DKDHO :: Volume #2 和平不必被打破

#705: „I will accept.”

The joyful time is always short. 快乐的时光总是短暂的。 Like front three days, night of time, will pass unknowingly. 就像前面三天一样,一夜的时间,不知不觉就会过去。 These in three days, Skien basically wakes up after dawn. 这三天里,希恩基本都是在天亮以后才醒来。 But this time, day also not bright, Skien awoke. 但这次,天还没亮,希恩就醒了。 No, should say, that night, Skien is in the true sense has not rested. 不,应该说,这一夜,希恩才是真正意义上的没有睡过。 Then, he receives striking that some Charm Devil was relentless. 然后,他就受到了某位魅魔毫不留情的敲打。 I kill your bastard!” “我打死你这个魂淡!” The Schiffne whole face is then exhausted, angry is actually supporting the body that did not have a strength, grasps the pillow, don't fear for one's life pounds toward Skien's body. 夏芙涅便满脸疲惫,却怒气冲冲的强撑着没有了一丝力气的身体,抓起枕头,不要命似的往希恩的身上砸去。 You... you murder the husband...!?” “你...你谋杀亲夫啊...!?” Skien quickly was equally exhausted, the reluctant standard is keeping off the pillow that non-stop pounding, had almost not dodged the waist because of the movement oversized. 希恩同样快筋疲力尽了,勉强格挡着不停砸来的枕头,差点没有因动作过大而闪了腰。 May look at such Skien, Schiffne not only does not have show mercy, instead anger. 可看着这样的希恩,夏芙涅不但没有手下留情,反而更加的愤怒。 Reaching an agreement sober? Knowing when to stop of reaching an agreement?” “说好的清醒呢?说好的适可而止呢?” Feels the body that is becoming cannot withstand again tired, Schiffne really thinks that bites to death Skien. 感受着再一次变得劳累不堪的身体,夏芙涅真想一口咬死希恩 I... does my have to bear?” “我...我这不是没忍住吗?” Skien also knows oneself are in the wrong, looks the awkward color, and because of having a sore waist and an aching back of again body, but baring the teeth. 希恩也知道自己理亏,面露尴尬之色,并因身体的再一次腰酸背痛咧牙呲嘴了起来。 Right, Skien again and again and again empty. 没错,希恩又双叒叕的虚了。 The reason does not have it, because only played to take off/escape. 原因无它,只是因为玩脱了而已。 I know finally, couple days ago, why my unconsciousness will work hard such.” Skien spits the mortise: This is not does not want to stop, but cannot stop.” “我总算知道,前几天,为什么我无意识都会操劳成那样。”希恩吐槽道:“这不是不想停,而是根本停不下来啊。” Is such matter. 就是这么回事。 Without the means that who lets the opponent is not others, the precisely beautiful appearance excels by far the world, can be called three realms first Charm Devil? 没办法,谁让对手不是别人,正是美貌冠绝天下,堪称三界第一的魅魔呢? Not is only the appearance, this Witch exquisite and soft feeling as well as mature sex appeal of inside to outside tender body, are making one want to stop but cannot of stature and skin. 不光是长相而已,这个魔女的身材、皮肤的细腻度、娇躯的柔软感以及由内而外的成熟性感,都在让人欲罢不能。 This is true Fairy, can let the causing the downfall of the nation seductive woman of death that the man is willing above his belly. 这是个真正的妖精,能让男人心甘情愿的死在其肚皮之上的倾国妖姬。 That pinnacle enjoyment, Skien thinks now, has to plant also the trend that wants the evil fire to brave, only wants to struggle selflessly till exhausted, thorough that any completely person perishes. 那种极致的享受,希恩现在想起来,都有种还要邪火直冒的趋势,只想无私奋斗到筋疲力尽,彻底那个啥尽人亡为止。 But Schiffne did not think that this is the praise. 夏芙涅根本不觉得这是夸奖。 You... you go out to me!” Schiffne can only tremble to jolt the holding up hand of summit, is pointing at the entrance, infuriated shouted to shout: From now on, does not permit you to bump me!” “你...你给我出去!”夏芙涅只能颤颤颠颠的举起手,指着门口,火冒三丈的嚷嚷道:“从今往后,不准你碰我!” Obviously, Schiffne has exploded with rage. 显然,夏芙涅已经气炸了。 Real angry?” Skien then blinks, said with a dry smile: Good, did I know mistakenly the line?” “真生气了?”