DC :: Volume #35

#3477: Silent assassin( meow to rub tail tail renewal)

Is looking steadily at present the picture on screen, Fang Zheng is silent. 盯视着眼前屏幕上的照片,方正沉默不语。 Liz. Kate. 克丽丝.凯特。 She is the senior executive of Milky Way financial group, is mainly responsible for the inside and outside of Milky Way financial group operating and financial circulation, but she, is the goal that Fang Zheng these acts time. 她是银河财团的高层主管,主要负责银河财团的内外经营和财务流通,而她,也是方正这一次行动的目标。 How must eliminate a giant plutocrat aristocratic family, was the experience is also rich regarding Fang Zheng. Naturally, if he works as emperor that little while, does not need such troublesome, the direct whole families confiscate and behead then implicate the nine generations, killed cleanly not to have on anything. However now he does not have that influence, has to take your time. 要如何消灭一个巨大的财阀世家,对于方正来说也算是经验丰富了。当然,如果是他当皇帝那会儿,也不需要这么麻烦,直接满门抄斩然后株连九族,杀个干干净净就什么事儿都没有了。但是现在他没有那种势力,就只好慢慢来。 But this must be fastidious about the skill. 而这就要讲究技巧了。 Although trades to do is the words of average person, thinks that wants to eliminate a plutocrat, must start from the source. Assassinates the high level directly, but this is in fact unworthy. Only if you can guarantee that catches the whole lot in a dragnet the high level of entire plutocrat aristocratic family completely, otherwise this behavior will only alert the enemy. 虽然换做是一般人的话,认为想要消灭一个财阀,就必须从源头入手。直接刺杀高层,但事实上这并不值得。除非你能够保证将整个财阀世家的高层全部一网打尽,否则的话这种行为只会打草惊蛇。 Fang Zheng chooses her as the first goal, is carefully designed. Liz in the Milky Way financial group responsible is mainly the circulation of financial business level, in other words, the upper layer makes the decision, then she carries out. If compares with a person the financial group, then high-level and chairman is the heart and brain, but Liz is a finger. 方正之所以挑选她作为第一个目标,也是经过精心设计的。克丽丝在银河财团之中负责的主要是金融业务层面的流通,也就是说,上层做出决定,然后她去执行。如果把财团比作一个人的话,那么高层和董事长就是心脏和大脑,而克丽丝则就是一根手指。 Indeed, compares the brain and heart, the importance of finger must trim, but must look at the situation. Regarding the average person, loses a thumb anything, perhaps is only the life slightly has inconvenient. But if by person of its life? For example pianist, surgeon, these occupations, even if can ruin the entire career the wound to the finger, loses the finger, that painful nature is self-evident. 的确,相比起大脑和心脏而言,手指的重要性就要略微降低一些,但是也要看情况。对于普通人来说,失去一根大拇指什么的,或许只是生活略有不便。但如果是靠其生活的人呢?比如钢琴家,外科医生,这些职业哪怕伤到手指都会毁掉整个职业生涯,失去手指的话,那痛苦自然不言而喻。 But Fang Zheng, in view of the goal that this chooses a little. 方正,就是针对这一点儿来选择的目标。 What is more important, the position of Liz is not very high, if the position is too high, other financial groups possibly because will be afraid is suspected or involved, but does not dare to act rashly. But if only a loss of ordinary staff, then other financial groups can seize the chance to take advantage of loopholes to conduct the benefit to compete. 更重要的是,克丽丝本身的身份地位不算特别高,因为如果身份地位过高的话,其他财团可能会因为害怕被怀疑或者牵连而不敢轻举妄动。但是如果只是一个普通员工的损失,那么其他财团就可以趁机钻空子进行利益争夺了。 Simply speaking, one group of pianists strive for the champion, then a person pointed at suddenly, without the means continued to compete, others do not even need to suppress him, so long as the good behavior, can occupy the part that he lost. But the pianist who that finger is cut off always cannot therefore attack brutally to others. 简单来说,一群钢琴家争夺冠军呢,然后其中一个人忽然手指断了,没办法继续争夺,其他人甚至不需要打压他,只要自己这边表现良好,就可以占据他所失去的部分。而那个手指断掉的钢琴家总不能够因此对其他人大打出手吧。 After all, is yourself breaks off the finger, without the truth vents anger others is not? 