DLAT :: Volume #6 Volume 6

#956: 5 kills

Another side of labyrinth, Barty Jr. dangles wand, peaceful looks to faint in ground Harry Potter, the corners of the mouth cannot stop to rise. 迷宫的另一边,小巴蒂垂下魔杖,安静的看着晕倒在地上的哈利·波特,嘴角止不住上扬。 Harry Potter has been practicing magic for Third Task earnestly. 哈利·波特为了第三个项目一直在认真练习魔法 Finally? 结果呢? He uses disillusionment charm to hide itself, stands in the channel peacefully exits, when Harry Potter walks after the channel, uses stunning spell in his back quietly. 他使用幻身咒隐藏自己,安静站在通道出口,等哈利·波特从通道里走出来后,悄悄在他的背后使用昏迷咒 Without the vigorous resistance, should say does not have any resistance, famous Harry Potter was overpowered like this, even until he faints on the ground, does not know that what happened. 没有激烈的反抗,应该说没有任何反抗,大名鼎鼎的哈利·波特就这样被制服了,甚至直到他晕倒在地上的时候,都不知道发生了什么事。 As if Harry a while ago all efforts, merely were only a joke. 仿佛哈利前段时间的所有努力,仅仅只是一个笑话。 If you treat are waiting for same place, perhaps I must work hard.” Barty Jr. pulls out the prepared scarf from the pocket, wields wand to that scarf incantation, after it turns into portkey(s), firmly ties up on the Harry Potter's arm. “如果你待在原地等待,我说不定还得多费点功夫。”小巴蒂从口袋里掏出事先准备好的围巾,挥动魔杖对那条围巾施咒,将它变成门钥匙后,牢牢绑在哈利·波特的手臂上。 Then, Barty Jr. stands, pulls out a pocket watch from the pocket, looked at the above time, starts the final reciprocal time. 然后,小巴蒂就站在旁边,从口袋里掏出一个怀表,看了看上面的时间,开始最后的倒数计时。 „...... Three... two... one, time!” “……三…二…一,时间到!” Barty Jr. „” closes the pocket watch, front Harry Potter suddenly Evanesco. 小巴蒂“啪”的一声合上怀表,面前的哈利·波特骤然消失不见了。 If only that mudblood was as easy to deal with as you. Barty Jr. looks at the position that Harry Potter is vanishing, relaxes, oneself complete Quest that Dark Lord gives finally, is...... gives Dark Lord's resurrecting to win enough time as far as possible! 如果那个泥巴种有你好对付就好了。小巴蒂望着哈利·波特消失的位置,不由松了口气,自己终于完成黑魔王给予的任务,接下来就是……尽可能给黑魔王的复活争取足够的时间! Had better be able be eliminated, the time affirmation all Champion is enough when the time comes. 最好能将所有勇士都淘汰出局,到时候时间肯定足够了。 Barty Jr. knows certainly that Albert Anderson is not Harry Potter, that Yin move estimated to him a moment ago also uselessly, but this does not hinder him to kill that mudblood. 小巴蒂当然知道艾伯特·安德森不是哈利·波特,刚才那种阴招对他估计也没什么用,但这不妨碍他想要杀死那个泥巴种 Moreover, Barty Jr. has also been ready! 而且,小巴蒂也已经做好准备了! When Barty Jr. turns head to seek for the Albert position, his heart clutches suddenly, because he discovered that mudblood has soon approached the labyrinth center unexpectedly, in less than several minutes, he can definitely attain the trophy, ended the competition. 就在小巴蒂扭头寻找艾伯特位置的时候,他的心脏猛然一揪,因为他发现那个泥巴种居然已经快要靠近迷宫中央了,用不了几分钟,他肯定可以拿到奖杯,结束比赛。 Although the Triwizard Tournament trophy was fudged by him quietly, once puts out a hand to touch, will be transmitted overseas, but that mudblood definitely is capable of returning to the school in a short time, this absolutely is not Moody the situation that wants to see. 虽然三强争霸赛的奖杯被他悄悄动了手脚,一旦伸手触摸,就会被传送到国外,但那个泥巴种肯定有能力在短时间内返回学校,这绝对不是穆迪想要看到的情况。 Completes important Quest that Dark Lord gave with great difficulty, Barty Jr. will not allow some people to disturb Dark Lord's resurrecting. 