希恩这才眨了眨眼睛,干笑道:“好吧,我知道错了行了吧?” Originally, was pulled up in oneself does not want, only wants to flaunt the beast desire, Schiffne had not expressed that big resistance, Skien also thinks that this Witch did not oppose oneself such to her. 本来,在自己被撩得不要不要的,只想一逞兽欲的时候,夏芙涅没有表示出多大的抗拒,希恩还以为这个魔女并不反对自己这么对她。 Who once thinks, afterward, response of Schiffne, since is so big. 谁曾想,事后,夏芙涅的反应既然这么大。 Such Skien does not know, the Schiffne air/Qi, having the larger part is because helpless is the result. 这样的希恩根本不知道,夏芙涅的气,有一大半都是因为无奈所致。 For other, because of her facing the Skien domineering, cannot resist unexpectedly. 不为别的,就因为她面对希恩的强势,竟是没能抗拒。 These did not compare before time, Schiffne's power is imprisoned, can refuse Skien to act unreasonably. 要知道,这一次可不比之前,夏芙涅的力量没有被禁锢,是可以拒绝希恩乱来的。 Finally, when Skien throws, Schiffne is continually a wee bit resistances has not actually made, this is her true angry place. 结果,在希恩扑上来的时候,夏芙涅却是连丁点的反抗都没有做出,这才是她真正生气的地方。 In other words , she air/Qi is not Skien, but is oneself. 换言之,她气的不是希恩,而是自己。 Although, she also knows, she is not does not want to revolt, but really did not revolt. 虽然,她也知道,自己不是不想反抗,而是真的反抗不了。 After all, like like that after having such relations that before said that Skien did not have the means to avoid by Schiffne's power being interfered, Schiffne did not have the means to reject being intimate with Skien. 毕竟,就像之前说的那般,在有了这样的关系以后,希恩没办法避免被夏芙涅的力量干涉,夏芙涅却也没办法拒绝希恩的亲近了。 This is the limit of her Unique Skill, was doomed Schiffne in front of Skien, no longer has resistance ability. 这是她的独有技能的局限,注定了夏芙涅在希恩的面前,已经不再有抗拒的能力 This is Schiffne is unable to refuse the Skien reason to be. 这才是夏芙涅无法拒绝希恩的原因所在。 But precisely because is very clear this matter, Schiffne can only pent up anger, uses something as a pretext, vents a wave of anger. 正是因为很清楚这种事,夏芙涅才只能生闷气,借题发挥,发泄一波怒气。 Skien does not know this matter, but also thinks that really tossed about too fiercely, lets the Schiffne ignition. 希恩不知道这件事,还以为真是自己折腾得太厉害,才让夏芙涅发火了。 Schiffne will not explain this point, only clenches teeth secretly. 夏芙涅也不会解释这一点,只是暗暗咬牙。 I have not joked with you.” Schiffne breathless as say/way: From now on, didn't permit you to come, to hear to me again hardly?” “我没有跟你开玩笑。”夏芙涅气急败坏似的道:“从今往后,不准你再对我硬来,听到了没?” Schiffne really feared that type is unable to revolt, by feeling that various types manipulate ashamed. 夏芙涅是真的怕了那种无法反抗,被各种羞耻摆弄的感觉了。 Earnest?” “认真的?” Skien saw the Schiffne heartfelt resistance, is saying, while in the heart is various types does not abandon. 希恩看出了夏芙涅由衷的抗拒,一边这么说着,一边心中也是各种不舍。 Naturally.” Schiffne may, no matter these, extremely serious looks at Skien, said: I hope that you can understand, among us the relations are because the mistake arising out of chance circumstances causes, is not mutual consent.” “当然。”夏芙涅可不管这些,极为郑重的看着希恩,不由道:“我希望你能明白,我们之间的关系是因为阴差阳错才导致的,并不是你情我愿。” The Schiffne words, let a Skien brow wrinkle, silent. 夏芙涅的话,让希恩眉头一皱,沉默了下来。 Looks at such Skien, the Schiffne attitude became soft. 看着这样的希恩,夏芙涅的态度才变软了。 I know, your yesterday evening only could not help, at all was not what intense sentiment because had to fall down to me my?” Schiffne said: You is a man, I can understand your impulsion, but you should think well, actually you were evading me for anything before.” “我知道,你昨天晚上只是情不自禁而已,根本不是因为对我有什么强烈的感情才扑倒我的吧?”夏芙涅这么道:“你是男人,我能理解你的冲动,但你应该好好想想,你之前究竟是为了什么才那么避着我。” By a Schiffne such saying, Skien was also realized. 夏芙涅这么一说,希恩也醒觉了。 