DC :: Volume #35

#3478: Meets by chance( tail to rub meow meow renewal)

Regarding eats the melon people mostly, this matter and has no specially noteworthy place, after all like this type of high level in charge and so on position, basic no value regarding bystander. Will not know are too many, extremely will not pay attention to the matter in this aspect. 对于大部分吃瓜民众来说,这件事本身并没有什么特别值得注意的地方,毕竟像这种高层主管之类的职位,对于外人来说基本没什么价值。更不会知道的太多,也不会太过关注这方面的事情。 This seems everyone to know Jobs who apple, then a little knows a Cook, but no one knows that the sales supervisors or the ministers of personnel of Apple are the news that , therefore emits also has no specially good report, but reported this Liz. When Miss Kate conducts the inspection to the landmark of company is having the accident/surprise, accidently lost life. As for the accident cause factor, the Milky Way financial group gave the staff to inspect finally is not proper causes the core architecture to have the problem, then the chief engineer and other group of people will send to the court for this reason. 这就好像大家都知道苹果的乔布斯,然后再多一点儿的知道个库克,但是谁也不知道苹果的销售总监或者人事部长是谁,因此放出的新闻也没有什么特别好报道的,只是报道这位克丽丝.凯特小姐在对公司的地标建筑进行视察时出现意外,不幸身亡。至于事故原因,最后银河财团给出了工作人员检查不到位导致核心结构出现问题,接着以此为由将总工程师等一帮人送上法庭。 After all must some people be a scapegoat . Moreover the accident investigation reason is also the mechanical problem, therefore naturally was the person of work has bad luck. 毕竟总要有人背锅,而且事故调查原因也是机械问题,所以自然是做工的人来倒霉了。 Naturally, that group of people naturally are go all out to protest, pitifully, facing the financial group, their appeals is basically useless and that's the end. After all the Milky Way financial group is rich and powerful, even can above the domination law, on the other hand they, although argued that all have inspected, but has problems in fact ......... can only pay silent tribute. 当然,那群人自然是拼命喊冤的,不过可惜,面对财团,他们的申诉基本没什么用就是了。毕竟银河财团有钱有势,甚至能够凌驾法律之上,另外一方面他们虽然辩称一切都检查过,但事实上就是出了问题………只能默哀了。 However this has not had any influence on behalf of Liz's death to the Milky Way financial group. 但是这并不代表克丽丝的死亡对银河财团没有造成任何影响。 Her primary interest is the finance, is the key part that is responsible for linking the preceding with the following. For example the high level authorized some takeover plan, or below needs to allocate funds to submit the application, these things need to complete through Liz. Do not say that a Milky Way financial group such big plutocrat, the resource flow level is frequent , and amount is huge. Liz's accident/surprise died, was more like the toll station of highway to seal up suddenly, causes to pass in and out the vehicles to stop up completely in the crossroad was the same. 她的主要职责是财务,也就是负责承上启下的关键部分。比如说高层批准了某项收购计划,或者下面需要拨款提交申请,这些东西都是需要通过克丽丝来完成。更不要说银河财团这么大的一个财阀,资金流动层面更是频繁并且数额巨大。克丽丝的意外身亡,更像是高速公路的收费站突然封闭,导致进出车辆全部堵在了路口一样。 