DA :: Volume #10

#905: Siniang gives birth

Was all drown to death. 全溺死了。 Nian Yao deeply inspires, 年尧深吸了一口气, On the face showed the smile, 脸上露出了微笑, Said: 道: That is they do not have the good fortune, without the means can go to the capital, sees right in front of one Great Yan Emperor Your Majesty dignity.” “那是他们没有福分,没办法得以进京,面见大燕皇帝陛下的威严。” This perhaps is, the human affairs is variable, you restrain grief.” “这或许就是,世事无常吧,你节哀。” Yes, the lackey understands.” “是,奴才明白。” Emperor walked, 皇帝走了, Eunuch Wei followed to walk together. 魏公公跟着一起走了。 The years big manager sat, carries the tableware silently , to continue to eat food, but the vegetable/dish ate was short , the liquor drank a lot. 年大总管坐了回去,默默地端起碗筷,继续进食,只不过菜吃得少了点,酒喝得多了点。 But returned to Imperial Study Emperor to receive one cup of tea from the Eunuch Wei hand, drank two. 而回到御书房皇帝魏公公手中接过了一杯茶,喝了两口。 Outside, Eunuch Huang has been waiting ; 外头,黄公公早就候着了; But Emperor urgently had not been shouting that he comes. 皇帝并未急着喊他进来。 Wei Zhonghe stands respectfully, more was serves this new Emperor to be long, Eunuch Wei more had to plant to return to the past feeling. 魏忠河恭敬地站在旁边,越是伺候这位新皇帝久了,魏公公就越是有种回到过去的感觉。 Actually, 其实, Inside inner palace some surprise, 内宫里头都有些诧异, A dynasty Son of Heaven royal courtier, this view actually to foreign subject directness like that cannot be fastidious about a transition with conciliation, but to the court official, is actually the incomparable reality. 一朝天子一朝臣,这说法其实对外臣没那般的直接,总得讲究个过渡与怀柔,但对内臣,却是无比的现实。 The foreign subjects must be fastidious about an face eventually, the court official, as the house slave, among the master and servant, actually have several. 外臣终究得讲究个脸面,内臣,作为家奴,主仆之间,其实有数。 But Eunuch Wei, even if the new monarch transition period holds for use, but did this still hold for use was too long? 魏公公,就算是新君过渡期留用一下,但这也留用了太久了吧? From diving Di out Eunuch Zhang went out to make the assignment by the external assignment on the contrary ; 从潜邸出来的张公公反倒是被外派了出去做差事; Actually, only then Wei Zhonghe oneself is at heart clear, oneself this lackey and Your Majesty, agreed with more and more. 其实,只有魏忠河自己心里清楚,自己这个奴才和陛下,是越来越契合了。 new monarch sits on dragon throne, before was Mr. Xiao, now, will often make him have an absent-minded feeling, as if the emperor master had not first passed away, sat there as before is reviewing the folding booklet. 新君坐上龙椅上,以前是肖父,现在呢,时常会让他有种恍惚的感觉,仿佛先帝爷还没驾崩,依旧坐在那里批阅着折子。 But when oneself, as serving first lackey of emperor master most lifetime, then coordinated new monarch, is more and more familiar house, each other, was used to it very much. 自己,作为伺候了先帝爷大半辈子的奴才,再配合起新君时,也是越来越熟门熟路,彼此,都很习惯了。 Since custom, necessity that also has not replaced again. 既然习惯,也就没有再替换的必要了。 Just, Eunuch Wei does not have oneself is in good graces as before being pleased with oneself actually ; 只不过,魏公公倒是没有自己“依旧得宠”的沾沾自喜; Since old times inner attendant scenery, often when the Emperor potential weak or the ear was softly good to deceive, but oneself these two lord, were the mental perception such as the person of torch, when the lackey, really can only work as the lackey, poured water also cautiously. 自古内侍的风光,往往都在皇帝势弱或者耳根子软好糊弄的时候,可偏偏自己这两任主子,都是慧眼如炬的主儿,当奴才的,真就只能当奴才,倒杯水也得小心翼翼。 Emperor put down the folding booklet in hand, 皇帝放下了手中的折子, Put out a hand to rub the oneself forehead ; 伸手揉了揉自己的眉心; Wei Zhonghe inducing resuscitation reveal will put out immediately, delivers to front of Emperor. 