好不容易完成了黑魔王给予的重要任务,小巴蒂绝不会允许有人打搅黑魔王的复活。 He will not allow that matter to happen. 他绝不会允许那种事发生。 Luckily, Albert five was chosen a branch road to constrain the step, only then one to the labyrinth deep place, other four is an impasse, this enables the ambush that he arranges to apply, had enough time to overtake to prevent the opposite party by oneself to attain the championship. 幸好,艾伯特被五选一的岔路拖住了步伐,其中只有一条通往迷宫深处,剩余的四条都是死胡同,这才让他安排的伏击能派上用场,更让自己有充足的时间赶过去阻止对方拿到冠军奖杯。 It seems like, my luck is good.” “看来,我的运气不错。” Barty Jr. pants hurries to toward the labyrinth center, regrettably he now or the Moody's appearance, leans on the speed that the walking stick is walking not to get up from the start. 小巴蒂气喘吁吁的朝着迷宫中央赶去,令人遗憾的是他现在还是穆迪的模样,拄着拐杖走路的速度压根不起来。 If he knows that somebody was complaining his walking speed is slow, does not know that can be mad wants to knock with the walking stick explodes the head of opposite party. 如果他知道某人正埋怨他走路速度慢,不知道会不会气得想要用拐杖敲爆对方的脑袋。 Albert is staring on the map the Barty Crouch Jr. slow movement black ink point, muttered low voice: Lame must hurry along, but also really felt embarrassed him!” 艾伯特盯着地图上小巴蒂·克劳奇缓慢移动的墨点,小声咕哝道:“瘸腿还要赶路,还真是为难他了!” The fellow is catching up toward here. 那家伙正朝着这边赶来。 However, this Miss Fleur what's the matter? 不过,这位芙蓉小姐是怎么回事? The expression on Albert face is especially strange, because he discovered that Fleur Delacour is ambushing unexpectedly oneself in the exit of channel. 艾伯特脸上的表情格外古怪,因为他发现芙蓉·德拉库尔居然正在通道的出口处埋伏自己。 When does there she run? 她什么时候跑那儿去的? Albert has not really noticed this matter. 艾伯特还真没注意到这事。 However, is this preparation regards the fool oneself? 不过,这是准备把自己当成傻子吗? This move, only has Harry Potter that goods probably at the meeting the move! 这种招数,大概也只有哈利·波特那种货色才会中招! Good, Albert acknowledged in the situation of no protection, many Wizard possibly Yin, but this definitely did not include of perspective/see through. 好吧,艾伯特承认在毫无防备的情况下,很多巫师都可能会被阴,但这肯定不包括开了透视的自己。 „Is the opposite party this package of plan around the channel clamps me?” Albert saw clearly the sinister intention of opposite party, frowns slightly. “对方这是打算在通道前后包夹我吗?”艾伯特看清楚了对方的险恶用心,微微皱起眉头。 This is not right!” “这不对!” Even if made many preparations, but passive and other opposite party kill himself is not the great ideas. 哪怕做了不少准备,但被动等对方来杀自己也绝非什么好主意。 Prey where has the hunter to be good. 猎物哪有猎人好。 Advantage in me.” “优势在我。” Felix Felicis is telling Albert, he has the advantage now, should initiate an attack, disrupts the arrangement of Barty Crouch Jr., rather than in a trap that sneaks in the opposite party to arrange. 福灵剂正告诉艾伯特,他现在占据优势,就应该主动出击,打乱小巴蒂·克劳奇的布置,而不是自己一头钻进对方布置的陷阱里。 The passive defense counter-attack can make him fall into the disadvantage and passive, but also needs to take a bigger risk. 被动防守反击会让他陷入劣势与被动,还需要承受更大的风险。 Oh, how to have previously noticed this? 唉,先前怎么就没注意到这点呢? Barty Jr. wants to catch up, at his lame speed, at least takes several minutes, time enough he solves two cannon fodders, when the time comes returned to the body to go back to look for Barty Jr. again to be good, he will not believe the opposite party to run away directly. 