DC :: Volume #28

#38: Guests

What? outpost martial law?” “什么?哨所戒严了?” The temporary head of Kate Caravan, Aitter stands before Syka outpost, was blocked the path by the soldier, after hearing the words that the soldier explained that Aitter looked to Bohr. 凯特商队的临时负责人,艾特站在西卡哨所前,被士兵拦住了道路,当听到士兵解释的话语后,艾特不由看向了身旁的波尔 Although Aitter served for ten years in Kate Caravan, but most times takes orders from the conduct, suddenly makes him the leader, Aitter is not familiar with. 虽然艾特在凯特商队中服务了十年,但大部分的时候都是听命行事,忽然让他成为了主导者,艾特是根本不习惯的。 Especially was having beforehand, Aitter is really fearful and apprehensive. 尤其是在发生了之前的事后,艾特真的是胆战心惊。 Now, the momentary rest in plan presented the accidental/surprised accident, Aitter was utterly confused. 现在,计划中的临时休息地出现了意外的变故,艾特更是心乱如麻。 Being utterly confused Aitter has not concealed own mood. 心乱如麻的艾特没有掩饰自己的情绪。 Bohr looks. 波尔一眼就看出来。 However, Bohr simply has not ridiculed the meaning of opposite party. 但是,波尔根本没有嘲笑对方的意思。 For completion of oneself Main Quest, Bohr now sparing no effort wins over any can win over the person. 为了自己主线任务的完成,波尔现在是不遗余力的拉拢着任何能够拉拢的人。 But Aitter is a good choice. 艾特就是一个不错的选择。 Or Kate Chamber of Commerce motorcade the appearance of War God independent God Emblem, making Bohr understand, the present person is worth investing. 或者说,凯特商会车队里的战神独立神徽的出现,让波尔明白,眼前的人值得投资。 Considers, the motorcade has the accident/surprise, in the leader and guard of leader motorcade in abundance under accidental death, Aitter independent support entire caravan, and safe will put in order a caravan to bring back to Atandin Castle. 试想一下,车队出现意外,在车队的首领、护卫首领纷纷意外死亡之下,艾特独立支撑整个商队,且安全的将整支商队带回了艾坦丁堡 So long as the bosses of chamber of commerce are not the fools, will make good use of Aitter. 只要商会的老板不是傻子,就都会重用艾特的。 Similarly, person who his was striving in this period, very natural can enter to the field of vision of opposite party. 同样的,他这个在期间出力的人,很自然的能够进入到对方的视野中。 Instantaneously, in Bohr that heart decides, immediately says. 瞬间,就在心底打定主意的波尔,立刻说道。 We bring food is enough, although outpost cannot go, but we can rest outside outpost temporarily.” “我们带着的食物足够,虽然哨所进不去,但我们可以暂时在哨所外休息。” Good and good.” “好、好的。” I arrange immediately.” “我马上安排。” Aitter nods again and again, arranged. 艾特连连点头,就去安排了。 Was not different from the past. 和以往没有什么两样。 Bohr pondered, stopped by calling out the opposite party. 波尔思考了一下,叫住了对方。 What's wrong, Mr. Bohr?” “怎么了,波尔先生?” Aitter puzzled looks at Bohr. 艾特不解的看着波尔 Mr. Aitter, you now are the head of caravan, even if the temporary head, you should also have your imposing manner, does not need that type timidly.” 艾特先生,您现在是商队的负责人,哪怕是临时的负责人,您也应该有着自己的气势,不需要那种唯唯诺诺的。” Let alone, a leader will affect the entire team.” “更何况,一个领导者会影响到整支队伍的。” Must know that we then also had about one day and one night journeys.” “要知道我们接下来还有近一天一夜的路途。” Bohr is reminding the opposite party. 波尔提醒着对方。 Some things, good that must say immediately, otherwise, will instead work just the opposite. 有些事情,还是要当下说出来的好,不然的话,反而会适得其反。 Bohr knows what oneself needs is the ally, is not the enemy. 波尔知道自己需要的是盟友,可不是敌人。 Aitter gawked staring. 