DA :: Volume #10

#906: The child of Demon King

The previous two Mistress production, Royal Residence also made the preparation early ; 上次二夫人生产,王府也是早早地就做了准备; But this big Mistress production, the preparation of Royal Residence is actually more sufficient. 而这次大夫人生产,王府的准备其实更为充分。 Said actually not Royal Residence distinguished to treat at this matter, a big family, became local tyrant that” was worthy of the reputation extravagantly, frequently tens of thousands armored cavalry going to battle rear services can manage methodically, have no reason to play anything to favor one and discriminate against the other at own Royal Consort childbirth matter. 倒不是说王府在这件事上区别对待了,一个大家庭,阔绰成名副其实的“土皇帝”,动辄几万铁骑的出征后勤都能办得有条不紊,没理由在自家王妃分娩这种事情上去玩什么厚此薄彼。 The main difference in the detail that lies in the childbirth oneself mentality and needs. 主要区别还是在于分娩者自己的心态和所需要的细节上。 The arrangement of delivery room, is Siniang personally designs to tell that handles, to sprays what taste the perfume to have the request fine continually. 产房的布置,是四娘亲自设计吩咐下去操办的,精细到连喷洒什么味儿的香水都有要求。 Steady woman's attire, the attire of maid, even is the picture scroll that in the even/including hangs, is defers to the Siniang intention. 稳婆的衣着,婢女的装束,甚至是连里面挂的画卷,也都是按照四娘的心意来。 When Xiong Liqing production, Siniang guaranteed its security, other aspects she is not a litigant, has not meddled, after all, really does not facilitate to overstep authority and get involved in another's affairs ; 熊丽箐生产时,四娘只是确保了其安全,其余方面她不是当事人,也就没怎么插手,毕竟,真不方便越俎代庖; Moreover, the words that oneself arranges, may make her more intense ; 而且,自己去布置的话,可能会让她更为紧张; But oneself the time, definitely according to oneself likes. 自己的这一遭,肯定得按照自己的喜好来。 Meanwhile outside Royal Residence, 与此同时在王府外, Does no money read the novel? Delivers you cash or coin time limit 1 day to receive! Attention public number free lead(er)! 没钱看小说?送你现金or点币限时一天领取!关注公众号免费领! Guards along with brocade clothes personal guard turning over to again, outside the city the pair of masters and disciples in bottle gourd temple were connected Royal Residence, all sorts have detail to indicate a time, Royal Consort must produce. 伴随着锦衣亲卫再度的归防,城外葫芦庙的一对师徒被接入了王府,种种有过一次的细节表明,又有一位王妃要生产了。 Viviparity big little girl, 头胎生了个大妞, Prince oneself am glad to be heavily engaged, the incarnation daughter slave, must extract every day is accompanying the unmarried girl for a long time, is really the intimate small cotton-wadded jacket, shows due respect for the feelings to her father very much, is holding each time time , regardless of being trapped/sleepy, will smile. 王爷本人是乐得不可开交,化身女儿奴,每天都得抽出很长时间陪着闺女,真的是贴心小棉袄,对她爹也很给面子,每次抱着的时候无论多困,都会笑起来。 But the Fengxin City soldiers and civilians, worry! 奉新城的军民们,对此可谓操碎了心! How can Prince not have the oneself son of first wife? 王爷怎能没有自己的嫡子? When first, big fellow has not prepared, when second, the wind sound/rumor actually passed on early. 第一遭时,大家伙都没准备,第二遭时,风声却早早地传了出去。 Therefore suddenly, 故而一时间, The Fengxin City many household entrances, were displayed the altar, big fellow starts is Royal Residence prays, imploring Prince can result in Heir. 