DLAT :: Volume #6 Volume 6

#1186: Life instruction

This year, Britain's as if comes in the winter specially early, outside whistling blows the strong winds and raining hard, in the rain is also clamping the snowflake, freezes the person to tremble. 今年,英国的冬天似乎来得特别早,外头呼呼刮着狂风、下起大雨,雨里还夹着雪花,冻得人瑟瑟发抖。 Outside even/including Houhou the curtain arrange/cloth is unable to prevent the cold air thoroughly, in fireplace is burning the flaming flame. Izabel is sitting on the sofa, thin blanket who the body top head a wool is weaving, has a radio in their side, inside is broadcasting the Ministry of Magic's exclusive report, but what front was one got down half of Wizard's Chess, the person of playing chess as if does not care about the victory and loss of this chessgame, is chatting the life trivial matters to kill the bored time careless. 连厚厚的帘布都无法彻底阻挡外头的寒气,壁炉里正燃烧着熊熊的火焰。尹泽贝尔正坐在沙发上,身上盖着件羊毛织的薄毯,在他们的旁边有个收音机,里面正播放着魔法部的独家新闻,而面前的是一盘下了一半的巫师棋,下棋的人似乎并不在意这场棋局的输赢,正漫不经心地闲聊着生活琐事打发无聊的时间。 Really does not do clearly, that group of fellows also run to give Ministry of Magic to add in this weather to stop up.” “真搞不明白,那群家伙在这种天气还跑出去给魔法部添堵。” Listened to the news in broadcast, Izabel unable to bear have a yawn, was not coarse from the news the difficulty of Magical Britain, reinforcements from International Confederation of Wizards slowly in the future, at present magical world situation erosion even more. 听着广播里的新闻,尹泽贝尔忍不住打了个哈欠,从新闻里不难听出英国魔法界的艰难,来自国际巫师联合会的援兵迟迟未来,眼下魔法界的局势越发的糜烂。 You are very difficult to do to understand that actually in the brain of that crowd of Dark Wizard to be thinking anything.” Albert stops the movement on hand, looks up covers Izabel of yawn to ask: Got sleepy?” “你很难搞明白那群黑巫师的脑子里究竟在想些什么。”艾伯特停下手上的动作,抬头看着捂住哈欠的尹泽贝尔问:“又犯困了?” Yes, a little wants to sleep.” “是啊,有点想睡觉。” That first taking a nap a while, I called you to get up later again.” “那就先小睡一会儿吧,待会我再叫你起来。” Albert has taken wand from nearby table, wields toward the checkerboard lightly, Wizard's Chess on table receives immediately automatically, flew back deposited the commodity in the drawer. 艾伯特从旁边的桌上拿过魔杖,朝着棋盘轻挥了一下,桌上的巫师棋立刻自动收起来,飞回原本存放物资的抽屉里。 Albert sits to Izabel by, drew on drawing thin blanket for her. 艾伯特则坐到尹泽贝尔旁边,替她拉了拉身上的薄毯。 Recently, what happened?” Outside Izabel listens attentively to the noise of the rain, depends on the head gently on the shoulder of Albert. “最近,是不是发生什么事了?”尹泽贝尔倾听外头的雨声,把脑袋轻轻靠在艾伯特的肩膀上。 Why asked like this?” “为什么这样问?” You several days do not have recently.” “你最近已经好几天没出去了。” Izabel drank the hot milk that selected House-elf just warm passed/lived, prepared lying down a while, recently she always gets sleepy, especially in raining, always liked slightly taking a nap a while in the company of own lover. 尹泽贝尔喝了点家养小精灵刚温过的热牛奶,准备躺一会儿,最近她总是犯困,特别是在下雨的时候,总喜欢在自己的爱人陪伴下稍微小睡一会儿。 „Are you so assured?” “你就这么笃定?” Albert received Izabel to drink half of milk, can add a honey?” 艾伯特接过尹泽贝尔喝了一半的牛奶,“要加点蜂蜜吗?” Does not drink.” “不喝了。” Izabel shakes the head, „, by me to your understanding, definitely what happened, otherwise your recent several days so will not treat law-abidingly at home.” 尹泽贝尔摇了摇头,“嗯,以我对你的了解,肯定发生了什么事,否则你最近几天不会这般安分地待在家里。” You-Know-Who wants to lock my position probably, at present is unsafe outside.” 神秘人大概想锁定我的位置,目前在外头不安全。” Looks at the Izabel expression, Albert acknowledged reluctantly, he does not plan to conceal Izabel, at least when the opposite party asked this matter will not conceal. 