小巴蒂想要赶过来,以他瘸腿的速度,至少需要几分钟,时间足够他去解决两名炮灰,到时候再返身回去找小巴蒂就好了,他就不信对方会直接逃走。 Thinks that does. 想到就做。 In any case, Albert did not prepare to continue to install. 反正,艾伯特不准备继续装了。 He wields wand directly, passes through from the tree wall. 他直接挥动魔杖,从树篱上穿过。 If before, Albert also really takes this piece of tree wall to have no good way, but since glances through Mr. Headmaster to give transform that writes down, on Protean Charm the attainments fast enhanced a big truncation, naturally understood front these tree walls is what principle, did not need to pass through in tree wall Sanggae-dong forcefully, Albert suspected that Fleur can run to his front, because of this reason. 如果是以前,艾伯特还真拿这片树篱没什么好办法,但自从翻阅了校长先生给的变形笔记后,在变形咒上的造诣快速提高了一大截,自然看懂了面前这些树篱是什么原理,不需要强行在树篱上开洞就能穿过,艾伯特怀疑芙蓉能那么快跑到他的前方,就是因为这原因。 Arrives at opposite of Fleur nearby tree wall quietly, Albert holds up own wand, to the front tree wall incantation, before Fleur responded, tree wall as if lived, stretched out the innumerable timbos to twine the past toward her unexpectedly, unexpected Fleur will easily overpower. 悄悄来到芙蓉旁边的树篱对面,艾伯特举起自己的魔杖,对着前方树篱施咒,在芙蓉反应过来前,身边的树篱仿佛活过来了,竟伸出无数树藤朝她缠绕过去,将猝不及防的芙蓉给轻易制服了。 Albert is looking at whole face stunned Fleur, said: Also is really laborious you ambushes I is so long here, first rest a while!” 艾伯特望着满脸错愕的芙蓉,笑着说:“还真是辛苦你在这里埋伏我这么久,先休息一会儿吧!” Then, use stunning spell takes down Fleur, in wand toward ground cancelled the finger conveniently, confiscated wand of opposite party temporarily. 说完,就使用昏迷咒放倒芙蓉,顺手朝地面上的魔杖勾了勾手指,将对方的魔杖暂时没收了。 Without wand, most Wizard actually have no difference from muggle. 没了魔杖,多数巫师麻瓜其实没什么区别。 wand Accio.” 魔杖飞来。” After determining Fleur does not have unnecessary wand, Albert cannot bear self-ridicule saying that also right, the body can have the Wizard estimates of two wand unable is too many.” 在确定芙蓉身上没有多余魔杖后,艾伯特忍不住自嘲道,“也对,身上会带两把魔杖巫师估计不会太多。” Without letting Albert wait/etc. were too long, Viktor Krum catches up pantingly, this Quidditch star is impolite, meets holds up wand, enjoyed Albert Avada Kedavra. 没让艾伯特等太久,威克多尔·克鲁姆就气喘吁吁地赶过来,这位魁地奇明星可是一点都不客气,一见面就举起魔杖,赏了艾伯特一记阿瓦达索命 The dazzling green light punctures the person unable to open the eye, Albert was ready luckily ahead of time, a big stone acts as shield to appear in his front directly, was exploded the crushed stone to flutter about by Killing Curse. 耀眼的绿光刺得人睁不开眼睛,幸好艾伯特提前做好了准备,一块大石头直接充当挡箭牌出现在他的面前,被阿瓦达索命咒炸得碎石纷飞。 Really ruthless, meets throws Killing Curse.” “真狠,一见面就扔阿瓦达索命咒。” Albert wields wand toward Krum, a strength flies ruthlessly this panting unlucky fella fan. 艾伯特克鲁姆挥动魔杖,一股力量狠狠将这个气喘吁吁的倒霉蛋扇飞出去。 During the use incantation fetters the opposite party, has not forgotten to make up stunning spell. 在使用咒语束缚住对方的同时,还不忘补上昏迷咒 Runs over to bring death, but also was really laborious you.” Looked at stupor Krum, Albert was taking away his wand. “一路跑过来送死,还真是辛苦你了。”望着昏迷的克鲁姆,艾伯特拿走了他的魔杖 „The fellow should not run away like this!” “那家伙应该不会就这样逃走吧!” Looks the sunspot that on the map stops, Albert frowns slightly. 看着地图上停住的黑点,艾伯特微微皱起眉头。 