DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#269: Winding peaks and paths, to the face

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The black day placed in the inverted image of sea level silent, the black hot sun illuminated the jet black dim light of night strangely, covered one for associating with people in sea water mistily such as mourning band strange luminous. 黑日寂静地身处于海面的倒影之中,黑色的烈日诡异地照亮了漆黑的夜色,为海水中的交人镀上了一层如蒙蒙黑纱般的奇异光亮。 Watches from afar the sky of top of the head, as before is the dark cloud camouflage, was empty, represents the profound deep black day only to be in the water surface in the illusory image. 抬头遥望头顶的天空,依旧是乌云遮蔽,空无一物,代表着玄冥的黑日只处于水面的幻影之中。 Profound deep tomb is cloudy, hibernation of insects insect cover Cang, vegetation fallen, arrives at the winter frost, changed/easy Luanchu is evil, the leather different customs, the common people counter- itself/Ben, holds the long-felt emotion plain...... the god, if You it, spirit of kuang falling.” “玄冥陵阴,蛰虫盖藏,草木零落,抵冬降霜,易乱除邪,革正异俗,兆民反本,抱素怀朴……神若宥之,降之灵贶。” The song of sacrificial offering ten thousand people sing in a chorus not vast broad, instead full is the quiet and beautiful deserted meaning, Du Kang , after associating with people to sing the last profound deep sacrifice song, toward water in profound deep respectful did obeisance. 万人合唱的祭祀之歌并不浩大恢弘,反而满是清幽空寂之意,杜康在跟着交人们唱出最后一遍玄冥祭歌后,就朝着水中的玄冥恭敬一拜。 Instantaneously, that round of four seasons rotated a black Sun to vibrate fiercely, spanned in the wave ripples illusory and real raise from the water surface slowly. 瞬间,那轮四季轮转了一番的黑色太阳剧烈抖动起来,在水波涟漪中跨越虚幻和真实缓缓从水面升起。 Continuously sea water from combustion black on Yang falls, this diameter was close to one zhang (3.33 m) Sun floating like this in the Du Kang front. 缕缕海水从燃烧的黑阳上滑落,这颗直径接近一丈的太阳就这样漂浮在了杜康的面前。 Qingyang and Zhu Ming, western white and shiny and profound deep are the gods of four seasons concept, around a body, Qingyang, scarlet Yang, white Yang, black Yang is only side its one, a manifestation. 青阳、朱明、西颢、玄冥为四季概念之神,一体四面,无论是青阳、赤阳、白阳、黑阳都只是其的一个侧面,一种表现形式。 Profound, profound name ; Depth, secluded and lonely name, profound deep, therefore the name does not have rather than does not have. 玄者,深远之名也;冥者,幽寂之称,玄冥,所以名无而非无也。 in Ou heard that profound deep, heard unreliably deeply the ginseng/partake is scanty. 于讴闻之玄冥,玄冥闻之参寥。 Because not thinks not thinks, can therefore go directly to world the truth, the god of four seasons is on the generalized part essentially, Du Kang is quite therefore facing directly it at this time. 因为无思无觉,所以能直达世间的真理,四季之神本质上属于广义上道的一部分,杜康此时相当于是在直面道的本身。 The Du Kang opening spiritual eye sees, present black Yang lost the concrete image immediately, but was changes the ball of symbol lu was constituted by small rune/symbol Lu, dense and numerous rune/symbol Lu kept wriggling in the spheroid. 杜康开启灵眼所见,眼前的黑阳顿时失去了具体的形象,而是变化成了一个由微小符箓构成的符箓之球,密密麻麻的符箓不停在球体中蠕动着。 Du Kang sees to look, all was the water, cold winter and death concerned variant rune/symbol Lu. 杜康入目所望,全都是与水、寒冬、死亡有关的变种符箓。 They are evolving rapidly, the previous quarter is the symbol of mild moistening, the moment had latter turned into the symbol of cold freezing, the symbol of cold wind, transformed for the symbol of water burying a moment ago in an instant tens of thousands of...... with winter concerned rune/symbol Lu, was similar to the ant of migration sticking together to be placed in front of Du Kang like this equally directly. 