DC :: Volume #28

#35: Good mood

Body stiff turns. 卡古身躯僵直的扭过来。 His eye of belt/bring shocking looks that does not know when stood in oneself behind Kieran and facial color tranquil Bohr. 他目带震惊的看着不知何时站在了自己身后的秦然和面色平静的波尔 Before this time Bohr did not have the politeness and warm early. 这个时候的波尔早没有之前的客气与热情。 What had is only one type ridicules the appearance that. 有着的只是一种略带讥讽的模样。 Have the opposite party discovered all? 对方早已发现了一切? Is and it acts in a play? 是和它演戏? Such idea raises after heart, fiercely shakes the head. 这样的想法从心底升起后,卡古就猛地摇了摇头。 Is impossible! 不可能! My plan is flawless! 我的计划是天衣无缝的! Even the initial plan fail, the reserve plan still makes up for all sufficiently! 即使是最初的计划失败,后备的计划也足以弥补一切! They are by chance! 他们就是碰巧! Right, collects! 对,就是凑齐! Thinks of this, takes a deep breath. 想到这,卡古深吸了口气 Do not think that spoiled my plan fortunately, can......” “不要以为凑巧破坏了我的计划,就可以……” Bang! 砰! Thinks who as before controls the overall situation, opened the mouth slowly, but without and other opposite party said, Kieran lifts the hand is a spear/gun. 依旧认为掌控全局的卡古,缓缓的开口了,可是没有等对方说完,秦然抬手就是一枪。 In eyes reveals to disdain. 卡古眼中流露出不屑。 item in opposite party hand is truly good. 对方手中的道具确实不错。 However, good item, needs to stop the talent line. 但是,再不错的道具,也需要打住人才行。 Can't stop the matchlock of goal? 打不住目标的火绳枪? That really and burns the fire rake to have no difference! 那真的和烧火棍没有什么区别! Prepares to move the step, dodge the time, he around in body void spread and jet black whiskers.! 就在卡古准备移动步伐,躲闪的时候,‘他’身体周围的虚空中蔓延出了一根根、漆黑的触须。! Legend item from three king Baoku. 来自三王宝库中的传说物品 After this dies strangely, is processed after Alchemy the equipment, with the Kieran will, is extending the whisker, twined. 这件怪异死后,由炼金术加工后的装备,随着秦然的意志,伸展着触须,缠绕住了卡古。 Although in the next quarter, worked loose such winding, but the projectile that in the muzzle departs has actually hit really on head. 虽然在下一刻,卡古就挣脱了这样的缠绕,但是的枪口中飞出的弹丸却已经实打实的打在了卡古的头颅上。 No longer is spatial air bullet, but is the live round after filling, has Powerful Grade Attack Power and Fairly Strong Rank fire damage live round. 不再是空气弹,而是填装后的实弹,拥有着强大级别攻击力较强级别火焰伤害的实弹。 Cannot stop the matchlock of goal burns the fire rake. 打不住目标的火绳枪是烧火棍。 But the matchlock of accurate hit target, kills greatly. 而准确命中目标的火绳枪,就是大杀器。 Bang! 轰! Head was exploded directly rottenly, the headless corpse, the plump falls down. 卡古的头颅直接被炸烂了,无头的尸体,扑通一声摔倒在地。 An invisible strength appears from this body. 一股无形的力量从这具身体中浮现。 Then, flooded into...... in the Kieran pocket. 然后,涌入到了……秦然衣兜内的内。 Kieran has not worried to examine, but has swept at present the headless body that the vision had a relish. 秦然没有着急查看,而是目光饶有兴致的扫过了眼前卡古无头的尸体。 The body of opposite party has not changed. 对方的身躯没有变化。 As before is the appearance of human. 依旧是人类的模样。 But, is the appearance is similar. 但,也就是模样相似罢了。 Inside already by evil looking substitution. 内里早已经被‘邪异’替代了。 Under the field of vision, any subtle point is unable to hide the truth from Kieran, especially at present this type continuously just like the world that in the mist evil looking aura occupies, a aura very close fellow, was really conspicuous. 在的视野下,任何的细微之处都无法瞒得过秦然,特别是在眼前这种一直被宛如雾气般邪异气息占据的世界内,一个气息很相近的家伙,真的是太显眼了。 After all, true human, is incompatible with these aura. 毕竟,真正的人类,和这些气息是格格不入的。 However, attacks the motorcade regarding these fellows, the accident/surprise that Kieran has no. 不过,对于这些家伙袭击车队,秦然并没有任何的意外。 Because, this is normal. 