Albert does not know own a series of shows operate, gave to look at Barty Jr. really ignorant, his originally thinks oneself were sneak attacks that mudblood, how to be used to act as the bait suddenly two Champion, was solved with ease by that mudblood. 艾伯特不知道自己一连串骚操作,着实把小巴蒂都给看懵了,他原本以为自己是去偷袭那个泥巴种,怎么眨眼间用来充当诱饵的两名勇士,就被那个泥巴种给轻松解决掉了。 Did oneself turn into the prey from the hunter? 自己更是从猎人变成了猎物? Who can tell him, this outcome what's the matter? 谁可以告诉他,这究竟是怎么回事? Recovers from short being in a daze, Barty Crouch Jr. that a face compels ignorant did not even have to get back one's composure from the huge reverse with enough time. 从短暂的发愣中回过神来,一脸懵逼的小巴蒂·克劳奇甚至都还没有来得及从巨大的反转中回过神。 Oneself by that stinking mudblood playing jokes upon? 自己被那个臭烘烘的泥巴种给戏耍了? Oneself indeed were regarded the fool by others. 自己的确被别人当成了傻子。 Barty Jr. grips the tight fist, the tooth bites giggle makes noise. 小巴蒂攥紧拳头,牙齿咬的咯咯作响。 This simply is the shame. 这简直是耻辱。 From the beginning, that mudblood knows oneself have the issue, from the beginning, the opposite party regarded himself the fool, from the beginning, the opposite party entered into the trap. 从一开始,那个泥巴种就知道自己有问题,从一开始,对方就把自己当成了傻子,从一开始,对方就在等自己迈入陷阱。 mudblood of that despicable and shameless lower reaches, how he dares......” Barty Jr. to throw on Albert the insulting words and expressions that oneself can think. “那个卑鄙无耻下流的泥巴种,他怎么敢……”小巴蒂把自己能够想到的侮辱性词语全都扔到艾伯特身上。 Immediately leaves here.” “立刻离开这里。” This is the first thought in the Barty Jr. head gushing out, but quick was given to overrule by him, therefore and is shamed ashamed. 这是小巴蒂脑袋里涌出的第一个念头,但很快就被他给否决了,并因此而感到羞愧与耻辱。 He will dread mudblood unexpectedly. 他居然会畏惧一个泥巴种 This is not funny. 这可一点都不好笑。 Kills him! 杀死他! So long as kills him, can wash off all shames. 只要杀死他,才能洗刷一切耻辱。 So long as kills him, all issues will also vanish. 只要杀死他,一切的问题都会随之消失。 Oneself have the two helper, three pairs one, he died, that mudblood definitely died. 自己还有两个帮手,三对一,他死定了,那泥巴种肯定死定了。 Barty Jr. believes that mudblood absolutely possibly is not their opponents. 小巴蒂相信,那泥巴种绝对不可能是他们三人的对手。 However, Barty Jr. has not noticed from the start, after own plan Albert disrupts uncouthly, he starts to worry. 然而,小巴蒂压根没注意到,自己的计划被艾伯特粗鲁打乱后,他就开始着急。 His mentally confused. 他的心乱了。 Holds up wand in Barty Jr. toward the sky launch green spark, prepares to convene goes to surround Albert Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick the time, a sound that made him loathe resounds suddenly: I know that you have the issue, making me guess that who you are, Peter Pettigrew?” 就在小巴蒂举起魔杖朝着天空发射绿色火花,准备召集前去包围艾伯特麦格教授弗立维教授的时候,一个令他厌恶的声音骤然响起:“我就知道你有问题,让我猜猜你是谁,小矮星彼得?” The words just fell, a dazzling green light projects from Barty Jr. wand sharp, flies in the direction that the sound conveys. 话语刚落,一道刺眼的绿光就从小巴蒂魔杖尖射出,朝着声音传来的方向飞去。 Avada Kedavra, is really ruthless, is really your fellow.” 阿瓦达索命,真狠,果然是你这家伙。” The sound conveys again, in the tone has the taunt that cannot be concealing. 声音再次传来,语气中带着一丝掩饰不住的嘲讽。 Found you.” “找到你了。” Barty Jr. drives out the tree wall, toward hiding uses Killing Curse in the tree wall following bastard. 