DKDHO :: Volume #2 和平不必被打破

#610: „You are...!?”

Today, saw dazzling meteor shower to wilderness quite near person then one after another that Skien was. 今日,很多离希恩所在的荒郊野外比较近的人便纷纷都看到了一场炫目的流星雨。 That meteor shower comes suddenly, goes also suddenly, causing many caravans and even is the attention of army. 那场流星雨来得突然,去得也突然,引起不少商队乃至是军队的注意。 Especially its caused the sound, Imperial Capital has not perhaps been able to detect, but was actually impossible did not detect to this piece of wilderness quite near person. 尤其是其所引起了动静,帝都或许还无法察觉,但离这一片荒郊野外比较近的人却是不可能不察觉。 This caused many tumults, even some people have reported Imperial Capital. 这引起了不少的骚动,甚至有人已经汇报回帝都 Believes, shortly afterward, many people know again, in this wilderness, the destruction the Lefirut Family meteor shower appeared last night. 相信,再过不久,很多人都会知道,在这荒郊野外里,昨晚覆灭了莱菲鲁特家的流星雨又出现了。 Therefore, here welcomed the investigation of Empire's Knight Regiment, is the matter of being unavoidable. 所以,这里迎来帝国骑士团的调查,已经是在所难免的事。 Naturally, Capelin this princess who numerous female knights that brings Knights of the Broken Blade was leaves recently, saw scene person who most shocked. 当然,卡佩琳这位带着断刃骑士团的一众女骑士们的公主殿下是离得最近的,亦看到了最为震撼的光景的人。 At this time, although they have been far away from the battlefield, has not actually been separated from this piece of wilderness. 此时,她们虽已远离了战场,却并没有脱离这一片荒郊野外 They hunted and killed monster, denuded these monster body furs, after cleaning is clean, throws over in body, finally had the clothing of concealing. 她们均都猎杀了一匹魔物,剥下了这些魔物身上的毛皮,清洗干净以后,披在了身上,总算有了遮羞的衣物。 only, the sound of meteor shower is too big, the caused complementary waves are also fearful, cause numerous female knights one after another under the condition of being caught off guard, blowing to fly like the dust wind that the tsunami raided, poured place, became dirty, the cough continued. 只是,流星雨的动静实在太大,引起的余波亦非常可怕,导致一众女骑士们纷纷都在措手不及的状况下,被如海啸般袭来的尘风给吹飞,倒了一地,变得灰头土脸,咳嗽不止。 Capelin similarly is one person, lies in the ground, looks direction that meteor shower gradually eliminates, on the face is completely with amazement. 卡佩琳同样是其中的一人,趴在地面上,看着那流星雨逐渐消去的方向,脸上尽是骇然。 What power this... is this?” “这...这是什么力量啊?” Capelin is trembling. 卡佩琳战栗着。 Her eyes then looked, that meteor shower, precisely Skien's Celestial Body Magic. 她一眼便看了出来,那流星雨,正是希恩的天体魔法 Besides Skien's Celestial Body Magic, does not have the second person to cause so the celestial phenomenon. 除了希恩的天体魔法以外,也没有第二个人能够引起如此天象。 Because of this, Capelin is shocked, felt that does not dare to believe. 正因为这样,卡佩琳才感到震惊,感到不敢置信。 She was by Skien's Celestial Body Magic defeating person. 她是曾经被希恩的天体魔法给击败过的人。 What although that time Skien use is 【Starry Arrays】 this changeable Celestial Body Magic, rather than 【Auroras Meteoric】 this destructive power strongest big regional Celestial Body Magic, but Capelin always felt that time Skien, even put forth present this Magic, impossible has such might to be right. 虽然那个时候的希恩使用的是【扩散群星阵】这个变化多端的天体魔法,而不是【极光流星雨】这一破坏力最强的大范围性的天体魔法,可卡佩琳总觉得,那个时候的希恩,即便使出了现在这个魔法,都不可能有这样的威力才对。 That destructive power, is not the Magic category simply. 破坏力,简直已经不属于魔法的范畴了。 At least, whose Magic Capelin has not seen to reach this scale, may be called extremely heartshaking and moving. 至少,卡佩琳从没见过有谁的魔法能达到这种规模,堪称惊天地泣鬼神。 Naturally, such Capelin does not know, even if were that time Skien, wants to put forth now 【Auroras Meteoric】 also it's not like cannot accomplish of this might. 当然,这样的卡佩琳并不知道,哪怕是那个时候的希恩,想使出现在这种威力的【极光流星雨】不是办不到 Until now, because the 【Auroras Meteoric】 range is too big, destructive power is too strong, he uses this Magic to have each time restrain, otherwise, gives to raze to the ground a big city, to that time Skien, it's not like cannot accomplish matter. 