DC :: Volume #31

#3018: The space falls down .........( did everyone Mid-Autumn Festival eat moon cake?)

Fang Zheng has not thought, oneself transmigrated so many world, hit the harem animation protagonist most common beginning plot ——— day to fall imouto finally! 方正没想到,自己穿越了这么多世界,终于还是撞到了后宫动画主角最常见的开场剧情———天降妹子 In bathroom! 还是在浴室! Moreover is under the premise of no indication appears suddenly! 而且是毫无征兆的前提下忽然出现的! Proper benefits! 妥妥的福利番啊! Un ............!” “嗯…………!” However, this imouto actually does not fall female lead like these benefits in days, shouts one H, then a palm of the hand hits, but is comfortable stretching oneself, stood directly. 然而,这个妹子却丝毫不像那些福利番里的天降女主一样,大喊一声“H”,然后一巴掌打过来,而是舒舒服服的伸了个懒腰,直接站了起来。 Leaves successfully!” “脱出成功!” Who are you? Why will appear suddenly here?” “你是谁?为什么会忽然出现在这里?” Fang Zheng will certainly not be blushing like these harem male lead bashfully seemed like discourteously the scream ran, didn't he suffer a loss in any case is not? Since the opposite party do not care, then Fang Zheng naturally does not care. 方正当然不会像那些后宫番的男主一样羞红着脸好像自己被非礼了似的一面尖叫一面跑出来,反正他又不吃亏不是?对方既然自己都不在乎,那么方正自然也不在乎。 I? I am la la, from road difficult adversary.” “我?我叫菈菈,来自戴比路克星。” ............... Are you alien?” “……………你是外星人?” My goodness, coming up is alien ......... fortunately is not Xenomorph. 好家伙,上来就是外星人………还好不是异形 It can be said that words to earthman.” “可以这么说吧,对地球人来说的话。” la la grinning looks at Fang Zheng, as if not care about the current situation completely. But Fang Zheng also shrugs the shoulders, sighs to stand up. 菈菈笑嘻嘻的看着方正,似乎完全不在乎自己目前的处境。而方正也是耸耸肩膀,叹了口气站起身来。 Ok, you first wait, I look for clothes to you, then we went out to reach an agreement again.” “算了,你先等一下,我给你找件衣服,然后我们出去再谈好了。” This young girl named la la is also casual, does not seem to paid attention to the current situation completely, but Fang Zheng first goes out to wear the clothes, this gave la la to look for pajamas, then led in her own bedroom. 这个叫菈菈的少女也是大大咧咧,似乎完全没有把自己目前的处境放在眼里似的,而方正则是先出去穿好衣服,这才给菈菈找了件睡衣,然后把她带到了自己的卧室里。 On the other hand, your will alien, how appear in my bedroom?” “话说回来,你一个外星人,怎么会出现在我的卧室里?” „, I used this.” “啊,我用了这个。” Hears Fang Zheng’s inquiry, the young girl of named la la raises oneself left hand complacently, sees only wears a personal status very gadget beyond description in her wrist/skill. 听到方正的询问,名为菈菈的少女洋洋得意的举起自己的左手,只见在她的手腕上戴着一个品位非常难以形容的玩意儿。 This is jumping that I make, although is unable to assign the position, but lets the single lifeform conducts short distance teleport to be able oh. I used in the lifeboat of spaceship, accidentally shifted in your family's bathroom.” “这是我做的跳跳瓦普君,虽然无法指定位置,但是让单个生物进行短距离瞬移还是可以的。我在宇宙飞船的救生艇里用了一下,偶然就转移到了你家的浴室里。” ............... Lifeboat?” “……………救生艇?” Thinks till here, the Fang Zheng corner of the eye twitched, remembering cannot help but pounds school main gate that gadget this morning, on the other hand ......... the lifeboat ......... this word always gives a Fang Zheng not good premonition, should not be Star Wars will turn round to carve. 