【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】Tonightis starless and moonless, the jet blackvault of heavencovers all fields of vision of top of the head, the ice-coldsea water is also the similarcolor.
今夜无星无月,漆黑的苍穹覆盖头顶的所有视野,冰冷的海水亦是同样的色彩。Has several zhang (3.33 m)large ship of fourgarretsto goin the jet blacksea level, under the woodeneaves of garretis hanging the redlantern of jubilationcrowded, the well-illuminatedlightsilluminatednearbysea level, the laughing sound that the intermittentpleasantsoundandfeastsspreadsby far, for this lonelyseanight without the moon/monthincreased a rarepopularity.
The sidealsoseveralvolumeslightlysmallships of large ship, composed a fleettogether, on the shipwere holding a grandwedding banquet.
The high-profilesound of Suona horn, the hoarseyusound, the clearcymbalssound and cheerfuldrumbeat, interweavejubilation the happiness of wedding banquet, in the deck, the waiteris continuous, guestslively banquet scene, duringexchanging toastsfullis the joyous feelings of attending the wedding.
张扬的唢呐声、嘶哑的竽声、清脆的钹声、欢快的鼓声,交织成一曲喜庆的婚宴之乐,甲板上,侍者川流不息,宾客们觥筹交错,推杯换盏之间满是参加婚礼的喜悦之情。Butin the top layer of Lordship, was arrangedin the spaciouscabin in nuptial chamber, hereatmosphereis also fiery.
Under the redtent/accountjogging, was turnedis laid up, Du Kangstandsin the bedside, onetime was really has completedtobride'sinterrogation.
红帐轻摇,被翻落床下,杜康站在床边,确是已经完成了一次对新娘的审问。Innew home that thishung all over the redcurtain, the red candlesends out the ambiguousred light, the cheeksredbrideis trying hardto be gentleownbreath, sheloosenedcloselygrabbed the hand of pillow, startedto lifthandcleaningto fallon the beads of sweattonape of the neck.
这个挂满了红色帷帐的新房之内,红烛散发着暧昧的红光,脸颊通红的新娘努力平缓着自己的呼吸,她松开了紧紧抓着枕头的手,开始抬手擦拭滑落到脖颈上的汗珠。When the body and mindmighty wavescompletelyallreturn to normal, the bridelies lowon the bed, such as the silkwas sayingto the mancoquettish look of bedside.
等到身心的波澜尽皆平复,新娘才平躺在床上,对着床边的男人媚眼如丝地说道。„Yourthismanreallyattractively, butwastoobrave a point, todayisotherswedding nights, Ilooked atyouroneeyesin the guesta moment ago, youdareto rushfirstto become a bridegroomdirectly, youmayknow that whoseshipthiswas, did not fear that threw the headbecause of the woman.”
“你这个男人长得真漂亮,但就是太胆大了一点,今天可是人家的新婚之夜,我不过是刚才在宾客中多看了你一眼,你就敢直接闯进来抢先当一回新郎,你可知道这是谁的船,也不怕因为女人而丢了脑袋。”„Idare the line of thismatters of having an affair, howcannot inquirebeforehandclearly, youare the Ocean Wave Seahundred flowersislandislandLorddaughter, whatgetting marriedisfouryoung masters of dark bluebillowscityXue, yourweddingsmarryfor a routemore unobstructedfamily, todaywill be the firstday that the Xuefouryoung masterswill marryyouto go back, the ceremony of getting marriedwill also holdon the shipdirectly.”
“我敢行这偷香窃玉之事,怎么会不事先打听清楚,你是碧波海百花岛岛主的女儿,娶亲的是沧澜城薛家的四公子,你们的婚事只是为了航路更加通畅的家族联姻,今天是薛四公子娶你回去的第一天,成亲的仪式也将会直接在船上举行。”Du Kangputs on the clothes that the groundscatterson the body, whilesaidto the bridelike this,obviouslyis familiar with thesetwosituations.杜康一边将地上散落的衣服穿在身上,一边对新娘这样说道,显然对这两家的情况如数家珍。„Knows that thesealsodareto entermyroom, reallydoes not have the skill, is a boldgeneration, does not know that whichtypeyouare?”
