DC :: Volume #31

#3015: Is this zombie?( Today bought one bunch of things to prepare to hold feast)

The Fang Zheng stride walks to go forward, complexion faint is looking steadily at the present man, superior, then hides in his behind, is gazing at the man anxiously. 方正大步走上前,面色淡漠的盯视着眼前的男子,优则躲在他的身后,不安的注视着男子。 Shirks the responsibility? You think that I am shirking the responsibility?” “推卸责任?你以为我是在推卸责任吗?” The men cancelled the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, stood with smile on the face, is looking steadily at Fang Zheng. 男子抹去了嘴角的血迹,面带笑容站了起来,盯视着方正 Made a mistake, I have today, does obeisance her to bestow! Superior Wood!!” “错了,我之所以有今天,都是拜她所赐啊!优库里伍德!!” Hey ..................!!” “噫………………!!” Hears angry roaring of man, shivered superiorly, but Fang Zheng frowns, he has a look at the man, visits superiorly. 听到男子的怒吼,优不由的颤抖了起来,而方正则皱了下眉头,他看看男子,又望望优。 Explained?” “解释一下?” Hehe, then I told you.” “呵呵呵,那么我来告诉你吧。” The men are looking at Fang Zheng, sneers is saying, but superior, then grabs the Fang Zheng’s lower hem corner, desperate shaking the head. However Fang Zheng hints her do not speak, both hands thoughts looks at the man. Under the Fang Zheng’s gaze, the man opens both hands. 男子望着方正,冷笑着开口说道,而优则抓着方正的衣角,拼命的摇着头。不过方正只是示意她不要说话,双手抱怀的看着男子。在方正的注视下,男子张开双手。 I, have actually died.” “我啊,其实早已经死了。” oh.” 。” But, I had not died completely.” “但是,我并没有完全死去。” Is saying, man waves suddenly, held own left arm forcefully, makes an effort to pull apart it, then threw into side. 一面说着,男子一面猛然一挥手,硬生生的抓住了自己的左臂,用力将它扯断,接着抛到了旁边。 You look, like this ........., I thinks that you should not be strange to this situation, after all, Capital was defeated by you.” “你看,就像这样………嗯,我想你应该对这种情况并不陌生,毕竟,京子就是被你击败的。” Capital ........., are you secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator in that double ponytail?” “京子………啊,原来你就是那个双马尾的幕后黑手?” hearing this, Fang Zheng understands clearly immediately, how he curious that he always could not die before. 听到这里,方正顿时了然,他之前就好奇那丫怎么总是死不掉呢。 „The secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator was too coarse, I just am ask her to assist me, she knew my desire, hopes helps me realize the desire, therefore I granted her the strength, is such simple. However what makes me not think, even if there is undead nearly strength, she was actually defeated as before ......... “说幕后黑手实在太难听了,我只不过是请她协助我而已,她得知了我的愿望,希望帮助我实现愿望,所以我赐予了她力量,就是这么简单。但是让我没有想到的是,哪怕拥有近乎不死的力量,她却依旧失败了………” Hehe.” “呵呵呵。” Facing man's speech, Fang Zheng chuckled. 面对男子的说话,方正呵呵一笑 undead is not the good gadget, said again, even on the body can immortal undead, not represent the spiritual level is also same.” 不死可不是什么好玩意儿,再说了,即便身体上能够长生不死,也不代表精神层面也是一样。” That is true, but can achieve truly is actually not an easy matter. However please don’t jumbles together with Capital me, she longs for obtaining undead, however to me, undead is actually only a curse. I have not longed for obtains this strength, however ......... “的确如此,但是真正能够做到却并不是一件容易的事情。但是请不要把我和京子混为一谈,她渴望获得不死,然而对我来说,不死却只是一种诅咒。我从来没有渴望过获得这种力量,然而………” Is saying, man is gazing at fixedly wickedly superiorly. 一面说着,男子一面恶狠狠的瞪视着优。 Is she, gave my strength, I once implored her several times, even harmed her friend, destroyed her life, wants to cause her hatred thus to end me, how regardless of I do, she is not willing to achieve my desire.” “是她,给了我这种力量,我曾经数次祈求她,甚至伤害了她的朋友,摧毁了她的生活,想要引起她的仇恨从而将我终结,但是无论我怎么做,她都不愿意达成我的愿望。” ...............?” “……………嗯?” hearing this, Fang Zheng stares. 听到这里,方正一愣。 