DF :: Volume #9

#825: The chapter acknowledged guilt

Acknowledges guilt to have a novel online to listen to from the future detective Chapter 825 来自未来的神探第825章认罪有声小说在线收听 Huixin neighborhood. 汇鑫小区 stretch/open Haiqiao family/home. 张海桥家。 After obtaining the prompt of Han Bin, Li Hui starts to search the screw bolt that the spanner and vanishes in stretch/open Haiqiao the family/home. 得到了韩彬的提示后,李辉就开始在张海桥家搜查扳手和消失的螺丝钉。 Li Hui led the team member to search for inside and outside for one hour, let alone the screw bolt, the spanner has not seen. 李辉带着队员里里外外搜了一个小时,别说螺丝钉了,扳手也没有见到。 To come in Li Hui, stretch/open Haiqiao was very possible is processes, this thing was like the lethal weapon of murder, was the key evidence, to determining guilt will have certain help. 李辉想来,张海桥很可能是处理掉了,这玩意就跟杀人的凶器一样,是关键证据,对定罪会有一定的帮助。 In the family/home has not obtained by search, the screw may be very lost or hid some place. 家里没有搜到,螺丝很可能被丢了或者藏到了某个地方。 Li Hui goes to the property to adjust the monitoring, examined stretch/open Haiqiao from noon yesterday to the monitoring of occurrence time section. 李辉去物业调监控,查看张海桥从昨天中午到案发时间段的监控。 After the investigation discovery, stretch/open Haiqiao about 9 : 00 pm last night rode the elevator to go out, in the hand is also taking two black plastic bags, seemed like puts the trash to use. 经过排查发现,张海桥昨晚九点左右乘坐电梯出门,手上还提着两个黑色的塑料袋,看起来像是装垃圾用的。 After one minute, stretch/open Haiqiao rode the elevator to return to the home again, at this time his in the hand does not have the bag. 一分钟后,张海桥再次乘坐电梯返回了家里,这时候他手上已经没有了袋子。 Li Hui recalled, No. 7 building unit entrance is putting two blue red three trash cans, stretch/open Haiqiao should be goes downstairs to throw the trash, this matter he left one time of family/home only, the spanner and screw bolt likely places in the garbage bag to be discarded together. 李辉回忆了一下,七号楼单元门口放着两蓝一红三个垃圾桶,张海桥应该是下楼扔垃圾了,这事他唯一离开家的一次,扳手和螺丝钉很可能就放在垃圾袋里被一起丢弃了。 Li Hui found manager Ma Guoxiang of property company, inquired situation of neighborhood trash cleaning up, knew that every day cleans up the trash among time 10 : 00 am to 11 : 00 am, in other words, if stretch/open Haiqiao last night threw into the trashcan the spanner and screw bolt, had possibly carried off by the garbage truck. 李辉找到了物业公司的经理马国祥,询问了小区垃圾清理的情况,得知每天清理垃圾的时间上午 10 点到11点之间,也就是说,如果张海桥昨晚将扳手和螺丝钉扔进了垃圾箱,很可能已经被垃圾车拉走了。 Afterward, with the help of Ma Guoxiang, Li Hui contacted with but actually the staff of trash, confirmed his speculation, the neighborhood trash had been transported the garbage station. 随后,在马国祥的帮助下,李辉联系了倒垃圾的工作人员,证实了他的猜测,小区的垃圾已经被运到了垃圾站。 Although is somewhat depressed, but the trash does not wait for the person, Li Hui or the hurrying belt/bring person went to the garbage station. 虽然有些郁闷,但垃圾不等人,李辉还是赶忙带人去了垃圾站。 The garbage station is located in the suburb, got out to smell irritating the nose stink, flushed toward the forehead following the nose, Li Hui somewhat admired in the personnel of garbage station work, changed into itself perhaps to insist that did not understand for several days. 垃圾站位于郊区,一下车就闻到了一股刺鼻的臭味,顺着鼻子直往脑门冲,李辉不禁有些佩服在垃圾站工作的人员,换成自己恐怕坚持不了解几天。 Li Hui saw here that is responsible for Huixin neighborhood Tipping site driver, the driver is surnamed Chen, calls Chen Mingjie. 李辉在这里见到了那个负责汇鑫小区垃圾场司机,司机姓陈,叫陈明杰。 