魏忠河马上将“醒神露”拿出,送到皇帝面前。 Emperor looks at is from the Jin's East inducing resuscitation reveal, useless, but smiled. 皇帝看着产自晋东的醒神露,没用,而是笑了。 Your Majesty, what do you smile?” 陛下,您笑什么呢?” Emperor is lonely, but Emperor is also a person, Emperor also needs to speak, but side inner attendant, when scored points is clear Emperor to speak, you must come up to hand over a thread of conversation. 皇帝是孤独的,但皇帝也是人,皇帝也是需要说话的,而身边内侍,就得分得清楚什么时候皇帝想说话了,你就得上去递个话头。 We smile, that surnamed Zheng unexpectedly transmitted the Nian Yao wife and children specially, this fellow, has not changed, is such small-minded. “朕是笑,那姓郑的居然特意把年尧的妻儿转交了过来,这家伙,从没变过,一直是这样小肚鸡肠。 Jokes aside, Our empress and Honored Consort, without him are so difficult to serve. 说真的,朕的皇后和贵妃,都没他这般难伺候。 At least, 至少, They do not dare to fling the complexion to Us, 她们不敢给朕甩脸色, But this surnamed Zheng, dares. 但这姓郑的,敢。 Moreover is not one twice three times, is catching the opportunity, he is uncomfortable, is disinclined to listen to Our explanation, greeted directly toward Our face in a cleaning rag. ” 而且不是一次两次三次,逮着机会,他心里头不舒服了,也懒得听朕的解释,直接就一把抹布往朕脸上招呼过来。” Eunuch Wei said with a smile following the Emperor tone: 魏公公顺着皇帝的语气笑道: This explained that West Calming Prince really took Your Majesty you to work as the most intimate person.” “这说明平西王爷是真拿陛下您当最亲近的人了。” Also kisses/intimate compared with the wife?” “比媳妇儿还亲?” Eh......” Eunuch Wei. “额……”魏公公 Although Jin land has had this atmosphere, 虽说晋地一直有这种风气, But in the Great Yan imperial palace, Eunuch Wei does not dare really to tease in that direction. 但在大燕的皇宫里,魏公公可不敢真往那个方向去打趣儿。 In Great Yan, 大燕, You teased Emperor and West Calming Prince, this two Great Yan greatest existence was right of Longyang, that was really the elderly person eats the white arsenic. 你调侃皇帝平西王爷,这两位大燕最伟岸的存在是龙阳之对,那真的是老寿星吃砒霜。 Some words, Emperor oneself can say, un, that West Calming Prince can say, but the bystander said half a word, is dead characters. 有些话,皇帝自己能说得,嗯,那位平西王爷能说得,但外人多说半句,也是一个死字。 Emperor shakes the head, 皇帝摇摇头, Said: 道: State of Qian that side literatus likes genteelly, spoke that rulers and ministers to relate, monarch were Monarch, the feudal official are the servants, the servants wait on Monarch ; 乾国那边文人喜欢文绉绉的,讲那君臣关系,君是君,臣是臣妾,臣妾侍君; Hehe, this sounded disgusting, but poured is also selects the rulers and ministers to relate the essence. 呵呵,这听起来肉麻了一些,但倒也算是点出了君臣关系之间的本质。 But Our here, 但在朕这里, Especially We and his Zheng Fan, 尤其是朕和他郑凡, We always think that who is that in room? ” 朕总是觉得到底谁才是屋里的那个?” This......” “这……” He goes to war outside, We raise the grain and fodder to him at home, he went to war, came back, lies down toward his Royal Residence , the matter of showing off, he was prompted by a sudden impulse worked unceasingly, cocky cocky, these need to consume big pile of matters that the energy the nonsense had a stroke of bad luck, all flung to Us attended to? “他在外打仗,朕在家里给他筹措粮草,他打完仗了,回来了,就往他那王府里一躺,出风头的事儿,他心血来潮了就干干,嘚瑟嘚瑟,那些需要耗费精力的狗屁倒灶的一大堆事儿,就全都甩给朕来料理? Straight mother thief, 直娘贼, That surnamed Zheng at heart, feared before treated as the straightening up family's young married women Us early. ” 那姓郑的心里,怕是从老早以前就把朕当作拾掇家里的婆姨了。” Eunuch Wei is unemotional, the modal particle does not dare to add. 魏公公面无表情,连语气助词都不敢加了。 Eunuch Wei.” 