DG :: Volume #6

#2179: Attacks the war crazily

Insanity Demon Lair eighth layer. 疯魔窟第八层 The Primordial Realm illusory image hangs in empty/sky, even more slowly such as lives. 元境的幻影高悬于空,越发徐徐如生。 Blue Lotus Major World, Loess Major World and Savage Major World blending degree is even more deep, now only then the less than half wall of tire is remaining, hinders the tripartite intercommunication. 青莲大世界黄土大世界蛮荒大世界的交融程度越发深厚,如今只有小半的胎壁残留着,阻碍三方互通。 Each small world already the total integrated in 3 Major Worlds, the Savage Major World income are most, is present vastest in territory large world. 各个小世界早已全数融入三大世界之中,其中蛮荒大世界收益最多,也是眼下最幅员辽阔的大世界 This requires the Ju Yang Immortal Venerable's Heaven and Earth Luck method, made on most small world fell Savage Major World. 这都有赖于巨阳仙尊的天地运手段,令绝大多数的小世界落到了蛮荒大世界上。 Fang Yuan almost complete gu cultivator will dispatch, dashes to Heavenly Court Book Mountain. 方源将几乎全部的蛊修都派遣出去,直扑天庭书山 Longevity Heaven also completely has army, military power is enormous and powerful. 长生天也尽起大军,军势浩荡。 Heavenly Court was already ready in full battle array, respectively takes Duan Hu and Nie Kuangfeng as the leader, leads to resist respectively. 天庭早已严阵以待,分别以断虎聂狂风为领袖,各自领军抵挡。 „The so long as isn't sage face to face, you are not my match!” Nie Kuangfeng long and loud cry. 只要不是圣人当面,尔等都不是我的对手!”聂狂风长啸。 His dancing in the air body, starts ten thousand li (0.5 km) strong winds, curls the seat battlefield, enormous and powerful billowing. 他飞舞身躯,掀起万里狂风,卷席战场,浩荡滚滚。 Is faced with an archenemy, only has the cooperation, has the chance!” Xiao Hejian looks to Ice Crystal Immortal King, the latter nods, whole face dignified color. “大敌当前,唯有合作,才有胜机!”萧荷尖望向冰晶仙王,后者点点头,满脸凝重之色。 The beforehand confrontation, these two nonhuman Gu Immortal distinguish and Nie Kuangfeng combat, defeats successively. Not only the buckle many Gu Immortal lives, Xiao Hejian and Ice Crystal Immortal King are also in an extremely difficult situation, returns alive by luck. 之前的交锋,这两位异人蛊仙都分别和聂狂风作战,先后战败。不仅折损了许多蛊仙性命,萧荷尖冰晶仙王也是狼狈不堪,侥幸生还。 After this time recuperation, their strength restores such as beginning, faces Nie Kuangfeng once more, decides to put down the beforehand individual gratitude and grudges, opposes the enemy together. 这一次休整之后,他们实力恢复如初,再次面对聂狂风,决定放下之前的个人恩怨,一同对敌。 Ice Crystal Immortal King waves to step , the innumerable cold air spouts, cover Nie Kuangfeng, stagnates his movement, delays his speed. 冰晶仙王挥手投足之间,无数寒气喷涌,罩住聂狂风,凝滞他的动作,延缓他的速度。 Xiao Hejian departs azure leaf Ren, everywhere spreads wildly, the might is astonishing. 萧荷尖则飞出青色叶刃,漫天遍野,威力惊人。 Nie Kuangfeng volume seat strong wind from afar, blows the Heaven and Earth changes countenance, the green leaf cold wind scatters in all directions. 聂狂风卷席长风,吹得天地变色,青叶寒风四散。 Immortal Realm Ultimate Move-- extremely Ice Crystal light town/subdues immortal coffin! 