它们飞速地衍变着,前一刻还是温润的滋润之符,后一刻就已经变成了寒冷的冰冻之符,刚才还是寒风之符,转眼转化为了水葬之符……成千上万与冬日有关的符箓,就这样如同迁徙抱团的蚂蚁一样直接摆在了杜康面前。 The truth in world reveals on such scarlet fruits at present, Du Kang wants to see clearly mystery diligently, actually the infinite information is attacking his Yin god stabbing pain, the mind dizziness, the physical body had the desire of vomit slightly, until closed the spiritual eye urgently, Du Kang was separated from the scene. 世间的真理就这样赤果果地袒露眼前,杜康努力想要看清其中的奥秘,却被其中无穷的信息冲击着他阴神刺痛,心神微微眩晕,肉体出现了呕吐的欲望,直到紧急关闭了灵眼,杜康才从刚才的景象中脱离出来。 Near the ear profound deep song is continuing as before, black Sun is burning at present silent, Du Kang spunks up forcefully, the Genki carapace and paper cutting out in hand the thick fat atlas that do not bind neatly and carelessly loses black to Yang. 耳边的玄冥之歌依旧在继续,黑色的太阳在眼前寂静地燃烧,杜康强行打起精神,将手中的玄龟龟甲和一本纸张裁剪并不整齐、草草装订起来的厚厚大部头图谱丢向黑阳。 „The Geng Zi winter solstice, praises and admires unreliably deep, the almighty troops day makes, my heart fearful......” “庚子冬至,礼赞玄冥,神兵天造,我心惶惶……” The profound deep strength has arrived, Du Kang starts to lead the sacrifice word that sang the almighty troops formally to start to refine. 玄冥的力量已经降临,杜康开始引领歌唱起神兵正式开始炼制的祭词。 Although the opportunity of orthoptic truth is rare, but takes Du Kang this time cultivating as, immerses in the sea of truth blindly in Jishen not helpfuls but harmful, what now is most important is refines to complete the almighty troops, he cut off his irrelevant distracting thoughts immediately, puts in all energy into the refinement. 直视真理的机会虽然难得,但以杜康此时的修为,盲目沉浸在真理之海中于己身有害无益,现在最要紧的还是将神兵炼制完成,他当即斩断了自身的无关杂念,将所有的精力重新投入到炼制中来。 Looks straight ahead black by the naked eye refines the process of Genki carapace Yang, can only see that the jet black flame blazing to burn the similarly dark tortoise shell, has various impurities to change to the light smoke to flutter unceasingly, the volume of carapace also more shrinks is smaller. 以肉眼直视黑阳炼制玄龟龟甲的过程,只能看到漆黑的火焰炽烧着同样黝黑的龟壳,不断有各种杂质化作青烟飘飞,龟甲的体积也随之越缩越小。 The refinement atlas of profound deep Zhenhai seal black Yang was easily fired one handful of ashes completely, scattered in disorder assorted rune/symbol Lu gushes out, had the change of complex difficult word under the roasting of black Yang flame, including some rune/symbol Lugeng fell on Genki carapace directly, formed construction natural and plain mysterious strange Xingfu lu in the carapace surface. 玄冥镇海印的炼制图谱被黑阳轻易地烧成一捧灰尽,散乱的各色符箓喷薄而出,在黑阳火焰的烘烤下发生了复杂难言的变化,其中有部分符箓更是直接落到了玄龟龟甲上,在龟甲表面形成了一个个形制天然、古朴玄奥的奇形符箓。 Du Kang knows, if by spiritual eye view it, in the present seemingly tranquil refinement, the carapace had certainly a series of complex evolving, but he bore forcefully the heart of exploration to these mysteries, without the opening spiritual eye , to continue to throw the nightfall the next material Yang. 杜康知道,若是以灵眼观之,在现在看似平静的炼制中,龟甲内部一定发生了一系列复杂的衍变,但他强行忍住了对这些奥秘的探索之心,没有开启灵眼,继续将下一件材料扔入黑阳中。 As in the profound Yin snake monster snake body enters, these are similar to rune/symbol Lu who the fluttering fireflies dance in the air everywhere randomly, like seeing the moth of candlelight, immediately branches out part to throw to fall to the snake body on. 