DC :: Volume #31

#3016: Your choice( this meow today's big chicken big fish ate one)

Regarding Fang Zheng, as long as launches Fuuzetsu, summons Scourge, that fight basically ended even. 对于方正来说,但凡展开封绝,召出天灾军团,那战斗基本上就算是结束了。 Fact also indeed so, the monster build that although that man summoned was huge . Moreover the strength was not weak. However before the undead army of moving mountains, was quick is eliminated a cleanness as before. As for that man, Fang Zheng does not even have to hit, but beckons, then the next moment Scourge closes, gave to bury him directly. 事实也的确如此,虽然那个男人召唤出的怪物体型庞大,而且力量也不弱。但是在排山倒海的不死亡灵大军面前,依旧是很快就被消灭了个干干净净。至于那个男人本身,方正甚至没自己上去打,只是招了招手,然后下一刻天灾军团就一拥而上,直接把他给埋了。 When Fang Zheng appears in the male front again, his four limbs had been passed through the body by undead with the long spear/gun, nail stubbornly in ground. 方正再次出现在男子面前时,他的四肢已经被亡灵用长枪贯穿了身体,死死的钉在了地面上。 Sees Fang Zheng to appear, man raising the head of slowly, is gazing at him. 看到方正出现,男子缓缓的抬起头来,注视着他。 „Are you ......... really only human?” “你………真的只是人类?” „The present is.” “现在是。” Fang Zheng shrugs the shoulders, then takes up Frostmourne. But at this time, superior, then puts out a hand, held Fang Zheng’s sleeve again. 方正耸耸肩膀,接着拿起霜之哀伤。而就在这个时候,优则伸出手去,再次抓住了方正的衣袖 Waits!” “等一等!” „Do you want to begin personally?” “你要亲自动手?” Hears the superior sound, Fang Zheng puts down Frostmourne in hand, curious is looking at her. But the silent moment, then said superiorly in a low voice. 听到优的声音,方正放下手中的霜之哀伤,好奇的望着她。而优则沉默片刻,接着低声说道。 Does not have other offices ............... “难道就没有其他办……………” .” 。” However, the superior words have not said, Fang Zheng then waves suddenly, gave her a palm of the hand, interrupted the superior words. 然而,优的话还没有说完,方正便猛然挥起手来,给了她一巴掌,打断了优的话。 Is hit by a palm of the hand that Fang Zheng is relentless on the face, was not only shocked superiorly, even that man was also shocked. But Fang Zheng looks steadily at cheek red superior, coldly is saying. 方正毫不留情的一巴掌打在脸上,不但优愣住了,连那个男人也愣住了。而方正则盯视着面颊通红的优,冷冷的开口说道。 Artificial, is really artificial.” “矫情,真是矫情。” ..................... “…………………” You know why I do want fan your palm of the hand?” “你知道我为什么要扇你这一巴掌吗?” Fang Zheng is gazing at fixedly superiorly, the latter is silent. 方正瞪视着优,后者则是沉默不语。 I know that your idea, you know your strength is very fearful, therefore not agrees has spoken, is not willing to kill people. This I can understand, but ......... I must tell you, you have killed many people.” “我知道你的想法,你知道自己的力量很可怕,所以一直不肯说话,更不愿意杀人。这我可以理解,但是………我必须告诉你,你已经杀了很多人了。” ......... Yeah?” “………哎?” hearing this, gawked superiorly, stares the big eye doubts is staring at Fang Zheng, but Fang Zheng coldly snorted, aims at that man. 听到这里,优愣了一下,瞪大眼睛疑惑的盯着方正,而方正则是冷哼一声,指向那个男子。 Do not tell me, you have not really thought, you resurrected this man, is not willing to make him die. But he to let you killed him, what made? If nothing else, said these monsters, he and companion killed the minimum ten innocent people, but are these for what? To let you killed him, therefore in the final analysis, these people die because of you!” “不要告诉我,你真的没有想到,你复活了这个男人,又不愿意让他去死。而他为了让你杀了他,做了什么?别的不说,就说那些怪物,他和同伴杀死了最少数十名无辜民众,而这些是为了什么?都是为了让你杀了他,所以归根结底,那些人是因为你而死的!” & fucking ash ;!” “—!” Hears Fang Zheng’s words, superior the complexion is pallid immediately, biting lip stubbornly. 听到方正的说话,优顿时面色煞白,死死的咬住嘴唇。 