DC :: Volume #27

#2697: Flickered lamely( this meow from swaying back and forth to turn into forward roll)

Then bon voyage, Ciri caught a temple guard to inquire directly own friend pill Drien was , the frightened latter also finds the person immediately, then without the flowered anything time, pill Drien was escorted the Ciri front, although he looked a little distressed, but the good and evil has not been injured. 接下来一路顺风,希里直接抓了一个神殿守卫询问自己朋友丹德里恩的所在,吓的后者也是立刻去找人,接着没花什么功夫,丹德里恩就被护送到了希里的面前,虽然他看起来有点儿狼狈,不过好歹没有受伤。 Even so, pill Drien after seeing Ciri also tells of one's hardships and oppressions , indicating oneself almost must accept punishment of & fucking ash skinning ; Meanwhile how his also very curious Ciri makes these followers so obedient. 即便如此,丹德里恩在看见希里之后也是大倒苦水,表示自己差一点儿就要接受剥皮之刑—同时他也很好奇希里是怎么让这些信徒这么听话的。 In fact, Ciri also wonders very much, but she presses to control one's temper, expressed that later will tell him account, this recited Poet roaming sending this, finally Ciri angrily returned to in front of Fang Zheng, started to bide one's time for punishment. 事实上,希里也很纳闷,不过她还是按捺着性子,表示之后会把事情的经过告诉他,这才把这个吟游诗人给打发走,最后希里就气冲冲的回到了方正的面前,开始秋后算账。 Actually you are thinking anything! I do not work as what ghosts and gods to cause!” “你究竟在想什么啊!我才不要当什么鬼神使呢!” Ok, should not be first anxious, listening to me to give you to explain.” “好了,你先别急,听我给你解释。” Fang Zheng sits on the chair, is with smile on the face to look steadily at Ciri. 方正坐在椅子上,面带微笑盯视着希里 You first planned Kyle rarely, with your named ......... Rotter, yes, he is your foster father, you are plan and him converge right.” “你原本是先打算回凯尔莫罕,和你的那个叫………杰洛特,是吧,他是你的养父,你是打算和他汇合没错吧。” „Yep.” “是啊。” But you have thought an issue.” “但是你有没有想过一个问题。” Said till here, Fang Zheng raises up a finger, but Ciri frowns. 说道这里,方正竖起一根手指,而希里则皱起眉头。 What issue?” “什么问题?” „Is that Rotter will keep Kyle rarely? He hunts for the demon person, according to your view, hunts for the demon person do not go on patrol everywhere the hunting monster? Moreover, oneself treasure adopted daughter lost, he has not possibly sat in the castle sunbathes all day, cannot do well looks for you everywhere. When the time comes you returned to Kyle even rarely, if there no one what to do? This era signal communications are not developed, how do you want to contact with on Rotter?” “那就是杰洛特会留在凯尔莫罕吗?他是猎魔人吧,按照你的说法,猎魔人不是要四处巡游去狩猎怪物吗?而且,自己的宝贝养女丢了,他也没可能坐在城堡里整天晒太阳,搞不好就到处去找你了。到时候你就算回到了凯尔莫罕,万一那里没人怎么办?这个时代通讯联络可不发达,你要怎么联系上杰洛特?” This ............... “这……………” Heard Fang Zheng’s inquiry, Ciri jammed immediately, some female master perhaps strange means that but she may not have this skill. 听到方正的询问,希里顿时卡壳了,女术士或许有一些稀奇古怪的办法,但是她可没这种本事。 Therefore you looked, if you went back to look for him, he was not at by some chance, didn't your put up in the afternoon the soap opera? What obviously is that close the fragment actually brushed past and so on ........., therefore, I thought of a good way.” “所以你看,你要是回去了找他,他万一不在,你们这不上演午后肥皂剧么?什么明明近在咫尺却擦肩而过之类的片段………所以,我想到了个好办法。” „Is this good way that you think of?” “这就是你想到的好办法?” Fang Zheng does not raise fortunately, raises Ciri is the air/Qi does not hit one. 