奉新城很多家户门口,都被摆上了供桌,大家伙开始为王府祈福,祈求王爷能得世子 Everyone has not studied the probability, 大家伙没学过概率, But probably at heart some feelings, 但大概心里有个感觉, Has one Princess your highness, 已经有一位“公主”殿下了, Next was probably Your Highness Heir? 下一位大概就是世子殿下了吧? Taking a bath Prince planned that enters the delivery room to accompany, but in entrance actually by Yuexin blocking, the Yuexin apologetic say/way ; 洗过澡的王爷打算进产房陪着,但在入口处却被月馨给拦住了,月馨歉然道; Prince, big Mistress said that after the child lives, you come to accompany her again, before then, you did not use.” 王爷,大夫人说了,等孩子生下来后您再进来陪她,在这之前,您就不用进来了。” Prince blinks, 王爷眨了眨眼, He is to accompany the wife to produce, sits by the wife obstetric table, is shaking wife's hand, praised her to comfort her to encourage her, welcomed the arrival of new life together. 他是想要陪着妻子生产的,就坐在妻子产床旁,握着妻子的手,赞美她安慰她鼓励着她,一起迎接新生命的到来。 But Siniang had not planned obviously wants him so to do. 四娘显然没打算要他这般做。 …… 得, Prince turns around, arrives in the alcove. 王爷转身,走到亭子里。 Under the alcove, the tea dessert has prepared. 亭子内,茶水点心早就预备下了。 Sits to hear, the tea is the great swamp fragrant tongue, the dessert is also that several types that oneself likes ; 坐下去一闻,茶是大泽香舌,点心也是自己喜欢的那几样; Obviously, Siniang early to oneself this arrangement that becomes the husband private room. 显然,四娘早早地给自己这个当丈夫的安排好了雅座。 That side Xue San just completed the disinfection of oneself surgical tool, when comes out, hit with Blind Man by chance, two people arrived in the alcove to sit down together. 薛三那边刚完成了自己手术工具的消毒,出来时,碰巧和瞎子撞到了,二人一起来到了亭子里坐下。 The first time is the next door Sword Saint wife produces, the second time is the Princess production, this time was Siniang, the Master San Caesarean birth tool prepared time and time again, but one time not useful, naturally, could not use well. 第一次是隔壁剑圣媳妇儿生产,第二次是公主生产,这一次是四娘,三爷的剖腹产工具准备了一次又一次,但偏偏一次都没用得上,当然了,用不上最好。 Blind Man pours tea to big fellow silently, then drinks tea slowly, the corners of the mouth have the smile that a wisp meaningful under is punching simultaneously very much. 瞎子默默地给大家伙倒茶,然后慢慢地品茗,嘴角带着一缕意味深长同时又很欠揍的笑容。 Master San this little while wants to call a fist to the Blind Man face on, but looked to sit in side obviously somewhat anxious lord, bore. 三爷这会儿很想给瞎子脸上招呼一拳,但看了看坐在旁边明显有些焦虑的主上,还是忍住了。 Not far away, 不远处, Monk Empty Karma and Monk Worldly Settling this has sat cross-legged to sit to the masters and disciples, old young two monks start to rap the dried fish, the dried fish sound and scrip­tures sound same place, brought to this courtyard was peaceful and auspicious. 空缘和尚了凡和尚这对师徒已经盘膝而坐,一老一小俩和尚开始敲击着木鱼,木鱼声和经文声一起,给这座院子带来了安静与祥和。 After having the previous time matter, this in bottle gourd temple to the masters and disciples, really has the promotion in the Royal Residence position, but they, are also doing the matter that oneself can do conscientiously, is accumulating incense-burning feelings. 有了上次的事儿后,葫芦庙里的这对师徒,在王府的地位着实有了提升,而他们,也在尽心尽力地做着自己能做的事,积累着香火情 What only pitifully is, this Prince to anything baptism Blessings leaving blank this kind, does not seem interested from the start ; 只可惜的是,这位王爷对什么“洗礼”“赐福”“开光”这类的,似乎压根就不感兴趣; Otherwise, he should lead young Your Highness Princess to come to the temple or them shouted that conducts Blessings, bestows the leaving blank charm amulet. 