魏公公。” Lackey.” “奴才在。” We had once asked you, if Phoenix Nest inner guard takes the person to walk in capital city, can receive what rank, you replied that Our is, the third grade following has this possibility, above third grade, breaks chanceless. “朕曾问过你,若是凤巢内卫京城接人走,能接到什么级别,你回答朕的是,三品以下有这个可能,三品以上,是断无机会的。 Nian Yao is also living, lives in my big Sovereign of Yan palace, this matter, is in itself not the secret. 年尧还活着,活在我大燕皇宫之中,这件事儿,本身就不是什么秘密。 Therefore, you said that Nian Yao family in Yingdu, is what nurses? ” 所以,你说年尧的家眷在郢都,是个什么看护?” Your Majesty understands clearly, lackey when learning of this news, is startled.” 陛下圣明,奴才在得知这一消息时,也是吃了一惊。” This also raises my Great Yan Secret Intelligence Department not outside, being far from Silver Armor Guard and Phoenix Nest inner guard foundation is deep, un, reason that naturally, makes this aspect, We understand, long ago, my Secret Intelligence Department was dispirited because of the imperial authority, in addition the place powerful family stood in great numbers, when Secret Intelligence Department to Imperial Father that dynasty, let loose the fists and feet thoroughly, to doing business to be the same, earlier wants to open a shop this outdoor shop shop, must have a methodical process. “这还莫提我大燕密谍司在外头,远没有银甲卫凤巢内卫根基深厚,嗯,当然,造成这种局面的原因,朕明白,早些年,我密谍司因皇权不振,再加上地方门阀林立,密谍司是到父皇那一朝时,才算是彻底放开了拳脚,就跟做买卖一样,前期想把这摊子铺开铺好,得有一个循序渐进的过程。 But...... ” 但……” The Wei Zhonghe forehead started to sweat, to kneel to bend down immediately. 魏忠河额头开始冒虚汗,马上跪伏了下来。 Lackey drives a horse is not lax, the lackey is guilty!” “奴才驭下不严,奴才有罪!” „......” Emperor sighed, Wei Zhonghe, my saying has not said that you first got up.” “啧……”皇帝叹了口气,“魏忠河,朕这话还没说完呢,你先起来。” Yes.” “是。” Eunuch Wei stood. 魏公公又站了起来。 Without the means that the guitar and lute extremely, some processes, are not want to abbreviate intentionally, but under is well aware, forgot this process naturally. 没办法,琴瑟太过相和了,有些过程,不是故意想去省略,而是心知肚明之下,自然而然地就忘记了这个过程。 Therefore, We can understand Secret Intelligence Department currently speaking, cannot compare Silver Armor Guard and Phoenix Nest inner guard, We am not the conduct anxious person. “所以啊,朕是能理解密谍司目前来看,比不上银甲卫凤巢内卫的,朕不是个行事急切的主儿。 But what We cannot permit, 但朕不能允许的是, oneself stupidly was sold, but also happily in a there money. 自己傻乎乎地被人卖了,还高兴地在那里点银子。 What cannot permit, 更不能允许的是, Also writes the folding booklet to come to Us to take undeserved credit to here pleased with oneself! ” 还自鸣得意地写折子到这里来向朕邀功!” passes.” “噗通。” Eunuch Wei knelt again, 魏公公再度跪了下来, Said again: 再度道: Lackey drives a horse is not lax, the lackey is guilty!” “奴才驭下不严,奴才有罪!” Wei Zhonghe, did not blame that on folding booklet surnamed Zheng saying that Secret Intelligence Department was not good, did not blame him to remove Jin's East Secret Intelligence Department naturally, this group of waste made this matter, did you let Us the reason and excuse that had something to say?” 魏忠河,不怪那姓郑的上折子说密谍司不行,也不怪他大大方方地将密谍司排除出了晋东,这帮废物做出这种事,你让朕有什么可以说道的理由和借口?” Your Majesty...... Your Majesty......” 陛下……陛下……” „ The Nian Yao people here, this orphan widowed mother, keep the side also to have what significance, might as well make the favor done at little or no cost, delivers, his State of Chu does not owe in any case ; 年尧人都在我这里,这孤儿寡母的,留在身边还有什么意义,不如做个顺水人情,送过来,反正他楚国也不亏; Un, owing to not the situation that is possible to owe again, truly can call not to owe. ” 嗯,亏到不可能再亏的地步,也确实可以叫不亏了。” At this point, 说到这里, Emperor lowers the head slightly, 皇帝微微低下了头, looks at kneels there Wei Zhonghe, 看着跪在那里的魏忠河, Asked low voice: 小声问道: Eunuch Wei.” 