DKDHO :: Volume #2 和平不必被打破

#611: In view of the curse of soul

The compromise of High Priest, has not stemmed from Skien's expectations. 大祭司的妥协,并没有出乎希恩的预料 This Necromancer perhaps a little way, even 【Great Spiritual Body of Death】 this type of hearing something never heard of before thing put in order by it, may look like in Skien, how this High Priest has really not needed to alert. 这个死灵魔法师或许有点门道,连【死亡大灵体】这种闻所未闻的东西都被其整了出来,可在希恩看来,这个大祭司还真不需要怎么去戒备。 Because, looks over her lifetime actions, she has been seeking the shortcut. 因为,纵观她一生的所作所为,她一直都在寻求着捷径。 In order to pursue eternal life, she thinks does not go to enhance own strength steadfastly, breaks through the life the limit, achieves transcend, does not look like other people like that goes to around the world to take risk and explore, seeks in the legend to let person undying Potion, but will transform the manner non- person ghost not ghost undying lifeform. 为了追求永生,她想的不是去踏踏实实的提升自身的实力,突破生命的极限,达到超脱,更不是像其余人那般,去世界各地冒险和探险,寻求传说中可以让人不死魔药,而是将自己转化为人不人鬼不鬼的不死生物。 In order to conquer the world, she thinks is not develops the influence, prepares for war, conquers others with own strength, expands itself diligently, but does not hesitate directly to transform several million lives for own dead souls army, devastates all with the inhumane violence. 为了征服世界,她想的也不是去发展势力,去招兵买马,用自己的实力征服他人,努力壮大自身,而是不惜将数百万的生命直接转化为自己的死灵大军,用不人道的暴力蹂躏一切。 Finally, experienced Goddess of Life Anima's power, comprehended the Transcendent Level true influence, she thought similarly did not enhance own strength, fiddled with anything to break through the limit 【Great Spiritual Body of Death】 to come naturally, then shifted own soul, did and seizes the shed not different matter. 最后,见识到了生命女神阿妮玛的力量,领悟到了超脱级的真正影响力,她想的同样不是提升自己的实力,捣鼓出了一个什么能够自然而然的突破生命极限的【死亡大灵体】来,然后转移自己的灵魂,干出和夺舍没有什么两样的事情。 These are completely the shortcuts of High Priest pursue, no goal is its steadfast carefully completes. 这些就全部都是大祭司追求的捷径,没有一个目标是其踏踏实实一步一个脚印的去完成的。 precisely because of this, several thousand years passed, this Necromancer Level only has 92. 正是因为这样,数千年过去了,这个死灵魔法师等级才仅有九十二。 If trades to be others, several thousand years, so long as do not look like the Elf Race person is so aloof, then regards the time , if no thing, gets by idly, that only will definitely not have Level 92. 若是换做他人,有数千年的时间,只要别像精灵族的人那么超然物外,那么视时间如无物,清闲度日,那绝对不会仅有等级九十二 If were not the High Priest for several thousand years truly collected very huge aura of death, the quite good dead souls army, in legendary level, she was sets the base radically setting the base. 如果不是大祭司数千年来确实收集了很庞大的死气,有一支颇为不俗的死灵大军,在传奇级里,她根本就是垫底中的垫底。 Person who such has been seeking the shortcut, even if a little way, Skien also did not feel, she can become anything , can be how extraordinary character. 这样一个一直在寻求捷径的人,哪怕是有点门道,希恩亦不觉得,她能成什么事,又能是个多么了不起的人物 Therefore, her compromise, her begging for mercy, has not stemmed from Skien's expectations. 所以,她的妥协,她的求饶,都没有出乎希恩的预料 I asked you.” “我问你。” Skien is then staring at the crystal ball in hand, interrogated. 希恩便凝视着手中的水晶球,质问出声 „Is here base what are you doing uses? Should to not imprison one group of captives?” “这里的基地是干什么用的?应该不是为了囚禁一群阶下囚吧?” Skien's question, what trades is the High Priest affirmative reply. 希恩的问题,换来的是大祭司肯定的回答。 yes, yes, yes! This base is not used to imprison to use!” 是是是!这个基地不是用来囚禁用的!” High Priest answers hastily. 大祭司连忙做出回答。 Then it is what are you doing uses?” Skien narrows the eye, asked: „Do you concentrate so many people here, what to dig?” “那它是干什么用的?”希恩眯起眼睛,问道:“你们把那么多人集中在这里,到底是为了挖什么?” This...” High Priest hesitated. “这...”