Li Mingjie wears the blue work clothes, walked quickly, you are Officer Li.” 李明杰穿着蓝色的工装,快步走了过来,“您是李警官吧。” Is I.” Li Hui also heard the opposite party voice, they had related in the telephone a moment ago. “是我。”李辉也听出了对方声音,刚才他们在电话里联系过。 Li Mingjie continues saying that I have not processed from the trash of Huixin neighborhood cleaning up this morning, the stack in the east side of garbage station, I leads you to pass.” 李明杰继续说道,“我今天上午从汇鑫小区清理的垃圾还没有处理,就堆放在垃圾站的东面,我带您过去。” Good.” Li Hui complied with one, wore the mask, the garbage station entrance enough made one choke the nose, if entered in the garbage station the flavor to be absolutely bigger. “好。”李辉应了一声,戴上了口罩,垃圾站门口就够让人呛鼻子了,要是进了垃圾站里面味道绝对更大。 Li Mingjie got Li Hui and the others to enter the garbage station, inside area was very big, dense and numerous garbage heap to become mountain, the flavor is not naturally no need to say. 李明杰领着李辉等人进了垃圾站,里面的面积很大,密密麻麻的垃圾堆成山,味道自然就不必说了。 Li Mingjie stopped the footsteps, is pointing at front pile of trash, Officer Li, is this piece is I from Huixin neighborhood drawing trash.” 李明杰停下了脚步,指着前面的一堆垃圾,“李警官,就是这一片都是我从汇鑫小区拉过来的垃圾。” Looks at such as the hill common garbage heap, Li Hui and the others the complexions somewhat are ugly. 看着如小山一般的垃圾堆,李辉等人的脸色都有些难看。 Li Mingjie asked that Officer Li, what thing you must look, with didn't need me to help?” 李明杰问道,“李警官,您要找什么东西,用不用我帮忙?” Li Hui shakes the head, does not use, we come.” 李辉摇了摇头,“不用了,还是我们自己来吧。” Li Hui turns head to look at several subordinates, old irons, put on your gloves, starts to work!” 李辉扭头望着几个手下,“老铁们,戴上你们的手套,开始干活吧!” Du Qi, Sun Xiaopeng and wheat army and the others the complexions somewhat are ugly, but, according to the instruction of Li Hui wears the mask and glove to start to turn cleans up the trash. 杜奇孙晓鹏、麦军等人的脸色都有些难看,不过,还是按照李辉的吩咐戴好口罩、手套开始翻捡垃圾。 Turning the trash is not the good work, to improve the enthusiasm of team members, Li Hui can only take the lead in being the model, squatted turns by the garbage heap looked for other, his first goal was the black garbage bag. 翻垃圾不是什么好活,为了提高队员们的积极性,李辉只能带头做表率,蹲在垃圾堆旁翻找了其他,他的第一目标就是黑色的垃圾袋。 The garbage bag that the residents use typically has two types, one type is printing the transparent garbage bags of such and such supermarket, garbage bag that one type buys specially, mostly generally is the black garbage bag. 居民们使用的垃圾袋通常有两种,一种是印着某某超市的透明垃圾袋,还有一种专门买的垃圾袋,大多普遍都是黑色的垃圾袋。 By Li Hui and the others the work loads is big. 是以,李辉等人的工作量并不小。 Li Hui opened a black garbage bag to start to turn looks, at sixes and sevens anything had the leftover dish, food left over, the rotten fruit, toilet paper wait/etc, only then you cannot think that did not have not to turn. 李辉打开了一个黑色的垃圾袋开始翻找,乱七八糟的什么都有剩菜、剩饭、烂水果、卫生纸等等,只有你想不到的,没有翻不到的。 The painful time is always long, 痛苦的时间总是漫长的, Li Hui opened the black garbage bag, turned, looks looked for...... the trash flavor gradually was also pale, naturally was was not really pale, but he adapted gradually. 李辉打开了一个又一个的黑色垃圾袋,翻一翻,找呀找……垃圾的味道也渐渐的淡了,当然并不是真的淡了,只是他渐渐的适应了。 In this stinking to high heaven environment, Li Hui displays the spirit that dares to put together to dare to hit, each handling garbage bag by the care that he inspects. 在这种臭气熏天的环境下,李辉发挥了敢拼敢打的精神,每一个经手的垃圾袋都被他检查的仔仔细细。 