DLAT :: Volume #6 Volume 6

#1367: Looting Death Eater

Looked quickly, some people are sending the signal!” “快看,有人在发信号!” Just planned that sought the Dementor help Jugson, stopped footsteps side to look suddenly behind in that person of pointing at direction, then saw that above the nighttime sky had the spark to raise unceasingly, reflects to shine the people stiff facial features. 刚打算去寻求摄魂怪帮助的加格森,骤然停下脚步侧头朝身后那人手指的方向望去,便看到夜空上方不断有火花升起,映亮了众人僵硬的面容。 This is the signal of attack. 这是进攻的信号。 The Jugson complexion is very gloomy, periphery he even hears crowded flip-flop the sound that resounds one after another. 加格森的脸色无比阴沉,他甚至听到周围接连响起的密集噼啪声。 Damn......” “该死……” After he hears the body side spreads the pitiful yell, then thoroughly regretted how oneself had not used floo network to leave Hogsmeade a moment ago. 在他听到身侧传出惨叫后,便彻底后悔自己刚才怎么就没使用飞路网离开霍格莫德 But regrets now even still already without enough time, because being correct incantation hit from the side Jugson that tumbles the avoidance sneak attack, throws off him directly in the place. 可现在就算后悔也已经来不及了,因为有道咒语从侧边击中了连滚带爬躲避偷袭的加格森,直接将他掀翻在地。 I will make a bet, at this time also dares to loaf outside, absolutely is that group of people who eat the excrement disciple.” “我敢打赌,这时候还敢在外头游荡的,绝对是那群吃屎徒的人。” In the unclear lake, Jugson hears the sound of footsteps that gradually approaches, some as if people arrive at his side, later then felt has anything to step on his head. 在迷迷湖湖中,加格森听到逐渐逼近的脚步声,似乎有人走到他的身边,随后便感觉有什么踩在他的脑袋。 The next quarter, Jugson then passes out directly. 下一刻,加格森便直接失去知觉。 He died, was only stepped on the neck like the chicken. 他死了,像只小鸡般被人踩断了脖子。 Person who that crowd participates in this action, the body throws over the black cape, on the face is wearing the fierce mask, had in the past in the Death Eater stance that Britain was domineering and tyrannical. 那群参与本次行动的人,身上都披着黑色斗篷,脸上都戴着狰狞的面具,有当年在英国横行霸道的食死徒的架势。 Intrudes Hogsmeade that moment in this group of hoodlums, this robbed the grand feast then to start, the person in this village was their prey. 在这群暴徒闯入霍格莫德的那一刻,这场抢劫盛宴便开始了,这座村庄里的人都是他们的猎物。 Many Dark Wizard took the lead toward trading the Defence Against the Dark Arts item left Kuwait shop in the past, because their instinct thinks that traded Defence Against the Dark Arts item left branch wantonly is in this Black Market the rare fat sheep, however this group of people were doomed unable to achieve wishes, big galleons that because left branch has gained this period of time deposited some in Gringotts to assign the treasury, therefore intruded the robbers in shop only to receive to blow few galleons of shop with several goods that was used for the ornaments, but lifted up high both hands surrender, confessed honestly all left branch cannot therefore escape, he by that group of robbers who robbed the failure killed cruelly. 很多黑巫师率先朝贩卖黑魔法防御道具的左科店铺过去,因为他们本能认为大肆贩卖黑魔法防御道具的左科是这座黑市里少有的肥羊,然而这群人注定无法如愿,因为左科早已把这段时间赚到的大笔加隆都存进古灵阁里的某个指定金库,所以闯入店铺的强盗们只能收刮走店铺的为数不多的加隆与几件用来摆饰的物品,而高举双手投降,老实交代一切的左科并未能因此逃过一劫,他被那群抢劫失败的强盗残忍地杀死了。 