DR :: Volume #5

#419: Decision of Nadia

National Liberation Army & R dquo ; Seized the reed fort, this news while shocking entire Khalkha, makes Dogan especially angry, regardless of being at heart uncomfortable, he has to give up the beforehand fantasy, deploying a about thousand people of army to set out to the reed fort, needs defeated at one fell swoop damn thesehoodlum & R dquo ;. ¥ f. but ¥ f to defeat thoroughly that so-calledNational Liberation Army & R dquo ;, Dogan even spared no expense to spend the high price to hire one crowd especially in the neighbor quite famous mercenary, saw only that fully-armed, enormous and powerful team opens to go out of town like this, the wilderness toward distant place set out. 救国自由军”占领了芦苇堡,这个消息在震动了整个喀尔喀兰的同时,也让多安特气恼不已,无论心里有多么不爽,他还是不得不放弃自己之前的幻想,派遣了一只近千人的军队向芦苇堡进发,务求一举击败那些该死的“暴徒”。¥f。¥f而为了彻底击败那所谓的“救国自由军”,多安特甚至不惜血本花大价钱雇佣了一群在附近相当有名的雇佣兵,只见那全副武装,浩浩荡荡的队伍就这样开出城去,向着远处的荒野进发。 Really is ugly. & R dquo ; “真是丑恶。” Stands in the city wall, looks that these ride lightly in the mercenary who on the horseback chatted loudly, Nadia snort/hum. But the others of her side also showed the thinking otherwise expression at this moment. The location in Area Karkaland Eye of truth church, naturally also heard much as Paladin them aboutNational Liberation Army & R dquo ; Hearsay. Time from the beginning, these Paladin are also like others, thinks that this is an again also ordinary riot, but these civilians also before them these people that sees are the same, with this excuse takes by force the trade route that passes by the road. Although they are very indeed pitiful, however such approach, Paladin actually beg to differ. 站在城墙上,看着那些骑在马背上高声谈笑的雇佣兵,娜迪亚轻哼一声。而她身边的其他人此刻也是露出了不以为然的表情。喀尔喀兰地正是真实之眼教会的所在地,作为圣骑士的他们自然也听说了不少关于“救国自由军”的传闻。一开始的时候,这些圣骑士也和其他人一样,认为这不过是一场再也普通不过的暴乱,而那些平民也和他们之前所看见的那些人一样,以此为借口去打劫过路的商旅。虽然他们的确很可怜,但是这样的做法,圣骑士们却不敢苟同。 However makes them feel what is surprised, these person and they imagine complete different. They not only do not have to loot the trade route, actually instead launched the attack to the military power of aristocrats, has to acknowledge, when Paladin hear these news, they are quite surprised. They have not thought that theserioter & R dquo ; Unexpectedly will have the courage. Must know before then, never has the person to dare to attack an aristocrat! 但是让他们感到惊讶的是,那些人和他们所想象的完全不同。他们非但没有去洗劫商路,却反而对贵族们的军势展开了进攻,不得不承认,在圣骑士们听到这些消息的时候,他们还是颇为惊讶的。他们可从来没有想到,那些“暴民”居然会这么有胆子。要知道在这之前,可从来没有人敢袭击一个贵族啊! However these people dare to do that unexpectedly, moreover they also succeeded!! 但是这些人居然敢这么做,而且他们还成功了!! Regarding theserioter & R dquo ; The approach, in Paladin is also divided into two schools, a school thinks theserioter & R dquo ; No different from the beforehand these people, perhaps they indeed have oneself reason. However attacks a legitimate aristocrat, cannot be tolerated. They disrupted the order of society, then inevitable will receive to punish & mda S h ; But the present scene, seemed to be also proving accuracy that they judge. 对于这些“暴民”的做法,圣骑士之中也分为两派,一派认为这些“暴民”与之前那些人没什么不同,或许他们的确有自己的理由。但是袭击一位合法的贵族,还是不能够被容忍的。他们破坏了社会的秩序,那么必然就会受到惩罚—而眼下的景象,似乎也正在证明他们判断的正确性。 