DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#333: Called the father, with war finally

Crash-bang- 哗啦啦- The person skin that color images vary, departs from the Lu Sheng day, the rapid drum in the combustion of fire of demons rises, changes to the lifelike day females, surrounds all round Du Kang. 一张张色彩形象各异的人皮,从路胜天身上飞出,在罗刹之火的燃烧中飞速鼓涨,化作一个个栩栩如生的天女,将杜康团团包围起来。 Has the hidden bitterness bone whistle sound to resound baseless, bunch of dark green flames flutter in day girls'school, the surrounding space starts becomes gloomy unclear, the demons demon god of under foot disappears in an instant, with all was controlled the relation of body also to shut off. 有幽怨的骨笛声凭空响起,一团团暗绿色的火光在天女中飘荡,周围的空间开始变得晦暗不明,脚下的罗刹魔神转眼间消失,与所有被控制机体的联系也被切断。 The carrying/sustaining an ice blue color colored clothing of colored glaze white bones returned to the darkness in quietly, waits to present the time again, Du Kang can feel, it has only remained a completely empty leather bag. 承载了一身琉璃白骨的冰蓝色彩衣悄然退回到黑暗之中,等再次出现的时候,杜康能感觉到,它已经只剩一具空空如也的皮囊。 As the colored glaze white bones of body of skeleton support not dying, where did not know. 作为不死之身骨架支撑的琉璃白骨,不知去了哪里。 Gives back to me...... from hear the overlapped elusive tune sound my phalanx in all directions. “把我的指骨还给我……”从四面八方传来重重叠叠的空灵腔调声。 Du Kang listened to the child, young girl, young married woman, the ripe woman, old woman and other disparities in age ; Is joyful, sadly, angry, plaintive and other mood ; Innocence, clear, worldly-wise, firm and resolute wait/etc qualities. 杜康从中听出了孩童、少女、少妇、熟妇、老妪等不同年龄;还有喜悦、悲伤、愤怒、哀怨等情绪;童真、清纯、世故、坚毅等等品质。 In absent-minded, the surrounding environment changes instantaneously. 在恍忽中,周围的环境瞬间大变。 This is a somewhat dim alley, street light in disrepair after many years illuminated the lane in the twinkle reluctantly, but oneself are standing before a leaf of familiar front gate. 这是一条有些昏暗的小巷,年久失修的路灯在闪烁中勉强照亮了巷子,而自己正站在一扇熟悉的院门前。 Where is my is at?” “我这是在哪?” Du Kang felt what did oneself forget probably? Suddenly has being out of sorts feeling of memory interrupt. 杜康感觉自己好像忘了什么?突然有种记忆中断的违和感。 The vision has swept the surroundings. 目光扫过周围。 The entrance couplet just pasted, by the slit of courtyard wooden door, can see that in the room shines through the slightly warm light, this makes Du Kang have an arising spontaneously happy feeling. 门口的对联是刚贴的,透过院子木门的缝隙,能看到屋内透射出微暖的灯光,这让杜康不禁有一种油然而生的幸福感。 I thought that today is lunar New Year's Eve, my was travels on official business from outside area just went home. “我想起来了,今天是除夕,我这是从外地出差刚回到家。 The person brain that frequently works overtime is not easy-to-use, this way, I untimely death! ” 经常加班的人脑子就是不好使,再这样下去,我不会英年早逝吧!” Shaking the head that Du Kang self-ridicules, jolted in the hand the heavy present, opened own front door. 杜康自嘲的摇摇头,颠了颠手里沉甸甸的礼品,推开了自家的大门。 I came back.” “我回来了。” Just closed the front door, in the room drilled a head, only arrives at the Du Kang waist high little girl, ran to grasp him. 才刚刚关上大门,屋里就钻出了一个脑袋,一个只到杜康腰高的小女孩,跑出来抱住了他。 