Finally the heaven does not lose the person with high aspirations, after looking over dozens garbage bags again, Li Hui discovered the target finally, after ripping open the black garbage bag, some inside rotten vegetables/dishes and food left over, in the bag are also putting another bag, inside has not opened, looks to look like a spanner from the contour, meanwhile can touch to three screw bolts. 终于皇天不负有心人,再翻检了了几十个垃圾袋之后,李辉终于发现了目标,撕开了黑色垃圾袋后,里面有一些烂菜和剩饭,袋子里还放着另外一个袋子,里面没有打开,从外形看就像是一个扳手,同时还能摸到三颗螺丝钉。 Li Hui reveals wipes the happy expression, he knows that oneself found the thing that must look. 李辉露出一抹喜色,他知道自己找到了要找的东西。 Li Hui discovered probably treasure general cautious takes that garbage bag, bringing of inside thing is left intact, Li Hui also found express packing from the bag, above explicit writes the addressee name, stretch/open Haiqiao. 李辉像是发现了宝贝一般小心翼翼的拿出来那个垃圾袋,里面的东西原封不动的拿了过来,李辉还从袋子里找到了一个快递包装,上面明确的写着收件人姓名,张海桥。 After attaining the evidence, Li Hui makes people return to Yuhua Branch Station the exhibit, asking personel of technical team to help appraise, he went to Baohua Police Station. 拿到了证据后,李辉让人将证物送回玉华分局,请技术队的人帮忙鉴定,他则是去了宝华派出所。 ...... …… In the afternoon 6 o'clock, Baohua Police Station. 下午六点钟,宝华派出所。 Sergeant office. 警长办公室。 Han Bin sits at the desk eats to go, at noon he does not have quite delicious, the dinner in does not front the pad, in the evening did not have the energy to handle a case. 韩彬坐在办公桌旁吃外卖,中午他就没好好吃,晚饭在不垫吧垫吧,晚上也没精力办案了。 Han Bin wanted one to chop the pepper egg and shredded pork with garlic sauce, two rice, these two dishes got food down very much, rice insufficiently ate radically. 韩彬要了一份剁椒鸡蛋、一份鱼香肉丝、还有两份米饭,这两道菜都很下饭,一份米饭根本不够吃。 Tonight has not known that must be busy to several points, eats right. 今天晚上还不知要忙到几点,多吃点准没错。 Han Bin has not wanted the soup, what drunk is the tea. 韩彬没有要汤,喝的是茶水。 Eating meal time, Han Bin also snatched a little leisure from the busy schedules with Wang Ting chatted a meeting. 吃饭的时候,韩彬还忙里偷闲跟王婷聊了一会。 6 : 30, Han Bin just finished eating the food, table sweep trace, the gate of Sergeant office on sound. 六点半,韩彬刚吃完饭,将桌子收拾干净,警长办公室的门就响了。 Comes.” “进来。” Creak......” gate shoved open, Li Hui walked from outside. “咯吱……”门推开了,李辉从外面走了进来。 My day, this anything taste, you fell in the sewer.” Han Bin is knitting the brows, Li Hui just passing through the gate, he smelled stink. “我日了,这什么味呀,你掉臭水沟里了。”韩彬皱着眉,李辉刚一进门,他就闻到了一股臭味。 Li Hui reveals wipes, helpless color, you, if goes to the garbage station to turn the half an hour trash, the body is perhaps smellier than me, I am easy, to investigate, the bath has not even attended to washing comes.” 李辉露出一抹无奈之色,“你要是去垃圾站翻半个小时的垃圾,身上没准比我还臭,我容易嘛,为了查案,连澡都没顾上洗就来了。” „, When my anything had not said.” Han Bin shrugs the arm, what clue checked?” “得,当我啥都没说。”韩彬耸了耸肩膀,“查到什么线索了吗?” Li Hui said the situation simply. 李辉将情况简单的说了一下。 Han Bin lifts the hand, prepares the routine racket the shoulder of Li Hui, but, the hand has not fallen to shrink, your boy line, this time must solve a case, you absolutely are the first in merit.” 韩彬一抬手,准备习惯性的拍拍李辉的肩膀,不过,手还没落下就缩了回来,“你小子行呀,这次要是破了案,你绝对是首功。” Li Hui reveals wipes the forced smile, this first in merit he rather does not want, good, a first in merit that turns the trash to turn, if this made one hear, but also can not laugh aloud. 