想到这里,方正眼角抽动了一下,不由自主的想起今天早上砸到学校大门口的那玩意儿,话说回来………救生艇啊………这个词总给方正一种不好的预感,该不会又是星球大战复刻吧。 But facing Fang Zheng’s inquiry, la la revealed wiped the serious expression. 而面对方正的询问,菈菈露出了一抹沉重的表情。 I was being captured.” “我正在被人追捕。” ........................... “………………………” My goodness, was really Star Wars turns round to carve? 好家伙,果然就是星球大战复刻了? I think escaped was safe to Earth, but never expected that pursuing troops with . Moreover the ship also went bad, I was nearly held to bring by them, used this to escape fortunately.” “我原本以为逃到地球就安全了,但是没想到追兵跟了过来,而且船也坏了,我差点儿就被他们抓住带回去了,还好用了这个才逃了出来。” You should not be what princess.” “你该不会是什么公主殿下吧。” hearing this, Fang Zheng complained one, but la la hears Fang Zheng’s to complain, is the surprise stares the big eye to look at him. 听到这里,方正不由吐槽了一句,而菈菈听到方正的吐槽,则是诧异的瞪大眼睛望着他。 „, Is quite fierce, how do you know?” “哇,好厉害,你怎么知道的?” ........................... “………………………” My goodness, this was really simultaneous/uniform living, Star Wars of two dimension versions? 好家伙,这真是齐活了,二次元版的星球大战 This also? 这也可以? Now this misses a round toilet robot ......... 现在这就差一个圆马桶机器人了……… la la Sir!!!” “菈菈大人!!!” However, in the Fang Zheng brain is transferring this thought that suddenly, a round head round brain, has the bat wing to seem like the puppet gadget from out of the window to clash, grasped la la. 然而,就在方正脑子里转着这个念头的时候,忽然,一个圆头圆脑,长着蝙蝠翅膀看起来像是玩偶般的玩意儿从窗外冲了进来,一把抱住了菈菈。 la la Sir, were you all right? la la Sir!” “菈菈大人,原来你没事吗?菈菈大人!” Pecquet, good, you also escaped safely.” “佩凯,太好了,你也安全的逃出来了啊。” Looks at present the gadget of this round head round brain, la la is also quite excited and excited, moreover conducted to Fang Zheng introduced, according to the view of la la, this fellow 's name is Pecquet, is multipurpose zone robots that she made. 看着眼前这个圆头圆脑的玩意儿,菈菈也是颇为激动和兴奋,而且还向方正进行了介绍,按照菈菈的说法,这个家伙名叫佩凯,是她自己做的万能变装机器人。 Hears the introduction of la la, Fang Zheng was thoroughly speechless. 听到菈菈的介绍,方正彻底无语了 Good, currently the round head robot also has, then Anakin Skywalker where? 好吧,现在圆头机器人也有了,那么达斯维达在哪儿呢? Sees only la la to take off coat suddenly, then saw that robot to send out flash suddenly, then after a similar magical girl changed the scene of body, la la again wears the white strange clothes, bringing a round hat to appear in front of Fang Zheng. 紧接着,只见菈菈就猛然脱掉身上的外衣,接着就看见那个机器人骤然发出了一阵闪光,然后经过了一个类似魔法少女变身的场景之后,菈菈就再次穿着白色的古怪衣服,带着一个圆圆的帽子出现在了方正面前。 I really did not have the words to say ......... “我是真没话说了………” At this moment Fang Zheng wants to face upward simply the deep sigh, where this mother comes sutures strangely, Star Wars + magical girl? 这一刻方正简直想要仰天长叹,这尼玛是从哪儿来的缝合怪啊,星球大战+魔法少女吗? This also? 这也可以? „, What do you then plan to make?” “那么,你接下来打算做些什么?” Fang Zheng prepares for now then must meet universe level mission, mostly in that with Star Wars female is the same, overthrows the Milky Way empire, beats the black warrior, then founds the Milky Way alliance ......... 方正现在做好接下来要接一个宇宙级任务的准备了,多半就和星球大战里那个女的一样,打倒银河帝国,击败黑武士,然后创建银河联盟……… That ......... “那个啊………” Hears Fang Zheng’s words, la la thinks, then opened the mouth to plan to say anything. However at this time, strong winds howled suddenly , man this of two wear black suits appeared instantaneously, in tandem la la will surround. 