否则,他早就应该带着小公主殿下来庙里或者把他们喊来进行赐福,赠送开光护身符。 Matter that but this does not have the means that family/home inside dirty thing are too many, is not truly suitable to ask these Bodhisattva god Buddha this class thing to come in ; 但这也是没办法的事,家里头脏东西太多,确实不适合请那些“菩萨”“神佛”这类的事物进来; It is not because feared, 不是因为怕了, But because in the family/home was too dirty, the too clean thing, is instead an eyesore. 而是因为家里太脏了,太干净的东西,反而碍眼。 lord was worried not by any means, certain meeting mother and child are safe.” 主上切莫担心,一定会母子平安的。” Blind Man is comforting while hands over the tea, actually, he has given disclosed. 瞎子一边安慰着一边将茶水递上,其实,他已经给出了一些透露。 Zheng Fan puts down the teacup, has not drunk, this tea is very precious is not false, is of oneself in this world in one of a few tea can recognize, but he does not want to get sleepy in this time. 郑凡将茶杯放下,没喝,这茶很宝贵不假,也是自己在这个世上一眼能认出的少数几款茶之一,但他可不想在此时犯困。 The wife in inside is going the childbirth, oneself whistling to rest greatly here, what matter did this call? 媳妇儿在里头将要分娩,自己在这边呼呼大睡过去了,这叫什么事儿呢? Regarding Blind Man suggested that in the male and female sex, Zheng Fan toward has not gone at heart, what he really does not care about in the Siniang belly is male is female, even if he has an unmarried girl, comes an unmarried girl again, he is also extremely delighted. 至于说瞎子暗示里的男女性别,郑凡根本就没往心里头去,他真的不在乎四娘肚子里的是男是女,哪怕他已经有了一个闺女,再来一个闺女,他也是极为欢喜。 Outside person, person, even the entire various Xia major influences are paying close attention to the position of West Calming Prince mansion Heir vacancy, Prince oneself instead do not care. 外面的人,手下的人,甚至整个诸夏各大势力都在密切关注着的平西王世子之位的“空缺”,王爷本人反而不在乎。 Sat Xiong Liqing of time of childbirth also to come, the big little girl she made the wet nurse keep in institute not to bring. 坐完了月子的熊丽箐也来了,大妞她让乳娘留在院儿里没带来。 This little while, sees the man to sit in the alcove, she has not passed, but was Liu Ruqing seated under another eaves, there also had the tea to arrange, just fried the good sunflower seed. 这会儿,见自家男人坐在亭子里,她也没过去,而是和柳如卿坐进了另一个屋檐下,那里也有茶水早就备好了,还有刚炒好的葵花籽。 Oh.” “唉。” Princess somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry sighs, 公主有些哭笑不得地叹了口气, My this elder sister, has a child continually can arrange so fine, look, this is sugar mouth that I most like.” “我这姐姐,连生孩子都能安排得这般精细,瞧,这还是我最喜欢的糖口儿的。” Liu Ruqing echoes saying: Elder Sister Feng is not an average person.” 柳如卿附和道:“风姐姐不是普通人呢。” Two females have not passed to collect anything to help, all arrange under the premise systematic, they come up besides expressing me want to help make a wish, actually cannot help slightly, but might also add to the chaos ; 二女也没过去凑什么帮忙,一切都安排得井然有序的前提下,她们上去除了表示一下我想帮忙做个意愿之外,其实帮不到丝毫,还有可能会添乱; Royal Residence rear dwelling, the custom has, but in big fellow heart, usually in these gadget of discard head close to brain really does not exist, such how many people, put in order so many over-detailed formalities, don't oneself seek to oneself comfortably? 