However others have the diverse opinion. Especially they obtain the news that passes on after the reed fort is so, theseNational Liberation Army & R dquo ; The person does not have the like a mountain bandits and rebels to rob same is like a robber, on the contrary, they open the granary. Person who apportions these to have the need the grain, helping them pass this cold winter. This magnanimous act makes many Priesthood also quite appreciate, they also cannot get used to seeing the Soros family tyrannical despotic behavior, even Priesthood tries to prevent plundering and raid of Soros family, however this is not useful. These family private soldiers do not pay attention to Templar Order. But is taken in the stipulation of Templar Order, they are unable to make anything, can only stand, helpless is looking at all these occurrences. 但是另外一些人则对此持相反意见。特别是他们得到从芦苇堡那边传回来的消息之后更是如此,那些“救国自由军”的人并没有像山贼匪盗一样占山为王,相反,他们打开粮仓。将粮食分给那些有需要的人,帮助他们度过这个寒冬。这种义举让不少圣职者也是颇为赞赏,他们同样看不惯索罗斯家族暴虐专横的行为,甚至还有圣职者试图阻止索罗斯家族的掠夺与搜捕,然而这并没有什么用。那些家族私兵根本就不把圣堂教团放在眼里。而摄于圣堂教团的规定,他们又无法做些什么,只能够站在旁边,无奈的望着这一切的发生。 From some perspective, „ National Liberation Army & R dquo ; Does matter that they want to handle cannot handle, therefore these Priesthood also quite have the favorable impression regarding them secretly. 从某种角度来说,“救国自由军”做了他们想做又不能够做的事情,所以这些圣职者暗地里对于他们也是颇有好感的。 These damn aristocrats! & R dquo ; “那些该死的贵族!” Looks army that goes far away, the young Paladin angry getting hold of fist, wielded under the fist. 看着远去的军队,年轻的圣骑士不由愤怒的握紧拳头,挥动了下拳头。 They besides these shameless tricks, will also do anything, only knows that bullies these weaponless civilians. Simply is despicable!! & R dquo ; “他们除了这些无耻的伎俩之外,还会干些什么,只知道欺压那些手无寸铁的平民。简直是卑鄙至极!!” Also he will say no wonder, soldier altogether 800 people of this attack reed fort, including half from the Soros family notorioushunts for troops & R dquo ;, The other half are to come from these mercenaries. Their well-trained and equipped army, everyone has the good strength, moreover inside even has five low level mage and intermediate mage. Such weaponry, do not say that is copes with one group of civilians, even if copes with a fully-armed army to have more than enough to spare, no wonder this young Paladin will be reprehensible, in his opinion. This is not an equal fight, with just could not pull anything to relate. 也难怪他会这么说,这次出发进攻芦苇堡的士兵一共有八百人,其中有一半来自索罗斯家族臭名昭著的“猎兵队”,另外一半则是来自那些雇佣兵。他们兵强马壮,每个人都拥有不俗的实力,而且里面甚至有五个低级法师和一个中级法师。这样的阵仗,不要说是去对付一群平民,哪怕是对付一只全副武装的军队都绰绰有余,也难怪这个年轻的圣骑士会看不顺眼,在他看来。这根本就不是一场平等的战斗,与正义就更扯不上什么关系了。 But, what can they make regarding this? 可是,对此他们又能够做些什么呢? We cannot keep silent! & R dquo ; “我们不能够就此默不作声!” The Nadia numerous palm of the hand claps on the desk, the teacup on table vibrated jumped. 娜迪亚重重一巴掌拍在书桌上,连带着桌上的茶杯都被震动的跳了起来。 Sir Bishop. I thought at this kind of time, we should make anything to be right! These greedy aristocrats must slaughter the civilians, can we only stand by? & R dquo ; 主教大人。我认为在这种时候,我们应该做些什么才对!那些贪婪的贵族要去屠杀平民,难道我们只能够袖手旁观吗?” They are the rebel army, the hoodlum, Nadia. & R dquo ; “他们是叛军,暴徒,娜迪亚。” Regarding the speech of Nadia, sits in her front Bishop frowns. There are several points to gaze at the present young girl discontentedly. As Eye of truth Bishop, he once appreciated this God's family knight very much, but he feels now, some that Nadia seems like too far. Since the western wilderness comes back, she starts to enliven the request church to fulfill more responsibility and duties, especially in the present scene, should be Templar Order acts. However as Eye of truth Bishop, he is certainly impossible to do that. Although he does not like the cruelty and brutal of aristocrats similarly, but the battle of theocracy and political power is not such simple matter. But as Eye of truth Bishop, he represents every action and every movement of church, naturally must carefully handle affairs is good. 