听到方正的说话,菈菈想了想,接着开口打算说些什么。然而就在这个时候,忽然一阵狂风呼啸而过,紧接着,两个穿着黑西装的男人就这样瞬间出现,一前一后的将菈菈包围了起来。 You may really be an honored person who makes one have a headache about, before leaving Earth, even if with bundling I will still block your freedom to be right.” “你可真是个让人头疼的贵人呢,在离开地球之前就算用捆的我也该封锁您的自由才对。” Stands in front of la la, wears the black suit, brings the black sunglasses, the appearance and Triad similar man coldly stared at la la said in a low voice. 站在菈菈面前,穿着黑西装,带着黑墨镜,打扮和黑社会差不多的男人冷冷的瞪视着菈菈低声说道。 It seems like that these two fellows should be the pursuing troops who la la said. 看来,这两个家伙应该就是菈菈说的追兵了。 Come, follows me quickly!” “来吧,快跟我走!” At the same time saying, sunglasses male a hand that held la la, tries to speak her to carry off, but la la naturally is goes all out to revolt. 一面说着,墨镜男一把抓住了菈菈的手,试图讲她带走,而菈菈自然是拼命反抗。 Does not want, lets loose me quickly! Lets loose me a bit faster!” “不要,快放开我!快点儿放开我!” Please the little darling be obedient!” “还请您乖乖听话!” ........................... “………………………” Looks at this, Fang Zheng flexure scratches the head at present, a little does not know that should say anything is good. He had been ready that the opposite party began, finally at present this appearance feels is more like kidnapping rather than to chase down on the contrary...... is because two dimensions do sprout the reason of version? 看着眼前这一幕,方正挠了挠头,有点儿不知道该说什么才好。他原本已经做好了对方上来就动手的准备,结果眼前这个样子给人感觉反倒更像是绑架而不是追杀……难道是因为二次元萌化版的缘故? However thinks carefully, probably wind Tyrant in Star Wars same is also coming very much stupid ......... 不过仔细想想,好像星球大战里的风暴兵也一样很蠢来着……… Hey.” “喂。” Fang Zheng does not want them to make do in own, but here his work room, is putting the equipment spends very much. For if this minor matter destroying may be unworthy, therefore he is also walks up, patted the shoulder of opposite party, then ......... a fist rumbles. 方正可不愿意他们在自己家乱搞,这里可是他的工作室,放着的设备都是很花钱的。要是为了这种小事给打坏了可不值得,于是他也是走上前去,拍了拍对方的肩膀,然后………一拳轰出。 Bang!!” “砰!!” the next moment, Dai Mojing's high thin man was striked to fly from the window by Fang Zheng directly, but another robust man smells there is something wrong, is fierce threw toward Fang Zheng. However facing the offensive of robust man, Fang Zheng is also quite calm, saw only about him to move aside, then turned around a foot, kicks out from the window another robust man, hit on sunglasses male who just in time, in the first plan flushed again, striked to fly their simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform. 下一刻,戴墨镜的高瘦男子直接被方正从窗户打飞了出去,而另外一个壮汉则见势不妙,也是猛的朝着方正扑了过来。然而面对壮汉的攻势,方正也是颇为冷静,只见他左右躲闪了一下,接着转身一脚,把另外一个壮汉也从窗口踢了出去,正巧撞在第一个打算再次冲进来的墨镜男身上,将他们两人齐齐打飞。 oh ......... “哇………” Saw this, la la immediately staring of surprise in a big way the eye, but Fang Zheng also rise with a jump from the window, later turned over/stood up to arrive on the roof, confronted with two people in opposite not far away. 看见这一幕,菈菈顿时诧异的瞪大了眼睛,而方正也是从窗户一跃而起,随后一个翻身来到了屋顶上,与对面不远处的两人对峙起来。 