Father, do you have the belt/bring gift to come back?” “爸爸,你有没有带礼物回来?” Only remembers gift that I comply with, does the father come back is not the best gift?” “只记得我答应的礼物,难道爸爸回来不就是最好的礼物吗?” Du Kang hugged own daughter, kissed one on her small cheek, walked toward the room. 杜康一把抱起了自己的女儿,在她的小脸蛋上亲了一口,就向屋里走去。 Opened the door, Du Kang saw busy the beautiful wife before the table, in the kitchen the elder sister of stir-fried dish, as well as is seeing the old mother of television. 推开门,杜康看到了在餐桌前忙碌的美丽妻子,厨房里炒菜的姐姐,以及在看电视的老母亲。 I came back.” “我回来了。” You work outside are very laborious, buys so many things to come back unexpectedly, later do not buy these useless things.” “你在外面工作很辛苦,竟然还买这么多东西回来,以后不要买这些没用的东西了。” The mother received the bags in Du Kang, reduced the weight on his arm, starts to talk incessantly. 母亲接过杜康手里的大包小包,减轻了他手臂上的重量,开始唠叨起来。 I knew, sees some fresh things outside area, could not bear buy.” “我知道了,在外地看到一些新鲜的东西,就忍不住买了一些。” The wife walks, hugged the bosom woman, cannot bear complain. 妻子走过来,将怀里的女人抱了下来,忍不住抱怨道。 Big person, but also makes your father hug, his old waist where can bear you to jump randomly to stumble, is quick.” “都多大的人了,还让你爸抱,他的这根老腰哪里能受得了你乱蹦跶,快下来吧。” The daughter was actually unforgiving to jump again the Du Kang bosom, at this time elder sister also carried the final two dishes from the kitchen, put on the table. 女儿却不依不饶再次蹦上了杜康怀里,这时姐姐也从厨房端出了最后的两盘菜,放到了餐桌上。 The happy full whole family reunited like this. 幸福满满的一家人就这样团圆了。 „Does father, you comply with others gifts? Others could not find.” “爸爸,你答应人家的礼物呢?人家找不到嘛。” The daughter's in the Du Kang pocket turns looks, but leafed through all can the place of store the thing not find, can only dig the small mouth, pitiful looked to him. 女儿在杜康的衣袋中一阵翻找,但翻遍了所有能藏东西的地方都没有找到,只能撅起小嘴巴,可怜巴巴的看向他。 Do not tease her, is what gift is so mystical, takes to make us also look quickly.” “你就不要逗她了,是什么礼物这么神神秘秘的,快拿出来让我们也看一看。” The mother was unable to continue watching in the one side, then opens the mouth to urge. 母亲在一旁看不下去了,便开口劝道。 Also no, is a small gift.” “也没什么,就是一件小礼物。” Saw the daughter already some vitality/angry, Du Kang opened mouth, pinched a white phalanx from the mouth. 见女儿已经有些生气了,杜康就张开嘴,从嘴中捏出一根白色的指骨。 This phalanx clear like jade, slender slender, looked takes down from the woman. 这指骨晶莹如玉,纤细修长,一看就是从女人身上取下来的。 Takes out a phalanx of woman from the mouth, how this sees how strangely, but person of no one presence thought that has what improper, instead praised with one voice. 从嘴中取出一根女人的指骨,这一幕怎么看怎么诡异,但在场之人却无人觉得有什么不妥,反而齐声夸赞道。 Good attractive artware, my family Kangkang is really insightful.” “好漂亮的艺术品啊,我家康康真有眼光。” Really was too attractive, the husband, you only gave the daughter to prepare the gift unexpectedly, next time you must buy one to be the same for me.” “实在是太漂亮了,老公,你竟然只给女儿准备了礼物,下次你也要给我买一个一样的。” Gives me quickly, the father gives me quickly.” “快给我,爸爸快给我。” ...... …… In the happy talks and laughters of whole family, Du Kang hands over to the daughter the phalanx in hand. 在一家人的欢声笑语中,杜康将手里的指骨向女儿递去。 Roar- 吼- Such as ox Rulong shouting resounds in the Du Kang heart courageous, like early morning ding, the evening drum sound, lets Du Kang movement. 一道如牛如龙的嘶吼勐地在杜康心底响起,如同清晨的钟声,傍晚的鼓响,让杜康的动作不禁一顿。 