DC :: Volume #28

#36: Food

Syka Domain border, outpost. 西卡领边境,哨所 Two have six meters high sentry post tower is not conspicuous in this mountainous region fully, in addition some camouflages, make any careless fellow neglect these two sentry post towers sufficiently. 两座足有六米高的哨塔在这山地中并不显眼,再加上些许的伪装,足以让任何马虎的家伙忽略这两座哨塔。 However, stands Divine Archer in sentry post tower, can actually easily see the main road and in encircles all of mountainous area. 但是,站在哨塔上的神射手,却是能够轻易看到大道和内围山区的一切。 Moreover, the angles of two sentry post towers, make Divine Archer in sentry post tower pay attention sufficiently each other, reduces unexpected occurrence. 而且,两座哨塔的角度,足以让哨塔上的神射手关注到彼此,降低意外的发生。 ! 呼! The winter north wind, howls. 冬季的北风,呼啸而过。 Luca shrinks the neck, bound tightly outside sheepskin subconsciously, but the wind is the unceasing sneaking in collar, pricked in his body, lets hit trembling that he could not bear. 鲁卡一缩脖子,下意识的裹紧了外面的羊皮,但是风还是不断的钻进脖领子,刺入到了他的身体里,让他忍不住的打着寒颤。 Damn ghost weather.” “该死的鬼天气。” This year is colder than last year!” “今年比去年还要冷!” Unique/only lets insist what is, I can go back immediately!” 唯一让坚持下去的是,我马上就能回去了!” Luca was saying to companion in a low voice. 鲁卡低声对着身边的同伴说道。 Syka Domain has the system of military service, in the territory in the family/home has the civilian's houses of over two grown adult males, must every three years, select conducts one year of service. 西卡领有着兵役制度,领地内家中有超过两个成年男丁的民户,必须要每隔三年,选出其中一个进行一年的服役。 Time of service, majority starting from one year of winter till the next year of winter. 服役的时间,大部分是从一年的冬天开始到下一年的冬天为止。 Naturally, this is not a duty, but will have certain subsidy. 当然,这并不是义务,而是会有一定的补贴。 And, most makes the civilian's houses regard as important cuts tax. 其中,最让民户们看重的就是减税。 When manages a household has the adult male serves, the past tax can reduce 1/4 and even more. 当家中有男丁服役时,当年的税务可以减免四分之一甚至更多。 Also therefore, many people chose the path of career military. 也因此,不少人选择了职业军人的道路。 However, this is not easy. 不过,这并不容易。 Wants in Syka Domain this in feudal lord hand that believes War God obtains the status of career military, the first point can hit, at least needs the brave reputation. 想要在西卡领这位信仰战神的领主手里获得职业军人的身份,第一点就是能打,至少是需要有勇武的名声。 If there is what a special talent, was better. 如果有什么特殊的天赋,就更好了。 With Ebru that Luca performs duties is this. 鲁卡一起执勤的埃布鲁就是这样。 Compares in the Luca ordinary stature, Ebru not only strong, but also in the both eyes cold night also shines again slightly, as if night darkness definitely is unable to stop him to be the same. 相较于鲁卡普通的身材,埃布鲁不仅强壮,而且双眼再寒夜中还微微放光,似乎夜晚的黑暗完全无法阻拦他一样。 In fact, is so. 事实上,也是如此。 Ebru as outpost only five Divine Archer, this both eyes eyeball is the sharpness that becomes famous. 埃布鲁做为哨所仅有的五个神射手,这双眼睛是出了名的锐利。 Naturally, what is more famous is he regarding the intuition of danger. 当然,更出名的是他对于危险的直觉。 Therefore, Ebru obtained was higher than half of wage compared with other four people, undertook night outpost to do an inspection mission. 因此,埃布鲁获得了比其他四人高出一半的薪水,承担着夜晚的哨所巡查任务 What does military compound have is not good?” “军营有什么不好?” Ebru is responding lowly with a smile. 