大祭司犹豫了。 Skien lifted calmly started Holy Sword. 希恩不动声色的抬了一下手中的圣剑 I said! I said!” High Priest in the heart trembles immediately, nervous hurriedly said: We to dig out treasure of deep sleep under this piece of land!” “我说!我说!”大祭司立即心中一颤,慌忙道:“我们是为了挖出沉睡在这片大地之下的宝物!” hearing these words, Skien knows, Capelin is true to that legend that oneself said. 听到这句话,希恩就知道,卡佩琳跟自己说的那个传说属实了。 These fellows, really come for that legendary treasure. 没想到,这些家伙,真的是为了那个传说中的宝物而来。 With Supreme God and Demon King related treasure...?” Skien hesitated for a moment , to continue to inquire makes noise, said: What treasure is that? What do you want to make with that treasure?” “和至高神魔王有关的宝物...吗?”希恩沉吟了一会,继续询问出声,道:“那到底是什么宝物?你们想用那件宝物做什么?” Such remarks, some differences also appeared in High Priest body immediately. 此话一出,些许的异样顿时也出现在了大祭司身上 I... we...” “我...我们...” The High Priest sound presented shivering, resembles is struggling, resembles hesitates. 大祭司的声音出现了颤抖,似在挣扎,亦似在犹豫。 Doesn't want to say?” Skien raised his brow, said: It seems like, your secrets are very big.” “又不想说了了?”希恩眉头一挑,道:“看来,你们的秘密很大啊。” Skien also thinks, because of being important, therefore this Necromancer does not dare to say. 希恩还以为,因为事关重大,所以这个死灵魔法师才不敢说出来。 Said.” Skien grabs the hand of crystal ball to make an effort slightly, as to be the same its crumb, say/way that the tone to/clashes very much: „Do you actually want to make what are you doing? What called Mora that Imperial Concubine and you are relates?” “说。”希恩抓着水晶球的手微微用力,仿佛想将其捏碎一样,语气很冲的道:“你们到底想做干什么?叫摩罗的那个皇妃和你又是什么关系?” These, are the important intelligence that Skien wants to know urgently. 这些,都是希恩迫切想知道的重要情报。 So long as High Priest can reply, oneself this harvest, was complete. 只要大祭司能够回答出来,那自己此趟的收获,便算是圆满了。 Without meeting Mora, cannot get it over and done, possibly smashes this base, rescues Harves's little sister, eradicates Limjo, uncovers this Necromancer again, knew that Mora secret here, that can also be trip has not been made in vain. 哪怕没有遇到摩罗,没能一劳永逸,可能捣毁这个基地,救出哈维斯的妹妹,铲除利姆乔,再揪出这个死灵魔法师,得知摩罗在这里的隐秘,那亦算得上是不虚此行。 Therefore, sees High Priest to struggle with hesitant, Skien has been thinking, must a suffering eat to her. 因此,见到大祭司挣扎和犹豫,希恩已经在想,要不要给她一点苦头吃吃了。 Who once thinks... 谁曾想... I... I......!” “我...我......!” In High Priest sound, besides struggling as well as hesitant, presented meaning of the pain unexpectedly faintly. 大祭司的声音中,除了挣扎以及犹豫以外,竟是隐隐的出现了一丝痛苦之意。 Un?” Skien detected finally is not right, subconsciously said: „Are you up to mischief?” “嗯?”希恩总算察觉了不对劲,下意识的道:“你在搞什么鬼啊?” This issue, High Priest had not replied. 这个问题,大祭司没有回答。 Sees only, why attaches the green light group on crystal ball not to know, fierce fluctuating is shivering unexpectedly. 只见,附着在水晶球上的绿色光团不知为何,居然剧烈的起伏又颤抖着。 I... Aaah... Aaaaaah...!” “我...啊啊啊...啊啊啊啊啊啊...!” High Priest sound then gradual becomes must seem like in miserable howling. 大祭司的声音便逐渐的变得像是在惨嚎。 Sees that Skien's complexion changed. 见状,希恩面色一变 Also in this split second, in the crystal ball, High Priest is full of the pain and hatred miserable resounded through howlingly. 也就在这一瞬间,水晶球中,大祭司充满痛苦和憎恨的惨嚎响彻了起来。 This... this is aims at the curse of soul...!? Hateful poisonous concubine Aaaaaah...!” “这...这是针对灵魂的诅咒...!?可恨的毒妃啊啊啊啊啊啊...!” When such pain miserable howling spreads from the crystal ball , the accident/surprise happened. 当这样的痛苦惨嚎自水晶球中传出时,意外发生了。 Bang!” “嘭!” Adheres to stick cohere on the crystal ball green light group, in most intense fluctuating and shivers blasts open loudly, changes to the innumerable luminous spots, dissipates in the air. 