DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#312: Near the deep pool city, gives the flower facing the street

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In several thousand zhang (3.33 m) deep underground, Du Kang altogether spent four time of double-hour to enter the hole spring, the transformation that opening clone. 在几千丈深的地下,杜康一共花了四个时辰的时间才进入地窍泉眼,开启分身的蜕变。 But the story in ground is also conducting, when lets us the story time recalls before four double-hour, Du Kang initially enters the city. 而地面上的故事也同样在进行着,让我们将故事时间调回到四个时辰之前,杜康初入城之时。 Du Kang rides the carriage to enter near the deep pool city. 杜康是坐着马车进入临渊城的。 The people sit in the compartment, cannot look with the eye, only deeply inspires, in city the smoke anger of firewood charking, food fragrance in roadside stall and residents 人坐在车厢内,不需用眼去看,只深深吸一口气,城内烧柴烧炭的烟火气,路边摊位和民宅中的食物香 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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