Here? Am I doing?” “这里是哪?我在干什么?” The thought initiative and profound shakes the sea seal communication deeply, it changes to cool air/Qi to flow out from the kidney immediately, along, no matter what the lineage/vein sneaked in Du Kang sea ​​of ​​consciousness. 意念主动与玄冥震海印沟通,它立刻化作一股清凉之气从肾脏中流出,沿着任脉钻进到了杜康识海中。 Changes to a dragon's head turtle body snake tail Black Tortoise, sent out angry shouting, the black miraculous glow four shoot, fills the green smog in sea ​​of ​​consciousness, dissipates suddenly under scattering of almighty troops, revealed Du Kang confused Yin god. 化作一只龙头龟身蛇尾的玄武,发出了一道愤怒的嘶吼,黑色的灵光四射,弥漫在识海中的绿色烟雾,在神兵的驱散下眨眼间消散一空,显露出了其中杜康被迷惑的阴神。 Du Kang also awakens, has swept the surroundings by the god knowledge again, where also has any warm whole family, oneself side is standing densely and numerously Lu Sheng daily person colored clothing. 外界的杜康也惊醒过来,再以神识扫过周围,哪里还有什么温馨的一家人,自己身边只有密密麻麻站立着的路胜天天人彩衣。 But oneself the phalanx in hand, are handing over to a tender gruff cute Celestial colored clothing. 而自己正将手中的指骨,向一个娇憨可爱的天人彩衣递去。 Does not need to look with the eye, Du Kang can know, regarding in these Yingying Yanyan certain beautiful of own side. 不需要用眼睛去看,杜康就能知道,围绕在自己身边的这些莺莺燕燕一定美极了。 Therefore Du Kang was hard, his fist was hard, takes back the phalanx grips tightly in the fist heart, the fist of his steel makes toward beautiful leather bags. 于是杜康硬了,他拳头硬了,将指骨收回紧握在拳心,他一记钢铁之拳向着身边的美丽皮囊们打出。 The bang - 轰呲- Four Yi of gold/metal green Fokuang from the fist, from Du Kang recent that girl Celestial colored clothing, was hit the face directly, the cute appearance will tear the shatter appearance. 金绿色的佛光从拳上四逸,距离杜康最近的那件女童天人彩衣,被直接击中了脸庞,将可爱的面目撕裂成破碎的模样。 Steel and iron arhat arhat iron fist 【钢铁罗汉相・罗汉铁拳】 Father...... father......” “爸爸……爸爸……” The Lu Sheng day incomplete corners of the mouth, in keeping twittering the words in illusion, have not been sobering obviously from the illusion. 路胜天残缺的嘴角,仍在不停呢喃着幻境中的话语,显然还没有从幻境中清醒过来。 Actually, I very anticipated actually you shouted me father, but was not in the illusion that father.” “其实,我倒是挺期待你喊我‘爸爸’的,但绝不是幻境中那种爸爸。” Discovers the environmental failure, surrounds in the surrounding numerous Lu Sheng day, immediately the ghost cry throws toward Du Kang, so long as can touch the corner/horn of his body, changes to together the real skin his firmly package. 发现环境失效,包围在周围的众多路胜天,立刻鬼叫声向着杜康扑来,只要能触碰到他身体的一角,就化作一道真实的皮肤将他牢牢的包裹在内。 The fetter feeling layer upon layer is oppressing his body, Kun bell Baosteel body was pressed out the moan of being unable to withstand. 层层的束缚感压迫着他的躯体,就连锟铎宝钢躯体都被压出了不堪的呻吟声。 But Du Kang unhurriedly extracts from the front completely empty air leakage leather bag the fist, the sinking waist place stepped, gripped a calm horse stance, made the dense and numerous gold/metal green fist shadow to periphery. 杜康不慌不忙的将拳头从面前空空如也的漏气皮囊中抽出,沉腰座跨,扎了一个稳稳扎扎的马步,向周围打出了密密麻麻的金绿色拳影。 The dark world was illuminated brightly by Fokuang, does not know that many fist shades to depart in all directions, like a putting lotus flower, rips these beautiful leather bags crushes. 