“知道这些还敢进我的房,不是真的有本事,就是个色胆包天之辈,不知道你属于哪一种呢?”【Knew that tenyears of old bookfriendsgivepursuingbookapp that Irecommend, tradessourceapp! reallyeasy-to-use, before drivingandrest, depends onthisto read aloudlistens to storytellingto kill the time, herecandownload.huanyuanapp】
The bridelies lowon the bed, stretches out the jadefootto skidin the chest of Du Kangslowly, between the spoken language and movementcompletelyreveal the Fenshuishow, obviouslyis not a law-abidingwoman.
新娘平躺在床上,伸出玉足在杜康的胸膛缓缓滑动,言语和动作间尽显汾骚,显然也不是个安分的女人。„Do Ihave the skill, youhad not realizeda moment ago, wantedmeto proveagainonetime?”
“我有没有本事,你刚才不是体会过了嘛,难道还想要我再证明一次吗?”Du Kang of dregsmaleessencefront the white and tendersmall feetwill patone side, onbride's the giving birth for the first timecharacter and styleto the beddoes not spare a glance, did not seea moment agotoclinging to of thisphysical body.
渣男本质的杜康一把将面前白嫩的小脚拍到一旁,对床上新娘的开怀风情也不屑一顾,丝毫不见刚才对这具肉体的贪恋。PlacesthisplaceDu Kangishisankylosaurusclonetown/subduesmountainDaoist, tonightthisfleetpasses throughon a grand scaleassociates with peopleto get the , whenhas approachedforging of profounddeepZhenhaisealnow, worried that some people destructionDu Kangthencomesthisnosingdeliberatelyspecially.
身处此地的杜康是他的甲龙分身镇岳道人,今夜这支船队大张旗鼓地经过交人领附近,因为现在已经临近玄冥镇海印的锻造之时,担忧有人蓄意破坏的杜康便特意来此查探情况。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
Under spiritwarm/gentleaddsholds, clonealso to borrowto hearlimitedsound the strengthintercepts others aspiration, submergedDu Kang of marriageshipquicklyto be clear about the origin of thisfleeton the inquiry.
灵煦加持之下,分身也可以有限度地借用闻声相的力量窃听他人心声,潜入婚船的杜康很快就打探清楚了这支船队的来历。both sides of marriage, have hadold friendXue of happening togetherwithDu Kang, with a Ocean Wave Seainfluencealsocalculatescan the islands, the fleetwill pass byTaohua Island, is completely onlybecausetonightdoes not have the moon/month, the immersionis being joyfully celebrated the fleetto deviate the route, does not aim atDu Kang.
结亲的双方,是与杜康有过交集的老朋友薛家,和碧波海一家势力还算可以的岛屿,船队之所以会路过桃花岛,完全只是因为今夜无月,沉浸在欢庆中的船队偏离了航线,并不是针对杜康而来。Butheld the carefulnoblunderprinciple, Du Kangwill be looking atcultivated/repairedon the shipfor the highesttwopeopleon, the bridegroom and bride were not only the middle rankmember, on the marriageshipcultivated/repairedfor the highest.
但秉着小心无大错的原则,杜康还是将目光锁定在了船上修为最高的两个人身上,新郎和新娘不仅都是中阶修士,还是婚船上修为最高者。Most people on shipmaybe treated as the cannon fodderto be deceived, butthesetwo, ifreallyhastoDu Kangscheme, the happy pairwill not know the circumstances of the matterabsolutely.
船上的大部分人有可能会被当做炮灰而受骗,但这两家如果真的对杜康有所图谋的话,新郎新娘绝对不会不知情的。Addshearssound who holdsto weakenafterspiritwarm/gentle, Du Kangcannot achieve the aspiration of relaxedhearingmiddle rankmember, buthein the heart of banquetguest, actually the accident/surpriselistenedto know the bride is quite profligately frivolousbefore the wedding, liked the news of variousgood-looking men.
经过灵煦加持的闻声相有所削弱,杜康做不到轻松的听到中阶修士的心声,但他在宴会宾客的心中,却意外听知了新娘婚前极为轻浮放荡,喜好各种俊男的消息。Was illuminatingphotoDu Kangto the mirror, thenthinksinstantaneouslygoes down to the tiger's dento eavesdrop on the news the goodway.
对着镜子照了照的杜康,瞬间便想到了一个深入虎穴探听消息的好办法。Ordinarytimecannot hear the aspiration of middle rankmember, profoundlyexchangestimecouldn't have heard?
After the planis formulated, is the boldimplementation stage.