魏公公。” Lackey.” “奴才在。” Rescues the Nian Yao wife and children's order, is under you?” “营救年尧妻儿的命令,是不是你下的?” Lackey does not dare, Your Majesty, the lackey is unjust, the lackey does not dare!” “奴才不敢,陛下,奴才冤枉啊,奴才不敢啊!” Emperor looks at Wei Zhonghe, did not speak. 皇帝看着魏忠河,不说话。 Wei Zhonghe shouted after was unjust, starts saying: 魏忠河喊完了冤枉后,就开始道: But the lackey, the lackey truly discovered, was the following person estimated the intention, voluntarily however decided that after the lackey discovered, has not prevented.” “但奴才,奴才确实是发现了,是下面人揣摩了圣意,自行而决,奴才发现了后,并未阻止。” Estimates the intention?” “揣摩圣意?” Emperor is chewing these four characters, 皇帝嘴嚼着这四个字, Immediately, 随即, Vision one cold, 目光一凛, Scolded ; 骂道; They also match!” “他们也配!” We am and that Nian Yao play, how, on a brain string thinks that We wanted to hold again this past State of Chu Great General, competed with West Calming Prince? “朕不过是和那年尧玩玩,怎么了,就脑子一根弦地认为朕想要把这位昔日的楚国大将军再扶起来,和平西王爷打擂台? The past years was earnest State of Chu Great General Nian Yao, was defeated to take to castrate by Zheng Fan ; 当年是正儿八经的楚国大将军年尧,都被郑凡击败拿下去了势; Nowadays, 现如今, Without testicles Nian Yao instead can stand? 没了栾子年尧反而就能重新立起来了? Did he awaken greatly? 他大彻大悟了? Was he enlightened? 他醍醐灌顶了? Did his emergence fly upwards? 他羽化飞升了? Must really this, that become famous on too simply, oneself gave the oneself following blade to be good, or, in the imperial palace in each country, star floating about like clouds? 要真这样,那成名将就真的太简单不过了,自己自己下面一刀就行了,亦或者,每个国家的皇宫里,岂不是名将如云了? They feel Us to stupid, 他们到底觉得朕得有多蠢, Must hold a bystander, a defeated, eunuch, 要扶一个外人,一个手下败将,一个阉人, Chu people, 一个楚人, Comes to compete with my Great Yan West Calming Prince! 来和我大燕平西王爷打擂台! This his mother is favoring his Nian Yao, 这他娘的到底是在抬举他年尧, Insulted him to be surnamed Zheng! ” 还是侮辱了他姓郑的!” The Emperor anger is very abundant, 皇帝的怒火很盛, Eunuch Wei kneels to bend down ; 魏公公跪伏着; Outside palace maid court eunuches, has knelt to bend down. 外头的宫女太监们,也早就跪伏下来了。 State of Chu that making you send the Nian Yao wife and children, comes to see a joke, result joke, but also really made him regard as. 楚国那位,让你们将年尧妻儿送来,就是来看个笑话的,结果这笑话,还真让他看成了。 The one who most makes Us be mad, 最让朕气的是, That clear(ly) surnamed Zheng knows that We am impossible so stupid, 那姓郑的明知道朕不可能这般蠢, Actually transmitted as before haughtily ; 却依旧大模大样地将人转交了过来; If he wants to kill, can begin in Jin's East early ; 他要想杀,早可以在晋东动手了; No, 不, He does not kill, 他不杀, First, to be disinclined to kill, 一是懒得杀, Second, he is lazy, 二是他懒, He loses to Us, 他就是丢给朕, Let Our dirty this! ” 让朕脏这手!” Bang!” “砰!” A Emperor palm of the hand clapped on imperial desk. 皇帝一巴掌拍在了御案上。 Wei Zhonghe, the Secret Intelligence Department assignment, you put, gives Lu Bing, We give him three years, We must look to catch on, tell him, We want him to set up the military order shape to look to Us!” 魏忠河,密谍司的差事,你放放吧,交给陆冰,朕给他三年时间,朕要看见成效,告诉他,朕要他立军令状给朕看!” Your Majesty......” Wei Zhonghe raised the head, some with amazement looks at Emperor, he is a house slave, should not enrage lord, but in the Lu Bing hand the strength, gave him Secret Intelligence Department again, does the eye ear of that Emperor, how could it not be all manage in a Lu Bing person of hand? 