看着尹泽贝尔的表情,艾伯特无奈地承认了,他并不打算隐瞒尹泽贝尔,至少在对方问起这件事的时候不会隐瞒。 Said, I should thank You-Know-Who to keep side me you.” Izabel had a yawn, slowly closes the eye: You said after me, can become fat, heard after many people have a child , the body weight increases courageous.” “这么说,我应该感谢神秘人把你留在我身边。”尹泽贝尔又打了个哈欠,慢慢闭上眼睛:“你说我以后会不会变胖,听说很多人生完孩子后体重勐增。” Madame MacDougal is not fat, so long as the diet does not have the problem , the movement, in the ordinary circumstances will not frequently have the problem that you worry about.” Albert comforts to say in a soft voice. 麦克道格夫人就不胖,只要饮食不出现问题,又经常运动,一般情况下不会出现你担忧的问题。”艾伯特轻声安慰道。 So long as is a girl, as if cares about this matter very much. 只要是个女孩子,似乎都很在意这种事。 Really hopes that such life ended earlier, although the life in castle is very easy and comfortable, but also is actually very bored.” Izabel in a soft voice twittering: Really does not understand princess in fairy tale world, why will like such life.” “真希望这样的生活早点结束,城堡里的生活虽然很安逸,但其实也很无聊。”尹泽贝尔轻声呢喃:“真不明白童话世界里的公主,为什么会喜欢这样的生活。” Because of their time, the life was very probably difficult, will like such life not being strange.” Albert said without hesitation.... “大概是因为他们的时代,生活本就很艰难,会喜欢这样的生活不奇怪。”艾伯特不假思索道。… Is this?” Izabel thought that in present magical world , many people envy the present life probably! “是这样吗?”尹泽贝尔觉得现在的魔法界里,大概也有很多人羡慕自己现在的生活吧! Thinks that what made?” “想好做什么了吗?” Has not thought.” Izabel asked in a soft voice: You hope that what I do make?” “还没想好。”尹泽贝尔轻声问:“你希望我做什么呢?” Does the matter that you like.” “做你喜欢的事。” I felt that I was given to spoil by you quickly, like your younger sister.” “我感觉自己都快被你给宠坏了,像你的妹妹。” She is good to be many recently, the person will also grow after all.” The Albert putting out a hand switch off the radio, is listening attentively to outside noise of the rain, slowly glances through that note in hand. “她最近已经好很多了,人终归也是会成长的。”艾伯特伸手关掉收音机,倾听着外头的雨声,慢慢翻阅手里的那本笔记。 Unexpectedly fell asleep? elder sister recently as if hypersomnia.” “居然睡着了?姐姐最近似乎越来越嗜睡了。” After Katherine enters the hall, looks to read books Albert, looked that to lying down on the sofa already Izabel that falls asleep. 卡特里娜走进大厅后,看着阅读书籍的艾伯特,又看向躺在沙发上已经睡着的尹泽贝尔 Today's weather suits sleeps.” “今天的天气适合睡觉。” Albert closes the note, arrives at the window, tucks up window curtains to look outside torrential downpour, „, to sleep, you can also taking a nap a while.” 艾伯特合上笔记,走到窗户边,撩开窗帘望着外头的倾盆大雨,“如果想睡觉的话,你也可以小睡一会儿。” I have chatted the Britain present situation with them, in other national eye, the present Britain situation is not very Dreadful, they even thought that our so-called wars a little exaggerate.” The Katherine hesitant moment, said own goal, I want to go to U.S.” “我跟她们聊过英国现在的局势,在别的国家眼里,现在的英国处境不是很糟糕,他们甚至觉得我们所谓的战争有点夸大其词。”卡特里娜犹豫片刻,说出自己的目的,“我想去趟美国。” „Did they invite you to go to U.S?” Albert puts down window curtains, turn head asked. “她们邀请你去美国?”艾伯特放下窗帘,回头问道。 Right, after all wants to open a salon, always needs to gain in some experiences.” Katherine said earnestly: Just can pass study a experience, moreover you did not say that the present confusion can end quickly?” “对,毕竟想开一家美容店,总需要积累一些经验。”卡特里娜认真地说:“刚好可以过去学点经验,而且你不是说现在的混乱很快就要结束了吗?” You believe my words actually very much.” “你倒是很相信我的话。” Albert hints Katherine to sit to chat this matter. 艾伯特示意卡特里娜坐下来聊聊这件事。 