DC :: Volume #28

#39: Difference

Evil Spirit does not have the sex. 邪灵是没有性别的。 Even, in some sense, Evil Spirit does not have the thought. 甚至,从某种意义上来说,邪灵连思想都没有。 Had is similar to the dislike of Undead to life. 有着的只是类似于亡灵对生灵的厌恶。 Naturally, Evil Spirit does not belong to Undead. 当然了,邪灵并不属于亡灵 They many that Undead is more intelligent, also hard to deal with many. 它们比亡灵聪明的多,也难缠的多。 Solely is not because excels at the concealment whereabouts, because of strength and characteristics. 不单单是因为擅长隐匿行踪,更因为实力和特性。 The characteristics that Evil Spirit does not die, make anyone have a headache sufficiently. 邪灵不死的特性,足以让任何人为之头疼。 But Superior Evil Spirit , is in Evil Spirit special existence. 上位邪灵,则是邪灵中特殊的存在。 From starts at first, it is anomaly! 从最初开始,它就是【异态】的! That type strengthened not the dead characteristics of several times compared with it ordinary Evil Spirit , the extremely high wisdom, corresponding Mystical Knowledge, lets it and ordinary Evil Spirit is incompatible. 那种比之普通邪灵强化了数倍的不死特性,还有极高的智慧,相应的神秘知识,都让它和普通的邪灵格格不入。 Especially, as swallows Puppet Chess( incomplete)】 Bloody Chess Piece Two Advanced item sums Pillar of Voodoo Broken voodoo soul crystal After two third-order item, Superior Evil Spirit had it not clear change. 尤其是,随着吞噬【玩偶之棋(残缺)】【血腥棋子】两件入阶道具和【巫毒之柱】【破的巫毒魂晶】两件3阶道具后,上位邪灵更是发生了连它自己都不明白的变化。 It had some memories. 它有了些许的记忆。 That should becomes its beforehand memory. 那应该是成为它之前的记忆。 In that broken off and on memory, it can confirm oneself are an assassin. 在那残破的断断续续的记忆中,它可以确认自己是一个刺客。 Does not have the sentiment, extremely cold blood assassin. 一个没有感情,极其冷血的刺客。 Un, 嗯, ...... 还有…… It is...... 它是…… She. 她。 Right, is she. 没错,就是她。 Although she does not want to acknowledge. 虽然她不想要承认。 As before routine saying for it, but in the memory is actually she. 依旧习惯性的自称为它,但是记忆中却是她。 It will not acknowledge oneself were affected by this off and on memory. 它不会承认自己被这断断续续的记忆影响了。 But was drawn by the baroness stops, that irritable feeling is really uncomfortable. 可是被男爵夫人拉住手的时候,那种别扭感实在是难受。 Cracks a joke.” “开玩笑。” How will I possibly be affected?” “我怎么可能会被影响到?” I am Bloody Mary...... not, I am Evil Spirit .” “我可是血腥玛丽……不,我是邪灵。” I do not have the sentiment, wholeheartedly serves boss Evil Spirit !” “我没得感情,竭诚服务boss的邪灵!” Simon, you how?” 西蒙,你怎么了?” The baroness discovered the difference of Superior Evil Spirit keenly. 男爵夫人敏锐的发现了上位邪灵的不同。 All right.” “没事。” Is thinking how should cope with these royal family convoy guards.” “只是在想该如何对付那些王室护卫队。” Shaking the head of Superior Evil Spirit smile, restrained it of innermost feelings idea, very natural staggered the topic. 上位邪灵微笑的摇了摇头,收敛了内心想法的它,很自然的错开了话题。 The pure baroness had not suspected, and immediately was attracted the attention. 单纯的男爵夫人没有怀疑,并且马上的被吸引了注意力。 Convoy guard very formidable of Atandin royal family.” 艾坦丁王室的护卫队很强大。” According to I have read some secret books , the Atandin royal family can when several times the crisis that second, fifth and sixth passed the destruction, has the inalienable relations with this royal family convoy guard.” “根据我读过的一些隐秘书籍记在,艾坦丁王室之所以能够在二世、五世、六世时数次度过覆灭的危机,和这支王室护卫队有着不可分割的关系。” The baroness said in a soft voice. 男爵夫人轻声说道。 Second? Fifth? Sixth?” “二世?五世?六世?” Superior Evil Spirit replaces own boss to inquire. 上位邪灵代替自己的boss询问着。 „When second, is land is sacred law.” “二世时,是‘土地神圣不可侵犯’的法令。” Then second to restrict own uncle, that person nearly rewrote prince regent Your Excellency of history.” “当时的二世是为了制约自己的叔父,那位险些改写历史的摄政王阁下。” Unfortunately, with the promulgation of law, prince regent that person Your Excellency chose the wrong palace coup, but was beheaded by the royal family convoy guard directly in the Atandin Castle palace.” “可惜的是,随着法令的颁布,那位摄政王阁下选择了错误的宫廷政变,而被王室护卫队直接斩首在艾坦丁堡的宫殿中。” Fifth and sixth are...... Black Disaster!” “五世、六世是……‘黑灾’!” Speaking of this, on the face of baroness appears the facial expression that had a lingering fear. 说到这,男爵夫人的脸上浮现了心有余悸的神情。 She has to takes a deep breath, adjust oneself mood. 她不得不深吸了口气,调整自己的情绪。 Sorry, Simon.” “抱歉,西蒙。” Iwas really frightened byBlack Disaster.” “我真的是被‘黑灾’吓到了。” The baroness is sorry, saying that then, hesitates. 男爵夫人抱歉着,然后,才沉吟的说道。 Black Disaster that several years of entire North Continent of eruption is flustered, Syka Domain that I am is not naturally exceptional, although I have not experienced Black Disaster truly ‚’ fearfulness, but actually received Black Disaster will affect that time her to see that every day father with a worried look and full was mother who worried about, as well as more and more guards.” “‘黑灾’爆发的那几年整个北陆都是人心惶惶的,我所在的西卡领自然不例外,虽然我并没有真正经历过‘黑灾’的可怕,但是却受到了‘黑灾’的波及那个时候的她每天都会看到愁眉不展的父亲和满是担忧的母亲,以及越来越多的侍卫。” But, regardless of many people, always some people bewildered dying!” “但是,不论多少人,总有人会莫名其妙的死去!” In the mansion of feudal lord, first is attendant, is the female cook, is our stewards and guards, finally...... also has my mother.” “在领主的府邸,先是侍从,然后是厨娘,接着是我们的管家、侍卫,最后……还有我的母亲。” „When I am see with one's own eyes mother dead the appearance, my father takes the sword, mother's head is cut, but the body is actually standing as before......” “我是亲眼看到母亲死时的模样,我的父亲拿着剑,母亲的头颅被砍下,但身躯却依旧站立着……” From that time, I did not like treating there , is not willing to attend the meeting.” “从那个时候起,我就不喜欢待在那里,也不愿意参加聚会。” However my elder brother turns toward the War God pray.” “而我的兄长则是向着战神祈祷。” Speaking of finally, the baroness could not really be justified. 说到最后,男爵夫人实在是说不下去了。 Superior Evil Spirit suppresses the uncomfortableness that the fragmentary memory is bringing, has searched the body, it wants to whip the shoulder of baroness gently, comforts. 上位邪灵强忍着零碎记忆带来的不适感,探过身子,它想要轻轻的拍打男爵夫人的肩膀,以示安慰。 However, when Superior Evil Spirit had just searched the body, the baroness directly jumped in its bosom. 但是,就在上位邪灵刚刚探过身子的时候,男爵夫人直接扑进了它的怀中。 Body instantaneous stiff. 身躯瞬间僵直 The irritable feelings of heart surging innumerable difference. 心底涌起无数异样的别扭感。 Superior Evil Spirit is suppressing one idea of piercing the baroness, can only sit like unpainted clay idol stone Suban in that the lifted arm decides in the midair. 上位邪灵强忍着一把刺穿男爵夫人的想法,只能够是如同泥胎石塑般坐在那,抬起的手臂就那么定在半空中。 But the baroness crawls in the chest of Superior Evil Spirit is sobbing in a soft voice. 而男爵夫人则是爬在上位邪灵的胸口轻声哭泣着。 Pure vent emotion. 单纯的发泄情感。 Enough after more than ten seconds, the baroness has gotten back one's composure. 足足十几秒后,男爵夫人才回过神。 She raising the head, looks at the chest front wet piece of Superior Evil Spirit , the face was all of a sudden red, just like the young girl common sunset glow. 她愣愣的抬起头,看着胸前湿了一片的上位邪灵,脸一下子就红了,宛如是少女一般的红霞。 To, sorry.” “对、对不起。” Hugged and was sorry.” “抱、抱歉。” I and I are not intentionally.” “我、我不是故意的。” The explanation of baroness stutter. 男爵夫人结结巴巴的解释着。 