I do not imagine others to be the same, falls to the enemy thoroughly in your charm, forgot that own standpoint, forgot oneself should the matter of doing, even forgot own person, in the eye only has your one, turns into base and low lapdog, therefore is evading you.” “我是不想像其他人一样,彻底沦陷在你的魅力里,忘记自己的立场,忘记自己该做的事,甚至忘记自己身边的人,眼里只剩下你一个,变成卑微的舔狗,所以才避着你。” Skien is saying, and somewhat understands that Schiffne wants to say anything. 希恩这么说着,并多少有些明白夏芙涅想说什么。 Actually, the matter that Schiffne wants to say is very simple. 其实,夏芙涅想说的事情很简单。 To be honest, I appreciate such you very much.” “说实话,我很欣赏那样的你。” Schiffne first in front of Skien speaks the truth. 夏芙涅第一次在希恩的面前说了实话。 My hateful these one saw very much I do everything to me, even all offers to me, and reckless is only entangling my fellow, such person, to me, absolutely is in this world most senseless existence.” “我很讨厌那些一见到我就对我献殷勤,甚至把所有的一切都奉献给我,且不顾一切的只缠着我的家伙,那样的人,对我来说,绝对是这个世上最为无趣的存在。” That easy falling to the enemy, the offer of acting willfully, not all women like. 那种轻而易举的沦陷,一意孤行的奉献,并不是所有的女人都喜欢。 Schiffne is, only thought that these saw oneself simply do not have the least bit will on the fellow of being able to walk, no least bit insisted, places woman body all mind, does not attend to itself completely, does not attend to others, then on the only obedient puppet and person by chance already. 夏芙涅就是如此,只觉得那些看到自己就走不动路的家伙根本没有半点毅力,亦没有半点坚持,把所有的心神都放在一个女人身上,完全不顾自己,也不顾他人,那就只是听话的傀儡和人偶而已。 Therefore, regarding having own idea, own principle, thus avoids own Skien on own initiative, Schiffne will give that high score. 所以,对于有自己的想法,自己的原则,因而主动避开自己的希恩,夏芙涅才会给予那么高的分数。 But last night, Skien already some out-of-control. 可昨晚,希恩已经有些失控了。 Otherwise, he not without delay suddenly falls down oneself. 要不然,他不会二话不说的突然扑倒自己。 Although, some Schiffne also responsibility, said ambiguous words that under that scene should not speak, before causing already own Skien self-control no longer resembles, was so strong, but after Skien, unceasing tossing about that the friendship is difficult to control self, is gets sucked is impulsive the proof. 虽说,夏芙涅自己也有些责任,说了那个场景下不该说的暧昧话语,导致已经得到自己的希恩的自制力不再像以前那么强了,但希恩后面情难自禁的不断折腾,就是深陷冲动里的证明。 You obtain me, is the first man in my life, it is estimated that can also be last, therefore, I do not hope that you turn into my most hateful that senseless person, can you understand?” “你已经得到了我,是我人生中的第一个男人,估计也会是最后一个,所以,我不希望你变成我最讨厌的那种无趣的人,你能明白吗?” Schiffne real somewhat worried had this point to come. 夏芙涅真的有些担心起这一点来了。 This time, she and Skien's matter, being true are the accidents/surprises of mistake arising out of chance circumstances. 这一次,她和希恩的事情,属实不过是阴差阳错的意外。 But luckily, the object is Skien, is person who Schiffne a little appreciated, in addition various factors, Schiffne ultimately accepted this fact. 但幸好,对象是希恩,是夏芙涅本来就有点欣赏的人,加上各种因素,夏芙涅最终还是接受了这个事实。 If Skien became were like these senseless people, what to do that Schiffne really did not know should. 而若是希恩都变得和那些无趣的人一样了,那夏芙涅就真的不知道该怎么办了。 Taking this into consideration, Schiffne will feel breathless, not necessarily does not aim at this warning. 有鉴于此,夏芙涅会感到气急败坏,未必不是针对这点的警告。 Skien can feel Schiffne the intention, but tight wrinkle the brow gradually loosens. 希恩能够感受到夏芙涅的这种心意,紧皱而起的眉头逐渐松开。 Good.” Skien sighs, this time is sincere said toward Schiffne: This time, truly was I impulses.” “好吧。”希恩叹了一口气,这次是真挚的向着夏芙涅道:“这次,确实是我冲动了。” You can understand well.” Schiffne complexion relaxes. “你能明白就好。”夏芙涅面色缓和。 However, Skien is actually changed the topic. 然而,希恩却是语锋一转 That said that but after you do not permit me, bumps you, this I begged to differ.” “话是这么说,但你不准我以后碰你,这我就不敢苟同了。” Skien's words, making Schiffne be startled slightly. 