DC :: Volume #31

#3022: Election( game that said is the anger of pioneer justice)

After obtaining the echo of Deviluke king, Fang Zheng how many relaxes, at least now contacts with on the guardian, although the opposite party said when does not determine comes, but regarding Fang Zheng, at least this is also a good start is not? 在得到戴比路克王的回音之后,方正多少松了口气,起码现在联系上家长了,虽然对方说不确定什么时候来,不过对于方正来说,起码这也算是个好的开始不是? Therefore Fang Zheng also felt relieved, starts to enjoy own school life. 于是方正也就放下了心,开始享受自己的学校生活。 With the arrival of second semester, everyone has started familiar, mutually some understanding regarding the school life gradually, in addition has not arrived at the pressure that the third semester promotes, at this time basically was the time of all kinds of election, for example the candidate of student association, each club president changed, as well as discipline committee member and so on ......... 伴随着第二学期的到来,大家对于学校生活已经渐渐开始熟悉,彼此之间也相互有了了解,再加上还没有到第三学期升级的压力,这个时候基本上就是各种各样的选举的时间了,比如学生会的人选,还有各个社团的社长变更,以及风纪委员之类……… Naturally, these had not related with Fang Zheng, he regarding the enthusiasm that the voting participates in the election is zero, but watches the fun well. 当然,这些就和方正没关系了,他对于投票参加选举的热情为零,只是看看热闹就好。 However, when Fang Zheng and Lala enter the classroom together, seen is actually a people appearance with a worried look. 然而,当方正菈菈一起走进教室时,看到的却是众人一副愁眉不展的样子。 Yo, good morning, how? one by one probably suffers a natural disaster?” “哟,早上好啊,怎么了?一个个的像是遭了灾似的?” The schoolmate who looks at class, Fang Zheng hehe greets with a smile, but hears his sound, the people also raise the head, then saw several male students to throw directly. 看着班里的同学,方正呵呵笑着打了声招呼,而听到他的声音,众人也是抬起头来,接着就看见几个男生直接扑了过来。 Yuki, you may probably save us!” 结城,你可要救救我们啊!” Un? What situation?” “嗯?什么情况?” Looks that gathers round nasal mucus tears look like arrive at the liberation simply is oppressed the farmer same people, Fang Zheng is shocked. 看着围着自己一把鼻涕一把泪简直就像是盼到解放的被压迫农民一样的众人,方正不由的愣住了。 „Haven't you read the bulletin of discipline committee?” “你没看风纪委员会的告示吗?” „The bulletin of discipline committee?” “风纪委员会的告示?” Right.” “没错。” Quick, several people Fang Zheng are leaving the classroom on drawing, before arriving at the bulletin board of not far away, at this time Fang Zheng discovered in the bulletin board is pasting a bulletin. 很快,几个人就拉着方正走出教室,来到了不远处的公告栏前,这时方正才发现在公告栏里贴着一张告示。 Discipline strengthening rules?” “风纪强化守则?” Sees only in the present bulletin, big writes three lines of characters. 只见在眼前的告示上,大大的写着三行字。 Refuses impure different ** toward 【严禁不纯异**往】 Puts on must conform to studentship 【穿着一定要符合学生身份】 Thing there is nothing to do with school all confiscates 【与学校无关的东西一律没收】 What issue ..................... has?” “…………………有什么问题?” Fang Zheng sees the tail from the beginning, felt that has no problem, in Chinese School not this? You bring the magazine novel personal stereo D machine, Sensei to see the direct confiscation, direct dismissal that dares to dye, like Japanese High school that does bodgie who keeps the airplane nose, you dare to try in China? Looked that Sensei does not kill you are strange. 方正从头看到尾,感觉没啥毛病啊,中国学校里不都这样吗?你带个杂志小说随身听d机,老师看到直接没收,敢染发的直接开除,像日本高中那种留飞机头的不良少年,在中国你敢试试?看老师不把你弄死才怪呢。 