DLAT :: Volume #6 Volume 6

#919: Is a profiteer

By Gryffindor common room fireplace, Fred, George and Lee Jordan are crowding together the rest to warm up to kill the time, several people chatted some bored trivial matters with pauses. 格兰芬多公共休息室壁炉旁,弗雷德乔治李·乔丹正凑在一起休息取暖打发时间,几人有一搭没一搭地聊些无聊的琐事。 George presses the body on the armchair, will glance through this recent «Daily Prophet», and after seeking for the report careful reading of Rita Skeeter, Fred and Lee Jordan that will play cards said to side: I a little liked Rita Skeeter that woman recently suddenly.” 乔治把身体压在扶手椅上,翻阅这近期的《预言家日报》,并且寻找到丽塔·斯基特的报道仔细阅读后,对旁边正在打牌的弗雷德李·乔丹说:“我最近忽然有点喜欢丽塔·斯基特那女人了。” Really do not fall in love with her.” Fred teased with a smile, „the age of that woman can be your mother quickly.” “你可别真的爱上她。”弗雷德笑着调侃道,“那女人的年龄都快可以做你妈了。” I mean the article.” “我是说文章。” George continues to lower the head to turn the newspaper, read the recent front-page news, he thought that inside information content was a little as if big. Although Sirius has ejected many blockbuster newses a while ago, but latest issue «Defense Guide» did not have, can only have a look at «Daily Prophet» also to report that also has any blockbuster news, seeks for the news of Ludo Bagman but actually big mildew. 乔治继续低头翻着报纸,阅读最近的头版新闻,他觉得里面的信息量似乎有点大。虽说小天狼星前阵子已经抛出不少重磅新闻,但最新一期的《防御指南》还没出,只能看看《预言家日报》又会报道又有什么重磅新闻,还有就是寻找卢多·巴格曼倒大霉的新闻。 Ludo Bagman almost makes in their pocket complete galleons, without Albert, their dreams has not started finished. 卢多·巴格曼几乎弄走他们口袋里全部的加隆,如果没艾伯特的话,他们的梦还没起步就结束了。 This enmity, Fred and George had not forgotten. 这笔仇,弗雷德与乔治从来没有忘记。 „The article of woman is still so sharp, stared to by him but actually big mildew.” “那女人的文章依旧如此犀利,被他盯上都得倒大霉。” Lee Jordan has also looked at recent several days of Rita Skeeter in the article that on «Daily Prophet» publishes, has to acknowledge that opposite party's report is welcomed makes some sense, although inside overwhelming majority are talking nonsense. 李·乔丹也看过最近几天丽塔·斯基特《预言家日报》上刊登的文章,不得不承认对方的报道受到欢迎是有一定道理的,尽管里面绝大部分都是在胡说八道。 But, everyone likes these gossip news. 可是,大家都喜欢这些八卦新闻。 Sirius also is really brave, his previous time such will do greatly troublesome definitely.” George continues to change the newspaper, seeks about the Bagman's news. 小天狼星还真是胆大,他上次那样做肯定会有大麻烦。”乔治继续翻动报纸,寻找更多关于巴格曼的消息。 Since Rita Skeeter that woman holds the Ludo Bagman scandal after the astonishing efficiency, this past Ministry of Magic Department of Sports Department Head was all of a sudden disgraced. 自从丽塔·斯基特那女人以惊人的效率把卢多·巴格曼的丑闻捅出去后,这位昔日的魔法部体育运动司司长一下子名声扫地。 Does not have the means that on World Cup to look for the Bagman gamble Wizard to be many, no matter loses money, the people who win money are scolding him. 没办法,世界杯上找巴格曼押注的巫师不少,不管是输钱,还是赢钱的人都在骂他。 In the cursing angrily sounds of countless person, Bagman leaves Ministry of Magic dingily, is passing the day of avoiding creditors. 在无数人的怒骂声中,巴格曼灰溜溜地离开魔法部,过着躲债的日子。 Side under Wizard's Chess Harry with Ron is hearing three people to chat Sirius, then looked up, opened the mouth to ask: Sirius meets anything to trouble.” 旁边正跟罗恩巫师棋哈利听到三人聊起小天狼星,便抬头看了过来,开口问道:“小天狼星会什么麻烦。” Does not know, but Fudge is not the person of big stomach.” George said. “不知道,但福吉并不是个大肚的人。”乔治说。 „The previous time, I have seen one side Fudge in Leaky Cauldron, felt that he is good.” The number of times that Harry and Fudge contact are not many, the opposite party gives his impression not to calculate too Dreadful. “上次,我在破釜酒吧见过福吉一面,感觉他还不错。”哈利福吉接触的次数不多,对方给他的印象还不算太糟糕 If I am you, will not believe the politician: These people only care about oneself position and power and influence, they are the world's dirtiest fellows, even the toilet is cleaner than them.” George closes the newspaper, said to Harry, this is the Albert original words, do not believe the moral integrity of politician, because they do not have the moral integrity.” “如果我是你,就不会相信政客:那些人只在意自己的地位与权势,他们是世界上最肮脏的家伙,就算是马桶都比他们干净。”乔治合上报纸,对哈利说,“这是艾伯特的原话,别相信政客的节操,因为他们没有节操。” I thought that will be quite possibly appropriate with the smelly sock.” Fred discards Wizard's Card on hand, spits the mortise, „the toilets of some places are very clean.” “我觉得用臭袜子可能会比较贴切。”弗雷德扔掉手上的巫师牌,吐槽道,“有些地方的马桶还是很干净的。” Harry and Ron frown, they have not thought from the start Albert unexpectedly so repugnant Fudge, Fred, George and Lee Jordan have nothing respectable to Minister for Magic. 哈利罗恩都皱起眉头,他们压根没想到艾伯特居然会如此讨厌福吉,就连弗雷德乔治李·乔丹都对魔法部长毫无任何尊敬。 I dare saying that Mr. Minister definitely does not like certain truth being known, this will harm his reputation, will not help next time the election of Minister for Magic.” Lee Jordan shrugs to answer with a smile, when especially people know Fudge not to cause Peter Pettigrew to escape from prison from Azkaban carefully, his situation will become Dreadful even more, now estimated that killed the Sirius' thought to have.” “我敢说部长先生肯定不喜欢某些真相被人们知晓,这样会有损他的名声,不利于下次魔法部长的选举。”李·乔丹笑着耸了耸肩解释道,“特别是当人们知晓福吉不小心导致小矮星彼得阿兹卡班越狱,他的处境将变得越发糟糕,现在估计杀了小天狼星的念头都有了。” Harry is opening mouth surprisedly, does not know that should say anything are good. 哈利惊讶地张着嘴,不知该说些什么才好。 He also knows that Fred, George and Lee Jordan always liked taking Albert to say the matter, and worshipped him, what has to acknowledge, Albert in many times was right, that feeling looked like people willing to believe Dumbledore. 他也知道弗雷德乔治李·乔丹总喜欢拿艾伯特说事,并且非常崇拜他,但不得不承认的是,艾伯特在多少时候都是对的,那种感觉就像是人们愿意相信邓布利多 Harry Potter in the brain gushes out such thought that feels very absurd, when Albert has arrived in Dumbledore such altitude. 哈利·波特在脑子里涌出这样的念头时,感到非常荒唐,什么时候艾伯特都已经抵达邓布利多那样的高度了。 Good, although Harry is not willing to receive the acknowledgment, but...... Albert truly is very probably fierce, if he looks like Dumbledore to be like that old, may become next Dumbledore, Harry has to acknowledge this. 好吧,尽管哈利不愿意承承认,但好像……艾伯特确实很厉害,如果他像邓布利多那般年迈,或许会成为下一个邓布利多,就连哈利都不得不承认这点。 What to do Triwizard Tournament should, Ministry of Magic send to be responsible for now conducting and managing the Triwizard Tournament officials to be finished, does the competition also need to continue to conduct?” Ron changed the topic, always felt that Fred several people discussed each time Albert time is quite frantic, sounds is a bit like Percy during summer vacation, has spoken the words: 三强争霸赛现在该怎么办,魔法部派来负责举办、管理三强争霸赛的官员都完蛋了,比赛还要继续举办下去吗?”罗恩岔开了话题,总感觉弗雷德几人每次讨论艾伯特的时候都相当狂热,听起来有点像珀西暑假期间说过的话: Mr. Crouch thinks that...... Mr. Crouch who...... I am like this said...... Mr. Crouch who think to Mr. Crouch like this to tell me...... 克劳奇先生认为……我是这样对克劳奇先生说的……克劳奇先生是这样想的……克劳奇先生告诉我…… God, too berserk. 哦,天啊,实在太疯狂了。 