计划制定好后,便是大胆的执行阶段。Sees the rookieto bow to heaven and earth, the bridegroomstays in the deckto propose a toast, the brideundersupporting by the arm of maidservantreturned to the room, Du Kangseveralto raiseverticalarrived atout of the window in topnew home, soundedthatajarwindowdoor.
The laterstoryis unsuitableto relate in detail, a nightis softonly, the open seawas been right by doubling, in the red lips, the powderarm, the governingleg, infragrantvillagetheseDu Kangfamiliarbattlefields, hefightsquitehandily.
之后的故事不便细说,不外乎一夜柔情似水,远洋被里成双对,在朱唇,粉臂,御腿,香屯这些杜康熟悉的战场上,他还是战斗得颇为得心应手的。In the heart and heart, the collision of meatandinmeat, the Du Kanguseheardsounddeepinterrogated and torturedbride'sinnermost feelings, after obtaininginformation that somewere not interested, had determinedthisfleetis only the puredrift, forgesto have nothing to dowith the almighty troopsbeing planned.
Before liftingwindow that the steparrives atto shut tightly, Du Kangopens the window, whatever the cold wind and noise of out of the windowinsufflatein the cabin, carries offin the room the ambiguoussmell, the visioncalmlyis gazing at the darkness of distant place, does not know that is looking atanything.
The icy coldbodysympathizedinDu Kang conducted the back, brings the female voice that stuck the mouthsoundgatherednear the ear of Du Kang, emitted the aura of hot and dampseductionto sayfrom the mouth.
身后一具冰凉的身体贴在了杜康背上,一个带着黏黏口腔音的女声凑到杜康的耳边,从口中喷吐出湿热诱惑的气息说道。„Do youwantto walk? Othersa whilealsowants the nuptial chamber, youtook awaymybellybandandprofane the trousers, howletsotherswithownhusbandconfession!”
“你要走了吗?人家一会儿还要洞房呢,你拿走了我的肚兜和亵裤,让人家怎么跟自己的夫君交代啊!”„Youcantellyourhusband, wedding banquet when waits for a shipon the too many cooks will spoil the broth, not carefuldidto losethesetwothings, hewill certainly believeyour.”
“你可以跟你的夫君说,婚宴的时候船上人多手杂,不小心把这两件东西搞丢了,他一定会相信你的。”„Ifhelaterhas closely examined, you can also makehimask the gueststo helplook, guest who my picks the lost object, certainlythesetwothings.”
“如果他之后还是一直追问的话,你也可以让他叫宾客们帮忙找找,我这个捡到失物的客人,一定会将这两件东西还回来的。”Du KangandXuehad the enmity, otherwise the brideis even unconventional, hismoral behaviorwill not allow that heputs downdoes without charge the matter that the wedding nightrestsothersbrideto come, thereforeheafterhearing the words of woman, immediatelyplays the joke of lower reaches.杜康和薛家本就存在仇怨,否则即便新娘放荡不羁,他的人品也不会容许他平白做出新婚之夜睡别人新娘的事情来,所以他在听到女人的话后,立刻就开起了下流的玩笑。„Youwere really repugnant, sayothersnot to putyouto walk.”
“你真讨厌,说得人家都不想放你走了。”This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】Lost the bellybandandprofanes the bride of trousersto drillto the Du Kangbosom, depends onhimto lookto the scenery of out of the window, was not worriedoneselfmeet the spring sceneryleak, the matter that orsteals the manwas seenbyothers.
丢失了肚兜和亵裤的新娘钻到杜康怀里,依着他看向窗外的风景,一点也不担心自己会春光外泄,或者偷男人的事情被别人看到。Becausethisis the normal state between member, although the wedding nightwill askothermanto make the Xuefouryoung mastersnot have the facevery much, even if did not see the guest who carefullywindowscenery can still understand.
因为这是修士间的常态,虽然新婚之夜就找别的男人会让薛四少爷很没面子,但即便是不小心看到窗口这一幕风景的宾客也是能理解的。Thisis a powerhousetorevereworld, the brideas the capital that a middle rankmemberhasdoes this, whatis more important, thisweddingessentiallyisforming an alliance of twofamilies, theyin secretregardless of many sweetheartsandhandsome man, will not affecttwomarryingessences.