All right.” “没事。” Believes my main person, is my brother sisters.” “信仰我主的人,都是我的兄弟姐妹。” I will process the people of these royal family convoy guards.” “我会去处理那些王室护卫队的人。” You do not need to be worried.” “你不用担心。” After squeezed a smile difficultly, Superior Evil Spirit pushed the door to go down the carriage directly. 艰难的挤出了一个微笑后,上位邪灵直接推门走下了马车。 Sir?” “大人?” One side of cart driver, big grandiose such as youngster of bear also jumps down. 车夫的一侧,一个高大壮硕如熊的年轻人也随之跳了下来。 Inside leather armor, the shell the sheepskin coat, the furry opposite party is moving toward Superior Evil Spirit time, really and bear is common, but actually quite Dexterity, even if at the back of the double-edge battle axe, just like the dancer to be dexterous. 内里皮甲,外罩着羊皮大衣,毛茸茸的对方走向上位邪灵的时候,就真的和熊一般,但却相当灵巧,哪怕是背着双刃战斧,都犹如舞者般轻巧。 He is like Sergey and Hove, is Mist the Church initial guard. 他同谢尔盖霍夫一样,都是‘迷雾教会最初的守卫。 Nature, is the military force is most outstanding. 自然的,也是武力最出众的。 In fact, this youngster can say is Mist in the Church guard, battle efficiency strongest that not only the strength is outstanding, but also has the good skill. 事实上,这个年轻人可以说得上是‘迷雾教会守卫中,战斗力最强的那一个,不仅力量出众,还有着不俗的技巧。 Rogart, hindered our enemies to appear.” 罗格特,阻碍我们的敌人出现了。” Superior Evil Spirit look usual saying. 上位邪灵神色如常的说道。 Although the baroness is very troublesome, but has the order of boss, it can endure. 虽然男爵夫人很麻烦,但是有着boss的命令在,它能够忍受。 Where is enemy at?” “敌人在哪?” Sir, please give me!” “大人,请交给我吧!” The youngster speech jar sound jar air/Qi, captured periphery the attention of more person, these hide youngster in convoy guard, on following on the heels carriage careful choice, but the scripture reader, they look as if impatiently frantically, must tear into shreds the enemy. 年轻人说话瓮声瓮气的,吸引了周围更多人的目光,那些隐藏在护卫队中的年轻人,还有跟在后面马车上精心挑选而出的传教者,他们一个个面露狂热,似乎迫不及待的要把敌人撕碎了。 No.” “不。” Rogart, your mission protects everyone.” 罗格特,你的任务是保护大家。” „The thorn road ahead to Atandin Castle, should develop by me.” “通往艾坦丁堡的荆棘前路,理应由我开拓。” Shaking the head of Superior Evil Spirit smile, it wear a look of reverent, and has the thick self-sacrifice feeling in the words. 上位邪灵微笑的摇了摇头,它面带虔诚且在话语中带着浓浓的自我牺牲感。 How regarding to camouflage, Superior Evil Spirit was really extremely familiar. 对于如何伪装,上位邪灵实在是太过熟悉了。 Almost enters into the god favored one spirit instantaneously again. 几乎是瞬间就再次进入到了神眷者的角色。 Has become toward Superior Evil Spirit that youngster of reverent follower and scripture readers felt a heartfelt admiration in abundance bows to salute, but Superior Evil Spirit was also glad to enjoy this moment the honor. 早已成为虔诚信徒的年轻人们、传教者们纷纷心悦诚服的向着上位邪灵躬身行礼,而上位邪灵也乐意享受这片刻的荣光。 Even if it knows this is false is also the same. 哪怕它知道这是虚假的也一样。 Because, it is very clear, such honor is to come from its boss. 因为,它很清楚,这样的荣光都是来自它的boss。 But it? 而它? A performer silently. 只是一个默默的执行者。 But, the good work moment is the moment! 但,好活一刻是一刻啊! Can enjoy for one second, that is also one second! 能够享受一秒,那也是一秒! Why not? 何乐而不为呢? Superior Evil Spirit fermented the mood, the preparation is continuing anything. 上位邪灵酝酿着情绪,准备继续说些什么。 But at this time, in its behind compartment, transmitted the words of baroness 而在这个时候,它身后的车厢中,传来了男爵夫人的话语 Simon, you are certainly careful!” 西蒙,你一定要小心!” Full concern. 满满的关切。 Concern wholeheartedly. 一心的关怀。 ...... 还有…… The irritability of that difference. 那异样的别扭。 Immediately, Superior Evil Spirit hit to tremble secretly. 顿时,上位邪灵暗自打了个哆嗦。 Then...... 接着…… Stand forth that its does not return. 它头也不回的向前走去。
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