幽暗的世界被佛光照得明亮起来,不知道多少拳影向四面八方飞出,如同一朵盛放的莲花,将这些美丽的皮囊撕得粉碎。 After all idle time, in ash that Fokuang fires completely, Du Kang stood own body, spreads out the palm, looks to the phalanx that in the hand struggles to keep. 当一切停歇后,在佛光烧成的一圈灰尽中,杜康站直了自己的身子,摊开手掌,看向手中挣扎不停的指骨。 Name: Colored glaze white bones( right middle finger) 【姓名】:琉璃白骨(右手中指) Rank: On low-grade 等级:上下品 Characteristics: 特性: Demons appearance stature: By demons ghost bone that not the net white bones view refining up, the evil aura is dense, ten thousand laws are difficult to destroy, may be the sacrifice to refine the material use of evil way almighty troops. 罗刹骨相:以不净白骨观炼成的罗刹鬼骨,邪气森然,万法难毁,可作为祭炼邪道神兵的材料使用。 Demons ghost air/Qi: The phalanx embodiment has the unknown incomplete strategy, although is incomplete, the transformation that but the remnant revolution can still keep the demons ghost air/Qi of high quality, may the strength weak biotransformation for the white bones demons. 罗刹鬼气:指骨内蕴含着未知的残缺阵法,虽然残缺,但残阵的运转仍会不停的转化出高品质的罗刹鬼气,可将实力较弱的生物转化为白骨罗刹。 The attribute has no special place at first sight, but the strategy of colored glaze white bones lacked this, the Lu Sheng day hardest to deal with resurrecting ability discarded, this means that Du Kang did not need really to kill her 65 times. 属性乍一看没什么特别的地方,但琉璃白骨的阵法缺了这一块,路胜天最难缠的复活能力就废掉了,这意味着杜康不需要真的去杀她六十五次了。 A round of bang killed, killed the Celestial colored clothing of Lu Sheng huge part directly, Du Kang felt, oneself leaves the victory is not far. 刚才的一轮轰杀,更是直接杀死了路胜天大部分的天人彩衣,杜康感觉到,自己离胜利已经不远了。 Lu Sheng day magic arts, although is strange, but if analyzes, no more than so. 路胜天的法术虽然诡异,但如果拆分开来看,也不过如此。 But this is only two simple coordination of Dharmakaya strengths, if her two Dharmakaya have fused hard Jie white bones colored clothing Dharmakaya completely, the leather bag and skeleton fuse together completely, my move dismantled on does not have any significance. 可这只是两种法身力量的简单配合而已,如果她的两种法身已经完全融合成了辛阶的白骨彩衣法身,皮囊和骨骼完全融为一体,我这招拆骨就没有任何意义了。 Even builds Demons ghost surface law After swallowing soul ghost surface Dharmakaya, demons ghost king Fashen who three Dharmakaya congeal together strong? 甚至是修成【罗刹鬼面法】的吞魂鬼面法身之后,三种法身者共同凝结成的罗刹鬼王法身又有多强呢? These big influences can inherit from the remote history, the town/subdues that this type becomes the system sends the combination magic arts to be truly outstanding. 这些大势力能从久远的历史中传承下来,这种成体系的镇派组合法术确实不同凡响。 The before big influence of person clan is not me, monster who these hooligan member, or completely depend upon the bloodlines promotion, I later must add carefully am right. 人族的大势力可不是我以前遇到的那些野路子修士,或者完全依靠血脉晋升的妖怪,我以后要多加小心才对。 Is good because, now I also walk on the same magic arts path. ” 好在,现在我也走在了同样的法术道路上。” Creak- 咯吱- Has the strange sound from resound behind, Du Kang turns around, saw that in the darkness has the skeleton that goes out of slowly. 有奇怪的声响从身后响起,杜康转身,看到黑暗中有一具慢悠悠走出的骨头架子。 Outcomer, I admires your strength, but we are you are not absolutely unimaginable in the strength of punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. “外来者,我敬佩你的实力,但我们在刑天洞天的力量是你绝对无法想象的。 