DC :: Volume #27

#2694: Change of belief( felt that Tang Daren wasn’t very good eats)

Be careful!!” “小心!!” Saw the lion vulture to clash, Ciri also shouts one, then held up the long sword to move forward to meet somebody to the lion vulture directly. Afterward her slippery shovel appeared in the lion vulture behind, then a sword wielded. But the attack that lion vulture turned around to avoid Ciri, after circled, is overrunning to Ciri again. 看见狮鹫冲了上来,希里也是大喊一声,然后举起长剑直接冲对着狮鹫迎了上去。随后她一个滑铲出现在了狮鹫的身后,接着一剑挥下。而狮鹫则一个转身躲开了希里的攻击,在空中盘旋了一圈之后,再次对着希里冲了过去。 Then the latter wields a sword again, gets up with the lion vulture dogfight. 接着后者再次挥剑,与狮鹫缠斗起来。 haah ............... 哈啊……………” Looked that Ciri takes bustling that the long sword and lion vulture fight, Fang Zheng was thoroughly speechless, only felt oneself have been busy giving her to pack wastes energy completely. This imouto puts on the armor that Gauss weapon cannot even puncture, brings to resist Gatling firepower sufficiently shield, but also takes one pile to open the ruins the munitions ......... the result you to tell me a city directly, do you take a sword to come up and lion vulture to cutting? 希里拿着长剑和狮鹫战的热火朝天,方正彻底无语了,只感觉自己一直忙着给她包装完全都是白费力气。这妹子穿着连高斯武器都打不穿的装甲,带着足以抵挡加特林火力的护盾,还拿着一堆能够直接把一座城市拆成废墟的军火………结果你告诉我,你拿着一把剑上去和狮鹫对砍? Big imouto is your is it possible that brain a single thread? 妹子你莫非脑子是个单线程? Such a saying, remembers that beforehand Ciri had also told oneself she and witch named studied spell, however your spell? 这么一说,记得之前希里还跟自己说过她和一个叫叶奈法的女巫学了法术,但是你的法术呢? Was magic and martial dual cultivation well played this by you? 好好的魔武双修被你玩成这样? Now Fang Zheng understands finally why Ciri passed through so many world, a person of sword becomes an itinerant wushu performer, does not have including the dog. 现在方正终于明白,为什么希里穿越了这么多世界,还是一人一剑走江湖,连条狗都没有。 It seems like the issue is not in the equipment, but is concept ......... 看来问题不是出在装备上,而是出在观念上啊……… Thinks till here, Fang Zheng puts out a hand directly, puts out the M-9 pistol, to the lion vulture is being bang bang bang three spears/guns. Afterward sees the head of lion vulture to look like rubber ball rupturing directly, the headless corpse rocked, then falls to the ground with a crash. 想到这里,方正直接伸出手去,拿出M-9手枪,对着狮鹫就是“砰砰砰”三枪。随后就看见狮鹫的脑袋直接像皮球般的爆裂开来,无头的尸体晃动了一下,然后砰然倒地。 ............ “呼…………” Sees here, Ciri also vents anger, then takes back long sword & fucking ash ; Then she was pounded by the Fang Zheng direct fist on the head. 看到这里,希里也是出了口气,然后收回长剑—接着她就被方正直接一拳砸在了脑袋上。 Hey! Do you do?!” “嘿!你干嘛?!” Covers the head, Ciri is gazing at fixedly Fang Zheng to complain immediately, but Fang Zheng speechless is looking at her. 捂着脑袋,希里顿时瞪视着方正抱怨起来,而方正无语的望着她。 Matter that three rounds of bullet one second can solve, can you with cut the sword? Do you feel with the lion vulture to fighting very fun?” “三发子弹一秒钟就能够解决的事情,你非要拿把剑上去砍?你是不是觉得和狮鹫对战很好玩?” eh ..................... …………………” Facing Fang Zheng’s taunt, Ciri is also seems somewhat awkward. 面对方正的嘲讽,希里也是显得有些尴尬。 This...... I, I forgot ......... “这个……我,我只是忘了………” When two people spoke, hid from the merchant under freight vehicle also crawled. 就在两人说话的时候,躲在货车下的商人也是爬了出来。 oh, my heaven, thank you. Without bumping into you, I already with my horse fate!!” ,我的老天,谢谢你们。要是没有碰到你们,我早就和我的马一个下场了!!” Is saying, merchant feels grateful looking of flow of tears to them. 一面说着,商人一面感激零涕的望向他们。 