艾特愣了愣。 I know.” “我知道。” But some customs, I really cannot change.” “可有些习惯,我真的是改不了。” „Thanks Mr. Bohr.” “谢谢了,波尔先生。” Aitter smiled bitterly two, then sincere expression of gratitude. 艾特苦笑了两声,然后真挚的道谢。 Faced such sincere expression of gratitude, Bohr is smiling. 面对着这样真挚的道谢,波尔笑了。 His goal was achieved. 他的目的达到了。 Then? 接下来? Naturally was lights a fire to prepare food. 自然是生火做饭了。 that person is not low regarding the request of food. 那位对于食物的要求可是不低的。 The caravan under the direction of Aitter, arrived at one side of outpost orderly, starts to rest, had seen that Bohr Ashkano is tidying up and inspecting the carriage, simultaneously untied ran a night of warhorse, drew the horse to one side rest, fed the fodder. 商队在艾特的指挥下,有序的来到了哨所一侧,开始进行休息,早就看到波尔阿什卡诺收拾、检查着马车,同时解开了奔跑一夜的战马,将马儿拉到一侧休息,喂草料。 Bean cakes broke off by Ashkano break to pieces placed in the fodder bag. 一块块豆饼被阿什卡诺掰碎了放在了草料袋子里。 This bodyguard feels the mane of warhorse while turns head to look at Bohr. 这位保镖一边摸着战马的鬃毛一边扭头看着波尔 Said accurately is, in front of Bohr big iron saucepan. 准确的说是,波尔面前的大铁锅。 Two big stones composed a simple firepit, inside fuel flaming were burning, the cured meat, potato, radish and onion pot high and low tumbled with the cooking liquor. 两块大石头组成了一个简易的火塘,内里的柴火熊熊燃烧着,锅里的腊肉、土豆、萝卜和洋葱随着汤汁上下翻滚。 The egg that several bound the mud threw into the firepit by Bohr, but several pie, then the side stood by the iron saucepan, quick, the wheat fragrance fluttered. 数个裹了泥的鸡蛋被波尔扔进了火塘里,而几个大饼,则侧立在了铁锅旁,很快的,麦香味就飘荡开了。 Swallowing that the twitch that the Ashkano nose non-stop, the saliva non-stop. 阿什卡诺鼻子不停的抽动,唾液不停的咽下。 However, knows that in the team who is the Boss bodyguard, immediately turned around to knock on a door. 不过,知道队伍里谁是老大的保镖,马上转身去敲门了。 Thump and thump thump. 咚、咚咚。 Colin Your Excellency, ate meal.” 科林阁下,吃饭了。” Ashkano loud saying. 阿什卡诺大声的说道。 Good.” “好的。” Kieran pushed the door to walk. 秦然推门走了下来。 Regarding food, Kieran will not reject, even if the flavor is ordinary, food that but the intention makes, Kieran will accept as before. 对于食物,秦然不会拒绝,哪怕味道一般,但是用心做的食物,秦然依旧会接受。 Without a doubt, Bohr really attentive did again. 毫无疑问,波尔是真的用心再做了。 Although...... the craftsmanship is ordinary. 虽然……手艺一般。 I have not studied the cook.” “我没学过厨艺。” You understand that what I pay great attention is how to survive.” “你明白的,我更注重的是如何生存下去。” Bohr very honest is carrying the bowl, handed in front of Kieran. 波尔很坦诚的端着碗,递到了秦然面前。 Un.” “嗯。” Nod that Kieran understands very much, received the bowl. 秦然很理解的点着头,接过了碗。 Player, rookie Player, entered to Dungeon World particularly, where will pay attention to the cook and so on skill, can rapidly increase the strength the skill and item is all. 玩家,尤其是菜鸟玩家,进入到副本世界了,哪里会关注厨艺之类的技能,能够快速增加自身实力的技能、道具才是一切。 But this situation, to Advanced Player, will not change even. 而这一情况,就算是到了入阶玩家,也不会改变。 As for Mimosa? 至于含羞草 That is special, does not calculate. 那是特殊的,不算在内。 Thought Mimosa, Kieran was carrying the bowl, drank one. 想着含羞草,秦然端起了碗,喝了一口。 