因为,这才是正常的。 Comparing in seeming like the defense is weak and defensive firm city, the former is without doubt easier to start. 相较于看起来防守薄弱和防守坚固的城池,前者无疑更容易下手。 Even if former's population little , is the same. 哪怕前者的人数少一点,也是一样的。 According to the expectation of Kieran, should attract similar Branch of Withering much Deer of Slumber general existence, but the quantitative aspect actually a little went beyond the expectation of Kieran. 按照秦然的预料,应该会吸引来不少类似‘枯萎之枝’‘安眠之鹿’一般的存在,但是数量方面却有点超出了秦然的预料。 Are not many. 并不是多。 But is few! 而是少! In the estimate of Kieran, presents 35 similar evil looking is not many. 秦然的预计中,出现三五个类似的邪异都不算多。 But now? 而现在? True evil looking only then ‚’! 真正的邪异只有‘卡古’一个! After these die, changes after by the opposite party putrefies the monster. 那些死后变化的不过是被对方腐化后的怪物罢了。 „Is this explorer stone that was pushed?” “这是被推出来的探路石?” Jumps to want the fellow of who strikes the first blow has the advantage impatiently?” “还是迫不及待跳出来想要先下手为强的家伙?” Kieran in ponder saw the caravan people who surround again, gesticulate immediately gave you the hand signal to Bohr, walks in the direction of carriage directly. 思考中的秦然看到了再次围拢上来的商队众人,当即冲着波尔比划了一个‘交给你’的手势,径直向着马车的方向走去。 Kieran always holds vigilantly to the stranger. 秦然对陌生人总是抱有警惕。 He fully realized that such, is not an object of appropriate having to do. 他深知这样的自己,并不是一个合适的打交道的对象。 If single one person, he has to brace oneself. 假如是单身一人,他不得不硬着头皮上。 However, now had Bohr, the nature was different. 但是,现在有了波尔,自然不一样了。 Bohr nods toward the Kieran back slightly. 波尔向着秦然的背影微微颔首。 He fully realized how oneself should do. 他深知自己应该怎么做。 Processes some opposite party for Devil Flame the matter that does not want to pay attention , the itself is they helps mutually the Basic principle of reciprocal benefit. 为‘炎之恶魔’处理一些对方不希望理会的事情,本就是他们互助互惠的基础原则。 Do not be startled!” “不要惊慌!” And the beforehand person are the same, no longer was the companion who you were familiar with, they, no, they already by the evil looking corrosion......” “卡古和之前的人一样,都不再是你们熟悉的同伴了,他们,不,它们早已经被邪异腐蚀……” When Bohr explanation, the vision has swept ‚’ corpse. 波尔解释时,目光扫过了‘卡古’的尸体。 Really a presumptuous fellow! 真是一个自作聪明的家伙! Since the high level of Kate Caravan had the change of difference, then as Unique/only survivor, you imagination is more conspicuous than! 既然凯特商队的高层都出现了异样的变化,那么做为‘唯一’的幸存者,你远比想象中的还要显眼啊! Bohr not like this special skill. 波尔没有这样的特殊技能。 However, he has the basic judgment. 但是,他有着基本的判断。 To hide words of leaf, naturally puts in the leaf the forest, when works as this forest is the yellow leaves of withering, you threw a green leaf, that really brought about own destruction. 想要隐藏一片树叶的话,自然是将树叶放入森林中,可是当这片森林都是枯萎的黄叶时,你扔进去了一枚绿叶,那真是自寻死路了。 After heart sighed slightly, Bohr starts to talk with the temporary heads of Kate Caravan. 心底微微叹息了一声后,波尔开始和凯特商队的临时负责人交谈起来。 Told all in Bohr completely, and is willing signing contract under ‚the testimony of god, to prove oneself said after is the facts, this temporary head cannot bear relax. 波尔完整的讲述了一切,并且愿意在‘神的见证下’签订契约,证明自己所说的都是事实后,这位临时负责人忍不住松了口气。 Very sorry, Mr. Bohr.” “很抱歉,波尔先生。” Was really caught off guard.” “实在是太措手不及了。” We prepared enough many, but had the accident/surprise as before.” “我们准备了足够多,但是依旧出现了意外。” Named Aitter temporary head, smiling bitterly, was full is on the face of pleating were more many gullies. 名为艾特的临时负责人,苦笑着,本就满是褶子的脸上更是多了许多沟壑。 