毕竟,是你自己把手指弄断的,没道理迁怒别人不是? Reason that first chooses the Milky Way financial group to take the goal , because at present six star, the Milky Way financial group is located in second from the bottom, situated in a quite subtle position. It was easy to suffer from above and under the converging attack of both sides, at this time, so long as there is a small flaw, to it sufficiently fatal. 之所以首先选择银河财团作为目标,是因为在目前六星之中,银河财团位于倒数第二,处于一个相当微妙的位置。原本就很容易遭受到来自上面和下面双方的夹击,这个时候,只要有一个小小的破绽,对其都足以致命。 According to information that the Fang Zheng invasion network obtains, Liz's daily itinerary is compact, naturally, as the high level of Milky Way financial group, there are to her provides the star lineage/vein generation to take the bodyguard. According to the recent traveling schedule, Liz will go to be located in the forest park of urban center, supervises the examination and trouble-free service of central landmark will soon be completed on behalf of the Milky Way financial group. 根据方正入侵网络获得的信息来看,克丽丝每天的行程都非常紧凑,当然,作为银河财团的高层,也有给她配备星脉世代作为保镖。根据最近的行程,克丽丝将会前往位于城市中心的森林公园,代表银河财团监督即将落成的中心地标建筑的审查与安全工作。 But this, is the Fang Zheng preparation ......... the place of buried bones. 而这,也是方正准备的………埋骨之地。 Ok, the preparation began.” “好了,准备动手吧。” Looks that the black motorcade drove into the work site, Fang Zheng stands up, put down the newspaper in hand, reorganized a tie. Then the next moment, the imposing manner of his whole person suddenly becomes gloomy, does not exist to be the same probably. 看着黑色的车队驶入工地,方正站起身来,放下了手中的报纸,整理了一下领带。接着下一刻,他整个人的气势骤然变得暗淡起来,就好像根本不存在一样。 This is the unique skill that each assassin can learn/study, in assassin the words with chalice war, is equal to aura interdiction, why the assassins of fraternity and 47, when will mix in the crowd is not discovered, will be this truth. They restrain oneself aura, letting the person is unable to discover, regarding others, this time assassin seemed the pebble of roadside to be the same, in their mind had this type of thing, but did not care about that is anything. 这是每个杀手都会学习的绝活,用圣杯战争里的暗杀者来说的话,就等于是“气息遮断”,为什么兄弟会的刺客和47在混入人群的时候不会被发现,也是这个道理。他们将自己的气息收敛起来,让人无法发现,对于其他人来说,这时的杀手就好像路边的小石子一样,在他们印象里就是有这种东西,但是根本不在意那是什么。 It seems like the present. 就好像现在。 Fang Zheng wears the black suit, across the work site, he chose the line of sight dead angles of others ingeniously, evaded the photography of camera, before arriving at situated in the work site central huge construction . This is the triangle tablet that fine metal makes, according to blueprint, when it was started, the entire metal tablet will bloom like the flowers, then emits the ray from the middle, illuminates the entire park like the lighthouse. 方正穿着黑色的西装,穿过工地,他巧妙的选择了其他人的视线死角,躲过了摄影机的拍摄,来到了位于工地中央的巨大建筑前。这是一座纯金属制成的三角碑,根据设计图来看,当它被启动时,整个金属碑会像花朵一样绽放开来,然后从中间放出光线,如同灯塔般照亮整个公园。 At present, this metal tablet will also soon finish, following approved the work. 眼下,这座金属碑也即将完工,接下来的就是验收工作了。 Naturally, wants to enter this work site is not simple, all workers are providing the ID card, the path to metal tablet central structure area was also blocked, only allows Engineer advanced to enter. All around also has the public preservation corps that the star lineage/vein generation composes to go on patrol, generally, it may be said that cannot fly the fly. However ......... regarding Fang Zheng, this is not the troublesome matter. 当然,想要进入这座工地内部并不简单,所有工人都配备着ID卡,通往金属碑中央结构区的道路也都被封死,只允许高级工程师进入。四周还有星脉世代组成的保安队进行巡逻,一般情况下,可谓是连苍蝇都飞不进去。不过………对于方正来说,这并不是什么麻烦的事情。 But, that is generally. 但,那是一般情况下。 The star lineage/vein generation is, was too self-confident about their strengths. 星脉世代就在于,对他们的力量太自信了。 Looks that wears the star lineage/vein generation that the uniform/subdue stands guard, the Fang Zheng corners of the mouth reveal wiped the smile. This in these rivers and lakes people with martial arts world is the same, basically they looked that the angle of the world has had the change, in their opinion, can get rid of military, only then military, but can break through surrounds the assassination goal layer on layer/heavily, is the expert in military. 