Regardless of you are the person who which Fang-school comes, was unable to face our tens of thousands of body armies by your strength. 不论你是哪一方派来的人,以你的实力还无法面对我们成千上万的机体大军。 Looks in the share of your strength, I can abandon to you throw the bright opportunity secretly. 看在你实力的份上,我可以给你一个弃暗投明的机会。 Joins us, I can make you have an opportunity of share punishment day relic, this does not work oneself to death for others you are much stronger. ” 加入我们吧,我可以让你得到一个分享刑天遗物的机会,这不比你替别人卖命要强得多。” The punishment day carry-over only then does, relatives and body three, Haizhou three giant allocation plans are excellent, in addition may also enough divide. 刑天的遗留物只有干、戚和躯体三件,海州三巨头一人一件的分配方案是极好的,再加上自己一个人可就还够分了。 To the Lu Sheng day so-called sincerity, in the Du Kang heart disdains to smile, opens the mouth instead to ridicule. 路胜天的所谓诚意,杜康心中不屑一笑,开口反讥道。 Joins you also to have a condition, wants me first to give back to you phalanx?” “加入你们是不是还有个条件,要我将指骨先还给你?” Yeah- it seems like you do not believe me, that can only resort to arms.” “哎-看来你还是不相信我,那就只能兵戎相见了。” In the Lu Sheng day hand takes astral hole bone flute that changes to a long stick, 36 white bones rosaries dance in the air in the whole body, the doing abhiseka skull bowl that top of the head is abundant the clear water, walks step by step to Du Kang in the posture of military commander. 路胜天手中拿着化作一杆长棍的罡洞骨笛,三十六颗白骨念珠在周身飞舞,头顶一只盛着清水的灌顶颅碗,以武将之姿向杜康一步步走来。 Knew in the heart that the Lu Sheng day could not have played what new trick, Du Kang stance relaxed stands in same place by the eye blind condition, will struggle phalanx stopper to return to own mechanical mouth unceasingly again, coldly says with a smile. 心知路胜天已经玩不出什么新花样了,杜康姿态轻松的以目盲状态站在原地,将不断挣扎的中指骨重新塞回到自己的机械嘴巴里,冷冷一笑道。 The taste that „ beautiful woman slender jade refers to is truly unusual, this finger/refers enters my mouth, truth that has not spat again. “美人纤纤玉指的滋味确实与众不同,此指既入我口,就没有再吐出来的道理。 The words that wants to take, must look at your own skill. 想要拿回去的话,就要看你自己的本事了。 However before then, I have a question. 不过在此之前,我还有一个疑问。 In time that in I was confused by the illusion, what did your colored glaze white bones Dharmakaya do? ” 在我被幻境迷惑的时间里,你的琉璃白骨法身去干了什么?” The Lu Sheng day did not answer, but coldly smiles, wielded astral hole bone flute, directed the white bones rosary to Du Kang, when first shot. 路胜天不答,只是冷冷一笑,挥动罡洞骨笛,指挥白骨念珠向杜康当先射去。 The drop cooks the rosary of rotation, arranges the crowded lineup, blocked all the angles of avoidance crowded flies. 滴熘熘转动的念珠,排列成密集的阵形,封死了所有躲避的角度乌泱泱的飞来。 Du Kang the right hand sluggish reclamation waist, fights with the fists until rosary near body, in one strikes the rosary after the fist shadow of wall in completely flies, he boosted by propeller on own initiative makes a fist to the Lu Sheng day to fly. 杜康将右手慢吞吞的收回腰间,直到念珠近身才一拳打出,在一面如同墙壁的拳影中将念珠全部击飞后,他才在推进器的助力下主动握拳向路胜天飞去。 High frequency blade is invalid to your colored glaze white bones, you thought that Fokuang can not have the effect?” “高周波刃对你的琉璃白骨无效,你觉得佛光会不会同样没有效果?” Wū wū- 呜呜呜- The whole body is the hole astral hole bone flute has from the sky delimited, brings the sad and shrill ghost weeping sound, pounded on the fist of Du Kang. 