埃布鲁低笑着回应着。 Because two people come from the same town, therefore, relations of both sides are not bad, is willing to join a theatrical troupe temporarily together. 因为两人都来自同一个镇子,所以,双方的关系不差,也愿意一起搭班。 Does not have the liquor.” “没有酒。” Does not have the woman.” “没有女人。” Did not have the warm fireplace.” “还没有温暖的壁炉。” Also wanted me to say?” “还要我说更多吗?” Luca turns to pass away shrugs. 鲁卡扭过身耸了耸肩。 „The meals is at least good.” “至少伙食不错。” Ebru said with a smile, while is taking a fast look around the surroundings. 埃布鲁一边笑道,一边扫视着周围。 Obviously, this Divine Archer has not forgotten own responsibility. 很显然,这位神射手并没有忘记自己的职责。 Yes, yes, the meals is good.” “是啊,是啊,伙食不错。” But that is you, is not I.” “但那是你,不是我。” I can only eat two to bake the potato every day, occasionally came to select the mustard to be spicily sumptuously, if can roast a garlic, even celebrated a holiday.” “我每天只能吃两个烤土豆,偶尔来点芥辣就算得上是丰盛了,如果能够烤个大蒜,就算是过节了。” Luca is complaining. 鲁卡抱怨着。 The soldier and true serviceman of half voluntary service are different. 半义务服役的士兵和真正的军人是不同的。 Solely is not the strength, but also waits for meeting. 不单单是实力,还有待遇。 Most direct is the meals. 最直接的就是伙食。 The service soldier of half duty, one day two meal, mostly are some omnivorous and black bread. 半义务的服役士兵,一日只有两餐,大多是些杂食和黑面包。 But the career military is three meals a day, besides white bread, ham, egg and other supplies. 而职业军人则是一日三餐,除了白面包外,还有火腿、鸡蛋等供应。 Next time will be on night duty, I give you to bring an egg.” “下次值夜,我给你带个鸡蛋。” Ebru is pledging. 埃布鲁承诺着。 Regarding the fellow villager, Ebru looks after. 对于同乡,埃布鲁是十分照顾的。 What is more important, two people have the relations of deeper first floor. 更重要的是,两人还有着更深一层的关系。 I am waiting for your egg.” “我等着你的鸡蛋。” Ebru, did you have the vacation immediately?” 埃布鲁,你马上就有假期了吧?” Luca grinning hammered a chest of partner, then, facial expression very serious asking: „Haven't you forgotten Jenny? My that pitiful, has waited for your younger sister.” 鲁卡笑嘻嘻的锤了一下伙伴的胸口,然后,神情很严肃的问道:“你没有忘记珍妮吧?我那个可怜的,一直等你的妹妹。” No.” “没有。” „After passing the cold winter, I have 22 days of leaves in the spring, I want to go back to get married.” “过完寒冬后,在春天我有二十二天的休假,我想回去结婚。” Jenny waited for my two years, cannot wait again.” 珍妮等了我两年,不能再等下去了。” Ebru is definitely saying very much. 埃布鲁很肯定的说着。 Un, you go back to get married, then, diligently lets on the Jenny bosom the child.” “嗯,你回去就结婚,然后,努力的让珍妮怀上孩子。” Hope is boy who inherited your talent and my younger sister appearance.” “希望是个继承了你的天赋和我妹妹容貌的男孩。” I and your parents will take care of him well, making him a man.” “我和你的父母会好好照顾他,让他成为一个男子汉。” Thinks some people called my uncle, I even more impatient wanted to leave here.” “一想到有人叫我舅舅,我就越发迫不及待的想要离开这里了。” Luca takes a deep breath. 鲁卡深吸了口气 Then, he sees the own future brother-in-law, inexplicable, always thought where has one is not right. 然后,他看着自己未来的妹夫,莫名的,总觉得哪里有一丝不对劲。 Said accurately is, there is a strangeness. 或者准确的说是,有一种陌生感。 Obviously is the person in memory, but actually as if not know to be the same. 