DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#338: Said the body organ, the evil spirit spider

Chapter 33 said the body organ, the evil spirit spider( seeks subscription) forest Zhongxiao Road to be difficult to walk, the dead twigs and withered leaves that on the unsurfaced road covered had been stepped on by the Du Kang peaceful golden sole, made the branches and leaves shatter simple sound unceasingly. 第33章道体器官,恶灵蜘蛛(求订阅)林中小路并不好走,土路上覆盖的枯枝败叶被杜康澹金色的脚掌踩过,不断发出枝叶破碎的干脆声响。 Delicate Sun has fallen under the mountain completely, all around is the pitch-dark blackness. 娇弱的太阳已经完全落到了山下,四周全是伸手不见五指的漆黑。 Is good to Du Kang, this degree of darkness was unable to camouflage his line of sight, he can still see clearly the present scenery. 好在对杜康而言,这种程度的黑暗还无法遮蔽他的视线,他仍能看清眼前的景物。 The attribute of spirit world was partial in the spirit, always by wave clouds that treacherous and fantasy is famous magnificently, but this spirit world is not the common painful hell, extremely Fun88, the bloody battle battlefield, the vast wilderness and paradise...... the style, but has a unique strange atmosphere. 灵界的属性本就偏向于精神,向来以波云诡谲、奇幻瑰丽而着称,但这个灵界并非常见的痛苦地狱、极乐天堂、血战战场、辽阔旷野、世外桃源……画风,而是有种独特的诡异氛围。 The Du Kang vision has swept the place, in the threatening distortion woods, is standing in great numbers or dies or the live not well-known jet black tree seed. 杜康目光扫过之处,张牙舞爪的扭曲树林中,林立着或死或活的不知名漆黑树种。 In the jet black land as if has an animal and vegetation rotten strange flavor, the dead tree that the bark crack withers, toughs it out rustlings to make noise in the cold cold wind, but living the trees as if have the strange vitality, takes root by the root system and trunk and branches in the land and air respectively, is seeking spirit world not many nutrition. 漆黑的土地中似乎有种动物和草木腐烂的奇怪味道,树皮龟裂干死的枯树,硬挺在冷冽的寒风中瑟瑟作响,而活着的树木似乎有种诡异的生命力,以根系和枝干分别扎根在土地和空气中,吸收着灵界不多的营养。 After the night falls, there are the light mist that the gale cannot blow off to raise in the forest, added a dark color for this woods. 夜幕降临后,有大风都吹不散的薄薄雾气在林中升起,又为这片树林增添了一丝幽暗的色彩。 All sceneries as if added on a gloomy picture quality filtering mirror, bleak and withered, deathly stillness, ruined, gloomy and ugly, all in vision let person instinct relates to the deaths, deterioration and these negative glossaries on the wane. 一切景物仿佛加上了一层阴森画质的滤镜,荒凉、干枯、死寂、破败、阴暗、丑陋,视觉中的一切都让人本能联想到死亡、衰败、凋零这些负面的词汇。 Perhaps is the reason that the alley some people have not walked for a long time, often has the branch that by the path extends to block the road ahead, Du Kang needs to lift to withstand/top the branch the azure bamboo umbrella to front, can lead the way smoothly. 也许是小路许久未有人走的缘故,不时有道路两旁延伸出的树枝挡住前路,杜康需要将青竹伞举到前面顶开树枝,才能顺利地前行。 81 fundamental rune/symbol Lu is restless in within the body twinkle, in the air some Du Kang are unable to distinguish, can only in the unknown spiritual energy that the spirit sea of qi deep place has, was enticed in his Yin god by rune/symbol Lu. 八十一枚根本符箓在体内闪烁不息,空气中一些杜康无法分辨,只能够在灵气海深处存在的未知灵气,被符箓勾引到了他的阴神里。 After absorption spiritual energy, takes fundamental rune/symbol Luwei as the root, has new secondary rune/symbol Lu to derive gradually, the shape like the tadpole, shines like the fluttering fireflies, by little becomes many, connected quickly densely and numerously in one, formed rune/symbol Lu a human body skeleton of fluorescent twinkle. 吸收灵气之后,以根本符箓为根,渐渐有新的次级符箓从中衍生,形如蝌蚪,亮如流萤,由少变多,很快密密麻麻地连接在了一起,形成一副荧光闪烁的符箓人体骨骼。 Takes this set of rune/symbol Luwei as the bone, the Yin god is the meat, many secondary symbol lu start to spread in the Yin god. 以这套符箓为骨,阴神为肉,更多的次级符箓开始在阴神中蔓延。 Tiny symbol lu chains like the blood vessel, drill from the skeleton, occupies the crevice in chest fast, pesters eight complex rune/symbol Luti mutually, enters to the next step evolution. 一根根细小的符箓锁链如同血管,从骨骼中钻出,飞快地占据胸膛内的空隙,相互纠缠成八个复杂的符箓体,进入到下一步的演化中。 This is the future say/way body organ, so long as they can breed completely maturely, the brand-new say/way body of Du Kang can take shape thoroughly. 