一认为能够做得的事情就是料理与家务了,一直以来受到了舅父照顾的他想为这个家做出一些什么。 „......” “……” Fresh cheese omelette......” “新鲜的乳酪欧姆蛋……” I started......” “我开动了……” Completed the food Arthur and Suzune has eaten together, the breakfast of delicacy was stimulating the taste bud and appetite, two people ate quickly. 做好饭的亚瑟铃音一起吃了起来,美味的早餐刺激着味蕾与食欲,两个人吃得很快。 I went out...... Remaining gave you Suzune, today is Dimensional School's first day, I cannot be late......” “我出门了……剩下的交给你了铃音,今天是次元学院的第一天,我不能迟到……” Arthur looks at the wall above clock, immediately has forced in the breakfast the mouth altogether, then ran. 亚瑟看着墙壁上面的时钟,顿时一股脑地将早餐塞进了嘴里面,然后跑了出去。 „......! Really, must make others wash dishes!” “啊……!真是的,又要让人家洗碗了!” Suzune pouting small mouth said discontentedly. 铃音嘟着小嘴不满地说道。 „......” “……” * * After going out of the gate, Arthur is turning toward Academy City one of the Five Famous School fast Nagatenjouki Academy Hurries, this institute in Academy City, is the high school that the ability development is among the best. 走出门后,亚瑟快速地在向着学园都市五大名校之一的【长点上机学院】赶去,这座学院在学园都市中,是能力开发方面名列前茅的高中。 Today is he walks into the high school academy the first day. 今天是他步入高中学园的第一天。 Although is not considered as that seven big King Race Ancestors, but he is also having Innate Skill of superhuman, strong many( probably is at least related with some only Younger Sister Loli’s morning exercise in anti- attack of body, treads striking -type awakening means really fierce), moreover he is having the rich knowledge, written examination above took first ten. 虽然不算是七大【王族】的族裔,但是他也拥有着超人的天赋,至少在身体的抗打击方面强很多(大概与某只萝莉妹妹的晨练有关,踏击式的叫醒办法真得厉害),而且他拥有着丰富的学识,笔试上面拿了前十的。 In this world, each age achieved the 15-year-old teenage boys and girls to enter with the ordinary school different Dimensional School, Dimensional School has, but goal is the same, to enter each Dimensional World fights, collection Dimensional Fragment. 这个世界中,每个年龄达到了15岁的少男少女都要进入与普通的学校所不同的【次元学院】,次元学院有很多,但是目的都是一样的,为了进入各个次元世界而战斗,收集【次元碎片】。 15 years ago, creates the universe world Seven Kings, because some type startled changes, but simultaneously deep sleep, after that the entire universe starts to destroy, only then Earth still exists, but if Seven Kings cannot regain consciousness, then final paradise Earth must fall into during the collapse, for does not make Earth destroy, the world government starts, since Dimensional Tower Collects Dimensional Fragment. 15年前,创造宇宙世界的七位王因为某种惊变而同时沉睡,在那之后,整个宇宙都开始毁灭,只有地球还存在着,但是如果七位王未能苏醒的话,那么最后的乐土地球也要陷入崩溃之中,为了不让地球毁灭,世界政府开始从【次元之塔】收集次元碎片 Has enough Dimensional Fragment to maintain Earth has revolved, simultaneously unnecessary Dimensional Fragment can use in King's Awakening Above, so long as has enough fragment, then the king can resurrect, Seven Kings, resurrecting then can make the entire universe recover, therefore when entering Dimensional School, chooses seven King-Type Legion. 拥有足够的次元碎片就能够保持地球一直运转下去,同时多余的次元碎片可以用在【王的觉醒】之上,只要拥有足够的碎片,那么王就能够复活,七位王,有一位复活便能够令整个宇宙复苏,因此在进入次元学院时,也是对七位王属军团进行选择。 Which King first resurrects will then obtain the entire world, so long as the world had a king to suffice! 哪一位王优先复活便会得到整个世界,世界只要存在一位王就够了! Therefore this is also Dimensional Crossover Battle Era. 