明明是记忆中的人,但却仿佛不认识一样。 This unusual misconception, lets Luca cannot bear turn head carefully size up Ebru. 这种异样的错觉,让鲁卡忍不住扭过头细细的打量着埃布鲁 At night, Ebru body straight standing in sentry post tower, even if the cold wind has not made him have rocking and rickets, both eyes like the falcon gaze the Far Away Place night, wears the palm of glove to build on wrapping long bow, the slightly heavy/thick finger ignites gently bows. 黑夜中,埃布鲁身躯笔直的站在哨塔上,哪怕是寒风都没有让他有一丝的晃动与佝偻,双目如同是鹰隼般注视着远方的夜晚,戴着手套的手掌搭在包裹着皮布的长弓上,略显厚重的手指轻轻点着弓身。 All looked seem like the past, not different. 一切看起来就好像是以往,没有什么两样。 My this is because bored, started to indulge in flights of fancy?” “我这是因为无聊,开始胡思乱想了吗?” Luca self-ridicules smiles, must turn head. 鲁卡自嘲一笑,就要扭过头。 But at this time, thinks anything's Luca is actually the body trembles. 但就在这个时候,想到了什么的鲁卡却是身躯一颤。 Breath! 呼吸! From meeting to start, has not seen the Ebru breath! 从见面开始,都没有看到埃布鲁呼吸! At the cold night, breathing out that breathes has the white, is clearly discernible. 在寒冷的夜晚,呼吸出的哈气是带着白色,是清晰可见的。 No one can be exceptional. 没有谁会例外。 Only if...... 除非…… Is a deceased person! 是死人! Immediately, Luca scalp tingles, retroceded uncontrolled one step. 顿时,鲁卡头皮发麻,不受控制的后退了一步。 But at this time Ebru lifted the head, in that sharp both eyes exuded shady red of difference. 而这个时候埃布鲁抬起了头,那锐利的双眼中泛起了异样的腥红 „Did you discover?” “你发现了?” Ebru sighed. 埃布鲁叹息了一声。 No, I do not have......” “不,我没……” ! 噗! Luca denied repeatedly, but the dagger in Ebru hand flashes, separated the throat of Luca. 鲁卡连声否认,但是埃布鲁手中的匕首一闪,就割裂了鲁卡的喉咙。 The throat place blood direct injection, Ebru has no dodge, whatever the blood irrigation in own body, just like is bathes general, his manner is satisfied. 喉咙处鲜血直喷,埃布鲁没有任何的躲闪,任由鲜血浇灌在自己的身躯上,犹如是沐浴一般,他神态惬意。 Moreover, what is stranger is the blood has no one to drop in the ground. 而且,更诡异的是鲜血没有任何一滴落在地面上。 Such was absorbed by Ebru. 就这么的被埃布鲁吸收了。 At point of death Luca sees this, finally confirmed present Ebru absolutely no longer was that person who he knew. 弥留之际的鲁卡看到这一幕,终于确认了眼前的埃布鲁绝对不再是他所认识的那个人了。 Opens big mouth, Luca wants to shout. 张大嘴,鲁卡想要大喊。 But in separated throat, is only left over, the inspiration sound. 但被割裂的喉咙中,只剩下哈哧、哈哧的吸气声。 Then, is the endless darkness. 接着,就是无尽的黑暗。 The Luca corpse fell to the ground. 鲁卡的尸体倒地了。 Ebru looked that has not looked at one, he has turned head to look to another side sentry post tower. 埃布鲁看都没看一眼,‘他’扭过头看向了另外一侧的哨塔。 So long as took this sentry post tower, the entire military compound, is he prey. 只要拿下了这个哨塔,整座军营,就都是‘他’的猎物了。 Was stranded there for a long time he, but there are very for a long time has not played knife and fork. 被困在那里许久的‘他’,可是有很久没有饱餐一顿了。 However, when he will soon act, he the vision looked to behind. 不过,就在‘他’即将行动的时候,‘他’的目光看向了身后。 On there main road, nearly the end position, presented a motorcade. 在那里的大道上,近乎尽头的位置,出现了一个车队。 Unexpected eating up?” “意外的加餐吗?” He like this is saying, then, smiles to make noise suddenly. ‘他’这样的说着,然后,突然笑出了声。 Because, he saw has one similar to pace back and forth around this motorcade. 