陛下……”魏忠河抬起头,有些骇然地看着皇帝,他是家奴,本不该触怒主子,但陆冰手中本就有一支力量,再将密谍司交给他,那皇帝的眼睛耳朵,岂不全都操持于陆冰一人之手? Emperor drooped a lower lid, 皇帝耷拉了一下眼皮, Snort, 哼了一声, Said ; 道; We am to inform the world person by this act, We have abandoned something as beyond redemption, the say/way of balance, the nonsense, We had not planned from the start plays this type to think the intelligent acrobatics.” “朕就是要以此举告知天下人,朕早就破罐子破摔了,制衡之道,狗屁,朕压根就没打算玩儿这种自以为聪明的把戏。” Your Majesty understands clearly, the lackey obeys the aim, the lackey informs Lu Bing to make the connection immediately.” 陛下圣明,奴才遵旨,奴才马上就去通知陆冰做交接。” „That outdoor shop matter of cabinet, but also blocking?” “内阁的那摊子事儿,还阻着么?” Emperor asked. 皇帝问道。 „The answer that Your Majesty, the pavilion of cabinet always gives is, perhaps causes flurriedly.” 陛下,内阁的诸位阁老给出的答复是,恐引起慌乱。” The reform of foundation has worked, economical politically, but the idea of Emperor may continue these. 基础的改革已经进行下去了,无论是经济上的还是政治上的,但皇帝的想法可不止这些。 When in Imperial Prince these years, he thinks most, how is based on biological father, further enrich the country and strengthen its military power. 在当皇子的那些年头里,他想的最多的,就是如何在亲爹的基础上,进一步地富国强兵。 Yan land or Jin land, bounty of cannot compare State of Qian, so long as the royal government can unite more strengths on hand, presses State of Qian this bounteous colossus not to gasp for breath sufficiently. 无论是燕地还是晋地,都比不过乾国的富饶,但只要朝廷可以凝聚出更多的手头力量,就足以压着乾国这尊地大物博的庞然大物喘不过气来。 But when reform to deep place, definitely will touch few people's interest, and this part, generally is the high-ranking, has extremely strong influence. 但改革到深处时,必然会触动一部分人的利益,且这部分,普遍身居高位,有着极强的影响力。 Did not say other, 不说别的, These years after cavalry tramples upon the powerful families, the shadow that on court in the place, the powerful family influence restores, has existed. 马踏门阀后的这些年来,无论是朝堂上还是地方上,门阀势力复辟的影子,就已经存在了。 Because the conduct of biological father is intense, swept the main influence on national place directly, making some chaotic grass seize the chance and grow. 而且因为亲爹的行事激烈,直接将国家地方上的主要势力扫荡了一空,使得一些乱草趁机又长了出来。 Moreover, 不仅如此, In the past to comfort Jin land implementation the plan of bossing around, was the time should tidy up, without the truth Yan land powerful family the destruction, Jin land there masters has also been able to continue lay down in maintaining social stability on book to continue too long -drawn-out the day ; 以往为了安抚晋地而实施的笼络之策,也是时候该收拾收拾了,没道理燕地的门阀已经覆灭了,晋地那里的老爷们还能继续躺在“维稳”的册子上继续过悠哉日子; Restless should come under attack, you are not restless have the sugar to eat, this is incorrect, before gave you sugar to comfort you, cannot stop doing to spank your. 闹腾本就该挨打,你不闹腾就有糖吃,这是不对的,以前之所以给你糖安抚着你,是抽不出手来打你屁股。 After Barbarian Clan Royal Court destruction, the Great Yan influence starts thorough Beifeng Prefecture, in the wilderness edge, starts to conduct the plan of changing border areas from the tribal chieftainship system to the standard Chinese bureaucratic system. 蛮族王庭覆灭后,大燕的势力开始深入北封郡,在荒漠边缘上,开始进行改土归流之策。 First, to rely on supports the influence that the Great Yan influence as well as North Guarding Marquis Residence still have, conducts to the wilderness clan and tribe divided and recognized, at least, must bathe under the Great Yan benevolence brilliance close to these Barbarian Clan tribes of Great Yan region ; 一是倚撑大燕的影响力以及镇北侯府还存在的势力,对荒漠部族进行重新划分与认定,至少,靠近大燕区域的这些蛮族部落都应当沐浴进大燕的仁德光辉之下; Meanwhile, the Barbarian Clan clan and tribe starts to absorb to migrate the inland. 同时,蛮族部族开始吸纳迁移进内地。 