The puppy love strictly prohibits strictly, if discovers to have the symptom, light then the talk education, heavy gives you to divide to other class directly, called the guardian anything, that incurred greatly, emitting was critical strike must die. 早恋更是严格禁止,如果发现有苗头,轻则谈话教育,重则直接给你分到别的班去,叫家长什么的,那都是大招了,放出就是暴击必死的。 Wants Fang Zheng on the contrary, the atmosphere of Japanese High school really relaxed, does not seem like the appearance that studies, said again, don't these have the relations with him are not? 反倒要方正来说,日本高中的气氛实在太放松了,根本不像是来学习的样子,再说了,这些也和他没有关系不是? This is the tyranny, the tyranny!!” “这可是暴政,暴政啊!!” I feel good, the school, is the learn/study place.” “我觉得挺好的,学校嘛,就是学习的地方。” Fang Zheng shrugs the shoulders, then turns around to return to the classroom. He does not care about this minor matter, Fang Zheng have not violated the stipulation in any case. 方正耸耸肩膀,接着转身回到教室。他才不在乎这点小事呢,反正方正自己也没有违反规定。 Also, did not have words to say good. 再说了,不是有句话说的好嘛。 They chase down the Jew, I do not have speech & fucking ash ; Because I am not a Jew. 他们追杀犹太人,我没有说话—因为我不是犹太人。 They chase down the association member, I do not have speech & fucking ash ; Because I am not the association member. 他们追杀公会成员,我没有说话—因为我不是公会成员。 They chase down Catholic, I do not have speech & fucking ash ; Because I am the protestantism believer. 他们追杀天主教徒,我没有说话—因为我是新教教徒。 Finally they chase down me, my & fucking ash ; Turned the table directly. 最后他们来追杀我,我—直接翻桌子了。 Your does Laozi dare to grasp? Tired of living? Really thinks that I don't dare to begin? 你们连老子都敢抓?活腻了?真以为我不敢动手吗? Therefore facing the new regulation of discipline committee, most students complains, when Fang Zheng only has not seen, in his opinion this is a new broom sweeps clean, does not need to do makes much ado about nothing. 所以面对风纪委员会的新规,大多数学生怨声载道,方正只当没看见,在他看来这不过是新官上任三把火而已,没必要搞的这么大惊小怪。 However the next day, when Fang Zheng goes to the school again ......... the situation is completely different. 但是第二天,当方正再次来到学校时………情况就完全不同了。 Hey, command, you looked the school uniform that these people wear probably and we are not quite same.” “喂喂,达令,你看那些人穿的校服好像和我们不太一样啊。” Is holding Fang Zheng’s arm, Lala curious looking to front, but Fang Zheng dull standing in same place, looks to come and go, passed in and out students, just like bolt from the blue is ordinary. 一面抱着方正的胳膊,菈菈一面好奇的望向前方,而方正则呆呆的站在原地,看着来来去去,进进出出的学生们,犹如晴天霹雳一般。 Very simple, the reason only has one. 很简单,原因只有一个。 That was ............... the skirt lengthens! 那就是……………裙子变长了! Originally the women's school uniform of short skirt, now skirt unexpectedly as long as knee!!! 原本短裙的女子校服,现在裙子居然长到膝盖了!!! How can like this!! 怎么会这样!! Skirt swayed of that swing, revealed thigh and absolute domain brilliance! How to vanish?! 那摇摆的裙摆,露出的大腿与绝对领域的光辉!怎么就这么消失了?! This was also too dark!!! 这也太黑暗了吧!!! This flash, Fang Zheng thought immediately lives not to have the love, only wants to sing loudly one I to close the eye is the darkness, a feeling of tearing, the mouth is exuding the bloody taste, how wound leaves ......... 这一瞬间,方正顿时觉得生无可恋,只想高歌一曲“我闭上眼睛就是天黑,一种撕裂的感觉,嘴里泛着血腥滋味,多么伤的离别………” But after class , the people complained incessantly. The reason does not have him, everyone when will enter the school to be searched the book bag, will also search, but also has wanted the mental detector, what mechanical games, the makeup kit, was discovered will confiscate entirely. Also because of this, after Fang Zheng enters in the class, seen is one piece wails vast. 