王府后宅,规矩是有的,但都在大家伙心底,平日里的虚头巴脑的那些玩意儿是真不存在,就这么几口人,整那么多繁文缛节,岂不是自个儿给自个儿寻不自在? Is Your Highness Heir.” Xiong Liqing said. “得是个世子殿下啊。”熊丽箐说道。 Liu Ruqing looked at the face of Xiong Liqing, echoes saying: Yes.” 柳如卿看了看熊丽箐的脸,附和道:“是啊。” Not is only outside soldiers and civilians is hoping Heir, actually inside the family/home is also same, a respected family, has son of first wife elder brother , the big tree provides shade the young tree, the day can cross is calm and steady and steadfast. 不光是外头的军民盼望着世子,其实家里头也是一样,一个大家族,有个嫡子哥儿在,大树遮阴着小树,日子才能过得安稳与踏实。 Their future, deeply had actually been bound on Royal Residence, naturally can hope that Royal Residence can inherit permanently. 她们的未来,其实早就被深深地绑定在王府上了,自然会希望王府能够永久地传承下去。 Tiantian/daily held the hand of Ji Chuanye also to come, two children stood in the corner in front of looks at come and go the busy servant. 天天牵着姬传业的手也来了,俩孩子就站在角落里看着面前来来往往忙碌的仆人。 Elder Brother, can be younger brother not?” “哥,会是个弟弟不?” Does not know.” Tiantian/daily said. “不知道呢。”天天说道。 I hope that is younger brother.” Chuanye said, that younger sister does not like responding me, hopes that the younger brother meeting is willing to accompany me to play.” “我希望是个弟弟。”传业说道,“那个妹妹不怎么爱搭理我,希望来个弟弟会愿意陪我玩。” Tiantian/daily puts out a hand to touch the head of Ji Chuanye, 天天伸手摸了摸姬传业的脑袋, Hesitant, 犹豫了一下, Has not spoken the truth eventually. 终究还是没说实话。 Tiantian/daily does not care about the status of oneself holy child very much, he has been protected well by Zheng Fan, Sword Saint wants to receive him to be the apprentice initially actually, but was rejected by Tiantian/daily ; 天天并不是很在意自己灵童的身份,他一直被郑凡保护得好好的,剑圣当初倒是想收他做徒弟,但被天天拒绝了; In addition, and no one is shouting in his side all day: 除此之外,并没有什么人整天在他身边喊着: „, Worthily is a holy child!” “哇,不愧是灵童!” Hou, this is the talent of holy child!” “嚯,这就是灵童的天赋么!” Therefore, Tiantian/daily does not think that the oneself physique has what issue. 所以,天天并不认为自己的体质有什么问题。 In little friend who plays together, also has the feeling that makes him be familiar with on Jian Bi body ; 一起玩的小伙伴里,也就剑婢身上也有一些让他熟悉的感觉; After the younger sister was born, he also looked for very rich familiarity in younger sister body, in brief, was very comfortable ; 妹妹出生后,他在妹妹身上也找寻到了很浓郁的熟悉感,总之,很舒服; The most important thing is, Tiantian/daily clearly knows oneself aunt what kind has...... the aunt to give birth to the child , body that share familiar flavor, should be richer if as expected is. 最重要的是,天天清楚地知道自己的大娘到底是怎样的存在……大娘生下的孩子,不出意外的话,身上的那股子熟悉的味道,应该会更浓郁才是。 But this flavor, 而这种味道, In Ji Chuanye younger brother body, yes. 姬传业弟弟身上,是么得的。 Hesitant, 犹豫了一下, Tiantian/daily thought that do not tell good of Chuanye younger brother this matter, as elder brother, must cherish younger brother. 天天觉得还是不要把这件事告诉传业弟弟的好,身为哥哥,要爱护弟弟 Pitiful solemn Great Yan Country sovereign Crown Prince, 可怜堂堂大燕国太子, Should be in the world the position most honored two generations, and does not have one, 本该是世上身份地位最为尊贵的二代,且没有之一, In this Royal Residence, becomes despises the chain existence that most bottom. 