方正不提还好,一提希里就是气不打一处来。 What good way this called!?” “这叫什么好办法啊!?” „Isn't this good? You looked, you become the god to cause, this matter definitely spreads over the whole world immediately, when the time comes the streets and lanes are spreading, that named Rotter won't be able to hear? No matter he believes does not believe that he will come Novy Gray to look that you, so long as the little darling and others can see him here, this what didn't tie?” “这还不好吗?你看,你成为了神使,这件事肯定会立刻传遍整个世界吧,到时候街头巷尾都在流传,那个叫杰洛特的会听不到吗?不管他信还是不信,他都会来诺维格瑞看一看吧,你只要乖乖等在这里就能够见到他,这不就什么都结了?” This ............... “这……………” Ciri had not thought that now listened to a Fang Zheng saying ......... probably indeed is such truth yeah! 原本希里还没这么想过,现在听方正一说………好像的确是这么个道理哎! But, but why lets me, when the god causes, lets Miss Liz or wonderful Miss Jie does differently? Miss Liz does not believe Zemuria that ......... the seven luminaries, seven luminaries anything is coming ......... “但是,但是为什么让我当神使啊,让莉丝小姐或者妙婕小姐来做不一样吗?莉丝小姐不是还信仰赛姆利亚的那个………七曜,七曜什么来着………” Septian Church.” 七曜教会。” hearing this, Liz made up one silently, but Ciri mashes up garlic immediately nod. 听到这里,莉丝默默的补了一句,而希里顿时捣蒜般的点头。 Right, isn't Miss Liz that Septian Church follower? Let her make wasn’t very good? Why wants me, I have no interest least bit in religious these things!” “对对对,莉丝小姐不是那个七曜教会的信徒吗?让她来做不是很好?为什么要我啊,我对宗教这些东西可是没有半点儿兴趣的!” Liz can assist you, but wants yourself to be initiative in the final analysis, moreover I told you, this matter and weren't you relations do not have oh?” “莉丝可以协助你,但是归根结底还是要你自己主动的,而且我告诉你,这件事和你也不是一点儿关系都没有?” How did this saying say?” “这话怎么说?” You told me before, you do not plan to stay in this world, but is planned that Zemuria starts the new life is right.” “你之前跟我说,你不打算留在这个世界,而是打算去赛姆利亚开始新生活对吧。” .........?” “………是啊?” Then your foster father foster mother? I remember that you have said that their one is to hunt for the demon person, one is the female master, probably was not stayed in this world sees.” “那么你的养父养母呢?我记得你说过,他们一个是猎魔人,一个是女术士,好像都是不怎么在这个世界受待见的吧。” Is this right, but I do not understand this and lets me what relations, when the god does cause?” “是这样没错,可是我还是不明白这和让我当神使有什么关系?” Related in a big way.” “关系大了去了。” Fang Zheng rolled his eyes, thought that this Ciri is really the minor matter astute important matter is muddled. 方正翻了个白眼,觉得这希里真是小事精明大事糊涂。 You looked, the eternal zoroastrianism does meet does not have high influence before the grass-root people? So long as you cause as the god, announced that no longer allows people to discriminate against other races, wants everyone equality coexistence, can't this solve the problem of your foster father? You want oneself alone joyfully goes to Zemuria to live, leaves behind your old father in this world by the sarcastic comments baseless rumor of person?” “你看,永恒之火教会不是在底层民众之前有很高的影响力吗?你只要作为神使,宣布不再允许人们歧视其他种族,要大家平等共处,这不就能够解决你养父的问题了?