The cured meat flavor thorough integration to the cooking liquor , the pulp that the potato cooked, the radish was also soft, the kaobing was crisp, roasting the egg was also fair, was the same like other food, does not have any conflict, but also has no at present a bright thing. 腊肉的味道已经彻底的融入到了汤汁中,土豆炖的稀烂,萝卜也软绵绵的,烤饼脆,烤鸡蛋也中规中矩,就如同其它食物一样,没有任何冲突,但也没有什么眼前一亮的东西。 However...... 不过…… Guarantee all one wants to eat! 管饱! Therefore, Kieran does not are more completely, starts to have own breakfast. 因此,秦然完全没有想更多,开始吃着自己的早餐。 Bohr looks at the Kieran appearance, long relaxing. 波尔看着秦然的模样,不由长长的松了口气。 Kieran that to him, does not have any facial expression changes is the best matter. 对于他来说,没有任何神情变化的秦然就是最好的事情。 As for are more? 至于更多? He sets firm resolve, after returning to Giant City, must study the cook. 他下定决心,返回巨大城市后,要学习厨艺了。 But after that is . 但那是之后了。 Now? 现在? Ash, eats meal.” “阿什,吃饭。” Bohr is greeting own bodyguard. 波尔招呼着自己的保镖。 Has waited for a long time bodyguard, immediately added the breakfast. 早已等待许久的保镖,马上加入到了早餐。 Solely is not the Kieran three people, the entire motorcade is having the breakfast. 不单单是秦然三人,整支车队都是吃着早餐。 Some are simple, is the black bread and hot water. 有的简单,就是黑面包和热水。 Some are like Bohr, digs a pit in the ground and cooks. 有的则和波尔一样,埋锅造饭。 Raises from morning sun, rises to the sun to sky midpoint these days, is the relaxation times of motorcade. 从朝阳升起,到日头升到天空正中央的这段时间,都是车队的休息时间。 In the afternoon, they will continue to start off. 在午后,他们会继续上路。 Naturally, is not completely. 当然,并不是全部。 Experienced the caravan of last night matter to keep around outpost temporarily, complete rest one day later, the choice dawn started off, because, that will feel next outpost before the darkness, Atandin Castle outpost. 一些经历了昨晚事情的商队会暂时留在哨所周围,完全的休息一天后,选择天亮时分上路,因为,那会在天黑前感到下一个哨所,艾坦丁堡哨所 But this is doomed is not Kate Caravan and some must rush to the choice of Atandin Castle caravan as soon as possible. 但这注定不会是凯特商队和一些必须尽快赶到艾坦丁堡商队的选择。 If possible, they do not want is so risky. 如果可以的话,他们也不想这么冒险。 But they have not resulted in elect. 但他们没得选。 And overwhelming majority because of contract. 其中绝大部分是因为契约。 Caravan transportation cargo, has the time. 商队运输货物,也是有时间的。 Exceeded this time, the merchant will pay damages large Gold Puton. 超过了这个时间,商人将会赔付大额的金普顿 This made most merchant one night return to the pre-liberation sufficiently, even was simply, went bankrupt. 这足以让大部分商人一夜回到解放前,甚至是干脆点,就这么破产。 Has crossed on, although is not quite dignified, but the person of enough abundant life does not want to return to the poor class absolutely again. 已经过上了虽然不太体面,但足够富足生活的人是绝对不希望再回到贫民阶层的。 Therefore, they choose the risk. 所以,他们选择冒险。 After breakfast, besides the necessary security personnel, the entire motorcade fell into silent, most people entered the dream, experienced night of fearful and apprehensive, depends on the outpost merchants, finally can rest well. 早餐过后,除了必要的警戒人员外,整个车队陷入了寂静,大部分人都进入了梦想,经历了一夜的胆战心惊,靠着哨所的商人们,终于能够好好休息了。 However, this does not include Kieran absolutely. 但是,这绝对不包括秦然 After routine periphery will inspect one, the Kieran vision looked to Far Away Place, the Atandin Castle direction. 在习惯性的将周围都检查了一遍后,秦然的目光看向了远方,艾坦丁堡的方向。 About after dozen minutes,- 大约十几分钟后- Rumble! 