DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#337: Fire seed 4 cultivates, unexpected breakthrough

- 刺啦,刺啦- In the narrow black armor fire dragon body, the Du Kang steel sends to dance in the air like an only dark small snake, deep blue electric light dissipates above crack, making in the air fill the charged ion of moving restlessly. 狭窄的黑铠火龙机体内,杜康的钢发如同一只只黝黑小蛇飞舞起来,湛蓝色的电光在上面逸散炸响,使空气中充满了躁动的带电离子。 After the last time glances over «Punishment Day Has come back to life Overviews the Total graph» partial content, Du Kang looks to the fraternity members of strength of front resistance. 在最后一次浏览过《刑天复生总览全图》的部分内容后,杜康看向了面前反抗之力的兄弟会成员们。 Static leisurely combustion of jet black fire seed in light brain, has the naked eye hardly the obvious small data stream, in reorganizes unceasingly shatter. 漆黑的火种在光脑中静逸燃烧,有肉眼几乎不可见的微小数据流,在其中不断破碎重组。 On such as the soul in human, the fire seed is punishment day descendant power of thought the institute of basing on, is all mysteries of its life is. 就如灵魂之于人类,火种是刑天后裔思维能力的凭依之所,也是其生命的一切奥秘所在。 Du Kang joyful after double cultivates the plan goes bankrupt accidentally/surprisingly, because white Piao gear tribe several high rank fittings, deeply feeling with the families hand are short, digs him in others corner embarrassed again, will then look at the fraternity four people. 杜康快乐的双修计划意外破产之后,因为白嫖了齿轮部落几件高阶配件,深感拿人家手短,不好意思再挖别人墙角的他,便将目光放到了兄弟会四人身上。 Without the pretty younger sister, that can only make the brothers double cultivate/repair. 既然没有漂亮妹子,那就只能让兄弟们“双修”了。 In the punishment day descendant's fire seed, contained the past punishment day to face directly fundamental rune/symbol Lu who the Heavenly Dao left behind, Du Kang can with the aid of double cultivate/repair to obtain to observe and emulate their opportunities, was because double cultivated/repaired is two life most intimate union behaviors, only then so can lead to the innermost feelings most deep place of fire seed master intimately. 刑天后裔的火种内,蕴含着当年刑天直面天道遗留下来的根本符箓,杜康能借助双修获得观摩它们的机会,是因为双修是两个生命最亲密的结合行为,只有如此亲密才能通往火种主人的内心最深处。 Two lives want to conduct the connection and communication, among them will certainly have the duplication and transmission of information, but so long as the information were duplicated will have the possibility of divulging. 两个生命想要进行连接和沟通,他们之间一定会发生信息的复制和传递,而信息只要被复制就会存在泄露的可能。 According to these two phenomena can become a chapter of place to make an inference smoothly, making others double cultivates, truncation reckless among them the information transmission, can see fundamental rune/symbol Lu who Du Kang wants again theoretically. 根据这两种现象可以顺利成章地做出一个推断,让别人进行双修,再截胡他们之间的信息传递,理论上也可以看到杜康想要的根本符箓。 The punishment day city had done the related experiment, making two groups of fire seeds link, inserts one to read the installment of fire seed information in both again, can spy on their inheritance smoothly. 刑天城曾经做过相关的实验,让两团火种结合在一起,再在两者中间插入一个可读取火种信息的装置,就能顺利窥探到他们的传承。 The punishment day city has „when punishment day death memory illusion obtained. 刑天城拥有的“刑天死亡时的记忆幻象”就是这么获得的。 Du Kang must do now, reappears this experiment on the fraternity. 杜康现在要做的,是在兄弟会身上重现这个实验。 The steel of four electric light circulations send to insert to four groups of fire seeds, pulled out from the light brain them respectively, closes up in front of Du Kang slowly in the same place. 四根电光流转的钢发插入到四团火种中,将它们分别从光脑中抽了起来,在杜康面前慢慢靠拢在一起。 After having the steel sent to act as the physical connection of fiber optics, the call of fraternity also becomes clear, they called to shout to Du Kang crazily. 有了钢发充当光缆的物理连接后,兄弟会的呼声也随之变得清晰起来,他们疯狂地对杜康叫喊道。 „Are you doing, stops quickly, your lunatic, the mutual contact between fire seeds is extremely dangerous......” “你在干什么,快停下来,你这个疯子,火种间的相互接触是极为危险的……” Even when breeds the descendant, both people need to be cautious, puts the same place four fire seeds, we can die......” “即便是在孕育后代的时候,两个人都需要小心翼翼,将四个火种放一起,我们会死掉的……” We are the brothers, how among the brothers can handle the matter that has a child......” “我们可是兄弟啊,兄弟之间怎么能做生孩子的事情呢……” Please let off us, the black armor fire dragon we do not want, no one can bear the continued impact that four groups of fire seeds collide......” “请放过我们吧,黑铠火龙我们不要了,没有人能承受四团火种碰撞的持续冲击……” Facing the anger of fraternity, Du Kang can only answer. 面对兄弟会的愤怒,杜康只能解释道。 Punishment day may not have to stipulate, in own descendant only then the lover relations can unify, in my opinion, the fraternity four people of brothers relate such as the fine iron firmly, similarly can also four cultivate/repair. “刑天可没有规定过,自己的后裔中只有爱侣关系才能结合,在我看来,兄弟会四人的兄弟关系坚如精铁,同样也是可以四修的嘛。 You must believe that my technology, then only will hurt, later will be comfortable. ” 你们要相信我的技术,接下来只会疼一下,之后就会舒服了。” Elucidation of Du Kang has not obtained the approval of fraternity, their entreaties, tempt with the promise of gain and curse angrily the sound as before unceasingly. 杜康的开解没有得到兄弟会的认可,他们的哀求、利诱、怒骂声依旧不断。 Regarding the ignorance of person of fraternity, Du Kang understood at heart very much, do not look in the punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals everywhere is cannon machine armor, but this will not have on behalf of the punishment day descendant analyzes the thing dialectically the scientific thought. 对于兄弟会之人的愚昧,杜康心里是很理解的,别看刑天洞天内遍地是大炮机甲,但这并不代表刑天后裔会拥有辩证分析事物的科学思维。 They mostly depend upon oneself perception and experience cognitive world, others are very difficult to break their inherent cognition, for example, does not believe that the fire seed can four cultivate/repair is the inherent experience in the past life is limiting them. 他们大多依靠自己的感性和经验来认知这个世界,别人是很难打破他们固有认知的,例如,不相信火种能够四修就是过去生命中的固有经验在局限着他们。 Du Kang planned that spoke with the fact, gives at fraternity a vivid education and training division. 杜康打算用事实说话,来给兄弟会上一堂生动的教育课。 Four groups of fire seeds contacted one like this firmly, collided the intense spark. 四团火种就这样坚定地接触到了一起,相互间碰撞出激烈的火花。 Contains the spark of core data, auto-polymerization under the attraction of instinct, the birth process that but designed for two people, is unable to be on good terms to gather with four people of quantities obviously, the spark cannot successfully link finally, extinguished slowly. 蕴含着核心数据的火花,在本能的吸引下自动聚合,但原本为两人设计的生育过程,显然无法和四人的数量相契合,火花最终还是没能成功结合在一起,慢慢熄灭了下来。 But the main body of fire seed still in the mutual contact, the new spark produces in the collision again, goes...... to continue like this toward a polymerization, the fire seed will lose sooner or later completely. 但火种的主体还在相互接触中,新的火花再次在碰撞中产生,向着一点聚合而去……这样持续下去,火种迟早会损耗殆尽的。 The Du Kang spiritual eye and naked eye open, from beginning to end saw clearly the subtle change of fire seed, quick found the issue to be. 杜康的灵眼与肉眼开启,从头到尾洞察到了火种的细微变化,很快就找到了问题所在。 Among you brothers sentiment is not very firm, somewhat resists the exchange of this scarlet fruits unexpectedly, making me help your one.” “你们之间的兄弟情还是不够坚定啊,竟然有些抗拒这种赤果果的交流,让我来帮你们一把吧。” The four steel in thorough fire seed send, starts to weave the complex network structure, covers in the surface of fire seed, the revision causes the floor data of conflict. 深入火种内的四根钢发,开始编织成复杂的网状结构,笼罩在火种的表面,修正其中引起冲突的底层数据。 The steel mesh contracts from outside to inside slowly, the place visited, all was revised one related to the few data of birth and fire seed fusion newly. 