对于娜迪亚的说话,坐在她面前的主教则是皱起眉头。带着几分不满注视着眼前的少女。作为真实之眼主教,他曾经很欣赏这位神眷骑士,但是他现在却觉得,娜迪亚似乎走的有些太远了。自从西部荒野回来之后,她就开始活跃着要求教会承担更多的责任与义务,特别是在眼下的光景里,更应该是圣堂教团出手的时候。但是作为真实之眼主教,他当然不可能这么做。虽然他同样不喜欢贵族们的残暴与无情,可是神权与政权的争斗不是这么简简单单的事情。而作为真实之眼主教,他代表教会的一举一动,自然要谨慎行事才行。 „ Regardless how the reason, they to raise after all flag that rebels against the aristocrat, moreover attacked a legitimate territory of aristocrat, therefore the Soros family has the ample reason to dispatch troops to encircle them. & R dquo ; “无论原因如何,他们毕竟掀起了反叛贵族的旗帜,而且还袭击了一位贵族的合法领地,因此索罗斯家族有足够的理由派兵围剿他们。” Before that the property and grain of aristocrats perverse and violent robbing civilians, even also kills these innocent civilians, this is legitimate?! & R dquo ; “可是在那之前,贵族们横暴的抢夺平民的财产和粮食,甚至还杀死那些无辜的平民,难道这就是合法的吗?!” Nadia raises up the brow, aggressive is gazing at fixedly the present old person, she grips tightly the double fist, the whole person sends out the imposing manner that is unable to suppress. 娜迪亚竖起眉头,咄咄逼人的瞪视着眼前的老人,她紧握双拳,整个人都散发出一股无法压制的气势。 God loves the world, we had once pledged in the front of nine Saints, by god the people of name asylum light, saves from the evil threat them. But now, we can only look at these aristocrat recklessly unseemly behavior, they impose the matter that oneself want to handle on everyone, the war, Death, looking into the distance, everywhere is painful wailing. Sir Bishop you forgot, in couple of days ago, we also personally saw one group of aristocrat private soldiers by & l S quo ; The wartime levies & R S quo ; The name robbed a cargo of merchant, even also kicked to injure his child! That is six -year-old child, how they can this!! But facing such matter, we must exercise forbearance repeatedly, is this our beliefs?!! Nine Saints on, our are abandoning our beliefs, is abandoning our truth! If we this way, then we and these lose the faith, the evil cult disciple of pacing back and forth has what difference! & R dquo ; “神爱世人,我们曾经在九圣的面前发过誓,以神的名义庇护光的子民,将他们从邪恶的威胁之中拯救出来。而现在,我们只能够看那些贵族肆意妄为,他们把自己想做的事情强加给每一个人,战争,死亡,放眼望去,到处都是痛苦的哀嚎。难道主教大人您忘记了,就在前两天,我们还亲眼看见一群贵族私兵以‘战时征收’的名义抢走了一个商人的货物,甚至还踢伤了他的孩子!那才是个六岁的孩子,他们怎么可以这样做!!而面对这样的事情,我们依然要一再忍让,难道这就是我们的信仰吗?!!九圣在上,我们这是在背弃我们的信仰,也是在背弃我们的真理!如果我们再这样下去的话,那么我们和那些失去信念,彷徨的邪教徒有什么不同!” Sufficed!! & R dquo ; “够了!!” Hears here, opposite old person cannot bear angry roar, then he stands up, eye gazing present young girl. 听到这里,对面的老人也是忍不住怒吼一声,接着他站起身来,一双眼睛盯视着眼前的少女。 I have told you many to be inferior, the Nadia big knight, this is not the struggle of spirit, this involves the dispute of theocracy and political power. & R dquo ; “我已经告诉过你很多次了,娜迪亚大骑士,这不是意气之争,这涉及到神权与政权的纠纷。” Why, makes concessions can be we? & R dquo ; “那么,为什么退让的会是我们?” Nadia shakes the head. 娜迪亚摇了摇头。 I believe that Templar Order has made concessions was too long, we cannot this way. Was who saved this world from devil, let people exempt dark enslaving of light? Is who beat the evil people in these attack surfaces time and time again, thus protected this piece of continent? All these are the benevolence of god, without their asylums, then these aristocrats absolutely would have no opportunity to bluff and bluster like this! & R dquo ; “我认为,圣堂教团已经退让的太久了,我们不能再这样下去了。是谁从恶魔手里拯救了这个世界,让光的子民免收黑暗的奴役?是谁一次又一次的击败了那些袭击地表的邪恶之徒,从而保护了这片大陆?这一切都是众神的仁慈,如果没有他们的庇护,那么那些贵族根本就没有机会在这样耀武扬威!” Said here, the Nadia standing body, clenches teeth. 说道这里,娜迪亚站直身体,咬了咬牙。 