轰隆隆! The hoofbeat like the thunder made a sound. 马蹄声如同是雷霆般的响了起来。 Is being awakened in the merchants of deep sleep in abundance, subconscious they took up weapon along, but the guards of caravan are the sword come out of the sheath, lit the rope burned as mosquito repellent of matchlock. 正在沉睡的商人们纷纷被惊醒,下意识的他们拿起了随身的武器,而商队的护卫们更是刀剑出鞘,点燃了火绳枪的火绳。 The Syka outpost soldier stepped onto the outpost wooden fortification, garrison looks at the Atandin Castle direction. 西卡哨所的士兵更是走上了哨所的木质防御工事,一个个警备的看着艾坦丁堡方向。 Until that hundred people of cavalry teams appear, looks the lead knight is holding high when golden pennant, all talents relax. 直到那支百人的骑兵队伍出现,看着领头骑士高举着的金色燕尾旗时,所有人才松了口气。 The golden pennant flutters with the wind. 金色燕尾旗随风飘荡。 The above eagle design, made the appearance of soaring to great heights. 上面的雄鹰图案,做出了展翅高飞的模样。 This is the badge of Atandin royal family. 这是艾坦丁王室的徽章。 Before this team arrived at Syka outpost, is simultaneously restrained the warhorse, wears the leather armor taxi to jump down the warhorse, rushed to Syka outpost directly. 而等到这支队伍来到了西卡哨所前时,更是齐齐的勒住了战马,其中一位身着皮甲的士跳下战马,直接奔向了西卡哨所 After the moment, after this soldier returns, hundred people of cavalry teams turn toward the Syka City direction to rush again. 片刻后,当这名士兵返回后,百人的骑兵队伍再次向着西卡城的方向奔去。 The entire process, this team has not had any exchange with the merchant team, even, including looked that does not have. 整个过程,这支队伍都没有和商人队伍有任何的交流,甚至,连多看一眼都没有。 But merchants also very coordination not loud noisy, merely after this cavalry team leaves, this talked in a low voice. 而商人们也十分配合的没有大声嘈杂,仅仅是在这支骑兵队伍离开后,这才低声交谈起来。 This is the guard cavalry in royal family.” “这是王室的护卫骑兵。” Was that person once founded the elite army that entire Atandin first your majesty established.” “是那位曾经创建了整个艾坦丁的一世陛下创立的精锐军队。” How surrounds and protects Atandin Castle them to appear here?” “拱卫艾坦丁堡的他们怎么会出现在这里?” To greet the Syka Domain new feudal lord?” “难道是为了迎接西卡领的新领主?” „It seems like that person sixth your majesty really to regard as important the that person new feudal lord very much!” “看起来那位六世陛下真的很看重那位新领主啊!” That was natural!” “那是当然了!” Entire Atandin, no, is entire North Continent, some whose also that person new feudal lords noticeable- must know, she is one extremely rich widow.” “整个艾坦丁,不,是整个北陆,谁还有那位新领主‘受人瞩目’-要知道,她可是一位极其‘富有’的寡妇啊。” However our sixth your majesty the state treasury, is not quite ample, otherwise, will not issue such law.” “而我们的六世陛下的国库,可不太宽裕,不然,也不会下达那样的法令了。” Therefore, you understood.” “所以,你懂得。” ...... …… The news of merchants is without doubt quick. 商人们的消息无疑是灵通的。 Quick, rumor that some genuine and fake are difficult to distinguish appeared in the caravan. 很快的,一些真假难辨的传闻就出现在了商队中。 Bohr after hearing these news, is observing the Kieran expression quietly. 波尔在听到了这些消息后,就悄悄的观察着秦然的表情。 In the idea of Bohr, the matter and Kieran happening in Syka Domain cannot cut off the relations, the simple point said that was Kieran used a series of thunderbolts, the entire Syka Domain control in hand. 波尔的想法中,发生在西卡领的事情和秦然脱不了关系,简单点说呢,就是秦然利用了一系列的突发事件,将整个西卡领控制在了手中。 