钢网由外至内缓缓收缩,所过之处,涉及到生育和火种融合的少量数据全都被修改一新。 The data quantity in fire seed is huge, even is only revision few parts, still spent time of double-hour to complete. 火种内的数据量是巨大的,即便只是修改其中的少部分,依然花费了一个时辰的时间才完成。 But when Du Kang finished own work, the black iron color flame of four groups of combustion has melted one group quietly, the fraternity four people of data also combined in one, only then some data of most core in addition maintained the independence, is maintaining their personality independence. 杜康结束自己的工作时,四团燃烧的黑铁色火焰已经悄然融成了一团,兄弟会四人的数据也混杂在了一起,只有最核心的部分数据尚且保持独立,维持着它们的人格独立。 „ The fusions of different fire seed, but the punishment day city highest-end technology, before the high rank fire seed of war train was this technical manufacture. “不同火种的融合可是刑天城最高端的技术,之前战争火车的高阶火种就是这种技术制造的。 Later you are again fit, was the complete giant body. 之后你们再次合体,就是完整的巨型机体了。 Does not need to thank me, my Du Kang will never do the losing proposition, the reward of surgery I now will gather. ” 不需要感谢我,我杜康从来不做亏本生意,手术的报酬我现在就会收取。” The fire seed body-fusion is one type can compare the double cultivating intimate relation, under in -depth connection of this life, four brothers' fire seeds opened dense conceals of oneself life most deep place automatically. 火种合体是一种可以比拟双修的亲密关系,在这种生命的深层连接下,四兄弟的火种自动开启了自己生命最深处的密藏。 The steel of thorough fire seed sent to catch these changes keenly, truncation reckless Fuzhi an information, transmitted in four punishment day falling from the sky pictures the Du Kang Yin god. 深入火种的钢发敏锐捕捉到了这些变化,截胡复制了一份信息,将四份刑天陨落的画面传递到杜康阴神中。 After a familiar memory flashback, before Du Kang saw again fell from the sky the punishment day, in the energy node of ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Dharmakaya, found own target. 在一番熟悉的记忆倒叙后,杜康再次看到了陨落前的刑天,于万丈法身的能量节点中,找到了自己的目标。 Eon, cloud, electricity, rain and rock, are willing, die and live, ghost...... altogether 16, enough promotion of my Yin God Law. “宙、云、电、雨、岩、愿、死、生、鬼……一共十六枚,足够我阴神法的晋升了。 The words saying that the punishment day descendant is really a buried treasure, if I the brothers in the punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, do not know everywhere can collect 3000 fundamental rune/symbol Lu? ” 话说刑天后裔真是个宝藏啊,我如果在刑天洞天里遍地兄弟的话,不知道能不能凑齐三千根本符箓呢?” The plover in the forest, is inferior to a bird in the hand, Du Kang presses down these quickly to future giving free reign to the imagination, starts the memory, to trace these fundamental rune/symbol Lu charm. 千鸟在林,不如一鸟在手,杜康很快按下这些对未来的畅想,开始记忆、临摹起这些根本符箓的神韵。 The finger skids in void, during pictures was the spiritual energy gathering, magic arts as if made by Heaven, was quite the same as free. 手指在虚空中滑动,一笔一画间都是灵气汇聚,道法天成,浑然自如。 Practices to rune/symbol Ludao to present Du Kang, a law passes, hundred laws pass, rune/symbol Lu inscribing at first is not complex, does not need to comprehend one with 1-2 moon/month, does not need to slaughter waters to take shape finally. 对符箓道修行至现在的杜康来说,一法通,百法通,符箓的铭刻早已没有最初那么复杂了,既不需要用1-2月时间参悟一枚,也不需要以杀戮浇灌才能最终成型。 So long as lets loose own mind, traces routinely, engraves rune/symbol Lu the matter of successing when conditions are ripe on own Yin god. 只要放开自己的心灵,按部就班临摹,将符箓刻印在自己的阴神上只是水到渠成之事。 In passing of time, rune/symbol Lu who star anises hung the glow appears in the Yin god not occupied position, the assorted miraculous glow harmonious nature, making the entire Yin god look like the immortal, resembled the god, kind of Buddha, not like person. 在时间的流逝中,一枚枚八角垂芒的符箓出现在了阴神没有被占据的位置上,各色灵光融洽自然,让整个阴神看起来如仙,似神,类佛,就是不像人身。 