In the family/home had/left Percy enough him to receive, Ron does not want to see that Fred and George also turned into this. 家里出了个珀西就够他受了,罗恩可不想看到弗雷德与乔治也变成这样。 Should continue, Albert said that Champions signed the contract with Goblet of Fire, in any event cannot give up, otherwise the price of violation they are unable to withstand.” Fred said without hesitation, I dare to say Albert guesses correctly early like this, therefore he does not have to care about result of this competition “应该会继续下去,艾伯特勇士们火焰杯签订了契约,无论如何都不能放弃,否则违约的代价他们无法承受。”弗雷德不假思索道,“我敢说艾伯特早猜到会这样,所以他没太在意这场比赛的胜负” Also is really the beset by disasters competition, perhaps this was last.” Lee Jordan starts to tidy up Wizard's Card on table. “还真是多灾多难的比赛,也许这是最后一届了。”李·乔丹开始收拾桌上的巫师牌 Right, when did you plan to sell Wizard's Card officially?” Ron puts out a hand to take up fine Wizard's Card, after several years of accumulation, Wizard's Card was getting more and more fine. “对了,你们打算什么时候正式出售巫师牌?”罗恩伸手拿起一张精致的巫师牌,经过好几年的积累,巫师牌越来越精细了。 Next semester.” “下学期。” When the time comes, we will put in the advertisement, clears the Owl mail order service, and sold to the Hogwarts' student the product, after graduation opens a shop to make the final preparation.” “到时候,我们会投放广告,开通猫头鹰邮购服务,并且将产品卖给霍格沃茨的学生,为毕业后开店做最后的准备。” Anderson really planned that helps you open a shop, shop like Zonko joke shop.” The Ron whole face envies, like this good friend he also to want, „, but, besides Canary Creams, how many new products you prepared?” 安德森真的打算帮你们开店,像佐科玩笑店那样的店铺吗。”罗恩满脸都是羡慕,这样的好朋友他也想要,“不过,除了金丝雀饼干外,你们准备了多少新产品?” Will not disappoint you, many interesting things.” “绝不会让你们失望的,有很多有趣的东西。” Including Wizard's Card?” Harry asked curiously, this thing you plan to sell how much money.” “包括巫师牌?”哈利好奇地问,“这玩意你们打算卖多少钱。” Two sickle one packages, inside will have five Wizard's Card.” A Lee Jordan introduced, Wizard's Card card group is galleons.” “两西可一包,里面会有五张巫师牌。”李·乔丹介绍道,“巫师牌卡组是一加隆。” Really expensive/noble, simply is the profiteer.” Ron looks at front three people with the vision strangely. “真贵,简直就是奸商。”罗恩用怪异地目光看着面前三人。 „Very expensive/noble? Not, so long as a flowered galleons purchase card group, can play.” Lee Jordan with looking at the look of poor devil sized up Ron saying that may not purchase the supplement card package, so long as joined Wizard's Card Club, and is willing to attend the competition, every year exempting Fuqua who we will bestow the part wrapped, to be honest, most inexpensive Wizard's Chess incessantly galleons.” “很贵吗?不会啊,只要花一加隆购买卡组,就可以玩了。”李·乔丹用看穷鬼的眼神打量罗恩说,“又不一定要购买补充卡包,而且只要加入巫师牌俱乐部,并且愿意参加比赛,我们每年都会赠送部分的免费卡包,老实说,最廉价的巫师棋都不止一枚加隆。” Ron opens mouth, wants to refute very much, listened to Lee Jordan to continue, „, if your thing disliked expensively, that Fred, George and these thing of Albert invention, that definitely could not afford, their casual candy needed two sickle.” 罗恩张了张嘴,很想要反驳,就又听李·乔丹继续说,“如果你连这东西都嫌贵,那弗雷德乔治艾伯特发明的那些玩意,那肯定更买不起了,他们随便一颗糖果需要两枚西可。” „Did you think money thinks crazily?” Ron is looking at Weasley Twins unbelievable, „does a candy take two sickle unexpectedly?” “你们想钱想疯了吗?”罗恩难以置信地望着韦斯莱双胞胎,“一颗糖果居然要两西可?” We dare to sell expensively, naturally have the reason.” Fred and George looks at each other mutually, puts out a hand to build on the Ron's shoulder, said that „, if you want to fall ill, our Puking Pastilles can make you fall ill immediately.” “我们敢卖那么贵,自然是有原因的。”