DD :: Volume #12

#1113: Flying ancestor

As the jet black thunder clouds of sky more gather, the lightning glow gathering agglomerate that suddenly the lightning glow writings, a thunder clouds tumbling, walks randomly, saw that the next quarter then must crash under. 随着天空的漆黑雷云越聚越多,蓦然间电芒大作,雷云一阵翻滚,游走的电芒汇聚成团,眼看下一刻便要坠落而下。 At this moment, the nearby somewhere void void shakes, scoffs at a bang, split a thick space crack. 就在此刻,附近某处虚空中虚空一震,“嗤啦”一声巨响,裂开了一道粗大的空间裂缝。 The thick white light beam like lightning lasing, the rapidness of speed, almost teleport is together ordinary. 紧接着,一道粗大白色光柱闪电般从中激射而出,速度之快,几乎瞬移一般。 The Liu Ming pupil shrinks fiercely, has not waited for him to make any response, white light beam already dodges, but, stroked in midair above the dense and numerous thunder clouds. 柳鸣瞳孔猛地一缩,还没等他做出任何反应,白色光柱已经一闪而至,击打在了半空中密密麻麻的雷云之上。 The thunder clouds that just condensed were struck to disperse loudly most probably, in the surplus thunder clouds flip-flop the sound big sound, the purple, the silver, the golden electric light in dodged in the clouds crazily, but looked like sparse. 刚刚凝聚起来的雷云轰然被击散了大半,剩余的雷云之中噼啪之声大响,紫色,银色,金色的电光在云中狂闪,不过看起来稀疏了很多。 But the white light beam dodges passes, disappeared without a trace, is similar to has not appeared instantaneously then generally, but the space crack also quickly closes up, has not left slightly the trace. 而白色光柱只是一闪即逝,瞬间便消失的无影无踪,如同没有出现过一般,而空间裂缝也很快合拢,没有留下丝毫痕迹。 Liu Ming stunned, an under foot point, the whole person rose straight from the ground, has flown in midair. 柳鸣一阵愕然,脚下一点,整个人拔地而起,飞到了半空之中。 „......” “……” A Liu Ming's eyebrows wrinkle, this white light, although only presented the flash, but the prestige of implication can, far far exceed Heaven Imitation cultivator, but it as if has not injured the meaning of Flying Head, instead in greatest divine ability that to go against heaven's will, helped Flying Head to pass Thunder Tribulation. 柳鸣眉头一皱,这白光虽然只出现了一刹那,但其中蕴含的威能之强,远远超过了天象修士,不过其似乎没有加害飞颅的意思,反而是在以逆天的莫大神通,助飞颅度过了雷劫 Bang! 轰隆! In midair surplus not much thunder clouds gather slowly, tiny assorted electric arcs fell, divided went to Flying Head. 半空中剩余不多的雷云缓缓聚集起来,一道道细小的各色电弧落了下来,劈向了飞颅而去。 Flying Head big mouth, exudes one to roar, full head sends the lasing green, turned into a green big net to open in the top of the head. 飞颅大口一张,发出一声怒吼,满头绿发激射而出,化成了一张绿色大网张开在了头顶。 The green sent to reappear the turbulent green flame that above the silk dodged, electric arcs fell on above, green flame rays of light put greatly, wrapped the electric arc directly in inside. 绿色发丝之上一闪的浮现出了汹涌的绿焰,一根根电弧落在上面,绿焰光芒大放,直接将电弧包裹在了里面。 Possibly is the thunder clouds is struck to disperse the most reason, these electric arc might are limited, in green flame flip-flop crack, although struck to disperse much the green flame, but electric arc oneself also quickly dissipated. 可能是雷云被击散大半的缘故,这些电弧威力有限,在绿色火焰之中一阵噼啪炸响,虽然将绿焰击散了不少,但电弧自身也很快消散开来。 