难道你想要自己一个人快快乐乐的去赛姆利亚过日子,留下你的老父亲在这个世界受人的冷言冷语风言风语?” eh ............... ……………” hearing this, Ciri did not have the words to say immediately, just like Fang Zheng said that in fact before Ciri, had seen Rotter a time by the rioter with the scene that the pitchfork killed, at that time she took the big effort to save Rotter, but in the final analysis, Rotter will receive this treatment, naturally was in this world the people's regarding hunting for demon person's discrimination cannot separate. 听到这里,希里顿时没话说了,正如方正所言,事实上希里之前就曾经见过一次杰洛特被暴民用草叉杀死的场景,那个时候她费了好大力气才救活了杰洛特,但是归根结底,杰洛特会受到这种待遇,自然是和这个世界上人们对于猎魔人的歧视分不开的。 Moreover, this may not only be only and your foster father has the relations is so simple.” “而且,这可不仅仅只是和你养父有关系这么简单。” Is saying, Fang Zheng a heavy/thick big book bang throwing to table on. 一面说着,方正一面把一本厚重的大书“砰”的扔到了桌子上。 What ......... is this?” “………这是什么?” I was idling a moment ago bored, investigated a history of this world, really makes me surprised , in this world, your human arrived here outcomer from other world, but by gnome that you discriminate against, the dwarf and Spirit/elf are the local resident in this world ......... hehe, do you understand my meaning?” “我刚才闲着无聊,调查了一下这个世界的历史,真让我惊讶啊,没想到,在这个世界上,你们人类才是从其他世界来到这里的外来者,而被你们歧视的地精,矮人和精灵才是这个世界的本土住民………呵呵呵,你明白我的意思么?” I not too bright .........!!!” “我不太明………啊!!!” Said half, Ciri screams one immediately, responded. 说道一半,希里顿时尖叫一声,反应了过来。 She then remembers, why will Fang Zheng follow oneself to arrive at this world? Because he must eliminate Mad Hunt! 她这才想起,为什么方正会跟着自己来到这个世界?因为他要消灭狂猎 But why can Fang Zheng eliminate Mad Hunt? Because a Mad Hunt clan invaded other world, and conducted the cruel oppression to the local resident in that world and kills by mistreatment ............... according to the Fang Zheng’s view, this seemed like violated their some rule ......... 而为什么方正要消灭狂猎?因为狂猎一族入侵了其他世界,并且对那个世界的本土住民进行了残忍的压迫和虐杀……………按照方正的说法,这似乎是违反了他们的某种规则……… Thinks carefully, now this and human of this world does what has to distinguish? 仔细想想,这和这个世界的人类现在做的有什么区别? You make me come, when I process Mad Hunt, then handles this issue, how do you look?” “你让我来也可以,等我处理完狂猎,回头就来搞定这个问题,你看如何?” I ......... I considered, I come.” “我………我考虑了一下,还是我来吧。” Ciri immediately, if before then, she did not have an explicit cognition regarding the Fang Zheng’s strength, then followed Fang Zheng to take a walk a moment ago, now Ciri has believed firmly completely this man has the completely not unimaginable terrifying power, if makes him come, has not known that will turn into what appearance. 希里顿时一身冷汗,如果说在这之前,她对于方正的实力还没有一个明确的认知,那么刚才跟着方正散步走了一路,现在希里已经完全确信这个男人拥有着自己完全无法想象的恐怖力量,如果让他来的话,还不知道会变成什么样子。 Like the present, kills Ciri unable to think that Fang Zheng helps itself look for the means of person, unexpectedly hit remnantly the eternal zoroastrianism meeting directly, then used this matter to publicize to attract Rotter's attention & fucking ash own reputation ; This show operates Ciri to break the head unable to think. If makes him punish human of this world, Ciri does not know Fang Zheng will find out what means. 就像现在,打死希里都想不到方正帮自己找人的办法,居然是直接打残了永恒之火教会,然后利用这件事把自己的名声宣扬出去来吸引杰洛特的注意—这种骚操作希里打破脑袋都想不出来。如果让他来惩罚这个世界的人类,希里可不知道方正会想出什么办法。 However from the pitiful condition of eternal zoroastrianism meeting, Ciri thinks at present affirmed that is the completely not unimaginable result. 