仙道杀招——极冰晶光镇仙棺! Ice Crystal Immortal King loudly shouts, imposing manner suddenly restrains, does not reveal slightly a point. 冰晶仙王大喝一声,气势猛地收敛起来,不泄露丝毫一分。 That a moment later, his whole person rumbles, explodes to disperse, changes into the innumerable say/way cold light. 下一刻,他整个人轰的一声,爆散开来,化为无数道寒光。 The cold electro-optic shoots, extremely ice-cold! Everywhere one visit, the atmosphere congeals, changes into floating ice, afterward falls falls goes to the ground. 寒光电射而出,极其冰冷!所到之处,大气凝结,化为一块块的浮冰,随后摔落向地面而去。 Un?” The Nie Kuangfeng palpitation, moves aside hastily, but where with enough time? “嗯?”聂狂风心悸,连忙躲闪,但哪里来得及? He by the innumerable extremely Ice Crystal light shoots, seal in the middle of the as huge as a mountain solid ice. 他被无数极冰晶光射中,封印巨大如山的坚冰当中。 Ice layer is thicker, shoots the cold light that from outside after the ice layer amplification, the prestige can be stronger!” Nie Kuangfeng cannot work loose, under the pressure of death, was once more fascinated. “冰层越厚,从外面射进来的寒光经过冰层的增幅,威能就越强!”聂狂风挣脱不得,在死亡的压力下,再次入魔。 kā chā...... 咔嚓嚓…… The solid ice from inside to outside, the rapid produce innumerable say/way cracks, spread. 坚冰从内而外,迅速产生无数道裂缝,扩散开来。 Awful, I could not surround him quickly.” Ice Crystal Immortal King realized that it's not looking good. “糟糕,我快困不住他了。”冰晶仙王意识到不妙 Xiao Hejian ferments finally successfully. 萧荷尖终于酝酿成功。 Immortal Realm Ultimate Move-- cuts the grass! 仙道杀招——斩草! The Xiao Hejian double palm like the blade, aims at Nie Kuangfeng in solid ice distantly, gently downward all. 萧荷尖双掌如刀,遥遥对准坚冰中的聂狂风,轻轻往下一切。 Immediately two leaves of grass condense instantaneously, falls easely, sneaks in the solid ice in the slit, then shines through to the Nie Kuangfeng body. 顿时两片草叶瞬间凝聚而成,悠然落下,钻进坚冰的缝隙之内,然后一路透射到聂狂风的身躯里去。 The Nie Kuangfeng body shivered immediately two. 聂狂风身躯立即颤抖了两下。 Xiao Hejian occurred again and again, the Nie Kuangfeng body shivers unceasingly, the green nettle rash is even more sparse weakly, until strength of resistance getting smaller. 萧荷尖连连发生,聂狂风身躯不断颤抖,绿色的风团越发稀疏虚弱,直至抵抗的力量越来越小。 I am willing to surrender......” Nie Kuangfeng to call to shout weakly. “我愿归降……”聂狂风虚弱地叫喊道。 Revered master's order is-- does not accept a surrender!” Xiao Hejian cold said/tunnel. 主上有命——不受降!”萧荷尖冷冽地道。 Finally, under Nie Kuangfeng in he and Ice Crystal Immortal King collaborates, lost the life. 最终,聂狂风在他和冰晶仙王联手之下,丧失了性命。 Nie Kuangfeng dies, different kind Gu Immortals a group of people without a leader, was killed innumerably, the rout runs away. 聂狂风一死,异类蛊仙们群龙无首,被杀伤无数,溃败而逃。 Fang Yuan army pushes directly into, has overrun to the Book Mountain under foot. 方源大军长驱直入,一直攻到书山脚下。 Another side, in Longevity Heaven Desolate Extremity Lord and Universe Extremity Lord in Eight Extremity Lords collaborate, the Duan Hu elimination. 另一边,长生天八极子中的荒极子宇极子联手,将断虎消灭。 Two groups of army join forces in the Blue Lotus Major World center. 两路大军会师于青莲大世界的中心。 Heavenly Court gained the Book Mountain date and time to be still short, has only arranged grand formation around Book Mountain. 