这是个强者为尊的世界,新娘身为一个中阶修士就拥有这样做的资本,更重要的是,这场婚事本质上是两个家族的结盟,他们夫妻二人私下里不论有多少情人、面首,也都不会影响两家的联姻实质。Du Kangis embracing the beautiful woman, standsblows the cold windto saybefore the windowspookily.杜康怀抱着美人,站在窗前吹着冷风幽幽说道。„Iwill not walk, 11 p.m. to 1 a.msoonarrived, tomorrowis the winter solstice, keepsyourseveralshippeoplealonenearbythis, how can Ifeel relievedunder?”
“我是不会走的,子时就快要到了,明天就是冬至,独留你们几船人在这附近,我怎能放心得下呢?”„What did yousay? Ihad not listeneda moment agoclearly.”
The bridehas not understood the Du Kangwords, but alsoinselfishwill buryinhischest, clings tois listeningstrongpowerfulheartbeat.
新娘没有听懂杜康的话,还在自顾自的将头埋在他的胸口,贪恋地听着其中强健有力的心跳声。But the quickbrideno longerhad doubtshiswords, an invisiblestrengthdropped from the clouds, bride'stenderbodyoppressionmustfall down, stuck to the deckcannot move.
但很快新娘就不再疑惑他的话了,一股无形的力量从天而降,将新娘的娇躯压迫得摔倒在地,紧贴在船板上动弹不得。„What did youmake? Who are you? What do youwant?”
“你做了什么?你是什么人?你想要得到什么?”Attacksuddenlymade the bridehoweversobercourageous, struggledfuriously, but the invisibleenormous forceoppressedherstubbornlyon the ironstarwooden boatboard.
The powerfulbodyasmiddle rankmemberis incapable ofresistingthistyperadicallylike the deitygeneralgreatstrength, sheis been sameby the insectamber that the pine oilpackageslikeone, including a bodypressedtwist deformation, movescannotmove, can only the reluctantopens the mouthinterrogate that thiscaptures the brutalman.
身为中阶修士的强大身体根本无力抵抗这种如同天神一般的巨力,她就如同一个被松油包裹的昆虫琥珀一样,连一身皮肉被压的扭曲变形,都一动不能动,只能勉强张口质问这个拔掉无情的男人。Du Kanglooks the bride who frontjade bodylies, the tonegentlecomfortsaid.杜康看着面前玉体横陈的新娘,语气柔和的安慰道。„Good and evilhas an eveningto be happy, Iwill not killyour, but you place that comes not supposedto come , can only deliveryouto leaveherebyme, after hopingyou, canrecalltonighthappiness.”
The richmistgushes outfromDu Kangbaseless, quickfilled up the entireroom, camouflagedbride'sline of sight, andallsubmerges the bridalsubsequentspeaking voiceis one of them, thenspreadsto the outside worldfrom the slit of windows and doors.
浓郁的雾气从杜康周围凭空涌出,很快就填满了整个房间,遮蔽了新娘的视线,并且将新娘后续的说话声全都淹没在其中,然后从门窗的缝隙向外界蔓延。Overlooksfrom the upper air, thisinfleets comprised ofsevensteamships, happydrank the boatman who the waiter of guestandservice that steered...... to pasteunder the function of attractionin the deck and cabincompletelyon the ironstarwooden boatboard, in the moan of mumbling, was submergedby the ghostfog of coming.
从高空俯瞰,这支由七艘大船组成的船队中,在甲板和舱房内欢饮的宾客、服务的侍者、掌舵的船工……全部都在引力的作用下贴在了铁星木船板上,在哼哼唧唧的呻吟声中,被汹涌而来的鬼雾淹没。On the shiptwomiddle rankmembercannot onlyresist the Du Kangattraction, let alonetheselow rankmember and mortals, the entirefleetwill fall intoduring the control of Du Kangshortly, under the interaction of attractionandrepulsion, transfers the direction, changes courseto driveto the north.
连船上唯二的中阶修士都不能对抗杜康的引力,更别说这些低阶修士和凡人了,整艘船队在顷刻之间就落入了杜康的控制之中,在引力和斥力的相互作用下,调转方向,改道向北方驶去。Wrapsghostfog the entirefleet, camouflagedon the ship the brightlights, madenight of jet blackonenomoon/monthrestore to the original condition.
The pleasantidle time, the whoopeeanswers a curtain call, the lightscamouflage, the fleetlikeoneteam the ghostship that in the thick foggoes, cuts the wave, tobeing far awayto associate with people the direction of lead(er)to driveslowly......