How do I want to repay you?” “我要如何报答你们呢?” Hears merchant's inquiry, Ciri raised their brows. 听到商人的询问,希里挑了下眉头 So long as gave us some kronas to be OK.” “只要给我们一些克朗就可以了。” This ............ naturally ......... naturally ......... “这…………当然………当然………” Is saying, merchant then stretches out the glove to the purse, however Fang Zheng actually prevented him. 一面说着,商人一面便伸出手套向钱袋,然而方正却阻止了他。 Ok, without this necessity.” “好了,没有这个必要。” Yeah? This mister, is ............ “哎?这位先生,可是…………” Your horse has bad luck, your freight vehicle was also finished, these must spend to cultivate/repair, we save you not to make many effort, you leave this sum of money.” “你的马倒了霉,你的货车也完蛋了,这些都要花钱去修,我们救你也没花多少力气,你还是留着这笔钱吧。” Hey ............!” “嘿…………!” hearing this, Ciri raises up the brow immediately, but Fang Zheng beckons with the hand, hints her not to want the many words. Meanwhile, he looks again to the present merchant. 听到这里,希里顿时竖起眉头,而方正则摆了摆手,示意她不要多话。同时,他再次望向眼前的商人。 If you do want to repay us ......... to answer us some issues?” “不过如果你想要报答我们的话………可以回答我们一些问题吗?” Naturally, naturally!!!” “当然,当然!!!” Hears Fang Zheng’s inquiry, the merchant also nods again and again, reply of unusual coordination Fang Zheng’s inquiry. According to the view of merchant, they now in a country named Ruida Narnia, here are only a wild outskirts range, in following this path has walked forward, can arrive in Ruida Narnia free city Novy Gray. 听到方正的询问,商人也是连连点头,非常配合的回答起方正的询问。按照商人的说法,他们现在是在一个名叫瑞达尼亚的国家境内,这里只是一片荒郊野岭,不过在顺着这条道路一直向前走,就能够到达瑞达尼亚境内的自由城市诺维格瑞。 Novy Gray!!” “诺维格瑞!!” Heard this name, Ciri called immediately, but Fang Zheng gave a hand signal to her again, hinted her to be patient, later looked again to the merchant. 听到这个名字,希里顿时叫了起来,而方正则再次对她做了个手势,示意她稍安勿躁,随后再次望向商人。 We must go to Novy Gray, you know how should walk?” “我们要去诺维格瑞,你知道该怎么走吗?” Naturally, so long as has walked was enough following this road downward, but was quite recently troublesome, because the soldier blocked the bridge, only then has the talent of pass to pass.” “当然,只要顺着这条路一直向下走就行了,不过最近比较麻烦,因为士兵封锁了桥梁,只有拥有通行证的人才能够通过。” Pass?” “通行证?” Yes ........., is everyone must go to Novy Gray? In this case, here happen to have the pass.” “是啊………啊,各位是要去诺维格瑞吗?这样的话,我这里正好有通行证。” Is saying, merchant put out the pass to hand over. 一面说着,商人一面拿出通行证递了过去。 Doesn't have the issue? You did not say that doesn't have the pass unable to enter Novy Gray?” “没问题吗?你不是说没有通行证就无法进入诺维格瑞?” Is this, but ............... “是这样的,但是……………” Merchant looked at tattered freight vehicle, the corpse of horse, helpless sighing. 商人看了一眼自己破烂的货车,还有马的尸体,无奈的叹了口气。 If you see, I must go to Novy Gray to transport freight, but turns into this appearance now, I went to Novy Gray also to be useless ......... these passes am I make many effort to take, now to me is also not meaningful, might as well give to everyone, after all you were my savior, then I first walked, wishing you were smooth.” “如你所见,我本来是要去诺维格瑞运货的,但是现在变成这个样子,我去诺维格瑞也没用了………这些通行证是我花了不少力气才弄到手的,现在对我来说也没什么意义,不如送给各位,毕竟你们可是我的救命恩人,那么我先走了,祝你们一路顺利。” Is saying, merchant respectful to Fang Zheng good a ritual, then turns around to leave. 一面说着,商人一面恭敬的对方正行了一礼,接着转身离开。 Until this time, Fang Zheng looked to Ciri, helpless sighing. 直到这个时候,方正才望向希里,无奈的叹了口气。 You ......... I do not know that should say what good.” “你啊………我都不知道该说什么好。” What issue has?” “有什么问题吗?” Ciri discontented digs the mouth, both hands thoughts is gazing at fixedly Fang Zheng. 