In the Flying Head mouth sends out quack laughs, opened mouth spouts a grey filthy flame, hits the above thunder clouds loudly, had the lightning glow cling to pull some thunder clouds directly, swallowed down impressively. 飞颅口中发出嘎嘎大笑,张口喷出一股灰色秽焰,轰然击中上空的雷云,直接将一部分雷云还有其中的电芒卷住拉扯了下来,赫然一口吞了下去。 Liu Ming's complexion stagnates. 柳鸣脸色一滞。 A thunder clouds tumbling in midair, dropped second wave of Thunder Tribulation once more, but is smaller and weaker than the first wave, Flying Head direct opened mouth, has put out the big piece ash-gray flame, these electric arc clings, swallowed down one after another. 半空中的雷云一阵翻滚,再次落下了第二波的雷劫,不过比第一波更加弱小,飞颅直接一张口,吐出了大片的灰色火焰,将这些电弧卷住,一口一口吞了下去。 Quick, the black thunder clouds of sky getting smaller, after the last golden electric arc falls, was swallowed down by Fei'er in similar manner. 很快,天空的黑色雷云越来越小,最后一道金色电弧落下后,也被飞儿以同样方式吞了下去。 at the same time when the black thunder clouds extinguish gradually, the Fei'er body surface gushed out the big piece green mist, under and a winding interweaves, has formed a several feet fog ball, wrapped Flying Head in inside. 当黑色雷云渐渐消弭的同时,飞儿体表涌出了大片绿色雾气,并一阵缠绕交织之下,形成了一个数丈大小的雾球,将飞颅包裹在了里面。 Fei'er finally started to enter the step! 飞儿终于开始了进阶! In the mist spread Fei'er to be excited, at the same time also somewhat painful neighing sound. 雾气之中传出了飞儿兴奋,同时也有些痛苦的嘶叫声。 Suddenly, the cold wind is intermittent. 一时间,阴风阵阵。 Is centered on Fei'er, surroundings massive Yin Qi gathered unceasingly, has formed gigantic incomparable Yin Qi vortex, in vortex clear reappeared 36 black crystal bead, then in revolving process, rapid fusion in one. 飞儿为中心,周围大量的阴气不断的汇聚了过来,形成了一个硕大无比的阴气漩涡,漩涡之中清楚的浮现出了36个黑色晶珠,然后在旋转过程中,迅速的融合在了一起。 After a little while, in black vortex reappeared black round bead phantom of fist size, above reappeared six clear incomparable holes. 少顷,黑色漩涡之中浮现出了一个拳头大小的黑色圆珠虚影,上面浮现出六个清晰无比的孔窍。 Black round bead phantom shakes vanishes does not see, all green air/qi vortex dissipate loudly, has revealed the Fei'er personal appearance once more. 黑色圆珠虚影一震的消失不见,紧接着所有的绿气漩涡轰然消散,再次露出了飞儿的身形。 But sees Fei'er to be many a pair of bend angle besides the head, the appearance has not had the too sweeping change, but the originally eight small heads, become and main head are without change, nine heads encircle in midair, already could not branch out primary and secondary. 但见飞儿除了头上多出一对弯角外,外貌没有发生太大变化,不过原本八个小型的头颅,变得和主头颅一般无二,九个头颅在半空中围成一圈,已然分不出主次。 If carefully looks, among the frowns of nine heads, left a deep heavy line. 若是仔细看的话,九颗头颅的双眉之间,都多出了一条深深的黑线。 The intense magical power fluctuation had demonstrated Fei'er already enters the step successfully, evolved Demon Head of True Core boundary. 强烈的法力波动显示了飞儿已经成功进阶,进化成了一头真丹境的魔头 green light flashes, Fei'er changed into the appearance of green robe young lad, a personal appearance revolution, falls side Liu Ming. 绿光一闪,飞儿化为了绿袍童子的模样,身形一转,落在柳鸣身旁。 After entering step True Core, Fei'er the young lad looked like has as if grown up, on its smooth forehead, clear reappeared a black pipe, for the first time looked seemed was shutting the eye is ordinary. 