After all, you are in history fiercest Prediction Master.” “毕竟,你是有史以来最厉害的预言大师。” This words I will not acknowledge.” Albert shakes the head to say with a smile: Actually, which you want to go, is your freedom, so long as Madame MacDougal complied, I have no reason of opposition.” “这种话我是不会承认的。”艾伯特笑着摇头道:“其实,你想去哪儿,都是你的自由,只要麦克道格夫人答应了,我没有任何反对的理由。” Mother had not agreed!” Katherine said suddenly. “妈妈没同意!”卡特里娜忽然说。 Therefore, you do want to convince me to help you convince Madame MacDougal?” The Albert expression is somewhat strange. “所以,你想说服我帮你说服麦克道格夫人?”艾伯特表情有些古怪。 Katherine has not spoken, but thinks obviously like this. 卡特里娜没说话,但显然就是这样想的。 Perhaps this matter I must say that the sound was sorry, you had not discovered that I don't dare to run all over the place recently?” Albert reminded well-meaning: You-Know-Who made Death Eater seize Cassandra Vablatsky, wanted to find my exact location through divination, if I were you, will not run all over the place everywhere.” “这件事我恐怕得说声抱歉了,你没发现我最近都不敢乱跑了吗?”艾伯特善意地提醒道:“神秘人食死徒抓走了卡桑德拉·瓦布拉斯基,想要通过占卜找到我的具体位置,如果我是你的话,就不会四处乱跑。” He lifted the hand, hinted Katherine hear of him to say. 他抬了抬手,示意卡特里娜听他说。 U.S that side situation, where actually very to goes compared with Britain, that side thinks you are more depressing.” 美国那边的情况,其实比英国好不到哪儿去,那边比你想的还要压抑。” To be honest, I dislike that country.” “老实说,我讨厌那个国家。” Catherine and Valeria situation, thinks with you not too, they can the so live natural freedom, that is because they are very rich, at least Catherine definitely also has money compared with me.” 凯萨琳瓦来里亚的情况,也跟你想的不太一样,她们之所以能够活得如此潇洒自由,那是因为她们很有钱,至少凯萨琳肯定是比我还有钱的。” Albert points out this unrestrained/no trace of politeness: However you do not have money, even after «Family Healer's Handbook» publishes, you are still very difficult to obtain objective galleons in a short time.” 艾伯特毫不客气地指出这点:“而你没钱,就算《家庭治疗手册》出版后,你也很难在短时间内获得一笔客观的加隆。” Therefore, I suggested that you can discuss with Izabel, are publishing «Cosmetology Guide» and so on books, you want to open a salon when the time comes to save the trouble of advertisement, the business will also be better.” Albert did not mind that provides to Katherine suggested: Moreover, but can also accumulate some wealth while convenient, I think that the girls will definitely like your book. Un, when the time comes can consider that places the title page your picture, making them see that your attractive cheek believe the content in your book.”... “所以,我建议你可以跟尹泽贝尔商量一下,在出版一本《美容指南》之类的书籍,到时候你想开一家美容店可以省去广告的麻烦,生意也会好很多。”艾伯特不介意给卡特里娜提供一些建议:“而且,还可以顺便积累一些财富,我想姑娘们肯定会喜欢你的书。嗯,到时候可以考虑把你的照片放在封面,让她们看到你漂亮的脸蛋才会更相信你书里的内容。”… It seems like, I must continue to treat in this cage.” Katherine sighed, sets out to be about to leave. “看来,我还得继续待在这个牢笼里。”卡特里娜叹了口气,起身准备离开了。 Here not necessarily is a cage, outside there are many people unable to envy such easy and comfortable life!” Albert increased a fuel toward fireplace, considers my suggestion!” “这里未必是牢笼,外头有很多人都羡慕不来这样安逸的生活呢!”艾伯特又往壁炉里添加了点柴火,“好好考虑一下我的建议吧!” My meeting.” “我会的。” Katherine leaves shortly, Madame MacDougal appears in the hall. 卡特里娜离开没多久,麦克道格夫人就出现在大厅里。 Thank you helps me convince her.” “谢谢你帮我说服她。” Actually outside Madame MacDougal is very clear dangerous, she will not allow Katherine outside to run all over the place absolutely at this time, even went to U.S not necessarily is still safe. 麦克道格夫人很清楚外面究竟有多危险,她绝对不会允许卡特里娜这时候外面乱跑,就算去了美国也未必安全。 