Robbed was still continuing, that group of external robbers with astonishment discovered wealth that Black Market they have not thought that this directly caused them who have not snatched many things to kill people to give vent to indignation directly, the outcomers of some stubborn resistances cannot escape similarly, was killed directly at the scene. 抢劫仍在继续,那群外来强盗惊愕地发现黑市并没有他们所想的富有,这直接导致没抢到多少东西的他们直接杀人泄愤,部分顽固抵抗的外来者同样没能逃过一劫,直接被当场击毙了。 This looting has not continued is too long, was awakened by noise, seemingly breathless Yaxley to bring the team of building up to kill personally in a hurry toward Hogsmeade Village. 这场洗劫并未持续太久,被人吵醒、看上去气急败坏的亚克斯利亲自带着匆匆集结的队伍朝霍格莫德村杀去。 Naturally, he not as stupid as direct Apparition to the Hogsmeade Village reinforcement, but first looked for Dementor, tries to draw support from that crowd of dark lifeform the strength to suppress that crowd of external Dark Wizard. 当然,他并未蠢到直接幻影显形霍格莫德村增援,而是先去找了摄魂怪,试图借助那群黑暗生物的力量镇压那群外来的黑巫师 Even if Yaxley planned that the one breath annihilates that 20 that in Hogsmeade Village disturbs comes an outcomer, one after another fireball falls from their heads suddenly, just prepared to act Death Eater that to give directly to have a scare, the quantity ambushed and sneak attacked compared with they also many outcomers this temporary team shameless 就算亚克斯利打算一口气消灭掉在霍格莫德村里捣乱的那二十来个外来者的时候,接二连三的火球忽然从他们的头上落下,直接把刚准备行动的食死徒给吓了一跳,数量比他们还多的外来者无耻地埋伏、偷袭了这支临时队伍 Yaxley has never thought in having Dementor the situation in the front help exploring the way, unexpectedly will also be ambushed. 亚克斯利从未想过自己在有摄魂怪在前方帮忙探路的情况下,居然还会遭到埋伏。 In the situation in realizing one's own side not getting the advantage, Yaxley tries to bring the team to retreat, assembles more manpower to stage a comeback again. 在意识到己方不占优势的情况下,亚克斯利试图带着队伍撤退,重新集结更多的人手再卷土重来。 In the person as for Hogsmeade, he does not hug any hope that how these outcomers will affect the knee to want also to know. 至于霍格莫德里的人,他已经不抱任何希望了,那些外来者会怎么作用膝盖想也知道。 However, this crowd of Dark Wizard that has had the previous experience to the Yaxley second time opportunity, the direct belt/bring person will not kill, as for Dementor, naturally is uses Patronus to cope. 然而,这群有过上次经验的黑巫师们可不会给亚克斯利第二次机会,直接带人杀了上去,至于摄魂怪,自然是使用守护神对付。 Since dares to rob eats excrement disciple Black Market, naturally completed the response. 既然敢来抢劫“吃屎徒”的黑市,当然做好了应对方案。 Damn, where they come so many people.” “该死,他们哪来这么多人。” The Yaxley complexion is even more ugly, he is unable to understand that actually the outcomer how assembles, incomparably regretted at heart has not waited a while again, has not taken Ministry of Magic's Auror together, although that group of fellows do not obey the director, but will definitely cope with this group of outcomers with him together. 亚克斯利脸色越发难看,他无法理解外来者究竟是怎么集结起来的,心里无比后悔没再等一会儿,没把魔法部的傲罗也一起带上,虽然那群家伙不怎么听指挥,但肯定会跟他一起对付这群外来者。 While compelled by circumstances, Yaxley has to launch Dark Mark to the sky, hopes that can support in Hogwarts' Snape, he had forgotten when oneself treated as to pray for rescue the mark to use Dark Mark. 在迫不得已的情况下,亚克斯利只得对天空发射黑魔标记,希望在霍格沃茨的斯内普能来支援,他都已经忘记自己何时把黑魔标记当做求救标记来使用了。 