DSE :: Volume #4

#382: Flame for the first time presently

Is dashing about wildly, Lawrence could not bear turn head, looked that to direction that the Martha sound conveys. 在狂奔中,劳伦斯仍忍不住回头,看向玛莎声音传来的方向。 However on not loose the thick fog besides Dagger Island, his anything could not see that —— that sound seems resounds in his mind directly, has urgings, was urging he leaves this island, was urging he returns to White Oak, was urging he...... leaves here, goes to Cold Frost. 然而除了匕首岛上不散的浓雾之外,他什么都看不到——那声音就仿佛是直接在他脑海中响起,带着一次次催促,催促着他离开这座岛,催促着他返回白橡木号,催促着他……离开这里,前往寒霜 Martha naturally not here. 玛莎当然不在这里。 But Lawrence still thinks that perhaps this is dark direction —— came from his belief, perhaps from his subconscious, these not he notices is directing him by the clue and intuition that directs the outlet of leaving this difficult position. 劳伦斯仍然认为这是一个冥冥中的指引——或许来自他的信仰,或许来自他的潜意识,那些不曾被他注意到的线索与直觉在指引着他,指引一个离开这困境的出路。 He dashes toward the harbor, the cold wind and mist head on, howls in the ear bank, his first mates and sailors surround around him, the fire sound was still transmitting from the distant place continuously, including bombing from distant place, when the light guard artillery that White Oak carries opens fire the counter-attack of sound —— white oak with enemy the attack compares to appear the imposing manner to be weak, obviously is in an inferior position. 他向着港口飞奔,冷冽的风与雾气扑面而来,又在耳畔呼啸而过,他的大副与水手们环绕在他周围,炮火声仍然在持续不断地从远方传来,其中有来自远方的炮击,还有白橡木号搭载的轻型护卫火炮开火时的声音——白橡木的反击与“敌人”的攻击比起来显得气势微弱,显然正处于劣势。 Martha told him, which ship did the petrel number come the —— but petrel number is? 玛莎”告诉他,海燕号来了——但海燕号又是哪艘船? The harbor appeared in the line of sight, in the end of mist, the White Oak attractive hull still anchored in the wharf trestle end, had the flame one after another shines when the bow and stern, the artillery shelled the flash tore the fog, but in nearby sea level, can see that once for a while the giant water column soared —— that came from the attack of enemy obviously. 港口出现在视线中了,在雾气的尽头,白橡木号漂亮的船身仍然停靠在码头栈桥尽头,有火光接二连三地在船头和船尾亮起,火炮轰击时的闪光撕裂了雾霭,而在附近的海面上,时不时可以看到巨大的水柱腾空而起——那显然是来自敌人的进攻。 Ship also in!” The first mate after seeing the White Oak form then yells happily, he shouted to the Captain hear, is giving sailors out of breath to encourage, Jason has not abandoned us!” “船还在!”大副在看到白橡木号的身影之后便高兴地喊叫起来,他是喊给船长听,也是在给上气不接下气的水手们鼓劲,“杰森没有抛弃我们!” Jason is on the ship two names. 杰森是船上二副的名字。 Goddess of Storm on! Quickly embarks to leave this damned place,” a sailor is shouting, White Oak stops here simply, when the target comes under attack!” 风暴女神在上!赶快上船离开这个鬼地方,”一名水手呼喊着,“白橡木号停在这里简直是在当靶子挨打!” One group of people run fast to White Oak, on the ship has the person's shadow to rock, the seamen who obviously remain behind have noticed Captain one line of return, the rope ladder put from the broad side together, the two sailors in gunwale hold up the inspection lamp, slightly is swaying in the air anxiously. 一群人飞快地向白橡木号跑去,船上有人影晃动,显然留守的海员们已经注意到了返回的船长一行,一道绳梯从船舷上放了下来,甲板边缘的两名水手举起提灯,略显焦急地在空气中摇晃着。 The sailors who come ashore to explore run fast toward that rope ladder. 上岸探索的水手们飞快地向着那道绳梯跑去。 But suddenly, the Lawrence footsteps stopped, and draws out the revolver to fire into the air suddenly: Stops!” 