When on Du Kang fundamental rune/symbol Lu achieved 80 numbers, to the ultimate objective only misses a time, he is inscribing demon character. 杜康身上的根本符箓达到了八十之数,离最终目标只差一个的时候,他正在铭刻一个“魔”字。 The Du Kang finger outlines , horizontal, casts aside...... casts aside the hook and point, illusory demon character also in his Yin god by the empty reality, consolidated in an intense jet black ray finally completely. 杜康手指勾画,点、横、撇……撇钩、点,一个虚幻的“魔”字也随之在他阴神内由虚化实,最后在一道强烈的漆黑光芒中完全稳固了下来。 Unified 81 rune/symbol Lu who ten thousand Buddhist law bodies needed to collect, at present four rune/symbol Lu has not included, I first also inscribed them, then prepared matter of the body.” “凝聚万法道体需要的八十一枚符箓凑齐了,眼前还有四个符箓没有收录,我先将它们也铭刻下来,再来准备道体之事吧。” Du Kang not to stop, the finger continues to skid, at this time, he felt that suddenly in own heart season Dong, the entire Yin god also erupts the multi-colored sunlight of shining suddenly. 杜康一刻不停,手指继续滑动起来,就在这个时候,他突然感觉到自己心中一阵季动,整个阴神也突然爆发出流光溢彩的霞光。 81 rune/symbol Lu glitters in turn, the scattered concept strength started to connect together, a complex transformation starts to happen in the Yin god. 八十一枚符箓依次闪烁,原本分散的概念力量开始串联到一起,一场复杂的蜕变开始在阴神中发生。 How possibly, Yin God Law the tribulation of say/way body, should enter the spirit sea of qi deep place to initiate by me to be right on own initiative, how after collecting fundamental symbol lu automatic opening!” “怎么可能,阴神法的道体之劫,应该由我主动进入灵气海深处引发才对,怎么会在凑齐根本符箓后自动开启!” But the reality does not give the time of Du Kang ponder. 但现实不给杜康思考的时间。 The card observes- 卡察- In Du Kang sea ​​of ​​consciousness, is cracked courageous a giant opening, the strong suction that is unable to resist arrives, inhaled in his Yin god the crevice. 杜康识海中,勐地龟裂出一道巨大的裂口,一股无法抵御的强大吸力降临,将他的阴神吸入到了裂隙中。 In the mark at a crucial moment, he with enough time will be only unreliable to shake sea seal to summon deeply, that crack rapid closed. 在千钧一发之迹,他只来得及将玄冥震海印召唤到手中,那道裂缝就飞速闭合了。 After one does not know how long completely spiritless, the present darkness disrupts suddenly, wears the color light Du Kang, saw clearly the placing world. 在经过一阵不知多久的无知无觉后,眼前的黑暗突然碎裂,身披彩光的杜康,才看清了身处的世界。 Sunset Xishan, setting sun like blood. 日落西山,残阳如血。 The weak sunlight shines on the mountain top, in the back Yang level area is actually dim, the blood black two colors interweaves, constituted this world gloomy tone together. 无力的阳光照射在山头上,背阳的山坳里却是一片昏暗,血黑两色交织,共同构成了这个世界阴暗的色调。 The cold wind has blown jet black woods, the ugly trunk and branches that such as the ghost hand same distortion dragon ties, sends out like the ghost cries the sharp howling sound. 冷风刮过身边的漆黑树林,如鬼手一样扭曲虬结的丑陋枝干,发出如同鬼哭般的尖锐呼啸声。 Du Kang ray illuminated periphery a big region, making this stretch of woodland seem like is not so gloomy, but his such as is an excellent likeness on the face of Buddha, the expression somewhat is ugly. 杜康身上的光芒照亮了周围不小的区域,让这片林地看起来没这么阴森,可他那张如神似佛的面孔上,表情却有些难看。 This general idea/careless, Yin God Law the tribulation of say/way body truly needs to inspire in the spirit sea of qi deep place. “这次大意了,阴神法的道体之劫确实需要在灵气海深处才能引动。 But I forgot, the punishment day dies of the struggle with Heavenly Dao, the punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals opens by his fight complementary waves. 但我忘记了,刑天死于与天道的斗争,刑天洞天就是由他的战斗余波开辟的。 The Heavenly Dao as the source of entire spirit sea of qi, the punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals is also certainly in the spirit sea of qi deep place to be right, why can I not think of this point? ” 天道作为整个灵气海的源头,刑天洞天也一定处于灵气海深处才对,我为什么会没有想到这一点呢?” Du Kang since crossing over, has known this is the vast world, this vast, not only refers to the length and breadth the present world, but also refers to the world structure of its multi-layer. 