DC :: Volume #27

#2696: Pretends to like what one really fears( had water feeder not to need to fear that cut off the water supply)

Regarding the eternal fire, the present situation is they absolutely does not have the means to imagine. 对于永恒之火而言,眼前的事态是他们完全没有办法想象的。 Until now, the eternal fire sect is holding high the human legitimate flag, persecutes all inhuman lifeform, including dwarf, Spirit/elf and master, even hunts for the demon people one of them. They have the huge influence, but this Novy Gray is their holy city is, but no one thinks, unexpectedly one day, a non- race can kill the holy city directly! 一直以来,永恒之火教派就高举着人类正统的旗帜,迫害一切非人生物,包括矮人,精灵和术士,甚至猎魔人都在其中。他们也拥有庞大的势力,而这座诺维格瑞更是他们的圣城所在,但是没有人想到,居然有一天,一个非人种能够直接杀进圣城! Immediately seals up gate!! Closes off all streets!!” “立刻封闭大门!!封锁所有街道!!” The heavy/thick iron gate fell loudly, blocked the way. If trades to do usually, needs several hundred warrior to be able it to defeat with joint forces. But Fang Zheng actually looked that continually has not looked at a glance, sets out like taking a walk forward, along with his nearness. Sees only that heavy/thick iron fence instantaneously as if by the candle melting of flame ignition, turned into beach bright red molten iron to flow directly in the ground. 厚重的铁门轰然落下,挡住了去路。如果是换做平时的话,需要数百名战士合力才能够将其击破。但方正却是连看都没有看一眼,就这么像散步一样向前进发,伴随着他的靠近。只见那厚重的铁栅栏瞬间仿佛被火焰灼烧的蜡烛般融化,变成了一滩鲜红的铁水直接流淌在地面上。 Ciri, Liz and wonderful Jie three people with behind Fang Zheng, is the expression varies. 希里,莉丝和妙婕三个人跟在方正的身后,则是表情各异。 Ciri helpless puts out a hand the holding down forehead, how she is unable to imagine this situation to end. But the Liz expression is calm, she is knows that Fang Zheng with emptying the goddess same is the gods, moreover both sides existence with camp, regardless of therefore Fang Zheng makes anything, Liz will not be surprised. 希里无奈的伸出手去按住额头,她根本无法想象这个事态要怎么收场。而莉丝则表情平静,她是知道方正和空之女神一样属于神明,而且双方还是同个阵营的存在,因此无论方正做什么,莉丝都不会感到吃惊。 Looks steadily at Fang Zheng as for wonderful Jie is appearing curious and is eager to try, she has to investigate Fang Zheng’s strength, the strength that that but the opposite party shows is above the imagination lets the wonderful Jie quite surprise, wonderful Jie also is very simultaneously curious, does Fang Zheng plan bringing an end to everything? 至于妙婕盯视着方正则显得好奇和跃跃欲试,她不是没有调查过方正的力量,可是对方所展现出来的这种超乎想象的力量还是让妙婕颇为诧异,同时妙婕也很好奇,方正打算如何结束这一切 To put it bluntly, she is the eating melon people that tags along after surrounds to watch the fun. 说白了,她就是尾随围观看热闹的吃瓜群众罢了。 Also has no stop all the way again, people easy arrived on the bridge before temple island. Here, fully-armed Knight rides the big tall horse, the hand is grasping the long spear/gun shield, is ready and waiting. 一路上再也没有任何阻拦,众人轻而易举的就来到了神殿岛前的大桥上。在这里,全副武装的骑士骑着高头大马,手握长枪盾牌,整装待发。 For eternal fire!!!” “为了永恒之火!!!” Is Knight of head shouts one, whips on a horse, dashes forward. Suddenly, dozens ride the warhorse to span the stone bridge, flushed toward Fang Zheng. But Fang Zheng recited backwards from the end both hands, narrows eye gazing present Knight, had not responded. he has not seen like anything , to continue stand forth. 为首的骑士大喊一声,策马扬鞭,向前飞奔。一时间,数十骑战马跨越石桥,朝着方正冲了过来。而方正则只是倒背双手,眯起眼睛盯视着眼前的骑士,没有丝毫反应。他就像什么都没有看见一样,继续向前走去。 Seeing only these Knight is also like others, but also without approaching Fang Zheng, burnt with horse instantaneously, saw only the flame probably stroking on their bodies, in the flame after later, original Knight and warhorse, was fired the hard coke, then changed into a wisp of black salt to pass rapidly with the wind. 