小巴蒂轰开树篱,朝躲在树篱后面的混蛋使用阿瓦达索命咒 Thinks the expression that on Barty Jr. face works stiffened instantaneously, because he saw oneself seize the life strikes, unexpectedly was blocked by the big shield at the same time, that mudblood also hides behind several big shields safe and sound. 原本以为得逞的小巴蒂脸上的表情瞬间僵住了,因为他看到自己夺命的一击,居然被一面大盾挡住了,那个泥巴种还安然无恙地躲在好几面大盾后面。 Without Barty Jr. continued to use Killing Curse to explode the rotten that several shields, sees type of thing towards oneself Accio. 没等小巴蒂继续使用阿瓦达索命咒炸烂那几面盾牌,就见有样东西朝自己飞来 Waits for Barty Jr. to see clearly that head long grass the baby is anything the time, the expression on face stiffened instantaneously. 小巴蒂看清楚那头上长草的婴儿是什么的时候,脸上的表情瞬间就僵住了。 The Mandrake weeping sound is flooding the entire labyrinth all of a sudden. 曼德拉草的哭声一下子充斥着整个迷宫。 Originally, Albert planned that uses Wail of the Banshee to cope with Barty Jr., but considering that cleans up the aftermath time is not good to explain, wears the ear shield, entrains basin Mandrake from the traceless extension bag directly, it pulls out after the basin, toward Barty Jr. throws. 原本,艾伯特打算使用“女妖之嚎”来对付小巴蒂,但考虑到收拾残局的时候不好解释,就带上耳罩,直接从无痕伸展袋里拽出一盆曼德拉草,将它从盆里拔出来后,朝小巴蒂扔去。 This thing, he made House-elf attempt to plant much, toward traceless extension bag several troughs. 这玩意,他让家养小精灵尝试种了不少,往无痕伸展袋里塞了好几盆。 If meets large quantities of Dark Wizard, Albert did not mind that puts to give everyone to add to the fun them. 要是遇到一大批黑巫师,艾伯特不介意把它们放出来给大家助兴。 Whatever who cannot think suddenly some people will throw the Mandrake root toward oneself. 任由谁一时间都想不到会有人朝着自己扔曼德拉草根。 The expression on Barty Jr. face stiffened, that moment that even if he almost resounds at the weeping sound, stops up the ear with both hands, but still came under the weeping sound influence of Mandrake, although this merely is only the seedling, is insufficient fatally, but...... will still cause the person stupor. 小巴蒂脸上的表情僵住了,哪怕他几乎在哭声响起的那一刻,用双手堵住耳朵,但仍然还是受到曼德拉草的哭声影响,尽管这仅仅只是幼苗,不至于致命但……仍然会导致人昏迷。 Barty Jr. some are now distracted, soon faints. 小巴蒂现在已经有些精神恍惚,快要昏死过去了。 „, Really is astonishing, you have not fainted unexpectedly directly.” “哦,真是让人吃惊,你居然没有直接晕倒。” That boisterous sound resounds again, making Barty Jr. wish one could to enjoy opposite party Avada Kedavra, making the opposite party shut up thoroughly. 那个聒噪的声音再次响起,让小巴蒂恨不得赏对方一记阿瓦达索命,让对方彻底闭嘴。 I think that Mr. Headmaster knows you are fake goods, the expression on face will be quite definitely splendid.” A shadow walks from the channel, lifts Barty Jr. that the wand preparation uniform/subdue is creakying. “我想校长先生知道你是个冒牌货,脸上的表情肯定会相当精彩。”一道黑影从通道里走出来,举着魔杖准备制服摇摇欲坠的小巴蒂 Avada Kedavra!” 阿瓦达索命!” Consciousness quick slurred Barty Jr. to loosen covers both hands of ear, holds up wand to use killing curse toward that person. 意识快模糊不清的小巴蒂松开捂耳朵的双手,举起魔杖朝那人使用杀戮咒 He was about unable to support, before dropping down, must drag the opposite party into the water, even if he fainted still indifferently, because his portkey(s) will pack off him after one hour. 他快撑不住了,倒下前必须拖对方下水,就算他晕倒了也无所谓,因为他身上的门钥匙在一个小时后就会将他送走。 This is Barty Jr. to the subsequent hand who oneself keep, is used accident/surprise that prevents possibly to have. 