偏偏在这座王府里,成为了鄙视链的最底端的存在。 Those who make one love dearly, 更让人心疼的是, Your Highness Crown Prince also to small younger brother that soon must be born, has an anticipation...... 太子殿下还对即将要诞生的小弟弟,有着一种期待…… At this time, 这时, Outside the institute Xiao Yibo led several to wear the color skirt to hug the female of musical instrument to come. 院外肖一波领了几个身着彩裙抱着乐器的女子进来。 These, are leading role qing herdsman in Fengxin City most scarlet curtain, when is Siniang idle directs to train personally, true earns living does not sell into servitude. 这些个,是奉新城最大红帐子里的头牌淸倌儿,是四娘闲余时亲自指点调教出来的,是真正的卖艺不卖身。 Instruction of some big Royal Consort, 有大王妃的吩咐, In Fengxin City, but no one dares to depend the status to go to rape. 奉新城内,可没人敢仗着身份去霸王硬上弓 The big oiled paper umbrella haunches, 大油纸伞撑起, The pipa guzheng suspends, 琵琶古筝摆起, Several qing herdsman start to blow drawing to play an instrument and sing ; 几个淸倌儿开始吹拉弹唱; Moving is very delightful, tune is very clear ; 调儿很悦耳,曲儿很清脆; Not far away knocks the dried fish the master and disciple, can follow unexpectedly their bats, achieved one type greatly harmoniously. 不远处敲木鱼的师徒俩,竟然还能跟着她们的拍子,达成了一种大和谐。 Perhaps, 或许, This is the real Buddha reason eminent monk, sleek/moist thin silent. 这就是真正的佛缘高僧吧,润物细无声。 Xiong Liqing got down along tea, cannot bear be angry saying: 熊丽箐顺了一口茶下去,忍不住嗔道: Oh, my elder sister must have a child or must treat.” “哎哟,我这姐姐到底是要生孩子还是要请客啊。” The childbirth regarding the woman, walks together the Gate of Death without doubt, but this juts out at present, she has a child in inside, unexpectedly is also keeping thinking about outside big fellow eats tastily fun good. 分娩对于女人而言,无疑是走一道鬼门关,但眼前这一出出的,她在里头生孩子,居然还惦记着外头大家伙的吃好喝好玩儿好。 In alcove, 亭子里, How many Prince wants to wave that to drive out, but cares about this is the Siniang arrangement, could not say that Siniang is thinking is listening to small tune while has the child? 王爷很想挥手把那几个赶出去,但又顾及这是四娘安排的,说不得四娘就想着一边听着小曲儿一边把孩子生下来呢? lord, is patient, is patient.” Blind Man can only continue to make noise the comfort. 主上,稍安勿躁,稍安勿躁。”瞎子只能继续出声安慰。 Afterward, 随后, In A'Ming takes pot liquor, appeared in the courtyard, he was also comes back from Fan City a while ago. 阿铭手里拿着一壶酒,也出现在了院子里,他也是前阵子从范城回来的。 Fan Li is last comes, on the shoulder sits Jian Bi. 樊力是最后一个来的,肩膀上坐着剑婢 The Jian Bi vision takes a look here, 剑婢目光在这里瞅了瞅, Put out a hand to pinch muscle on the side big fellow nape of the neck, 伸手捏了捏身侧大块头脖颈上的肌肉, Said ; 道; „When I later have a child, must have this ostentation.” “我以后生孩子时,也得有这种排场。” Fan Li returns said: „Is ostentation big?” 樊力回道:“排场大么?” „It is not big, but atmosphere.” “不大,但大气。” „.” Fan Li nods. “哦。”樊力点点头。 Immediately, 随即, The Fan Li vision looked at delivery room there, 樊力的目光看了看产房那里, The whisper said ; 嘀咕道; Her atmosphere, arranged so many much, explained that she was also anxious.” “她本来就很大气,安排这么多,还是说明她也是紧张了。” What did you say?” Jian Bi has not listened clearly. “你说啥?”剑婢没听清楚。 Fan Li does not speak. 樊力不说话了。 wu ~ do you want a child?” A'Ming heard here dialogue to ask. ~你要生孩子?”阿铭听到了这里的对话问道。 Spat.” Jian Bi spat one. “啐。”剑婢啐了一口。 