希里不满的撅起嘴巴,双手抱怀瞪视着方正 Hunts for the demon person to eliminate demon, certainly wants the reward, do we want nothing to eat otherwise?” “猎魔人消灭魔物,肯定是要报酬的啊,不然的话我们岂不是要喝西北风?” I ask you now, you are short of money, doesn't have the thing to eat? Also or is that lion vulture struggles hard nearly died?” “我现在问你,你是缺钱呢,还是没东西吃?又或者是和那狮鹫苦战一场差点儿就死了?” This ......... this is the custom!” “这………这是规矩啊!” Custom is dead, the person is live ......... I understand now finally you hunt for the demon person reputation is not why good.” “规矩是死的,人是活的………我现在总算明白你们猎魔人为啥名声不好了。” Fang Zheng helpless shaking the head, he listened to Ciri to say before finds it strange, the villagers who one crowd of demon do not dare to kill, dare not to give to hunt for the demon person money unexpectedly also to threaten him in turn. At that time Fang Zheng found it strange, courage where this group of villagers came? Draws back 10,000 steps, even if they expelled that to hunt for the demon person finally, but this matter passed on, other will hunt for the demon person definitely not to help again. If meets demon again, the person in that village doesn't bring about own destruction? 方正无奈的摇了摇头,他之前听希里说的时候就觉得奇怪,一群连魔物都不敢杀的村民,居然敢不给猎魔人钱还反过来威胁他。当时方正就觉得奇怪,这群村民哪儿来的胆子?退一万步来说,就算他们最后赶走了那个猎魔人,但是这种事情传出去,其他猎魔人肯定也不会再来帮忙了。如果再遇到魔物,那个村子的人不是自寻死路? Naturally, Fang Zheng naturally did not say that helped the person not ask for money carries forward the style, since were just not specially urgent, can give to give preferential benefit to anything occasionally, reputation type of thing, much money could not buy. 当然,方正自然不是说帮了人不要钱是发扬风格,只不过既然本来不是特别迫切的话,也可以偶尔给个优惠什么的,名声这种东西,再多的钱也买不来好吧。 Ok, now says this uselessly. 算了,现在说这个也没什么用。 Right, where was that Novy Gray? Did I look at your appearance probably very anxious as?” “对了,那个诺维格瑞是个什么地方?我看你刚才的样子好像挺紧张似的?” It is north the boundary biggest city and harbor.” “它是北境最大的城市和港口。” Said till here, the Ciri complexion also becomes serious. 说道这里,希里的面色也变得严肃起来。 There is the eternal fire sect is, but this is not the key point, in fact I before passing through, was attacked in that city ......... “那里是永恒之火教派的所在,不过这不是重点,事实上我在穿越过来之前,就是在那座城市遭到了袭击………” According to the view of Ciri, she wanted to find the person to help in that city before restore the a spell protective charm, but in return, that person wants her and her companion steals a number of buried treasures, and also caught their friends as the hostage. Ciri has not certainly stolen the buried treasure, therefore she wants to rescue oneself friend, goes to and that person confronts. 按照希里的说法,她之前在那座城市想要找人帮忙修复一个魔法护符,而作为交换,那个人要她和她的同伴去偷取一批宝藏,并且还抓了他们的朋友作为人质。希里当然没有偷出宝藏,于是她想要救出自己的朋友,就去和那个人对峙。 Although successfully beat the opposite party, because that fellow is Vigo Ruichengli grasps one of the underground society black Boss, naturally also summons the troops to come to chase down her immediately. But Ciri after letting go own friend, with oneself that companion who recited Poet roaming evaded opposite party chasing down hand/subordinate together, but cannot run away finally, instead was surrounded by them. At that time, Ciri started the ability, passed through the world to go to the Zemuria mainland, as for her companion how ......... did not know the fate. 虽然成功击败了对方,但是由于那个家伙是诺维格瑞城里掌握地下社会的黑老大之一,自然也是立刻召唤了人马前来追杀她。