Even led the hall academy also to receive affect on Altair and Vega, according to the information of Fang Zheng invasion demonstrated that originally the star led the hall academy during having a vacation this year financial situation will submit, simultaneously application next year of budget. Finally Liz dies, their car(riage) also stopped up in the half-way, although that side the Milky Way financial group has found the person to take over this position, but Fang Zheng killed her initially, was because settled on the ability in Liz's this aspect in the Milky Way financial group to be prominent, otherwise was impossible to sit to this position. 甚至就连星导馆学园也受到了波及,根据方正入侵的情报显示,本来星导馆学园已经趁着放假期间将这一年的财务情况提交了上去,同时申请下一年的预算。结果克丽丝一死,他们这辆“车”也堵在了半道上,虽然银河财团那边已经找人接手这个位置,但是方正当初杀她,就是因为看中了克丽丝在银河财团里这方面的能力突出,不然也不可能坐到这个位置。 Now the Milky Way financial group wants to find the person to take over, where is so easy? 现在银河财团想要找人接手,哪儿有这么容易的? Other financial groups have not let up this opportunity, acts while the opportunity that the Milky Way financial group contracts, four sides blossomed, causing the business of Milky Way financial group also to have the suitable loss. Although is insufficient to have a fracture, but also is the vitality damages severely at least currently speaking, in a short time the Milky Way financial group is the plan is in temporarily receives the potential, ......... they can only sigh with emotion as for own bitter experience is too hapless. 其他财团也没有放过这个机会,趁着银河财团收缩的机会纷纷出手,四面开花,导致银河财团的业务也受到了相当的损失。虽然不至于伤筋动骨,但也是元气大伤至少就目前来看,短时间内银河财团是打算暂时处于收势,至于自己的遭遇嘛………他们只能够感慨太倒霉了呗。 When being heavily engaged that in the integration corporation hits for this reason in secret, the instigator has actually eaten the hot pot to sing to leave the case location, started own itinerary. 就在统合企业财团为此暗中打的不可开交时,始作俑者却已经吃着火锅唱着歌离开了案发地点,开始了自己的旅游行程。 Right, Fang Zheng planned that the rest of the time play a poor roaming to consider as finished, travel roam about, then waited to begin school went back again not late ......... naturally, money was not the issue, although in this world F compelled to decline, but was not the money does not have, do not say, the method that Fang Zheng made money are also many. 没错,方正打算剩下的时间就玩个穷游算了,一面旅行一面流浪,然后等着开学了再回去也不迟………当然,钱不是问题,这个世界里虽然F逼已经没落了,但也不是一点儿钱都没有,更不要说,方正自己赚钱的手段也多着呢。 It seems like the present. 就好像现在。 , All around crowd is also applauding finally immediately, but Fang Zheng also stands up, is saluting to the people slightly. 一曲终了,四周的人群也是立刻鼓起掌来,而方正也站起身,对着众人微微行礼。 Thanks, thanks everyone ......... “谢谢,谢谢各位………” Is saying, Fang Zheng wears the hat, then takes up guitar on hand again. 一面说着,方正一面戴好帽子,接着再次拿起手边的吉他。 Then stops today, thanks everyone to support.” “那么今天就到此为止,谢谢各位捧场。” Listens to Fang Zheng’s words, the crowd is also well satisfied divergence, but Fang Zheng takes up the present hat, looks that inside hitting enjoys, nodded in satisfaction. 听完方正的说话,人群也是心满意足的散去,而方正则拿起眼前的帽子,看着里面的打赏,满意的点了点头 Right, now Fang Zheng the status of by vagrant singer is playing everywhere, earns a extra income while convenient. After all to him, this scurries about everywhere is also interesting, moreover adds on itself again long is so graceful, is glib, can sing will jump, when the time comes deceives several girls to roll the bed sheet again, that this vacation may comfortable passing. 没错,现在方正正在以流浪歌手的身份到处游玩,顺便赚点儿外快。毕竟对他来说,这样到处乱窜也蛮有意思的,而且再加上自己长的这么帅,又能说会道,能唱会跳,到时候再骗几个女孩子去滚床单,那这个假期可就是舒舒服服的过去了。 