附着在水晶球上的绿色光团在一阵最为激烈的起伏和颤抖中轰然炸裂,化作无数光点,消散在空气中。 The High Priest sound stops suddenly. 大祭司的声音戛然而止。 The crystal ball also returned to the original condition. 水晶球也恢复了原状。 All sounds completely all vanish. 所有的动静尽皆消失。 Skien looks at all these, complexion gradually sinks downward. 希恩看着这一切,面色渐渐的往下沉去。 Bang!” “砰!” The next second, Skien grabs hand one of the crystal ball to make an effort suddenly, pinching to explode the crystal ball. 下一秒钟,希恩抓着水晶球的手骤然一个用力,将水晶球给捏爆了。 Massive aura of death run out from the shatter crystal ball immediately, is also mixing with like the snake is hovering the dull green colored light splendor. 大量的死气立即从破碎的水晶球中冲出,其中还夹杂着如蛇般游动着的惨绿色光辉。 【Spirit Essence】 that is the High Priest for several thousand years collect aura of death that as well as realizes with difficulty. 那是大祭司数千年来收集的死气以及千辛万苦练成的【灵粹】 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” With together flashing past of golden light shining sword light, all eruption aura of death and 【Spirit Essence】 by Holy Sword cuts cuts open at the scene, and rapid by the above golden light to purification and scattering. 随着一道金光灿灿的剑光的一闪而过,所有爆发的死气【灵粹】都被圣剑的一斩给当场切开,并迅速的被上面的金光给净化和驱散。 Hence, High Priest keeps all in this world, just now was vanishes into thin air. 至此,大祭司留在这个世上的一切,方才算是烟消云散了。 Skien holds the sword to stand above the ruins, mood actually very uncomfortable. 希恩持剑站立在废墟之上,心情却是非常的不爽。 This what the hell happened, he can look. 究竟都发生了什么,他还是能够看得出来的。 That has poisonous concubine, attempted to pervert in High Priest body?” “那个毒妃,早就在大祭司身上做了手脚吗?” Skien could not bear Mora finally calls it poisonous concubine. 希恩终于也是忍不住将摩罗称之为毒妃了。 Without the means. 没办法。 Worthily is the villain, likes playing to silence a witness of crime, prevents others to betray this set.” “不愧是反派,就喜欢玩杀人灭口,预防别人背叛这一套。” Skien smacks the lips, in the residual fragment of crystal ball the hand abandons, whatever it sprinkles place. 希恩咂嘴,将手中水晶球的残留碎片抛开,任由其洒落一地。 He knows, oneself smashed this base, and gives the elimination the matter High Priest and the others, Mora possibly already understood. 他知道,自己捣毁了这个基地,并将大祭司等人给消灭的事情,摩罗可能已经知道了 In view of the curse of soul, such curse, since has started, that Skien does not believe that the Mora that side meets anything not to induce. 针对灵魂的诅咒,那样的诅咒既然已经发动,那希恩不信,摩罗那边会什么都没有感应到。 Also good.” “也好。” Skien relaxed the facial features. 希恩缓和下了面容。 Knows that you have what layout here, that did not fear that you do not come back.” “知道你在这里有什么布局,那就不怕你不回来了。” Before, Skien has also been worried, if own status exposition, by Mora is known oneself arrived, can the opposite party slip away. 之前,希恩还一直在担心,若是自己的身份暴露,被摩罗知道自己到来了,那对方会不会溜之大吉。 Now looks like, the opposite party attempts big in the empire, the goal points to with Supreme God and Demon King related treasure, impossible is resigned to leave decisively. 现在看来,对方在帝国所图不小,目标直指和至高神魔王都有关的宝物,断然不可能甘心离开。 Not only will not leave, knows that here was smashed by Skien, Lefirut Family by the destruction, Mora absolutely will was also hurried back. 不仅不会离开,知道这里被希恩捣毁,莱菲鲁特家也被覆灭,摩罗一定会赶回来。 By that time, the opposite party is scheming anything, was naturally clear. 到那时,对方在图谋些什么,自然就一清二楚了。 thought until here, Skien no longer goes to think that the High Priest matter, looked all around around one, at once will look at the direction that stone wall space is. 想到这里,希恩不再去想大祭司的事情,环顾了一眼四周,旋即将目光转向那个石壁空间所在的方向。 In there, has many Knight, servant and slave trembling with fear ran. 在那里,已经是有许许多多的骑士、佣人及奴隶战战兢兢的跑了出来。 In the Skien heart moves, Teleportation, vanishes does not see. 希恩心中一动,一个瞬间移动,消失不见。 