喜乐停歇,欢闹谢幕,灯火遮蔽,船队就像一队在浓雾中行驶的鬼船一样,划破波浪,向远离交人领的方向缓缓驶去……StandsDu Kanginnew home, the line of sightpenetrates the richghostfog, looks outto the direction that associating with peopleto lead, in the mouththinks aloud.
站立在新房内的杜康,视线穿透浓郁的鬼雾,遥望向交人领的方向,口中自言自语道。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】„Today the winter solstice, the lofty moral characterin the water, the forgingwateris the auspicious day of almighty troops......”
“今日冬至,盛德在水,正是个锻造水属神兵的好日子……”Finishes speaking, the remoteplacetransmitsassociates with people in sole possession of the songsound of hidden bitternesstune.
话音刚落,遥远处就传来交人独有幽怨腔调的歌谣声。„Qingyangstart, rootgaiwiththen, pastesleek/moist and love, the qilinefinishcatches......”
“青阳开动,根荄以遂,膏润并爱,跂行毕逮……”„Zhu Mingshengis long, turns over towith the myriad things, the tung oil treeto liveMaoYu, hasinstituteQuwaste......”
“朱明盛长,归与万物,桐生茂豫,靡有所诎……”„Westernwhite and shinyHangdang, the Autumn chillwithers, hangscleverincluding the show , to continue old not waste......”
“西颢沆砀,秋气肃杀,含秀垂颖,续旧不废……”„Profounddeeptombis cloudy, hibernation of insectsinsectcoverZang, vegetationfallen, arrives at the winterfrost......”
“玄冥陵阴,蛰虫盖臧,草木零落,抵冬降霜……”11 p.m. to 1 a.m, when the winter solstice, the forgingceremony of profounddeepZhenhaisealmuststartfinally.
The melody that associates with people are quiet and beautifulandalone, eventen thousandpeoplesing in a chorusstillhave a different kindplaintivepersuasivemeaning, in the song of praise of sacrificial offeringfour seasonsSpiritual Godfullisfresh the deep loveto the undulating that anddiesis sad, infinally the transformationismoldLakers and god, the pleasantness of life and deathboundary.
交人的唱腔清幽、孤寂,即便是万人合唱中也带有一种别样的哀怨婉转之意,祭祀四季神灵的赞歌中满是对生的热爱和死的澹澹哀伤,在最后又转变为一种模湖人与神,生与死界限的喜乐。As the movingsinging soundresounds throughin the world, quickis similar to the worm that seizes every opportunity, oneselfsneaked in the ear of person of fleet.
随着动人的歌声在天地间响彻,很快就如同无孔不入的蠕虫般,自己钻进了船队之人的耳中。People who hearthissong, quick the movement that gives upstrugglingto keep, childKongenlarges, as ifsaw the four seasonsSpiritual Godis walkingtowardoneself, on the faceshowed the foolishsmile, joinedoffered a sacrifice to happysinging loudly.
听到这歌的人们,很快就放弃了挣扎不停的动作,童孔放大,仿佛看到了四季神灵在向自己走来,脸上露出了痴傻的笑容,也加入了祭乐的高歌中。SawthisDu Kang, on the faceshowedreallysuchsmile.
看到这一幕的杜康,脸上露出了果然如此的笑容。„Leadsyouto leave is really right, ifmadeyoualsojoin the ranks of sacrificial offering, only the ceremony that requested the water clanto attendmaybe destroyed.”
“带你们离开果然是对的,要是让你们也加入了祭祀的行列,只要求水族参加的仪式可就被生生破坏掉了。”Controls the shipsacceleration of under footto leavethissea area, is slightly lightuntilsinging sound, on the ship the worshippingsymptoms of thesepeoplehave reduced.
控制脚下的船只加速驶离这片海域,直到身边的歌声稍轻,船上这些人的拜神症状才有所减轻。Butat this time, along with the redundantsinging sound, inseadaycolordarkness, the sea level of distant placehoweverraisedrepeatedlycourageous a azureSun.
The rising sun of initial riseis located the East, withby the color of sparkleazurelifebirthin the world, illuminated the entiredarkworld.
初升的旭日位于东方,配以青色这种生命诞生之色闪耀于天地之间,照亮了整个黑暗的世界。Thisis the positivity of spring, is representinginitial of four seasons, is symbolizingofficialstart of ceremony.