杜康自从穿越以来,一直都知道这是个浩瀚的世界,这个浩瀚不仅指的是广袤的现世,还指的是其多层的世界结构。 The Heavenly Dao of spirit sea of qi most deep place, is the source of the whole world, is the Heavenly Dao from does not have within grows has, the good fortune had/left the world and world myriad things. 灵气海最深处的天道,是整个世界的源点,是天道从“无”中生“有”,造化出了天地与世间万物。 Always in the Heavenly Dao of revolution, the eruption was hard the spiritual energy of counting, these spiritual energies constituted spirit sea of qi the floor structure of this world. 无时无刻不在运转的天道,喷发出了难以计数的灵气,这些灵气构成了“灵气海”这个世界的底层构架。 The spirit sea of qi is the reality of the world, all spirit worlds, dwelling places of Buddhist immortals and paradise, are the world of float in spirit sea of qi, hugest present world, is only the spirit sea of qi most surface layer. 灵气海才是世界的真实,所有的灵界、洞天、福地、都是漂浮在灵气海中的世界,就连最为庞大的现世,也只是灵气海的最表层而已。 Although has spiritual eye to look straight ahead the virgin technique of spiritual energy source, but Du Kang has repelled to enter the spirit sea of qi, because here is in world most dangerous place. 虽然身怀灵眼这门可以直视灵气本源的童术,但杜康一直都排斥进入灵气海,因为这里是世间最危险的地方。 Lives but the powerful terrifying lifeform, is hard to kill, the logical strange weird phenomenon, can destroy the spiritual energy storm of small-scale paradise, the deep sleep does not know that many ten thousand years of ancient existence , that is inactive but will come back incense and candle Spiritual God, by the crazy simple-minded monster of seal...... here is world the place of birth, is the tomb and terrifying garbage dump of powerhouse. 生而强大的恐怖生物,难以杀死、逻辑诡异的怪诞现象,可以摧毁小型福地的灵气风暴,沉睡不知多少万年的古老存在,死而不僵的香火神灵,被封印的痴愚怪物……这里是世界的诞生之地,也是强者的坟墓和恐怖垃圾场。 Yin God Law promotes to the tribulation of high rank say/way body, then must kill one spirit world monster in a spirit sea of qi personally, after swallowing the say/way body of opposite party, completes the complete say/way body to transform. 阴神法晋升到高阶的道体之劫,便是要亲手杀死一个灵气海中的一种灵界怪物,吞噬对方的道体后,完成完整的道体蜕变。 The so-called spirit world monster, majors in the high rank member of road of Yin god, when the death in the Yin god from one distortion life that was born. 所谓灵界怪物,是主修阴神之路的高阶修士,在死亡时自阴神中诞生的一种扭曲生命。 The spirit world monster is the high rank member to the fresh hope, the combination of hatred to dying, has the incomplete high rank strength. 灵界怪物是高阶修士对生的渴望,对死的憎恨的结合物,拥有不完整的高阶力量。 To member Yin God Law of high rank transformation, after swallowing them, can obtain some congealment body essential material, but may also inherit some ability of beforehand member. 正在向高阶蜕变的阴神法修士们,在吞食它们之后,可以获得某种凝结道体必需的物质,还有可能继承之前修士的某种能力。 If the spirit world monster can swallow the member, they can also obtain the life mark of member similarly, and occupies member's physical body in present world, lives first. 如果灵界怪物能吞食修士的话,它们也同样可以获得修士的生命印记,并占据修士在现世中的肉体,重新活出一世。 Both are attract mutually. 两者是相互吸引的。 Therefore, under the influence of ceremony, Du Kang arrived certainly at a unknown spirit world in spirit sea of qi. 所以,在仪式的影响下,杜康一定是来到了灵气海中的一个未知灵界。 Although here seems like quiet, but in the corner of some hidden, a spirit world monster is possibly spying on Du Kang. 虽然这里看起来还算平静,但就在某个隐藏的角落里,一个灵界怪物可能正在窥探着杜康 Now fortunately, Du Kang clone only the Yin god had not come by drawing, will not cause clone to beset with a crisis. 现在唯一值得庆幸的是,杜康分身们的阴神没有被拉过来,不会使分身陷入危机中。 since came, then settle it, during the daytime still hits machine armor in the punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, in the evening came the spirit world to hit the monster, the destiny also was really variable. “既来之则安之,白天还在刑天洞天打机甲,晚上就来了灵界打怪物,命运还真是无常啊。 