李辉露出一抹苦笑,这个首功他宁愿不要,好嘛,一个翻垃圾翻出来的首功,这要是让人听说了,还不得笑掉大牙。 Thought of this volume, Li Hui took a look at Han Bin one, the secretly thought, if we had known should trade with Bin, I kept the interrogation, making him turn the trash. 想到这额,李辉瞅了韩彬一眼,暗道,早知道就应该跟彬子换换,我留下来审讯,让他去翻垃圾。 Thinks that turned the experience of trash, Li Hui hits to tremble, that acid crisp...... 想到翻垃圾的经历,李辉打了个哆嗦,那个酸爽…… In the evening 7 o'clock. 晚上七点20。 Baohua Police Station, first Interrogation Room. 宝华派出所,第一审讯室 stretch/open Haiqiao was brought Interrogation Room again. 张海桥再次被带到了审讯室 Regarding this Interrogation Room, he is very familiar, had a yawn, an appearance that mixes not to care about. 对于这件审讯室,他已经很熟悉了,打了个哈欠,一幅混不在意的模样。 As if said again, you examine, my anything will not say in any case. 仿佛再说,你审吧,反正我啥也不会说了。 A glottis sound, the Interrogation Room gate opened. 一声门响,审讯室的门开了。 Han Bin and Li Hui entered Interrogation Room, the plate with Li Hui also has a smelly egg flavor. 韩彬李辉走进了审讯室,盘随着李辉的还有一股臭鸡蛋的味道。 stretch/open Haiqiao knits the brows, secretly thought, what is this, where comes that big stink, is dislikes me not to incur, wants to smoke me with the stink. 张海桥皱了皱眉,暗道,这是啥意思,哪来那么大的臭味,难道是嫌我不肯招,想要用臭味熏我。 Police comrade, was the restroom of your police station bad? This taste was also too big.” “警察同志,你们派出所的厕所是不是坏了?这味也太大了。” The face of Li Hui droops immediately. 李辉的脸立刻就耷拉了下来。 Bang!” Li Hui claps the palm of the hand, the air/Qi does not hit one, secretly thought, because your father can turn the garbage heap, will make that stinks to high heaven. “砰!”李辉一拍巴掌,气不打一处来,暗道,要不是因为你老子能翻垃圾堆,会弄得身上臭气熏天。 Where you come so many issues, knows that asked you to do? You currently with its have thoughts manages these others 's business, might as well considers own issue.” “你哪来那么多问题,知不知道叫你来干什么?你现在与其有心思管那些闲事,还不如考虑一下自己的问题。” stretch/open Haiqiao sighed one, on the face shows the suffering look, police comrade, I said many spread, I am innocent, was you misunderstands me.” 张海桥叹了一声,脸上露出委屈的神色,“警察同志,我都说了多少遍了,我是无辜的,是你们误会我了。” Coughed......” Han Bin to cough lightly, interrupted two people meaningless dialogue, stretch/open Haiqiao, which were you used for the spanner of loose screw to put?” “咳……”韩彬轻咳了一声,打断了两人毫无意义的对话,“张海桥,你用来松螺丝的扳手放哪了?” Police comrade, I corrects your some, I do not have the loose screw, but with spanner reinforcement screw, my behavior stemming from protection and deep love to wife, my wife are not related with my 10 cents.” “警察同志,我纠正您一些,我没有松螺丝,而是用扳手加固螺丝,我的行为都是出于对老婆的保护和热爱,我老婆的跟我一毛钱没有关系。” I asked you, where was the spanner at?” “那我问你,扳手在哪?” „Didn't I tell you before? Our family/home is my wife steward, I do not know that which she put.” “我之前不是跟您说了吗?我们家是我老婆管家,我也不知道她放哪了。” „Does your family have several spanners?” “你们家有几个扳手?” One.” “就一个。” Determination.” “确定。” This was natural, the spanner of our family/home, can I also remember incorrectly?” “这是当然了,我们家的扳手,我还能记错了?” The Han Bin body leans forward , to continue to ask, beyond air conditioning on rack had three screws to be unloaded, which did you put?” 韩彬身体前倾,继续问道,“空调外机架子上有三个螺丝被卸了下来,你放哪了?” Police comrade, you do not tease me to play, I told you several, I do not go to the screw bolt, but is reinforcing the screw bolt, making outside beyond the air conditioning the machine not fall.” “警察同志,您就别逗我玩了,我都跟您说了好几遍,我不是去到螺丝钉,而是在加固螺丝钉,让外空调外机不会掉落。” I had said before, beyond the air conditioning rack has six drill holes, should have six screw bolts. But after we have searched the scene, only discovered three screw bolts, other three screw bolts which went?” “我之前说过,空调外机架子有六个钻孔,也应该有六个螺丝钉。