Waits for, you meant that ......... you had died, but superior does not want you dead, therefore resurrected you, but you hope that you dies, therefore wish makes superior kill you again, but doesn't she want?” “等一下,你的意思是说………你原本已经死了,但是优不想要你死,所以把你复活了,而你希望自己去死,所以想要让优再次杀死你,但是她不愿意?” Is this.” “就是这样。” ..................... “…………………” Facing man's reply, Fang Zheng was thoroughly speechless, he also thinks, according to that orthodox story flow, should be the man resurrects the later hope to obtain the superior strength, therefore looks for her trouble. However what makes Fang Zheng not think, did half-day this him to strive for wholeheartedly, but hasn't wanted superiorly unexpectedly? 面对男子的回答,方正彻底无语了,本来他还以为,按照那种正统的故事流程,应该是男子复活之后渴望获得优的力量,所以才来找她的麻烦。但是让方正没想到的是,搞了半天这丫只是一心来求死的,而优居然还不愿意? His flexure scratched the head, has turned around to look superiorly. 他挠了挠头,转过身望向优。 Why don't you want?” “你为什么不愿意?” ..................... “…………………” Facing Fang Zheng’s inquiry, superior silent moment, then said in a low voice. 面对方正的询问,优沉默了片刻,接着才低声说道。 Because ......... the death was very ......... very painful ......... “因为………死亡是很………很痛苦的………” „Are you a child?” “你是小孩子吗?” Facing the superior reply, Fang Zheng face upwards the deep sigh, originally according to the truth, the superior good and evil also lived for several hundred years, many should also understand some worldly wisdom. But what makes him not think, this fellow mental is like the child, summarizing is I do not want ........., no matter by the big grievance, she is not willing to change own original intention. Obviously, these two had the relations before, otherwise superior will not resurrect he, but after resurrecting, this man was not obviously happy, wants to relieve this to exert superiorly in oneself curse, but superior does not want ......... 面对优的回答,方正仰天长叹,本来按照道理来说,优好歹也是活了几百年了,多少也该懂些人情世故。但让他没想到的是,这家伙的心智还和小孩子一样,总结起来就是我不愿意………不管受多大委屈,她都不愿改变自己的初衷。显然,这两人以前是有关系的,不然优也不会去复活他,但是复活之后这个男人明显并不高兴,希望优解除这施加在自己身上的诅咒,但是优又不愿意……… According to the view of this man, he even also destroyed the superior life, killed the superior good friend, hopes that arouses superiorly by this to his hatred, thus killed him. The result rather travels superiorly unexpectedly does not want ........., Fang Zheng many can understand why a little opposite party will go wild. 根据这个男人的说法,他甚至还摧毁了优的生活,杀死了优的好友,希望以此来激起优对他的仇恨,从而杀了他。结果优居然宁可跑路都不愿意………嗯,方正多少能够理解一点儿对方为什么会这么抓狂了。 It is fortunate that unlucky is not oneself. 得亏倒霉的不是自己。 Meets such child disposition, the strength to going against heaven's will fellow, that is really awfully. Fang Zheng knows the superior word spirit fierce, if she to that man said that do not die, perhaps then the opposite party really jumped to in the Sun could not die. 遇上这么个小孩子心性,实力又强到逆天的家伙,那是真要命。方正可是知道优的言灵有多厉害的,她要是给那个男人说“不要死”,那么对方恐怕真跳到太阳里都死不掉。 This is really the unexpected misfortune. 这真是无妄之灾。 Therefore ......... you so long as now makes him extricate was enough, is very simple, can difficult?” “所以………你现在只要让他解脱就行了,挺简单的,能有多难?” After the understanding long and short of the story, Fang Zheng also changed the idea but actually, he looks again to superiorly, opens the mouth to persuade. 在了解事情的来龙去脉之后,方正倒也是改变了想法,他再次望向优,开口劝说起来。 You look, this is his wish, is not you imposes on his, he oneself longs for asking now wholeheartedly, so long as you said one to him in the past, this matter didn't solve? You did not need to be worried to encounter any problem again.” “你看,这是他本身的意愿,又不是你强加给他的,他现在本人一心渴望求死,你只要过去给他说一声,这事不就解决了?你也就不用担心再遇到什么麻烦了。” ........................... “………………………” Facing Fang Zheng’s words, lowers the head superiorly does not speak did not answer that ......... is really a child appearance, was not reasonable with you, throws a tantrum with you. 面对方正的说话,优是低着头不吭声也不回话………真是一副小孩子样子,不和你讲道理,就和你闹脾气。 However Fang Zheng is not the means does not have. 不过方正也不是一点儿办法没有。 