随着玄阴蛇妖蛇躯入内,那些如同流萤四处乱飞舞的符箓,就像见到烛火的飞蛾一样,立刻分出一部分扑了上来落到蛇躯上。 The profound Yin snake monster practices to melt a beach luster at the black Yang sacrifice quickly clear, internal float the crowded rune/symbol Lu liquid. 玄阴蛇妖在黑阳的祭练下很快融化成一滩色泽清亮、内部悬浮着密集符箓的液体。 After this was returned to original state the invisible real water by the copy, is in profound deep Zhenhai seal this almighty troops design pure black horse dragon bead the core of skill manifests, by invisible real water eternally changing characteristics, evolved similarly eternally changing strategy. 这就是被复本还原后的无形真水,也是玄冥镇海印这件神兵设计中“骊龙珠阵”技能的核心体现,以无形真水变化万千之特点,演化同样变化万千之阵法。 Hence, the refinement process of almighty troops is very smooth, Du Kang then also threw black into the corner/horn of alone corner/horn thunder flood dragon Yang. 至此,神兵的炼制过程都很顺利,杜康便将独角雷蛟之角也扔入进了黑阳中。 Burns in flaminging of black fire, the sharp corner/horn of this bluish violet interaction also melted one group to float rune/symbol Lu the blue liquid. 在黑火的炽烧下,这根蓝紫相间的尖角也融化成了一团内部漂浮着符箓的蓝色液体。 This is ten thousand melts thunder water, the implication infinite vitality, is in the almighty troops immortal looking for a long time the origin of this ability. 这便是万化雷水,其中蕴含无穷生机,是神兵中“长生久视”这个能力的来源。 Then was last, hopes that do not make the mistake.” “接下来是最后一件了,希望不要出差错。” In the Du Kang heart is praying silently, threw black into the eon light fish roe Yang, gazed at the roe of this fist size to be built up in the pain, changed to woof Wuxing colorless eon light real water. 杜康心中默默祈祷着,将宙光鱼鱼卵丢入了黑阳中,注视着这个拳头大小的鱼卵在痛苦中被生生炼死,化作一汪无形无色的宙光真水。 If also does not have rune/symbol Lu in float, the naked eye of Du Kang is unable to catch the trace that this group of water marks have, like its name, this is water of the time river, after is the almighty troops realizes, Bo Shuzhi occasionally manifestation of this divination skill. 如果不是同样有符箓在其中悬浮,杜康的肉眼根本无法捕捉到这团水迹存在的痕迹,就像它的名字一样,这是一种时间长河之水,是神兵练成后“卜数只偶”这个占卜技能的体现。 In addition the profound deep real water that in Genki tortoise shell it supplements, can accomplish unreliably integrates water of river judges whether the direction of water flow is lucky skill deeply, the profound deep Zhenhai seal designs, the source materials of four skills processed completely complete. 加上玄龟龟壳中本身附带的玄冥真水,可以造就纳入一江之水的“玄冥纳水”技能,玄冥镇海印设计中,四个技能的本源材料就全部处理完成了。 Four materials float in black day, the vicissitudes, are sending out the eye-catching miraculous glow, in addition few symbol lu float, has not participated in the refinements of these four materials. 四件材料悬浮在黑日中,浮浮沉沉,散发着夺目的灵光,除此之外还有少量的符箓悬浮,并未参与到这四件材料的炼制中。 „When manpower has is poor, these symbol lu should be Sheng Jia designs the extra amount, temporarily does not need to manage it, next of this/should kick-off.” “人力有穷时,这些符箓应该是盛家设计中的多余部分,暂时不用管它,该开始仪式的下一步了。” Refines the profound deep Zhenhai seal to need over ten thousand water clan sacrificial offering livelihoods, profound deep, now has been rotated in the four seasons unreliably deeply arrives, should be one's turn the livelihood.” “炼制玄冥镇海印需要上万水族祭祀日月,玄冥,现在玄冥已在四季轮转中降临,是该轮到日月了。” In the heart is recalling whole set ceremony silently, confirmed that one step does make the mistake, Du Kang, when first stopped the profound deep sacrifice song in mouth, the transit sang another to offer a sacrifice to the song. 