而希里在放走了自己的朋友之后,就和自己那个吟游诗人的同伴一起逃避对方手下的追杀,但是最终还是没有能够逃走,反而被他们包围了起来。就在那个时候,希里发动了能力,穿越世界来到了赛姆利亚大陆,至于她那个同伴………就不知道下场如何了。 However conceivable, at that time their was surrounded layer on layer/heavily, is unable to escape even with wings, in this situation surely does not have the means to run away. 不过可以想象,当时他们两人被重重包围,插翅难飞,这种情况下肯定是没办法逃走的。 I must go to Novy Gray, rescues the friend of mine!” “我要去诺维格瑞,救出我的朋友!” To come in Ciri, own that recited Poet roaming the companion definitely to be grasped, does not know that he is living now or dies. 希里想来,自己的那个吟游诗人同伴肯定是被抓了,就是不知道他现在是活着还是死了。 Good.” “好吧。” Hears the speech of Ciri, Fang Zheng narrows the eye. 听到希里的说话,方正眯起眼睛。 We went to Novy Gray to be good.” “那我们就去诺维格瑞好了。” Happen , can also change the values that Ciri this mean-spirited was chased down to foster. Now Fang Zheng discovers, the Ciri estimate was the chased down day, causing the entire field of vision to become narrow. This you give her the universe battleship, she estimated that is not thinking exploded the Mad Hunt native place, but is thinking where runs up to can by oneself live a while ......... 正好,也可以改变一下希里这小气吧啦被一路追杀养成的价值观。现在方正是发现了,希里估计是过惯了被人追杀的日子,导致整个视野都变得狭窄了。这你就是给她个宇宙战舰,她估计也不会想着炸了狂猎老家,而是想着跑到什么地方能够让自己多活一会儿……… Goes to Novy Gray's path is very really difficult to walk, like such that Ciri said that this was not the proper path, but was the secondary road, but fortunately, this has not met what strange ghoul or mountain bandit all the way actually, quick followed the road to arrive at outside Novy Gray city, after putting out pass, guarded also allows to pass decisively, then Fang Zheng one line of four people arrived at this to be called in the northern boundary biggest city like this. 前往诺维格瑞的道路真的挺难走,就像希里说的那样,这根本就不是什么正经道路,而是乡间土路,不过还好,这一路上倒是没遇到什么奇奇怪怪的食尸鬼或者山贼匪盗,很快就顺着路来到了诺维格瑞城外,在拿出通行证之后,守卫也是果断放行,接着方正一行四人就这样来到了这座被称为北境最大的城市里。 Should say that this city many a little said the head, at least walks seems like is also likely that an appearance, Fang Zheng leads Liz and wonderful Jie is also appreciating the scenery with great interest, only then Ciri throws over the cape to walk in the rear. After all she here did one with one of the city underground Triad four devases before, if this were discovered, divides minute to be encircled. 应该说这座城市多少还是有点儿说头的,至少走在其中看起来还算是像那么个样子,方正带着莉丝和妙婕也是津津有味的欣赏着风景,只有希里披着斗篷走在最后面。毕竟她之前才在这里和这座城市地下黑社会四天王之一干了一架,这要是被人发现的话,分分钟又会被围过来。 Fang Zheng-san, that side seems like many people.” 方正先生,那边似乎有很多人啊。” Wonderful Jie puts out a hand, the square in directional not far away, but Fang Zheng is also turns the head to look, saw only encircled a person in the square, seemed like has what activity, therefore he was also the big hand wields. 妙婕伸出手去,指向不远处的广场,而方正也是转头望去,只见在广场边围了一圈人,看起来像是有什么活动似的,于是他也是大手一挥。 Walks, we had a look in the past.” “走,我们过去看看。” Goes to near the square, the at this moment people also saw clearly inside situation, sees only in the crowd center, two women were tying up on the wood/blockhead, below is also putting up the fuel, but in their front, fully-armed taxi logistics depot there, tall and powerfully built big bald also paces back and forth, is calling loudly. 来到广场边,这会儿众人也看清楚了里面的情况,只见在人群中央,两个女人正被绑在木头上,下面还架着柴火,而在她们的面前,全副武装的士兵站在那里,其中一个身材魁梧高大的光头还来回踱步,大声呼叫着。 How can we with be able to change the disaster resistance of appearance? How can we eliminate these evil heresies?” “我们要怎么跟能改变样貌的祸害对抗?