但突然间,劳伦斯的脚步停了下来,并猛然拔出左轮手枪朝天开了一枪:“都停下!” Sailors by sound of gunfire and Captain shout one startled, with astonishment and stopped the footsteps at a loss, has turned the head to look at each other in blank dismay, first mate Gösen also stopped, somewhat looks that puzzled old Captain —— but only crossed for less than one second, this experienced senior seaman then responded, realized why Captain ordered to stop suddenly. 水手们被枪声和船长的喊声一惊,惊愕又茫然地停下了脚步,转过头面面相觑,大副格森也停了下来,有些困惑地看着老船长——但只过了一秒不到,这个经验丰富的老海员便反应过来,意识到了船长为什么突然下令停下。 The first mate is breathing heavily, in fire sound that resounds unceasingly, he raised the head to observe the situation all around, the vision has swept sailor fast, as well as Captain form. 大副喘着粗气,在不断响起的炮火声中,他抬头环视四周,目光飞快扫过身边的水手,以及船长的身影。 16 sailors stand around him at a loss, each face seems like the familiar person, the Captain Lawrence complexion looks here seriously. 十六名水手茫然无措地站在他周围,每一副面孔看上去都是熟悉的人,船长劳伦斯则面色严肃地看着这边。 Us how many people altogether led?” Lawrence said fast. “我们出发的时候一共带了多少人?”劳伦斯飞快地说道。 Besides you and me, has......” first mate to open the mouth fast, but when obviously was absent-minded speaking of the specific digit, but he only stopped for 12 seconds, then recalls smoothly, another 12 sailors!” “除了您和我之外,另有……”大副飞快开口,但在说到具体数字的时候明显恍惚了一下,但他只停顿了一两秒,便顺利回忆起来,“另有十二名水手!” The Lawrence vision is taking a fast look around the present group of people dignifiedly, points in heart. 劳伦斯目光凝重地扫视着眼前的这群人,在心中一个个点数。 But in his pupil deep place, as if one wipes the quiet green glow to flicker. 而在他的瞳孔深处,仿佛有一抹幽绿的辉光在忽明忽暗。 Were many four people,” nearby first mate also completed the points fast, the complexion of this senior seaman instantaneously becomes serious, he lifts the muzzle to fire into the air, to open the mouth loudly, everyone, maintains one meter spacing to disperse! Faces Captain the face! The hand places the place that can see!” “多了四个人,”一旁的大副也飞快地完成了点数,这个老海员的脸色瞬间变得严肃,他抬起枪口朝天开了一枪,高声开口,“所有人,保持一米间距散开!把脸都朝向船长!手放在看得到的地方!” The sailors also realized that had anything, on the face reveals the tense appearance, but they have also had many years of social dealings with Boundless Sea eventually has the experience seaman, naturally knows how at this time should deal with —— under first mate's direction, 16 sailors disperse rapidly dispel. 水手们也纷纷意识到发生了什么,脸上一个个露出紧张的模样,但他们终究也是跟无垠海打过多年交道的有经验海员,自然知道这时候应该怎么应对——在大副的指挥下,十六名水手迅速分散排开。 White Oak that side crackle of gunfire was still continuing, more and more water columns ascend around the harbor, is called the enemy of Haiyan as if gradually to approach, the train of thought in Lawrence heart is similar to the fire bellow boils revolution —— 白橡木号那边的炮声仍然在持续,越来越多的水柱在港口周围升腾起来,被称作“海燕号”的敌人似乎正在逐渐靠近,劳伦斯心中的思绪在炮火轰鸣声中如同沸腾般运转—— Cannot continue to stay here, White Oak keeps the harbor is a target, its weak self-defense firepower and hull could not support too for a long time, but he cannot bring this team to return to the ship, because in island certain thing obviously had mixed, if will have...... the White Oak result not to compare them by the fire is attacked and sunk to take several points. 不能继续留在这里,白橡木号留在港口就是靶子,它薄弱的自卫火力和船身支撑不了太长时间,但他也不能带着这支队伍返回船上,因为岛上的某些“东西”显然已经混了进来,如果把它们带回去……白橡木号的结局也不会比被炮火击沉要好几分。 His vision has swept front 16 sailors, four people who goes all out when to distinguish strange or is out of sorts face —— that comes out to mix? In the team does pass through the thick fog in the process? In harbor office? Resounds on the island explodes continuously, does the team fall into temporarily the flurried that flash? 他的目光扫过面前的十六名水手,拼命想要从中分辨出陌生或违和的面孔——多出来的四个人到底是什么时候混进来的?是在队伍穿越浓雾的过程中?是在港口办公室内?