因此这也是【大乱斗时代】。 * * Arthur's is in position in the world center Academy City, the family that can occupy here is noble family, after all Dimensional Tower and seven King-Type Legion headquarters in this city. 亚瑟的家是位于世界中心的学园都市之中,能够在这里居住的家族都是名门望族,毕竟次元之塔与七位王属军团的总部都在这座城市之中。 His family is not noble family, but most common family, reason that can settle down here is not because Yuuki Kouichirou this Uncle is the president of some small game production company, but is one is called the Zi Yueling woman, she has the power and influence very much, manages the Dimensional Tower's logistics department minister. 只是,他的家族并非是名门望族,而是最普通的家族,之所以能够在这里定居不是因为结城浩一郎这位舅父是某个小游戏制作公司的社长,而是一位叫做紫月凌的女人,她很有权势,是管理次元之塔的后勤部门部长。 This woman perhaps is Uncle's good friend, since continuously he such guessed. 这个女人或许是舅父的好友,一直以来他是这么猜测的。 Nagatenjouki Academy is male and female mixed school , when with will one-sidedly pursue all -around ability development Tokiwadai to be different, will receive the student will consider the special skill ability, this also will be the reason that Arthur will join this institute, his body test can only medium, the written examination will be very outstanding. 长点上机学院是男女混校,与片面追求全方位能力开发的常盘台不同,接收学生时也会充分考虑特长才能,这也是亚瑟加入这所学院的原因,他的身体测试只能算中等,笔试却很优秀。 Was born human on Earth with other life races, will be having King-Type Ability, King-Type Ability altogether is divided into seven types: 出生在地球上的人类与其它生命种族,都会拥有着【王属能力】,王属能力一共分为七种: Dragon Race, Shaman Race, Monster Race, Elf Race, Nether Race, Sea Race and Demon Race. 龙族巫族妖族精灵族冥族海族魔族 Seven King-Type Ability decision future development directions, each race is having the different potential. 七种王属能力决定未来的发展方向,每个种族都拥有着不同的潜力。 For example Shaman Race's Physical Defense is high, Dragon Race's Magic Defense is high, Monster Race Life Force is high, the Elf Race's speed is high, the Nether Race's spirit is high, the Sea Race Water Attribute ability is high, Demon Race critical strike value is high. 比如巫族的物理防御高,龙族的魔法防御高,妖族生命力高,精灵族的速度高,冥族的精神高,海族水系能力高,魔族暴击值高。 Naturally, this is only in the surface some general knowledge. 当然,这只是表面上一些常识。 Also must look at individual potential specifically, this had existence of King Race's descendants, King Race's descendants has stood in seven races Pyramid, inherited the Seven Kings' bloodlines, more or less, they were the aristocrat of this world, was having the privilege. 具体也要看个人的潜力,这就有了王族族裔的存在,王族族裔是站立在七个种族的金字塔上,继承了七位王的血脉,或多或少,他们是这个世界的贵族,拥有着特权。 Grows into the school gate of machine institute to have the automatic detection ability, should say that Five Famous Schools has such ability. 长上点机学院的校门是拥有着自动检测能力的,应该说五大名校都有着这样的能力。 Ding......” “叮……” Student Serial Number: 15,007 学员编号:15,007 ID: Arthur ID:亚瑟 Age: 15 年龄:15 King-Type: Elf Race. ” 王属:精灵族。” After automatic detection personal information, Arthur entered in the institute, if examines the failure to be shot by the school gate, in the school gate of this academy inscribes space Barrier Spell, is no one can enter. 自动检测完个人信息之后,亚瑟进入了学院之中,假如检测失败就会被校门弹出去的,这所学园的校门上刻有空间结界术式,不是什么人都可以进入的。 