Is Aitter of real sense Middle year person, the facial features seemingly wants to be older than the physical age, the clothing is not too clean, just can be to have the function of maintaining warmth, has difference between heaven and earth with beforehand, Representative that person. 已经是真正意义上中年人的艾特,面容比实际年龄看起来要苍老许多,衣物也不算太干净,正能够是有着保暖的作用,和之前的卡古、那位代表有着天差地别 However, such person is the caravan important component. 不过,这样的人才是商队重要的组成部分。 Bohr once role was also one of them. 波尔曾经的角色也是其中之一。 Therefore, he is very clear, such person is thinking anything. 所以,他很清楚,这样的人是在想什么。 How or should have to do with such person. 或者说,该怎么和这样的人打交道。 Yes, after Black Disaster, accidental/surprised everywhere.” “是啊,‘黑灾’后,意外无处不在。” But, believes me, Colin compared with we imagine wants formidable.” “不过,相信我,科林比我们想象中的还要强大。” Naturally, we need to inspect the team, the method that you prepared before best also inform me, I do not hope, because did not understand, makes the unnecessary trouble.” “当然了,我们还是需要检查一下队伍,你们之前准备的手段最好也告知我,我不希望因为相互间的不了解,造成不必要的麻烦。” Bohr gave a guarantee. 波尔给与了一个保证。 Immediately, Aitter relaxes. 立刻,艾特就松了口气。 Naturally, please come with me.” “当然,请您跟我来。” Nod of Aitter tallies. 艾特符合的点了点头。 Then, directly very simple turns around to guide, does not have a wee bit dragging. 然后,直接很干脆的转身带路,没有一丁点儿的拖延。 Because although the age in caravan and story, Aitter becomes the temporary head, but if Ok, he does not want to become this head absolutely. 虽然因为在商队中的年纪、阅历,艾特成为了临时负责人,但是如果可以的话,他绝对不希望成为这个负责人。 In Atandin Castle arrived on border Morsa this path ten years of Aitter, has not been afraid like today. 艾坦丁堡到边境摩尔萨这条道路上走了十年的艾特,从没有像今天一样感到恐惧。 Although will also encounter all sorts of dangers in the past, but does not have to erupt from the motorcade one time. 尽管以往也会遇到种种的危险,但是从没有一次是从车队内爆发的。 Must know...... 要知道…… In the motorcade has one absolutely guarantee. 车队内可是有着一个‘绝对’的保证。 But now, this being known as absolutely the guarantee expired unexpectedly! 而现在,这个号称‘绝对’的保证竟然失效了! Aitter does not know that is because anything expires. 艾特不知道是因为什么失效的。 But Aitter knows, they take one to guarantee existence of security now urgently needed. 艾特知道,他们现在急需要一个能够保证安全的存在。 Therefore, after obtaining basic guarantee, Aitter without hesitation before bringing Bohr to arrive in Kate Caravan biggest secret . 所以,在获得了基本的保证后,艾特毫不犹豫的带着波尔走到了凯特商队中最大的‘秘密’前。 A double Ramallah carriage. 一辆双匹马拉着的马车。 From the semblance, in other horse-drawn vehicles with caravan not the slightest difference, the cart driver also has no unusual place, after Aitter opens the carriage, saw one God Emblem! 从外表上看,和商队中的其它马车一般无二,车夫也没有什么异常的地方,但是在艾特拉开马车后,就看到了一个‘神徽’! War God God Emblem! 战神的‘神徽’! It is not that type carves on the decorations, but is one independent, three-dimensional, with the blood red rock carving, has half person fully high God Emblem. 不是那种雕琢在饰物上的,而是一个独立的、立体的,用血红色岩石雕刻而出,足有半人高的‘神徽’。 When sees this God Emblem, Bohr stares. 在看到这个神徽的时候,波尔就是一愣。 Although before War God God Emblem is inferior to Black Disaster the uniqueness, but is not the optional person can use, not to mention is this type independent God Emblem. 战神神徽虽然不如‘黑灾’之前的独一无二,但也不是随意一个人能够使用的,更不用说是这种单独的‘神徽’。 According to news that Bohr knows, this type independent God Emblem was only possibly granted by War God Temple. 波尔所知道的消息,这种单独的‘神徽’只可能是被战神殿赐予。 But this is not easy, even before is Syka Domain that person the feudal lord, the well-known reverent War God follower, has not obtained. 而这并不容易,哪怕是西卡领那位前领主,众所周知的虔诚战神信徒,都没有获得过。 