而我们搜查过现场之后只发现了三个螺丝钉,另外的三个螺丝钉的去哪了?” stretch/open Haiqiao sighs, police comrade, you do not feel embarrassed me, I do not know that which the screw bolt went. You think that iron stand from falls high, had the components to fall the distant place probably, along with reason.” 张海桥叹了一口气,“警察同志,您就别为难我了,我也不知道螺丝钉去哪了。您想想铁架子从那么高掉落,保不齐有零件掉到了远处,随缘吧。” Your actually very Buddha department, but the police are not a monk, something must investigate thoroughly, some evidence must find.” Han Bin walked slowly and aimlessly the step to walk two, I asked again your, where your family spanner and were the screw bolt at?” “你倒是挺佛系,可警察不是和尚,有些事情必须查清,有些证据必须找到。”韩彬踱着步子走了两圈,“我再问你一遍,你们家扳手和螺丝钉在哪?” I really record am unclear, that noon ate meal drank the young wine, the brain was somewhat ignorant, matter anything of that day recorded is unclear.” “我真记不清了,那天中午吃饭了喝了小酒,脑子有些懵,那天的事啥都记不清了。” Han Bin shows also a picture from the table, put stretch/open Haiqiao the front, „does this picture look ripe?” 韩彬从桌子上拿出也一张照片,放到了张海桥的面前,“这个照片看着熟吗?” Saw the black plastic bag on picture, stretch/open Haiqiao trembled, lowers the head. 看到照片上的黑色塑料袋,张海桥哆嗦了一下,低下了头。 Speech.” “说话呀。” stretch/open Haiqiao silent moment, this garbage bag somewhat looks familiar, possibly with my family with.” 张海桥沉默了片刻,“这个垃圾袋有些眼熟,可能是跟我家同款的。” Han Bin smiles, this garbage bag not with your family with, but is your spanner. We still discovered by the spanner three screw bolts, what you also do have to say?” 韩彬笑了笑,“这个垃圾袋不是跟你家同款,而是原本就是你的扳手。我们还在扳手旁边发现了三颗螺丝钉,你还有什么好说的?” „Did your how that find?” “你们是咋那找到的?” The Li Hui sound is somewhat bad, garbage station.’ 李辉的声音有些不善,‘垃圾站。’ „The trash of garbage station are many are, you had what evidence saying that was I throws,” “垃圾站的垃圾多得是,你有什么证据说是我扔的、” „The spanner and screw bolt that we will discover delivered to the technical team, they discovered the fingerprint above, is exactly the same after the comparison and your fingerprint.” “我们将发现的扳手和螺丝钉送到了技术队,他们在上面发现了指纹,经过比对和你的指纹一模一样。” stretch/open Haiqiao the complexion changes very ugly. 张海桥脸色变的十分难看。 Han Bin continued, that three screw bolts with the spanner put together, you said before oneself beyond reinforcement air conditioning machine rack, why will that pick the screw bolt?” 韩彬继续说,“那三颗螺丝钉就和扳手放在一起,你之前说自己在加固空调外机的架子,那为何会将螺丝钉摘下来?” I...... I......” stretch/open Haiqiao my I the half of the day had not said. “我……我……”张海桥我我了半天也没说出来。 The Han Bin sincere say/way, stretch/open Haiqiao, we currently have enough evidence to determine guilt to you, you took off the consequence of screw bolt to be clear, to kill Liu Xiaolin. Even your not driving move, I still had confidence that determines guilt to you, moreover evidence chain very full. Crime that your oneself commit serious, you should be very clear, already on enough death penalty.” 韩彬正色道,“张海桥,我们现在有了足够的证据给你定罪,你摘下螺丝钉的后果已经十分明确了,就是为了杀死刘晓琳。就算你不主动招,我也有把握给你定罪,而且证据链十分的充分。你自己犯的罪有多严重,你应该很清楚,已经够上死刑了。” stretch/open Haiqiao lowers the head, did not speak as before. 张海桥低着头,依旧不说话。 