因为,‘他’看到了有一个同类徘徊在这支车队周围。 Small and weak similar that has not arrived at! 一个弱小的、还未降临的同类! Simply is perfect food! 简直是再完美不过的食物! I am in luck really!” “我真是走运啊!” Ebru cannot bear whisper. 埃布鲁’忍不住低语起来。 ...... …… The mounted scouts of motorcade from the motorcade, have lifted up high the flare, the flame are vacillating, they had not discovered, a snow group quietly following motorcade vanguard. 车队的侦骑从车队两旁而过,高举着火把,火焰左右摇摆,他们谁也没有发现,一个雪团般正悄无声息的跟着车队前行。 This snow group is not big, only then adult fist size, the vanguard is although in snow, but is silent, taking advantage of the protection of same color, the average person is indiscoverable. 这个雪团不大,只有成人拳头大小,前行是虽然在积雪上,但是却无声无息,借着同色的保护,普通人根本难以发现。 But this is also the capital that Snow of Slurping most is proud. 而这也是‘吸食之雪’最引以为傲的资本。 Different other evil looking in Syka Domain. 不同于西卡领内的其它邪异 It is birth the time is not long. 它是‘诞生’的时间并不长。 Only has about ten years merely. 仅仅只有十年左右。 However, it actually taking advantage of inborn ability, become stronger fast. 但是,它却借着天生的能力,飞快的变强着。 It believes that if it and Branch of Withering or Deer of Slumber is like Mist, after Black Disaster, regains consciousness directly, it can be Syka Domain is strongest. 它相信,如果它和‘迷雾’、‘枯萎之枝’或者‘安眠之鹿’一样,在‘黑灾’之后,就直接苏醒的话,它一定会是西卡领最强的。 Rather than like preying on that the present hides here and there generally. 而不是像现在一般东躲西藏的捕食。 Even, but also has to conduct the so-called alliance with some fellows. 甚至,还不得不和一些家伙进行所谓的联盟。 Thinks that thinks intelligently, that the stupid incomparable ally, Snow of Slurping cannot bear actually sneers. 一想到那个自认为聪明,实则愚蠢无比的盟友,‘吸食之雪’就忍不住的一阵冷笑。 The opposite party actually think that it and opposite party eyes, impatient making a move, then, in the name of plan, will open its. 对方竟然以为它和对方一眼,会迫不及待的出手,然后,以计划的名义,将它支开了。 Regarding this, it really did not mind. 对此,它真的不介意。 If the opposite party succeeded, it did not mind that makes final Hunter. 如果对方成功了,它并不介意做最后的猎手 If were defeated? 如果失败了? At least can propose one to awake. 至少可以给它提一个醒。 Thinks approach that oneself kill two birds with one stone, Snow of Slurping slightly is self-satisfied. 想到自己一箭双雕的做法,‘吸食之雪’不由略微得意起来。 Oath of Deceiving?” “‘狡诈之誓’?” Really is the fellow of impressive on the outside but lacking substance.” “真是虚有其表的家伙。” But, this motorcade......” “不过,这支车队……” To be real enough, it was just far away from the motorcade in the true sense, after time , after returning, discovered that Oath of Deceiving died. 为了足够真实,它刚刚真正意义上的远离了车队,直到时间到了后,返回后才发现‘狡诈之誓’死了。 evil looking regarding evil looking Intuition, is incomparably clear. 邪异对于邪异感知,是无比清晰的。 Detection that it can be clear about, the overflowing powder of opposite party. 它能够清楚的察觉,对方的溢散。 No! 不! Said accurately is...... 准确的说是…… By hunting and killing! 被猎杀! Hunting and killing between evil looking and evil looking was really common, initial ‚after Black Disaster, Syka Domain was direct birth dozens evil looking, when it birth, the evil looking quantity only had ten. 邪异邪异之间的猎杀实在是太常见了,最初的‘黑灾’后,西卡领直接‘诞生’了数十邪异,但是当它‘诞生’时,邪异的数量只剩下十个不到。 