In fact, starting from Atandin first, this type granted God Emblem, total not over ten. 事实上,从艾坦丁一世开始,这种被赐予的‘神徽’,总数也不超过十个。 And majority is the Atandin royal family obtains. 其中大部分都是艾坦丁的王室获得。 Remaining, is Atandin Castle several big aristocrats. 剩下的,也就是艾坦丁堡的几个大贵族。 Then...... 那么…… What Kate Company is standing behind is which? 凯特商行身后站着的是哪位呢? In the Bohr mind is searching the information. 波尔脑海中搜索着信息。 Although Atandin Castle big aristocrat such several, which when wants the concrete determination is, Bohr also requires the time the resolution and gather information. 虽然艾坦丁堡的大贵族就那么几个,但是想要具体确定是哪一个时,波尔还需要时间来分辨、收集信息。 Without doubt, the present is not a time. 无疑,现在并不是时候。 Unexpectedly is God Emblem!” “竟然是神徽!” No wonder Kate Company becomes in Atandin one of the biggest several firms.” “难怪凯特商行成为了艾坦丁境内最大的几个商行之一。” Bohr is sighing affectedly. 波尔故作惊讶的感叹着。 Nearby Aitter first revealed proudly. 一旁的艾特先是露出了自豪。 This is the pride as Kate Company member, but thinks immediately this biggest guarantee is losing the mysterious function, on the Aitter face is replaced by the dimness again. 这是身为凯特商行成员的自豪,但随即想到了这最大的保证正在失去神奇的作用,艾特脸上就再次被黯淡所代替了。 Then, is looks at Bohr that hopes. 然后,就是期盼的看着波尔 Mr. Aitter, I am only a merchant.” 艾特先生,我只是一个商人。” I do not know that God Emblem had what problem.” “我并不知道‘神徽’出现了什么问题。” Is more impossible to solve.” “更加不可能解决。” These things can only be inquire these Sir Priest.” “这些事情只能是去询问那些祭司大人。” Bohr just right spreading out both hands, revealed a helpless appearance. 波尔恰到好处的摊开双手,露出了一个无奈的模样。 Yes, how we can solve such matter.” “是啊,我们怎么能够解决这样的事情。” The Bohr helpless appearance, pulled closer the favorable impression of Aitter this average person, nod of the opposite party understands immediately, then, after the opposite party closed the compartment door, two people also talked the moment, starts when until the motorcade again, Bohr returns to own carriage. 波尔无奈的模样,拉近了艾特这个普通人的好感,对方当即理解的点了点头,接着,在对方关上了车厢门后,两人又交谈了片刻,直到车队再次启动时,波尔才返回自己的马车。 Just entered the compartment, Bohr saw Kieran that the corners of the mouth went up slightly. 刚一进入车厢,波尔就看到了嘴角微微上翘的秦然 Is happy? 心情不错? Bohr stares. 波尔一愣。 Afterward, Bohr subconscious blinking. 随后,波尔下意识的眨了眨眼。 When field of vision again clear time, Bohr saw one such as in the memory indifferent Kieran. 等到视野再次清晰的时候,波尔看到了一如记忆中般冷漠的秦然 Immediately, Bohr relaxes. 顿时,波尔松了口气。 To be honest, was used to the Kieran indifferent appearance, suddenly changes the words, he really does not adapt, seems like the confession time, has must make the preparation of friend, finally was unexpectedly successful! 说实话,习惯了秦然冷漠的样子,突然改变一下的话,他真的是不适应啊,就好像告白的时候,已经有了要做朋友的准备了,结果竟然成功了! Right now the friends have not even resulted in do, was really regrettable. 这下子连朋友都没得做,实在是太遗憾了。 Colin, I discovered God Emblem in the carriage of Kate Caravan ‚’!” 科林,我在凯特商队的马车中发现了‘神徽’!” After Bohr sits down, immediately before , all that sees said from beginning to end, then, Bohr starts to express own opinion, 波尔坐下后,马上将之前所见的一切原原本本的说了出来,然后,波尔开始发表自己的意见, War God sees us is weaker.” 战神比我们看到的还要虚弱。” „Before facing Mist, merely is only the projection, but now even/including God Emblem starts unable to suppress these evil looking, I think that...... It can reach the limit.” “之前面对‘迷雾’时,仅仅只是投影,而现在连‘神徽’都开始无法压制那些邪异了,我认为……祂会不会已经达到极限了。” Speaking of finally, Bohr lowered the sound. 说到最后,波尔压低了声音。 If not because in the motorcade has God Emblem, Bohr is willing to use the word falling from the sky. 