Two grown men, bully a girl, didn't feel too disgraced? “两个大男人,欺负一个女孩子,不觉得太丢人了吗? Fang Zheng narrows the eye, looks at the present two suit male, what to do simultaneously the innermost feelings are calculating should. The people definitely cannot give them, but if this is really the Star Wars repertoire, if the opposite party leaves annihilates the star ship, then oneself may really a little not have idea, after all in his hand may not have the millennium birds of prey, wants to lead this princess to travel is very difficult. 方正眯起眼睛,看着眼前的两个西装男,同时内心在盘算该怎么办。人肯定是不能够交给他们的,但是如果这真的是星球大战的套路,万一对方出歼星舰的话,那么自己可真就有点儿没辙,毕竟他手上可没有千年隼,想要带着这位公主殿下跑路都很难。 What is only lucky, at least he has awakened the Force. 唯一幸运的是,起码他已经觉醒原力了。 Also very brave.” “还挺勇敢的嘛。” At this time, a sound resounded suddenly, then Fang Zheng then saw top of the head not far away, circular UFO dropped from the clouds, appears in his front. Photo of light beam under from UFO, at the same time, a form appears, descended in front of Fang Zheng slowly. 就在这个时候,忽然一个声音响起,接着方正便看见自己头顶不远处,一艘圆形的UFO从天而降,出现在了他的面前。紧接着,一道光束从UFO中照下,与此同时,一个身影从中浮现,缓缓降落在了方正面前。 This is Anakin Skywalker. 这就是达斯维达吧。 Looks at the present person's shadow, Fang Zheng narrows the eye, he can see, that dropping from the clouds man is quite young, seemingly 20-year-old youngster, he puts on a armor and cloak that seem like in the Japanese animation villain boss, an appearance of seemingly suitable skirt. 看着眼前的人影,方正眯起眼睛,他可以看见,那个从天而降的男人是个相当年轻,看起来20多岁的年轻人,他穿着一身看起来就像是日本动画里反派BOSS的盔甲和披风,一副看起来相当屌的样子。 Sting!” “扎斯汀!” But that man named Sting looked at la la a glance, then looks to Fang Zheng. 而那个叫扎斯汀的男子看了菈菈一眼,然后望向方正 Makes way to me, the earthman, the bystander do not meddle our things!” “给我让开,地球人,外人不要插手我们的事情!” Moreover this sound sounds also seems like that anomaly big boss appearance. 而且这声音听起来也很像是那种变态大BOSS的样子。 You thought that I will sit by and do nothing?” “你觉得我会坐视不理吗?” Facing Sting's threat, in Fang Zheng’s expression in the eyes flashes through wipes the cool color. The star of never expected that this world fights actually thornily, enters the stage is Anakin Skywalker? 面对扎斯汀的威胁,方正的眼神中闪过一抹冷色。没想到这个世界的星战倒是棘手啊,一出场就是达斯维达吗? I said again, makes way.” “我再说一遍,让开。” If I don't let?” “如果我不让呢?” That, I have to make you submit with the military force.” “那么,我只好用武力让你屈服了。” Is saying, Sting raises hand, extracted the sword hilt suddenly , the green light sword stretches out. 一面说着,扎斯汀一面举起手来,猛然抽出了剑柄,紧接着,绿色的光剑从中伸出。 Good, really on Star Wars? 好吧,真就星球大战呗? You can give a try greatly.” “你大可以试试看。” Fang Zheng raises hand, Frostmourne appeared in his hand. 方正举起手来,霜之哀伤出现在了他的手中。 Come, making me have a look at your skill.” “来吧,让我看看你的本事。” This was you said that do not regret!” “这是你说的,不要后悔!” Saw Fang Zheng also to summon a big sword baseless, Sting gawked, later he immediately complexion one austere, is gazing at fixedly Fang Zheng. 看见方正也凭空召唤出了一把大剑,扎斯汀愣了一下,随后他顿时面色一肃,瞪视着方正 I came!” “我来了!” Finishes barely the words, sees only a Sting charge, holds up the sword in hand to rush over toward Fang Zheng. 