But this time, did not send to Jin's East, after all was far away is not...... 但这一次,就不是送去晋东了,毕竟路途遥远不是…… The oneself big brother good and evil is the Barbarian Clan son-in-law, delivers Southern Gaze City there, fills there strength. 自己的大哥好歹是蛮族女婿,就送南望城那里去,充填那里的实力。 But the Beifeng Prefecture old orderly reform must carry out, the intriguing place influence, this time must result in the plow to be clear, the Great Yan west side, the original strategic fort, will then be focusing on constructing area north of the Great Wall Jiangnan. 北封郡旧有秩序的改革也必须推行下去,原本错综复杂的地方势力,这一次必须得犁清,大燕的西边,原本的战略要塞,将在接下来着力建设成一处塞外江南 These, are the plans in big plan, but each plan, likely causes the turbulence, the extremely radical reform will often trigger extremely intense backlash ; 这些,都是大方略上的规划,但每一处规划,都可能引起动荡,太过激进的改革往往会引发极为强烈的反噬; But regarding Emperor, what he wants is five years later, Great Yan can have the strength to carry out at least the destruction war to country's ; 但对于皇帝而言,他想要的是五年之后,大燕能够有力量开展至少对一国的覆灭之战; Therefore, 所以, Protects the slough to hope with it its oneself changes for the better, first picks out a cleanness would rather simply, five years later instead can looks be better. 与其呵护着腐肉盼望着它自己好转一些,倒不如干干脆脆地先一口气剔个干净,五年后反而能长得更好。 „These pavilions of cabinet old, frequently governs the great nation, if boils slightly fresh, for fear that after We extremely go all out , the country is endogenous, hehe.” “内阁的那些阁老们,动辄治大国如烹小鲜,生怕朕太过锐意进取后国内生乱,呵呵。” Emperor places on the both arms behind dragon throne carelessly, 皇帝大大咧咧地将双臂放在身后的龙椅上, Said: 道: Before, was only dim, if by any chance after sitting to this dragon throne on, can feel truly, the essence of power, what was, Wei Zhonghe, did you understand?” “以前,只是朦朦胧胧,但等坐到这龙椅上后,才能真正地感觉到,权力的本质,是什么,魏忠河,你懂么?” Where lackey...... the lackey understands these.” “奴才……奴才哪里懂得这些。” No, you understand, you understand.” “不,你懂,你懂的。” Your Majesty...... the lackey does not understand, really does not understand, Your Majesty!” 陛下……奴才不懂啊,真的不懂啊,陛下!” Under your hand that group of adopted sons do the grandsons, dares not to listen to your words?” “你手底下的那帮干儿子干孙子们,敢不听你的话么?” Your Majesty, the lackey damn, lackey this goes back to reprove them, unexpectedly dares to hit the given name of lackey......” 陛下,奴才该死,奴才这就回去训斥他们,居然敢打着奴才的名号……” Good, you receive the adopted son to do the grandson, is your customs, We being disinclined manage these, Our meaning is, you said, they do dare not to listen to your ancestor's words?” “好了好了,你们收干儿子干孙子的,是你们的习俗,朕才懒得管这些,朕的意思是,你说,他们敢不听你这老祖宗的话么?” Returns to the Your Majesty words, they...... do not dare.” “回陛下的话,他们……不敢。” Yes, they do not dare, because who does not listen to your words, your Wei Zhonghe can order to the stick to execute the thing that does not enlarge ones vision.” “是啊,他们不敢,因为谁不听你的话,你魏忠河就能下令把那个不开眼的东西给杖毙。” Heard stick to execute two word-time, the shoulder of Eunuch Wei cannot help but shook shaking. 听到“杖毙”俩字时,魏公公的肩膀不由自主地抖了抖。 In this world has the person who does not fear death, We know, but without whom is hits is hoping thoughts birth that dies. “这世上是有不怕死的人,朕知道,但没谁是打着盼着去死的心思出生的。 When this Emperor is also the same, 这当皇帝也一样, Also is the same. 也是一样啊。 State of Qian these His Majesty, actually this, is good, Imperial Father had also said that he is State of Qian these generations, rare His Majesty that can amount to something. 