If you do not solve the problem, then the issue gives me to be solved.” “如果你不解决问题,那么问题就交给我来解决吧。” Is saying, Fang Zheng puts out a hand, along with his movement, Frostmourne appeared in Fang Zheng’s hand. 一面说着,方正一面伸出手去,伴随着他的动作,霜之哀伤出现在了方正的手中。 You?” “你?” Looks at present Fang Zheng, the man snorts contemptuously. 看着眼前的方正,男子嗤之以鼻。 a human, how can also solve the problem?” 一个人类,又能够怎么解决问题呢?” I naturally do not have the superior strength.” “我当然没有优的力量。” Facing man's ridicule, Fang Zheng shrugs the shoulders, although superior magic power can shift, but she as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced the ability is inborn, therefore Fang Zheng can shift superior magic power even, does not represent he can obtain superiorly as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced the ability. 面对男子的嘲弄,方正耸耸肩膀,优的魔力虽然可以转移,但是她“言出法随”的能力是天生的,所以即便方正能够转移优的魔力,也不代表他可以获得优“言出法随”的能力。 But I have my means ......... to report to you, my partner Frostmourne.” “但是我有自己的办法………向你介绍一下,我的搭档霜之哀伤。” Fang Zheng stretches out the finger, shot on the sword blade gently, the quick, sad and shrill undead squeal transmits. 方正伸出手指,轻轻在剑刃上弹了一下,很快,凄厉的亡灵尖叫声从中传来。 It can absorb others 's soul, its captivity. To put it bluntly, is equal to the undead prison. But was detained undead in prison, was equal to that was sentenced to the life imprisonment, only if under my permission, otherwise is unable to leave. Explained while convenient, so far, but also no one can escape from prison.” “它能够吸取他人的灵魂,将其囚禁其中。说白了,就等于是亡灵的监狱。而被关押在监狱里的亡灵,就等于是被判处了无期徒刑,除非得到我的允许,否则无法离开。顺便说明一下,到目前为止,还没有人能够越狱呢。” Hears Fang Zheng’s words, superior the complexion is pallid immediately, as undead mage, she can certainly feel the Frostmourne terrifying, therefore at this moment superiorly also grabs Fang Zheng, wanted to say anything. However has not waited for her to open the mouth, Fang Zheng puts out a hand, held down her head. 听到方正的说话,优顿时面色煞白,作为死灵法师,她当然能够感受到霜之哀伤的恐怖,于是这会儿优也是抓着方正,想要说些什么。但是还没有等她开口,方正就伸出手去,按住了她的脑袋。 This , is not only your issue, superior, you must remember, since this man is the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator of that young girl, then explained that he is all these principal offenders, in other words, because of his reason, several families breaks up a family, is with one's family broken up and decimated. Regarding this person, was everybody has the right to punish. The so-called natural justice circulation, the retribution is uncomfortable, if you are willing to kill him, gives him an extrication, then also reported the enmity of these innocently killed lives. If you do not want ......... “这不光是你的问题,优,你要记住,这个男人既然是那个少女的幕后黑手,那么就说明他是这一切的主犯,也就是说,因为他的缘故,数个家庭妻离子散,家破人亡。对于这种人,本来就是要人人得而诛之的。所谓天理循环,报应不爽,如果你愿意杀了他,给他一个解脱,那么也算是报了那些无辜被杀的生命的仇。如果你不愿意………” Said till here, Fang Zheng also enforced. 说道这里,方正也是严肃了起来。 Then I must make him obtain the retribution to be good, I can tell you, no matter his original intention is anything, the homicide so many people, or died in your hands, either shut in Frostmourne by me, the third road may not walk.” “那么我也要让他得到报应才行,我可以告诉你,不管他的初衷是什么,他杀了这么多人,要么死在你手里,要么就被我关进霜之哀伤,没有第三条路可走。” Hehe, as a human, you may really be able to blow the atmosphere.” “呵呵呵,身为一个人类,你可真能吹大气。” Hears Fang Zheng’s words, male chuckled. 听到方正的说话,男子呵呵一笑 You think that I will be held by you?” “你以为我会被你抓住吗?” With these words, side the man gradually appeared the mist, then his form ............ later, on the male face showed the surprised expression in a flash immediately. 伴随着这句话,男子身边逐渐浮现出了雾气,接着他身影一晃…………随后,男子脸上顿时露出了惊讶的表情。 This ............... “这……………” You thought that I will make you run away?” “你觉得我会让你跑掉吗?” Fang Zheng chuckled, looks at the present man, the magic in hand flashes brilliance, but presently & fucking ash ; Before did not have the condition, the conditional words, fought definitely on first Dimensional Anchor! 