DC :: Volume #27

#2693: Just before leaving first preparation( was thrown by a big moth to face on)

After the definite candidate, Fang Zheng called Ciri, inquired that her situation about that world, as well as actually must prepare anything. 在确定人选之后,方正就叫来了希里,询问她关于那个世界的情况,以及究竟要准备什么。 However listened to the speech of Ciri, Fang Zheng thought that world also was really enough chaotic. 但是听完了希里的说话,方正觉得那个世界还真是够乱的。 According to Ciri said that in the world that now she is, Niffer Ka empire is fighting with the north Kingdom Alliances, the empire has seized the northern big lands. In other words, that world now the chaos caused by war is unceasing, but Kyle who she wants rarely situated in the northern Devin kingdom, but this country also destroys in the war thoroughly, now seized that lands is Niffer Ka empire. 根据希里所言,现在她所在的世界里,尼弗迦德帝国正在和北方王国联盟之间战斗,帝国已经占领了北方的大片土地。也就是说,那个世界现在正是战乱不断,而她想要回去的凯尔莫罕就位于北方的科德温王国境内,只不过这个国家也在战争中彻底毁灭,现在占领了那片土地的则是尼弗迦德帝国。 Moreover, Ciri also expressed that Niffer Ka soldier is uncouthly barbaric and impolite, once were pestered by them becomes very troublesome. 不仅如此,希里还表示尼弗迦德的士兵粗鲁野蛮又无礼,一旦被他们纠缠就会变得很麻烦。 Simply speaking, in the description of Ciri, Fang Zheng and the others the feelings is that world everywhere is troublesome, except war continuously beside, many monsters. Because of the reason of war, many places changed into the deathtrap. But these places also therefore attracted many demon. 简单来说,在希里的描述中,方正等人的感觉就是那个世界到处都是麻烦,除去连绵不断的战争之外,还有很多怪物。因为战争的缘故,不少地方都化为了死地。而这些地方也因此吸引来了很多魔物。 According to the view of Ciri is, in that world, you, if must endure the arbitrariness of Niffer Ka soldier in the villages and small towns, if went to the city, must endure local lord and oppression of aristocrat army. But if you leave these human the agglomerations, planned that travels outside, then must first worry wanders ghoul in battlefield, as well as frogman who lives in the rivers. 按照希里的说法就是,在那个世界,你如果是在村镇里就要忍受尼弗迦德士兵的蛮横,如果去了城市,也要忍受当地领主和贵族军队的欺压。而你如果离开这些人类的聚集地,打算在外面旅行的话,那么首先要担忧的就是游荡在战场上的食尸鬼,以及在河流之中生活的水鬼。 In addition, you must be careful frequently these live in seclusion mountain bandit in ruins. And various strange demon in forest, including can make the thick fog to confuse others 's small fog monster, will drop from the clouds the lion vulture of capture prey, this also not including the female monster as well as blood sucking seductress who this class demon wanders in the village. 除此之外,你还必须时刻小心那些隐居在废墟里的山贼匪盗。以及森林里的各种诡异魔物,包括能够制造浓雾迷惑他人的小雾妖,会从天而降捕获猎物的狮鹫,这还没包括在乡间游荡的女妖以及吸血妖女这类的魔物。 In addition, you must frequently the threat of careful wild dog and pack of wolves ......... 除此之外,你还要时刻小心野狗和狼群的威胁……… Listens to the description of Ciri, the people also held breath a cold air/Qi, although Ciri had said before own world is very troublesome, but has not thought that will be in this situation, does not know how the person in that world every day is the cautious life. 听完希里的描述,众人也是倒吸了口冷气,虽然之前希里就说过自己的世界很麻烦,但是也没想到会到这个地步,也不知道那个世界的人每天是怎么小心翼翼的生活的。 If we must go back, first we need the horse.” “如果我们要回去的话,首先我们需要马。” Simply speaking, transportation vehicle, right.” “简单来说,交通工具,对吧。” Yes.” “是的。” Hears Fang Zheng’s inquiry, Ciri nods, but quick supplemented one. 听到方正的询问,希里点了点头,不过很快又补充了一句。 Like the armored war horse car(riage) of this world that type of four wheel is incorrect, the path in that world is not so good. Moreover, that world ......... speaks the truth ......... “不过像这个世界那种四个轮子的铁马车是不行的,那个世界的道路并没有这么好走。而且,那个世界………说实话………” Is saying, Ciri looks to Liz and wonderful Jie. 一面说着,希里一面望向莉丝和妙婕。 