But Fang Zheng also indeed crosses is very comfortable, after all his strength suspends here, the artist who although in this era, the street sings for a living is very rare, the resembles concert that but relied on the Fang Zheng’s strength, can hold each time is lively, moreover made a lot of money, at least every day can stay in the good hotel, then enjoys a good food not to have the issue. 方正也的确过的很舒服,毕竟他的实力摆在这里,虽然在这个时代,街头卖唱的艺人已经很少见了,但是凭方正的实力,每次都能够办的像演唱会般热闹,而且也赚了不少钱,起码每天都可以住不错的旅馆,然后再享受一顿美食是没问题。 However makes Fang Zheng feel somewhat a pity is, so far did not have attractive imouto to surrender ......... in these juvenile literatures by the literary youth fan scared where entirely white sweet? 不过让方正感到有些可惜的就是,到目前为止还没有漂亮妹子投怀送抱………那些青春文学里被文艺青年迷的丢魂落魄的傻白甜都哪儿去了? However today, Fang Zheng felt oneself seemed like must transport. 但是今天,方正觉得自己似乎是要转运了。 .” 。” The clear clapping sound transmits, Fang Zheng looks up, sees only in own side not far away, is standing a young girl. She brings a big hat, a mild-mannered maroon long hair ties up ponytail to build after behind, the body wears very ordinary T-shirt and jeans, seems like has no difference from the girl who the ordinary street window-shops. 清脆的拍手声传来,方正抬起头望去,只见在自己身边不远处,站着一个少女。她带着一顶大大的帽子,一头柔顺的栗色长发绑成马尾搭在身后,身上穿着很普通的T恤和牛仔裤,看起来就和普通街边逛街的女孩子没有任何区别。 Or this is one ordinary in girl who the street strolls. 或者说,这就是一个普通的在街边闲逛的女孩子。 Your performance may be really good, sings is also very of pleasant to hear.” “你的演奏可真不错,唱的也很好听。” Many thanks supports, this young lady.” “多谢捧场,这位小姐。” Fang Zheng tidies up the guitar back after behind, is showing a faint smile to her, then turns around to turn toward the direction of hotel to walk. But that young girl curious followed at Fang Zheng’s side, is looking steadily at him, asked that simultaneously continuously. 方正一面收拾好吉他背在身后,一面对着她微微一笑,接着便转身向着旅馆的方向走去。而那个少女则好奇的跟随在方正的身边,盯视着他,同时不住的开口询问道 „Have you studied the music?” “你有学过音乐吗?” Is a self-made person.” “自学成才。” Studies independently? Studying independently to reach such level?” “自学?自学能达到这样的水准?” This was the talent, the average person could not envy.” “这就是天赋了,一般人羡慕不来的。” Fang Zheng shrugs the shoulders, opens the mouth unrestrained/no trace of politeness said, but the young girl eats smiles, then again curious looking to him. 方正耸耸肩膀,毫不客气的开口说道,而少女则吃吃一笑,接着再次好奇的望向他。 Right, your music level was so high, why wasn't the singer? If the performance company signs ......... “对了,你的音乐水准这么高,为什么不去当歌手呢?如果去演艺公司签约的话………” I have no interest.” “我没兴趣。” Fang Zheng shook his head, interrupted young girl's inquiry, in fact, he also runs into the talent scout to unearth itself more than once, regarding this Fang Zheng naturally rejected completely. 方正摇了摇头,打断了少女的询问,事实上,他也不止一次遇到星探挖掘自己,对此方正自然是全部拒绝了。 Why?” “为什么呢?” Singing should be free, oneself want to sing sings, thinks that did not sing does not sing, I am not willing by the portrait dog hitch.” “唱歌应该是自由的,自己想唱就唱,想不唱就不唱,我可不愿意被人像条狗似的栓着。” ............... “……………” Heard Fang Zheng’s words stiffly, the expression of young girl slightly, later returned to the original condition. 听到方正的说话,少女的表情微微僵硬了一下,随后又恢复了原状。 „, Does this young lady, what matter you ask me to have?” “那么,这位小姐,你找我有什么事?” „, Actually is this ............... “啊,其实是这样……………” However the words have not said, in the alley front, the man who several hooligans dressed up walked, blocked their way. 然而话还没有说完,在小巷前方,几个流氓打扮的男子就走了出来,挡住了他们的去路。 Yo, pretty boy, is this soaks imouto?” “哟,小白脸,这是去泡妹子呢?” You also are really leisurely and carefree.” “你还真是悠闲啊。” Looks at the present hooligan, Fang Zheng raised his brows, but the young girl is looking steadily at them. 看着眼前的流氓,方正挑了下眉头,而少女则盯视着他们。 „Do you want to do?” “你们想要干什么?” Does?” “干什么?” Hears young girl's inquiry, one of them hehe smiled. 听到少女的询问,其中一人嘿嘿笑了出来。 Actually also has nothing, was this pretty boy annoys should not the person annoying, therefore we then gave him to teach a little.” “其实也没什么,就是这个小白脸惹了不该惹的人,所以我们便来给他一点儿教训而已。” At the same time saying, is seeing only that several hooligans then to pull out a thing of similar knife from the bosom, that is ............... 一面说着,只见那几个流氓便从怀里掏出了一把类似小刀的东西,那是…………… Bright type arming?” “煌式武装?” Right, are we star lineage/vein generation oh? little brother, the little darling obedient words, we also break your two legs, but if you are not obedient, that may not say ......... hehehe ............!!” “没错,我们可是星脉世代小哥,乖乖听话的话,我们也只是打断你的两条腿而已,但是如果你不听话的话,那可就不好说了啊………嘿嘿嘿…………!!” Right, makes me listen to your wailing! While convenient, we will also play with before you well your girlfriend, by that time, what expression I must have a look on your face to show but actually!” “没错,就让我听听你的哀嚎吧!顺便,我们还会在你面前好好玩弄一下你的女朋友,到那个时候,我倒要看看你这张脸上会露出什么样的表情!” haah ............... 哈啊……………” Hears several hooligans' speeches, Fang Zheng helpless sighing. 听到几个流氓的说话,方正无奈的叹了口气。 „The envy that clown compels is really unable to look straight ahead.” “丑逼的嫉妒真是无法直视啊。” ............... haah? What your did brat say?” “……………哈啊?你小子说什么?” hearing this, that several hooligans stare the big eye immediately, wicked is gazing at fixedly him, but Fang Zheng shrugs the shoulders. 听到这里,那几个流氓顿时瞪大眼睛,恶狠狠的瞪视着他,而方正则耸耸肩膀。 Not? Has a look long your is so ugly, how can compare with me? Looks at your appearances, it is estimated that from the birth to the present girls around you walk, you can the psychological imbalance, pitifully, ugly be inborn no wonder, was really not good I to suggest that you contributed money to undergo the cosmetic surgery ............ “难道不是吗?看看你们长的这么丑,怎么能够和我比?看你们这幅模样,估计从出生到现在女孩子都是绕着你们走的吧,也难怪你们会心理失衡,不过可惜,丑是天生的,实在不行我建议你们去攒钱做个整容手术…………” Dies!!” “去死!!” At this moment, these hooligans cannot endure patiently finally again, their angrily roared, held up bright type arming in hand toward Fang Zheng and young girl threw. In their opinion, oneself are the star lineage/vein generation of physical quality far supernormal person, the opposite is only two average people , there is nothing to fear! That little ghost tooth point mouth advantage, disfigures one's face him when the time comes directly, looked he also does smile ......... 这一刻,那些流氓终于再也忍耐不住,他们怒吼一声,举起手中的煌式武装朝着方正和少女扑了过去。在他们看来,自己是身体素质远超常人的星脉世代,对面只是两个普通人,根本没什么好怕的!