这是小巴蒂给自己留的后手,用来防止可能存在的意外。 Killing Curse hit just that person's shadow that walks from the labyrinth channel, however, in the Barty Jr. stunned vision, that person exploded unexpectedly. 阿瓦达索命咒击中了刚从迷宫通道里走出来的那道人影,然而,在小巴蒂错愕的目光中,那人居然炸了。 Right, that person exploded. 没错,那人炸了。 Without Barty Jr. made clear the outcome what's the matter, because loosens both hands, heard the Mandrake weeping sound to faint directly. 没等小巴蒂搞清楚究竟是怎么回事,就因为松开双手,听到了曼德拉草的哭声直接晕了过去。 Really ruthless, before this is at the point of death, wants to draw the pad back?” “真狠,这是临死前想拉个垫背吗?” Hides behind the two layers shield, brings Albert of black ear shield, looks is exploded the Diffindo person by Killing Curse occasionally, thought aloud, this? Also thinks that will fall into struggles hard, has not thought the estimate is more relaxed.” 躲在两层盾牌后面,带着个黑色耳罩的艾伯特,望着被阿瓦达索命咒炸得四分五裂的人偶,自言自语道,“就这?还以为会陷入苦战,没想到比预想中更轻松。” Wastes my anxiety.” Albert looks is made the dizzy fellow by him, the expression exceptionally strange. “真是浪费我的紧张。”艾伯特望着被他弄晕的家伙,表情异常的古怪。 Originally this fellow such vegetable/dish? 原来这家伙这么菜? No, should be disrupted the plan by me, unexpected can like this.” “不,应该是被我打乱了计划,猝不及防才会这样子。” If not he prepares very sufficiently, but also really possibly move. 如果不是他准备得很充足的话,还真可能会中招。 This should be the advantage on information. 这应该算是情报上的优势。 This really cannot blame Barty Crouch Jr. not being powerful, can only blame Albert being too sinister, throwing the Mandrake root is really not the matter that the average person can do. 这真不能怪小巴蒂·克劳奇不给力,只能怪艾伯特太阴险,投掷曼德拉草根真不是一般人能做的事。 Albert swept a map rapidly, as a result of the Barty Jr. green spark, Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall in closes up toward here rapidly. 艾伯特迅速扫了眼地图,由于小巴蒂的绿色火花,弗立维教授麦格教授都在朝这边迅速靠拢。 After Albert uses magic by far Barty Jr. fetters, on the ground exploded a hole, still in Mandrake seedling of sob burying. 艾伯特远远使用魔法小巴蒂束缚住后,在地上炸了个洞,把还在哭泣的曼德拉草幼苗给埋了进去。 Then, after he uses summoning charm took away Barty Jr. wand, from the pocket pulls out a rocking bottle, throws in the direction that Barty Jr. faints. 然后,他使用飞来咒拿走了小巴蒂魔杖后,从口袋里掏出一个晃动的瓶子,朝着小巴蒂晕倒的方向扔去。 Lifelike Albert Anderson emerges out of thin air. 一个栩栩如生的艾伯特·安德森凭空出现。 This unlucky Boggart was fixed the shape temporarily, it will be thrown acts as the temporary bait here. 这只倒霉的博格特被暂时固定住了形态,它将会被扔在这里充当临时诱饵。 Actually you are up to mischief, Mr. Anderson?” Professor Flitwick is looking at the ground person's shadow surprised, opened the mouth to ask how Professor Moody?” “你究竟在搞什么鬼,安德森先生?”弗立维教授吃惊地望着地上的人影,开口问道“穆迪教授怎么了?” However, without giving the Professor Flitwick response time, Albert used magic just to bury Mandrake in place pulls out, like pulling out radish, the sad and shrill weeping sound resounded through the entire labyrinth again, unexpected Professor Flitwick dropped down like this straightly. 然而,没给弗立维教授反应的时间,艾伯特就又使用魔法把刚埋在地里的曼德拉草拔出来,就像拔萝卜一样,凄厉的哭声再次响彻整个迷宫,猝不及防的弗立维教授就这样直挺挺倒下了。 Professor Flitwick has not thought from the start Albert did not speak Wu De unexpectedly, resorted to this sinister method. 弗立维教授压根没想过艾伯特居然不讲武德,也耍起这种阴险的手段。 