心中默默回忆着整套祭祀仪式,确认一步有没有差错,杜康当先停下了口中的玄冥祭歌,转口唱起了另一首祭歌。 „Does sunrise enter secure Qiong? Era not with......” “日出入安穷?时世不与人同……” Rumble- 轰隆隆- In clear pleased recitation, in the sky the courageous thunderclap got down a thunderclap, the strong dark cloud will tear, revealed after that the everywhere crowded stars and assumes the moon star of shape of full moon. 在清悦的吟唱中,天空中勐的霹下了一道霹雳,将浓重的乌云撕裂开来,露出了其后漫天密集的星辰和呈满月之状的太阴星。 „Does sunrise enter secure Qiong? Era not with. Therefore spring not I spring, summer not my summer, autumn not my autumn, winter not my winter. Is the pond of above worldly greed four seas, spreading the view says evilly what? I know happily, the top six dragons, the accents of six dragon, cause my heart, if. Under Zi Huangqi why not figure!” “日出入安穷?时世不与人同。故春非我春,夏非我夏,秋非我秋,冬非我冬。泊如四海之池,遍观是邪谓何?吾知所乐,独乐六龙,六龙之调,使我心若。訾黄其何不徕下!” After associating with people the heavenshaking singing sound follows closely Du Kang resounds, when unlike trying to please the god of four seasons quiet and beautiful and plaintive completely, this time singing sound resounds through the horizon, only then in the lyrics can still hear has a disconsolate meaning. 交人们震天的歌声紧随杜康之后响起,与取悦四季之神时的清幽、哀怨完全不同,此时的歌声响彻天际,只有在歌词中尚能听到其中有一丝惆怅之意。 This is the sacrifice of sacrificial offering sun god is happy, is raised by Sun every morning, in the evening falls, the sigh with emotion time and life pass rapidly, between the lines full is the heroic feelings of wanting the governing dragon flying and Sun met with. 这是祭祀太阳神的祭乐,由太阳每天早上升起,晚上落下,感慨时间和人生飞速流逝,字里行间中满是想要御龙飞天与太阳相会面的豪情。 The singing voice that associates with people are world-famous, naturally cannot only be able to sing the song of complaining, at this time under the towering transition, the thunder in sky obtained inexplicable in addition to hold, immediately the thunderclap rings out, changes to crowded thunder net to tear into shreds everywhere dark cloud completely. 交人的歌喉举世闻名,自然不会只能唱哀怨之歌,此时在突兀的转折之下,天空中的雷霆获得了莫名的加持,立刻雷声大作,化作密集的雷网将漫天乌云全部撕碎。 A golden Sun appears after the dark cloud baseless. 一轮金色的太阳从乌云后凭空浮现。 In an instant, the livelihood same day, the golden sunlight even depressed silver moon suddenly, in this is all over the sky luminous, the group star is hidden instantaneously, the trim sea area shines like the daytime. 刹那间,日月同天,金色的太阳光甚至一时间压下了银色的月亮,在这满天光亮中,群星瞬间隐没,整片海域亮如白昼。 Facing the sudden light, associate with people, even if closes the eyes immediately, still must have tears streaming down the face by the stabbing pain, but the singing sound has not stood still, they sang another to offer a sacrifice to the song under the leadership of Du Kang quickly. 面对突如其来的光明,交人们即便立刻闭上了双眼,也依然被刺痛得泪流满面,但歌声一刻都未曾停歇,他们很快在杜康的带领下唱起了另一首祭歌。 Husband day by Yang virtue, moon/month by Yin spirit. Bailu is warm, pure white moon class/flow day, the spirit of moon, glistening in the sky. Ices the toad pure, spirit Guixin fragrance, bright if however the mirror, cold Junru ices. Rides the wind, the culmination is, the twenty-eight lunar mansions covers the wrinkly gauze, river Tao reflects.” ( 1 ) “夫日以阳德,月以阴灵。白露暖空,素月流天,太阴之灵,皓皓当空。冰蟾玉洁,灵桂馨芳,皎然若镜,冷隽如冰。乘风而出,中天乃赫,列宿掩缛,长河韬映。”