乾国的那些个官家,其实就这一位,已经算是不错的了,父皇也说过他算是乾国这几代来,少有的能上得了台面的官家 The State of Qian issue, our these bystanders can look understand, without truth that His Majesty oneself instead is a muddled egg, but he can only take your time, just like the glutton, one boils small fresh as rubs there slowly, every time moves one step, must consider carefully, said that the sentence is not of pleasant to hear, works, must look at all color, begs help from all quarters, tsk tsk. 乾国的问题,我们这些外人都能看得明白,没道理那位官家自己反而是个糊涂蛋,但他只能慢慢来,跟个老饕一样,一口一个烹小鲜似的在那里慢慢地磨,每动一步,都得细细思量,说句不好听的,做啥事儿,都得看各方颜色,求爷爷告奶奶,啧啧 May in our here, 可在咱这儿, Our Imperial Father, does not use ; 朕的父皇,不用; Because Imperial Father has South and North’s Two Princes ; 因为父皇南北二王; We, 朕, Also does not use, 也不用, Because We have West Calming Prince. 因为朕有平西王 Conveys a message to the cabinet, 给内阁传话, Our these strategies, push with a sense of urgency. 朕的那些策略,抓紧推下去。 When the time comes, 到时候, In the place goes wrong, We make West Calming Prince go to the place to put down a rebellion ; 地方上出了乱子,朕就让平西王去地方上去平乱; If this in the capital goes wrong, 这京中要是出了乱子, We from opening the capital city front door, 朕就自开京城大门, Asked West Calming Prince to go to the capital to help Us remove evil ministers from beside the throne! ” 平西王进京帮朕清君侧!” Hahahaha!” “哈哈哈哈!” Emperor smiles very happily. 皇帝笑得很开心。 After smiles, 笑过后, Emperor beckons with the hand, 皇帝摆摆手, Said: 道: Makes him come.” “让他进来。” Eunuch Huang came. 黄公公进来了。 Your Majesty, the lackey is ordered to lead Fu Royal Residence one to thank for kindness.” 陛下,奴才奉命领福王府一家来谢恩。” Ok, the graciousness did not need to thank, since surnamed Zheng had greeted, sealed the grand ceremony also to act charitably, made the family tidy up, was escorted by you, sent to Fengxin.” “行了,恩就不用谢了,既然姓郑的已经打过招呼了,加封大典也行好了,就让这一家子收拾收拾,还是由你护送,送去奉新。” Lackey obeys the aim.” “奴才遵旨。” Eunuch Huang got down. 黄公公下去了。 Emperor shakes the head, 皇帝摇了摇头, Said ; 道; Wei Zhonghe, have you looked?” 魏忠河,你去看过没有?” „, Doesn't the lackey know Your Majesty what intent?” “啊,奴才不知陛下何意?” Is that Fu Prince Grand Consort.” “就是那位福王太妃。” „ When returns to the Your Majesty words, Fu Royal Residence is escorted goes to the capital, the lackey once presented the Your Majesty decree to go to outside city gate to make receiving and instructing, actually seeing. “回陛下的话,福王府一家被护送进京时,奴才曾奉陛下的旨意去城门外做过接引,倒是见着了。 If Your Majesty wants to see, summoned then. 陛下若是想见,召见即可。 If Your Majesty does not feel conveniently, may make under Lady Empress the imperial decree summon. ” 若是陛下觉得不方便,也可让皇后娘娘下懿旨来召见。” „, We do not facilitate to summon, is scheduled good woman surnamed Zheng. “罢了,朕是不方便召见的,到底是姓郑的预定好的女人。 However, We want to ask you actually, that Fu Prince Grand Consort, appearance how? ” 不过,朕倒是想问问你,那位福王太妃,样貌如何?” Your Majesty, your may press the lackey, where the lackey understands the female attractively.” 陛下,您这可就难为奴才了,奴才哪里懂得女子好看不好看的呢。” Emperor looked at Wei Zhonghe meaningfully ; 皇帝意味深长地看了一眼魏忠河; Wei Zhonghe lowers the head, immediately said: 魏忠河低下了头,马上道: Peony, peony.” “国色天香,国色天香。” Hehe.” “呵呵呵。” Emperor is holding appreciatively jade thumb ring in oneself hand, 皇帝把玩着自己手中的玉扳指, Day surnamed Zheng, crossing may really be natural, “姓郑的这日子,过得可真是潇洒, Domestic animal. ” 畜生。” ...... …… Achoo!” “阿嚏!” In the Fengxin City Royal Residence backyard, just practiced Prince of blade to sneeze three continually. 奉新城王府后院内,刚练好刀的王爷连打了三个喷嚏。 Mother, who is actually thinking me.” “妈的,到底是谁在想我。” lord, this may not say certainly, the miss in our Fengxin City, but is thinking lord.” 