This situation he is also first time meets, unexpected move. 这种情况他也是第一次遇到,猝不及防就中招了。 After the success solves Professor Flitwick, Albert relaxes, planned that buries Mandrake , to continue to use the same means to take down Professor McGonagall. 成功解决弗立维教授后,艾伯特不由松了口气,打算把曼德拉草重新埋回去,继续使用相同的办法放倒麦格教授 Albert felt suddenly a palpitation feeling, the instinct draws back into the channel, evaded toward his Accio green light. 艾伯特忽然感觉到一股心悸感,本能地退入通道里,躲过了朝他飞来的绿光。 Really was unable to be negligent, was almost finished. 还真是一点都不能大意,差点就完蛋了。 Professor McGonagall appears in the crossing crossroad, with Professor Flitwick different is, she had not been affected by Mandrake, because her head brings the ugly/difficult to look at purple ear shield unexpectedly. 麦格教授出现在岔道路口,与弗立维教授不同地是,她并没有受到曼德拉草的影响,因为她的头上居然带着个难看的紫色耳罩。 „Can imperius curse also achieve this degree unexpectedly?” 夺魂咒居然也能够做到这种程度?” Looks at green light towards oneself Accio, Albert makes a mirror shield welcome Killing Curse together directly, before the shield was blown off, he uses a wand finger/refers of ground, a bulk stone wall rises straight from the ground from the ground, died of suffocation the rear channel thoroughly. 看着又一道绿光朝自己飞来,艾伯特直接让一面镜盾迎上阿瓦达索命咒,在盾牌被炸飞前,他用魔杖指着地面,一大块石壁从地面拔地而起,将后方的通道给彻底堵死了。 wand Accio.” 魔杖飞来。” In retreating, Albert has not forgotten to draw on Professor Flitwick wand. 在撤退的时候,艾伯特还不忘招来弗立维教授魔杖 Once loses wand, the Wizard degree of threat will significantly reduce, although he does not think that Professor McGonagall can use magic to awaken by the Mandrake weeping sound rapidly is made dizzy Wizard, but something have to guard. 一旦失去魔杖,巫师的威胁程度就会大幅度降低,虽然他不认为麦格教授能使用魔法迅速唤醒被曼德拉草哭声弄晕的巫师,但有些事不得不防。 In Albert leaves the channel after the tree wall, stopped up the wall the stone to blast out, Killing Curse flew together directly toward the channel. 艾伯特穿过树篱离开通道后,堵住墙壁的石头被炸开了,一道阿瓦达索命咒直接朝通道里飞去。 Really damn.” “真是见鬼了。” Has not thought finally unexpectedly not with the Barty Jr. duel, but with the Professor McGonagall duel, but also is really the human affairs is variable. 没想到最后居然不是跟小巴蒂决斗,而是跟麦格教授决斗,还真是世事无常。 Your doesn't Killing Curse use the blue strip? 还有你的阿瓦达索命咒不用蓝条吗? Which type such frequent use makes! 这样频繁使用是闹哪样啊! Really cannot stir up, cannot stir up. 真是惹不起,惹不起。 Albert plans first to remove, then called processed Professor McGonagall the time Dumbledore with Patronus, he discovered that on own panel unexpectedly were many Quest: Five kill. 艾伯特打算先撤,再用守护神邓布利多叫来处理麦格教授的时候,他发现自己的面板上居然多了一个任务:五杀。 The reward of Quest is very rich, not only there is an experience of 20,000, two skill points, the magical world prestige 200 points, the most important thing is can choose one to assign the skill from five people, is the risk is a little high. 任务的奖励很丰富,不仅有两万的经验,两点技能点,魔法界声望200点,最最最重要的是可以从五人中选择一个指定技能,就是风险有点高。 Without the means that looks that Professor McGonagall Killing Curse the stance that uses to drink water to eat meal, knows that the opposite party is not affable. 没办法,看着麦格教授阿瓦达索命咒用出喝水吃饭的架势,就知道对方不好惹。 Naturally, relies on the thing that was previously preparing, Albert believes oneself are capable of handling Professor McGonagall. 