And, a few part by War God Temple elimination. 其中,一少部分是被‘战神殿’消灭了。 Overwhelming majority were hunts and kills, vanishes. 绝大部分则是相互间的猎杀,消失了。 Regarding hunting and killing similar, among evil looking always enjoys. 对于猎杀同类,邪异之间乐此不疲。 After all, swallows similar, will promote their strengths directly. 毕竟,吞食一个同类,将会直接提升它们自己的力量。 Even, some rumors said, swallows enough similar, can arrive directly. 甚至,有传言说,吞食足够的同类,就可以直接降临。 Regarding this rumor, Snow of Slurping does not believe. 对于这个传言,‘吸食之雪’是根本不相信的。 Because, it had once swallowed similar. 因为,它曾吞食过同类。 That is when it was just born, similar treated as the goal it, finally instead was actually killed and swallowed by it, making it pass that weakest day, but the strength growth is not big, in such exaggerating without rumor, 那是在它刚诞生的时候,一个同类把它当做了目标,结果却被它反杀、吞食,让它度过了那最为虚弱的日子,但实力增长却不大,没有传言中那样的夸张, However, because of the action of this self card strength, it was approved by Syka Domain many evil looking. 不过,因为这种自证实力的举动,它被西卡领的诸多邪异所认可。 Naturally, it does not have the qualifications to go to Syka City as before. 当然了,它依旧没有资格前往西卡城 Syka City Deer of Slumber and other similar had been seized by Branch of Withering. 西卡城早已被‘枯萎之枝’‘安眠之鹿’等同类占领了。 It attempts to sneak, but, is impossible. 它尝试想要潜入,但是,根本不可能。 Therefore, it regarding occupied Syka City finally Mist fear even more. 因此,它对于最终占据了西卡城的‘迷雾’越发的恐惧了。 Unknown always frightened. 未知总是恐惧的。 Let alone, Mist displayed own strength. 更何况,‘迷雾’表现出了自己的力量。 Of that day mist Giant it saw. 那天的‘雾气巨人’它可是看到了。 That is it radically strength irresistibly. 那是它根本无法抵抗的力量。 Therefore, when discovered Mist possibly leaves Syka City, when expands own territory, it simply does not want the thoughts that goes to Syka City to join in the fun. 所以,当发现了‘迷雾’可能离开西卡城,扩张自己的领地时,它根本没有想去西卡城凑热闹的心思。 Mist possibly leaves. 迷雾’只是可能离开。 Not true departure. 并没有真正的离开。 Even if left truly, should still come back. 就算是真正的离开了,也还会回来。 If discovered that own city was seized, what fate the occupier can be? 如果发现自己的城池被占领了,占领者会是什么下场? Achieves as for the short-term in the degree that Mist contends with? 至于短期内达到和‘迷雾’抗衡的程度? That is impossible. 那是根本不可能的。 Naturally, there is a possibility, Mist fell from the sky. 当然,也有可能,‘迷雾’陨落了。 But, such probability was too similarly small. 但同样的,这样的几率太小了。 Although in rumor has Atandin Castle that War God Lady of Calamity confronts very fearfully, but Mist is half god, so long as is more careful, will not have the matter. 虽然传闻中有着‘战神’‘灾厄女士’对峙的艾坦丁堡十分的可怕,但是‘迷雾’已经是半神了,只要小心些,根本不会有事。 In the heart was clear very all Snow of Slurping, very natural looks at Unique/only to start at present the goal that: Motorcade! 心中十分清楚一切的‘吸食之雪’,很自然的将目光对准了眼前唯一能够下手的目标:车队! Regarding the motorcade, Snow of Slurping is not strange. 对于车队,‘吸食之雪’并不陌生。 After it is born in the day, the motorcade is its main objective. 在它诞生后的日子里,车队一直是它的主要目标。 However, it does not leave no ground and perseveres like some fellows place. 不过,它并不像一些家伙那样不留余地和坚守一地。 It mostly is choice population few caravans, and keeps changing one's goals. 它大多是选择人数较少的商队,并且打一枪换一个地方。 