紧接着,只见那些骑士也和其他人一样,还没有靠近方正,就连人带马瞬间燃烧了起来,只见火焰就好像在他们的身体上“捋”了一遍,在火焰经过之后,原本的骑士和战马,都被烧成了焦炭,接着迅速化为了一缕黑灰随风而逝。 In the at this moment temple island the high level of eternal fire sect is the three spirits that frightens lost the seven inferior souls, they want to go by boat to leave, but that type terrifying severely cold, not only wreaked havoc the entire city, outside river water also thorough frozen, now these people are ascend the sky enter roadless impossible, but, the archbishops of eternal fire sect have to clench teeth, comes out to face the present terrifying to exist personally. 这会儿神殿岛上永恒之火教派的高层已经是吓的三魂丢了七魄,他们想要乘船离开,但是那种恐怖的严寒不但肆虐了整个城市,就连外面的河水也被彻底冰封,现在这些人可谓是上天无路入地无门,无奈之下,永恒之火教派的大主教只好咬着牙,亲自出来面对眼前的恐怖存在。 Bang!!!” “轰!!!” Close gate explodes thoroughly shatter in front of the flame, Fang Zheng in big strides walks, sees only at present the steps outside church, stands dozens to wear is alternating with the robe priest red and white. Is the man of head stands in the front, is looking angrily at Fang Zheng, the loud anger exclaimed. 封闭的大门在火焰面前彻底爆裂破碎,方正大踏步的走进来,只见在眼前教堂外的阶梯上,站着数十名身穿着红白相间长袍的祭司。为首的男子站在前方,怒视着方正,大声怒吼道。 Desecrater! Is, gave you courage, dares sacred land that enters this to receive to bless!” “亵渎者!是谁,给了你勇气,胆敢进入这受祝福的圣洁之地!” Devil! Tumbles out here!!!” “恶魔!滚出这里!!!” With angry roaring of man, his behind priest also shouted loudly, but Fang Zheng be with smile on the face, is looking steadily at him. 伴随着男子的怒吼,他身后的祭司也纷纷高喊起来,而方正则只是面带微笑,盯视着他。 „Are you which?” “你是哪位?” I am the eternal fire archbishop, senior priest Sellers. Ingle agrees. Heym.” “我是永恒之火大主教,高阶祭司塞勒斯.英格尔肯.海姆法。” The men facing the Fang Zheng’s gaze, have not vacillated. 男子面对方正的注视,没有丝毫动摇。 Desecrater, what can you know your actions to represent? You with Novy Gray, Ruida Narnia kingdom are being an enemy, is blaspheming the gods!” “亵渎者,你可知你的所作所为代表着什么?你这是在与诺维格瑞,瑞达尼亚王国为敌,更是在亵渎神明!” Blasphemed the gods?” “亵渎神明?” hearing this, Fang Zheng raised his brows. 听到这里,方正挑了下眉头 Snort, blasphemed the gods, obviously was you!” “哼,亵渎神明的,明明是你们!” What did you ............ you say?!” “你…………你说什么?!” Hears Fang Zheng’s reply, Archbishop Sellers speechless immediately. 听到方正的回答,塞勒斯大主教顿时哑然。 „Did we ......... blaspheme the gods?” “我们………亵渎神明?” Right, you with the aid of the authority of king of flame, recklessly persecution these innocent people, because only they are not human ........., however, in front of the flame, is all equal. You misinterpreted the meaning of eternal fire, you abuse the name of king of flame for the one's own selfish interests, now, is you should receive the penalty the time!!” “没错,你们借助火焰之王的权威,肆意迫害那些无辜者,只因为他们不是人类………然而,在火焰面前,一律平等。你们曲解了永恒之火的含义,你们为了一己之私而滥用火焰之王的名义,现在,就是你们该受到惩罚的时候了!!” ...............???” “……………???” Looking at each other that hearing this, Ciri, Liz and wonderful Jie three people have doubts a glance, does not understand that Fang Zheng is saying anything. But the priests of opposite these eternal fires are bewildered. 听到这里,希里,莉丝和妙婕三人都疑惑的对视了一眼,不明白方正在说什么。而对面那些永恒之火的祭司更是一脸茫然。 Spreads rumors and misleads the people, nonsense!!” “妖言惑众,胡言乱语!!” Archbishop Sellers gawked, immediately refuted loudly, however Fang Zheng shrugged the shoulders. 塞勒斯大主教愣了一下,顿时大声反驳道,然而方正则只是耸耸肩膀。 I do not come to argue with you, I am only take to you proper penalty ......... to blaspheme the evil consequence of gods, is undertaken by you.” “我不是来和你争辩的,我只是来带给你应有的惩罚………亵渎神明的恶果,就由你们自身来承担吧。” Is saying, Fang Zheng raises the right hand, hit a sound to refer to gently. 一面说着,方正一面举起右手,轻轻打了个响指。 & fucking ash ;!!!” “呼—!!!” At this moment, before seeing only the church, that cruciform altar central fire of high-piled firewood erupted the frantic column of flame suddenly, the direct impact clouds , over a hundred meters high flame giants, appeared. 这一刻,只见教堂前那十字形祭坛中央的火堆骤然爆发出了狂热的火柱,直冲云霄,紧接着,一个足足有上百米高的火焰巨人,出现在了其中。 I am king of Laghos Nurrows flame! The mortals, you dare to blaspheme me!!” “我乃火焰之王拉格纳罗斯!凡人,你们胆敢亵渎我!!” king of to hold/wave flame the roaring flame battle axe, his angry roaring sound as if slating explosion sound, was sweeping across entire Novy Gray. But at this moment, the plan defended the temple, pledging to fight to the death fights to the end falls down, looks that the present colossus that the priests of witch hunter as well as eternal fire frighten trembles, could not speak completely. 火焰之王挥舞着烈焰战斧,他的怒吼声仿佛雷鸣般轰响,席卷了整个诺维格瑞。而此刻,原本打算保卫神殿,誓死战斗到底的女巫猎人以及永恒之火的祭司们都吓的瘫倒在地,看着眼前的庞然大物瑟瑟发抖,完全说不出话来。 Also these priests so shiver with no wonder frightened, although in this world also has the sect to believe that but gods whether really exists, in addition leaves undecided. Regarding the person in this world, they know to have the spirit, werewolf, Vampire and so on existence of supernatural life, can understand the lion vulture, the appearance of petrified chicken snake beast kind of monster, regarding the master, dwarf and Spirit/elf this kind of inhuman species is not cannot accept. 也难怪这些祭司如此颤抖和恐惧,虽然这个世界里也有教派信仰,但是神明是否真的存在尚且存疑。对于这个世界的人来说,他们知道有幽灵,狼人,吸血鬼之类超自然生命的存在,也能够理解狮鹫,石化鸡蛇兽这类怪物的出现,对于术士,矮人和精灵这类非人物种也不是不能够接受。 However ........., when gods arrive truly, that was a different matter. 但是………当一个神明真正降临的时候,那就是另外一回事了。 I ......... you ......... not ............... “我………你………不……………” Looks at Laghos Nurrows, Archbishop Sellers the complexion is pale, the lip is pale, stutter does not know that should say anything is good. That terrifying strength and aura store front come, making him feel that own internal organs as if are common in the ignition. 看着拉格纳罗斯,塞勒斯大主教面色铁青,嘴唇苍白,结结巴巴的都不知道该说什么才好。那股恐怖的力量和气息铺面而来,让他感觉自己的内脏都仿佛在灼烧一般。 But where Fang Zheng behind three young girls also very to go, Ciri stares the big eye, dumb as a wooden chicken. Liz grips tightly both hands, exhibited to the stance that the gods prayed, wonderful Jie was also two illumination is looking steadily at the king of flame, showed the jumping for joy expression. Perhaps others have not responded, but wonderful Jie is actually can understand & fucking ash immediately ; The appearance of this flame giant, definitely cannot cut off the relations with Fang Zheng. But solely is only the flame giant who Fang Zheng summoned, had the so powerful strength ......... that he to be powerful? 方正身后的三个少女也好不到哪儿去,希里瞪大眼睛,呆若木鸡。莉丝则是紧握双手,摆出了向神明祈祷的架势,妙婕也是两眼发光的盯视着火焰之王,露出了雀跃的表情。或许其他人还没有反应过来,但是妙婕却是立刻就能够明白—这个火焰巨人的出现,肯定和方正脱不了关系。而单单只是方正召唤出来的火焰巨人,就拥有如此强大的力量………那么他本人又该有多么强大呢? Death, the mortal, the desecrater, making the flame purify all, tastes Flond's roaring flame!!” “死吧,凡人,亵渎者,让火焰净化一切,尝尝萨弗隆的烈焰吧!!” With angry roaring, the flame dropped from the clouds, changes into a meteor to pound directly in the square, the present priests will unravel directly. But sees this, these in side originally the paralysis that because the appearance of king of flame frightens guards in the place temple with the followers, is the complexion is paler, the whole body shivers. 伴随着怒吼,火焰从天而降,化为一颗流星直接砸在了广场上,将眼前的祭司们直接灰飞烟灭。而看到这一幕,那些在旁边原本就因为火焰之王的出现吓的瘫痪在地的神殿守卫和信徒们,更是面色惨白,浑身颤抖。 Then ......... they crawl directly in the place, is worshipping on bended knees to Laghos Nurrows. 接着………他们直接匍匐在地,对着拉格纳罗斯跪拜起来。 Asked you to forgive us, eternal fire!” “求求你宽恕我们,永恒之火!” Great gods, forgive us!!!” “伟大的神明啊,宽恕我们吧!!!” cough cough.” 