进阶真丹之后,飞儿所化的童子看起来似乎长大了一些,其光滑的额头上,清晰的浮现出了一道黑色的竖线,乍一看似乎是一个闭着的眼睛一般。 Master, I congealed pill to succeed!” Fei'er fell side Liu Ming, the white and tender small hand has held on the Liu Ming's lower hem corner, excited saying. 主人,我凝丹成功了!”飞儿落在了柳鸣身旁,白嫩的小手拉住了柳鸣的衣角,兴奋的说道。 Does well!” Liu Ming stroked the Fei'er top of the head gently, the applause was saying one, but in the brain cannot help but flashed through the white light beam that formerly suddenly presented that in the heart had doubts secretly. “做得不错!”柳鸣轻轻抚摸着飞儿的头顶,赞许的说了一句,但脑中不禁闪过先前忽然出现的白色光柱,心中暗自疑惑。 Fei'er hearing this, delightedly extremely 飞儿闻言,更加欢喜万分 A Liu Ming vision revolution, fell in the heavy line on Fei'er forehead, the look dodged. 柳鸣目光一转,落在了飞儿额头上的黑线上,眼神一闪。 Fei'er, on your forehead what's the matter? Enters new divine ability after step True Core?” 飞儿,你额头上的这个是怎么回事?进阶真丹后的新神通吗?” Fei'er hearing this is startled, the white and tender small hand traces forehead, on the face has revealed vacant. 飞儿闻言一怔,白嫩的小手摸了摸额头,脸上露出了一丝茫然。 Fei'er does not know that just suddenly thought here is very painful, probably must split is the same, but already has not felt now.” After Fei'er enters step True Core, mental had the enhancement obviously, enunciated was clearer than before. 飞儿也不知道,刚刚忽然觉得这里很痛,好像要裂开一样,不过现在已经没感觉了。”飞儿进阶真丹之后,心智明显有了提高,吐字比以前清晰了很多。 Liu Ming hearing this, a brow wrinkle. 柳鸣闻言,眉头一皱。 Does not need to be worried that your spirit companion foundation is uncommon, after the vertical mark on forehead should be it enters the step, some unknown pupil technique divine ability indication that obtains.” Luo Hou sound suddenly appears in Liu Ming heart. “不用担心,你的这头灵宠根基不凡,额头上的竖纹应该是其进阶之后,获得的某种未知的瞳术神通征兆。”罗睺的声音忽的在柳鸣心底浮现而出。 Pupil technique?” Liu Ming surprised [say / way]. “瞳术?”柳鸣惊讶道。 Yes, the pupil technique is very rare divine ability. Has saying that your luck is really good, two spirit companion both have uncommon divine ability. Had spreading of many fierce pupil technique in the antiquity time, for example the eye of disappearing, the eye of being disillusioned wait / etc., although has not known that your this Flying Head in the end obtained any pupil technique, but should might not be small, your this Flying Head cultivation base was also not enough to use this divine ability, therefore is at also not the waking state now.” Luo Hou light saying. “是的,瞳术是一种非常罕见的神通。不得不说,你的运气真是不错,两头灵宠都有着不凡的神通。在上古时期有不少厉害瞳术的流传,例如泯灭之眼,破灭之目等等,虽然还不知道你这头飞颅到底得到了什么瞳术,不过应该威力不小,你这头飞颅修为还不足以使用此神通,所以现在处于还未觉醒状态。”罗睺淡淡的说道。 