弗雷德与乔治相互对视,伸手搭在罗恩的肩膀上,笑着说,“如果你想生病,我们的逃课糖就可以让你立刻生病。” Brain is sick the meeting to fall ill.” Ron works loose the twin annoyedly. “脑子有病才会想生病。”罗恩恼火地挣脱双胞胎。 No, always some people have wants to fall ill.” Fred shrugs saying that „after eating up Puking Pastilles, we can guarantee that even experienced professor will still think you go to school hospital urgently needed, so long as you leave the classroom, can eat up the other half antidote rapidly to return to normal. Then, the following time you can control freely.” “不,总有人有想生病的时候。”弗雷德耸了耸肩道,“吃下逃课糖后,我们可以保证就算是经验丰富的教授也会觉得你急需去趟校医院,只要你离开教室,就可以吃下另一半解药快速恢复正常。然后,接下来的时间你可以自由支配了。”” Looks at dumbfounded Ron, Fred and George pats his shoulder to say satisfied, we have tested, safe and fast, no harm.” 看着目瞪口呆的罗恩,弗雷德与乔治满意地拍了拍他的肩膀说,“我们自己测试过了,安全、快速、无危害。” Sounding truly is the good thing.” Harry muttered, various Puking Pastilles gave me to come one.” “听上去确实是好东西。”哈利咕哝道,“各种逃课糖都给我来一份。” If had this type in the past the thing, on the Harry Lockhart Defence Against the Dark Arts class must fall ill absolutely each time the hospitalization. 要是当年有这种好东西,哈利绝对每次上洛哈特黑魔法防御课都要生病住院。 Now we have not prepared the foreign sales, perhaps you must wait next semester.” Fred answered reluctantly, naturally, if you want to be scheduled ahead of time, can first pay money, as first scheduled customer, we can call the 20% discount you ahead of time, others may be unable to enjoy such discount.” “现在我们还没准备对外出售,你恐怕得等下学期了。”弗雷德无奈地解释道,“当然,如果你想提前预定的话,可以先付钱,作为第一个提前预定的客户,我们可以给你打八折,其他人可无法享受这样的折扣优惠。” Some anything invent, or each type gives me one!” Harry invents to the twins is interested very much. “都有些什么发明,要不每样都给我一份!”哈利对双胞胎都的发明很感兴趣。 „, Do you determine Harry?” “哇,你确定哈利?” Fred, George and Lee Jordan all show the exaggerating expression, opens the mouth to remind, this needs several hundred galleons.” 弗雷德乔治李·乔丹全都露出夸张的表情,开口提醒道,“这可是需要几百加隆。” Several hundred galleons, so will be how expensive, is your robs?” “几百加隆,怎么会这么贵,你们这是抢劫吗?” Harry and Ron also by expensive price having a scare. 哈利罗恩也被昂贵的价格给吓了一跳。 Naturally expensive/noble, several hundred galleons also calculated cheaply, if were custom-made, that price was more expensive.” George does not know where makes magazine to give Harry. “当然贵,几百加隆还算便宜了,如果要定制,那价格更昂贵。”乔治不知道从哪里弄来一本杂志周刊递给哈利 What is this?” Harry received the magazine to ask. “这是什么?”哈利接过杂志问道。 Our inventories.” George proud answered. “我们的商品目录。”乔治骄傲的解释道。 „Is inside completely?” “里面全部都是?” Harry and Ron look at each other in blank dismay, this quantity were too rather many. 哈利罗恩面面相觑,这数量未免太多了吧。 Completely is, but something need to look for Albert to have custom-made alone, expensive.” Fred turns the magazine to the protective articles column. “全部都是,但有些东西是需要找艾伯特单独定制的,价格昂贵。”弗雷德把杂志翻到防护用品栏目。 This magazine polishing is the fireworks has several types, needs two sickle one cheaply, most expensive has 20 galleons to buy the luxurious conflagration, moreover there is special decides making lithograph plates, the price discussed in person.” Lee Jordan said to Ron, „, therefore, Wizard's Card is really inexpensive, even can say quite inexpensive.” “这本杂志上光是烟花就有好几种,最便宜需要两西可一根,最昂贵的有二十加隆买豪华爆燃,而且还有特别定制版的,价格面议。”