看着身穿制服站岗的星脉世代,方正嘴角露出了一抹微笑。这就和武林里的那些江湖人一样,基本上他们看世界的角度已经产生了变化,在他们看来,能够干掉武者的只有武者,而能够突破重重包围暗杀目标的,更是武者之中的高手。 They are do not believe absolutely does not have the inner strength, the average person who the movement, will not understand martial learn/study can assassinate the emperor. 他们是绝对不会相信一个没有内力,不会身法,不懂武学的普通人可以暗杀皇帝的。 But in fact, the emperor is also a person. 但事实上,皇帝也是人。 So long as is the person, then dies unavoidably. 只要是人,那么就难免一死。 But the way of death ......... it can be said that were also many and varied. 而死亡的方式………也可以说是多种多样。 Every so often, the deceased person does not need to begin. 很多时候,死人并不需要自己动手。 It seems like the present, here aimed at the destruction that the star lineage/vein generation possibly conducted and sneaks the behavior to conduct quite strict bringing under control, but actually instead neglected the inspection to the average person. Simply speaking, so long as can through that gate, enter the work site, then can act in a self-serving manner. 就好像现在,这里针对星脉世代可能进行的破坏和潜入行为进行了相当严密的布控,但是却反而忽略了对一般人的检查。简单来说,只要能够通过那道门,进入工地内部,那么就可以为所欲为了。 After all, in their opinion, average person, even if causes trouble, is not the opponent of star lineage/vein generation. 毕竟,在他们看来,一般人就算闹事,也不是星脉世代的对手。 However, enters the work site path not to have one. 但是,进入工地内部的道路并不只有一条。 Arrives at the work site edge, Fang Zheng lowers the head, looks below sewer, frowns slightly, then he jumps down, as if cat general quiet falling in the edge of sewer. Meanwhile, strong ozone greets the nostrils to come, the odor mixes with the smell of chemical agent to flood the entire sewer, light/only close to here, makes one want to vomit. 来到工地边缘,方正低下头去,看着下方的下水道,微微皱了下眉头,接着他一跃而下,仿佛猫一般悄无声息的落在了下水道的边缘。与此同时,一股浓烈的臭气扑鼻而来,恶臭夹杂着化学药剂的气味充斥着整个下水道,光是靠近这里,就让人想要呕吐。 But in the sewer, several wear exposure suits, leading the worker of mask to go on patrol everywhere, examines the situation. But at this time, a person looked at the watch, then turned around to move toward nearby gate, saw here, the Fang Zheng look moved, hurried quiet with. 而在下水道中,数个穿着防护服,带着面罩的工人则四处巡逻,查看情况。而就在这个时候,其中一个人看了看表,然后转身走向了旁边的大门,看到这里,方正眼神一动,急忙悄无声息的跟了上去。 That worker had not detected that some people follow in oneself behind, sees only him to arrive at the entrance, put out ID to brush, later the door opened, but at this moment, has hidden observation Fang Zheng to lift the hand suddenly, then a small stone departed, hits on nearby pipeline. 那个工人并没有察觉到有人跟在自己身后,只见他来到门口,拿出ID刷了一下,随后房门打开,而就在这时,一直隐蔽着观察的方正猛然一抬手,接着一颗小石头飞出,打在了旁边的管道上。 Ding-dong!” “叮咚!” The resounding impact noise resounded in the sewer, frightens that worker to jump, he shoved open the subordinate consciousness of gate stopped, turns the head the place that turned toward the sound to send out to look. 响亮的撞击声在下水道中响起,吓了那个工人一跳,他推开门的手下意识的一停,转头向着声音发出的地方望去。 But at this time, before Fang Zheng has also pasted the wall is arriving at the gate, after confirming inside situation, diverts the attention while the worker the instance, his leapt forward flushed went in , but gate also closed in him behind layer on layer/heavily. 而就在这个时候,方正也已经贴着墙来到门前,在确认里面的情况之后,趁着工人转移视线的瞬间,他一个箭步冲了进去大门也在他身后重重关闭。 But this has not ended, because, when Fang Zheng enters the room, a worker of wear exposure suit is turning away from him to sit on the chair naps, hears the door to open, that worker also stares, quickly turns the head, Fang Zheng at this moment is prepared early, moved sideways to hide behind nearby changing clothes cabinet. 可是这还没有完,因为在方正进入房间的时候,一个穿着防护服的工人正背对着他坐在椅子上打盹,听到房门开启,那个工人也是一愣,急忙转过头来,不过此刻的方正早有准备,一闪身躲到了旁边的更衣柜后面。 