It seems like you met troublesome.” “看来你遇到了麻烦。” Shortly after Dark Mark just lifted off, Snape and Carrow then bring the Auror squad to appear. 黑魔标记刚升空不久,斯内普卡罗便带着傲罗小队出现。 In fact, sees the Hogsmeade raising spark after House-elf that being responsible for Astronomy Tower stands sentry, this Hogwarts' Headmaster then realized to have an accident, then brought to protect Aurors of student stationed in Hogwarts to catch up directly in a hurry. 事实上,在负责天文台上放哨的家养小精灵看到霍格莫德升起火花后,这位霍格沃茨的校长便意识到出事了,直接便带着驻扎在霍格沃茨保护学生的傲罗们匆匆赶来。 Selects Severus carefully, this is a deliberate attack.” “小心点西弗勒斯,这是场有预谋的袭击。” Yaxley saw after Snape, relaxes, his old friend is credible, moreover Ministry of Magic's Auror strength also good. 亚克斯利见到斯内普后不由松了口气,他这位老朋友还算靠谱,而且魔法部的傲罗实力也都还不错。 But what makes Yaxley spit blood, this crowd of Auror are not as if credible, they when follow Snape to catch up to rescue, then realized that here danger, then gathers together directly protects oneself. 但让亚克斯利吐血的是,这群傲罗似乎不怎么靠谱,他们在跟着斯内普赶来救援的时候,便意识到这里的危险,便直接聚在一起自保。 This may the pit miserable this crowd eat excrement disciple. 这可坑惨了这群“吃屎徒”。 Without the means that Auror may few sincerity be willing to turn to Death Eater, without at crucial moments defected has done right by very much the Voldemort's face, delimited the water to look that Death Eater was naturally glad unlucky. 没办法,傲罗可没几个真心愿意投靠食死徒的,没在关键时刻反水就已经很对得起伏地魔的面子了,划水看食死徒倒霉自然是乐意的。 The outcomers also noticed this group of pricking the hand pleasure people obviously, guessed correctly that they were was forced to join eats excrement disciple Auror, after the simple probe truly was the unyielding person, then without them on wasted the time again, but continued to pursue is eating excrement disciple to hit, really such as they guessed like that ate excrement disciple is eats the excrement to grow up, the fight level is waster, was not their opponents who they expected, without was beaten by the one breath completely has the Dementor diversion and they do not want to kill people directly, avoids affecting follow-up robbing. 外来者们显然也注意到了这群扎手的乐子人,猜到他们便是被迫加入“吃屎徒”的傲罗,在简单试探确实是硬骨头后,便没再他们身上浪费时间,而是继续追着“吃屎徒”打,真如他们所猜测的那般,“吃屎徒”都是吃屎长大的,战斗水平比他们料想的还要废,根本就不是他们的对手,没被一口气击垮完全就是有摄魂怪牵制与他们不想直接杀人,避免影响后续的抢劫。 Snape that at the same time tries to retrocede with the aid of the Dementor shield was also speechless. 一边借助摄魂怪掩护试图后退的斯内普也无语了。 The confrontation with outcomer made him see clearly the actual situation, present Death Eater no longer is past Death Eater, at most was the group taking advantage of the idiot who the Voldemort's given name bullied the weak and feared the strong, bullied this weak civilian Wizard naturally to have no issue, but once met the hard stubble to reveal one's true colors. 与外来者的交锋让他看清楚了虚实,如今的食死徒已经不再是当年的食死徒了,顶多就是群借着伏地魔的名号欺软怕硬的蠢货,欺负这软弱的平民巫师自然没有任何问题,可一旦遇到硬茬子就原形毕露了。 Snape also knows why this is. 斯内普也知道这是为什么。 Only can blame Scrimgeour to kill ruthlessly Death Eater, the lunatics who cause the older generation died, can reluctantly living on dishonorably whereabouts many be some cowards of coveting life and fearing death. 只能怪斯克林杰食死徒杀得太狠了,导致老一辈的疯子都死了,能勉强苟活下落的多数都是些贪生怕死的懦夫。 