当然,凭借着先前准备的东西,艾伯特相信自己有能力搞定麦格教授 Can take risk? 要不要冒险? Brain fast rotation of Albert time, the body has started to take action under the guidance of Felix Felicis, two Peruvian smoke bomb were thrown by him, front instantaneous jet black piece. 艾伯特的脑子飞快转动的时候,身体已经在福灵剂的引导下开始行动了,两颗秘鲁烟雾弹被他扔了出去,前方瞬间漆黑一片。 He emits oneself cannon fodder person occasionally, making them crash in the smog to attract the firepower, but Albert hides behind the shield bunker, toward the front channel launch incantation. 他又放出自己的炮灰人偶,让它们冲进烟雾里吸引火力,而艾伯特则躲在盾牌掩体后面,朝前方的通道发射咒语。 sparks/Mars that stunning spell such as the rocket general shoots towards jet black nighttime sky, boils up covers the region that Professor McGonagall is at like the shower. 一道道昏迷咒如火箭一般射向漆黑的夜空,迸出的火星像阵雨一样笼罩着麦格教授所在的区域。 One after another incantation falls, even grew the dragon of scale and thick skin will still faint directly under stunning spell of wide scope. 接二连三的咒语落下,就算是长了鳞片与厚皮的火龙也会在大范围的昏迷咒下直接晕过去。 Saw after the Quest panel demonstration has been completed, Albert has not relaxed vigilantly, a while ago also came clearly into view by the case that Professor Flitwick instead killed, he does not want to repeat. 看到任务面板显示已完成后,艾伯特并没放松警惕,前段时间被弗立维教授反杀的案例还历历在目,他可不想重演一遍。 After the conclusion used stunning spell, Albert also read summoning charm, he does not believe that Professor McGonagall can used Killing Curse without wand. Even Voldemort without wand, cannot use Killing Curse this difficulty very high dark magic. 在结束使用昏迷咒后,艾伯特又念了个飞来咒,他不相信麦格教授能在没有魔杖的情况下使用阿瓦达索命咒。就算是伏地魔在没有魔杖的情况下,也用不出阿瓦达索命咒这种难度非常高的黑魔法 Sees Accio wand, Albert relaxes, uses summoning charm to try, this makes one go to explore the way occasionally. 看到飞来魔杖,艾伯特松了口气,又使用飞来咒试了试,这才让人偶出去探路。 Explores the way not to conform to the Albert conduct attitude with own face obviously. 拿自己的脸去探路显然不符合艾伯特的行事作风。 After the map determined over and over periphery does not have other enemies, Albert runs the first matter that cleans up the aftermath then to control fainting Professor McGonagall. 通过地图再三确定周围没有其他敌人后,艾伯特跑出来收拾残局的第一件事便是将晕倒的麦格教授控制住。 Then cleans up the aftermath, after these crushed cannon fodder person occasionally and shield recovers, received, certain fight traces were also erased by him conveniently. 然后才是收拾残局,把那些被击碎的炮灰人偶与盾牌复原后,重新收了起来,某些战斗痕迹也被他顺手抹去。 As for Mandrake, naturally stayed behind by him. 至于曼德拉草,自然是被他留下了。 This is the important means of Albert uniform/subdue enemy. 这可是艾伯特制服敌人的重要手段。 After conclusion cleaning work, Albert summoned own Patronus, making it give Dumbledore to give the message. 结束清扫工作后,艾伯特召唤出自己的守护神,让它去给邓布利多传递消息。 Un, right, something also need to receive. 嗯,对了,有些东西也需要收起来。 He returns in item the traceless extension bag one by one, finally wielded wand, changing disappears that pocket. 他把身上的道具逐一放回无痕伸展袋里,最后挥了挥魔杖,把那个口袋给变不见了。 Finally must finish.” “终于要结束了。” Albert is looking at but actually place professor, the mood is very joyful. 艾伯特望着倒了一地的教授,心情十分愉悦。 As for saving Harry Potter. 至于拯救哈利·波特 Sorry, that is the issue of Dumbledore this/should consideration. 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