话音未落,只见扎斯汀一个冲锋,举起手中的剑就朝着方正冲了过去。 Also is really a little skill. 还真是有点儿本事。 Looks at the offensive of opposite party, in the Fang Zheng heart nods secretly, obviously this fellow compared with former that two wears the suit must thornier a little, but Fang Zheng does not care, sees only his hand to grasp Frostmourne, rolls, brushed past with Sting, then backhands a sword to wield, cut directly to the waist of opposite party. 看着对方的攻势,方正心中暗暗点了点头,显然这家伙比之前那两个穿西装的要更棘手一点儿,不过方正也不在乎,只见他手握霜之哀伤,就地一滚,与扎斯汀擦肩而过,接着反手一剑挥出,直接砍向了对方的腰间。 Sting responded that is not slow, or should say takes alien, although his appearance looks like in Fang Zheng with the earthman has not distinguished, but physical quality obviously is the day leaves badly. Trading to do is ordinary human, these enough cut in two at the waist it. However Sting instantaneous rotation body, blocked Fang Zheng’s to strike. But Fang Zheng cannot hit, leaves to retrocede immediately, evaded the counter-attack of opposite party by chance. 扎斯汀反应也不慢,或者应该说作为外星人,虽然他的长相在方正看来和地球人没有区别,但是身体素质方面明显是天差地别。换做是普通人类,这一下就足够将其腰斩了。但是扎斯汀则瞬间回转身体,挡住了方正的一击。而方正一击不中,也是立刻抽身后退,恰巧躲过了对方的反击。 Sting cannot hit, immediately first tries to have the advantage, but the Fang Zheng’s fight experience is how rich, how possibly unable to think that his acrobatics, therefore while Sting steps forward, the big sword in his hand puncture again, changes into flash to shoot at Sting's nape of the neck, the latter complexion immediately changes, returns to the sword instead to keep off, simultaneously draws back backward, spread out with Fang Zheng again. 扎斯汀一击不中,立刻抢先试图占据优势,但是方正的战斗经验何其丰富,怎么可能想不到他的把戏,于是在扎斯汀踏步向前的同时,他手中的大剑再次刺出,化为一道闪光射向扎斯汀的脖颈,后者面色顿时微变,回剑反挡,同时向后退开,重新与方正拉开了距离。 At this time, Sting looked again to Fang Zheng’s expression in the eyes obviously changed, the so-called expert acted, knew, obviously, this youngster strength relative, goes beyond own expectation at present completely. 这个时候,扎斯汀再望向方正的眼神明显变了,所谓行家一出手,就知有没有,显然,眼前这个年轻人的实力相当之强,完全超出自己的预料。 I have never thought that also has youngster your such expert on Earth unexpectedly.” “真没想到,在地球上居然还有少年你这样的高手。” Is saying, Sting both hands grasp the sword, is looking steadily at Fang Zheng. 一面说着,扎斯汀一面双手握剑,盯视着方正 But, protects captain as road difficult adversary and strongest swordsman, I will not stop there! Meets to incur!” “但是,作为戴比路克星亲卫队长以及最强剑客,我绝不会就此罢手!接招吧!” ..................... “…………………” Fang Zheng has not spoken, his right hand is grasping Frostmourne, left hand extending slowly to the waist, got hold of persuasive who places the waist place. 方正也没有说话,他右手握着霜之哀伤,左手缓缓的伸到腰间,握紧了放在后腰处的说服者。 Atmosphere of both sides suddenly becomes exceptionally tight, la la is two suit male, stares the big eye, is looking steadily at this. 双方的气氛一时间变得异常紧张,无论是菈菈还是两个西装男,都瞪大眼睛,盯视着这一幕。 Afterward ............... 随后…………… Hyahhhhh!!” 喝啊啊啊啊啊!!” Gets hold of the long sword, Sting angrily roared, the tornado of whole person as if galloping, straight flushed toward Fang Zheng. 握紧长剑,扎斯汀怒吼一声,整个人仿佛奔腾的旋风,笔直的朝着方正冲了过来。 