At this time, the worker who inspected the situation also opens the door to walk again, heard the opening the door sound, before sat the worker on chair turns the head again, looks to approach own colleague. 就在这个时候,检查完情况的工人也再次打开门走了进来,听到开门声,之前坐在椅子上的工人再次转头,望向自己的同僚。 Who came in a moment ago?” “刚才有谁进来吗?” oh, I opened the door a moment ago, suddenly that side pipeline made a sound, therefore I have a look at the situation.” ,我刚才开门,忽然那边管道响了一下,所以我去看看情况。” Is saying, that worker also before arrives at own changing clothes cabinet, then took off work clothes and exposure suit. 一面说着,那个工人也一面来到自己的更衣柜前,然后脱下了身上的工作服和防护服。 Words said that you also do catch a fish by hand here? Was seen by above must be read.” “话说你还在这里摸鱼?被上面看到了又要被念。” „It is not deducts the wages, making him deduct, why did Laozi also few money ......... work to him in any case again?” “不就是扣工资嘛,让他扣去,反正老子也没几个钱了………何必再给他干活?” That worker who hearing this, caught a fish by hand before could not bear complain, two people such with pauses is chatting, had not detected slightly a form of wear work clothes circled from another side closet. Then along with drop a light sound, opens to the inside door, when two workers look to the entrance, only sees gate that closed again. 听到这里,之前摸鱼的那个工人也是忍不住抱怨了起来,两人就这么有一搭没一搭的聊着,丝毫没有察觉到一个穿着工作服的身影从另外一侧的衣柜后面绕了出去。接着伴随着“滴”的一声轻响,通往内侧的房门打开,当两个工人向门口望去时,只看见了再次关闭的大门 ......... handles.” “呼………搞定。” Goes out of Fang Zheng of changing room, relaxes. In a moment ago, him did not pay attention to steal into the changing room while the opposite party, then opened the closet using unlocking, put out one work clothes to exchange, then when the worker speech of that complaint, touched his ID card quietly. 走出更衣室的方正,也是松了口气。就在刚才,他趁着对方不注意溜进了更衣室,然后利用开锁器打开了衣柜,从中拿出了一套工作服换上,接着在那个抱怨的工人说话的时候,悄悄摸走了他的ID卡。 Since any case you catch a fish by hand here, then the ID card does not need, might as well borrow me to use. 反正既然你在这里摸鱼,那么ID卡就不需要了呗,不如借我一用。 The entire monument path is intriguing, but the indicator card on good dependence wall, Fang Zheng also successfully found the kernel range of monument very much, but when he planned walks to find out, sees several person who seems like the big shot is chatting there, therefore Fang Zheng also quickly stops the footsteps, then turns away from them to pretend to tidy up the appearance of tool, simultaneously raises up the ear to listen respectfully to their dialogue. 整个纪念碑内部的道路错综复杂,不过还好依靠墙上的指示图,方正也很顺利的找到了纪念碑的核心区,而就在他打算走进去一探究竟的时候,就看见几个看起来就像是大佬的人正在那里聊天,于是方正也是急忙停下脚步,然后背对着他们装作收拾工具的样子,同时竖起耳朵聆听着他们的对话。 ......... In brief the flow is this, this Miss Liz comes to mainly simulate the entire process time, will be good will not have any oversight at the ceremony.” “………总之流程就是这样,这一次克丽丝小姐来主要是为了模拟一下整个过程,好在典礼上不会有任何疏漏。” Can come one completely?” “要完整来一遍吗?” This could not achieve the expectation effect, so long as the definite monument can normal opening and closing, as for the illumination part, when the ceremony opened on the same day finally is good. Part that more importantly makes and breaks, five coal textile fiber cables, few is not at the same time good! Inspects again, once that thing does not have the installment to be reliable, then the entire monument will break, when the time comes person one that gave a speech below cannot escape must die, at that time we also died. Must know that the Yinhe Group high level will arrive to give a speech personally!” “这样就达不到预期效果了吧,只要确定纪念碑能够正常的开合,至于照明部分,等到典礼当天最后再打开就好了。重要的是开闭的部分,一面五根炭纤维缆绳,少一根都不行!再检查一遍,一旦那东西没有安装牢固的话,那么整个纪念碑都会散架,到时候在下面致辞的人一个都跑不了全得死,那个时候我们也就死定了。要知道银河集团高层可是会亲自到场致辞的!” Relax, above is installing the sensor, without the docking is reliable, will then sound the warning, start insurance program stop makes and breaks the movement.” “放心吧,上面装置着感应器,如果没有对接牢固的话,那么就会发出警报,启动保险程序停止开闭动作。” This was good ............ to arrive at the ceremony on the same day, we must inspect one ......... “这样就好…………不过到典礼当天,我们还得检查一遍………” Several people were saying walked away, but at this time Fang Zheng was also puts down the tool in hand, the ponder moment. 几个人说着走远了,而这时方正也是放下手中的工具,思考片刻。 Un, had the means. 嗯,有办法了。 Evaded other person and the camera, Fang Zheng arrived at the monument structure area quietly, quick, before his finding, cable that said that according to the blueprint, this monument mainly pulled up the central structure through these coal textile fiber cables, then all around actuated to launch such a movement, therefore, the quality requirement of this type of coal textile fiber cable was very high, the bodies of each cable some people were so thick, but in the attachment point, naturally also had the sensor and attachment system. 躲过其他人和摄像机,方正悄悄来到了纪念碑内部的结构区,很快,他就找到之前说的缆绳,按照图纸来看,这个纪念碑主要是通过这些炭纤维缆绳将中心结构拉起,然后驱动四周展开这么一个动作,因此,这种炭纤维缆绳的质量要求很高,每根缆绳都足足有人的身体那么粗,而在连接处,自然也有感应器和固定装置。 Arrived this step, was then simple. 到了这一步,接下来就简单了。 With time one minute/share one second of past, saw only Liz who wore the suit also to arrive on the tribune before monument. As the star lineage/vein generation of her bodyguard, then stands under the stage, vigilant is looking at all around. 伴随着时间一分一秒的过去,只见穿着西装的克丽丝也来到了纪念碑前的演讲台上。作为她保镖的星脉世代,则站在台下,警惕的望着四周。 That, then can speak, then starting outfit, opening monument. Is this button is right.” “那么,接下来可以就是讲话,然后启动设备,开启纪念碑。就是这个按钮对吧。” Points at the present button, Liz is looking to head, the latter nods. 指着眼前的按钮,克丽丝望向身边的负责人,后者点了点头。 „, Starts, must take smooth time.” “那么,开始吧,务必要一次顺利。” Good, I make them leave distant point.” “好的,我让他们都离远点儿。” Quick, others left the tribune, but Liz has turned the head, looked at the grand metal triangle tablet, puts out a hand again at present later, pressed down the button. 很快,其他人都离开了演讲台,而克丽丝则转过头,再次看了一眼眼前壮丽的金属三角碑,随后伸出手去,按下了按钮。 !” !” With the bellow of machinery, sees only the entire metal triangle tablet to raise slowly, but its both sides guard plates also seemed like the flower petal to open, revealed the symbol of inside Milky Way financial group. Sees this, Liz is also be with smile on the face, nodded in satisfaction. 伴随着机械的轰鸣声,只见整个金属三角碑缓缓升起,而它两侧的防护板也像是花瓣般打开,露出了里面银河财团的标志。看到这一幕,克丽丝也是面带笑容,满意的点了点头 However ............... 然而…………… Bang!!” “轰!!” Suddenly, in the next moment, sees only takes the metal triangle tablet main body crash of suddenly huge triangle body no indication, pounded directly to the tribune, has not waited for the person to respond, is several hundred tons metal bodies already completely the collapse that the entire tribune pounded thoroughly. 忽然,就在下一刻,只见作为金属三角碑主体的巨大三角体毫无征兆的猛然坠落,直接砸向了演讲台,还没有等人反应过来,重达数百吨的金属体已经完全将整个演讲台彻底砸的塌陷下去。 ............... Then reported the sudden news, constructed in the central forest park, the surface construction of Milky Way financial group ‚the star tower, collapsed before 30 minutes suddenly. According to the eyewitness described, at that time the star tower was conducting the trial starting test, but the main construction part collapsed suddenly, causing the accident to happen.” “……………接下来报道突发新闻,原本在中心森林公园建造的,银河财团的地表建筑‘星塔’,在三十分钟前忽然坍塌。根据目击者描述,当时星塔正在进行试启动试验,但是主体架构部分忽然坍塌,导致了事故发生。” Accident caused one dead, the dead went to inspect senior executive Liz who on behalf of the Milky Way financial group. Kate, the Milky Way financial group is investigating ............... the accident cause unclear to this event ............... “事故造成一人死亡,死者是代表银河财团前去视察的高层主管克丽丝.凯特,目前银河财团正在对这起事件进行调查……………事故起因尚未明确……………” Very good, handles. 很好,搞定。 Fang Zheng switched off the present Windows, nodded in satisfaction. 方正关掉了眼前的视窗,满意的点了点头 Then, looked how the Milky Way financial group must face the present aspect. 接下来,就看银河财团要怎么面对眼前的局面了。
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