You should really not think, so long as do not kill people, no one will die because. How long do you also want to evade? How here put him to be able? Won't he continue to slaughter innocents? You can evade, but you cannot change the fact! Let alone, to you this is not matter awfully, he hopes you spoke a few words, a few words can solve the problem! However you actually because of that damn energetic cleanliness/mysophobia, chose escape! You must remember, these people died, is only pure because of your artificial!” “你该不会真的以为,只要自己不杀人,就没有人会因为自己而死了吧。你还要逃避多久?在这里放了他又能怎么样?他难道不会继续去滥杀无辜?你可以一直逃避,但是你改变不了事实!更何况,对你来说这并不是什么要命的事情,他只是希望你说一句话,一句话就能够解决问题!但是你却因为自己那该死的精神洁癖,选择了逃避!你要记住,那些人之所以死掉,只是单纯因为你的矫情!” If the opposite party must make what sacrificial offering with superior, or made her sacrifice anything, superior is not willing also to be the way things should be. But in fact this man, regarding superior that requests to do superiorly is only the slight effort, however she, for did not smear own hand to choose escape, eventually caused the present result. 如果对方是要拿优去做什么祭品,或者让她牺牲什么的,优不愿意也是人之常情。但事实上这个男人要求优所做的,对于优而言只是举手之劳,然而她为了不弄脏自己的手选择了逃避,最终才导致了现在的结果。 It looks like in Fang Zheng, this was very laughable. 方正看来,这就很可笑了。 Actually Fang Zheng does not believe superiorly has not considered this issue, but she chose escape subconsciously, this was actually the disposition of child. Thought that is uncomfortable puts out of one's mind to put aside, treating as is nothing happened same, but the fact forever is the fact, fact that you are unable to change. 其实方正不信优没有考虑过这个问题,但是她还是下意识的选择了逃避,这其实就是小孩子的心性。觉得不舒服就放在脑后束之高阁,当做什么都没有发生过一样,但是事实永远是事实,你根本无法改变的事实。 He is the monster that you make.” “他是你制造的怪物。” Fang Zheng referred to the man. 方正指了指男子。 „The issue of pet, needs the pet owner to be responsible. You are also same, you made him, then abandoned him, now should be one's turn you shoulder the responsibility the time.” “宠物的问题,需要饲主负责。你也是一样,你制造了他,然后抛弃了他,现在该轮到你负起责任的时候了。” ........................... “………………………” Has a look at Fang Zheng superiorly, has a look at the man again. 优看看方正,再看看男子。 „...... Really not other means?” “难道……真的没有其他办法?” Still remembers that I to that story that you did tell?” “还记得我给你讲的那个故事吗?” Fang Zheng is looking steadily superiorly. 方正盯视着优。 You made the choice, must take the consequence, since you chose turned into the zombie him, matter that then had, was your responsibility.” “你做出了选择,就要承担后果,你既然选择了将他变成僵尸,那么接下来所发生的事情,就都是你的责任。” Actually expression liberally, Fang Zheng can guess correctly, superior and sentiment between this men obviously has the issue, after all thinks carefully, if not the relational specially good person, superior will not make him die to resurrect with this way obviously. However the honest official is difficult to break the housework, Fang Zheng regards the external judge oneself, only looks at the facts to make the judgment, a back reason wisp did not inquire. Sometimes wants not to hurt feelings, being conscientious in discharging official duties is best. 其实从优的表情,方正就可以猜到,优和这个男人之间的感情明显有问题,毕竟仔细想想,如果不是关系特别好的人,优显然也不会用这种方式去让他死而复活。不过清官难断家务事,方正就把自己当成外来的法官,只看事实做判断,背后的缘由一缕不过问。有时候想要不伤感情,公事公办是最好的。 ............... “……………” Lowers the head superiorly again, silent for a long time, when Fang Zheng cannot help itself beginning, she finally sets firm resolve, raised the head. 优再次低下头去,沉默不语了好久,就在方正忍不住要自己动手的时候,她终于下定了决心,抬起头来。 I ............ I come.” “我…………我来。” „Did you decide?” “你决定了?” Fang Zheng is looking superiorly, repeated an own inquiry, but superior these nods time immediately. 方正望着优,又重复了一遍自己的询问,而优这一次则立刻点了点头。 