不过从眼前永恒之火教会的惨状来看,希里觉得肯定那是自己完全无法想象的结局。 In comparison, oneself come. 相比之下,还是自己来吧。 Gets a panoramic view two people conversations, wonderful Jie of standing laughs, gathered side Liz. 将两人的交谈尽收眼底,站在旁边的妙婕嘻嘻一笑,凑到了莉丝身边。 Really worthily is Fang Zheng-san, such easy convinced Miss Ciri.” “真不愧是方正先生,这么轻而易举的就说服了希里小姐。” „Is that calls to convince? I always feel like force ......... “那是叫说服吗?我总感觉像是胁迫………” Liz's expression is somewhat complex, is mainly witnesses gods to be in front of own to combine threats with inducements this to make the Liz really a little three views completely destroy to look for place rhythm slowly. 莉丝的表情有些复杂,主要是亲眼目睹一个神明当着自己的面威逼利诱这让莉丝实在有点儿三观尽毁想要找地方缓缓的节奏。 This wasn’t very good? By the Fang Zheng-san strength, but also so will be benign to Miss Ciri, has not carried the meaning of rack order slightly, this is very rare.” “这不是很好吗?以方正先生的实力,还会对希里小姐这般和颜悦色,丝毫没有端起架子命令的意思,这可是很难得的呢。” This but actually is also ......... “这倒也是………” Hears the wonderful Jie's appreciation, a Liz face is still complex. Indeed, by the Fang Zheng’s strength, he wants Ciri to make anything, does Ciri do must do, but his at this moment also wastes the time and opposite party presenting the facts is reasonable, although is somewhat strange, but indeed ......... this at least explained that Fang Zheng respects the Ciri individual will. 听到妙婕的赞赏,莉丝依旧一脸复杂。的确,以方正的实力,他要希里做什么,希里做不做都得做,但是他这会儿还浪费时间和对方摆事实讲道理,虽然有些奇怪,但是的确………这至少说明方正尊重希里的个人意志的。 But his performance really makes people very difficult to go to want toward this aspect and that's the end. 只不过他那个表现实在让人很难往这个方面去想就是了。 But on the other hand, even if I worked as the god to cause, I do not know that what should make? Do you want me to speak in the face of others?” “但是话说回来,就算我当了神使,我也不知道该做什么啊?你难道是要我在其他人面前去演讲吗?” Of course not, you, so long as did the work that you excelled at to be good, the god caused, to put it bluntly was understands the public sentiment, went deep among the people, the help people solved difficultly ......... did you understand my meaning?” “当然不是,你只要做你擅长的工作就好了,神使嘛,说白了就是去体察民情,深入群众中去,帮助群众解决困难的………你明白我的意思了?” You were said that ......... hunted for the demon person?” “你是说………猎魔人?” Word comparison tongue-twister that although Fang Zheng uses, but Ciri circled also wants to understand. 虽然方正用的词比较绕口,但是希里绕一绕也就想明白了。 Right, so long as you do with hunting for demon person era same matter was enough, like you said that goes to the bulletin board of each village to transfer, having a look at the person to need to help, then inquired him to have an accident, then found the way to help him solve the problem ......... this is not you excels?” “没错,你只要做和猎魔人时代一样的事情就行了,就像你说的,去每个村子的公告栏转一圈,看看有没有人需要帮助,然后去询问他出了什么事,接着想办法帮他解决问题………这不是你擅长的吗?” Un!! I understood.” “嗯!!我明白了。” hearing this, Ciri relaxed immediately, makes an effort to nod, these she who Fang Zheng said to is really quite familiar. If were made these by oneself, then Ciri felt oneself have no pressure. 听到这里,希里顿时放松了下来,用力点了点头,方正说的这些她到真是相当熟悉。如果是让自己做这些的话,那么希里觉得自己还是没什么压力的。 