(注1) In the praise of bright moonlight , the rich silver brilliance sprinkles from the full moon, gold and silver the light of color livelihood enhances one another's beauty, entire will associate with people the lead(er) to turn into a gold/metal silver world. 在对明月的赞颂中,浓郁的银色光辉从圆月上洒落,金银之色的日月之光交相辉映,将整个交人领变成了一个金银色的世界。 This finishes, associates with people mostly has creakied in the sea water, then started to sink simply directly underwater, slowly restored the exhausted spirit and physical body in the sea water. 此曲一毕,大部分交人已经在海水中摇摇欲坠,索性便开始直接沉入了水下,在海水中缓慢恢复疲惫的精神和肉体。 Summoned profound deep and god of livelihood one after another, caused their monster strength and mind consumptions is huge, was good because, hence, do the duty in this sacrificial offering have fully completed, leave the stage will not affect following of ceremony, Du Kang also along with them. 接连召唤玄冥和日月之神,使得他们的妖力和心神消耗巨大,好在,至此,他们在这场祭祀中的任务已经全部完成,退不退场都不会影响到仪式的后续,杜康也就随他们去了。 The top of the head was the gold/metal day silver moon, at present is the profound deep foreign minister, all things is all prepared, the refinement of almighty troops only remained last. 头顶是金日银月,眼前是玄冥外相,万事皆已齐备,神兵的炼制就只剩最后一步了。 According to the experience of Sheng, their high-grade almighty troopses refine mostly at the last failure, this step, can only face by Du Kang alone. 根据盛家的经验,他们的上品神兵炼制大多是在最后一步失败的,这一步,就只能由杜康独自来面对了。 Mortal Du Kang, in reverential awe, begged the Spiritual God to fall the luck earnestly, refine the soldier of my Forder, if its day can wield the humane authority by luck, must by incense and candle sacrificial offering report it.” “凡人杜康,诚惶诚恐,恳乞神灵降福,炼我福德之兵,它日若能侥幸执掌人道权柄,必以香火祭祀报之。” Unlike the god of four seasons, the god of livelihood is the life steals the world god position to obtain enlightenment, needs the magnanimous incense and candle to be willing the strength to maintain the human nature is not obliterated in the sea of vast truth, the refinement of this almighty troops essentially is a transaction. 与四季之神不同,日月之神是生灵窃取天地神位而得道,需要海量的香火愿力才能保持自身人性在浩大的真理之海中不被磨灭,这次神兵的炼制本质上是一场交易。 Can the almighty troopses refine, looks at Du Kang to be able by the future illusory commitment, traded assisting of god of livelihood. 神兵能不能炼成,就看杜康能不能以未来虚幻的承诺,换得日月之神的相助了。 The livelihood of top of the head has not responded for a very long time, Du Kang can only clench teeth, said again. 头顶的日月久久没有回应,杜康只能咬咬牙,再次说道。 Mortal Du Kang, in reverential awe, begged the Spiritual God to fall the luck earnestly, refine the soldier of my Forder, if its day can step onto to practice by luck Zhidao, besides a moment ago incense and candle of sacrificial offering promise, will also revere the god to put in the repayment by ten times today.” “凡人杜康,诚惶诚恐,恳乞神灵降福,炼我福德之兵,它日若能侥幸走上修行至道,除刚才许诺之香火祭祀外,还会以十倍于今日尊神付出偿还。” The god of livelihood has not responded, but this is most pork pie that Du Kang can draw, if continues to boast extravagantly, was not the issue that the god of livelihood did believe that but insulted their intelligence quotient purely. 日月之神还是没有回应,但这已经是杜康能画的最大馅饼了,要是继续夸下海口,就不是日月之神信不信的问题了,而是纯粹侮辱他们智商了。 The matter that a high rank member can accomplish is limited, the extremely exaggerating commitment, as well as to blind self-confident, will not obtain the Spiritual God that the future strength grows to win others'trust. 一个高阶修士能办到的事情是有限的,太过夸张的承诺,以及对未来实力成长的盲目自信,是不会得到神灵取信的。 