还是在岛上响起连续爆炸,队伍陷入暂时慌乱的那一瞬间? The sailors are also observing fast mutually, in this moment, as if who no longer credible, even...... appears including the own memory and judgment is suspicious. 水手们也飞快地互相观察着,在这一刻,仿佛谁都不再可信,甚至……包括自己的记忆和判断都显得可疑起来。 Captain,” the big Voges's voice spreads to the Lawrence ear in the meantime, on this senior seaman face has some type to renounce, White Oak cannot continue to stay here —— you to embark quickly.” 船长,”大福格斯的声音就在此时传入劳伦斯耳中,这个老海员脸上带着某种决绝,“白橡木号不能继续留在这里了——您快上船。” The Lawrence complexion becomes abnormal to be serious instantaneously: Your what meaning?” 劳伦斯脸色瞬间变得异常严肃:“你什么意思?” You bring the ship to leave, I and everyone leave behind —— we find the way mixing slowly thing to distinguish and are solved, after you security, comes back to meet us......” “您带着船离开,我和大家留下——我们慢慢想办法把混进来的‘东西’分辨出来并解决掉,您等到安全之后再回来接我们……” Lawrence stares at the eyes of first mate gloomy, the complexion is not saying a word. 劳伦斯盯着大副的眼睛,面色阴沉不发一言。 After so-called security, comes back to meet person view, no one deceived. 所谓“安全之后再回来接人”的说法,谁都骗不了。 So long as White Oak leaves the harbor, keeps the person on this island to be equal to that was given up —— here strange situation being obvious to all permanently, in the so short time then four do not know that was the thing of what gadget infiltrated in the team, what result continued to stay can also have? 只要白橡木号离开港口,留在这座岛上的人就等于被永久放弃了——这里的诡异情况有目共睹,如此短暂的时间内便有四个不知是什么玩意儿的东西混进了队伍中,继续停留还能有什么结果? Urgently the self-sacrifice,” Lawrence be not saying in a soft voice, suddenly, he recalled something, the look became different, human had and only has two eyes......” “别急着自我牺牲,”劳伦斯轻声说道,突然间,他回忆起了一些事情,眼神变得不一样起来,“人类有且只有两只眼睛……” His vision stopped on a sailor. 他的目光停在了一名水手身上。 Is second and third and fourth person. 紧接着,是第二个、第三个、第四个人。 And a sailor surprise referred to oneself, he blinks, winked third with the fourth eye: „Amn't I two eyes?” 其中一名水手诧异地指了指自己,他眨了眨眼,紧接着眨了眨第三只和第四只眼睛:“我不是两只眼睛吗?” Lawrence has not spoken, but held up the revolver in hand silently. 劳伦斯没有说话,只是默默举起了手中的左轮手枪。 Second holds up the muzzle, is first mate Gosse, seems to be awakening from a dream, is other sailors. 第二个举起枪口的,是大副格斯,紧接着如梦初醒的,是其他的水手们。 Everyone as if bridged over a curtain suddenly, after covering the cognitive disturbance vacillation of heart, they stunned and look alarmed and afraid these stand in the teams, with the human specious forms, held up the length guns in hand. 所有人都仿佛突然跨过了一道帷幕,在笼罩心头的认知干扰动摇之后,他们错愕而又惊惧地看着那些站在队伍中的、与人类似是而非的身影们,一个个举起了手中的长短枪支。 Four people inhuman sailor was surrounded by the people, they stunned and at a loss there stand, but, the expressions on their face then by soberly become ignorant. 四个似人非人的“水手”被众人包围起来,他们错愕又茫然地在那里站着,而紧接着,他们脸上的表情便由清醒变得浑浑噩噩起来。 The personality of as if temporarily simulating receives the impact, outbreak the collapse, these resembled the person inhuman „is sham swaying, looks up to their Captain. 仿佛是临时模拟出来的人格收到冲击,突然发生了崩坏,这些似人非人的“赝品”摇摇晃晃着,一个个抬头看向他们的“船长”。 Lawrence actually can only send out a deep sigh: You are not the members on ship.” 劳伦斯却只能发出一声长叹:“你们不是船上的成员。” The next second, in his oneself dumbfounded gaze, he saw that suddenly a bunch of quiet green flame cracks baseless —— in the air 下一秒,在他自己都目瞪口呆的注视中,他突然看到一簇幽绿的火光在空气中凭空崩裂出来—— That wisp of flame at first is only several sparks/Mars, it is jumping reappearing among 12 normal sailors, looks like the electrode assembly middle spark, but only the flash, that several sparks/Mars then expanded and grows turn into the flame suddenly, quiet green spiritual fire in the crowd middle flaming combustion, such as smells the predator of prey pounced on ignorantly that four sham. 