Sir Bishop, I understands your idea, but I am unable to accept. I am confused, but I have sobered now, the idea of Templar Order I do not understand, I only know, initially I in front of nine Saints took an oath to become Paladin, once pledged that must use long sword justice in the hand, the attack was evil, protects these innocent people. Let them be able to obtain the steady, happy life under the brilliance of god. But now, I will have a look with own eyes, actually these people are & l S quo that the aristocrat said ; Rebel army & R S quo ;, That is leads the people to resist the tyranny Hero. & R dquo ; 主教大人,我理解你的想法,但是我无法接受。我曾经迷茫过,可是我现在已经清醒了,圣堂教团的想法我不懂,我只知道,当初我在九圣面前宣誓成为一名圣骑士时,曾经发誓要用自己手中的长剑维护正义,打击邪恶,保护那些无辜的民众。让他们在神的光辉下能够获得平稳,幸福的生活。而现在,我会亲眼去看看,那些人究竟是贵族所说的‘叛军’,那是带领民众抵抗暴政的英雄。” Spoke these words respectfully, Nadia Bishop after toward table good a ritual, then she then turns around to leave. But gets to the entrance in Nadia, opens the front door time, the Bishop sound conveys again. 说完这句话,娜迪亚恭敬的向着桌后的主教行了一礼,接着她便转身离开。而就在娜迪亚走到门口,推开大门的时候,主教的声音再次传来。 You may probably know, disobeys orders does not obey, but the grave offense, the Nadia big knight, your present range Paladin Captain only has the one pace, if you choose to go out of here now, leaves here, then this will become a you not erasable stain. & R dquo ; “你可要知道,抗命不遵可是重罪,娜迪亚大骑士,你现在距离圣骑士长只有一步之遥,而如果你现在选择走出这里,离开这里的话,那么这会成为你一个不可抹去的污点。” ......... & R dquo ; “………” Hears here, Nadia silent, finally she shoved open the door. 听到这里,娜迪亚沉默了一下,最终她推开了房门。 Doesn't matter, Sir Bishop, I have made the decision. In any event, I must use this eye testimony truth, what Eye of truth sees through is all hidden in dark later existence, actually they are Hero, is the hoodlum, if I personally do not see, will then be is absolutely impossible to know the truth. & R dquo ; “没关系,主教大人,我已经做出了决定。无论如何,我都要用这双眼睛见证真相,真实之眼看穿的是一切隐藏在黑暗之后的存在,他们究竟是英雄,还是暴徒,如果我不亲眼所见的话,那么是绝对不可能会得知真相的。” Snort ............... & R dquo ; “哼……………” Facing the reply of Nadia, Bishop light snort/hum ......... 面对娜迪亚的回答,主教轻哼一声……… You are really a fool, Nadia ......... good, you walk, like you such not mature person, seems like simply does not have the qualifications to become Paladin Captain! I thought that you also need to discipline, you leave here to me now! Rolled distant! Steps your road of belief, when you retrieved the belief, comes back to see me again! & R dquo ; “你真是个笨蛋,娜迪亚………好吧,你走吧,像你这么不成熟的人,看起来根本没资格成为圣骑士长!我看你还需要磨练,你现在就给我离开这里!滚的远远的!去踏上你的信仰之路,什么时候你找回了信仰,再回来见我吧!” Sir Bishop!! & R dquo ; 主教大人!!” Hears these words, Nadia stares suddenly, then she cannot believe has turned the head, looks to front old person. But at this moment, she sees, only then that old man rickets are standing near the window, is turning away from her form. But looks at this back, Nadia bites the lip, then, she again deep lowers the head, toward old person good a ritual. 听到这句话,娜迪亚猛然一愣,接着她不敢相信的转过头去,望向面前的老人。而此刻,她所看见的,只有那位老者佝偻着站在窗边,背对着她的身影。而看着这个背影,娜迪亚咬住嘴唇,接着,她再次深深的低下头去,向着老人行了一礼。 Many thanks you, Sir Bishop. & R dquo ; “多谢您,主教大人。” Spoke these words, Nadia then turns around to leave, but the door, closes in this moment. 说完这句话,娜迪亚便转身离开,而房门,也在这一刻重新关上。 Thump ......... & R dquo ; “咚………” The serious closing sound reverberation in the study room, until a moment later, the old person then sighed, then he closed the eye, sat on the chair, raised the head. 沉重的关门声回荡在书房里,直到片刻之后,老人这才叹了口气,接着他闭上眼睛,重新坐回了椅子上,抬起头来。 Hope, I do this am correct ............... & R dquo ; “希望,我这样做是正确的吧……………” Then, saying that the old person muttered.( To be continued.) 接着,老人喃喃自语的说道。(未完待续。)
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