要知道,一直以来,因为【极光流星雨】的范围太大,破坏力太强,他每次使用这一魔法都是有所收敛的,不然,将一座大城市给夷为平地,对那个时候的希恩而言,不是办不到的事。 But that time Skien wants to put forth the words that this grade of might 【Auroras Meteoric】 comes, feared that does not have the means now so to be likely superficial. 但那个时候的希恩想使出这等威力的【极光流星雨】来的话,怕是没办法像现在这般轻描淡写。 Now can accomplish easily, first Magic Power became more powerful than the past, secondly was the increase of 【Within Fate's Sight】 to Magic is also stronger than past max level 【Magic Boost】 Skill. 现在之所以能轻而易举的办到了,一来是魔力变得比过去强大了许多,二来则是【里见天命】魔法的增幅亦比过去的满级【魔导】技能更强。 Capelin thinks that time Skien has not possibly put forth this grade of might Celestial Body Magic, only does not know that time Skien's full power forget it/that's all. 卡佩琳以为那个时候的希恩没有可能使出这等威力的天体魔法,只是不知道那个时候的希恩的全力罢了 In puts out 【Auroras Meteoric】 this AOE Magic to the person fight, without doubt is the impossible matter. 在对人战斗中拿出【极光流星雨】这种AOE魔法,无疑是不可能的事情。 High Priest dead souls regiment calling, Skien will not use such a to kill greatly. 要不是大祭司把死灵军团给叫了出来,希恩也不会使用这么一个大杀器。 Does not know that all these Capelin can only realize a matter in the shock. 不知道这一切的卡佩琳只能在震惊中意识到一件事。 That is... 那就是... He... he became more powerful than many that time...” “他...他变得比那个时候强大了好多...” Capelin absent-minded. 卡佩琳失神了。 ...... ...... Meanwhile, Skien here battlefield subsided. 与此同时,希恩这边的战场平息了下来。 Above ruins that the sand dust fills, Yurin instigation dragon wings gently is flying, lets ride in its head Skien can glance below panoramic view easily. 在沙尘弥漫的废墟之上,尤琳轻轻的煽动龙翼的飞着,让骑在其头上的希恩能轻而易举的一览下方的全景。 The meteorite of dropping from the clouds has gradually changed to the Magic Power residual to vanish. 从天而降的陨石已经逐渐化作魔力的残渣消失。 The land covers entirely the pothole, at first sight just like the surface of Moon to be the same. 大地布满坑洞,乍看之下犹如月球的表面一样。 The army of dead souls has been buried under the meteorite completely, either poured place, either the corpse is not even able to be complete, some even by crushed stone rubble burying in the underground, having been made this stretch of battlefield change to the scary scene in field littered with corpses. 死灵的大军已经全部葬身于陨石之下,要么倒了一地,要么连尸首都无法齐全,有的甚至已经被碎石瓦砾埋葬于地下,让这一片战场化作尸横遍野的骇人光景。 The waterfall also by the meteorite destroying, turned into the fluent ruins incessantly, disappears beforehand imposing manner to be boundless. 瀑布也被陨石给破坏了,变成了水流不止的废墟,不见了之前的气势磅礴。 The waterfall following stone wall space had completely exposed. 瀑布后面的石壁空间已完全暴露了出来。 Skien shot a look at that stone wall space one, at once takes back the vision, gazes at to below ruins. 希恩瞥了那个石壁空间一眼,旋即收回目光,重新注视向下方的废墟。 after a while, in the Skien heart moves, closes the eye, proliferated 【Beyond Fate's Sensation】's perception. 一会以后,希恩心中一动,闭上眼睛,将【外觉天命】的感知力扩散了出去。 In a while, the Skien corners of the mouth outlined, Teleportation, vanished on Yurin's head, arrived at a shadow. 没过多久,希恩嘴角勾勒而起,一个瞬间移动,消失在尤琳的头上,来到了一处阴影。 【Bestow • Imprisonment】.” 【付与·禁锢】。” After arriving here, Skien extend the hand, without delay then displayed Magic. 来到这里以后,希恩伸出手,二话不说的便施展出了魔法 This Magic, Skien has used several times, the used number of times are not many, actually does not represent it to be useless. 这一魔法,希恩使用过几次,用的次数不多,却不代表它没用。 If it displays in view of Magic Power, that even can imprison Magic Power, making Magician reduce for the average person, is unable to use own Magic Power to exercise Magic again. 它若是针对魔力施展,那甚至能够禁锢魔力,让一个魔法师沦落为普通人,无法再动用自身的魔力来行使魔法 But this time, Skien aims is not Magic Power, but is one type had never seen in the past existence ———— soul. 