Macnair person.” Snape is driving back several enemies, after gasping for breath reluctantly, worries to ask. 麦克尼尔的人什么时候到。”斯内普在逼退几名敌人,勉强喘口气后着急问道。 Macnair should still assemble the manpower.” 麦克尼尔应该还在集结人手。” „It is not good, must find the way to leave “不行,必须想办法离开” Detected that not right Snape has prepared to retreat, he does not want to become next to encounter besieges the tragic death unlucky fella. 察觉到不对劲的斯内普已经准备撤退了,他可不想成为下一个遭到围攻惨死的倒霉蛋 At present does not have the words of helper, depends on them definitely is not the opponent of this group of outcomers, the only overturn opportunity summons Dark Lord, but......, no matter Snape or Yaxley do not want such to do, first did not say Dark Lord also externally, once summoned at this time him, god knows what happened. 眼下没有帮手的话,就凭他们肯定不是这群外来者的对手,唯一的翻盘机会就是召唤黑魔王,但……不管是斯内普还是亚克斯利都不想那样做,先不说黑魔王还在国外,一旦这时候将他召回来,天知道会发生什么事。 However, two people actually do not know Macnair that they expect also met troublesome, this Director Auror Office invades shortly after Azkaban in the Albert belt/bring person forcefully, then received 然而,两人却不知道他们所期望的麦克尼尔也遇到了麻烦,这位傲罗办公室主任在艾伯特带人强行入侵阿兹卡班不久,便收到了 Azkaban encounters the foreign invasion the news. 阿兹卡班遭到外来入侵的消息。 In the common situation, Macnair should lead the person to rush to Azkaban to prevent this breaking into a jail immediately, but how this matter sees in the Macnair eye does not seem like the coincidence. 寻常情况下,麦克尼尔应该立即带人赶往阿兹卡班阻止这场劫狱,但这件事在麦克尼尔眼里怎么看都不像是巧合。 Since is not the coincidence, that definitely is the conspiracy. 既然不是巧合,那肯定就是阴谋。 Similar matter, Macnair has met many times, even was very not intelligent still grew the memory. 类似的事情,麦克尼尔已经遇到了很多次,就算是不算特别聪明也长了记性。 In his opinion, dares to invade the Azkaban's person at this time outrageously, that definitely was that mudblood and Order of the Phoenix that group of people. 在他看来,胆敢在这个时间点悍然入侵阿兹卡班的人,那肯定是那个泥巴种凤凰社的那群人了。 Macnair has not wanted dead, but he cannot disguise oneself do not know, otherwise Azkaban escaped from prison he unable to cut off the relations. 麦克尼尔还不想死,但他又不能假装自己不知道,否则阿兹卡班越狱他脱不了关系。 Therefore, Macnair then thinks means that he lets keep the Ministry of Magic's employee to look from house to house Auror, gives them this honorable mission. He estimated that the Order of the Phoenix person will not kill these Auror directly, but Death Eater and Dark Wizard are uncertain. 于是,麦克尼尔便想了个办法,他让留魔法部的雇员挨家挨户将傲罗找来,将这个光荣的使命交给他们。他估计凤凰社的人不会直接杀了那些傲罗,但食死徒黑巫师就不一定了。 As for Macnair, then brings the team that urgently is convening to rush to Hogsmeade to support Yaxley. 至于麦克尼尔自己,则带着紧急召集的队伍赶往霍格莫德支援亚克斯利 However, when Macnair rushes over, Hogsmeade had fallen to the enemy, moreover looked that stance also encountered the looting of that group of outcomers. 然而,在麦克尼尔匆匆赶到的时候,霍格莫德已经沦陷了,而且看那架势还遭到了那群外来者的洗劫。 As for the Yaxley backup team, lost seriously in the resistance, basic on insisted on the reinforcement of Macnair uselessly. 至于亚克斯利的增援队伍,早在刚才的对抗中损失惨重,根本就没用坚持到麦克尼尔的增援。 