Roar!” “吼!” Yurin also received anything to instruct, after roaring, dragon wings inspired, flies the upper air, submerged in cloud layer, lost the trace. 尤琳亦是接到了什么指示,咆哮了一声以后,龙翼一振,飞上高空,没入云层里,失去踪影。 On the spot, is only left over stretch of ruins in confusion. 现场,只剩下一片狼藉的废墟。 The person who comes out from that base saw all these, one by one shook, was startled, was silly. 从那个基地里出来的人看到了这一切,一个个的都震了,惊了,傻了。 Oh my God!” 我的天啊!” What this... this had!?” “这...这都发生了什么!?” Young Master Limjo?” 利姆乔少爷呢?” High Priest?” 大祭司呢?” Good... many meteorite craters, many corpse, so scary...!” “好...好多陨石坑,好多尸体,好可怕...!” God...” “神啊...” Numerous Knight, slave and servant then dumbfounded, trembled to shiver. 一众骑士、奴隶和佣人便都目瞪口呆,战栗颤抖了起来。 Until after for a long time, many talents each other looked at each other one, seeming to be what idea was the same, departure quietly. 直到许久以后,不少人才彼此对视了一眼,似有了什么想法一样,悄悄的离去。 Naturally, they do not return to the base, but start without delay escapes toward outside. 当然,他们不是回到基地里,而是二话不说的开始往外面逃跑。 Sees that other people also responded. 见状,其余人也都反应了过来。 Quick... runs!” “快...快跑!” While this opportunity, we hurries to escape from here...!” “趁这个机会,我们赶紧逃出这里...!” I... I had the opportunity to escape from this hell finally...!” “我...我终于有机会逃出这个地狱了...!” I do not want to stay here again, does not want to stay here again...!” “我不想再留在这里了,不想再留在这里了...!” Everyone then one after another just like seeing anything hoped general, frantic yelling, escaping that while flees. 所有人便纷纷都宛如看到了什么希望一般,一边疯狂的大叫,一边亡命的逃跑。 Including these slaves and servants, is so. 包括那些奴隶及佣人,都是如此。 They are taken prisoner in this place, was treated as not to have the coolie of human rights, is Mora and High Priest digs up here underground person. 他们都是被掳到这个地方里来,被当做没有人权的苦力,为摩罗大祭司挖通这里的地下之人。 Even these Knight are so, a little ability the person who will be treated as the patrol the guard who uses and regulates the coolie, without ability will be treated as the slave and servant directs, simply does not have the human rights. 连那些骑士都是如此,有点能耐的会被当做巡逻用的卫兵及监管苦力的人,没有能耐的则会被当做奴隶及佣人使唤,根本没有人权。 In addition High Priest is controlling here by terrifying, once does not suit her intention, she then meets laid-back to kill, even takes away to feed Undead Dragon, here person has regarded as the hell here. 加上大祭司是以恐怖支配着这里,一旦不合她的心意,她便会随性打杀,甚至把人拿去喂尸龙,这里的人早就将这里视为地狱。 Now finally has the opportunity to escape from here, escaping that they naturally flee. 如今终于有机会逃出这里了,他们自然亡命的逃跑。 only, some people cannot run away. 只是,也有些人是逃不了的。 For example part of Knight, to maintain a livelihood, for the right, will have betrayed to High Priest, was transformed the living corpses of half -and-a-half people of corpses by High Priest with Necromancy Magic, is running dog who side High Priest most is in power. 比如一部分骑士,为了活命,为了权利,早就将自己出卖给了大祭司,被大祭司死灵魔法转化成了半人半尸的活死人,算是大祭司身边最得势的走狗。 Now, High Priest died, the living corpses of these half -and-a-half people of corpses were also entirely but actually, did not have again. 现在,大祭司死了,这些半人半尸的活死人亦是通通都倒了下去,再也没有起来过。 Then, this unknown secret base, is reminded of dear ones who have left thoroughly. 就这样,这个不为人知的秘密基地,彻底人去楼空。 Skien relayed in it, discovery that finally has no. 希恩在其中转了一圈,结果还是没有任何的发现。 Actually in a stone chamber warehouse, Skien discovered many High Priest individual the wealth and various Magic Item of collection. 倒是在其中一间石室仓库里,希恩发现了不少大祭司个人收集的金银财宝和各种魔法道具 Good, better than nothing.” “好吧,聊胜于无。” Skien brings these things, returned to Imperial Capital. 希恩带着这些东西,返回了帝都 The aloneness keeps that ruins, again no angry. 独留那废墟,再无任何生气
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