但这次,希恩针对的不是魔力,而是一种过去从未见过的存在————“灵魂”。 Because, that Necromancer, but have said that even if mortal body destruction, her soul were in good health as before. 因为,那位死灵魔法师可是自己说过的,哪怕肉身毁灭了,她的灵魂依旧是健在的。 Sure enough... 果不其然... "Ah!" “啊!” As a grating scream resounds, a crystal ball towering appears from the shadow place, above is adhering to stick cohere the green light group, probably the crystal ball taking possession was the same by anything, makes the green light struggles. 随着一个刺耳的尖叫响起,一个水晶球突兀的从阴影处出现,上面附着着绿色的光团,像是水晶球被什么东西给附身了一样,令绿光在其中挣扎。 What a pity, that green light by existence of Skien imprisonment, seemed to be struggled no matter how, is unable to actuate the crystal ball, moves slightly. 可惜,那绿光似乎就是被希恩禁锢的存在,不管怎么挣扎,都无法驱动水晶球,动弹丝毫。 Skien extend the hand without any scruples, crystal ball grasping in hand. 希恩毫无顾忌的伸出手,将水晶球给抓在了手中。 Your this ball type may be more attractive than your skinny bleached bone, High Priest.” “你这球样可比你本来那副干瘦枯骨好看多了啊,大祭司。” Smiling of such Skien happy Hehe. 希恩呵呵的这么笑着。 Puts... lets loose me...!” “放...放开我...!” The High Priest sound resounds from the crystal ball, inside is full of the startled anger. 大祭司的声音自水晶球中响起,里面充满着惊怒。 Lets loose you?” Skien said with a faint smile: „Do you feel the possibility? My High Priest?” “放开你?”希恩似笑非笑的道:“你觉得可能吗?我的大祭司?” How do you... you want?” High Priest startled and anger, loudly said: I may warn you, you cannot do to my, hurried to give to put me!” “你...你想怎么样?”大祭司又惊又怒,大声的道:“我可警告你,你是奈何不了我的,赶紧把我给放了!” This saying, sounds the somewhat outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted meaning, is actually not groundless. 这话,听起来有些色厉内荏的意思,却也不是完全没有道理。 The method of murder, in this world wants many to have many, may eliminate the soul the method, in this world are not many. 杀人的方法,这世上要多少有多少,可消灭灵魂的方法,这世上就不多了。 If not for this, how High Priest also did have the means to capture a slim chance of survival from once Goddess of Life subordinate? 如若不是这样,大祭司又怎么有办法从曾经的生命女神的手下夺得一线生机呢? Except that Goddess of Life Anima had not discovered that her soul remained got down outside, had the soul the reason that was hard to detect and eliminate in inside. 除了生命女神阿妮玛没有发现她的灵魂残留了下来以外,更有灵魂难以察觉和消灭的原因在里面。 Only is left over the soul facing this High Priest, even Ai such Devil may be at a loss, only then the ability special several talents have the means to cope with her. 面对这个只剩下灵魂的大祭司,连艾依那样的魔人都有可能束手无策,只有能力特殊的几人才有办法对付她。 For example Lilith, her Authority can infiltrate the influence the soul, High Priest, if falls in her hands, will be very definitely sad. 例如莉莉丝,她的权能连灵魂都能渗透影响,大祭司若是落在她手中,必然会很悲催。 also Milu, she is Ghost Devil, Unique Skill 【Ghostling】 can make the genuine ghost thing exist as if, if she, feared that can give to swallow the elimination the soul, wants to pinch dead High Priest, probably with pinching an ant has no difference. 还有米璐,她是鬼魔,独有技能【鬼种】能令其如真正的鬼物般存在着,要是她的话,怕是能将灵魂都给吞噬消灭,想捏死大祭司,大概和捏死一只蚂蚁没什么区别。 As for Skien Ma... 至于希恩... Puchi!” 噗嗤!” He lifts Holy Sword in hand, Magic Power gushes out at the same time, making Holy Sword sparkle the golden light, to the crystal ball on High Priest soul, is cutting suddenly, making sword blade delimit the light group on crystal ball. 他抬起手中的圣剑,魔力涌出的同时,令圣剑闪耀起了金光,对着水晶球上的大祭司的灵魂,豁然一斩,让剑锋划过了水晶球上的光团。 Aaaaaaaaaah...!” 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊...!” High Priest liked immediately receives the wound to be the same, sends out calling out of pain. 大祭司立即有如受到了创伤一般,发出痛苦的嚎叫。 How possibly!?” “怎么可能!?” High Priest is the pain, is panic-stricken. 大祭司又是痛苦,又是惊骇。 Then the sword, how possibly to damage to own soul? 