When then we do start to take action?” “那么我们什么时候开始行动?” „It is not first anxious, in brief, we first handled Novy Gray's internal matter said again.” “先不急,总之,我们先把诺维格瑞内部的事情搞定再说。” Said till here, Fang Zheng glanced over places oneself front history book. 说道这里,方正扫了一眼放在自己面前的历史书。 Many issue left over by history needs to be solved.” “还有很多历史遗留问题需要解决呢。” Then, regarding the place of northern boundary, one was hard the change that imagined to start. 接下来,对于北境之地来说,一场难以想象的改变开始了。 First is Novy Gray, because of violating the decree of gods received the day to punish situated here eternal fire headquarters. The entire high rank mission including archbishop was fired the ashes completely, their souls by roaring flame eternal suffering, that day of until the judgment day approaching. 首先是诺维格瑞,位于这里的永恒之火总部因为违反了神明的旨意而受到了天罚。包括大主教在内的整个高阶教团全部被烧成灰烬,他们的灵魂会被烈焰永恒的折磨,直到世界末日来临的那一天。 But causes also to issue new oracle along with the god who the god of flame presents, announced that the behaviors of all persecution inhuman races are from head to tail blaspheming, all followers must start with a clean slate immediately. Simultaneously emphasized again the objective of eternal zoroastrianism meeting is whether or not human all equal, is not exceptional. 而伴随着火焰之神出现的神使也下达了新的神谕,宣布所有迫害非人种族的行为都是彻头彻尾的亵渎,所有信徒必须立刻改过自新。同时再次强调了永恒之火教会的宗旨是无论是否人类都一律平等,毫不例外。 In addition, the eternal fire mission also sent out a paper to shock the order of entire north boundary, declared that after investigation, they discovered that the northern domain Ruida Narnia King Radow Wade V once meddled to change the action of eternal fire sect, even notorious hunted for witch one of the action initiators. 除此之外,永恒之火教团还发出了一纸震撼整个北境的命令,宣称在经过调查之后,他们发现北方领域瑞达尼亚国王拉多维德五世曾经插手改变了永恒之火教派的行动,甚至还是臭名昭著的“猎巫”行动发起人之一。 Then the eternal fire expressed that the dignity of gods cannot be deceived, does not allow the mortal to steal the authority in the name of its, the behavior of Radow Wade V is unforgivable, he will be shall be sentenced to the capital punishment! 接着永恒之火表示神明的威严不容亵渎,更不容凡人假借其名窃取权柄,拉多维德五世的行为不可饶恕,他将被处以极刑! Regarding this entire Ruida Narnia kingdom internal naturally is in an uproar, but Radow Wade V is the air/Qi awfully, clamoring to assemble the army to give eternal fire attractive & fucking ash ; However on the same day of dispatching troops, a bolide dropped from the clouds, razed to the ground imperial city of Radow Wade V directly, oneself naturally was also dying cannot die again, the residual has not stayed behind continually. 对此整个瑞达尼亚王国内部自然是一片哗然,而拉多维德五世更是气的要命,叫嚣要集结大军给永恒之火好看—然而就在出兵的当天,一颗火流星从天而降,把拉多维德五世的王城直接夷为平地,本人自然也是死的不能再死,连一点儿残渣都没有留下。 Ruida Narnia is the north biggest country, the country that is also in Northern Alliance can with attempt Niffer Ka who annexes the entire mainland to resist only at present, the death of Radow Wade V immediately aroused a series of disturbances. Ruida Narnia therefore starts to disintegrate, what with it relative is, the reputation of eternal fire sect starts to further spread. 瑞达尼亚是北方最大的国家,也是北方联盟里唯一能够与目前试图吞并整个大陆的尼弗迦德对抗的国家,拉多维德五世的死亡顿时引起了一系列的风波。瑞达尼亚内部因此开始分崩离析,但是与之相对的是,永恒之火教派的名声开始进一步扩散。 However regarding this world, this starts merely. 然而对于这个世界来说,这才仅仅只是开始。
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