Although Yaxley and other minority Death Eater was protected by Aurors with Snape is returning to outside Hogwarts by luck, but other Death Eater may not have such luck, besides a few encounters the captive, was killed by the outcomer directly. 虽说亚克斯利斯内普等几名少数食死徒傲罗们护着侥幸逃回霍格沃茨外,但其他食死徒可就没有那样地运气了,除了少数遭到俘虏外,都被外来者给直接弄死了。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Yaxley saw Macnair after that reinforcement that he brings is annoyed. 亚克斯利见到麦克尼尔与他带来的那点增援后非常恼火。 Azkaban was attacked.” The Macnair forced smile said, I suspected is ghost who that mudblood does.” 阿兹卡班遭到了袭击。”麦克尼尔苦笑道,“我怀疑是那个泥巴种搞的鬼。” When Yaxley also not from this sad news slow god, since fireplace of Headmaster office leaps the flame suddenly, remained behind Death Eater of headquarters to drill from the flame, after seeing Snape several people relaxes, said hastily, that group of outcomers have looted several pureblood Wizard families/home, they are attacking Yaxley at present the manor, we did not determine how long these ancient defense magic can insist.” 亚克斯利还未从这个噩耗中缓过神的时候,校长办公室的壁炉里骤然腾起火焰,原先留守总部的食死徒从火焰里钻出来,在看到斯内普几人后不由松了口气,连忙说,“那群外来者已经洗劫了好几名纯血巫师的家,他们目前正在进攻亚克斯利家的庄园,我们不确定那些古老的防御魔法可以坚持多久。” Yaxley at present one black, almost faints. 亚克斯利眼前一黑,差点昏死过去。 In the past exterminated them.” Yaxley said combative, that group of fellows had dispersed, the present is the best opportunity.” “过去剿灭他们。”亚克斯利杀气腾腾地说,“那群家伙已经分散了,现在是最好的机会。” When the Yaxley belt/bring person tries to encircle that group of external robbers, protection magic of his family/home manor uncouthly is torn into shreds, not only the entire manor was devastated cruelly, a bastard set on fire, they rush the most manor has burnt. 只是,当亚克斯利带人试图围剿那群外来强盗的时候,他家庄园的防护魔法已经被人粗鲁地撕碎了,不仅整座庄园遭到残暴的蹂躏,还有个混蛋被放了火,他们赶到的时候大半庄园已经烧起来了。 Killed them, must kill that group of bastards.” “杀了他们,一定要杀了那群混蛋。” Yaxley demented is reading broken, he has not attempted to put out a fire, but rushes to other Death Eater homes, however these quite rich Death Eater is no exception, all was given the patronage by that group of robbers. 亚克斯利癫狂般碎碎念着,他没有尝试救火,而是匆匆赶往其他食死徒的家,然而那些比较富有的食死徒无一幸免,全都被那群强盗给光顾了。 Yes, the unfortunately grasped fellow, under dual forcing of Veritaserum and imperius curse, successfully transfers the duty becomes guides the party, moreover which eats excrement disciple richly toward where to go. That crowd participated in the robbers who robbed being divided into several, opened the efficient pattern, after all they also feared Voldemort, was worried that ate excrement disciple to compel anxiously, that said that the Dark Lord's fellow will brave suddenly. 是的,不幸被抓的家伙,在吐真剂夺魂咒的双重逼迫下,成功转职成带路党,而且还是哪名“吃屎徒”富有就往哪儿去。那群参与抢劫的强盗们被分成了好几支,开启高效的模式,毕竟他们也怕伏地魔,担心把“吃屎徒”逼急了,那自称黑魔王的家伙会忽然冒出来。 Therefore Yaxley and the others cannot catch that group of external robbers, because that group of damn fellows after robbing then to leave Britain directly, as if vanished baseless was the same. 所以亚克斯利等人未能逮到那群外来强盗,因为那群该死的家伙在抢劫完后便直接离开英国,仿佛凭空消失了一样。 Ended! 完了! All were finished. 一切都完蛋了。 Is looking at that lit ancient manor, the Yaxley eyes of revenge failure one black, spat a blood directly. 望着那座被点燃的古老庄园,复仇失败的亚克斯利双眼一黑,直接吐了口鲜血。
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