如果不是因为车队中有着‘神徽’,波尔更加愿意用‘陨落’一词。 Regarding this, Kieran shows neither approval nor disapproval. 对此,秦然不置可否。 Information that receives from him, War God is without a doubt disadvantaged, who can guarantee that this isn't a camouflage? 从他接收到的情报来看,战神是毫无疑问的处于劣势的,但谁又能够保证这不是一次伪装? Said accurately, is worth Broker one time the Spiritual God in layout for a long time Dungeon World, is really similar to seems like that easily bullied? 或者更加准确的说,一次值得‘掮客’布局已久的副本世界中的神灵,真的就如同看起来的那么‘软弱可欺’? Kieran does not believe. 秦然是不相信的。 Therefore, Kieran is replying Bohr very much discretely. 所以,秦然很谨慎的回答着波尔 Has the possibility.” “有可能。” But the possibility is not big.” “但可能性不大。” Is facing the reply of Kieran, after Bohr pondered one slightly next, serious nod. 面对着秦然的回答,波尔略微思考了一下后,郑重的点了点头。 He has never bumped into the Spiritual God. 他从未碰到过神灵。 The opinion of Kieran most is naturally worth referring. 秦然的意见自然是最值得参考的。 Then, thinks own such degree rookie, starts to consider self-ridiculing that unexpectedly the Spiritual God the matter, Bohr could not bear smiled. 然后,一想到自己这样程度的‘菜鸟’,竟然开始考虑神灵的事情了,波尔就忍不住的自嘲一笑。 I should consider that my following plan is right, rather than thinks matter that these Colin you should consider!” “我更应该考虑我接下来的计划才对,而不是想这些科林你应该考虑的事情!” Atandin Castle in following days, can definitely be the beginnings of all whirlpools.” 艾坦丁堡在接下来的一段日子里,必然会是一切旋涡的起点。” Hope cannot affect me are too many!” “希望不会影响到我太多!” Saying that Bohr hopes. 波尔期盼的说道。 Kieran remains silent. 秦然保持沉默。 The future matter, no one is able to talk clearly. 未来的事情,谁也无法说得清楚。 In existence that he knows, except God of Earth outside Nikorei, even if will be has destiny function Lady of Thorn is also peeping at a future corner/horn. 他所知的存在中,除去‘地上之神妮凯蕾外,哪怕是有着‘命运’职能的‘荆棘女士’也不过是窥视着未来的一角。 Moreover, this corner/horn will also be changed at will. 而且,这一角还会被随意改变。 Someday he can also peep at this corner/horn. 也许有一天他也能够窥视到这一角。 May compare in these, Kieran believes, might as well grasps immediately. 可相较于这些,秦然认为,还不如掌握当下。 Kieran put out a hand to touch in a bosom. 不由的,秦然伸手摸了一下怀中的。 This time has the new change. 此时的已经有了新的变化。 In maintaining the original item rank and under Basic attribute invariable premise, had/left one in the Special Effect aspect. 在保持原有物品等级、基础属性不变的前提下,在特效方面多出了一个。 ...... …… It looks like very good Special Effect in Kieran. 一个在秦然看来十分不错的特效 Although Mist Church is also at the development phase at present, this Special Effect is not suitable uses, when Mist Church continues to grow strong, achieved War God Temple and Lady of Calamity degree, when surpassed this Rank, this Special Effect value will appear. 虽然眼下‘迷雾教会还处于发展阶段,这个特效不宜使用,但是当‘迷雾教会继续发展壮大,达到了‘战神殿’、‘灾厄女士’的程度,甚至是超过了这一级别时,这个特效的价值就会显现出来。 Person many strengths greatly are not an empty talk. 人多力量大可不是一句空话。 Perhaps Kieran can easily defeat ten thousand people of armies. 也许秦然可以轻易的击破万人的军队。 However, when ten thousand people as the boost, seek and makes certain things, Kieran actually feels ashamed of one's inferiority. 但是,当万人做为助力,去寻找、制造某些东西时,秦然却是自愧不如的。 The quantitative change can always cause the qualitative change. 量变总能引起质变。 Kieran is believing these words. 秦然坚信着这句话。 Also because of this, his just mood will be good. 也是因为这样,他刚刚的心情才会不错。 Even, has maintained the present. 甚至,一直保持到了现在。 However, immediately, Kieran mood...... 不过,马上的,秦然的心情…… Even more was joyful. 就越发的愉悦了。
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