The serial number 15 represent him is the Nagatenjouki Academy's 15th Selection students, 007 are representing his grade rank, is different to the serial number of ordinary school, the serial number of high school academy is representing the strength rank. 编号15代表他是长点上机学院的第十五届学生,007代表着他的年级排名,与普通学校的编号不一样,高中学园的编号都代表着实力排名。 Elf Race represents Arthur's Innate Skill is being Elf Race, only then Dimensional School can examine King-Type Innate Skill, this is Arthur knows his King-Type Innate Skill for the first time, is King-Type Ability. 精灵族代表着亚瑟的天赋精灵族,只有次元学院能够检测出来王属天赋,这是亚瑟首次知道他的王属天赋,也就是王属能力 Strides in gate split second, the campus that Arthur enters is not that appearance that on the semblance looks, but is a long tunnel, each student can only since the grade that in oneself are, like this has forbidden the higher grades and chaotic of newcomer fights. 跨入门的一瞬间,亚瑟进入的校园并非是外表上面看的那种样子,而是一个长长的隧道,每一届学生都只能进入自己所在的年级之中,这样禁止了高年级与低年级学生的乱斗。 The institute and ordinary street are different, the ability of student can only displays in Dimensional Tower as well as the institute. 学院与普通的街道不一样,学员的能力只能够在次元之塔以及学院中发挥出来。 In other words, even if has Magic and so on ability is unable to use in the city, the place of use only limits in other institutes and Dimensional Tower as well as special maps. 也就是说,就算拥有魔法之类的能力也是无法在城市中使用的,使用的地点仅限学院与次元之塔以及其它特殊地图之中。 Are~ am I last? Excuse me, I have been late......” 啊咧~我是最后一名么?不好意思,我迟到了……” When Arthur enters the classroom of A Rank top grade class, discovered that all students arrived, only then 007 seat numbers emptied. 亚瑟进入A级特等班的教室之时,发现全班所有的学生都已经到了,只有一个007的座位号空了出来。 Sits after own seat number shyly, other Arthur and students are waiting for teacher's arrival together. 腼腆地坐在属于自己的座位号后,亚瑟和其它学员一起等等着教师的到来。 However until morning curriculum just before the end, looked like very fearful woman walked. 然而直至上午的课程快结束的时候,才有一个看起来很可怕的女人走了进来。 The appearance that an appalling eye, partly opens, the whole person seems in the darkness general, the body has serious rotten corpse smell! 一双令人毛骨悚然的眼睛,半睁开的样子,整个人仿佛处于黑暗之中一般,身上有着严重的腐尸味 The pale facial color makes the person seem like the corpse seems to be common. 苍白的面色让人看起来仿佛是僵尸一般。 Hello, I called, Nunotaba Shinobu, in the following three years can be your helping teachers, but, you whether to insist three years of curriculum on unknown, my previous student, died in battle Dimensional Tower one month later collectively! “你们好,我叫,布束砥信,在接下来的三年中会是你们的辅导教师,不过,你们能否坚持完三年的课程就未知了,我的上届学员,在一个月后集体阵亡次元之塔 Before starting curriculum, first you must sign this 在开始课程之前,首先你们要签下这份 «Dimensional Crossover Battle Agreement». 次元乱斗协议书》。 Your life and death are controlled by me! 你们的生死由我主宰! Naturally, you can refuse to sign, adjust in other classes and grades, my curriculum difficulty is biggest is also most dangerous, naturally is the income is also highest, generally, first-level lives to attain Dimensional Fragment at least to want six months, so long as through my test, your most one month will attain Dimensional Fragment. 当然,你们可以拒绝签约,调到其它的班级之中,我的课程难度是最大的也是最危险的,当然也是收益最高的,一般情况下,一级生想要拿到次元碎片至少要半年的时间,但是只要通过我的考验,你们最多一个月就会拿到次元碎片 Not over one month, because surpasses died completely! ” 没有超过一个月的,因为超过的全部都死了!”
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