那把剑,怎么可能伤到自己的灵魂呢? Wait... 等等... Can injure to the sword of own soul...? 能够伤到自己的灵魂的剑...? I understand! I understand!” 我知道了我知道了!” High Priest understands finally why oneself will feel in the Skien hand that power on sword to be a little familiar. 大祭司终于明白,为什么自己会觉得希恩手中那把剑上的力量有点熟悉了。 Because, that is the strongest weapon that everyone in this world knows, is she continuously the weapon that dreads. 因为,那是这个世界上的所有人都认识的最强武器,亦是她一直在忌惮的武器。 This sword, has even Demon King to crusade against, Demon Race regards as the natural enemy, can restrain all evilly, purifies all contamination power. 这把剑,拥有着连魔王都能讨伐,魔族都视为天敌,能够克制一切邪恶,净化所有污秽的力量 aura of death by its purification, the soul of oneself this undying lifeform, must regard it similarly is the natural enemy. 死气会被其净化,自己这不死生物的灵魂,同样得视其为天敌。 That is... 那是... Holy Sword!” 圣剑!” High Priest unbelievable called out. 大祭司难以置信般的叫出了声 „Do you have true Holy Sword...? You are...!?” “你拥有真正的圣剑...?你是...!?” High Priest realized Skien's identity. 大祭司意识到了希恩的身份了。 Is this possible? 这怎么可能? This is possible!? 这怎么可能!? High Priest roared in the heart. 大祭司在心中咆哮。 But compared with unbelievable, compared with the shock, frightened instead first step occupied the High Priest innermost feelings. 但比起难以置信,比起震惊,恐惧反而先一步的占据了大祭司的内心。 Until this moment, High Priest realizes, oneself danger. 直到这一刻,大祭司才认识到,自己危险了。 At present this Holy Sword enables, to have can truly eliminate own ability. 眼前这个圣剑使,拥有着能够确确实实的消灭自己的能力 Realized this point, the fear in High Priest heart is unable to suppress again. 意识到这一点,大祭司心中的恐惧无法再抑制了。 Do not kill me! Do not kill me!” “别杀我!别杀我!” Struggling and begging for mercy that High Priest can only go all out. 大祭司只能拼命的挣扎且求饶。 Skien aloof looks at this. 希恩无动于衷的看着这一幕。 Even, on his face, is hanging the happy Hehe facial expression as before. 甚至,他的脸上,依旧挂着乐呵呵般的神情。 Early such then won't it be alright?” Skien then languid as say/way: Died to being imminent also threw the aggressive statement, that was the matter that third-class character can handle, your solemn legendary level Necromancer, once existence of the world sensation, Goddess of Life Anima cannot even massacre you, how wants is not third-class character, should not do that no class matter, right?” “早这样不就行了吗?”希恩便懒洋洋似的道:“死到临头了还撂狠话,那可是三流角色才会做的事情,你堂堂一位传奇级死灵魔法师,曾经轰动世界的存在,连生命女神阿妮玛都没能杀掉你,怎么想都不是什么三流角色,不应该做那种没什么逼格的事,对吧?” That said that this High Priest meets Skien , has bad luck. 话是这么说,这位大祭司遇到希恩,也算是倒了大霉了。 Replied honestly my issue, your actor's pay can also many, could live several chapters, got it?” “老老实实回答我的问题,那你的戏份还能多一点,兴许能够多活个几章,明白了吗?” The threat of Skien that not intense feeling, High Priest such lived several thousand years of antique naturally is impossible understands. 希恩那毫无紧张感的威胁,大祭司这么一位活了数千年的老古董自然是不可能懂的。 But her impossible does not coordinate. 可她不可能不配合。 She perhaps is not third-class character, actually definitely fears death compared with anybody. 她或许不是什么三流角色,却肯定比任何人都怕死。 Initially, she to obtain the eternal life becomes Necromancer, oneself to the transformation is the undying lifeform , after Goddess of Life Anima crusaded against, barely managed to maintain a feeble existence for several thousand years, does not dare to crop up completely. 当初,她就是为了得到永生才成为了死灵魔法师,把自己给转化为不死生物,被生命女神阿妮玛讨伐以后亦是苟延残喘了数千年,完全不敢冒头。 This explained her attaching great importance to exactly the life, fear to death. 这恰恰说明了她对生命的重视,对死亡的恐惧。 Therefore... 因此... I... I listen your! I listen your!” “我...我听你的!我都听你的!” High Priest under the fear, was then reckless. 大祭司便在恐惧之下,不顾一切了。 Skien then satisfied nodded. 希恩这才满意的点下了头
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