那缕火光最初只是几个火星,它在十二名正常的水手中间跳跃着浮现,就像是电极装置中间的火花,而只一瞬间,那几个火星便猛然扩展、成长变成了大片大片的火焰,幽绿的灵体之火在人群中间熊熊燃烧,如嗅到了猎物的掠食者般猛扑向那四个浑浑噩噩的“赝品”。 The flame fulmination, flip-flop blasting open, four shams struggled in the roaring flame violently several, the sound has not actually even sent with enough time, then before changing to a beach beach to burning out later black dust —— vaguely a little looked like, in these black mud that on the harbor slopeway saw, however was drier, crushed. 火焰爆鸣,噼啪炸裂,四个赝品在烈焰中猛烈挣扎了几下,却连声音都没来得及发出来,便化作了一滩滩烧尽之后的黑色尘埃——依稀有点像之前在港口坡道上看见的那些黑色泥浆,然而更加干燥,更加粉碎。 The instance that sailors panic-stricken, that spiritual fire ignites, then recalls had had fright of scenery of —— fear as them of White Oak member bitter experience Vanished on Boundless Sea instantaneous, in Pland saw that the shock scene in raging fire melt city...... they were too familiar this flame. 水手们一片惊恐,那灵体之火燃起的瞬间,作为白橡木号成员的他们便回忆起了曾经发生过的一幕幕恐惧之景——无垠海上遭遇失乡号的惊魂瞬间,在普兰德见到烈火熔城的震撼场面……他们实在太熟悉这火焰了。 Why can this flame appear here? 为什么这火焰会出现在这里? Captain Duncan nearby this? 难道“邓肯船长”就在这附近? However in this frightened guess in everyone heart blasting open, when all sailors are panic, when that flame dissipated suddenly —— like rapid, as that four shams change to the ashes, cleanness that the quiet green spirit body roaring flame also vanishes immediately. 然而就在这惊悚的猜测在每一个人心头炸裂、在所有水手惊慌失措的时候,那火焰又突然消散了——就像来时一样迅速,随着那四个赝品化作灰烬,幽绿的灵体烈焰也立刻消失的干干净净。 Only leaves behind one group of panic-stricken flurried sailors, a dumbfounded first mate, as well as felt old Captain that oneself really should retire earlier. 只留下一群惊恐慌乱的水手,一个目瞪口呆的大副,以及一个觉得自己真的应该早点退休的老船长 What just...... a moment ago was that?” First mate Gosse has turned the head difficultly, swallowed a saliva, Captain, that fire, that fire seems like......” “刚……刚才那是什么?”大副格斯艰难地转过头,咽了口口水,“船长,那火,那火好像是……” Was the Vanished strength...... Vanished......” Lawrence swallowed a saliva, looked up suddenly to the seashore, seemed wants to seek for that Ghost Ship trace, actually only saw that in the White Oak direction the fire thundered as before, before gunwale, swayed the sailors of inspection lamp to be missing —— to fear everyone to invest into the fight. “是失乡号的力量……失乡号……”劳伦斯咽了口口水,猛然抬头看向海边,仿佛是想要寻找那艘幽灵船的踪影,却只看到白橡木号的方向上炮火依旧轰鸣,甲板边缘之前摇晃提灯的水手们则已不见了踪影——恐怕所有人都已经投入到战斗中了。 The seamen on White Oak are battling furiously, is Captain line of time that wins to go on board. 白橡木号上的海员们正在奋力作战,为船长一行争取登船的时间。 Vanished not here, but the Captain Duncan flame appears in everyone at present. 失乡号不在这里,但邓肯船长的火焰出现在所有人眼前。 Do not be anxious,” Lawrence is saying fast, making the sailors calm, we have encountered Vanished, Pland City-State even by —— that ship rescues not necessarily is the misdemeanor, hasn't heard that rumor? It is said Duncan Abnomar Captain has retrieved his humanity......” “别紧张,”劳伦斯飞快地说着,让水手们镇静下来,“我们已经遭遇过一次失乡号了,普兰德城邦甚至都是被那艘船救下来的——不一定是坏事,没听到那个传言吗?据说邓肯艾布诺马尔船长已经寻回了他的人性……” The first mate gesticulated subconsciously to the posture of Goddess of Storm pray, asks: Captain, do we...... the present return to the ship?” 大副下意识地比划了一个向风暴女神祈祷的姿势,紧接着开口询问:“船长,那咱们……现在返回船上吗?” „...... Goes back, quickly! Has not mixed while more strange things!” “……回去,快!趁着没有更多怪东西混进来!”
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