满身是洞的罡洞骨笛在空中划过,带着凄厉的鬼哭声,砸到了杜康的拳头上。 The demons ghost was mad and between Fokuang had the fierce confrontation, just like not the accommodating water and fire, surged a fierce monster strength to fluctuate. 罗刹鬼气和佛光间产生了剧烈的交锋,宛如不相容的水火,激荡起一阵剧烈的妖力波动。 astral hole bone flute hard skeleton shakes fiercely, the springing the arm collision with Lu Sheng day, is issuing the heating power the sound. 就连罡洞骨笛这根坚硬的骨骼都剧烈震荡起来,弹动着与路胜天的手骨碰撞,发出卡卡的响声。 Here, Du Kang pounds down in the terminal fist of astral hole bone flute, this weapon slid from the Lu Sheng day hand, withstand/top on her chest. 借此机会,杜康在罡洞骨笛的末端一拳砸下,这根武器就从路胜天手中滑脱,顶到了她的胸膛上。 Waits for the Lu Sheng day to retrocede several in the great strength to stand firm, her astral hole bone flute has fallen on Du Kang. 路胜天在巨力中后退几步重新站稳脚跟,她的罡洞骨笛已经落到了杜康手上。 But Du Kang has not profited, grasps him of astral hole bone flute suddenly to feel the four limbs single layer, knows by the god sweeps, discovered that on own wrist/skill ankle is taking away a moment ago struck to fly white bones rosary unexpectedly. 杜康也没有占得便宜,手持罡洞骨笛的他突然感到四肢一重,以神识一扫,发现自己的手腕脚腕上竟然扣着刚才被打飞的白骨念珠。 36 rosaries take nine as one group, composed four shackles, covered the four limbs of Du Kang respectively, moreover they suddenly become heavy incomparable, Du Kang that will soar directly held back forcefully in the ground. 三十六颗念珠以九个为一组,组成了四个镣铐,分别扣住了杜康的四肢,而且它们突然变得沉重无比,直接将飞腾的杜康强行按压在了地面上。 It seems like I guess right, you really cannot see, so can disregard my Celestial appearance.” “看来我猜得没错,你果然看不见,如此才能无视我的天人色相。” Clearly beats severely the good opportunity of don't hit a person when he's down, but the Lu Sheng day has not actually chosen to approach, but is withdraws rapidly, while put in the palm the doing abhiseka skull bowl of top of the head. 分明是痛打落水狗的好机会,但路胜天却没有选择靠近,而是一边飞速退后,一边将手掌伸进了头顶的灌顶颅碗中。 Rumble- 轰隆隆- This dark world made the huge sound, and fierce vibration. 这片黑暗世界发出了巨大的声响,并剧烈的抖动起来。 In the vibration, a white bones great hand replaced the under foot jet black land, in the whole world, only then an arm thing, its surroundings all are the boundless darkness. 在震动中,一只白骨巨手取代了脚下漆黑的大地,整个世界中只有手骨一物,它的周围全都是无边的黑暗。 But tiny Du Kang and Lu Sheng day two people stand on pale bone, originally they have placed in the doing abhiseka skull bowl. 而渺小的杜康路胜天两人就站立在惨白的骨手上,原来它们一直身处灌顶颅碗里。 The Lu Sheng day body non-stop flies, rose in the dark upper air, was saying to under foot tiny Du Kang. 路胜天的身体直直飞起,升到了黑暗的高空中,对着脚下渺小的杜康说道。 I extremely arrogant and arrogant enemy, under my strength, was extruded the steel fragment.” “我狂妄而自大的敌人,在我的力量下,被挤压成钢铁碎片吧。” Is speaking, the entire only white bones great hand starts to close up under the Lu Sheng day control slowly. 说着话,整只白骨巨手开始在路胜天的控制下慢慢合拢。 Meanwhile, the whole world is aiming at the Du Kang tremendous pressure on arrive on him. 与此同时,一股整个世界都在针对杜康的巨大压力降临到了他身上。 Du Kang in heavy to unreasonable rosary shackles, is hard to stand up radically, his difficult raising the head, looks at the enemy to top of the head with the irritable stance, in the heart discussed. 