主上,这可说不准呢,咱奉新城里的姑娘,可都在想着主上呢。” Will not pat do not pat hardly, your flattery pats makes one sound strange, Blind Man just did not come back, you go to study well study.” “不会拍就不要硬拍,你这马屁拍得让人听起来怪怪的,瞎子不是刚回来么,你好好去学学吧。” ......... Xue San. “………”薛三 At this time, née Ke hurriedly running your letter report ; Prince, big Mistress makes inform Prince, big Mistress thought that the oneself also double-hour must live.” 这时,客氏急匆匆地跑来禀报道;“王爷,大夫人让奴来告知王爷,大夫人觉得自己还有一个时辰就要生了。” „, This solitary one this goes.” “哦,孤这就去。” née Ke also said ; Big Mistress added, asking Prince to take a bath goes again, when she produced shyly was smoked by the perspiration taste.” 客氏又道;“大夫人还说,请王爷洗了澡再去,她怕生产时被汗味儿熏到。” Eh......” Zheng Fan must nod, good.” “额……”郑凡只得点点头,“好。” The wife was too competent, even/including Yuchan can achieve so precisely, even the placing of arrangement and pot of delivery room, made the request. 媳妇儿太能干了,连预产都能做到这般精确,甚至连产房的布置和花盆的摆放,都做了要求。 Saw lord to take a bath. 主上去洗澡了。 Xue San put out a hand to pat knee that leaned Fan Li, 薛三伸手拍了拍身侧樊力的膝盖, Asking ; 问道; A'Li, you guess that this embryo is male is female?” 阿力,你猜这一胎是男是女?” Male.” “男。” Is the wool?” “为毛?” „The first embryo, Blind Man has not come back ; This embryo, he hurried back.” “第一胎,瞎子没回来;这一胎,他赶回来了。” Xue San has not responded for a while, 薛三一时没反应过来, Is opening mouth, after considering a while, can clearly become aware ; 张着嘴,思虑了一会儿后才得以明悟; Does Blind Man most like doing? 瞎子最喜欢干啥? Rebellion! 造反! Looked how Blind Man trains Tiantian/daily knew, but Tiantian/daily somewhat is not justifiable. 瞎子是怎么培养天天的就知道了,但天天到底有些名不正言不顺。 Therefore, 所以, In lord does not have under the meaning premise of clear rebellion, the hope of Blind Man can only pin on next generation body. 主上没清晰造反的意思前提下,瞎子的希望只能寄托在下一代身上 But only has the adult male, the adult male is the favored object. 而唯有男丁,男丁才是众望所归的对象。 Therefore Blind Man in the first embryo, possibly growth time, he has not come back, keeps Southern Gate Pass , to continue to treat with courtesy. 所以瞎子在第一胎,可能生长子的时候,他没回来,留在南门关,继续在应酬。 Finally this embryo, actually the round trip catches up travel-worn, returns at this morning starry night forcefully. 结果这一胎,却风尘仆仆地往回赶,硬生生地在今早星夜归来。 This is not because of Blind Man to Siniang to this child, the sentiment has what difference, Demon Kings pays attention to this child very much, regards as important Siniang the child very much, this great ; 这绝不是因为瞎子四娘对这个孩子,感情有什么不同,魔王们都很关注这个孩子,也很看重四娘的这个孩子,这没得说; But does not mean that you must work to a frazzle hurry back to witness its birth, later looked that was also the same. 但并不意味着你非得累死累活地赶回来见证其出生,以后看也是一样的。 In addition the Blind Man matter forces a draw with the life to be fastidious about the plot, is not only weaker than own lord, does he want to hurry back for the wool mouthful dust land? 再加上瞎子的事儿逼和生活讲究情节,比自家主上只强不弱,他为毛满嘴尘土地一定要赶回来? His assured this embryo is male! 他笃定这这一胎是男的啊! Others are unable to be assured, 别人无法笃定, But he can! 但他能啊! Xue San scolded the sentence: 薛三骂了句: Mother, owes we also to consider the male girl this/should to give what name a while ago together respectively ; “妈的,亏咱们前阵子还一起思量着男女孩该分别取什么名字; I also made several people help me think several hand/subordinate. 我还让手下几个人帮我想了几个。 The result forgot, 结果忘了, Actually in the family/home has had the ultrasound machine. ” 其实家里一直有个B超机。”
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