The time passes slowly, the gold and silver livelihood in sky, as well as in front of Du Kang black Yang starts becomes does not stabilize, this associates with people the strength of vanishing performance summon. 时间缓缓地流逝,天空中的金银日月,以及杜康面前的黑阳都开始变得不稳定起来,这是交人召唤之力即将消失的表现。 Once before the three vanish, the Spiritual God has not responded to the request of Du Kang, all preparations that this almighty troops refines will drain. 一旦在三者消失之前,神灵没有回应杜康的请求,这次神兵炼制的所有准备都将付诸东流。 All previous grand refiner of Sheng, is defeated like this. 盛家的历次盛大炼器,也都是这样失败的。 When Du Kang thinks this almighty troops refinement must end in failure, the dark blue panel actually jumps from him together in vain at present. 就在杜康以为这次神兵炼制要以失败告终的时候,一道深蓝色的面板却徒然从他眼前跳了出来。 Name: Profound deep Zhenhai seal 【姓名】:玄冥镇海印 Refinement method: Needs the profound deep real water and invisible real water in collection seven big real water, ten thousand to melt thunder water, the eon light real water, in a year of day of winter solstice, leading the water clan that over ten thousand open the spirit wisdom to dance in the sea, from dawn to dusk worships the livelihood unreliably, deep, forged to complete in the grand ceremony the almighty troops in 1st. 【炼制方法】:需集七大真水中的玄冥真水、无形真水、万化雷水、宙光真水,于一年冬至日,率上万开启灵智的水族在海中起舞,从早到晚祭拜日月、玄冥,于一日间在盛大的祭祀仪式中将神兵锻造完成。 Has four big real water, has this almighty troops to refine to be principal, has led over ten thousand water clan to worship the livelihood unreliably, deep, satisfies all refinement conditions, may spend 300 years of life span to realize. 已持有四大真水,已持有此神兵炼制所需主材,已率领上万水族祭拜日月、玄冥,满足所有炼制条件,可花费三百年寿命练成。 Refines? 是否炼制? Is No 【是】【否】 The panel not only can the krypton life cultivation magic arts, but can also the krypton life refiner! 面板不仅能氪命修炼法术,还能氪命炼器! You have such hidden function, this was also too versatile. 你还有这样的隐藏功能,这也太全能了吧。 According to the experience of Du Kang, the life span of krypton life consumption are more, represents a matter nature chance of success to be smaller. 按照杜康的经验,氪命消耗的寿命越多,代表着一件事自然成功的几率越小。 The refinement of profound deep Zhenhai seal needs to consume 300 years of life span, this with six has known the law to enter the step high rank to be the same, this looked the behavior that sufficiently vacates the words tooth desire Spiritual God investment has is far-fetched. 玄冥镇海印的炼制需要消耗三百年的寿命,这已经和六识法进阶高阶一样了,这足以看出空口白牙乞求神灵投资的行为有多么的不靠谱。 This method tests the luck extremely, if the Spiritual God mood good or looks at the invoker to be pleasing to the eyes, can perhaps succeed bewilderedly, but if the wishing face is black, possibly tries is not possible to succeed dozens times to refine a high-grade almighty troops. 这种方法极为考验运气,如果神灵心情好或者看祈求者顺眼的话,也许莫名其妙就能成功了,但如果祈愿者脸黑,可能尝试几十次都不一定能成功炼制一件上品神兵。 But the almighty troops in the name of god, such wishing way itself/Ben is the origin of initial almighty troops, as the progress of human technology, imitated the low-grade gradually and almighty troops, but high-grade almighty troops gained, now generally depends upon this primitive way. 但神兵以神为名,这样的祈愿方式本就是最初神兵的来源,只是随着人类技术的进步,才逐步彷制出了下品和中品神兵,但上品神兵的获取,现在还是普遍依靠这种原始的方式。 Good Du Kang has the panel, otherwise this long refinement preparation this wasted forcefully. 还好杜康有面板,要不然这次漫长的炼制准备就这样硬生生浪费掉了。 