A'Ming opens the mouth to say ; „To have a child, meeting deceased person.” 阿铭开口道;“想生孩子,会死人的。” Jian Bi hearing this, cheeks one red. 剑婢闻言,脸颊一红。 This time, was really she misunderstands. 这一次,真的是她误解了。 The meaning of A'Ming is, only if found similar previous State of Chu to give Princess that to deliver Qiao Pill, otherwise their these Demon King, do not have the opportunity to breed the descendant ; 阿铭的意思是,除非找到类似上次楚国送给公主的那枚送雀丹,否则他们这些个魔王,是没机会孕育后代的; But delivers the Qiao Pill price, presses out the dry/does parent body. 但送雀丹的代价,就是榨干母体。 But Jian Bi thinks other aspects. 剑婢则想到其他方面去了。 At this time, 这时, No thermal field suddenly, has not reported that in the delivery room starts to have the maid to carry the blood washbasin to come out to fall, outside the maid of ready hot water and gauze immediately with changing shifts. 冷不丁的没任何的热场,也没报备,产房内开始有婢女端着血水盆出来倾倒,外头预备好热水和纱布的婢女则马上跟进去换班。 this scene makes big group of people who in institute sit be somewhat unexpected. 这一幕让院儿里坐着的一大堆人都有些始料未及。 „Was this...... starts?” Liu Ruqing astonished say/way. “这是……开始了?”柳如卿惊愕道。 „Did elder sister call not to call one?” Xiong Liqing was also fooled. 姐姐连叫也不叫一声啊?”熊丽箐也是被唬到了。 In the alcove, Prince stands up, paces while to make the deep breath. 亭子里,王爷站起身,一边踱步一边做着深呼吸。 That in delivery room, is strong makes people be inconceivable, but at this time, she called not to call one, is so living in low spirits, instead outside let big fellow is anxious ; 产房里的那位,坚强得让人难以想象,但在这个时候,她连叫也不叫一声,就这般闷头生着,反而让外头的大家伙更是焦虑; If you called, wave after wave, big fellow good and evil can also follow your rhythm to help you refuel outside at heart ; 你要是叫嘛,一浪接着一浪,大家伙好歹还能在外头跟着你的节奏在心里帮你加加油; But now, 可现在, Really does not have place to cause powerfully! 真的是有力没地儿使! However, 不过, Has not waited for second group of the maids who are carrying the hot water go, 还没等第二拨端着热水的婢女进去, A steady woman lifted the curtain screen, 一个稳婆就掀开了帘子, The expression shook shaking, 表情抖了抖, Since this has been this whole life receives quickest one time probably, 这大概是她这辈子接生以来最快的一次了, She cannot even shout with enough time Mistress tries harder again, 她甚至都没能来得及喊“夫人再加把劲”, Her entire people do not have the heat, 她整个人身都没热, Finished...... 就结束了…… Steady woman mind some are not steady, but many vision delivered her body suddenly, making him sober immediately, 稳婆心神有些未稳,但一时间许多道目光投送到了她的身上,让其当即清醒过来, Shouting ; 喊道; Mistress lived!” 夫人生了!” Saying, 说着, The steady woman kneels to bend down in the alcove direction: 稳婆朝着亭子方向跪伏下来: Congratulates Prince, mother and child are safe! “恭喜王爷,母子平安! Prince ten thousand years, 王爷万年, Royal Residence ten thousand years, 王府万年, Your highness ten thousand years! ” 殿下万年!” In institute everyone is in the absent-minded condition, 院儿里所有人处于失神状态之中, This? 就这? Like this was good? 就这样好了? Was this has a child or on the going home road picked a small colza of neighbor family/home conveniently? 这到底是生孩子还是回家路上顺手摘了一把邻居家的小白菜? But quick, 但很快, Everyone clearly becomes aware ; 所有人都明悟过来; First is the maids all kneels to bend down: 先是婢女们全都跪伏下来: Congratulating Prince is happy Heir, the Prince ten thousand years, the Heir ten thousand years!” “恭喜王爷喜得世子,王爷万年,世子万年!” Immediately, 随即, Xiong Liqing and Liu Ruqing wait/etc. also knelt to bend down to congratulate. 