Han Bin continues to urge, stretch/open Haiqiao, this was the last time opportunity, if you did not coordinate the investigation of police, facing your only had the death penalty.” 韩彬继续劝,“张海桥,这是最后一次机会了,如果你不配合警方的调查,面对你的唯有死刑。” stretch/open Haiqiao raised the head, deeply inspires, police comrade, if I incurred, can guarantee that I won't sentence the death penalty?” 张海桥抬起头,深吸了一口气,“警察同志,如果我都招了,能保证我不会判死刑吗?” „There is no way to guarantee, but, if the attitude towards admission of guilt is good, I can help you strive to treat leniently.” “这个没法保证,不过,如果认罪态度好,我可以帮你争取宽大处理。” Day, was investigated thoroughly stretch/open Haiqiao to reveal by you wipes the color of taunt, gave itself a palm of the hand, I called you to think oneself infallible, I asked you to work as the fool others your oneself am a fool, big fool.” “连一天的时间都不到,就被你们查清了”张海桥露出一抹嘲讽之色,给了自己一巴掌,“我叫你自以为是,我叫你把别人当傻子你自己才是傻子,大傻子。” stretch/open Haiqiao the tone somewhat sobbed. 张海桥语气有些哽咽。 Han Bin makes use to ask, stretch/open Haiqiao, I asked again your, was Liu Xiaolin murdered by you?” 韩彬趁势问道,“张海桥,我再问你一遍,刘晓琳是不是被你谋杀的?” stretch/open Haiqiao is biting the lip, sees evidence that Han Bin produces, he knows oneself had lost, right, is I kills.” 张海桥咬着嘴唇,看到韩彬拿出的证据,他就知道自己已经输了,“对,是我杀的。” Said your your crime-committing process.” “说你一下你的作案过程。” stretch/open Haiqiao wanted cigarette to Han Bin, pulled out one saying that before said that majority real, jumping from an upper story to commit suicide this theme indeed is Liu Xiaolin proposed that later I had this murder to plan.” 张海桥向韩彬要了一根烟,抽了一口说道,“之前说的,大部分都是真的,跳楼自杀这个题材的确是刘晓琳提出的,之后我就有了这个杀人计划。” Noon yesterday, I take family's spanner, twisted three screw bolts, other screws were also loose the loosen, at this time the rack does not have initial firm, let alone was an adult, the children not necessarily could stand up.” “昨天中午,我就拿着家里的扳手,拧掉了三颗螺丝钉,其他的螺丝也都松了松,这个时候架子已经没有了最初的坚固,别说是成年人了,小孩都未必经得住。” I think, so long as threw the spanner and screw bolt, no one will check is I does, who knows that is hundred dense one sparse, unexpectedly had not discovered that upper air monitors.” “我本以为只要将扳手和螺丝钉扔了,谁也不会查到是我做的,谁知道还是百密一疏,居然没有发现那个高空监控。” Han Bin asked that Dong Wenhuan whether knew your plan?” 韩彬问道,“董文焕是否知道你的计划?” Does not know, let alone was he, this matter my father, I will not say even.” “不知道,别说是他了,这事就算是我爹,我也不会说。” Han Bin crossed out Dong Wenhuan name in the book, why do you want to kill Liu Xiaolin?” 韩彬在本子上划掉了董文焕的名字,“你为什么要杀刘晓琳?” stretch/open Haiqiao touches the nose, the look on face is somewhat complex, actually, does us from media line, if inadequate, possibly eats meal continually has the issue. If became, may get huge windfall wealth.” 张海桥摸了摸鼻子,脸上的神色有些复杂,“其实,干我们自媒体这一行的,如果不成的话,可能连吃饭都有问题。如果成了,可能会一夜暴富。” I and Liu Xiaolin possibly belong to the latter, without money does not feel better, rich not necessarily is the good deed, inflation that the person can change, fluttered, the divorce is not only my idea, actually Liu Xiaolin also has the idea of divorce.” “我和刘晓琳可能就属于后者,没钱不好过,有钱也不一定是好事,人会变的膨胀,飘了,离婚不光是我一个人的想法,其实刘晓琳也有离婚的想法。” Since you two have the idea of divorce, the peace divorce can't, why probably kill people daringly?” “既然你们两个都有离婚的想法,和平离婚不就得了,何必非要铤而走险的杀人?” From the future detective https:// 来自未来的神探https://
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