希恩的话语,让夏芙涅微微一怔。 Skien sat, staring is staring at Schiffne, asked one. 希恩坐了起来,直勾勾的盯着夏芙涅,问了一句。 „Do you want to terminate and my relations?” “你想终止和我的这段关系吗?” This issue, Skien under asked every single word or phrase. 这个问题,希恩是一字一句下问出来的。 This lets in the Schiffne heart one tight, had nothing to say in reply. 这让夏芙涅心中一紧,无言以对。 Can terminate this relations? 要终止这段关系吗? Should probably want? 应该是得要的吧? Between she and Skien is the accident/surprise under mistake arising out of chance circumstances eventually, such relations, shouldn't could it be terminate? 她和希恩之间终究属于阴差阳错下的意外,这样的关系,难道不该终止吗? If I said am, how you will do?” “如果我说是,你会怎么做?” Schiffne has not answered, but does intentionally tranquilly asked back. 夏芙涅没有做出回答,而是故作平静的反问了回去。 Regarding this, Skien's reply is this. 对此,希恩的回答是这样的。 „If other woman, I definitely did not agree, after all I do not want to become the man who does not acknowledge mistakes.” Skien very straightforwardly said: But if you, I will accept.” “如果是别的女人,我肯定不同意,毕竟我不想成为不认账的男人。”希恩很是直接的道:“但如果是你,我会接受。” Yes. 是的。 Skien will accept. 希恩会接受。 I do not want by you to be thought after having the unexpected relations, is clutching this to the man who you cling to for dear life hit rottenly.” Skien is gazing at Schiffne, light saying with a smile: This is your most hateful?” “我可不想被你认为是有了意外的关系以后,就揪着这点对你死缠烂打的男人。”希恩注视着夏芙涅,淡淡的笑道:“这是你最讨厌的吧?” hearing this, Schiffne lifts the view, looked straight ahead to Skien. 闻言,夏芙涅抬起眼帘,也直视向希恩了。 Skien looked at each other, without the least bit withdraws. 希恩对视了上去,没有半点退避。 two people is looking at each other mutually long time. 两人就这么互相对视着良久。 Afterward, Schiffne smiled. 随后,夏芙涅笑了。 Right, this is my most hateful.” “对,这是我最讨厌的。” The facial expression on Schiffne face changes to such as several days ago joyful smile like that. 夏芙涅脸上的神情重新化作如几天前那般的愉悦笑容。 She can look, Skien those words were just earnest. 她能看得出来,希恩刚刚那句话是认真的。 Once she chooses to terminate this relations, that Skien can absolutely acceptance without hesitation. 一旦她选择终止这段关系,那希恩绝对会毫不犹豫的接受。 But this instead made Schiffne relieved. 但这反而让夏芙涅安心了。 At least, this man has not turned into such that she imagines, because obtains her, immerses in the red light district that she brings cannot walk, thus reckless that senseless person. 至少,这个男人没有变成她想象的那样,因为得到她,就沉浸在她带来的温柔乡里走不出来,从而不顾一切的那种无趣的人。 Skien also smiles, has not actually continued just that topic again, but is setting out of baring the teeth, turned the pantothenic acid waist, wears the clothes. 希恩同样笑了笑,却是没有再继续刚刚那个话题,而是咧牙呲嘴的起身,扭了扭泛酸的腰,把衣服穿好。 Schiffne looks at this, has drawn the quilt, blocks from the infinite happy fiery tender body, only keeps a pair of stark naked fragrant shoulder outside. 夏芙涅看着这一幕,拉过被子,遮住自己无限美好的火爆娇躯,只留一对一丝不挂的香肩在外面。 Skien then opens the mouth. 希恩这才开口。 I go back to lie down again.” Skien helpless said: Waits for set off time called me again.” “我回去再躺回。”希恩无奈道:“等出发的时候再叫我吧。” Left such words, departure of Skien having a sore waist and an aching back. 留下这样的话,希恩腰酸背痛的离开了。 Schiffne also felt, oneself must well rests to be good again. 夏芙涅也觉得,自己得好好的再休息一下才行。 Really is a donkey.” “真是头驴。” Schiffne is complaining, immediately lay down. 夏芙涅吐槽着,随即躺了下来。 Shuts at present, Schiffne felt, oneself should consider how later and Skien should be together. 闭眼前,夏芙涅觉得,自己该好好考虑考虑以后和希恩该怎么相处了。 Perhaps, I can...” “也许,我可以...” Has some dim idea, the Schiffne corners of the mouth one curved, slowly fell into the deep sleep. 带着某个朦胧的想法,夏芙涅嘴角一弯,慢慢的陷入了沉睡。
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