熊丽箐柳如卿等也跪伏下来恭贺。 Demon Kings one after another also kneels to bend down: 魔王们一个个地也都跪伏下来: Congratulates lord, is lord celebrates!” “恭喜主上,为主上贺!” The Blind Man left hand places the chest, the expression is sincere ; 瞎子左手放在胸口,表情诚恳; Mother and child safe and secure, 母子平安, Ha, 哈哈哈, Ha! 哈哈哈哈哈! Blind Man is laughing at heart, you had the son, you had the son, sachima no lack of successors to conduct. 瞎子在心里大笑着,你有儿子了,你有儿子了,沙琪玛后继有人了。 Naturally, this not only means these, after Royal Residence Your Highness Heir is published, Heir anything does not even serve as, below person recommends its momentum of ascending the throne, step by step when production costs rise, prices rise too. 当然,这不仅仅意味着这些,当王府世子殿下问世后,世子甚至什么都不用做,下面人推举其登基的势头,都将一步步地水涨船高。 Now the momentum is very fierce, 现在已经势头很猛了, Later, 以后, Also likely continues to suppress? 还可能继续压得住么? A smile of Master San actually face, Siniang child, our children, hehe. 三爷倒是一脸的笑容,四娘的孩子,我们所有人的孩子,嘿嘿。 Not far away, 不远处, A'Ming also kneels to bend down, the liquor water that most loves loses at will in one side. 阿铭也跪伏下来,最爱的酒水随意地丢在一边。 I must for you, seek for in the world the tastiest good wine.” “我要为你,找寻世上最好喝的美酒。” On the Fan Li face showed the simple and honest smile ; 樊力脸上露出了憨厚的笑容; Kneels turns head to see this scene in nearby Jian Bi, cannot bear the small sound said ; 跪在旁边的剑婢扭头看到这一幕,忍不住小声道; „Does giant, you like the child so much?” “大个子,你这么喜欢孩子么?” Fan Li shakes the head, nods. 樊力摇摇头,又点点头。 Elder Brother, heard, is younger brother, is younger brother.” “哥,听到了没有,是个弟弟,是个弟弟哩。” Crown Prince very excitedly racket. 太子很兴奋地拍着手。 Was so long to Royal Residence, anything ten thousand years long live phrase of this suspect taboo, Crown Prince has been able to achieve to disregard. 王府这么久了,什么“万年”“万岁”这种犯忌讳的字眼儿,太子早就可以做到无视了。 Tiantian/daily is also very happy ; 天天也很开心; He later, must in most beautiful the thing the world, bring to give to the younger sister ; 他以后,要将世上最美的东西,拿来送给妹妹; In most precious the thing the world, brings to give younger brother. 把世上最珍贵的东西,拿来送给弟弟 Zheng Fan first walks into the delivery room impatiently, 郑凡迫不及待地抢先走入产房之中, But at this time, 而这时, Blind Man and the others also set out immediately, Blind Man gave a hand signal, immediately with. 瞎子等人也马上起身,瞎子做了一个手势,随即跟了进去。 In the delivery room, heard child's crying sound, is very resounding, this showed that child is very sturdy. 产房内,传来了孩子的哭啼声,很响亮,这证明孩子的身体很棒。 Zheng Fan received the child from the midwife hand, had this time period to hold the practice of unmarried girl, the son who now this is just born hugged is very adept. 郑凡从产婆手中接过了孩子,有了这阵子抱闺女的练习,现在这刚出世的儿子抱起来就很娴熟了。 This time, Zheng Fan has not shoved open the child first to look at Siniang actually ; 这一次,郑凡倒是没有推开孩子先去看四娘; In the subconscious, he and Xiong Liqing must respect one another as one would a guest, but with Siniang, is the complete oneself person, does not need to show. 在潜意识里,他和熊丽箐得相敬如宾一些,但和四娘,是完完全全的自己人,就没必要去作秀了。 