My not Taijian discussed two to go, because of you long was very attractive, but in my world, this every so often and equated troublesome.” “我是不太建议两位前往的,因为你们都长的很漂亮,而在我的世界,这很多时候都和麻烦划等号。” This point you do not need to worry, I had prepared, moreover they, since the decision participates, will not naturally retreat in fear, right?” “这一点你不用担心,我已经有所准备了,而且她们既然决定参加,自然也不会就这么被吓退,对吧?” Naturally, Fang Zheng-san.” “当然,方正先生。” Hears Fang Zheng’s inquiry, wonderful Jie sweetly smiled. 听到方正的询问,妙婕甜甜一笑 I believe that Fang Zheng-san you will certainly protect my.” “我相信方正先生您一定会保护我的。” Liz is the slight nod. 莉丝则是微微点头。 Please do not need to be worried about me, I in ......... have undergone the field survival training.” “请不用担心我,我在………接受过野外生存训练。” ............... We are not discussing that now the wilderness does seek livehood to do food matter oh? ……………我们现在不是在谈荒野求生搞食物的事情 Facing Liz's speech, Fang Zheng helplessly rolled his eyes, it seems like that this except for eating strove for no other. 面对莉丝的说话,方正无奈的翻了个白眼,看来这位是除了吃别无所求了。 But after listening to the situation in that world, Fang Zheng also made the decision quickly, he first gave three people of person of space bags, inside piles up the commodity of entire warehouse sufficiently. After all the girl goes out must bring the lots, Fang Zheng to feel or make them tidy up to consider as finished. 而在听完那个世界的情况之后,方正也是很快做出了决定,他先是给了三人一人一个空间袋,里面足以堆放整整一个仓库的物资。毕竟女孩子出门都要带很多东西,方正觉得还是让她们自己收拾去算了。 Cannot their one to draw a suitcase to go out. 总不能让她们一人拉着一个旅行箱出门吧。 In addition, Fang Zheng also delivered Ciri one set of N7 armor in addition shield generator ........., therefore imouto do not put on your everything in disorder seem like on no defensive power have no clothes of defensive power in fact, our here is better, even Gatling cannot puncture. 除此之外,方正还送了希里一套N7护甲外加护盾发生器………所以妹子你也就别穿你那身乱七八糟看起来就没什么防御力事实上也没什么防御力的衣服了,咱这里有更好的,连加特林都打不穿的。 As a transmigrator, you what, if passed through so many world also not to do going home of empty-handed, you did feel all right? 作为一个穿越者,你要是穿越了这么多世界还什么都没搞到两手空空的回家,你好意思么? Is mount makes Fang Zheng worry on the contrary, he thinks before oneself, pulls out these broken gadget that pulling ten has finally to have the use, but after Fang Zheng summoned to give own mount Ciri looked , the latter directly denied Fang Zheng’s idea & fucking ash ; According to the view of Ciri, her world is really the place that monsters and freaks crawl everywhere randomly, but mount that Fang Zheng this summoned no matter death warhorse blazing warhorse or headless Knight warhorse one thick demon style, placed oneself that world, if others saw to ride this type of strange thing to come out, began without delay directly. 反倒是坐骑方面让方正犯了难,他本来以为自己以前抽十连出的那些破玩意儿总算有用场了,不过无奈当方正把自己的坐骑召唤出来给希里看了一圈之后,后者就直接否定了方正的想法—按照希里的说法,她那个世界真是个牛鬼蛇神满地乱爬的地方,而方正这召唤出来的坐骑不管是死亡战马还是炽热战马或者无头骑士战马都一股浓浓的魔物风格,放在自己那个世界,别人如果看见骑着这种怪东西出来的,二话不说就直接动手了。 Regarding this Fang Zheng is also very helpless, he also wants to pull out the Paladin warhorse and so on to seem like the high end, elegant, and classy gadget, helpless isn't this broken system pit father? 对此方正也很无奈,他也想要抽点儿圣骑士的战马之类看起来高大上的玩意儿,无奈这破系统坑爹不是? No matter how said that after passing through Fang Zheng one tidied up, Ciri changed an appearance finally. Before that seemingly rustic practice hunted for the demon person to disappear, what replaces it is a wear interstellar armor, at the back of long sword, but also brought Orbment era to pass through the female, Fang Zheng also delivered Ciri one set of munitions to be used to defend self specially, according to Fang Zheng’s judgement, there are these thing scratch coats, Ciri can the car(riage) turn the empire armies in that world single-handedly. 