天庭获取书山时日尚短,只在书山周围布置了大阵 This named all around star, four Subsidiary Formation, deploy the four directions separately, results in not even one drop of water can pass through Book Mountain surrounding. 此阵名为四周星阵,分别有四个子阵,部署四方,将书山包围得水泄不通 The summit of Book Mountain, Fairy Fengya day and night unceasingly stimulates to movement ultimate move, rouses Primordial Realm in vault of heaven. 书山之巅,丰雅仙子夜以继日不断催动杀招,勾动苍穹中的元境 After two groups of army discussed that divided forces to attack four directions grand formation. 两路大军商讨一番后,分兵攻打四方大阵 Mao Li Qiu leads, enters Western Subsidiary Formation. 毛里球领一路,杀入西方子阵 Ge Mei leads, crashes in northern Subsidiary Formation. 盖槑领一路,冲进北方子阵 Xiao Hejian leads, enters Eastern Subsidiary Formation. 萧荷尖领一路,进入东方子阵 Ice Crystal Immortal King leads, attacks southern Subsidiary Formation. 冰晶仙王领一路,攻打南方子阵 The surplus teams are commanded by Bing Saichuan and Lu Weiyin separately, is four groups of cutting edges suppresses the position. 剩余队伍分别由冰塞川陆畏因统领,为四路先锋压住阵脚。 Mao Li Qiu enters, on general light/only like nail, ten million, rainstorm pouring under. 毛里球进入阵内,就将星光如钉,数以千万,暴雨般倾盆而下。 Mao Li Qiu bellows, the body inflates, becomes very huge, purple sable hair Shunhua is tenacious, the star light cannot shine through. 毛里球大吼一声,身躯膨胀,变得十分巨大,紫色貂毛顺滑坚韧,星光不能透射。 It batters in Subsidiary Formation, other Gu Immortal accompany as entourage after that rush to kill, in all directions destruction. 它在子阵中横冲直撞,其余蛊仙围随其后,一路奔杀,四处破坏。 Evil livestock, disturbs. This time cut to kill you!” A star shake, departs two Gu Immortals. “孽畜,又来捣乱。这次就斩杀了你!”星阵震荡,飞出两位蛊仙 Nine Spirits Immortal Lady, Crown Prince Feng Xian. 一位九灵仙姑,一位凤仙太子 Nine Spirits Immortal Lady changes makes Immemorial Desolate Beast, blocks Mao Li Qiu. False Immemorial exceeds Immemorial, Mao Li Qiu presses in really quickly leeward, hits the skin and flesh worn out and aching, exhausted. 九灵仙姑变作太古荒兽,挡住毛里球。假太古胜过真太古,毛里球很快就被压入下风,打得皮肉酸软,精疲力尽。 Crown Prince Feng Xian urges valley Flame Dao ultimate move, all sorts of oriole flame all around dance in the air, kills Savage Major World different kind Gu Immortals to disintegrate, suddenly throws down more than ten lives. 凤仙太子则催谷炎道杀招,种种黄鸟火焰四下飞舞,杀得蛮荒大世界的异类蛊仙们分崩离析,一时间丢下十多位性命。 Mao Li Qiu does not bear, must return. 毛里球不耐,只得退回。 Another side, Ge Mei to Zhou Xiongxin and Monarch Divine Light. 另一边,盖槑对上周雄信君神光 Zhou Xiongxin stimulates to movement Information Dao ultimate move, the main attack, the Monarch Divine Light figure rainbow, the side supports. Lord one, complements each other. 周雄信催动信道杀招,主攻,君神光身形化虹,侧面支援。一主一副,相得益彰。 Yellow Extremity Lord Jiao Huo stimulates to movement Totem Ultimate Move, encounters with Zhou Xiongxin, temporarily makes no distinction between victory and defeat. 黄极子焦火催动图腾杀招,与周雄信交锋,暂时不分胜负。 The fierce battle, another nearby Ge Mei is actually make a big fuss, was hit by Monarch Divine Light scurries about. 