I decided.” “我决定了。” Very good.” “很好。” Fang Zheng has not said anything again, he touched the wild rose ring on hand, adjusted a current capacity of magic power transmission, then fell back on the one side. Afterward, Fang Zheng sees to arrive at the front of man superiorly, then she lowers the head, said in the ear of man in a soft voice anything, later the man showed the smile of extrication, his body changes into the flying ash like this, dissipated in the air. 方正没有再多说什么,他摸了摸手上的蔷薇戒指,调整了一下魔力传输的流量,接着便退到了一旁。随后,方正就看见优走到男子的面前,接着她低下头去,在男子的耳边轻声说了一句什么,随后男子露出了解脱的笑容,紧接着他的身体就这样化为飞灰,消散在了空气之中。 Cheap this brat. 便宜这小子了。 Saw this, Fang Zheng also pounded the mouth, he also wanted to imprison in Frostmourne his soul. After all if really such as the man said that how he could not die, then the soul of this fellow can bring, when the perpetual motion machine squeezed ......... considered as finished, looked, in superior contributed in many magic power shares to oneself, when bought the life money. 看到这一幕,方正也是砸了砸嘴,他原本还想要把他的灵魂囚禁到霜之哀伤里呢。毕竟如果真如男子所说的,他怎么都死不掉的话,那么这家伙的灵魂就可以拿来当永动机压榨了………算了,看在优给自己贡献了不少魔力的份儿上,就当买命钱吧。 After the man disappears, the superior whole person looked like lost the strength, collapsed to the ground on, but Fang Zheng also readjusted the magic power current capacity, then walked, this discovered that has fainted superiorly directly. 在男子消失之后,优整个人就像是失去了力气般,一屁股瘫坐在地上,而方正也重新调整了魔力流量,然后才走了上去,这才发现优已经直接昏了过去。 Yeah, is really frail.” “哎,真是脆弱啊。” Looks at present superior, Fang Zheng helpless shaking the head. 看着眼前的优,方正无奈的摇了摇头。 However as the matter stands ......... should be completely finished. 不过这样一来………应该算是彻底结束了吧。 Thinks till here, Fang Zheng raised the head, looks to the present sky. 想到这里,方正抬起头,望向眼前的天空。 If this is third mission, then now, the galaxy expansion should be similar ......... 如果这是第三个任务的话,那么现在,星系扩展应该已经差不多了……… Meanwhile, in universe galaxy, some people have the similar feeling. 与此同时,在宇宙星河之中,也有人有着同样的感慨。 How long this crossed, how that side the Big Brother not to have the news.” “这都过了多久了,怎么大哥哥那边还是没消息。” Kuro-chan paces on the bridge back and forth, a face is anxious. 小黑在舰桥上来回踱步,一脸焦躁。 Miss Kuro-chan, can you not want to shake at present, has a headache ......... 小黑小姐,你能不能不要在眼前晃了,头疼………” Looks at Kuro-chan, complained one reluctantly. 看着小黑,缇欧无奈的抱怨了一句。 Big Brother did not say, so long as the front galactic space has the fluctuation, the data starts the stability, can we march? Now so long as is waiting well.” “大哥哥不是说了,只要前方的星系空间产生波动,数据开始稳定,我们就能够进军了吗?现在只要等着就好了吧。” Although said that but I feel confused.” “虽然是这么说,但我还是觉得心烦意乱。” Kuro-chan helpless stopped, then sat on the chair, most let bite a snake that she had a headache, originally Kuro-chan is also thinking in these days that Fang Zheng left, she can bite the snake organization to look then that thoroughly to destroy. The result has not thought the opposite party hides really and mouse, Kuro-chan turned the sod three chi (0.33 m) unable to find the location of that group of bastards, this made her be mad must die. 小黑无奈的停了下来,接着一屁股坐在了椅子上,最让她头疼的还是噬身之蛇,本来小黑还想着在方正离开的这段时间里,她能够把那个噬身之蛇组织找出来然后彻底摧毁掉。结果没想到对方藏的真和耗子似的,小黑挖地三尺都找不到那群王八蛋的所在地,这让她气的要死。 Moreover, the Big Brother said that he in this world is an average person, what to do if has an accident to be possible?” “而且,大哥哥说了,这个世界的他就是个普通人啊,万一出了什么事可怎么办?” I thought that the Big Brother will not have an accident, his idea are many.” “我觉得大哥哥不会出事啦,他的主意多着呢。” Ling clearly has the different views, but Kuro-chan curls the lip. 玲显然对此有不同的看法,而小黑则撇了撇嘴。 „, Really is the child ............ “切,果然是小孩子…………” What did you say?” “你说什么?” Ling who looked at has a fit of bad temper, Kuro-chan has turned the head & fucking ash ; She is certainly worried is not Fang Zheng can encounter the danger, but Kuro-chan is very clear, by the Fang Zheng’s ability, not being able to do well in that world is big pile of harems, but the Fang Zheng body of that world is actually the status of average person, therefore ............... 看了一眼炸毛的玲,小黑转过头去—她当然担心的不是方正会不会遇到危险,但是小黑可是很清楚,以方正的能力,搞不好在那个世界又是一大堆后宫,但是那个世界的方正身体却是普通人的身份,所以…………… „Can Big Brother be able to support? Should not my past time saw that the brothers turned into the person to do ......... “大哥哥到底能不能撑得住啊?该不会我过去的时候看到大哥哥都变成人干了吧………” Is mumbling, Kuro-chan fantasy were leading to rush, Fang Zheng is thin, complexion pale lying down on bed, a deficiency of vitalness of the kidneys impotent appearance of face ............... 一面嘟囔着,小黑一面幻想着等自己带队赶到的时候,方正骨瘦如柴,面色惨白的躺在床上,一脸的肾亏体虚的模样…………… Drops the drop ............... “滴滴……………” When Kuro-chan fantasy if when the time comes also overruns to come one round, rejection that Fang Zheng can the hands and feet shiver, the contact sound gets up, later a young girl appears on the screen. 就在小黑幻想自己到时候如果也冲过去要来一发,方正会不会手脚颤抖的拒绝时,联络音响起,随后一个少女出现在屏幕上。 Here is Cygnet, we examine the front space to have the unclear fluctuation.” “这里是小天鹅,我们检测到前方空间产生不明波动。” oh? Immediately transmits!” ?立刻传输过来!” hearing this, Kuro-chan hit the spirit immediately, then saw only on her front screen to present innumerable the digit and additive device of change. But is Kuro-chan looks steadily at the present data, the eye winking. After, had seen only the digit and additive device that in the graph jumped everywhere randomly some little time gradually starts to stabilize, later turned into a data of all various professions. 听到这里,小黑顿时打起了精神,接着只见她面前的屏幕上出现了无数不住变动的数字和乱码。而小黑则盯视着眼前的数据,眼睛一眨不眨。在过了好一会儿之后,只见图表上本来四处乱蹦的数字和乱码逐渐开始稳定下来,随后变成了一行行的数据。 Ok, worthily was the Big Brother, I know that he did not have the issue!” “好了,不愧是大哥哥,我就知道他没问题的!” Kuro-chan exciting clapping, jumped. 小黑兴奋的一拍手,跳了起来。 Cygnet, the emitting probe, searches the front star territory immediately, simultaneously determines the Big Brother in the planet position.” 小天鹅,立刻发射探针,对前方星域进行搜索,同时确定大哥哥所在星球的位置。” Receives.” “收到。” Heard the order of Kuro-chan, the battleships of dark blue fleet acts immediately, but Ling is looking at Kuro-chan curiously. 听到小黑的命令,苍蓝舰队的战舰们立刻行动了起来,而玲则好奇的望着小黑 I also think that in you order to go to look for the Big Brother immediately.” “我还以为你会立刻下令去里面找大哥哥呢。” Cracking a joke, this is the Chaos domain, I will not arrive to take risk stupid.” “开玩笑,这可是混沌领域,我才不会蠢到去冒险呢。” Hears Ling's speech, Kuro-chan shakes the head. She follows Fang Zheng to fight up and down the country so many years, has profound understanding of the Chaos terrifying, the relative jubilation of although usually displaying, when comes across the important matter, Kuro-chan has the considerable strength in meditation and sense of responsibility, otherwise, Fang Zheng will not feel relieved that makes her replace itself to direct the Zemuria mainland situation. 听到玲的说话,小黑则是摇了摇头。她跟随方正南征北战这么多年,对混沌的恐怖也是深有体会,虽然平时表现的相当欢腾,但是在遇到大事的时候,小黑还是有着相当的定力和责任感的,不然的话,方正也不会放心让她来代替自己指挥赛姆利亚大陆这边的情况。 Speaks these words, Kuro-chan looked at at present the unrelieved starry sky, later stretches oneself to sit on the chair. 说完这句话,小黑看了一眼眼前毫无变化的星空,随后伸了个懒腰重新坐回了椅子上。 Hopes the Big Brother before oneself arrive, do not press out to do. 希望大哥哥在自己到来之前,不要被榨干吧。
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