After Liu Ming listened, in natural heart great happiness, but the complexion slightly changes, as if has remembered anything, asked busily: 柳鸣听了后,自然心中大喜,不过脸色微微一变,似乎想起了什么,忙又问道: Was right, that Giant Eye divine ability that Luo Hou Senior, that Yin Stream summoned before, you called the eye of Mad Demon at that time „”, is don't tell me this also pupil technique divine ability? ” “对了,罗睺前辈,之前那阴流召唤出的那巨目神通,你当时称之为“怒魔之目”,难道这也是一个瞳术神通?” Said also right, at antiquity person demon war the period, Mad Demon fierce Demonic Creature, he has extremely overbearing pupil technique divine ability, but afterward this Demon Head also died in the war, that only Giant Eye is his eye, should be that Yin Stream uses some secret technique to summon.” Luo Hou as if not want to discuss, sound quick quiet. “这么说也没错,在上古人魔大战的期间,有一个名叫怒魔的厉害魔物,他有着一种极为霸道的瞳术神通,不过后来此魔头也在大战中陨落了,那只巨目便是他的一只眼睛,应该是那个阴流使用某种秘术召唤出来的。”罗睺似乎不想多谈,声音很快沉寂了下去。 The Liu Ming brow tip selects, when must closely examine anything, a distant place sound sound, the escaping light flew from mountain valley from out of the blue together. 柳鸣眉梢一挑,还要追问什么时,远处破空声一响,一道遁光从山谷内飞了出来。 Liu Ming expression slightly changes, intention moves, then told that Fei'er returns to Nourishing Soul Pouch. 柳鸣神色微微一变,心念一动,便吩咐飞儿回到养魂袋中。 However Fei'er at this moment, suddenly looks at the towards the mountain valley direction, as if has not heard Liu Ming's intention sound transmission. 不过此刻的飞儿,忽然怔怔的看向山谷方向,似乎没有听到柳鸣的心念传音 Liu Ming sees this, a brow wrinkle, has to keep Fei'er to stay outside first. 柳鸣见此,眉头一皱,也只好先留飞儿呆在外面了。 At this time, escaped stopping of light flashes before the Liu Ming body, rays of light diverged, has revealed the Yin Stream personal appearance. 这时,遁光一闪的停在了柳鸣身前,光芒散去,露出了阴流的身形。 Six Yin Senior.” Liu Ming goes forward two steps, slightly a ritual. 六阴前辈。”柳鸣上前两步,微微一礼。 Fellow Daoist Liu, you come out is actually very early, looks at your appearance, should capture!” In the Yin Stream eye flashes through an accident, immediately the vision has swept nearby Flying Head one. 柳道友,你出来的倒是很早,看你的样子,应该有所斩获吧!”阴流眼中闪过一丝意外,随即目光扫了旁边的飞颅一眼。 This has been lucky the Senior direction.” Liu Ming said respectfully. “这多亏了前辈指点,。”柳鸣恭敬说道。 Since your I have served purpose, sooner leaves, Dark King's Grave may not be the long-erm place. ” Yin Stream hearing this nods, saying of at lightning speed. 既然你我都达到了目的,还是早些离开吧,幽王之殇可并非久留之地。”阴流闻言点点头,飞快的说道。 Yes.” Truth that Liu Ming naturally has not agreed with. However at this moment, Flying Head still looks at the towards the mountain valley direction. “是。”柳鸣自然没有不同意的道理。不过此刻,飞颅仍是怔怔的看向山谷方向。 Fei'er! Walks, is quicker leaves here.” A Liu Ming's eyebrows wrinkle, sound transmission said. 飞儿!走吧,快些离开这里。”柳鸣眉头一皱,传音说道。 The Fei'er body shakes, as if then responded. 飞儿身体一震,似乎这才反应了过来。 How, Fei'er?” Liu Ming's complexion sinks, sound transmission asked. “怎么了,飞儿?”柳鸣脸色微沉,传音问道。 The Yin Stream vision looked, expression also moves. 阴流目光看了过来,神色也是一动。 Master, I hear as if some people in summoning me, is a very big sound, making me go to a mountain valley place now.” On the Fei'er face reappeared the strange facial expression, sound transmission said. 主人,我听到似乎有人在召唤我,是一个很大的声音,让我现在去山谷里面的一个地方。”飞儿脸上浮现出了奇怪的神情,传音说道。 Liu Ming turned around suddenly, looks to the Dark King's Grave direction, at the same time Divine Consciousness spread comes, extends the thousand li(500 km) range, what a pity anything cannot induce. 