而到了班里之后,众人更是叫苦连天。原因无他,所有人在进学校的时候都会被检查书包,甚至还会进行搜身,还要过金属探测仪,什么游戏机,化妆盒,被发现统统没收。也正因为如此,当方正走进班里之后,看到的就是一片哀嚎遍野。 Not only the male student looks grief-stricken, the female students have no spirit somewhat. 不但男生如丧考妣,就连女生们也多多少少没什么精神。 This was also too exaggerating.” “这也太夸张了吧。” confessed that Fang Zheng has not thought that unexpectedly will achieve this step, even placed China, has not inspected like this ............ was this stupid idea that who wants to come out? 坦白来说,就连方正都没想到居然会做到这一步,就算放在中国,都没这样检查的啊…………这到底是谁想出来的馊主意? Blames that Furude Sichuan!!!” “都怪那个古手川啦!!!” Finally, Toriumi Sakura provided the clue to Fang Zheng, sees only in afternoon rooftop, her angry stamping the feet, a super uncomfortable appearance. 最后,还是鸟海樱花方正提供了线索,只见在午后的天台上,她怒气冲冲的跺着脚,一副超级不爽的样子。 That woman said that what school discipline is waste, wants the neat school discipline, then has not known that convinced the principal with what method ............... “那个女人说什么学校风纪靡乱,要规整校纪,然后还不知道用什么手段说服了校长……………” You are also unbearable.” “你也够呛啊。” Looks bumpkin who at present dresses up Toriumi Sakura that must die, Fang Zheng does not need to look can guess correctly opposite party obviously in counterrevolutionary suppression list, after all before Toriumi Sakura, has said with Fang Zheng, for does not make one look down upon, she starts from the junior middle school is a spice girl appearance, was no exception to the high school. 看着眼前打扮的老土的要死的鸟海樱花,方正不用看都能够猜到对方明显是在肃反名单上,毕竟鸟海樱花以前就和方正说过,为了不让人瞧不起,她从初中开始就一直是一副辣妹打扮,到了高中也不例外。 Finally now, looks at the neat school uniform that this wears, the long skirt suspends & fucking ash ; The spice girl image that Toriumi Sakura painstakingly plans was finished thoroughly. 结果现在,看这穿的整整齐齐的校服,长长的裙摆—鸟海樱花苦心经营的辣妹形象算是彻底完蛋了。 But Toriumi Sakura obviously is not a case, in fact in a while, Kushida Kikyou also found Fang Zheng to seek the help. 鸟海樱花显然不是个例,事实上没过多久,栉田桔梗也找到方正来求帮忙了。 „Can you try to find a solution, this also went too far!” “你能不能想个办法,这也太过分了!” Because had exposed the reason of oneself true colors in front of Fang Zheng, Kushida Kikyou at this moment is also breathless, a face is pale. 因为早已经在方正面前暴露了自己真面目的缘故,栉田桔梗这会儿也是气急败坏,一脸铁青。 I thought that you should the issue not be big.” “我觉得你应该问题不大吧。” Sized up Kushida Kikyou carefully, Fang Zheng doubts asked, but Kushida Kikyou hears these words, immediately like stepping on the cat of tail jumped directly. 仔细打量了一下栉田桔梗,方正疑惑的开口询问道,而栉田桔梗听到这句话,顿时像踩了尾巴的猫一样直接跳了起来。 „Isn't issue big? They searched for my package! The ratio that only public school, the custom does privately established are many! I initially was because regarded as important here comparison to relax elects! Otherwise I might as well go to highly Yu to become the school! That women named Furude Sichuan ......... hateful, if she our class, I have 100 means to tidy up her ............!!” “问题不大?他们可是搜了我的包啊!区区一个公立学校,规矩搞的比私立还要多!我当初就是因为看重这里比较放松才选的!不然我还不如去高度育成学校呢!那个叫古手川的女人………可恶,她要是我们班的,我有一百种办法收拾她…………!!” It seems like Kushida Kikyou looks for Fang Zheng to not to seek help, pure is only vents. 看来栉田桔梗方正不是为了求助,单纯只是来发泄的。 