It knows, it has many similar, because does not know that the adjustment was exterminated by War God Temple. 它可是知道,它有多少同类因为不知变通而被‘战神殿’剿灭了。 But this difference. 但这一次不一样。 War God the feebleness is obvious to all. 战神’的衰弱有目共睹。 Moreover, because of city martial law, but saved several days of motorcades to appear all of a sudden, if swallowed completely, its strength can definitely one step. 而且,因为城池戒严,而积攒了数天的车队一下子全都出现,如果全部吞食的话,它的实力必然会更加一步。 By that time, but also cannot hold the opportunity words, really will be by the scourge. 到了那个时候,还抓不住机会的话,真的是会遭天谴的。 However, Snow of Slurping cannot think completely, will really have similar ‚’ Oath of Deceiving ahead of time one step infiltrates in the motorcade compared with it. 但是,‘吸食之雪’完全想不到,竟然会有同类比它和‘狡诈之誓’提前一步混进车队中去。 Who can be?” “会是谁呢?” Is......” “难道是……” Mist?!” “‘迷雾’?!” Snow of Slurping heart is startled. 吸食之雪心底一惊。 Subconscious wants to leave, but that is different from both eyes of average man, when looks to the motorcade, revealed as before thickly did not abandon. 下意识的就想要离开,可那有别于常人的双眼,看向车队时,依旧流露出了浓浓的不舍。 However, it really prepared to give up. 不过,它是真的准备放弃了。 Mist when formidable without a doubt. 迷雾’的强大时毋庸置疑的。 Do not say that was Oath of Deceiving one, function that even if it, still had no in addition. 不要说是‘狡诈之誓’一个了,即使是加上它,也没有任何的作用。 Moreover, swallowed Oath of Deceiving opposite party, will be definitely stronger. 而且,吞食了‘狡诈之誓’的对方,必然会更强。 The itself is the opposite party of half god, is it unmatchable, was strong? 本就是半神的对方,已经是它无法对抗的了,再强? Do not crack a joke! 别开玩笑了! It does not want to become the swallowed prey. 它可不想成为被吞食的猎物。 Thinks of this, Snow of Slurping stopped the footsteps. 想到这,‘吸食之雪’停下了脚步。 It prepares no longer to follow the motorcade, returns to nearby Syka City, has a look to have any delicious prey, but, again when it does not abandon looked when to direction that the motorcade goes forward, Snow of Slurping sudden miraculous glow flashes. 它准备不再跟随车队,返回西卡城附近,看看有没有什么可口的猎物,但是,当它再次不舍的看向车队前进的方向时,‘吸食之雪’突然灵光一闪。 Crossed Syka outpost, the motorcade must enter the Atandin Castle range immediately.” “过了西卡哨所,车队马上就要进入艾坦丁堡的范围。” In there......” “在那里……” Mist certainly by War God Lady of Calamity attention.” “‘迷雾’一定会被‘战神’‘灾厄女士’注意。” Even, erupts the fight!” “甚至,爆发出战斗!” I will not participate in such fight.” “我不会参与到那样的战斗中。” But swallows this motorcade, should not have the issue?” “但吞食这支车队,应该是没有问题的吧?” Thinks of this, Snow of Slurping stopped the footsteps. 想到这,‘吸食之雪’停下了脚步。 Its eye of belt/bring Greed, closely is following the motorcade again. 它目带贪婪,再次紧紧跟随着车队。 From beginning to end, it had not discovered, the form appeared in it together behind. 自始至终,它都没有发现,一道身影出现在了它的身后。 Ebru static looks at Snow of Slurping, licks the lip that he cannot bear, the saliva is starting cannot help but to secrete. 埃布鲁’静静的看着‘吸食之雪’,‘他’忍不住的舔着嘴唇,口水开始不由自主的分泌着。 Then- 然后- Thump! 咕咚! The sound of swallowing saliva is unable to suppress resounds. 无法抑制的吞咽口水的声音响起。 Ebru was shocked. 埃布鲁’愣住了。 Because...... 因为…… That is not he sends out. 那不是‘他’发出的。
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