那个小鬼牙尖嘴利,到时候就直接把他毁容,看他还笑不笑的出……… However, at this time, suddenly, an earthenware cooking pot big fist presented the front of hooligan suddenly, the next moment along with bang, that charges into the Fang Zheng’s hooligan to be pounded to turn by his direct fist in the place. Then Fang Zheng extends the idle left hand, held another head that tries to sneak attack own hooligan, is making an effort to pound to nearby wall. 然而,就在这个时候,忽然,一只砂锅大的拳头骤然出现了流氓的面前,下一刻伴随着“轰”的一声,那个冲向方正的流氓就被他直接一拳砸翻在地。接着方正伸出空闲的左手,一把抓住了另外一个试图偷袭自己的流氓的脑袋,对着旁边的墙壁用力砸去。 Bang!!!” “轰!!!” With the violent impact noise, the body of that hooligan twitched several, later soft collapsed. 伴随着猛烈的撞击声,那个流氓的身体抽搐了几下,随后软绵绵的塌了下去。 One crowd of waste.” “一群废物。” Fang Zheng patted clapping, wear a look of disdains looks is falling to the ground at present two people. 方正拍了拍手,面带不屑的望着眼前倒地的两人。 Long not good weak also limited, what significance do you live have?” “长的不行弱的也有限,你们活着到底有什么意义呢?” Is saying, Fang Zheng has turned the head, looks to approach own chestnut/trembling send/hair young girl. 一面说着,方正一面转过头,望向自己身边的栗发少女。 Although I want to inquire that you are all right ......... look like you to be all right.” “虽然我想要询问你没事吧………不过看来你应该没事。” The young girls are certainly all right, a moment ago because Fang Zheng looked is very clear, facing attacking own hooligan, young girl very relaxed about swayed a body to avoid thoroughly, then her is kicking to the opposite party waist, the next moment that fellow flew like the shell, at this moment has poured near the wall motionless. 少女当然没事,因为刚才方正看的很清楚,面对袭击自己的流氓,少女只是非常轻松的左右摇晃了一下身体就彻底躲开,接着她对着对方的腰间一脚踢出,下一刻那个家伙就像炮弹般飞了出去,这会儿已经倒在墙边一动不动。 Meanwhile, the distant place heard the yawp and sharp whistling sound. 与此同时,远处传来了叫喊声和尖锐的哨声。 Regarding this Fang Zheng and young girl's response naturally is ............... 对此方正和少女的反应自然是…………… Run, so as to avoid troubles!” “快跑,免得麻烦!” Therefore quick, two people throw in same place three hooligans, then turns around to leave rapidly. 于是很快,两人就把三个流氓扔在原地,接着迅速转身离开。 ............... “呼……………” Under looks dashes, but the police, Fang Zheng also vent anger, then he turns the head, looks to the body side. At this moment he and young girl are standing, in peak that abandons the building regarding star lineage/vein generation, being on such a building is not difficult. 看着下方飞奔而过的警察,方正也是出了口气,接着他转过头来,望向身侧。此刻他和少女正站在一栋废弃大楼的顶端对于星脉世代来说,登上这么一座大楼并不困难。 Can drink?” “要喝吗?” Thanks, I am happen to thirsty.” “谢谢,我正好口渴。” The young girls received the Cola that Fang Zheng hands over grinningly, opened later drank one, then she is sizing up Fang Zheng curiously. 少女笑嘻嘻的接过方正递来的可乐,打开之后喝了一口,接着她好奇的打量着方正 Although said that has seen, but ......... you compared with newspaper mileage also interesting, Kasugano.” “虽然说早就已经见过,但是………你本人比新闻报道里的还有趣呢,春日野君。” oh?” ?” Hears young girl's speech, Fang Zheng raised his brows. 听到少女的说话,方正挑了下眉头 „Do you know me?” “你认识我?” Will know itself about the young girl, Fang Zheng is not surprised, because the young girl also showed the powerful stars strength application a moment ago, clearly, this represents her is also the student in Gakuentoshi, if so, then has watched own news and duel live broadcast is not but actually strange. 