正要酣战,另一旁的盖槑却是大呼小叫,被君神光打得四处乱窜。 Walks quickly, walks quickly.” Ge Mei holds the Jiao Huo shoulder, does not attend to the latter staring, drags away it actually. “快走,快走。”盖槑抓住焦火肩膀,不顾后者瞪眼,硬是将其拖走。 The Longevity Heaven person from a different world horse loses, the Fang Yuan's two groups cannot withstand. 长生天两路人马铩羽而归,方源的两路更加不堪。 Xiao Hejian and Ice Crystal Immortal King were stranded in abundance, want to remove unable to remove. 萧荷尖冰晶仙王纷纷被困,想要撤都撤不出来。 These two immortals run upon Heavenly Court's Che Wei and Wan Zihong separately, the situation bad risk, but also please promptly fast rescue!” The letter of requesting reinforcements already delivered in the hand of reached Lu Weiyin. “这两仙分别撞上天庭的车尾万紫红,情形凶险,还望速速救援!”求援的信件早就送达到了陆畏因的手中。 Che Wei founds Martial Dao, the method is even more mature, now the status is next to Qin Dingling. 车尾开创兵道,手段越发成熟,如今地位仅次于秦鼎菱 Wan Zihong originally is Western Desert demonic cultivator, was gathered by Heavenly Court. Has the good performance in Fate Great War, now Immortal Gu simultaneous/uniform white/shell, battle strength restores peak, is extremely fierce. 万紫红原本西漠魔修,被天庭招揽。在宿命大战中有不俗表现,如今仙蛊齐贝,战力恢复巅峰,极其厉害。 Bing Saichuan then and Lu Weiyin discussed urgently: Around this star subordinates Star Dao, we are not adept. To explain forcefully, Heavenly Court also has elite to oversee, is extremely awkward. In Fang Yuan big person hand a thing, can explain including nine nine interlocking rings grand formation unceasingly, this certainly is also easy.” 冰塞川便和陆畏因紧急商议:“这四周星阵隶属星道,我们都不拿手。想要强行破解,天庭又有精锐坐镇,万分为难。方源大人手中一物,连九九连环不绝大阵都能破解,此阵也一定手到擒来。” Bing Saichuan said is Five Boundary's End Time Formation. 冰塞川说的就是五界大限阵 Lu Weiyin nods, will speak, at this time had Gu Immortal from Loess Major World. 陆畏因点头,正要说话,这时有蛊仙黄土大世界而来。 This female immortal skin white like snow, ears like rabbit, eye pupil blood red, is Miss White Rabbit. 这位女仙肤白若雪,双耳如兔,眼瞳血红,正是白兔姑娘 Under Miss White Rabbit in Fang Yuan leads by the hand, is genuine Rank 8 cultivation base. 白兔姑娘方源提携之下,已是货真价实八转修为 Lu Weiyin laughs, said to Bing Saichuan: I already requested reinforcements to Sir Fang Yuan, borrow after consultation Five Boundary's End Time Formation, by to break array. Miss White Rabbit was laborious you.” 陆畏因哈哈一笑,对冰塞川道:“我早已向方源大人求援,商借五界大限阵,以阵破阵白兔姑娘辛苦你了。” Miss White Rabbit said with a smile: Handles matters for the master, naturally must spell to go all-out, does not give a thought to the life, some were considered as anything laboriously. This master has not brought Five Boundary's End Time Formation. The masters said, this is not divided the status, with effect slightly slow, cannot help in an emergency. Therefore made me bring other methods.” 白兔姑娘笑道:“为主人办事,自然要拼尽全力,不顾性命,一些辛苦算得了什么。只是此次主人并未拿来五界大限阵。主人说,此阵不分地位,用效稍缓,不能救急。故令我带来了其他手段。” Bing Saichuan is curious: „The method of Sir Fang Yuan, decides however is the no small matter, but also please accommodate my view.” 