Command, everyone as if seems like no spirit.” “达令,大家似乎看起来都没什么精神呢。” Walks in the campus, students who look at the depressed, Lala is also doubts asked, but Fang Zheng is also helpless nod. 走在校园里,看着意气消沉的学生们,菈菈也是疑惑的开口询问道,而方正也是无奈的点了点头。 Yes ......... “是啊………” Without the miniskirt can look how this day may boil ......... 没有迷你裙可以看,这日子可怎么熬啊……… Honk toot toot & fucking ash ;!!” “嘟嘟嘟—!!” However, at this time, suddenly, sound of whistle resounded, then Fang Zheng and Lala saw several men and women who have the discipline committee member shoulder patch flushed, then several female students held Lala directly, forcefully separated her and Fang Zheng. 然而,就在这个时候,忽然,一阵哨子声响起,接着方正菈菈就看见几个带着风纪委员臂章的男男女女冲了过来,接着几个女生直接抓住了菈菈,强行把她和方正分开。 Forbids impure different ** toward! Does not permit to embrace! Safe distance at least three meters between men and women!” “禁止不纯异**往!不准搂搂抱抱!男女之间的安全距离最少三米!” Yeah? Aii yeah?! Command!! Made ............!!” “哎?哎哎哎?!达令!!达令…………!!” Wuah ......... this was also too exaggerating. 呜哇………这也太夸张了吧。 Looks that two by Lala that entrains forcefully from own side, Fang Zheng has to plant the misconception of tears being in Madame White Snake by buddhist monks forcefully separated Xu Xian and Lady White Snake ......... 看着两眼含泪被从自己身边硬生生拽开的菈菈,方正有种身在白蛇传里被秃驴们强行分开的许仙和白娘子的错觉……… This is not good. 这可不行。 Arrived this situation, Fang Zheng could not endure finally, mother Laozi must stay for three years in this school, did you let a Laozi three years of even miniskirt and thigh cannot see? 到这个地步,方正终于也忍不了了,尼玛老子还要在这学校待三年呢,你让老子三年连迷你裙和大腿都看不到? How does this day have?! 这日子还怎么过?! It is not good, must try to find the solution, finding the way to solve! 不行,必须要想办法,想办法解决! Therefore Fang Zheng also contacts others immediately, in being on vacation from school later set arrives in the cafe, holds the operational conference. 于是方正也是立刻联络了其他人,在放学之后集合到咖啡厅里,举行作战会议。 Not only Toriumi Sakura, Kushida Kikyou, Kirisaki Kyouko and the others all arrive, Sairenji Haruna also joined came in & fucking ash ; She recently also tossed about unbearable. 不但鸟海樱花,栉田桔梗,雾崎恭子等人悉数到场,就连西连寺春菜也加入了进来—她最近也被折腾的够呛。 On the other hand, that named Furude Sichuan what person is?” “话说回来,那个叫古手川的到底是个什么人?” After the set people, Fang Zheng then asked the own first issue, because of the opposite party in the 1-b class, with Fang Zheng not in same class, therefore did not know each other. 在集合众人之后,方正这才提出了自己的第一个问题,因为对方在1-b班,和方正不在同一个班,所以彼此之间互相也不认识。 Toriumi Sakura gave the answer. 还是鸟海樱花给出了答案。 That woman called the Furude Sichuan only, was the class leader of B class, although long was very attractive, but was the board a face, the individuality was serious, everyone said that she simply was the bergy bit!” “那个女人叫古手川唯,是b班的班长,虽然长的挺漂亮,但一直都是板着一张脸,个性严肃认真,大家都说她简直就是小冰山呢!” Bergy bit ............... “小冰山……………” hearing this, Fang Zheng was speechless immediately, he knows that Kirisu Mafuyu was called the glacier by the students secretly, when she that ten thousand years of invariable poker face with vitality/angry can surpass the terrifying the look such as the falling icehouse same. But this Furude Sichuan is only called the bergy bit unexpectedly, then almost can guess correctly that she was what appearance. 听到这里,方正顿时无语了,他知道桐须真冬被学生们暗地里称为冰川,因为她那万年不变的扑克脸和生气时会超恐怖的眼神让人如坠冰窖一样。而这个古手川唯居然被称为小冰山,那么差不多可以猜到她是什么样子了。 