这是一个个未来的道体器官,只要它们能够全部孕育成熟,杜康的全新道体就能彻底成型。 The stride walks in the dry forest, was realizing the mutation in within the body, in the heart of Du Kang is not tranquil. 大步走在枯林里,体会着体内的异变,杜康的心中并不平静。 Practicing of Yin God Law is really different from other magic arts, so long as collected 81 fundamental rune/symbol Lu, and is in the spirit sea of qi deep place, said that condensation of body will be the matter of successing when conditions are ripe. 阴神法的修行果然与其它法术不同,只要凑齐了八十一枚根本符箓,并处于灵气海深处,道体的凝聚将会是水到渠成之事。 I have the premonition, this time does not need the panel to complete the promotion, all allow nature to take its course, according to Yin God Law most ancient method breakthrough, so long as can swallow a spirit world monster, said that the body condenses the possibility of simply not having been defeated. ” 我有预感,这次不需要面板就可以完成晋升,一切顺其自然,按照阴神法最古老的方法突破,只要能吞食一只灵界怪物,道体凝聚根本没有失败的可能。” The front withered branch by disjunction that one after another azure bamboo umbrella withstand/top, along rustlinging to fall from the umbrella, falls to palm thick dead twigs and withered leaves. 前方的干枯树枝被青竹伞顶的相继折断,从伞沿瑟瑟滑落下来,掉落到一掌厚的枯枝败叶里。 Time, I also require time. “时间,我还需要一点时间。 The spirit world monster has the strange life of incomplete high rank strength, my Yin god after the transformation, before swallowing the spirit world monster, will have the incomplete say/way body. 灵界怪物是拥有不完整高阶力量的诡异生命,我的阴神在蜕变之后,吞食灵界怪物之前,也会拥有不完整的道体。 I can obtain when the time comes, with its evenly matched strength. 我到时候才能获得,与其势均力敌的力量。 I to this world, in addition knows nothing, this is vast, the vast in territory large-scale spirit world, only then a small-scale spirit world of scrap scene, which lifeform also has...... these is not all clear besides the spirit world monster. 我对这个世界尚且一无所知,这到底是面积广阔、幅员辽阔的大型灵界,还是只有一小块场景的小型灵界,除灵界怪物外还有哪些生物……这些全部都不清楚。 But what a little can believe firmly, I attract with the spirit world monsters mutually, since I arrive outside village that in saw a moment ago, that spirit world monster big probability in that village. 但有一点可以确信的是,我与灵界怪物之间是相互吸引的,我既然降临在了刚才所见的村落外,那只灵界怪物大概率就在那个村落里。 The my trip only goal is to massacre it. 我此行唯一的目标就是杀掉它。 However before then, I must first explore to the village along the path, first transformation into body wins the time, secondly determines the size of this side world, confirms my guess...... ” 不过在此之前,我还要先沿着道路向村外探索一番,一来为道体的蜕变争取时间,二来确定一下此方世界的大小,验证我的一些猜测……” Chirp- 啪叽- A rupturing sound that the sole transmits, interrupted the Du Kang train of thought. 脚底传来的一声爆裂声响,打断了杜康的思绪。 He presses down the heart many ideas, lifts own sole slightly, sees only in the thick stack branches and leaves, has beach colorful flat internal organs and half shatter spider. 他按下心头的诸多想法,微微抬起自己的脚掌,只见厚厚的堆积枝叶中,有着一滩花花绿绿的扁平内脏和半个破碎的蜘蛛。 The Yin god brings does not dye the dust the small technique, the peaceful golden sole board bright and clean does not dye, without the contamination body fluid of contamination least bit spider, but Du Kang still slightly knitting the brows secretly thought/passage. 阴神自带不染尘埃的小术,澹金色的脚底板光洁不染,没有沾染半点蜘蛛的污秽体液,但杜康仍然微微皱眉暗道。 „Can this type of mist disturb my sensation? Six know law accomplishment me unexpectedly not to detect the spider of under foot ahead of time, really he meow interest.” “这种雾气能干扰我的感知吗?六识法大成的我竟然没有提前发觉脚下的蜘蛛,真他喵的有意思。” Du Kang has deeply believed a proverb: In the room discovers a cockroach, means that has more cockroach to exist in the place that you cannot see. 杜康一直深信一句老话:当房间里发现一只蟑螂的时候,意味着在你看不见的地方有更多蟑螂存在。 The cockroach so, the spider is also so. 蟑螂如此,蜘蛛也是如此。 Really, when he has this idea, immediately has the xi xi su su sound in the woods to resound, before hid in the spiders of hidden place, in abundance crawled from the slit and tree cave of fallen leaf, or the abdomen pulled the silk thread to let fall from the tree trunk. 果然,在他心里冒出这种想法的时候,立刻有窸窸窣窣的声响在树林里响起,之前隐藏在暗处的蜘蛛们,纷纷从落叶的缝隙和树洞中爬了出来,或者腹部拉扯出丝线从树干上垂落下来。 