不管怎么说,在经过了方正一番收拾之后,希里总算是重新变了一个样子。之前那个看起来土里土气的见习猎魔人不见了,取而代之的是一个穿着星际装甲,背着长剑,还带着导力器时代穿越女性,方正还特意送了希里一套军火用来防身,按照方正的判断,有这些东西打底,希里在那个世界单枪匹马都能车翻帝国大军了。 Theoretically. 理论上。 Ciri has not rejected the Fang Zheng’s good intention, police school Litt taught for two weeks later, Ciri also discovered might of here many weapon think must mostly. With the firearms, Ciri only thought that from the beginning this is quite convenient small-scale bow crossbow, however after taking submachine gun one pit-a-pat, Ciri changed the mind ......... this gadget to bring dozen of demon to have more than enough to spare immediately, moreover simple convenient, so long as after the aiming, touched off the trigger to be good. 希里也没有拒绝方正的好意,在警察学校里特训了两个星期之后,希里也发现这里不少武器的威力比自己想的要大多了。就拿枪械来说,一开始希里只觉得这就是个比较方便的小型弓弩,但是在拿着冲锋枪一阵突突突之后,希里顿时改变了主意………这玩意儿拿来打魔物都绰绰有余了,而且简单方便,只要瞄准之后扣动扳机就好。 Rarer is this thing speed thief quick might is also big, hit thing that the lion vulture and so on can fly with this type of weapon is good. 更难得是这东西速度贼快威力也不小,用这种武器打狮鹫之类会飞的东西那是再好不过了。 Quick, the 2~3 day later, the people is also the preparation finished, before arriving at Teleportation Gate, again. Fang Zheng arrives at the entrance, then started Teleportation Gate. Quick, sees only the white brilliance to reappear again, revolving twisted was forming an vortex. 很快,在过了两三天之后,众人也是准备完毕,再次来到了传送门前。方正来到门口,接着启动了传送门。很快,只见白色的光辉再次浮现,旋转扭曲着形成了一道漩涡。 Ok, we walked.” “好了,我们走吧。” Fang Zheng is gesturing to three young girls, then walked. Wonderful Jie and Liz also follow up later, only then Ciri as before dull standing in same place, looks at the present vortex, then her deep breath the tone, then entered in the vortex in big strides. 方正对着三个少女打了个手势,然后走了进去。紧接着妙婕和莉丝也随后跟进,只有希里依旧呆呆的站在原地,看着眼前的漩涡,接着她深呼吸了口气,然后大踏步的走进了漩涡之中。 The quick, invisible weightlessness transmission, caught the body of people, along with as if revolve flowing in washer, four people of downward, present luminous spots started gradually to glitter, change into the one after another white ray to cover the people & fucking ash ; Has not known how long, their under feet presented the thick land finally. 很快,无形的失重感传来,捕获了众人的身体,伴随着仿佛在洗衣机中旋转般的流动,四人一路向下,眼前的光点开始逐渐闪烁,化为了一道道白色的光线将众人笼罩其中—不知道过了多久,他们的脚下终于出现了厚实的土地。 The dazzling sunlight, throws in this moment front surface. 耀眼的阳光,也在这一刻迎面扑来。 Un ......... “嗯………” Fang Zheng raised the head, has a look at all around, the blue sky, the white clouds, the forest, the green space, a beautiful scene of school of nature gets a panoramic view. 方正抬起头来,看看四周,蓝天,白云,森林,绿地,一派大自然的美景尽收眼底。 Quite attractive.” “好漂亮啊。” at this moment wonderful Jie and Liz also passed through, looks at the present beautiful scene, is immediately at present one bright. 这会儿妙婕和莉丝也穿越了过来,看着眼前的美景,也是顿时眼前一亮。 „Is this Miss Ciri your world?” “这就是希里小姐你的世界吗?” This ......... I am not quite definite.” “这………我不太确定。” Facing Liz's inquiry, the Ciri doubts that passes through finally looked at all around, then frowns. 面对莉丝的询问,最后穿越过来的希里疑惑的看了看四周,然后皱起眉头。 I do not know, here is really my world? Fang Zheng-san?” “我不知道,这里真的是我的世界吗?方正先生?” Naturally, I can guarantee.” “当然,我可以保证。” hearing this, Fang Zheng makes an effort to nod. Cracking a joke, passing through this aspect he, but is specialized, is not Ciri this having insufficient knowledge or skill, which stochastic passage goes not to know, Fang Zheng defers to Ciri fluctuation to conduct the coherence, then locked the coordinates place to pass through. 听到这里,方正用力点了点头。开玩笑,穿越这方面他可是专业的,又不是希里这个二把刀,随机穿越连自己去哪儿都不知道,方正可是按照希里身上的波动进行同调,然后锁定了坐标地点进行穿越的。 