300 years of life span I can also consume, the profound deep Zhenhai seal realizes after let alone, but can also obtain in 3000 in addition of life span to hold, this almighty troops, I refine.” “三百年寿命我还耗得起,更何况玄冥镇海印练成后,还能得到三千年寿命的加持,这件神兵,我炼定了。” The people had the energy, the whole person vigor was different, Du Kang is stiff the ji back of micro-scale bending, what the whole face self-confident point approached in the panel is. 人有了底气,整个人精气神都不一样了,杜康将微弯曲的嵴背挺直,满脸自信的点向了面板中的是。 In an instant, Du Kang feels itself on one light, as if has anything to pull out, but an inexplicable strength was also held by in addition correspondingly on the body. 刹那间,杜康感觉到自己身上一轻,仿佛有什么东西被抽离而出,而一股莫名的力量也被相应地加持在了身上。 Own consciousness however was separated from the body to rise courageous to the upper air, the whole world became in the angle of view of consciousness getting smaller, associating with people that gold and silver interwove led to be thrown in the under foot, the livelihood of top of the head was getting more and more near. 自己的意识勐然脱离了身体向高空升去,整个世界在意识的视角中变得越来越小,金银交织的交人领被抛在脚下,头顶的日月越来越近。 Going straight up to is flush to the livelihood with that Du Kang detected, the top of the head bright moonlight was still sparkling in group star, but a moment ago in the livelihood that in the sea level saw, but two diameters were close to one li (0.5 km) giant luminous spheroid, the eye-catching brilliance that emitted, the night starry sky camouflage, will create the illusory night livelihood same day marvelous sight. 直升到与那对日月齐平,杜康才发觉,头顶仍然有一轮明月在群星中闪耀着,而刚才在海面上看到的日月,只是两个直径接近一里的巨大光亮球体,其中放射出的夺目光辉,将夜晚的星空遮蔽,才造就了虚幻的夜间日月同天奇景。 Originally the Spiritual God of this world also liked using deception I to be fooled scary a moment ago by their acrobatics, how had a look at the panel to operate the refiner.” “原来这个世界的神灵也喜欢弄虚作假唬人啊我刚才就被他们的这种把戏唬到了,还是看看面板怎么操作炼器吧。” In the heart harbors such idea, Du Kang actually complies with in addition to hold at the impulsion of that strength instinct, blurted out. 心中怀着这样的想法,杜康却顺应着加持在身上那股力量本能的冲动,脱口而出道。 I to transfer buddha, now invites day, moon/month and profound deep three sacred criteria about building up one, but also please give a face, in the future will have the generous reward.” “吾为转轮王,今请日、月、玄冥三神合炼一器,还请给个面子,日后定有厚报。” In the Du Kang spoken language does not have slight respectful, seems like stating a matter calmly, has a mouth to contain the day of constitution mighty force, as these words function in the world. 杜康言语中没有丝毫的恭敬,就像是平静地在陈述一件事情,却有种口含天宪的伟力随着这句话作用在世界中。 The mighty bell Lu's music resounds in void greatly baseless, in the silver moon scatters the sweet-scented osmanthus the flower petal, an attire is elegant, the palace clothing female but who cannot see clearly the facial features goes out from the middle of the month. 洪钟大吕的乐声凭空在虚空中响起,银月中飘散出桂花的花瓣,一个衣着雍容华贵,但看不清面容的宫装女子从月中走出。 The crowded golden red hot crow danced in the air in the gold/metal day, spreads a golden red path to wind to depart gold/metal day, wore the emperor long gown, wore 12 tassel royal robes crowns, the man who similarly could not see clearly the facial features took a step from the crow say/way. 密集的金红色火鸦在金日中飞舞,铺成一条金红色道路蜿蜒飞出金日,一个身穿帝王袍服,头戴十二旒衮冕,同样看不清面容的男子从鸦道上迈步而出。 Two people to a Du Kang ritual, said simultaneously distantly submissively with one voice. 两人同时对杜康遥遥拱手一礼,异口同声说道。 Sees has transferred the buddha.” “见过转轮王陛下。”
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