The richghostfogcamouflaged the azuresunlight, the fleetcarriedfullChuan the passengerto go far awayrapidly, was separated from the region that thisSpiritual Godstrengthcoveredgradually, butassociates with people the ceremony that gotstillto continue.
The timepassesslowly, azureSunclimbsin the skyslowly, whenrisesto the skycenter, transformed the blazingredfrom the azuredirectly.
时间缓缓流逝,青色的太阳在天空中慢慢爬升,在升到天空正中的时候,直接从青色转变成了炽热的红色。This is symbolizing the summerscarletYang, is making clear to the summermyriad thingsexuberantvitality.
这是象征着夏日的赤阳,昭示着夏日万物旺盛的生命力。Thisworld the god of four seasonsis not the lifeoccupies the god positionsecretly, needs the incense and candleto hope the strength the god of personality, butis the god of conceptin the naturalmain roadevolves, notthinksnotthinks, was actually aloof the limit of life, has the ordinarymember not unimaginablegood fortunemighty force.
The worldis a furnace, the good fortuneis the labor, the Yin-Yangis the coal, the myriad thingsare the copper.
天地为炉兮,造化为工,阴阳为炭兮,万物为铜。Sheng Jiadesigns the original intention of thisceremony, isto borrowgod of four seasons the strength of good fortune, completesforging of almighty troops, Du Kangthought that suchdesign ideadoes not have the issue, thencontinued to use the ceremony of Shengdirectly.
The singing sound that associates with peoplewas still continuing, redSunfallsslowlyto the west, whenfallsto the horizonwest, turned into a whitebigfireball.
交人的歌声仍在继续,赤色的太阳缓缓向西落去,在降到天边最西侧的时候,变成了一个白色的大火球。ThisisautumnwhiteYang of symbol, represents the air/Qi of gold/metal the myriad thingsare withering, will killin the landin the fallmostlives.
这是象征的秋天的白阳,代表着万物肃杀的金戈之气,将会在秋日里杀死大地上大部分的生灵。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
The Du Kangmain bodystandsin the tranquilsea level, over ten thousandorazureorblueassociating with peoplepartlyfloatin the water, is singing loudlygreat and universal love of four seasons, towhitegoldenSuntransparent whiteonepiece of sea waterphoto.杜康的本体站立在平静的海面上,上万只或青或碧的交人半浮在水中,高歌着四季的伟大和博爱,任由白金色的太阳将海水照的亮白一片。Overlooksfrom the upper air, as ifplaces oneselfin a stretch of whiteland.
The changeforDu Kang of body of azurescaleassociating with people, in the handholdsGenkicarapace, profoundYinsnakemonstersnakebody, the corner/horn of alonecorner/hornthunderflood dragon, eonlightfishroefourgoodsimpracticalinsea water, sang the praises of the benevolenceandKang of KaiSpiritual Godtogether.
The fourgoods in hishandseparatelyrepresent the profounddeeprealwater and invisiblerealwater, ten thousandto meltthunderwater, the eonlightrealwaterfourtypesrefine the profounddeepZhenhaisealnecessary first naivewater, is waiting forarrival of Spiritual Godgood fortunewith the materialpreparedstance.
他手里的四件物品分别代表着玄冥真水、无形真水、万化雷水、宙光真水四种炼制玄冥镇海印必备的先天真水,以材料齐备的姿态等待着神灵造化的降临。Is goodbecause, whiteYangzhisparkled the momentto fallunder the sea levelcompletely, vanishedin the jet blackdarksea waterdoes not see.
好在,白阳只闪耀了片刻就完全落到了海面之下,在漆黑幽暗的海水之中消失不见。WhenDu Kanghad doubtsblackYangtowhere that oneselfhave anticipated, a jet blackSunappearedunder the bodyin vainsmoothsuch asin the sea level of mirror.
就在杜康疑惑自己一直期待的黑阳到了何处的时候,一轮漆黑的太阳徒然出现在了身下平滑如镜的海面中。BlackYangappeared there like this, but was actually similar to the mirrorin the flowerandwater the moon/monthto be the same, unattainable.
黑阳就这样出现在了那里,但却又如同镜中之花、水中之月一般,可望而不可及。This is symbolizing the winterblackYang, represents the myriad thingsto turn over to the tenaciousstrength that concealslives.
这是象征着冬日的黑阳,代表着万物归藏生息的坚韧力量。Itbecause of the color of nether world, names„unreliablydeep”!
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