Blind Man also came at this time, immediately opens the mouth to say ; Outside receives an award, all goes out!” 瞎子此时也进来了,马上开口道;“外头领赏,全出去!” Yes.” “是。” Yes.” “是。” The steady women and maids deferred to the instruction to go out of the delivery room immediately, in the delivery room all of a sudden empty. 稳婆和婢女们马上按照吩咐走出了产房,产房内一下子就空荡了下来。 …… 紧接着, A'Ming and Xue San also walked ; 阿铭薛三也走了进来; A Fan Li person, stood in the delivery room entrance, one man holds the pass, blocking ten-thousand. 樊力则一个人,站在了产房门口,一夫当关万夫莫开 Xiong Liqing they are Tiantian/daily they, does not permit in this time. 无论是熊丽箐她们还是天天他们,在此时都不准进来。 The Zheng Fan complete thoughts in child body, this child are fresh-faced, is very lovable. 郑凡全副心思都在孩子身上,这孩子粉粉嫩嫩的,很是可爱。 „............” “咯……咯……” Prince is teasing the child, then walks toward the obstetric table. 王爷逗着孩子,然后向产床走去。 lord, making me hug.” Siniang opens the mouth to say. 主上,让我抱抱。”四娘开口道。 Good.” “好。” Then Siniang put out a hand to meet, 然后四娘伸手接了过去, Immediately, 随即, Zheng Fan discovered that Siniang has dressed the clothes, stands in front of oneself, is hugging the child! 郑凡才发现四娘已经穿戴好了衣服,站在自己面前,抱着孩子! You ......... “你………” Siniang is hugging the child, looked up Zheng Fan, said with a smile ; 四娘抱着孩子,抬头看了一眼郑凡,笑道; lord, your servant does not need to pass first month after childbirth, this fellow fell to the ground finally, I finally was also relaxed, this time period, was me tired.” 主上,奴家不用坐月子的,这家伙终于落地了,我也终于轻松了,这阵子,可是把我累到了。” Siniang, I thought that you should respect your role slightly.” 四娘啊,我觉得你应该还是得稍微尊重一下你的角色。” your servant, your servant is not feeling the body nimble and efficient.” 奴家才不,奴家正觉得身子爽利。” A'Ming and Blind Man also gathered side the child, looks at child. 阿铭瞎子也凑到了孩子身边,看着孩子。 Master San pulls out a rope, wrapped on the eaves, hung upside down, saw the child from above downward. 三爷掏出一条绳索,套到了屋檐上,倒挂下来,从上头往下看孩子。 Demon Pill is also drifting, is circling above the child. 魔丸也飘浮着,在孩子上方盘旋着。 At this time, 这时, Zheng Fan also discovered Fan Li that stops up in the entrance, 郑凡也发现了堵在门口的樊力, Saying with a smile ; 笑道; Has a need for so a weaponry? After is not, does not make you bring.” “用得着这般阵仗么?又不是以后不让你们带。” Blind Man opening the mouth answered ; lord, we are want first to confirm, whether the child will have other unusualities, some words, we can make to deal ahead of time.” 瞎子开口解释道;“主上,我们是想要先确认一下,孩子是否会有其他异常,有的话,咱们就能提前做个应对。” Child is little, even can the holy child, still wait to grow up is not?” “孩子还小,就算是灵童,也得等长大了不是?” Zheng Fan puts out a hand, hugged the son from Siniang there, teases saying: 郑凡伸手,从四娘那里将儿子又抱了过来,逗弄道: You were the hypertension, took a look, the lovable child, can have what unusuality.” “你们就是过度紧张了,瞧瞧,多可爱的孩子,能有什么异常。” The child does not cry, 孩子已经不哭了, Is opening the eye, 睁着眼睛, looks at oneself father ; 看着自己的爹; When finishing speaking of father, 当爹的话音刚落, Swaddling clothes child body, sent out black light suddenly. 襁褓里的孩子身上,忽然发出了一道黑光。 Suddenly, 一时间, In delivery room, completely silent. 产房内,鸦雀无声。 Long time, 良久, lord, this child...... enter the grades.” 主上,这孩子……入品了。”
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