柳鸣豁然转身,看向幽王之殇的方向,同时神识扩散开来,延伸到了千里范围,可惜什么也感应不到。 Walks, Fei'er, this Dark King's Grave is somewhat strange, does not need to pay attention to these.” Liu Ming slightly hesitates, decisive saying. “走吧,飞儿,这幽王之殇有些古怪,不必理会那些。”柳鸣只是略一沉吟,就果断的说道。 But the Fei'er body as if sewed in same place, still did not have the meaning that the half minute left. 飞儿身体仿佛钉在了原地,仍然没有半分离开的意思。 „It is not good, Master, I felt that is unable to resist this summon the sound. That sound said that he called Ancestor Fei, just helped me pass Thunder Tribulation, now makes me pass, said that helped my cultivation.” “不行,主人,我感觉无法抗拒这个召唤的声音。那个声音说他叫飞祖,刚刚帮助我度过雷劫,现在让我过去,说帮助我修炼。” Liu Ming hearing this, the complexion changes. 柳鸣闻言,脸色一变。 Brother Liu, this is your spirit companion, but what happened?” Asking of Yin Stream eyes flashed. 柳兄,这头是你的灵宠吧,可是发生了什么事?”阴流目光一闪的问道。 Is such......” in Liu Ming heart thought racing, will occur in Fei'er situation told Yin Stream. “是这样的……”柳鸣心中念头急转,还是将发生在飞儿身上的情况告诉了阴流 so that's how it is, related Ancestor Fei this person, I knows actually, its several thousand years ago are also the Lord of Nine Netherworlds territory, cultivation base Profound Opening, it is said at first is also a Flying Head Demon Head evolution. However it should already died during meditation be.” Yin Stream muttering looking pensive. 原来如此,有关飞祖此人,我倒是知道一些,其数万年前也是九幽一域之主,修为通玄,据说起初也是一头飞颅魔头进化而成。不过它应该早就坐化了才是。”阴流若有所思的喃喃自语道。 Six Yin Senior, from arriving at this Dark King's Grave, in the younger generation heart the question, here had then been known as the Dark King grave, may have living Profound Opening Supreme Being does exist?” Saying of Liu Ming look glittering. 六阴前辈,从来到这幽王之殇,晚辈心中便一直有一个疑问,这里号称幽王的坟墓,可还有活着的通玄大能存在?”柳鸣眼神闪烁的说道。 Should not have, I have inquired this matter from teacher there. To his knowledge, on enters Dark King's Grave Dark King in three ten thousand years ago, calculates according to that Supreme Being life essence, should already died during meditation. After all even if Profound Opening Supreme Being, is unable to achieve to live forever.” After Yin Stream has hesitated the moment, slowly replied. “应该没有,我从师尊那里打听过此事。据他所知,上一个进入幽王之殇幽王是在三万年前,按照那位大能寿元来算,应该已经坐化。毕竟即便是通玄大能,也无法做到长生不老的。”阴流沉吟了片刻后,缓缓回道 That this Ancestor Fei, how also to summon my this spirit companion suddenly in the past?” Liu Ming somewhat was really surprised.. “那这个飞祖,又怎会突然召唤我这头灵宠过去?”柳鸣真有些惊疑了。。 This I am not clear. No matter what, your this Flying Head and Ancestor Fei are also the people of same race, should not be the misdemeanor, perhaps is really your this spirit companion greatest chance.” Yin Stream prudent saying. “这个我也不清楚了。不管怎样,你这头飞颅飞祖也算是同族之人,应该不是什么坏事,或许真是你这头灵宠的一个莫大机缘。”阴流慎重的说道。 Liu Ming hearing this, a complexion cloudy clear change is uncertain, long time is speechless. R1152 柳鸣闻言,脸色一阵阴晴变化不定,半晌无言。R1152
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