我们要如何消灭那些邪恶的异端?” „Is this is doing?” “这是在干什么?” Looks at this, asked that wonderful Jie has doubts, but Liz frowns, silent. Ciri is looking steadily at present, said in a low voice. 看着这一幕,妙婕疑惑的开口询问道,而莉丝则皱起眉头,沉默不语。希里盯视着眼前的这一幕,低声说道。 This is the penalty of eternal fire temple, they will hold all masters, and burns them while still alive here.” “这是永恒之火神殿的刑罚,他们会抓住所有的术士,并且将他们活活烧死在这里。” Such cruel?” “这么残忍的吗?” hearing this, wonderful Jie is startled, but Liz also grips tightly the double fist. 听到这里,妙婕大吃一惊,而莉丝也紧握双拳。 Goddess will not allow this cruel act to exist!” “女神是不会允许这种残忍的行径存在的!” Meanwhile, sees only that baldly also to take up the flare, holds up high. 与此同时,只见那个光头也拿起火把,高高举起。 Cannot escape the sanction of sacred fire wicked! The sacred fire will illuminate, the combustion, purifies all!!” “奸恶逃不过神圣之火的制裁!神圣之火将会照亮,燃烧,净化一切!!” Is saying, bald holds up the flare, before arriving at a fire of high-piled firewood . 一面说着,光头一面举起火把,来到一个火堆前。 „The mercy and gracious gift of testimony flame!” “见证火焰的慈悲与恩赐吧!” Fang Zheng-san!!” 方正先生!!” Wonderful Jie puts out a hand, holds the Fang Zheng’s collar, but Fang Zheng looks to three young girls. 妙婕伸出手去,抓住方正的衣领,而方正则望向身边的三个少女。 „Were you unable to continue watching?” “你们是不是都看不下去了?” Un ......... “嗯………” hearing this, wonderful Jie and Liz make an effort to nod, thinks must see others to be burnt alive before oneself, they feel hard to accept, but Ciri said in a soft voice. 听到这里,妙婕和莉丝用力点了点头,一想到要看见别人在自己面前被活活烧死,她们都感到难以接受,而希里则是轻声说道。 We leave here, that man is not good to cope, if you made any crude action here, was equal to that with the eternal fire temple is an enemy, with this city for enemy ............ “我们还是离开这里吧,那个男人不好对付,而且如果你们在这里做出了什么鲁莽举动的话,就等于和永恒之火神殿为敌,与这座城市为敌…………” What's the big deal?” “那又如何?” However, the Ciri words have not said, was broken by Fang Zheng, he looks at Ciri, shows a faint smile. 然而,希里的话还没有说完,就被方正打断了,他看着希里,微微一笑。 Miss Ciri, now, I should make you have a look at my working method.” 希里小姐,现在,我该让你看看我的做事方法了。” Yeah?!” “哎?!” Has not waited for Ciri to respond, sees only Fang Zheng foot numerous stepping in the ground, the next moment, the ground splits suddenly immediately, the flame of rupturing spraying changes into charges into the front together straightly, hit instantaneously bald that lifts up high the flare. 还没有等希里反应过来,只见方正猛然一脚重重的踩在地上,下一刻,地面顿时裂开,爆裂喷射的火焰化为一道直线冲向前方,瞬间击中了高举火把的光头。 ahhhhhh!!!” 啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!” Under the flame of combustion swallows, was screaming baldly starts to struggle, but a moment later, he turned into a burned black skeleton, falls on the ground. 在燃烧的火焰吞噬下,光头尖叫着开始挣扎,但是片刻之后,他就变成了一具焦黑的尸骸,倒在地面上。 Sees this, the soldiers and people in square immediately in an uproar. 看到这一幕,广场上的士兵和民众顿时一片哗然。 Heavens, how did this come about?” 天啊,这是怎么回事?” Is he, was the homicide!!” “是他,是他杀了曼吉!!” Suddenly, all around soldiers clash immediately, surrounds in which Fang Zheng and the others all round, but facing the present soldier, Fang Zheng sneers is raising the right hand, along with the eruption of flame, the jet black big sword appeared in his hand. 一时间,四周的士兵们立刻冲了出来,将方正等人团团包围其中,而面对眼前的士兵,方正则是冷笑着举起右手,伴随着火焰的爆发,漆黑的大剑出现在了他的手中。 Hiding cannot hide, the only means that are ......... the resentment go back!” “躲是躲不掉的,唯一的办法,就是………怼回去!”
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