Is good because, so long as completes the ceremony to go back, hopes that can leave this dangerous place as soon as possible. ” 好在只要完成仪式就能回去,希望能尽快离开这个危险的地方。” The transformation of Yin god is still continuing, after connects 81 symbol lu , the vigorous fermentation of strength of forming during Yin god, although lacked the material assistance of spirit world monster within the body, so long as to Du Kang enough time, he can still complete half of say/way bodies to transform. 阴神的蜕变还在持续,一股串联八十一枚符箓后形成的力量在阴神里蓬勃酝酿之中,虽然缺少了灵界怪物体内的物质协助,但只要给杜康足够的时间,他依然能够完成一半的道体蜕变。 Like initially the ya zi Daoist with shaking mountain Daoist, in gains a son-in-law after the dragon palace, can have some high rank strengths to be the same when the middle rank ahead of time, becomes a incomplete high rank member. 就像当初睚眦道人和震岳道人,在经过龙宫招婿之后,在中阶时就能提前拥有部分高阶的力量一样,成为一个不完整的高阶修士。 The setting sun whereabouts of horizon, in the woods also become more and more black, Du Kang of whole body illumination looks extremely conspicuously. 天边的夕阳点点下落,树林里也变得越来越黑,全身发光的杜康看着极为显眼。 He pulls out an umbrella to hold up the top of the head to open from the Yin god, these rays restrain immediately, but he looks at the murky weather worry to say. 他从阴神中掏出一把伞举起头顶打开,这些光芒就立刻收敛了起来,但他还是望着昏沉的天色忧心道。 This time arriving hurried, the Yin god arrived at this spirit world, Yin God Law of my magic arts Yin god department, controls the sorcery, six know the law, and electronic benevolence the magic arts strength to use. “这次降临的过于匆忙,只有阴神来到了这个灵界,我的一身法术只有阴神一系的阴神法、控妖法、六识法、以及电子佛心相的法术力量可以使用。 Weapon also profound deep Zhenhai seal this high-grade almighty troops on hand, with three Buddhist musical instruments that do not use for a long time. 手边的武器也只有玄冥镇海印这件上品神兵,和许久不用的三件法器。 Now the transformation of Yin God Law also requires time, before achieving the strongest condition, I am temporarily first careless some time. ” 如今阴神法的蜕变还需要一点时间,在达到最强的状态之前,我还是暂时先苟一段时间吧。” Du Kang takes out hundred of a long time not having put on to change the demon ape clothes, turns into the coat set it on the body, broke out of the stark naked condition. 杜康取出好久未穿的百变魔猿衣,将它变成大衣套在身上,才摆脱了赤身裸体的状态。 Du Kang starts to size up all around environment, this is one piece turns trunk and branches bent/tune Shulin, but he stands on the narrow track between forests. 杜康开始打量四周的环境,这是一片扭枝干曲树林里,而他就站在林间的狭窄小道上。 Tree that seems like the distortion to fall ill, formed this gloomy forest, curls up to wind the chaotic long trunk and branches like the ghost hand, is swinging in the cold wind significantly the body, is brushing own torso. 一棵棵看起来扭曲生病的树,形成了这片阴暗的森林,蜷曲蜿蜒乱长的枝干如同鬼手,在冷风中大幅度摆动着身体,抽打着自己的躯干。 Two directions that the alley leads, one is a construction community that has lights vaguely, another is the dark mountain road, in the both sides wooded mountains often broadcasts the wolf howling voice. 小路通往的两个方向,一头是一片有着依稀灯火的建筑群落,另一头则是黑暗的山路,两侧的山林中不时传来狼嚎的声音。 The weather secretly was even more peaceful, low and deep cloud Cengya in the sky, reflects the horizon last depressing setting sun. 天色越发暗澹了,低沉的云层压在天空上,反射出天边最后一丝压抑的夕阳。 Time early, do not find a passing the night place to be good.” “时候不早了,要找个过夜的地方才行啊。” After looking for certainly the direction, the Du Kang forehead appears the brass color mirror presbyopic glasses, left hand Litaud the profound deep Zhenhai seal, the right hand is holding the azure bamboo umbrella, without hesitation toward being far away from the direction stride of habitation walks...... 找准方向后,杜康额头浮现出黄铜色的镜花镜,左手里托着玄冥镇海印,右手打着青竹伞,毫不犹疑朝着远离人烟的方向大步走去……
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