But facing the present violent storm, Fang Zheng remains unmoved slightly, in the instance that Sting starts, he takes the persuasive of waist suddenly, deducts the trigger. 而面对眼前的狂风暴雨,方正则是丝毫不为所动,就在扎斯汀起步的瞬间,他猛然抽出腰间的说服者,扣下扳机。 Bang!!” “砰!!” When bullet projects from the muzzle, Sting had arrived at in front of Fang Zheng, lifts up high the long sword preparation to wield. However at this time, bullet straight hitting that projected from the muzzle on Sting's shoulder. the next moment, sees only Sting body one softly, immediately knelt. 子弹从枪口射出时,扎斯汀已经来到了方正的面前,高举长剑准备挥下。然而就在这个时候,从枪口射出的子弹笔直的打在了扎斯汀的肩膀上。下一刻,只见扎斯汀身体一软,顿时就这么跪了下去。 Meanwhile, Fang Zheng brandishes the big sword again, is making an effort to cut to Sting! 与此同时,方正再次挥舞大剑,对着扎斯汀用力砍下! Bang!!” “砰!!” At the final moment, on Sting erupted an energy suddenly, shoved open Fang Zheng’s to strike forcefully, but he was also therefore wasted directly, Heavily fell down to the ground. 在最后时刻,扎斯汀身上猛然爆发出了一股能量,强行推开了方正的一击,而他也因此被直接打飞了出去,重重的摔倒在地 haah ......... haah ......... 哈啊………哈啊………” Sting crawls from the ground, looks at present Fang Zheng, gasping for breath that continuously. 扎斯汀从地上爬起来,看着眼前的方正,不住的喘着气。 I have never thought that youngster you unexpectedly ......... such fierce ........., but ............ I will not give up!” “真没想到,少年你居然………这么厉害………但是…………我不会放弃的!” Is saying, Sting takes up the long sword again, looks to la la. 一面说着,扎斯汀一面再次拿起长剑,望向菈菈。 la la Sir, please do not deliberately create trouble again, does anything to leave home!” “菈菈大人,请您不要再胡闹,搞什么离家出走了!” ..................... haah?” “…………………哈啊?” hearing this, Fang Zheng was shocked immediately. 听到这里,方正顿时愣住了。 Does not want!” “才不要!” However the la la loud opens the mouth refuted. 然而菈菈却大声开口反驳到。 I have received enough, no matter I what successor non- successor, called me to be on intimate terms every day! Really was tired of!!” “我已经受够了,我才不管什么继承人不继承人的,每天都叫我相亲!真是烦死了!!” ........................... “………………………” Fang Zheng look behind young girl silently, puts down the big sword. 方正默默的看看身后的少女,放下大剑。 eh ......... was sorry, this information content is too big, in other words ......... this is not Star Wars, isn't Anakin Skywalker and Milky Way empire .........? ………抱歉,这信息量太大,也就是说………这不是什么星球大战,更不是什么达斯维达和银河帝国………? But this is the meaning of your Otou-sama!” “但是这都是您父亲大人的意思啊!” Has not related with the father!” “和爸爸才没有关系呢!” However, la la at this moment is actually lightly snorted, one threw to grasp Fang Zheng’s arm. 然而,此刻的菈菈却是轻哼一声,一把扑过来抱住了方正的手臂 Moreover, I have engagement, this person proposed to me a moment ago!” “而且,我也已经有了婚约者了,这个人刚才向我求婚了!” ..................... haah?” “…………………哈啊?” hearing this, Fang Zheng is dumbfounded, surprise has turned the head to look to la la. 听到这里,方正更是目瞪口呆,诧异的转过头去望向菈菈。 Big imouto, the food can eat casually, the words cannot speak irresponsibly casually. 妹子,饭可以随便吃,话不能随便乱说啊。 When did I propose to you?! 我什么时候向你求婚了?! The 《Dimensional Codex》 correct chapter will continue to renew, in stand no advertisement, but also asked everyone to collect and recommend! 《次元法典》无错章节将持续在更新,站内无任何广告,还请大家收藏和推荐!
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