杜康在沉重到没有道理的念珠镣铐下,根本难以站起身来,他艰难的抬起头,以别扭的姿态看向头顶的敌人,在心中默念道。 I and others is also at this moment.” “我等的也是这一刻。” On behalf of the black gold/metal green Fokuang of glow and electronic Buddhist doctrine of steel, shines simultaneously on his body, his image also rises suddenly a big steel lion of Fokuang sparkle in the ray. 代表着钢铁的黑芒和电子佛法的金绿色佛光,同时在他的身上亮起,他的形象也在光芒中暴涨成一只佛光闪耀的高大钢铁狮子。 The white bones rosary shackles were supported crack, Du Kang to partly squat in the stance of place, is sending out an abundant lion roar to the sky. 白骨念珠镣铐被撑得崩裂,杜康以半蹲在地的姿态,对着上空发出一声雄厚的狮吼。 All electric power and Fokuang collect in the back gun tube, this giant electromagnetic gun does not need the heat engine, had been blessed Kun bell steel shell on lasing. 所有的电力和佛光汇集到背后的炮管中,这根巨大的电磁炮连热机都不需要,一颗被祝福过的锟铎钢炮弹就激射而出。 Detected that the danger the Lu Sheng day transferred a distance baseless, wants to dodge this attack. 察觉到危险的路胜天凭空挪移了一段距离,想要规避这次攻击。 But Du Kang sentences the position that the Lu Sheng day presented to be the same probably ahead of time in advance, slight adjustment fire angle when launch, when she appears again, stopped up the path of shell flight, unexpectedly before on own initiative. 杜康就好像提前预判了路胜天出现的位置一样,在发射前轻微调整射击角度,等她再次出现时,竟然主动堵到了炮弹飞行的轨迹前。 Peng- 彭- The shell punctured the Lu Sheng day, the bone of hard colored glaze was shot everywhere disintegration skeleton. 炮弹打穿了路胜天,坚硬的琉璃之骨被射成漫天的散碎骨骼。 The blazing electromagnetic gun that odd/surplus potential has not used up continues to the horizon has delimited, the dark world such as the frail theater curtain is common, was torn a broad slit by the shell directly, making the long and narrow light shoot from the slit. 余势未竭的炽热电磁炮继续向天边划过,黑暗的世界如单薄的幕布一般,直接被炮弹撕裂出了一道宽阔的缝隙,让外界狭长的光明从缝隙射进。 Lifts the Du Kang giant arm, after the Lu Sheng day dies starts to crash fast, broken bones drop to below darkness, moreover the surrounding darkness becomes does not stabilize. 托举杜康的巨大手骨,在路胜天死后开始飞快崩塌,一块块碎骨跌落到下方的黑暗中,而且就连周围的黑暗也变得不稳定起来。 Saw the world that this doing abhiseka skull bowl constructs must destroy. 眼看这个灌顶颅碗构造的世界就要毁灭。 Du Kang turned on the propeller directly, flew from the slit. 杜康直接开启了推进器,从缝隙中飞了出去。 The outside world is that piece by the artillery has wreaked havoc desert, in the sky is still overhung sinister Sun, the body that believes in Gatling arhat numerously gathers, after seeing oneself, exudes the heavenshaking cheers. 外界依然是那片被火炮肆虐过的戈壁,天空中高挂着毒辣的太阳,众多信奉加特林罗汉的机体聚集在一起,在见到自己后,发出震天的欢呼声。 Turns head to look that to is destroying the closure behind the space slit, a Du Kang slightly consideration. 扭头看向身后正在毁灭关闭的空间缝隙,杜康略一思量。 In the end, harvest that his fights only then demons demon god giant body, with dozens middle rank body...... 到头来,他这一战的收获只有罗刹魔神这具巨型机体,和几十只中阶机体…… Du Kang took out from the mouth still in the phalanx of move, recalled carefully by Celestial colored clothing number that oneself killed, twittering said in a soft voice. 杜康从嘴巴里取出仍在动弹的指骨,仔细回想被自己杀死的天人彩衣数量,轻声呢喃道。 „The Lu Sheng day, did you really die?” 路胜天,你真的死了吗?”
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