The clear spider silk thread does not know that many ten thousand, swaggered in the wind, enabling the fluorescence that the silk thread emitted to occupy the Du Kang most field of vision. 晶莹的蜘蛛丝线不知有多少万条,在风中摇摇摆摆,使得丝线放射出的荧光占据了杜康大半的视野。 The fist size, colorful, carries the minister to have the spider of ugly face, Du Kang surrounding in the path center, the dense and numerous glimmer green eye is staring at him maliciously, probably is looking at tasty feast. 拳头大小,花花绿绿、背部长有鬼脸的蜘蛛,将杜康包围在道路中央,密密麻麻的荧绿色眼睛不怀好意地盯着他,好像在看一道鲜美的大餐。 At this moment, in the Du Kang chest burst out the unquenchable golden light, put on continually in hundred changed the demon ape clothes unable to cover up. 就在这时,杜康胸膛中迸发出了难以抑制的金光,连穿在身上的百变魔猿衣都无法遮掩。 He does not need to look knows, in eight groups of body organs that the chest wriggles, copper furnace shape organs of three foot two ears first bred the formation. 他不需要看就知道,胸膛蠕动的八团道体器官中,一个三足两耳的铜炉形器官最先孕育成型了。 The world copper furnace turned from a technique law truly World copper furnace. 天地铜炉从一门术法变成了真正的【天地铜炉】。 Du Kang swept a front spider, coldly smiles. 杜康扫了一眼面前的蜘蛛,冷冷一笑。 Name: Evil spirit spider 【姓名】:恶灵蜘蛛 Rank: Small monster ( 4 / 6 ) 等级:小妖 Characteristics: 特性: Nightmare spinning( tertiary) 噩梦吐丝(三重) Venom paralysis( tertiary) 麻痹毒液(三重) Transforms the condition: Eats food various Yin gods. Du Kang pats the chest, the exquisite world copper furnace rotates immediately rapidly, the massive spiritual energy convergence alignments, gather a azure red two color hot group in his hands. 蜕变条件:进食各类阴神。杜康一拍胸口,小巧的天地铜炉立刻飞速转动起来,大量的灵气在他手中自动汇聚,聚集成一个青红二色的火团。 Heard that the spider is afraid the flame, does not know the evil spirit spider that spirit world is similarly so.” “听说蜘蛛都害怕火焰,不知道灵界的恶灵蜘蛛是不是同样如此。” Then, the world fire in Du Kang hand explodes directly, changes to the fireworks of twinkle star to fly to raid to the surroundings to go. 说罢,杜康手中的天地火就直接爆裂开来,化作星星点点的焰火向周围飞袭而去。 Facing this, such as tide general evil spirit spider eight leg simultaneous/uniform Deng jumped unexpectedly, leads the way in the jump, threw to Du Kang. 面对这一幕,如潮水一般的恶灵蜘蛛竟然八腿齐蹬跳了起来,在跳跃中前行,向杜康扑了过来。 Was burnt down the ash to the recent spider by the world directly completely, but not much flame seem so tiny in the tide of spider, as to suppress car(riage) an unproductive action of firewood with one cup of water, will soon be submerged by the numerical advantage of opposite party. 离得最近的蜘蛛直接被天地火烧成了灰尽,但不多的火焰在蜘蛛的浪潮中显得如此渺小,仿佛想用一杯水扑灭一车的柴薪的徒劳之举,即将被对方的数量优势所淹没。 But stood in same place Du Kang was still unhurriedly, continued takes a step to walk to the front. 但站在原地的杜康仍不慌不忙,继续向前方迈步走去。 Hu-hu- 呼哧- Sees only in the flame of conflagration, as the body of evil spirit spider changes into the ash completely, swallowed a world fire of life, divided into two directly made two groups, threw to the next goal. 只见在爆燃的火焰中,随着恶灵蜘蛛的身体化为灰尽,吞噬了一个生命的天地火,直接一分为二化做了两团,向下一个目标扑去。 The life of spider turned into the fuel of flame, the flame started to show geometrical time of growth, two were divided into four, four were divided into eight...... quickly to turn into hot waves, has swept away all spider sea. 蜘蛛的生命变成了火焰的燃料,火焰开始呈几何倍增长,二分为四,四分为八……很快变成了一片火浪,横扫过所有的蜘蛛海洋。 The innumerable spiders were lit, burn down the ash completely, the trim forest also turned into the fire sea. 无数的蜘蛛被点燃,焚烧成灰尽,整片森林也变成了火的海洋。 What is strange, takes root in the trees of land, is in the ground the thick branches and leaves, without was lit, resulted in the distortion not to appear by a thermal roasting. 但奇怪的是,无论是扎根大地的树木,还是地面上厚厚的枝叶,都没有被点燃,就连被一丝热量烘烤得变形都没有出现。 By the precision control the world fire of firepower, after burning all evil spirit spiders rewound to return, restores an original big or small fireball in the Du Kang hand, he threw the fireball in hand to say with a sigh. 被精确控制了火力的天地火,在烧死了所有的恶灵蜘蛛后就倒卷而回,在杜康手中恢复成一个原先大小的火球,他抛了抛手中的火球叹息道。
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