Is my reason, draws on to Katherine troublesome, I will be responsible for considering her personal safety.” Albert wields wand, changes two cups of black tea baseless, gave the hand signal of invitation toward Madame MacDougal. “是我的原因,才给卡特里娜招来麻烦,我会负责照顾好她的人身安全。”艾伯特挥动魔杖,凭空变出两杯红茶,朝着麦克道格夫人做了个请的手势。 Naturally, this is not perhaps pleasant, but the present life is only short, the war will end sooner or later, at the latest is in the recent three years.” Albert carried the black tea to sip a oral account, lives more important than anything in this war, lives to have the future.” “当然,也许这并不算令人愉快,但现在的生活只是短暂的,战争迟早会结束,最迟就是最近三年内。”艾伯特端起红茶抿了一口说,“在这种战争中活下来比什么都重要,活下来才有未来。” I have been worried very much.” Madame MacDougal sees the daughter who sleeps soundly, said in a soft voice, looks like, my worry has been unnecessary.” “我一直很担心。”麦克道格夫人看着熟睡的女儿,轻声说,“看来,我的担心一直都是多余的。” I suggested that you look for a matter to do to her, Katherine does not start out from opposite directions folio the salon to be interested, perhaps you can start from this aspect, helping her build the foundation in the healing aspect.” Albert proposed, „after and other wars ended, retrained the two moon/month, almost can open the family/home shop.” “我建议你给她找点事做,卡特里娜不是对开美容店感兴趣吗,也许你可以从这方面入手,帮她在治疗方面打好基础。”艾伯特提议道,“等战争结束后,再培训两个月,差不多就可以自己开家店了。” „To complete the matter, must be ready ahead of time, the opportunity always leaves person who is prepared.” Albert spoke thoughtlessly to give an example, „the Fred and George shop, actually was also this, their shops can the fire, be ready to be related during going to school with them, therefore they seized the opportunity, rather than I to their limited help.” “想要把事情做好,总得提前做好准备,机会总是留给有准备的人。”艾伯特随口举了个例子,“弗雷德与乔治的店铺,其实也是这样,他们的店铺能大火,跟他们在上学期间就做好准备有关,所以他们抓住了机会,而不是我对他们的有限帮助。” You said that I did say right? Katherine. Then, Albert looks to the hall entrance. “你说我说得对吗?卡特里娜。说完,艾伯特看向大厅门口。 Comes to sit, Albert of pleasant to hear gives your suggestion.” Izabel sits slowly from the sofa, patted nearby seat gently. “进来坐吧,好好听听艾伯特给你的建议。”尹泽贝尔缓慢从沙发上坐起来,轻轻拍了拍旁边的座位。 Sorry, gave to awaken by noise you.” Katherine walks from outside. “抱歉,把你给吵醒了。”卡特里娜从外面走进来。 Doesn't matter.” Izabel said. “没关系。”尹泽贝尔说。 I know that by life that others arrange, is not a comfortable matter.” Albert said to Katherine, „, but your life is yourself after all, wants to succeed, must pay, you also need to study the lots, now to you exactly is the best time, just graduated while you, very strong learning capability, if you really want to open a shop.” “我知道被别人安排的人生,并不是一件令人舒服的事。”艾伯特卡特里娜说,“但你的人生终归属于你自己,想获得成功,就必须付出,你还需要学很多东西,现在对你来说恰好是最佳的时机,趁你刚毕业,还有很强的学习能力,如果你真想开店的话。” Good, I said your three in any case.” Katherine compromised reluctantly, she knows that Albert words perhaps is right. “好吧,反正我说不过你们三个。”卡特里娜无奈地妥协了,她知道艾伯特的话或许是对的。 You help Katherine analyze, I remember before you, has analyzed with me.” Izabel had also once had similar thought that but Albert affirmed that the understanding, is optimistic about the prospect of salon, will otherwise not support her to open the salon. “你帮卡特里娜分析一下吧,我记得你以前就跟我分析过。”尹泽贝尔也曾有过类似的念头,而艾伯特肯定了解、看好美容店的前景,否则就不会支持她开美容店了。 Of pleasant to hear, the shop plan of Fred and George is also I does to them.” Albert has not rejected, he definitely can also make money in any case, nothing but is spending many point(s) the argument. “好好听听,弗雷德与乔治的店铺规划也是我给他们做的。”艾伯特没有拒绝,反正他肯定也能赚到钱,无非就是多费点口舌。
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