Why can she make this?” “那她为什么要弄这个?” I remember that she said one pile, what school is the learn/study place, should strictly adhere to the duty as the student, do not pass moment anything, this way the atmosphere in school will only drop, the reputation will also become worse anything ......... she gave a Sensei saying in any case, Sensei also supports her, finally supported her the principals ......... “我记得她说了一堆,什么学校是学习的地方,作为学生应该谨守本分,不要逾矩什么,再这样下去学校的风气只会下降,口碑也会变差什么什么的………反正她就是这么给老师一说,老师们也就都支持她了,结果连校长都支持她………” Said till here, Toriumi Sakura air/Qi hū hū is gazing at fixedly Fang Zheng and Lala. 说道这里,鸟海樱花呼呼的瞪视着方正菈菈 Said, you give the matter that annoys!” “说起来,还是你们给惹出来的事情!” We?” “我们?” Going to and from school that yes, you and Lala embrace daily, she could not have tolerated! Before had also voiced several complaints in the class!” “是啊,你和菈菈天天搂搂抱抱的上下学,她早就看不过眼了!之前也在班里发过好几次牢骚了!” eh ............... ……………” My goodness, gathers is coming to me unexpectedly? 好家伙,合着居然是冲我来的? This certainly is the misunderstanding.” “这一定是误会啦。” But at this time Kushida Kikyou was the grinning opens the mouth said, she looked to Fang Zheng, showed a faint smile. 而这时栉田桔梗则是笑嘻嘻的开口说道,她望向方正,微微一笑。 Yuuki-kun is not that person, I think that Yuuki-kun should ask that Furude Sichuan schoolmate to chat well, deeply understands, as the matter stands, should be able to solve the problem.” 结城君可不是那种人呢,我想结城君应该去找那位古手川同学好好聊一聊,深入了解一下,这样一来,应该就能够解决问题了呢。” „Is the deep understanding that you said what meaning?” “你说的深入了解是什么意思?” Others spoke this saying also even, but this saying said from the mouth of Kushida Kikyou not to the taste. 别人说这话也就算了,但是这话从栉田桔梗的嘴中说出来就不对味了。 Unties the misunderstanding, or you can also ask Furude Sichuan schoolmate to go out to chat together well ......... “就是解开误会啊,或者你也可以请古手川同学一起出去好好谈谈………” Then gets her handle. 然后抓住她的把柄是吧。 Fang Zheng glanced over Kushida Kikyou silently. 方正默默的扫了一眼栉田桔梗 Useless, this matter said that does not talk clearly, but I have the means.” “没用,这种事说是说不清楚的,不过我也不是没有办法。” You had what means to say a bit faster, I have received enough this appearance.” “你有什么办法快点儿说吧,我已经受够这个样子了。” Continues to live again by present dressing up, Toriumi Sakura feared that is insane. 再继续以现在的装扮生活下去,鸟海樱花怕是要疯。 „Very simple.” “很简单。” Facing the inquiry of Toriumi Sakura, Fang Zheng chuckled. 面对鸟海樱花的询问,方正呵呵一笑 „The student Association President election must start immediately, I do not believe that her discipline chairman, but can also big student is Association President inadequate?” “学生会长选举马上就要开始了吧,我就不信,她一个风纪委员长,还能大的过学生会长不成?” Right, Fang Zheng had not planned from the start looks for that female student named Furude Sichuan, even if this time convinced, but after difficult insurance, can have an accident again. Therefore for safety's sake, he decides to exhaust foundation & fucking ash directly ; So long as becomes student Association President, was equal to that grasps the entire school in the hand, by that time, that woman named Furude Sichuan, how oneself wants to rub to pinch, how to rub to pinch! 没错,方正压根就没打算去找那个叫古手川的女生,就算这次说服了,但是难保之后还会不会再出事呢。所以为了保险起见,他决定直接挖掉根基—只要成为学生会长,就等于把整个学校掌握在手里,到那个时候,那个叫古手川的女人,自己想怎么揉捏,就怎么揉捏! Could not solve the problem, person who I can solve the manufacture problem. 解决不了问题,我可以解决制造问题的人嘛。
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