对于少女会认识自己,方正并不感到意外,因为刚才少女也展现出了强大的星辰力运用方式,很明显,这就代表她也是学园都市里的学生,如果是这样的话,那么看过自己的新闻和决斗直播倒也不奇怪。 „One side naturally, I have also wanted to see with you in fact, but has not thought that unexpectedly will meet here.” “当然,事实上我也一直很想和你见一面,但是没想到居然会在这里遇到。” Is saying, young girl takes the hat, unties is tying up hair, immediately afterward, her maroon long hair turned into the bright purple. If the young girl were simple and clever neighbor young girls, then she comes across now turned into some type magnificently, was full of the overwhelming to have the feeling the idol. 一面说着,少女一面拿下帽子,解开绑着的头发,紧接着下一刻,她那头栗色的长发变成了鲜艳的紫色。如果说刚才的少女还是朴素又乖巧的邻家少女的话,那么现在她给人的感觉就变成了某种华丽的,充满压倒性存在感的偶像。 Hello, Kasugano, I am Hill Wei. Colored glaze Neigem ......... first meeting, but also please advise much.” “你好,春日野君,我是席尔薇娅.琉奈海姆………初次见面,还请多多指教。” Is saying, young girl smiles is putting out a hand to Fang Zheng. 一面说着,少女一面微笑着对方正伸出了手。 Originally is you ......... “原来是你啊………” Fang Zheng at this moment also nods, grips the hand that the young girl extended. 方正这会儿也是点了点头,握住了少女伸出的手。 In fact, when she unties the camouflage, Fang Zheng had known her real status. 事实上,当她解开伪装的时候,方正就已经知道了她的真实身份。 Student Association President of sunflower En Wei children academies six stars, ranks first, alias fights law witch, is the previous «Dragon Wang Xingwu Sacrifice» second place. 六星之一葵恩薇儿女学园的学生会长,排名第一,别名“战律魔女”,同时也是上届《龙王星武祭》的亚军。 Although just, is student Association President, but the Hill Wei whole time participate in the performance activities outside, initially Fang Zheng once made 99 new moon nights issue the challenge to entrust to Hill Wei, opposite party's reply is because the preparation world tour concert date is too tight, cannot find the time ......... 只不过,虽然是学生会长,但是席尔薇娅大部分时间都在外面参加演出活动,当初方正曾经让九十九朔夜对席尔薇娅发出挑战委托,对方的回答就是因为准备世界巡回演唱会日期太紧,抽不出时间……… Hill Wei is not only the well-known singing girl, its witch ability is in ten thousand does not have one, her ability is multipurpose. 席尔薇娅不仅仅是知名的歌姬,其魔女的能力也是万中无一,她的能力是“万能”。 Generally speaking, the witch good magician also is also good, or cuts down blade is also good, their abilities basically limit in an attribute, for example Stella and Liz are the fires, black iron shot na is water this, however Hill Wei can through singing sound this type of medium, her strength transformation be all kinds of existences. 一般来说,无论是魔女也好魔术师也好,又或者伐刀者也好,他们的能力基本都局限在一个属性上,比如史黛拉和尤莉丝是火,黑铁珠雫是水这样,然而席尔薇娅可以通过“歌声”这种媒介,将自身的力量转化为各式各样的存在。 However as if only then for treating ability exception. 不过似乎只有治疗能力例外。 „, Does Miss Hill Wei, what matter you ask me to have?” “那么,席尔薇娅小姐,你找我有什么事吗?” The opposite party is the world-known singing girl, is witch ranked the first, Fang Zheng does not think that the opposite party was charmed by oneself was entirely white sweet. 对方是世界知名的歌姬,又是排名第一的魔女,方正也不会认为对方是被自己迷住的傻白甜了。 Is this, I take the liberty ......... “是这样的,恕我冒昧………” Facing Fang Zheng, Hill Wei seems like some are difficult. 面对方正,席尔薇娅似乎有些难以启齿。 Actually ......... I hope that can buy the song that you sang ......... “其实………我希望能够买下你所唱的歌………” ............... oh?” “……………?” This may really be unexpected. 这可真是出乎意料之外了。
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