I am at least certain, here is not Kyle rarely.” “至少我可以肯定,这里不是凯尔莫罕。” Sized up all around scenery again carefully, Ciri lowered the head to sigh. Regarding this Fang Zheng does not have the means that although Teleportation Gate can lock the teleport world, but was unknown concrete teleport to what position, in brief, Fang Zheng can determine that now this world was the world that Ciri was at had not run, the matter that then they must handle was also very simple. 再次仔细打量了一下四周的景色,希里低下头去叹了口气。对此方正也没有办法,虽然传送门可以锁定传送世界,但是具体传送到什么位置就不得而知了,总而言之,方正可以确定现在这个世界就是希里所在的世界没跑了,那么接下来他们要做的事情也很简单。 In brief, we first leave here, finds the places of some people, asked about the situation carefully, then made the plan.” “总而言之,我们先离开这里,找个有人的地方,仔细询问一下情况,然后再做打算。” Is saying, Fang Zheng looked to the own side three young girls, Ciri has changed her worn-out attire now, wore the brand-new N7 armor, naturally, to avoid noticeably, Ciri still threw over a cape outside. 一面说着,方正一面望向自己身边的三个少女,希里现在已经换下了她那身破旧的装束,穿着全新的N7盔甲,当然,为了避免引人瞩目,希里还在外面披了一件斗篷。 But Liz's appearance somewhat is different, perhaps is because arrives at the reason of different world, Liz put on the black nun to take, but also brings the black kerchief, looked really has an appearance of nun actually. Wonderful Jie also wears the uniform/subdue of Zemuria academy, and added near a Ren silk cape outside, seemingly is more like Ojou-sama & fucking ash of going out picnic ; This is also the suggestion of Ciri. 而莉丝的打扮则有些不同,或许是因为来到异世界的缘故,莉丝穿上了黑色的修女服,还带着黑色的头巾,看起来倒是真有一种修女的模样。只有妙婕还穿着赛姆利亚学园的制服,并且在外面加了一件丝边的斗篷,看起来更像是出外郊游的大小姐—这也是希里的建议。 As for Fang Zheng, then wears very ordinary formal clothes, appearance seems like children of the nobility. 至于方正自己,则穿着一件非常普通的礼服,打扮的像是一个贵族子弟。 Why un ......... does not know, always thought that such a combination as if looks a little strange. 嗯………不知道为什么,总觉得这样一个组合似乎看起来有点儿古怪。 Fang Zheng received the idea of innermost feelings, shakes the head. 方正收起了内心的想法,摇了摇头。 In brief, where we first make clear ourselves, then the choice next action.” “总之,我们还是先搞清楚自己到底在什么地方,再选择下一步行动吧。” Afterward, he says. 随后,他开口说道。 However, when the people were planning looks for a direction to leave, suddenly, never under the mountain of distant place, transmitted a scream and praying for rescue sound. 然而,就在众人正打算找个方向离开的时候,忽然,从不远处的山下,传来了一阵尖叫和求救声。 Help, saves me!!” “救命啊,救救我!!” Some people called for help!!” “有人呼救!!” Hears the call for help, Ciri the look concentrates immediately, then the hurried half step rushes over. But Fang Zheng and the others also act rapidly, rushed to the hillside with Ciri together. Quick, they saw surprising one in the river bank of hillside. 听到呼救声,希里顿时眼神一凝,接着急忙快步冲了过去。而方正等人也迅速行动,跟着希里一起冲下了山坡。很快,他们就在山坡的河岸边看见了让人惊讶的一幕。 Sees only on the river bank, a freight transportation carriage pours in the roadside crookedly, but in its behind, a merchant rolls up one group, continuously is shivering. Meanwhile, a giant strange monster in the front is worrying corpse that horse that draws the freight vehicle, big quick cheek is enjoying own prey. 只见在河岸上,一辆货运马车正歪倒在路边,而在它的身后,一个商人则蜷缩成一团,不住的颤抖着。与此同时,一头巨大古怪的怪物则在前方撕咬着拉货车的马的尸体,大朵快颐的享用着自己的猎物。 What thing is that?” “那是什么东西?” Is the lion vulture, be careful!” “是狮鹫,小心!” Is saying, Ciri pulls out the long sword, rushes over. But at the same time, the lion vulture also discovered Fang Zheng and the others the appearances, see only it to scream one later, jumps to leap suddenly, threw toward the people! 一面说着,希里一面抽出长剑,冲了过去。而与此同时,狮鹫也发现了方正等人的出现,随后只见它尖叫一声,猛然纵身一跃,朝着众人扑了过来!
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