李·乔丹罗恩说,“所以,巫师牌真的不贵,甚至可以说相当廉价。” „Do you also sell Invisibility Cloak unexpectedly?” Harry discovered that above has to sell Invisibility Cloak unexpectedly, asked with amazement. “你们居然也卖隐形斗篷?”哈利发现上面居然有卖隐形斗篷,非常惊讶地问。 Un, is.” Fred answered, „was actually a travel cape that executed disillusionment charm, or the belt/bring camouflage, from the beginning can be invisible, but the time grew will lose the invisible effect gradually, was not easy-to-use, but deceived Filch definitely to have more than enough to spare.” “嗯,算是吧。”弗雷德解释道,“其实就是一件施了幻身咒、或带障眼法的旅行斗篷,一开始能够隐形,但时间长了就会渐渐失去隐形效果,并不算好用,但骗过费尔奇肯定是绰绰有余了。” But, why will this price have the so big disparity?” Ron discovered most inexpensive Invisibility Cloak need 15 galleons, most expensive unexpectedly wanted 300 galleons, the price to turn two 10x. ” “不过,这价格为什么会有如此大的差距?”罗恩发现最廉价的隐形斗篷一件需要十五加隆,最昂贵的居然要三百加隆,价格足足翻了二十倍。” Quality is different, 300 that belongs loses magic power even, any is a very fine cape, the material is the silk, is specially custom-made, moreover needs to look for the Albert appointment to have custom-made.” Fred shrugs saying that naturally, the duration of invisible effect is longer.” “质量不同,三百的那种属于就算失去魔力,任何还是件非常精致的斗篷,材料是丝绸,属于特别定制款,而且需要找艾伯特预约定制。”弗雷德耸了耸肩道,“当然,隐形效果的持续时间更长。” I discovered that original Anderson is a profiteer!” “我发现原来安德森才是奸商啊!” Ron puts in order this inventory to look, most expensive has custom-made the commodity, moreover needs to make an appointment temporarily, and pays the 100 galleons advance payment, and has custom-made commodity cheapest one to need 100, most expensive needs 5000. It is said is the protective articles that whole set dragon skin makes, can definitely resist general Jinx, and can also temper the dark magic strength significantly. 罗恩整本商品目录杂志看下来,其中最昂贵的就是定制商品,而且还需要临时预约,并支付一百加隆的定金,而且定制商品最便宜一件都需要一百,最贵的则需要五千。据说是整套龙皮做的防护用品,完全可以抵抗一般的恶咒、并且还能大幅度削弱黑魔法的力量。 How can say like this.” “怎么能这样说。” Three people look at each other mutually, said with one voice, Albert is a profiteer.” 三人相互对视,异口同声说,“艾伯特本来就是个奸商。” This time, Hermione is entering common room pantingly 就在这时候,赫敏气喘吁吁地走进公共休息室 What matter has, Hermione?” The Ron doubts asked. “有什么事情,赫敏?”罗恩疑惑地问道。 Where do you know Albert?” Hermione said urgently. “你们知道艾伯特在哪儿吗?”赫敏急迫地说。 Does not know, perhaps looked for Hagrid.” The Fred doubts asked that „did you ask him to have the matter?” “不知道,也许去找海格了。”弗雷德疑惑地问道,“你找他有事?” Has some not good matter.” Hermione holds the Harry's arm, him drawing from the seat, said fast: Harry, comes with me.” “发生一些不太好的事。”赫敏一把抓住哈利的胳膊,把他从座位上拉了起来,飞快地说:“哈利,跟我来一下。” Has an accident?” The Harry doubts asked. “出了什么事?”哈利疑惑地问。 Asked, you first follow me, on my road was telling you.” Hermione draws Harry to walk toward the corridor outside, Ron set out with, stays behind three people that looked at each other in blank dismay. “拜托了,你先跟我走,我路上在跟你们说。”赫敏拉着哈利就往走廊外面走,罗恩起身跟了上去,留下面面相觑的三人。 What's the matter, Hermione?” “怎么回事,赫敏?” After Harry follows Hermione to leave common room, puzzled looks somewhat is being anxious and irritablily Hermione. 哈利跟着赫敏离开公共休息室后,困惑地望着有些紧张与急躁地赫敏 Winky collapse.” Hermione shiver said. Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address: https://, the data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 闪闪崩溃了。”赫敏颤抖地说。手机站全新改版升级地址:https://,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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