Now suddenly some people brave, must compete for the fruits of victory, must pick the peach. 现在突然有人冒出来了,要争夺胜利果实了,要去摘桃子了。 In this Devil Flame according to rumor the character, this royal family convoy guard, should dead not buries the place of living. 按照传闻中这位‘炎之恶魔’的性格,这支王室护卫队,应该是要死无葬生之地了。 But, those who come as a surprise to Bohr is, the expression that Kieran actually has no, depends in the chair of compartment, as if soon fell asleep generally. 可是,出乎波尔预料的是,秦然竟然没有任何的表情,就这么靠在车厢的椅子中,仿佛是快要睡着了一般。 Kieran has no expression, Bohr even more may I ask. 秦然没有任何的表情,波尔越发的不敢问了。 He handles matter that should handle- 他做着自己应该做的事情- Fills in the carbon to the warming stove, making the entire compartment warmer. 给暖炉填碳,让整个车厢更暖和。 The charcoal fills in the sound of warming stove, unceasing spreads to the ear of Kieran, just Bohr thinks that the covert observation vision, has not escaped the Kieran intuition. 木炭填入暖炉的声音,不断的传入秦然的耳中,刚刚波尔自认为隐蔽的观察目光,并没有逃过秦然的直觉。 However Kieran not many explanations. 但是秦然并没有更多的解释。 Similar to him not to tell the opposite party absolutely, he has arranged all. 就如同他绝对不会告诉对方,他早已经安排好了一切。 Otherwise, why will he send Superior Evil Spirit to follow side baroness that person? 不然的话,他为什么会派上位邪灵跟在那位男爵夫人身边? To watch baroness young girl gaze Superior Evil Spirit ? 就为了看男爵夫人少女般的注视着上位邪灵吗? He is not bored. 他才没有那么无聊。 He also pays attention to Superior Evil Spirit occasionally. 他也就是偶尔关注一下上位邪灵罢了。 ...... …… Has sat opposite of the baroness, probably falls asleep Superior Evil Spirit opened both eyes suddenly. 一直坐在男爵夫人对面,好像是睡着般的上位邪灵突然的睁开了双眼 Its corners of the mouth curl upwards. 它嘴角不由一翘。 All with the boss expectation is the same.” “一切都和boss预料的一样。” Even if a king is facing big lands, cannot the Motionless heart.” “即使是一位国王面对着一大片土地,也是不会不动心的。” Syka Domain present situation extremely special. 西卡领现在的情况极为的特殊。 After Viscount that person died, especially the son of opposite party was also missing, after an important goods relative was also executed, in the true sense the successor only had baroness that person. 那位子爵死去后,特别是对方的儿子也下落不明了,一大帮亲戚也都被处死后,真正意义上继承人只剩下了那位男爵夫人。 Even if the opposite party has not inherited the Syka Domain territory officially. 哪怕对方还没有正式继承西卡领的领地。 However, the sale price of opposite party already different past. 但是,对方的身价早已不同往日了。 Even, it can be said that is quite marketable. 甚至,可以说是极为抢手。 Because, no one will mind that marrying this widow, then, inherited the entire Syka Domain vast lands through the opposite party. 因为,谁都不会也不介意‘娶’了这位寡妇,然后,通过对方继承整个西卡领的大量土地。 The land is sacred inviolable! 土地是神圣不可侵犯的! This is entire Atandin, and even is the fact that North Continent, south acknowledged. 这是整个艾坦丁、乃至是北陆、南方都承认的事实。 But the community property is also approved. 可是夫妻共有财产也是获得认可的。 Especially after a side is in disadvantage, such approval is more obvious. 尤其是在一方处于‘劣势’后,这样的认可更是显而易见的。 Regarding this, for better service own boss Superior Evil Spirit after understanding. 对此,为了更好的服务自己的boss上位邪灵是经过了解的。 Meanwhile, when Superior Evil Spirit clearer a few words ‚never overestimate a person's bottom line facing seduction.’ 同时,上位邪灵更加清楚一句话‘永远不要高估一个人面对诱惑时的底线。’ Therefore, it looked to baroness that person. 因此,它看向了那位男爵夫人。 How Simon?” “怎么西蒙?” The sensitive baroness when Superior Evil Spirit opens eyes, noticed, when Superior Evil Spirit looked to oneself, this new Syka Domain feudal lord asked immediately. 敏感的男爵夫人在上位邪灵睁眼的时候,就注意到了,当上位邪灵看向自己的时候,这位新的西卡领领主马上问道。 However, is not the interrogation, but is the tone weak inquiry. 不过,并不是质问,而是口气弱弱的询问。 Irene, my lord told me, had the trouble to come.” 艾琳,我的主告诉我,有麻烦来了。” Superior Evil Spirit has not concealed. 上位邪灵并没有隐瞒。 Troublesome?” “麻烦?” From......” “来自……” The baroness has not said the accurate glossary, but raised the hand referred to the Atandin Castle direction. 男爵夫人并没有说出准确的词汇,但是抬手指了指艾坦丁堡的方向。 Superior Evil Spirit nods. 上位邪灵点了点头。 The baroness sighed in a soft voice, on the face appeared sadly. 男爵夫人轻声叹息,脸上浮现了忧愁。 As baroness who the aristocrat was born, although dwelling and frightened public relations, but does not represent her stupid, conversely, much reading, making her have the experience that the average man does not have. 做为贵族出生的男爵夫人,虽然又宅又恐惧社交,但是并不代表她蠢笨,相反的,大量的阅读,让她有着常人所没有的见识。 Therefore, this baroness is very clear her situation. 所以,这位男爵夫人很清楚她的处境。 Otherwise, her elder brother that person passed away at that time, she first will not want to go to Atandin Castle. 不然,当时她那位兄长逝去的时候,她就不会第一时间想要前往艾坦丁堡了。 Because, she is very clear, only then where she can socialize in one crowd of greeder, obtains a slim chance of survival. 因为,她很清楚,只有去了哪里她才能够周旋在一群贪婪者中,获得一线生机。 However, now the situation was different. 但是,现在情况不同了。 Internal greeder emptied completely. 内部的贪婪者全部的清空了。 This is a good news. 这是一个好消息。 May have a bad news. 可还有着一个坏消息。 The bad news is: She must face exterior greeder. 坏消息就是:她必须要面对外部的贪婪者 One group of vicious and sly fellows. 一群更凶狠、狡猾的家伙。 Moreover, the leader of opposite party inevitably is the that person Atandin VI world. 而且,对方的领头者必然是那位艾坦丁六世。 What is worse, she is going to the lair of opposite party: Atandin Castle. 更糟糕的是,她正前往对方的巢穴:艾坦丁堡 Thinks of this, the baroness is at a loss immediately. 一想到这,男爵夫人马上六神无主起来。 Much reading made this baroness have the experiences of different average man, but has not made him obtain the corresponding ability. 大量的阅读让这位男爵夫人有了不同常人的见识,但是却并没有让其获得相应的能力。 Being an armchair strategist. 纸上谈兵。 Perhaps is this baroness best adjective. 或许就是这位男爵夫人最好的形容词。 But fortunately, she does not fight single-handedly. 但值得庆幸的是,她并不是孤军奋战。 No hesitation, this baroness a hand that pulled up Superior Evil Spirit , its handful in own both hands, before placing the chin, that posture seems the prayer, but in her eyes is reappearing is wiping the hope. 没有任何的犹豫,这位男爵夫人一把拉起了上位邪灵的手,将其捧在了自己的双手中,放在了下巴前,那姿势仿佛是祷告,而在她的眼中正浮现着一抹祈求。 Simon , helping me.” 西蒙,帮帮我。” Naturally, my wife.” “当然,我的夫人。” This is the goal that I accompany.” “这就是我随行的目的。” Superior Evil Spirit is smiling nodding the head, then, Motionless demeanor pulled out the hand, in the baroness has not gazed under the premise, placed scratched scratching behind. 上位邪灵微笑着颔首,然后,不动声色的将手抽了出来,在男爵夫人没有注视到前提下,放在身后擦了擦。
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