方正呵呵一笑,看着眼前的男子,手中的魔法光辉一闪而现—之前是没条件,有条件的话,打架肯定先上次元锚啊! For the mouse essence that to cope with your liking travels! 就是为了对付你这种喜欢跑路的耗子精的! It seems like, was I underestimates you.” “看来,是我小看你了。” The at this moment man looks to Fang Zheng’s complexion slightly changes, but is quick, he revealed wiped the smile. 这会儿男子望向方正的面色微微一变,但是很快,他就露出了一抹微笑。 But, you should not think that this can trig me!” “但是,你该不会以为这样就能够制住我了吧!” Bang!!” “轰!!” With man's speech, suddenly, several huge shadows dropped from the clouds, fall on Fang Zheng and the others the surroundings, that was the one by one build is exceptionally huge, wears the stand up collar black student clothing/taking, seemed like the giant animal monster. But sees monster that these drop from the clouds, the surrounding crowd also scatters in all directions to flee immediately, scream. 伴随着男子的说话,忽然,数个巨大的黑影从天而降,落在了方正等人的周围,那是一个个体型异常庞大,穿着立领黑色学生服,看起来像是巨大动物似的怪物。而看见这些从天而降的怪物,周围的人群也是立刻四散奔逃,尖叫不已。 What ghost gadget is this?” “这是什么鬼玩意儿?” beautiful Ka ......... “美迦洛………” At this moment superior is behind Fang Zheng said in a low voice. 此刻的优则是在方正身后低声说道。 This is our ghostdom to resist the manufacture ........., but, these are not true beautiful Ka, I can feel, inside is the soul of human ............... “这是我们冥界为了对抗韦莉耶而制造的………但是,这些不是真正的美迦洛,我可以感觉到,里面是人类的灵魂……………” So that's how it is, you want the human soul to make this gadget.” “原来如此,你要人类灵魂就是为了制造这玩意儿啊。” hearing this, the Fang Zheng look concentrates, is looking steadily at the man, he also the curious opposite party wanted so many human the souls to do before, now looks like, gets the answer finally. 听到这里,方正眼神一凝,盯视着男子,他之前也好奇对方要那么多人类的灵魂干什么,现在看来,总算是得到答案了。 Right.” “没错。” The men stand there, both hands insert the pocket, under as before punches appearance that must die. 男子站在那里,双手插兜,依旧一副欠揍的要死的样子。 What's wrong? I think, we should be able to discuss now well, if you do not hope that here turns into the purgatory ......... “如何?我想,我们现在应该能够好好谈一谈了吧,如果你不希望这里变成炼狱的话………” Hehe, threatens me?” “呵呵呵,威胁我?” Fang Zheng sneers. 方正冷笑一声。 Sorry, the free talk time had ended, following talk time one minute 50 US dollars, I think that you cannot pay, therefore ............... “抱歉,免费谈话时间已经结束了,接下来的谈话时间一分钟五十美元,我想你也付不起,所以……………” Said till here, Fang Zheng makes an effort to get hold of Frostmourne, inserts to the ground! 说道这里,方正用力握紧霜之哀伤,向地面上一插! Fuuzetsu!!” 封绝!!” & fucking ash ;!!” “呼—!!” Instantaneously, the cold wind mixes with the storm to howl, covered all around all instantaneously. The man also withdrew under this snowstorm several steps, when he looks again to the front, this discovered these monsters that with amazement oneself and make already not in amusement park, but in an frozen wilderness, the surroundings screamed crowd disappearance that travels is also missing, only then Fang Zheng and superior stands there as before. 瞬间,寒风夹杂着暴雪呼啸而起,瞬间笼罩了四周的一切。就连男子也在这暴风雪之下不由的退后了几步,当他再次望向前方时,这才惊讶的发现自己和自己制造出来的那些怪物已经不在游乐园,而是在一片冰封的荒野上,周围原本尖叫跑路的人群也消失不见了踪影,只有方正和优依旧站在那里。 Afterward, Fang Zheng gets hold of Frostmourne, makes an effort to wield forward! 随后,方正握紧霜之哀伤,用力向前一挥! „The Frost Wastes warriors, wake up!” 冰霜废土的勇士们,醒来吧!” & fucking ash ;!!!” “—!!!” The land cracks, innumerable undead from underground crawl, huge hates to brandish the chains in hand, bone dragon is roaring has been flying from the sky. 大地崩裂,无数的亡灵从地下爬出,巨大的憎恶挥舞着手中的锁链,骨龙咆哮着从天空之中飞过。 Are more than person? I must have a look but actually, who compares who to be many!” “比人多?我倒要看看,谁比谁人多!” Stares at the present man, Fang Zheng is sneering, holds up the big sword. 盯着眼前的男子,方正冷笑一声,举起大剑。 Attack! Scourge!” “进攻!天灾军团!”
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