冰塞川好奇:“方源大人的手段,定然是非同小可,还请容我一观。” Therefore, Miss White Rabbit then from own Immortal Aperture, took out Immortal Gu Home. 于是,白兔姑娘便从自家仙窍中,取出了仙蛊屋 Ice Cloud City and cold frost room, diamond fort and dragon mortal form graveyard and red river Ting, scarlet clouds altar/jar and beautiful Honggong! 云城、寒霜屋、金钢堡、龙魄阴宅、红江亭、赤霄坛、嫣红宫! Entire seven Immortal Gu Home, each Immortal Gu Home is the Rank 8 level. 整整七座仙蛊屋,每一座仙蛊屋都是八转层次。 Bing Saichuan looks dumbfoundedly. 冰塞川看得目瞪口呆。 Master said, can only build these many Immortal Gu Home in a hurry. The masters ordered, uses these Immortal Gu Home to clash.” Miss White Rabbit said. “主人说,仓促之间只能打造这么多的仙蛊屋。主人已下令,就用这些仙蛊屋冲阵。”白兔姑娘道。 Originally, Fang Yuan since enters in Insanity Demon Lair, after having captured massive immortal materials, its Time Dao clone He Chunqiu has then been using 4 Sided Regret & Blood Refining Pond to refine Immortal Gu industriously. 原来,方源自从进入疯魔窟中,收缴了海量仙材后,其宙道分身何春秋便一直在动用四元方悔血炼池勤炼仙蛊 After all sorts of Rank 8 Immortal Gu refine, starts to form Immortal Gu Home. 种种八转仙蛊炼成之后,就开始组建仙蛊屋 Fang Yuan originally does not plan to build Immortal Gu Home , because is not quite practical regarding oneself. 方源原本不打算搭建仙蛊屋,是因为对于自己而言不太实用。 But after large world, this one layer exists cannot at will take action, therefore provides for a rainy day, starts to prepare for the armed subordinate. 但到了大世界之后,他这一层的存在不能随意出手,于是就未雨绸缪,开始为武装下属做准备。 Is the time is indeed hasty. 的确是时间仓促。 These Immortal Gu Home are Fang Yuan from Cloud City, Drifting Cloud City, Mysterious Ice House, Unbreakable Iron Fort, Blood River War Chariot, Grievous News Graveyard, Green Wave Pavilion, Weaves Cocoon Pavilion, Golden Firmament Altar wait/etc. Immortal Gu Home in the foundations, improves. 这些仙蛊屋都是方源云城阴流巨城玄冰屋不坏铁堡血河车噩耗阴宅绿波亭织茧阁金霄坛等等仙蛊屋的基础上,改良出来的。 In the strict sense said that was used. 严格意义上讲,算是半新半旧。 Places on Heavenly Court, even though three Wisdom Dao Quasi Immortal Venerable, cannot shortly at will explain, but must spend the time reckoning. 放在天庭身上,纵使有三位智道亚仙尊,也不能顷刻随意破解,还得花费时间推算。 This was enough! 这就足够了! Lu Weiyin the great happiness, distributes immediately Immortal Gu Home, breaks through grand formation, rescues Ice Crystal Immortal King and Xiao Hejian. 陆畏因当即大喜,将仙蛊屋分派下去,冲破大阵,救出冰晶仙王萧荷尖 Afterward, seven Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home volume seat battlefields, broken goes to another two Subsidiary Formation. 随后,七座八转仙蛊屋卷席战场,又将另外两座子阵破去。 Person from a different world horse kill to Book Mountain. 两路人马杀向书山 The summit of Book Mountain, Fairy Fengya with both eyes closed tightly, manipulates method. Yuxiu and Ming Hao management general situation. 书山之巅,丰雅仙子双目紧闭,操纵着手段。毓秀明皓主持大局。 Sees so numerous Immortal Gu Home, the Fairy Yuxiu complexion sinks: Fang Yuan so is unexpectedly filthy rich, he method on Refining Dao is very fearful. Perhaps he wants to scheme on Refining Dao!” 