咳咳。” Sees here, Fang Zheng showed the satisfactory smile, then he goes forward one step, before arriving at stage, looks to the present follower, says. 看到这里,方正露出了满意的笑容,接着他上前一步,来到台前,望向眼前的信徒,开口说道。 Desecraters, raise the head.” “亵渎者们,抬起头来。” Hears Fang Zheng’s voice, these were going all out the person of king of worshipping on bended knees flame to raise the head, look to Fang Zheng, the latter continued. 听到方正的声音,那些原本正在拼命跪拜火焰之王的人纷纷抬起头,望向方正,后者则继续说了下去。 You blasphemed the dignity of king of flame, abused its flame, according to the truth, we should purify this city thoroughly, to show brutal penalty to desecrater. Your souls will burn in the roaring flame, feel the eternal pain ......... to seem them to be the same!” “你们亵渎了火焰之王的威严,滥用了它的火焰,原本按照道理来说,我们应该彻底净化这座城市,以彰显对亵渎者的残酷惩罚。你们的灵魂将会在烈焰之中燃烧,感受着永恒的痛苦………就好像他们一样!” Is saying, Fang Zheng puts out a hand to aim at the beforehand these priest burnt places, the people look following the direction that he points, sees only in that raging flames flame, can see several fuzzily, as if spirit form was fettered, exuded the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound. Sees this, the people are fearful and apprehensive, does not know that should should do. 一面说着,方正一面伸出手去指向之前那些祭司被烧死的地方,众人顺着他手指的方向望去,只见在那熊熊燃烧的火焰之中,可以看见数个模糊的,仿佛幽灵般的身影被束缚其中,发出了凄厉的惨叫声。看到这一幕,众人更是心惊胆战,不知该如何是好。 But, the flame refers to the beacon light of bright hope, therefore, king of Yuanyi great flame gives you these desecrater opportunities.” “但是,火焰是指亮希望的明灯,因此,伟大的火焰之王愿意给你们这些亵渎者一个机会。” ..................... “…………………” hearing this, people stubbornly is looking steadily at Fang Zheng, waits for his following speech, but under center of attention, Fang Zheng shows a faint smile, then a drawing Ciri. 听到这里,众人更是死死的盯视着方正,等待他接下来的说话,而在众人瞩目之下,方正微微一笑,接着一把拉过了希里 This Ciri small ......... eh, what did your full name call to come?” “这位希里小………,你全名叫什么来着?” Ciri is elegant. Fiona. Ellen. beautiful Yasutomo ............... 希里雅.菲欧娜.艾伦.丽安伦……………” This Ciri is elegant. Fiona. Ellen. Miss beautiful Yasutomo, is the envoy of god of flame, she will replace the god of flame to direct you to go forward. If you are willing to start with a clean slate, then you will also receive Blessing of Flames. But if you blasphemed the glory and dignity of king of flame as before, achieved itself to twist the dirty desire using the strength of king of flame, then your souls, eternal combustion in flame!!” “这位希里雅.菲欧娜.艾伦.丽安伦小姐,就是火焰之神的使者,她将代替火焰之神指引你们前进。如果你们愿意改过自新,那么你们还会受到火焰的祝福。但是如果你们依旧亵渎火焰之王的荣耀与尊严,利用火焰之王的力量来达成自己扭曲肮脏的愿望的话,那么你们的灵魂,将会在火焰之中永恒燃烧!!” Great flame god causes!” “伟大的火焰神使!” Eternal fire ahhhh!!!” “永恒之火啊啊啊啊!!!” Listened to Fang Zheng’s words, the people to worship on bended knees to Ciri immediately, but at the same time, the form of king of flame also disappeared does not see. 听完方正的说话,众人顿时对着希里跪拜了下去,而与此同时,火焰之王的身影也消失不见。 Until this time, Ciri then responded, quickly is gazing at fixedly Fang Zheng. 直到这个时候,希里这才反应了过来,急忙瞪视着方正 Wait, do you do? I had not said that must work as what god to cause!!” “等等,你这是干嘛?我可没说要当什么神使啊!!” Recluse has the ingenious plan, you waited to look are good.” “山人自有妙计,你等着看就好了。” Facing the protest of Ciri, Fang Zheng chuckled. 面对希里的抗议,方正呵呵一笑 In brief, you first rescued to say your friend again.” “总而言之,你先把你朋友救出来再说咯。” ........................... “………………………” Hears Fang Zheng’s words, Ciri bites the lip, finally indignant stamping the feet. 听到方正的说话,希里咬住嘴唇,最后愤愤不平的一跺脚。 Saves me to do accounts with you again!!” “等把人救出来我再和你算账!!”
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