见到如此众多的仙蛊屋,毓秀仙子脸色微沉:“方源竟如此财大气粗,他在炼道上的手段十分可怕。恐怕他是想在炼道上有所图谋!” Is good on his Wisdom Dao cannot stand off us, therefore these Immortal Gu Home are neither new nor old, is traceable.” Fairy Ming Hao was saying, then stimulates to movement ultimate move. “好在他智道上敌不过我们,所以这些仙蛊屋半新不旧,还是有迹可循。”明皓仙子说着,便催动杀招 Human Dao ultimate move-- modest courteous! 人道杀招——谦谦有礼! Book Mountain shakes, innumerable ultimate move put just like the brilliant smoke and fire once more. 书山震荡,无数杀招宛若绚烂烟火再次盛放。 In the vault of heaven, Primordial Realm is hanging, Tribulation Cloud is billowing, Disaster and Tribulation is countless. 苍穹中,元境悬空,劫云滚滚,灾劫累累。 In the battlefield, innumerable ultimate move flood field of vision, is turbulent just like the sea tide, covers in all directions under. 战场上,无数杀招充斥视野,宛若海潮汹涌,四面八方覆盖而下。 So under massive ultimate move, Fang Yuan's subordinates Gu Immortal withdraws in Immortal Gu Home, swims against the stream. 如此海量杀招之下,方源的麾下蛊仙都龟缩在仙蛊屋中,逆流而上。 The Longevity Heaven's Gu Immortal quantity is numerous, cannot crush into Fortune Stealing Altar. 长生天的蛊仙数量众多,总不能都挤进劫运坛中。 Bing Saichuan then takes out five Immortal Gu Home. 冰塞川便取出五座仙蛊屋来。 A broad summer harem, a heart pleased harem, a red bean harem, a lovesickness harem, a peach young harem. 一座广夏后宫,一座心悦后宫,一座红豆后宫,一座相思后宫,一座桃夭后宫。 Initially Ju Yang Immortal Venerable before death, in five big harems that in Five Regions arranged, all was Rank 8 level. 正是当初巨阳仙尊生前,在五域中布置的五大后宫,俱都是八转级数 Immortal Venerable background is exposing at this moment with nothing left! 仙尊底蕴在此刻展露无遗! I accumulated my entire life also still compared Fang Yuan, Rank 8 Immortal Gu in his hands unexpectedly have potential of the overflow. He thinks Refining Dao to become Venerable?” Immortal Zombie Ju Yang looks out the battlefield, in the heart calculated. “我一生积累也仍旧比不过方源,八转仙蛊在他手中竟有一种泛滥之势。他是想炼道成尊?”巨阳仙僵遥望战场,心中推算。 Fang Yuan is paying attention to the battlefield, while comprehends Heavenly Thief True Inheritance. 方源则一边关注着战场,一边参悟盗天真传 This Heavenly Thief True Inheritance originally contains Imitate Gu , double to enter to ultimate move wait/etc., Heavenly Thief True Inheritance that but Fang Yuan obtains only remaining one less than half. 这份盗天真传原本包含仿伪蛊、出双入对杀招等等,但方源得到的盗天真传只剩下一小半。 However is this less than half, to Fang Yuan, is quite important. 然而就是这一小半,对方源而言,却极为重要。 The True Inheritance content involves Refining Dao, how elaborated past Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable Counterfeit Universe Crystal Wall, how Counterfeit Immortal Gu wait/etc.. 真传内容牵扯炼道,阐述了当年盗天魔尊如何造假乾坤晶壁,如何造假仙蛊等等。 Outside Refining Dao Realm four big domains that I counted before, this!” “我之前统计的炼道境界四大版图之外,还有这一块!” Refining up Counterfeit Gu......” “炼造假蛊……” Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable leaves me this True Inheritance, the intention is very deep.” 盗天魔尊将这份真传留给我,用意很深。”
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